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Posted to by devsgo <> on 2010/07/15 15:20:55 UTC

Maven release plugin (2.0) - mvn:rollback on flat multi-modules structure


I have a flat project layout, with one parent(parent-flat) and two 
modules (module1-flat and module2-flat).

In my parent's pom, I have :
+ scm connection

For each modules, I just have :

My SVN structure looks like this :
- branches
- tags
- trunk
         |- module1-flat
         |- module2-flat
         |- parent-flat

To make a release, I have to do mvn release:prepare 
-DcommitByProject=true   (if I ommit commitByProject, it doesn't work)
Then a mvn:release perform

I obtain in SVN :
- branches
- tags
         |- module1-flat
         |- module2-flat
         |- parent-flat
- trunk
         |- module1-flat
         |- module2-flat
         |- parent-flat

If I want to do a mvn release:rollback, I have the following error message :
[INFO] Unable to commit files
Provider message:
The svn command failed.
Command output:
svn: '/workspace' is not a working copy

I tried to add -DcommitByProject=true, but the result is the same.
Have you an idea to solve this problem ?

Thanks in advance.

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