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Posted to by Marta Luna Serrano <> on 2009/06/24 10:22:05 UTC

Problems with starting bundles

I am trying to embed felix into a Web Page as an applet, but it doesn't run.
I don't have any error in the Java Console, but the cache directory only has
a bundle0 directory and it is empty... so I think that I have a problem with
the auto start properties or something like that.
Any help will be wellcome!!

This is the code I use to config felix properties:

* *

* *

*import** java.util.ArrayList;*
* *

*import** java.util.List;*
* *

*import** java.util.Map;*
* *

*import** java.util.HashMap;*


*import** javax.swing.JApplet;*

* *


* *

*import** org.apache.felix.framework.Felix;*
* *

*import** org.apache.felix.framework.cache.BundleCache;*
* *

*import** org.apache.felix.framework.util.FelixConstants;*
* *

*import** org.apache.felix.framework.util.StringMap;*
* *

*import** org.apache.felix.main.AutoActivator;*
* *

*import** org.osgi.framework.BundleException;*
* *

*import** org.osgi.framework.Constants;*


*public** class** SIPCommunicatorApplet extends** JApplet {*

*// the felix cache directory*

*private** static** final** String CACHE_DIR = ".SIPCommDoctorApplet/bin"**;


*// the old config file - sip-communicator.xml*

*private** File oldConfigFile = null**;*


*// the old contact list file - contactlist.xml*

*private** File oldContactlistFile = null**;*


*// the user's home dir*

*private** String userHome = null**;*


*private** static** final** long** serialVersionUID** =


*// the auto-start property for felix 1.4*

*//private static final String AUTO_START = FelixConstants. AUTO_START;*

*private** static** final** String AUTO_START_PROP = AutoActivator.


*// the felix instance*

*private** Felix felix = null**;*


*// private HostActivator m_activator = null;*


*// the activator for the applet bundle*

*private** AppletActivator appletActivator = null**;*



*public** void** init()*



*userHome = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator**;*

*System.**out.println("El el user home es: " + userHome);*

*// remove the cache dir from a previous startup to make sure that the new
bundles are loaded*

*File existingCacheDir = **new** File(userHome + CACHE_DIR**); *

*System.**out.println("ExistingCacheDir: "**+ existingCacheDir);*

*//rename the config files - maybe there is a local instance of sipCom, we
would otherwise overwrite the config files*

*oldConfigFile = new** File(userHome +

*if** (oldConfigFile**.exists())*


*File newFile = **new** File(userHome +
".sip-communicator/sip-communicator.xml."** + System.currentTimeMillis());*

*if** (oldConfigFile**.renameTo(newFile))*


*oldConfigFile** = newFile;*




*oldContactlistFile = new** File(userHome +

*if** (oldContactlistFile**.exists())*


*File newFile = **new** File(userHome + ".sip-communicator/contactlist.xml."
** + System.currentTimeMillis());*

*if** (oldContactlistFile**.renameTo(newFile))*


*oldContactlistFile** = newFile;*





*// use the codeBase as the server we are running on*

*String server = getCodeBase().toString();*


*// Print welcome banner.*

*System.**out.println("\nWelcome to Felix."**);*



*// Create a configuration property map.*

*Map configMap = **new** StringMap(false**);*



*List list = **new** ArrayList();*

*configMap.put(FelixConstants.**SYSTEMBUNDLE_ACTIVATORS_PROP, list)**;*



*configMap.put(Constants.**FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES, *

*"org.osgi.framework; version=1.3.0," + *

*"javax.swing;" + *

*"javax.swing.event;" +*

*"javax.swing.table;" +*

*"javax.swing.text;" +*

*"javax.swing.text.html;" +*

*"javax.accessibility; "+*

*"javax.swing.plaf;" +*

*"javax.swing.plaf.metal;" +*

*"javax.swing.plaf.basic; "+*

*"javax.imageio; "+*

*"javax.swing.tree;" +*

*"javax.swing.undo;" +*

*"javax.swing.event;" +*

*"javax.swing.border;" +*

*"javax.swing.filechooser;" +*

*"org.w3c.dom;" +*

*"org.xml.sax;" +*

*"org.xml.sax.ext;" +*


*"org.apache.xml.serialize;" +*

*"javax.xml.transform;" +*

*"javax.xml.transform.dom;" +*

*";" +*

*";" +*

*"sun.misc;" +*

*";"+ *

*";" +*

*"javax.naming;" +*

*";" +*


*"javax.sound.sampled;" +*

*"org.jdesktop.jdic.tray;" +*

*"org.jdesktop.jdic.desktop;" +*

*";" +*

*";" +*

*";" +*

*";" +*

*"quicktime;" +*

*";" +*

*"quicktime.qd;" +*

*"quicktime.util;" +*

*"quicktime.std.image;" +*

*"org.xml.sax.helpers;" +*

*"javax.crypto;" +*

*"javax.crypto.spec;" +*

*"javax.crypto.interfaces;" +*

*";" +*

*"org.bouncycastle.jce.provider;" +*

*"org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests;" +*

*"org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs;" +*

*"org.bouncycastle.crypto.params;" +*

*"org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines;" +*

*"org.apache.log4j;" +*

*"org.apache.commons.logging;" +*

* *

*"javax.xml.messaging;" + *

*"javax.xml.namespace;" +*

*"javax.xml.rpc;" +*

*"javax.xml.rpc.handler;" +*

*"javax.xml.rpc.handler.soap;" +*

*"javax.xml.rpc.holders;" +*

*"javax.xml.soap;" +*



*// add all the bundles we need to the config map*


*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP + ".10",*

*server + "lib/bundle/org.apache.felix.bundlerepository-1.0.0.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 10"**);*


*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP +".20",*

*server + "sc-bundles/util.jar " + *

*server + "lib/bundle/log4j.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 20"**);*


*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP + ".30",*

*server + "sc-bundles/fileaccess.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 30"**);*


*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP+ ".40",*

*server + "sc-bundles/configuration.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/resourcemanager.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/jfontchooserlib.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/browserlauncher.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 40"**);*


*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP+ ".42",*

*server + "sc-bundles/defaultresources.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 42"**);*


*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP+ ".45",*

*server + "sc-bundles/ui-service.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/argdelegation-service.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/version.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/version-impl.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/branding.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 45"**);*


*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP +".49",*

*server + "sc-bundles/zrtp4j.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/protocol.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 49"**);*


*//the contact list service depends on protocol.jar*

*//some protocol implementations however depend on the contact list*

*//so make sure load the procotol service first, the contact list next*

*// and the implementations only after*

*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP+ ".50",*

*server + "sc-bundles/contactlist.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 50"**);*


*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP+ ".52",*

*server + "sc-bundles/media.jar " +*

*// server + "sc-bundles/protocol-icq.jar" +*
* *

*server + "sc-bundles/protocol-sip.jar " +*

*// server + "sc-bundles/smacklib.jar" +*
* *

*// server + "sc-bundles/protocol-jabber.jar" +*
* *

*// server + "sc-bundles/protocol-msn.jar"+ *
* *

*// server + "sc-bundles/protocol-yahoo.jar" +*
* *

*// server + "sc-bundles/protocol-gibberish.jar" +*
* *

*// server + "sc-bundles/protocol-ssh.jar" +*
* *

*server + "sc-bundles/netaddr.jar " +*

*// server + "sc-bundles/protocol-zeroconf.jar" +*
* *

*// server + "sc-bundles/protocol-irc.jar" +*
* *

*server + "sc-bundles/protocol-dict.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 52"**);*


*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP+ ".55",*

*server + "sc-bundles/meta-cl.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 55"**);*


*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP+ ".56",*

*server + "sc-bundles/protocol-rss.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 56"**);*


*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP+ ".60", *

*server + "sc-bundles/history.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/msghistory.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/callhistory.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/audionotifier.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/keybindings.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/notification.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 60"**);*


*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP+ ".66",*

*server + "sc-bundles/swing-ui.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/updatechecker.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/systray.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 66"**);*


*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP + ".67", *

*server + "sc-bundles/pluginmanager.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/whiteboard.jar " +*

*// server + "sc-bundles/icqaccregwizz.jar" +*
* *

*// server + "sc-bundles/aimaccregwizz.jar" +*
* *

*server + "sc-bundles/sipaccregwizz.jar " +*

*// server + "sc-bundles/jabberaccregwizz.jar" +*
* *

*// server + "sc-bundles/googletalkaccregwizz.jar" +*
* *

*// server + "sc-bundles/msnaccregwizz.jar" +*
* *

*// server + "sc-bundles/yahooaccregwizz.jar" +*
* *

*// server + "sc-bundles/gibberishaccregwizz.jar" +*
* *

*// server + "sc-bundles/sshaccregwizz.jar" +*
* *

*server + "sc-bundles/callhistoryform.jar " + *

*// server + "sc-bundles/rssaccregwizz.jar" +*
* *

*// server + "sc-bundles/zeroconfaccregwizz.jar" +*
* *

*// server + "sc-bundles/ircaccregwizz.jar" +*
* *

*server + "sc-bundles/contacteventhandler.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/notificationconfig.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/contactinfo.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/accountinfo.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/chatalerter.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/autoaway.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/keybindingChooser.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/generalconfig.jar " +*

*server + "sc-bundles/dictaccregwizz.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 67"**);*


*//level 68 is for profiler, don't use it or change the build.xml file


*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP + ".70", *

*server + "sc-bundles/simpleaccreg.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 70"**);*


*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP + ".75",*

*server + "sc-bundles/argdelegation.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 75"**);*


*configMap.put(**AUTO_START_PROP + ".80", *

*server + "sc-bundles/shutdown.jar")**;*

*System.**out.println("auto start 80"**);*


*// Uncomment the following lines if you want to run the architect viewer*

*// bundle.*

*//configMap.put(AUTO_START_PROP + ".100",*

*//server + "lib/bundle/architectureviewer1.1.jar");*








*configMap.put(**"org.osgi.framework.startlevel", "100")**;*

*configMap.put(**"felix.startlevel.framework", "100")**;*

*configMap.put(**"felix.startlevel", "100")**;*




*// this prevents felix from loading stream and content factories a second





*// create an AppletActivator to make this applet available to the framework

*appletActivator = new** AppletActivator(this**);*


*// add this appletActivator to the parameter list for felix*






*// Now create an instance of the framework.*

*felix = new** Felix(configMap);*

*// and start it!*


*System.**out.println("Se crea el framework"**);*


*catch** (Exception ex)*


*System.**err.println("Could not create framework: "** + ex);*


*} *



*public** void** start()*


*// System.out.println("Entramos en start");*




*public** void** stop()*






*public** void** destroy()*



*// Shut down the felix framework when stopping the*

*// host application.*




*} **catch** (BundleException e)*





*//delete the applet config files*

*File configFile = **new** File(userHome +

*if** (configFile.exists())*





*File contactListFile = **new** File(userHome +

*if** (contactListFile.exists())*





*//rename the old config files *

*if** (oldConfigFile**.exists())*


*oldConfigFile.renameTo(new** File(userHome +



*if** (oldContactlistFile**.exists())*


*oldContactlistFile.renameTo(new** File(userHome +




