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Posted to by COFFMAN Steven <> on 2000/04/12 15:09:27 UTC

RE: cvs commit: xml-fop/src/org/apache/fop/render/awt AWTRenderer .java

I always thought they had to be seperate patch files. You concatenated
multiple diff files into one?

-----Original Message-----
From: Wouter Lagerweij []
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 7:30 AM
Subject: Re: cvs commit: xml-fop/src/org/apache/fop/render/awt wrote:
> arved       00/04/11 02:56:51
>   Modified:    src/org/apache/fop/render/awt
>   Log:
>   Submitted patch
>   Revision  Changes    Path
>   1.4       +579 -546

Thanks for the commit, but there was a second file that sould have been
affected by that patch
(, and the old version of that won't compile against
this new AWTRenderer. 

This is probably due to my inexperience with patchees. Should I have
delivered seperate patches? Or is it possible to make a patch that
patches files in two different directories?


Wouter Lagerweij
Acriter Software
The Netherlands

Re: cvs commit: xml-fop/src/org/apache/fop/render/awt

Posted by Arved Sandstrom <>.
I am now having problems with this new patch, and this is with a pristine to boot. :-)

Steven, d'you think you can give this one a shot? I don't see anything wrong 
with what I have, but patch is rejecting the patch file nevertheless. It 
could be that I'm missing something very obvious's been known to 


At 03:40 PM 4/12/00 +0200, you wrote:
>COFFMAN Steven wrote:
>> I always thought they had to be seperate patch files. You concatenated
>> multiple diff files into one?
>Yes, it says on the website ( ) 'All
>patches necessary to address an action item should be concatencated
>within a single patch message'. 
>I just think I went about it in the wrong way: I ran the cvs diff
>command from two separate dirs, concatenating the results into one file,
>while I _should_ have run the diff from the root of the source tree for
>both files.
>I've attached a new (separate) patch file for
> to this message, so I hope that
>that can be committed to get things in sync again.
>Wouter Lagerweij
>Acriter Software
>The NetherlandsIndex: org/apache/fop/viewer/
>RCS file:
>retrieving revision 1.3
>diff -u -r1.3
>---	2000/04/04 09:48:29	1.3
>+++	2000/04/12 13:36:39
>@@ -1,322 +1,362 @@
>-package org.apache.fop.viewer;
>-  originally contributed by
>-  Juergen Verwohlt:,
>-  Rainer Steinkuhle:,
>-  Stanislav Gorkhover:
>- */
>-import java.awt.*;
>-import java.awt.print.*;
>-import java.awt.event.*;
>-import java.util.*;
>-import javax.swing.*;
>-import java.beans.*;
>-import org.apache.fop.apps.AWTCommandLine;
>-import org.apache.fop.layout.*;
>-import org.apache.fop.render.awt.*;
>- * Frame and User Interface for Preview
>- */
>-public class PreviewDialog extends JFrame implements ProgressListener {
>-  protected Translator res;
>-  protected int currentPage = 0;
>-  protected int pageCount = 0;
>-  protected AWTRenderer renderer;
>-  protected IconToolBar toolBar = new IconToolBar();
>-  protected Command printAction;
>-  protected Command firstPageAction;
>-  protected Command previousPageAction;
>-  protected Command nextPageAction;
>-  protected Command lastPageAction;
>-  protected JLabel zoomLabel = new JLabel(); //{public float
getAlignmentY() { return 0.0f; }};
>-  protected JComboBox scale = new JComboBox() {public float
getAlignmentY() { return 0.5f; }};
>-  protected JScrollPane previewArea = new JScrollPane();
>-  // protected JLabel statusBar = new JLabel();
>-  protected JPanel statusBar = new JPanel();
>-  protected GridBagLayout statusBarLayout = new GridBagLayout();
>-  protected JLabel statisticsStatus = new JLabel();
>-  protected JLabel processStatus = new JLabel();
>-  protected JLabel infoStatus = new JLabel();
>-  protected DocumentPanel docPanel;
>-  public PreviewDialog(AWTRenderer aRenderer, Translator aRes) {
>-    res = aRes;
>-    renderer = aRenderer;
>-    printAction        = new Command(res.getString("Print"), "Print") {
public void doit() {print();}};
>-    firstPageAction    = new Command(res.getString("First page"),
"firstpg") { public void doit() {goToFirstPage(null);}};
>-    previousPageAction = new Command(res.getString("Previous page"),
"prevpg") { public void doit() {goToPreviousPage(null);}};
>-    nextPageAction     = new Command(res.getString("Next page"),
"nextpg") { public void doit() {goToNextPage(null);}};
>-    lastPageAction     = new Command(res.getString("Last page"),
"lastpg") { public void doit() {goToLastPage(null);}};
>-    setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
>-    this.setSize(new Dimension(379, 476));
>-    previewArea.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(50, 50));
>-    this.setTitle("FOP: AWT-" + res.getString("Preview"));
>-    scale.addItem("25");
>-    scale.addItem("50");
>-    scale.addItem("75");
>-    scale.addItem("100");
>-    scale.addItem("150");
>-    scale.addItem("200");
>-    scale.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(80, 24));
>-    scale.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80, 24));
>-    scale.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
>-      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
>-        scale_actionPerformed(e);
>-      }
>-    });
>-    scale.setSelectedItem("100");
>-    renderer.setScaleFactor(100.0);
>-    zoomLabel.setText(res.getString("Zoom"));
>-    this.setJMenuBar(setupMenue());
>-    this.getContentPane().add(toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
>-    toolBar.add(printAction);
>-    toolBar.addSeparator();
>-    toolBar.add(firstPageAction);
>-    toolBar.add(previousPageAction);
>-    toolBar.add(nextPageAction);
>-    toolBar.add(lastPageAction);
>-    toolBar.addSeparator();
>-    toolBar.add(zoomLabel, null);
>-    toolBar.addSeparator();
>-    toolBar.add(scale, null);
>-    this.getContentPane().add(previewArea, BorderLayout.CENTER);
>-    this.getContentPane().add(statusBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
>-    statisticsStatus.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder());
>-    processStatus.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder());
>-    infoStatus.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder());
>-    statusBar.setLayout(statusBarLayout);
>-    processStatus.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 21));
>-    statisticsStatus.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 21));
>-    infoStatus.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 21));
>-    processStatus.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(200, 21));
>-    statisticsStatus.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(100, 21));
>-    infoStatus.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(100, 21));
>-    statusBar.add(processStatus, new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 2, 1, 2.0, 0.0
>-            ,GridBagConstraints.CENTER, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5), 0, 0));
>-    statusBar.add(statisticsStatus, new GridBagConstraints(2, 0, 1, 2,
1.0, 0.0
>-            ,GridBagConstraints.CENTER, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5), 0, 0));
>-    statusBar.add(infoStatus, new GridBagConstraints(3, 0, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0
>-            ,GridBagConstraints.CENTER, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0));
>-    docPanel = new DocumentPanel(renderer, this);
>-    previewArea.setSize(docPanel.getSize());
>-    previewArea.getViewport().add(docPanel);
>-  }
>-  JMenuBar setupMenue() {
>-    JMenuBar  menuBar;
>-    JMenuItem menuItem;
>-    JMenu     menu;
>-    JMenu     subMenu;
>-    menuBar = new JMenuBar();
>-      menu = new JMenu(res.getString("File"));
>-        subMenu = new JMenu("OutputFormat");
>-          subMenu.add(new Command("mHTML"));
>-          subMenu.add(new Command("mPDF"));
>-          subMenu.add(new Command("mRTF"));
>-          subMenu.add(new Command("mTEXT"));
>-        // menu.add(subMenu);
>-        // menu.addSeparator();
>-        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Print")) {public void
>-        menu.addSeparator();
>-        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Close")){ public void doit()
{dispose();}} );
>-        menu.addSeparator();
>-        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Exit")){ public void doit()
{System.exit(0);}} );
>-      menuBar.add(menu);
>-      menu = new JMenu(res.getString("View"));
>-        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("First page")) { public void
doit() {goToFirstPage(null);}} );
>-        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Previous page")) { public
void doit() {goToPreviousPage(null);}} );
>-        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Next page")) { public void
doit() {goToNextPage(null);}} );
>-        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Last page")) { public void
doit() {goToLastPage(null);}} );
>-        menu.addSeparator();
>-        subMenu = new JMenu(res.getString("Zoom"));
>-          subMenu.add(new Command("25%") { public void doit()
{setScale(25.0);}} );
>-          subMenu.add(new Command("50%") { public void doit()
{setScale(50.0);}} );
>-          subMenu.add(new Command("75%") { public void doit()
{setScale(75.0);}} );
>-          subMenu.add(new Command("100%") { public void doit()
{setScale(100.0);}} );
>-          subMenu.add(new Command("150%") { public void doit()
{setScale(150.0);}} );
>-          subMenu.add(new Command("200%") { public void doit()
{setScale(200.0);}} );
>-        menu.add(subMenu);
>-        menu.addSeparator();
>-        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Default zoom")) { public void
doit() {setScale(100.0);}} );
>-      menuBar.add(menu);
>-      menu = new JMenu(res.getString("Help"));
>-        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Index")));
>-        menu.addSeparator();
>-        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Introduction")));
>-        menu.addSeparator();
>-        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("About")){ public void doit()
{startHelpAbout(null);}} );
>-      menuBar.add(menu);
>-    return menuBar;
>-  }
>-  //Aktion Hilfe | Info durchgeführt
>-  public void startHelpAbout(ActionEvent e) {
>-    PreviewDialogAboutBox dlg = new PreviewDialogAboutBox(this);
>-    Dimension dlgSize = dlg.getPreferredSize();
>-    Dimension frmSize = getSize();
>-    Point loc = getLocation();
>-    dlg.setLocation((frmSize.width - dlgSize.width) / 2 + loc.x,
(frmSize.height - dlgSize.height) / 2 + loc.y);
>-    dlg.setModal(true);
>-  }
>-  void goToPage(int number) {
>-    docPanel.setPageNumber(number);
>-    repaint();
>-    previewArea.repaint();
>-    statisticsStatus.setText(res.getString("Page") + " " + (currentPage +
1) + " " + res.getString("of") + " " +
>-                             pageCount);
>-  }
>-  /**
>-   * Shows the previous page.
>-   */
>-  void goToPreviousPage(ActionEvent e) {
>-    if (currentPage <= 0)
>-      return;
>-    currentPage--;
>-    goToPage(currentPage);
>-  }
>-  /**
>-   * Shows the next page.
>-   */
>-  void goToNextPage(ActionEvent e) {
>-    if (currentPage >= pageCount - 1)
>-      return;
>-    currentPage++;
>-    goToPage(currentPage);
>-  }
>-  /**
>-   * Shows the last page.
>-   */
>-  void goToLastPage(ActionEvent e) {
>-    if (currentPage == pageCount - 1) return;
>-    currentPage = pageCount - 1;
>-    goToPage(currentPage);
>-  }
>-  /**
>-   * Shows the first page.
>-   */
>-  void goToFirstPage(ActionEvent e) {
>-    if (currentPage == 0)
>-      return;
>-    currentPage = 0;
>-    goToPage(currentPage);
>-  }
>-  void print() {
>-    PrinterJob pj = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
>-    // Nicht nötig, Pageable get a Printable.
>-    // pj.setPrintable(renderer);
>-    pj.setPageable(renderer);
>-    if (pj.printDialog()) {
>-      try {
>-        pj.print();
>-      } catch(PrinterException pe) {
>-        pe.printStackTrace();
>-      }
>-    }
>-  }
>-  public void setScale(double scaleFactor) {
>-    if (scaleFactor == 25.0)
>-      scale.setSelectedIndex(0);
>-    else if (scaleFactor == 50.0)
>-      scale.setSelectedIndex(1);
>-    else if (scaleFactor == 75.0)
>-      scale.setSelectedIndex(2);
>-    else if (scaleFactor == 100.0)
>-      scale.setSelectedIndex(3);
>-    else if (scaleFactor == 150.0)
>-      scale.setSelectedIndex(4);
>-    else if (scaleFactor == 200.0)
>-      scale.setSelectedIndex(5);
>-    renderer.setScaleFactor(scaleFactor);
>-    previewArea.invalidate();
>-    previewArea.repaint();
>-  }
>-  void scale_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
>-    setScale(new Double((String)scale.getSelectedItem()).doubleValue());
>-  }
>-  public void setPageCount(int aPageCount) {
>-    pageCount = aPageCount;
>-    statisticsStatus.setText(res.getString("Page") + " " + (currentPage +
1) +
>-                             " " + res.getString("of") + " " + pageCount);
>-  }
>-  public void progress(int percentage) {
>-    processStatus.setText(percentage + "%");
>-  }
>-  public void progress(int percentage, String message) {
>-    processStatus.setText(message + " " + percentage + "%");
>-  }
>-  public void progress(String message) {
>-    processStatus.setText(message);
>-  }
>-}  // class PreviewDialog
>+package org.apache.fop.viewer;
>+  originally contributed by
>+  Juergen Verwohlt:,
>+  Rainer Steinkuhle:,
>+  Stanislav Gorkhover:
>+ */
>+import java.awt.*;
>+import java.awt.print.*;
>+import java.awt.event.*;
>+import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
>+import javax.swing.*;
>+import org.apache.fop.layout.*;
>+import org.apache.fop.render.awt.*;
>+ * Frame and User Interface for Preview
>+ */
>+public class PreviewDialog extends JFrame implements ProgressListener {
>+    protected Translator res;
>+    protected int currentPage = 0;
>+    protected int pageCount = 0;
>+    protected AWTRenderer renderer;
>+    protected IconToolBar toolBar = new IconToolBar();
>+    protected Command printAction;
>+    protected Command firstPageAction;
>+    protected Command previousPageAction;
>+    protected Command nextPageAction;
>+    protected Command lastPageAction;
>+    protected JLabel zoomLabel = new JLabel(); //{public float
getAlignmentY() { return 0.0f; }};
>+    protected JComboBox scale = new JComboBox() {
>+	    public float getAlignmentY() { return 0.5f; }};
>+    protected JScrollPane previewArea = new JScrollPane();
>+    // protected JLabel statusBar = new JLabel();
>+    protected JPanel statusBar = new JPanel();
>+    protected GridBagLayout statusBarLayout = new GridBagLayout();
>+    protected JLabel statisticsStatus = new JLabel();
>+    protected JLabel processStatus = new JLabel();
>+    protected JLabel infoStatus = new JLabel();
>+    protected JLabel previewImageLabel = new JLabel();
>+    /**
>+     * Create a new PreviewDialog that uses the given renderer and
>+     *
>+     * @param aRenderer the to use renderer
>+     * @param aRes the to use translator
>+     */
>+    public PreviewDialog(AWTRenderer aRenderer, Translator aRes) {
>+	res = aRes;
>+	renderer = aRenderer;
>+	printAction = new Command(res.getString("Print"), "Print") {
>+		public void doit() {print();}};
>+	firstPageAction =
>+	    new Command(res.getString("First page"), "firstpg") {
>+		public void doit() {goToFirstPage(null);}};
>+	previousPageAction =
>+	    new Command(res.getString("Previous page"), "prevpg") {
>+		    public void doit() {goToPreviousPage(null);}};
>+	nextPageAction  = new Command(res.getString("Next page"),"nextpg") {
>+		public void doit() {goToNextPage(null);}};
>+	lastPageAction = new Command(res.getString("Last page"), "lastpg") {
>+		public void doit() {goToLastPage(null);}};
>+	setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
>+	this.setSize(new Dimension(379, 476));
>+	previewArea.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(50, 50));
>+	this.setTitle("FOP: AWT-" + res.getString("Preview"));
>+	scale.addItem("25");
>+	scale.addItem("50");
>+	scale.addItem("75");
>+	scale.addItem("100");
>+	scale.addItem("150");
>+	scale.addItem("200");
>+	scale.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(80, 24));
>+	scale.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80, 24));
>+	scale.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
>+		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
>+		    scale_actionPerformed(e);
>+		}
>+	    });
>+	scale.setSelectedItem("100");
>+	renderer.setScaleFactor(100.0);
>+	zoomLabel.setText(res.getString("Zoom"));
>+	this.setJMenuBar(setupMenue());
>+	this.getContentPane().add(toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
>+	toolBar.add(printAction);
>+	toolBar.addSeparator();
>+	toolBar.add(firstPageAction);
>+	toolBar.add(previousPageAction);
>+	toolBar.add(nextPageAction);
>+	toolBar.add(lastPageAction);
>+	toolBar.addSeparator();
>+	toolBar.add(zoomLabel, null);
>+	toolBar.addSeparator();
>+	toolBar.add(scale, null);
>+	this.getContentPane().add(previewArea, BorderLayout.CENTER);
>+	this.getContentPane().add(statusBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
>+	statisticsStatus.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder());
>+	processStatus.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder());
>+	infoStatus.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder());
>+	statusBar.setLayout(statusBarLayout);
>+	processStatus.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 21));
>+	statisticsStatus.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 21));
>+	infoStatus.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 21));
>+	processStatus.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(200, 21));
>+	statisticsStatus.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(100, 21));
>+	infoStatus.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(100, 21));
>+	statusBar.add(processStatus,
>+		      new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 2, 1, 2.0, 0.0,
>+					     GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
>+					     GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
>+					     new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5), 0, 0));
>+	statusBar.add(statisticsStatus,
>+		      new GridBagConstraints(2, 0, 1, 2, 1.0, 0.0,
>+					     GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
>+					     GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
>+					     new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5), 0, 0));
>+	statusBar.add(infoStatus,
>+		      new GridBagConstraints(3, 0, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0,
>+					     GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
>+					     GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
>+					     new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0));
>+	previewArea.getViewport().add(previewImageLabel);
>+	showPage();
>+    }
>+    /**
>+     * Create a new menubar to be shown in this window.
>+     *
>+     * @return the newly created menubar
>+     */
>+    private JMenuBar setupMenue() {
>+	JMenuBar  menuBar;
>+	JMenuItem menuItem;
>+	JMenu     menu;
>+	JMenu     subMenu;
>+	menuBar = new JMenuBar();
>+	menu = new JMenu(res.getString("File"));
>+        subMenu = new JMenu("OutputFormat");
>+	subMenu.add(new Command("mHTML"));
>+	subMenu.add(new Command("mPDF"));
>+	subMenu.add(new Command("mRTF"));
>+	subMenu.add(new Command("mTEXT"));
>+        // menu.add(subMenu);
>+        // menu.addSeparator();
>+        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Print")) {
>+		public void doit(){print();}});
>+        menu.addSeparator();
>+        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Exit")) {
>+		public void doit() {dispose();}} );
>+	menuBar.add(menu);
>+	menu = new JMenu(res.getString("View"));
>+        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("First page")) {
>+		public void doit() {goToFirstPage(null);}} );
>+        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Previous page")) {
>+		public void doit() {goToPreviousPage(null);}} );
>+        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Next page")) {
>+		public void doit() {goToNextPage(null);}} );
>+        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Last page")) {
>+		public void doit() {goToLastPage(null);}} );
>+        menu.addSeparator();
>+        subMenu = new JMenu(res.getString("Zoom"));
>+	subMenu.add(new Command("25%") {
>+		public void doit() {setScale(25.0);}} );
>+	subMenu.add(new Command("50%") {
>+		public void doit() {setScale(50.0);}} );
>+	subMenu.add(new Command("75%") {
>+		public void doit() {setScale(75.0);}} );
>+	subMenu.add(new Command("100%") {
>+		public void doit() {setScale(100.0);}} );
>+	subMenu.add(new Command("150%") {
>+		public void doit() {setScale(150.0);}} );
>+	subMenu.add(new Command("200%") {
>+		public void doit() {setScale(200.0);}} );
>+        menu.add(subMenu);
>+        menu.addSeparator();
>+        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Default zoom")) {
>+		public void doit() {setScale(100.0);}} );
>+	menuBar.add(menu);
>+	menu = new JMenu(res.getString("Help"));
>+        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Index")));
>+        menu.addSeparator();
>+        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("Introduction")));
>+        menu.addSeparator();
>+        menu.add(new Command(res.getString("About")){
>+		public void doit() {startHelpAbout(null);}} );
>+	menuBar.add(menu);
>+	return menuBar;
>+    }
>+    //Aktion Hilfe | Info durchgeführt
>+    /**
>+     * Show the About box
>+     *
>+     * @param e a value of type 'ActionEvent'
>+     */
>+    public void startHelpAbout(ActionEvent e) {
>+	PreviewDialogAboutBox dlg = new PreviewDialogAboutBox(this);
>+	Dimension dlgSize = dlg.getPreferredSize();
>+	Dimension frmSize = getSize();
>+	Point loc = getLocation();
>+	dlg.setLocation((frmSize.width - dlgSize.width) / 2 + loc.x,
>+			(frmSize.height - dlgSize.height) / 2 + loc.y);
>+	dlg.setModal(true);
>+    }
>+    /**
>+     * Change the current visible page
>+     *
>+     * @param number the page number to go to
>+     */
>+    private void goToPage(int number) {
>+	currentPage = number;
>+	renderer.setPageNumber(number);
>+	showPage();
>+    }
>+    /**
>+     * Shows the previous page.
>+     */
>+    private void goToPreviousPage(ActionEvent e) {
>+	if (currentPage <= 0)
>+	    return;
>+	currentPage--;
>+	goToPage(currentPage);
>+    }
>+    /**
>+     * Shows the next page.
>+     */
>+    private void goToNextPage(ActionEvent e) {
>+	if (currentPage >= pageCount - 1)
>+	    return;
>+	currentPage++;
>+	goToPage(currentPage);
>+    }
>+    /**
>+     * Shows the last page.
>+     */
>+    private void goToLastPage(ActionEvent e) {
>+	if (currentPage == pageCount - 1) return;
>+	currentPage = pageCount - 1;
>+	goToPage(currentPage);
>+    }
>+    /**
>+     * Shows the first page.
>+     */
>+    private void goToFirstPage(ActionEvent e) {
>+	if (currentPage == 0)
>+	    return;
>+	currentPage = 0;
>+	goToPage(currentPage);
>+    }
>+    private void print() {
>+	PrinterJob pj = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
>+	// Nicht nötig, Pageable get a Printable.
>+	// pj.setPrintable(renderer);
>+	pj.setPageable(renderer);
>+	if (pj.printDialog()) {
>+	    try {
>+		pj.print();
>+	    } catch(PrinterException pe) {
>+		pe.printStackTrace();
>+	    }
>+	}
>+    }
>+    public void setScale(double scaleFactor) {
>+	if (scaleFactor == 25.0)
>+	    scale.setSelectedIndex(0);
>+	else if (scaleFactor == 50.0)
>+	    scale.setSelectedIndex(1);
>+	else if (scaleFactor == 75.0)
>+	    scale.setSelectedIndex(2);
>+	else if (scaleFactor == 100.0)
>+	    scale.setSelectedIndex(3);
>+	else if (scaleFactor == 150.0)
>+	    scale.setSelectedIndex(4);
>+	else if (scaleFactor == 200.0)
>+	    scale.setSelectedIndex(5);
>+	renderer.setScaleFactor(scaleFactor);
>+	showPage();
>+    }
>+    void scale_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
>+	setScale(new Double((String)scale.getSelectedItem()).doubleValue());
>+    }
>+    public void progress(int percentage) {
>+	processStatus.setText(percentage + "%");
>+    }
>+    public void progress(int percentage, String message) {
>+	processStatus.setText(message + " " + percentage + "%");
>+    }
>+    public void progress(String message) {
>+	processStatus.setText(message);
>+    }
>+    public void showPage() {
>+	BufferedImage pageImage = null;
>+	Graphics graphics = null;
>+	renderer.render(currentPage);
>+	pageImage = renderer.getLastRenderedPage();
>+	graphics = pageImage.getGraphics();
>+	graphics.setColor(;
>+	graphics.drawRect(0, 0, pageImage.getWidth() - 1,
>+			  pageImage.getHeight() -1 );
>+	previewImageLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(pageImage));
>+	pageCount = renderer.getPageCount();
>+	statisticsStatus.setText(res.getString("Page") + " " +
>+				 (currentPage + 1) + " " +
>+				 res.getString("of") + " " +
>+				 pageCount);
>+    }
>+}  // class PreviewDialog

Re: cvs commit: xml-fop/src/org/apache/fop/render/awt

Posted by Wouter Lagerweij <>.
COFFMAN Steven wrote:
> I always thought they had to be seperate patch files. You concatenated
> multiple diff files into one?

Yes, it says on the website ( ) 'All
patches necessary to address an action item should be concatencated
within a single patch message'. 
I just think I went about it in the wrong way: I ran the cvs diff
command from two separate dirs, concatenating the results into one file,
while I _should_ have run the diff from the root of the source tree for
both files.

I've attached a new (separate) patch file for to this message, so I hope that
that can be committed to get things in sync again.


Wouter Lagerweij
Acriter Software
The Netherlands