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Posted to by SEBBAGH L Ext ROSI/SIFAC <> on 2004/12/10 17:12:27 UTC

invokeOneWay doesn't throw AxisFault ?

Hi all,

I'm using Axis 1.1 with some void response operation which could throw Exception.
I see my exception in TcpMon but the caller can't catch it...

The stub code use Call.invokeOneWay in the API doc this just throw a JAXRPCException... 

Could AxisFault be catched with void response ?


This is a XSDL extract
 <operation name="majUtilisateur"  parameterOrder="timestamp unUtilisateur typeAction">
  <documentation>Service definition of function rita__majUtilisateur</documentation>
  <input message="tns:majUtilisateurRequest"/>
  <fault name="ErreurApplicativeBase" message="tns:ErreurApplicativeBaseFault"/>
  <fault name="ErreurSystemeBase" message="tns:ErreurSystemeBaseFault"/>
  <fault name="ErreurSystemeServeur" message="tns:ErreurSystemeServeurFault"/>  

This is SOAP message extract
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <ns1:ErreurApplicativeBaseStructPart href="#id0" xmlns:ns1="http://RitaAxis/xsd"/>
    <ns2:exceptionName xmlns:ns2="">RitaAxis.xsd.ErreurApplicativeBaseStruct</ns2:exceptionName>