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Posted to by Nicolas Reeves <> on 2005/07/23 11:43:09 UTC

Axis Stub Memeory Leak

I have generated an Axis stub from wsdl2java.  I noticed that there is a memory leak when I invoke the stub a couple of times (Java Heap size constantly growing). I have found similar concerns from other people in the mailing list but I cant find any response that has a definite resolution.  Below is the simple code that I used.
 XYZWebServiceServiceLocator locator = new XYZWebServiceServiceLocator();
 XYZWebService service = locator.getXYZws();
String serviceAccessId = "xxxx";
String serviceAccessPassword = "yyyy";
String id = "614123456";
int serviceRequest = 1;
String purchaseId = null;
 for (int =0; i < 1000; i++ ) {    
     try {
         purchaseId =  service.activate(serviceAccessId, serviceAccessPassword, id, serviceRequest);
     } catch (Exception e) {
Is there any code I need to call to clean up? 
Thanks in advance.

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