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karaf-cellar git commit: Minor update on the manual

Repository: karaf-cellar
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 6c0dbda51 -> 3f0319d29

Minor update on the manual


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 3f0319d29908bed525d8ddf5d7d311513031323c
Parents: 6c0dbda
Author: Jean-Baptiste Onofré <>
Authored: Wed Jan 14 21:13:39 2015 +0100
Committer: Jean-Baptiste Onofré <>
Committed: Wed Jan 14 21:13:39 2015 +0100

 manual/src/main/webapp/user-guide/deploy.conf | 48 +++++++-------
 manual/src/main/webapp/user-guide/groups.conf | 75 ++++++++--------------
 2 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)
diff --git a/manual/src/main/webapp/user-guide/deploy.conf b/manual/src/main/webapp/user-guide/deploy.conf
index a0764df..e9f5c89 100644
--- a/manual/src/main/webapp/user-guide/deploy.conf
+++ b/manual/src/main/webapp/user-guide/deploy.conf
@@ -10,27 +10,27 @@ Karaf Cellar is provided as a Karaf features XML descriptor.
 Simply register the Cellar feature URL in your Karaf instance:
-karaf@root()> feature:repo-add mvn:org.apache.karaf.cellar/apache-karaf-cellar/3.0.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/features
-Adding feature url mvn:org.apache.karaf.cellar/apache-karaf-cellar/3.0.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/features
+karaf@root()> feature:repo-add mvn:org.apache.karaf.cellar/apache-karaf-cellar/3.0.1/xml/features
+Adding feature url mvn:org.apache.karaf.cellar/apache-karaf-cellar/3.0.1/xml/features
 Now you have Cellar features available in your Karaf instance:
 karaf@root()> feature:list |grep -i cellar
-cellar-core                   | 3.0.0   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Karaf clustering core
-hazelcast                     | 3.2.3   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | In memory data grid
-cellar-hazelcast              | 3.0.0   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Cellar implementation based on Hazelcast
-cellar-config                 | 3.0.0   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | ConfigAdmin cluster support
-cellar-features               | 3.0.0   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Karaf features cluster support
-cellar-bundle                 | 3.0.0   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Bundle cluster support
-cellar-shell                  | 3.0.0   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Cellar shell support
-cellar                        | 3.0.0   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Karaf clustering
-cellar-dosgi                  | 3.0.0   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | DOSGi support
-cellar-obr                    | 3.0.0   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | OBR cluster support
-cellar-eventadmin             | 3.0.0   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | OSGi events broadcasting in clusters
-cellar-cloud                  | 3.0.0   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Cloud blobstore support in clusters
-cellar-webconsole             | 3.0.0   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT | Cellar plugin for Karaf WebConsole
+cellar-core                   | 3.0.1   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.1 | Karaf clustering core
+hazelcast                     | 3.2.3   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.1 | In memory data grid
+cellar-hazelcast              | 3.0.1   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.1 | Cellar implementation based on Hazelcast
+cellar-config                 | 3.0.1   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.1 | ConfigAdmin cluster support
+cellar-features               | 3.0.1   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.1 | Karaf features cluster support
+cellar-bundle                 | 3.0.1   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.1 | Bundle cluster support
+cellar-shell                  | 3.0.1   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.1 | Cellar shell support
+cellar                        | 3.0.1   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.1 | Karaf clustering
+cellar-dosgi                  | 3.0.1   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.1 | DOSGi support
+cellar-obr                    | 3.0.1   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.1 | OBR cluster support
+cellar-eventadmin             | 3.0.1   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.1 | OSGi events broadcasting in clusters
+cellar-cloud                  | 3.0.1   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.1 | Cloud blobstore support in clusters
+cellar-webconsole             | 3.0.1   |           | karaf-cellar-3.0.1 | Cellar plugin for Karaf WebConsole
 h2. Starting Cellar
@@ -45,21 +45,17 @@ You can now see the Cellar components (bundles) installed:
 karaf@root()> la|grep -i cellar
-80 | Active   |  30 | 3.0.0        | Apache Karaf :: Cellar :: Core
-81 | Active   |  31 | 3.0.0        | Apache Karaf :: Cellar :: Utils
-82 | Active   |  33 | 3.0.0        | Apache Karaf :: Cellar :: Hazelcast
-83 | Active   |  40 | 3.0.0        | Apache Karaf :: Cellar :: Shell
-84 | Active   |  40 | 3.0.0        | Apache Karaf :: Cellar :: Config
-85 | Active   |  40 | 3.0.0        | Apache Karaf :: Cellar :: Bundle
-86 | Active   |  40 | 3.0.0        | Apache Karaf :: Cellar :: Features
+80 | Active   |  30 | 3.0.1        | Apache Karaf :: Cellar :: Core
+81 | Active   |  31 | 3.0.1        | Apache Karaf :: Cellar :: Utils
+82 | Active   |  33 | 3.0.1        | Apache Karaf :: Cellar :: Hazelcast
+83 | Active   |  40 | 3.0.1        | Apache Karaf :: Cellar :: Shell
+84 | Active   |  40 | 3.0.1        | Apache Karaf :: Cellar :: Config
+85 | Active   |  40 | 3.0.1        | Apache Karaf :: Cellar :: Bundle
+86 | Active   |  40 | 3.0.1        | Apache Karaf :: Cellar :: Features
 And Cellar cluster commands are now available:
 karaf@root()> cluster:<TAB>
-cluster:bundle-install        cluster:bundle-list           cluster:bundle-start          cluster:bundle-stop           cluster:bundle-uninstall      cluster:config-list           cluster:config-propappend     cluster:config-propdel        cluster:config-proplist       cluster:config-propset
-cluster:consumer-start        cluster:consumer-status       cluster:consumer-stop         cluster:feature-install       cluster:feature-list          cluster:feature-uninstall     cluster:feature-url-add       cluster:feature-url-list      cluster:feature-url-remove    cluster:group-create
-cluster:group-delete          cluster:group-join            cluster:group-list            cluster:group-pick            cluster:group-quit            cluster:group-set             cluster:handler-start         cluster:handler-status        cluster:handler-stop          cluster:node-list
-cluster:node-ping             cluster:producer-start        cluster:producer-status       cluster:producer-stop         cluster:sync
diff --git a/manual/src/main/webapp/user-guide/groups.conf b/manual/src/main/webapp/user-guide/groups.conf
index 9f7d881..17ffc2b 100644
--- a/manual/src/main/webapp/user-guide/groups.conf
+++ b/manual/src/main/webapp/user-guide/groups.conf
@@ -41,11 +41,15 @@ You can see the configuration PID associated with a given group, for instance th
 karaf@root()> cluster:config-list default |more
 Pid:            org.apache.karaf.command.acl.jaas
+Located:        cluster/local
    update = admin = org.apache.karaf.command.acl.jaas
 Pid:            org.apache.karaf.service.acl.command.system.start-level
+Located:        cluster/local
    execute = admin                           # admin can set any start level, including < 100
    start-level[/[^0-9]*/] = viewer               # viewer can obtain the current start level
@@ -60,6 +64,9 @@ Properties:
+You can see that for each configuration PID, you have where the configuration is located: locally to the node or on the cluster.
+You also have the blocking policy (inbound or outbound).
 You can use the cluster:config-property-list and config-property-set commands to list, add and edit the configuration.
 For instance, in the test group, we don't have any configuration:
@@ -114,66 +121,38 @@ Configuration and features can be assigned to a given group.
 karaf@root()> cluster:feature-list default |more
-Name                                  | Version          | Installed
-pax-cdi-1.1-weld                      | 0.7.0            |
-cellar-config                         | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT   |
-pax-cdi-deltaspike-jpa                | 0.5              |
-jclouds-savvis-symphonyvpdc           | 1.4.0            |
-jclouds                               | 1.4.0            |
-aries-annotation                      | 3.0.1            |
-eventadmin                            | 3.0.1            |
-jclouds-api-filesystem                | 1.4.0            |
-scheduler                             | 3.0.1            |
-jclouds-api-elasticstack              | 1.4.0            |
-hazelcast                             | 3.2.3            |
-cellar-core                           | 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT   |
-jclouds-services                      | 1.4.0            |
-hibernate-envers                      | 4.2.7.Final      |
-hibernate-envers                      | 4.3.1.Final      |
-jclouds-api-byon                      | 1.4.0            |
-jclouds-go2cloud-jhb1                 | 1.4.0            |
-openjpa                               | 2.3.0            |
-spring-instrument                     | 3.2.4.RELEASE    |
-spring-orm                            | 3.1.4.RELEASE    |
-jclouds-commands                      | 1.4.0            |
-jclouds-softlayer                     | 1.4.0            |
-jclouds-openhosting-east1             | 1.4.0            |
-http                                  | 3.0.1            |
+Name                                    | Version          | Installed | Located       | Blocked
+gemini-blueprint                        | 1.0.0.RELEASE    |           | cluster/local |
+package                                 | 3.0.2            | x         | cluster/local |
+jclouds-api-route53                     | 1.8.1            |           | cluster/local |
+jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-uk           | 1.8.1            |           | cluster/local |
+cellar-cloud                            | 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT   |           | local         | in/out
+webconsole                              | 3.0.2            |           | cluster/local |
+cellar-shell                            | 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT   | x         | local         | in/out
 karaf@root()> cluster:feature-list test|more
-Name                                  | Version          | Installed
-pax-cdi-1.1-weld                      | 0.7.0            |
-pax-cdi-deltaspike-jpa                | 0.5              |
-jclouds-savvis-symphonyvpdc           | 1.4.0            |
-aries-annotation                      | 3.0.1            |
-jclouds                               | 1.4.0            |
-eventadmin                            | 3.0.1            |
-jclouds-api-filesystem                | 1.4.0            |
-scheduler                             | 3.0.1            |
-jclouds-api-elasticstack              | 1.4.0            |
-jclouds-services                      | 1.4.0            |
-hibernate-envers                      | 4.2.7.Final      |
-hibernate-envers                      | 4.3.1.Final      |
-jclouds-api-byon                      | 1.4.0            |
-jclouds-go2cloud-jhb1                 | 1.4.0            |
-openjpa                               | 2.3.0            |
-spring-instrument                     | 3.2.4.RELEASE    |
-spring-orm                            | 3.1.4.RELEASE    |
-jclouds-commands                      | 1.4.0            |
+Name                                    | Version          | Installed | Located       | Blocked
+gemini-blueprint                        | 1.0.0.RELEASE    |           | cluster/local |
+package                                 | 3.0.2            | x         | cluster/local |
+jclouds-api-route53                     | 1.8.1            |           | cluster/local |
+jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-uk           | 1.8.1            |           | cluster/local |
+cellar-cloud                            | 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT   |           | local         | in/out
+webconsole                              | 3.0.2            |           | cluster/local |
+cellar-shell                            | 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT   | x         | local         | in/out
+In the list, you can see where the feature is located (on the cluster or on the local node), and the blocking policy (if the feature is blocked inbound/outbound).
 Now we can "install" a feature for a given cluster group:
 karaf@root()> cluster:feature-install test eventadmin
-karaf@root()> cluster:feature-list test|grep -i event
-eventadmin                            | 3.0.1            | x
 Below, we see that the eventadmin feature has been installed on this member of the test group: