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Posted to by on 2002/08/13 17:41:59 UTC

cvs commit: jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/xdocs index.xml menu.xml

bloritsch    2002/08/13 08:41:58

  Added:       infomover build.xml
               infomover/lib readme.txt
               infomover/src/conf infomover-assembly.xml
                        infomover-config.xml infomover-environment.xml
               infomover/src/xdocs index.xml menu.xml
  Add initial code
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <project name="Overlord" default="main" basedir=".">
  <!-- ==========================================================================================
       ========================================================================================== -->
      <!-- set up properties -->
      <property file="${user.home}/"/>
      <property file="${user.home}/"/>
      <property file="${basedir}/"/>
      <property file="${basedir}/../"/>
      <property file="${basedir}/"/>
      <property file="${basedir}/../"/>
      <property file="${basedir}/../"/>
    <!-- Set the installation variables for Cornerstone/Phoenix -->
    <property name="phoenix.home" value="../../jakarta-avalon-phoenix/dist"/>
    <property name="install.dir" value="${phoenix.home}/apps"/>
    <!-- Set the properties for intermediate directory -->
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    <!-- Setup the filters -->
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      <filter token="name" value="overlord"/>
      <filter token="version" value="${version}"/>
      <filter token="year" value="${year}"/>
      <filter token="status" value="${status}"/>
      <filter token="release" value="${release}"/>
      <filter token="short-version" value="${short.version}"/>
      <property name="avalon.base" value=""/>
      <property name="framework.base" value=""/>
      <property name="phoenix.base" value=""/>
      <property name="excalibur.base" value=""/>
      <property name="cornerstone.base" value=""/>
      <property name="logkit.base" value=""/>
      <property name="testlet.base" value=""/>
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      <filter token="TESTLET_BASE" value="${testlet.base}"/>
      <filter token="APPS_BASE" value="${apps.base}"/>
    <!-- Compiles project -->
    <target name="compile">
      <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
      <javac srcdir="${java.dir}"
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    <!-- Make .xinfo and manifest automatically for blocks -->
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      <taskdef name="phoenix-blocks"
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    <!-- Make .xinfo and manifest automatically for blocks -->
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      <mkdir dir="${build.xdoclet}"/>
      <unzip src="${src.dir}/" dest="${build.xdoclet}" />
    <!-- Jars up project -->
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      <mkdir dir="${build.lib}"/>
      <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/${name}.jar"
        <fileset dir="${build.classes}">
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          <include name="org/apache/avalon/overlord/**/*.properties"/>
        <fileset dir="${build.xdoclet}">
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    <target name="all" depends="main,docs" description="Generate build products including docs"/>
    <target name="sars" depends="jars">
      <sar sarfile="${build.lib}/${name}.sar"
           assembly="${conf.dir}/infomover-assembly.xml" >
        <lib dir="${build.lib}/">
          <include name="*.jar"/>
        <lib dir="../common/lib">
          <include name="cornerstone.jar"/>
      <mkdir dir="dist"/>
      <copy todir="dist">
        <fileset dir="${build.lib}">
          <include name="**"/>
    <!-- Performs unit tests -->
    <target name="check" depends="compile" description="Perform any built in tests">
    <!-- Completely build all dists -->
    <target name="dist" depends="sars" description="Generates the distribution">
      <property name="" value="${Name}-${version}"/>
      <mkdir dir="${dist.base}"/>
      <antcall target="bin-dist" inheritAll="false">
        <param name="bin.dist.dir" value="${}" />
      <zip zipfile="${dist.base}/${}"
      <tar longfile="gnu" tarfile="${dist.base}/${}-bin.tar">
        <tarfileset dir="${}/.." username="avalon" group="avalon">
          <include name="${}/**"/>
      <gzip zipfile="${dist.base}/${}-bin.tar.gz"
      <delete file="${dist.base}/${}-bin.tar"/>
      <delete dir="${}" />
      <antcall target="src-dist" inheritAll="false">
        <param name="src.dist.dir" value="${}" />
      <zip zipfile="${dist.base}/${}"
        <fileset dir="..">
          <include name="common/lib/avalon-*"/>
          <include name="common/lib/cornerstone.jar"/>
          <include name="common/lib/phoenix-*"/>
          <include name="common/lib/excalibur-i18n*"/>
      <tar longfile="gnu" tarfile="${dist.base}/${}-src.tar" >
        <tarfileset dir="${}/.." mode="755" username="avalon" group="avalon">
          <include name="${}/"/>
        <tarfileset dir="${}/.." username="avalon" group="avalon">
          <include name="${}/**"/>
          <exclude name="${}/"/>
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          <include name="common/lib/avalon-*"/>
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      <gzip zipfile="${dist.base}/${}-src.tar.gz"
      <delete file="${dist.base}/${}-src.tar"/>
      <delete dir="${}" />
    <!-- Creates all the .sar files -->
    <target name="bin-dist" depends="all" >
      <!-- bin.dist.dir usually set before this target is called -->
      <property name="bin.dist.dir" value="dist"/>
      <property name="bin.dist.lib" value="${bin.dist.dir}/lib"/>
      <property name="" value="${bin.dist.dir}/docs"/>
      <mkdir dir="${}"/>
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      <!-- src.dist.dir has usually already been set -->
      <property name="src.dist.dir" value="dist-src"/>
      <property name="src.dist.src" value="${src.dist.dir}/src"/>
      <property name="" value="${src.dist.dir}/docs"/>
      <mkdir dir="${}"/>
      <copy todir="${}">
        <fileset dir="${}"/>
      <copy todir="${src.dist.src}">
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      <zip zipfile="${src.dist.src}/"
      <copy todir="${src.dist.dir}">
        <fileset dir=".">
          <include name="build.xml"/>
      <mkdir dir="${src.dist.dir}/lib"/>
      <copy todir="${src.dist.dir}/lib">
        <fileset dir="lib">
          <include name="**"/>
      <fixcrlf srcdir="${src.dist.src}/java" includes="**/*.java" eol="lf"/>
      <chmod dir="${src.dist.dir}" perm="go-rwx" />
    <target name="install" depends="main" description="Installs into Phoenix">
      <!-- <fail message="install.dir not specified." unless="install.dir"/> -->
      <echo message="Installing to ${install.dir}" />
      <delete dir="${install.dir}/overlord" />
      <copy file="${build.lib}/overlord.sar" todir="${install.dir}" />
    <target name="uninstall" description="Uninstalls from Phoenix">
      <!-- <fail message="install.dir not specified." unless="install.dir"/> -->
      <delete dir="${install.dir}/overlord/" />
      <delete file="overlord.sar" dir="${install.dir}"/>
    <target name="clean" description="Cleans up artifacts from build process">
      <delete dir="${build.dir}" />
        <fileset dir="." includes="**/*~" defaultexcludes="no"/>
    <target name="distclean" depends="clean" description="Cleans up all generated files and directories">
      <delete dir="${bin.dist.dir}" />
      <delete dir="${dist.base}" />
  <!-- ==========================================================================================
  ========================================================================================== -->
      <!-- Creates all docs -->
      <target name="docs" depends="html-docs, javadocs" description="generates all the documentation"/>
      <!-- copy docs to site dir -->
      <target name="site" depends="docs" description=" Places docs ready for hosting on website">
          <mkdir dir="../site/build/docs/apps/${dir-name}"/>
          <copy todir="../site/build/docs/apps/${dir-name}">
          <fileset dir="${}">
              <include name="**"/>
      <!-- Creates javadocs -->
      <target name="javadocs" depends="compile" description="Generates the javadocs" unless="skip.javadocs">
          <mkdir dir="${build.javadocs}"/>
          <javadoc packagenames="org.apache.*"
          <classpath refid="project.class.path" />
          <doclet name="">
              <param name="-author"/>
              <param name="-version"/>
              <param name="-doctitle" value="${Name}"/>
              <param name="-windowtitle" value="${Name} API"/>
              <param name="-link" value=""/>
              <param name="-link" value=""/>
              <param name="-link" value=""/>
              <param name="-bottom"
              value="&quot;Copyright &#169; ${year} Apache Jakarta Project. All Rights Reserved.&quot;"/>
      <target name="html-docs" description="generates the xdocs-based documentation">
          <!-- we call the build.xml target common to all of avalon-apps. This builds our html site -->
          <ant antfile="${basedir}/../cocoonbuild.xml"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/
  # ============================================================================
  # Standard Build Properties for Overlord
  # ============================================================================
  # Overrides the incorrect values in ../
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  name				= infomover
  Name				= Avalon InfoMover
  dir-name			= infomover
  version				= 0.1
  package-version		= 1.0
  year				= 2002-2002
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/lib/readme.txt
  Index: readme.txt
  Third party jars go in here
  - Paul H
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/conf/infomover-assembly.xml
  Index: infomover-assembly.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE assembly PUBLIC "-//PHOENIX/Assembly DTD Version 1.0//EN" 
    <!-- The Storage block -->
    <block class="org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.masterstore.RepositoryManager" 
           name="objectstorage" />
    <!-- The Packet Manager block -->
    <block class="org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.packet.DefaultPacketManager" 
      <provide name="thread-manager" 
               role="" />
    <!-- The ThreadManager block -->
    <block class="org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.threads.DefaultThreadManager" 
           name="thread-manager" />
    <!-- The Connection Manager block -->
    <block class="org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.connection.DefaultConnectionManager" 
      <provide name="thread-manager" 
               role="" />
    <!-- The Socket Manager block -->
    <block class="org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.sockets.DefaultSocketManager" name="sockets" />
    <!-- The TimeScheduler block -->
    <block class="org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.scheduler.DefaultTimeScheduler" name="scheduler">
      <provide name="thread-manager" 
               role="" />
    <!--                                        -->
    <!-- Below this section are the demo blocks -->
    <!--                                        -->
    <block class="org.apache.avalon.apps.demos.helloworldserver.HelloWorldServerImpl" 
           name="helloworldserver" >
      <provide name="sockets" role=""/>
      <provide name="connections" 
               role="" />
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/conf/infomover-config.xml
  Index: infomover-config.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      All blocks have full defaults so nothing is needed to make them run.
          <!-- normal priority == 5, max-priority = 10 -->
          <!-- are threads deamon threads ? -->
          <!-- these are ignored at the moment but will be fixed in later revisions -->
    <!-- The Storage block -->
          <repository class="org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.masterstore.File_Persistent_Object_Repository">
          <repository class="org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.masterstore.File_Persistent_Stream_Repository">
          <factory name="plain"
                   class="org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.sockets.DefaultServerSocketFactory" />
          <factory name="plain" 
                   class="org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.sockets.DefaultSocketFactory" />
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/conf/infomover-environment.xml
  Index: infomover-environment.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      Basic config file that sets up context for server application.
        <category name="" target="default"
                  priority="DEBUG" />
        <category name="objectstorage" target="objectstorage-target"
                  priority="DEBUG" />
        <log-target name="default"
                    location="/logs/avalon-demo.log" />
        <log-target name="objectstorage-target"
                    location="/logs/objectstorage.log" />
        <grant code-base="sar:SAR-INF/lib/*">
          <permission class="" />
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/java/org/apache/infomover/jobmanager/
  /* Copyright 2002,  All rights reserved.
   * Permission to distribute and modify the software is granted provided the
   * copyright notice and the license is the same.
  package org.apache.infomover.jobmanager;
  import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configurable;
  import org.apache.avalon.framework.activity.Executable;
    * The <code>Job</code> interface represents a job that can be
    * executed.
  public interface Job extends Executable, Configurable
       * Returns the time when the job was last executed.  It helps in checking
       * if the job is current.
      long getLastRun();
       * Cancel or stop a running job
      void cancel();
       * Get the number of transactions processed in the last run
      int lastTransactionCount();
       * Get the number of transactions successfully processed in the last run
      int lastSuccessfulTransactionCount();
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/java/org/apache/infomover/jobmanager/
  /* Copyright 2002,  All rights reserved.
   * Permission to distribute and modify the software is granted provided the
   * copyright notice and the license is the same.
  package org.apache.infomover.jobmanager;
  import java.util.List;
    * The <code>JobDescriptor</code> interface represents a job that is in the queue.
  public final class JobDescriptor
      private final String m_name;
      private final long   m_lastRun;
      private final long   m_nextRun;
      private final int    m_lastTransactionCount;
      private final int    m_lastSuccessfulTransactionCount;
      private final List   m_dependencies;
      public JobDescriptor(String name, Job job, long nextRun, List dependencies)
          m_name = name;
          m_lastRun = job.getLastRun();
          m_nextRun = nextRun;
          m_lastTransactionCount = job.lastTransactionCount();
          m_lastSuccessfulTransactionCount = job.lastSuccessfulTransactionCount();
          m_dependencies = dependencies;
       * Get's the Job name
      public String getName()
          return m_name;
       * Returns the time when the job was last executed.  It helps in checking
       * if the job is current.
      public long getLastRun()
          return m_lastRun;
       * Returns the next time when the job will be executed.
      public long getNextRun()
          return m_nextRun;
       * Get the number of transactions processed in the last run
      public int getLastTransactionCount()
          return m_lastTransactionCount;
       * Get the number of transactions successfully processed in the last run
      public int getLastSuccessfulTransactionCount()
          return m_lastSuccessfulTransactionCount;
       * Returns the list of jobs that this one depends on.
      public String[] getDependencies()
          String[] dependencies = new String[m_dependencies.size()];
          return dependencies;
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/java/org/apache/infomover/jobmanager/
   * Created on Jun 19, 2002
   * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "filecomment":
   * Window>Preferences>Java>Templates.
  package org.apache.infomover.jobmanager;
   * @author bloritsch
   * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment":
   * Window>Preferences>Java>Templates.
  public class JobException extends Exception
      public JobException()
      public JobException( String message )
          super( message );
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/java/org/apache/infomover/jobmanager/
  /* Copyright 2002,  All rights reserved.
   * Permission to distribute and modify the software is granted provided the
   * copyright notice and the license is the same.
  package org.apache.infomover.jobmanager;
  import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration;
   * The <code>JobManager</code> interface exposes how we control the JobManager
   * externally.  We can use other Avalon applications, or the JMX interface.
   * @phoenix:service name="org.apache.infomover.jobmanager.JobManager"
   * @phoenix:mx name="org.apache.avalon.infomover.jobmanager.JobManagerMBean"
   * @author <a href="">Berin Loritsch</a>
  public interface JobManager
      String ROLE = JobManager.class.getName();
       * Adds a new job to the JobManager's Queue.  We pass in a configuration
       * file, and the JobManager will pass back the job name.
       * @param  configuration  The job's configuration information
       * @return the name of the job
       * @throws JobException if the job is improperly defined
      String addJob( Configuration conf ) throws JobException;
       * Removes an existing job from the JobManager's Queue.  If the job does not
       * exist, the JobManager will ignore it.
       * @param  name  The name of the job we want to remove.
      void removeJob( String name );
       * Cancel a running job.  It will return immediately if the Job does not exist.
       * @param  name  The name of the job we want to remove.
       * @throws JobException if there is no job by the name or there is a problem
       *         running the job.
      void cancelJob( String name ) throws JobException;
       * Execute an existing job in the JobManager's Queue.  If the job does not
       * exist, the JobManager will throw an exception.
       * @param  name  The name of the job we want to remove.
       * @throws JobException if there is no job by the name or there is a problem
       *         running the job.
      void executeJob( String name ) throws JobException;
       * Execute a job without adding it to the Queue.  The Job described by the
       * configuration file is run only once, unless the configuration does not
       * represent a valid job.
       * @param  configuration  The configuration that defines the job.
       * @throws JobException when the configuration does not represent a valid job.
      void executeOneOff( Configuration config ) throws JobException;
       * Lists all the jobs that are in the Job queue.  We return the Job reference
       * itself so that we can directly execute it, or we can get its name.
       * @return an array of Jobs.
      JobDescriptor[] availableJobs();
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/java/org/apache/infomover/jobmanager/
   * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
   * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License
   * version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in
   * the LICENSE file.
  package org.apache.infomover.jobmanager;
  import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration;
   * Specifies methods to export via Management interface.
   * @author  <a href="">Berin Loritsch</a>
   * @version 1.0
  public interface JobManagerMBean
       * Adds a new job to the JobManager's Queue.  We pass in a configuration
       * file, and the JobManager will pass back the job name.
       * @param  configuration  The job's configuration information
       * @return the name of the job
       * @throws JobException if the job is improperly defined
      String addJob( Configuration conf ) throws JobException;
       * Removes an existing job from the JobManager's Queue.  If the job does not
       * exist, the JobManager will ignore it.
       * @param  name  The name of the job we want to remove.
      void removeJob( String name );
       * Execute an existing job in the JobManager's Queue.  If the job does not
       * exist, the JobManager will throw an exception.
       * @param  name  The name of the job we want to remove.
       * @throws JobException if there is no job by the name or there is a problem
       *         running the job.
      void executeJob( String name ) throws JobException;
       * Execute a job without adding it to the Queue.  The Job described by the
       * configuration file is run only once, unless the configuration does not
       * represent a valid job.
       * @param  configuration  The configuration that defines the job.
       * @throws JobException when the configuration does not represent a valid job.
      void executeOneOff( Configuration config ) throws JobException;
       * Lists all the jobs that are in the Job queue.  We return the Job reference
       * itself so that we can directly execute it, or we can get its name.
       * @return an array of Jobs.
      JobDescriptor[] availableJobs();
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/java/org/apache/infomover/jobmanager/impl/
  /* Copyright 2002,  All rights reserved.
   * Permission to distribute and modify the software is granted provided the
   * copyright notice and the license is the same.
  package org.apache.infomover.jobmanager.impl;
  import org.apache.infomover.jobmanager.*;
  import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.*;
  import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.*;
   * The <code>JobManager</code> interface exposes how we control the JobManager
   * externally.  We can use other Avalon applications, or the JMX interface.
   * @phoenix:block
   * @author <a href="">Berin Loritsch</a>
  public class JobManagerImpl
  implements JobManager, JobManagerMBean, Serviceable
       * @phoenix:dependency name=""
       * @phoenix:dependency name=""
      public void service( final ServiceManager serviceManager )
          throws ServiceException
  //        getLogger().info( "HelloWorldServer.compose()" );
  //        m_socketManager = (SocketManager)serviceManager.lookup( SocketManager.ROLE );
  //        m_connectionManager = (ConnectionManager)serviceManager.lookup( ConnectionManager.ROLE );
       * Adds a new job to the JobManager's Queue.  We pass in a configuration
       * file, and the JobManager will pass back the job name.
       * @param  configuration  The job's configuration information
       * @return the name of the job
       * @throws JobException if the job is improperly defined
      public String addJob( Configuration conf ) throws JobException
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
       * Removes an existing job from the JobManager's Queue.  If the job does not
       * exist, the JobManager will ignore it.
       * @param  name  The name of the job we want to remove.
      public void removeJob( String name )
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
       * Cancel a running job.  It will return immediately if the Job does not exist.
       * @param  name  The name of the job we want to remove.
       * @throws JobException if there is no job by the name or there is a problem
       *         running the job.
      public void cancelJob( String name ) throws JobException
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
       * Execute an existing job in the JobManager's Queue.  If the job does not
       * exist, the JobManager will throw an exception.
       * @param  name  The name of the job we want to remove.
       * @throws JobException if there is no job by the name or there is a problem
       *         running the job.
      public void executeJob( String name ) throws JobException
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
       * Execute a job without adding it to the Queue.  The Job described by the
       * configuration file is run only once, unless the configuration does not
       * represent a valid job.
       * @param  configuration  The configuration that defines the job.
       * @throws JobException when the configuration does not represent a valid job.
      public void executeOneOff( Configuration config ) throws JobException
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
       * Lists all the jobs that are in the Job queue.  We return the Job reference
       * itself so that we can directly execute it, or we can get its name.
       * @return an array of Jobs.
      public JobDescriptor[] availableJobs()
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/java/org/apache/infomover/transaction/
  /* Copyright 2002,  All rights reserved.
   * Permission to distribute and modify the software is granted provided the
   * copyright notice and the license is the same.
  package org.apache.infomover.transaction;
  import java.util.Date;
    * The <code>Field</code> class represents the smallest unit of information
    * that InfoMover can understand.
  public class Field implements FieldTypes
      private String m_name;
      private Object m_value;
      private int    m_type;
       * Initialize the field with its values.  The filters can alter the
       * value and type in transformation.
      public Field( String name, Object value, int type )
          m_name = name;
          checkType( value, type );
          m_value = value;
          m_type = type;
       * Change the value of the Field without changing the type.
       * @throws RuntimeException if the value is not of the right type.
      public void changeValue( Object value )
          // Validate to make sure that the value matches the expected type.
          checkType( value, m_type );
          m_value = value;
       * Change the value and type of the field.
       * @throws RuntimeException if the value is not of the right type.
      public void changeValue( Object value, int type )
          // Validate to make sure the value matches the expected type.
          checkType( value, type );
          m_value = value;
          m_type = type;
       * Make the field <code>null</code>.
       public void setNull()
           m_value = null;
        * Return the name of the Field.
       public String getName()
           return m_name;
        * Return the type of value for the Field.
       public int getType()
           return m_type;
        * Return the value for the field.
       public Object getValue()
           return m_value;
        * Ensure that the value is of the right type.
        * @throws RuntimeException if it is not.
       public void checkType( Object value, int type )
           if ( value == null ) return;
           switch ( type )
               case INTEGER:
                   if ( value instanceof Long || value instanceof Integer)
               case STRING:
                   if ( value instanceof String )
               case FLOAT:
                   if ( value instanceof Double || value instanceof Float )
               case DATE:
               case TIME:
               case TIMESTAMP:
                   if ( value instanceof Date )
               case BOOLEAN:
                   if ( value instanceof Boolean )
           throw new RuntimeException( "Invalid value type" );
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/java/org/apache/infomover/transaction/
  /* Copyright 2002,  All rights reserved.
   * Permission to distribute and modify the software is granted provided the
   * copyright notice and the license is the same.
  package org.apache.infomover.transaction;
    * The <code>FieldTypes</code> interface holds the constants for the field
    * types that InfoMover is aware of.
  public interface FieldTypes
      int INTEGER   = 0;
      int STRING    = 1;
      int FLOAT     = 2;
      int DATE      = 3;
      int TIME      = 4;
      int TIMESTAMP = 5;
      int BOOLEAN   = 6;
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/java/org/apache/infomover/transaction/
  /* Copyright 2002,  All rights reserved.
   * Permission to distribute and modify the software is granted provided the
   * copyright notice and the license is the same.
  package org.apache.infomover.transaction;
  import java.util.List;
  import java.util.ArrayList;
  import java.util.Iterator;
    * The <code>Record</code> class represents the a group of fields that are
    * passed to the next stage.
  public class Record implements RecordTypes
      private int m_type;
      private String m_name;
      private List m_fields;
       * Initialize a record of a specific type, with an empty list of fields.
      public Record( String name, int type )
          this( name, type, new ArrayList() );
       * Initializes a record of a specific type, with an initial list of fields.
      public Record( String name, int type, List fields )
          m_name = name;
          m_type = type;
          m_fields = fields;
       * Adds a field to the end of the list of fields.
      public void addField( Field field )
          m_fields.add( field );
       * Add a field to a specific position in the list of fields.
      public void addField( int position, Field field )
          m_fields.add( position, field );
       * Remove a field from the list of fields.
      public Field removeField( int position )
          return (Field) m_fields.remove( position );
       * Remove a field from the list of fields.
      public Field removeField( String name )
          Iterator i = m_fields.iterator();
          while (i.hasNext())
              Field field = (Field);
              if (field.getName().equals(name))
                  return field;
          return null;
       * Return the specified field
      public Field getField( int position )
          return (Field)m_fields.get( position );
       * Return the named field
      public Field getField( String name )
          Iterator i = m_fields.iterator();
          while (i.hasNext())
              Field field = (Field);
              if (field.getName().equals(name))
                  return field;
          return null;
       * Get the field iterator
      public Iterator iterator()
          return m_fields.iterator();
       * Get the number of fields in the Record
      public int numberOfFields()
          return m_fields.size();
       * Get the name of the Record.
      public String getName()
          return m_name;
       * Get the type of record
      public int getType()
          return m_type;
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/java/org/apache/infomover/transaction/
  /* Copyright 2002,  All rights reserved.
   * Permission to distribute and modify the software is granted provided the
   * copyright notice and the license is the same.
  package org.apache.infomover.transaction;
    * The <code>FieldTypes</code> interface holds the constants for the field
    * types that InfoMover is aware of.
  public class RecordException extends Exception
      public RecordException()
      public RecordException( String message )
          super( message );
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/java/org/apache/infomover/transaction/
  /* Copyright 2002,  All rights reserved.
   * Permission to distribute and modify the software is granted provided the
   * copyright notice and the license is the same.
  package org.apache.infomover.transaction;
    * The <code>RecordTypes</code> interface holds the constants for the record
    * types that InfoMover is aware of.
  public interface RecordTypes
      int UPDATE    = 0;
      int ADD       = 1;
      int DELETE    = 2;
      int REFERENCE = 3;
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/java/org/apache/infomover/transaction/
  /* Copyright 2002,  All rights reserved.
   * Permission to distribute and modify the software is granted provided the
   * copyright notice and the license is the same.
  package org.apache.infomover.transaction;
    * The <code>Response</code> object represents whether the transaction is
    * successful.  If the transaction is not successful, the Response object
    * provides additional information to help figuring out what went wrong.
  public final class Response
      private final boolean   m_isSuccessful;
      private final String    m_message;
      private final Exception m_failureCause;
       * Default constructor that sets the Response object to successful, and the
       * message to "Processed successfully".
      public Response()
          this( true, "Processed successfully" );
       * Constructor that allows you to customize the message, and set the success
       * status of the constructor.
       * @param  isSuccessful  Set the success status of the Response
       * @param  message       Set the message of the Response
      public Response( boolean isSuccessful, String message )
          m_isSuccessful = isSuccessful;
          m_message = message;
          m_failureCause = null;
       * Constructor that signifies failure, where the message is extracted from the
       * exception that caused the failure.
       * @param  cause  The exception that caused failure
      public Response( Exception cause )
          this( cause.getMessage(), cause );
       * Constructor that signifies failure, allowing you to add your own custom
       * message.
       * @param  message  New message that overrides the one from the exception
       * @param  cause    The exception that caused the failure
      public Response( String message, Exception cause )
          m_isSuccessful = false;
          m_message = message;
          m_failureCause = cause;
       * Gets the status of whether the <code>Transaction</code> was successful
       * @return  <code>true</code>  if <code>Transaction</code> was successful.
      public boolean isSuccessful()
          return m_isSuccessful;
       * Get the associated message with the <code>Response</code>.
       * @return  <code>java.lang.String</code> for the message.
      public String getMessage()
          return m_message;
       * Get the cause of the failure if it exists.
       * @return  <code>java.lang.Exception</code> if there is an associated
       *          exception, or <code>null</code> if not.
      public Exception getCauseOfFailure()
          return m_failureCause;
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/java/org/apache/infomover/transaction/
  /* Copyright 2002,  All rights reserved.
   * Permission to distribute and modify the software is granted provided the
   * copyright notice and the license is the same.
  package org.apache.infomover.transaction;
  import java.util.ArrayList;
  import java.util.HashSet;
  import java.util.Iterator;
  import java.util.List;
  import java.util.Set;
    * The <code>Transaction</code> class represents the most granular level of
    * abstraction.  Once a transaction is processed, it must be successful or
    * roll back any changes.
  public class Transaction
      private List m_records;
       * Initialize a transaction
      public Transaction()
          this (new ArrayList());
       * Initialize a transaction with an initial set of records
      public Transaction( List initRecords )
          m_records = initRecords;
       * Adds a Record to the end of the list of Records.
      public void addRecord( Record Record )
          m_records.add( Record );
       * Add a Record to a specific position in the list of Records.
      public void addRecord( int position, Record Record )
          m_records.add( position, Record );
       * Remove a Record from the list of Records.
      public Record removeRecord( int position )
          return (Record) m_records.remove( position );
       * Return the specified Record
      public Record getRecord( int position )
          return (Record)m_records.get( position );
       * Get a set of records with the same name.
      public Set getRecordset( String name )
          Set recordSet = new HashSet();
          Iterator it = m_records.iterator();
          while (it.hasNext())
              Record currRecord = (Record);
              if ( currRecord.getName().equals(name) )
                  recordSet.add( currRecord );
          return recordSet;
       * Get the Record iterator
      public Iterator iterator()
          return m_records.iterator();
       * Get the number of Records in the Record
      public int numberOfRecords()
          return m_records.size();
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/manifest/
  Manifest-Version: 1.0
  Main-Class: org.apache.avalon.apps.demos.altrmihelloworldserver.AltrmiHelloWorldServerTester
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/test/org/apache/infomover/transaction/test/
  /* Copyright 2002,  All rights reserved.
   * Permission to distribute and modify the software is granted provided the
   * copyright notice and the license is the same.
  package org.apache.infomover.transaction.test;
  import org.apache.infomover.transaction.Field;
  import junit.framework.TestCase;
    * The <code>Field</code> class represents the smallest unit of information
    * that InfoMover can understand.
  public class FieldTestCase extends TestCase
      public FieldTestCase( String name )
          super( name );
      public void testInitialValues() throws Exception
          Field testField = new Field("test", new Integer(7), Field.INTEGER);
          assertEquals( "test", testField.getName() );
          assertEquals( Field.INTEGER, testField.getType() );
          assertEquals( 7, ((Integer)testField.getValue()).intValue() );
      public void testChangeValue() throws Exception
          Field testField = new Field("test", new Integer(7), Field.INTEGER);
          assertEquals( 7, ((Integer)testField.getValue()).intValue() );
          assertEquals( Field.INTEGER, testField.getType() );
          testField.changeValue( new Integer(5) );
          assertEquals( 5, ((Integer)testField.getValue()).intValue() );
          assertEquals( Field.INTEGER, testField.getType() );
      public void testChangeValueAndType() throws Exception
          Field testField = new Field("test", new Integer(7), Field.INTEGER);
          assertEquals( 7, ((Integer)testField.getValue()).intValue() );
          assertEquals( Field.INTEGER, testField.getType() );
          testField.changeValue( new Double(1.23), Field.FLOAT );
          assertTrue( 1.23 == ((Double)testField.getValue()).doubleValue() );
          assertEquals( Field.FLOAT, testField.getType() );
      public void testNullable() throws Exception
          Field testField = new Field("test", new Integer(7), Field.INTEGER);
          assertEquals( 7, ((Integer)testField.getValue()).intValue() );
          assertEquals( Field.INTEGER, testField.getType() );
          assertEquals( null, testField.getValue() );
          assertEquals( Field.INTEGER, testField.getType() );
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/test/org/apache/infomover/transaction/test/
  /* Copyright 2002,  All rights reserved.
   * Permission to distribute and modify the software is granted provided the
   * copyright notice and the license is the same.
  package org.apache.infomover.transaction.test;
  import java.util.Iterator;
  import java.util.ArrayList;
  import org.apache.infomover.transaction.Record;
  import org.apache.infomover.transaction.Field;
  import junit.framework.TestCase;
    * The <code>Field</code> class represents the smallest unit of information
    * that InfoMover can understand.
  public class RecordTestCase extends TestCase
      public RecordTestCase( String name )
          super( name );
      public void testInitialValues() throws Exception
          Record record = new Record( Record.ADD );
          ArrayList initialList = new ArrayList();
          assertEquals( 0, record.numberOfFields());
          assertEquals( 0, initialList.size() );
          for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) // from 1 to 7
              record.addField( new Field("test" + i, new Integer(i), Field.INTEGER) );
              initialList.add( new Field("test" + i, new Integer(i), Field.INTEGER) );
          Record testRecord = new Record( Record.ADD, initialList );
          assertEquals( Record.ADD, record.getType() );
          assertEquals( Record.ADD, testRecord.getType() );
          assertEquals( record.numberOfFields(), testRecord.numberOfFields() );
          assertEquals( 7, record.numberOfFields() );
          assertEquals( 7, testRecord.numberOfFields() );
          for (int i = 0; i < record.numberOfFields(); i++)
              assertEquals( record.getField( i ).getValue(), new Integer(i + 1) );
              assertEquals( testRecord.getField( i ).getValue(), new Integer(i + 1) );
          assertEquals( record.getField( 6 ).getValue(), testRecord.getField( "test7" ).getValue() );
      public void testRemoveFields() throws Exception
          Record record = new Record( Record.ADD );
          for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) // from 1 to 7
              record.addField( new Field("test" + i, new Integer(i), Field.INTEGER) );
          assertEquals( 7, record.numberOfFields() );
          Field field1 = record.removeField( 3 );
          Field field2 = record.removeField( 3 );
          assertTrue( ((Integer)field1.getValue()).intValue() ==
                      ((Integer)field2.getValue()).intValue() - 1 );
          assertEquals(  "test7", record.removeField( "test7" ).getName() );
          assertEquals( 4, record.numberOfFields() );
      public void testAccessFields() throws Exception
          Record record = new Record( Record.ADD );
          for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) // from 1 to 7
              record.addField( new Field("test" + i, new Integer(i), Field.INTEGER) );
          assertEquals( 7, record.numberOfFields() );
          Field field1 = record.getField( 2 );
          Field field2 = record.getField( "test3" );
          assertSame( field1, field2 );
      public void testIterator() throws Exception
          Record record = new Record( Record.ADD );
          for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) // from 1 to 7
              record.addField( new Field("test" + i, new Integer(i), Field.INTEGER) );
          assertEquals( 7, record.numberOfFields() );
          Iterator i = record.iterator();
          while( i.hasNext() )
              Field field = (Field);
              if ( field.getName().equals( "test3" ) )
          assertEquals( 6, record.numberOfFields() );
          assertEquals( null, record.getField( "test3" ) );
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/test/org/apache/infomover/transaction/test/
  /* Copyright 2002,  All rights reserved.
   * Permission to distribute and modify the software is granted provided the
   * copyright notice and the license is the same.
  package org.apache.infomover.transaction.test;
  import org.apache.infomover.transaction.Transaction;
  import org.apache.infomover.transaction.Record;
  import junit.framework.TestCase;
  import java.util.List;
  import java.util.ArrayList;
  import java.util.Iterator;
    * The <code>Transaction</code> class represents the most granular level of
    * abstraction.  Once a transaction is processed, it must be successful or
    * roll back any changes.
    * We test it here.
  public class TransactionTest extends TestCase
       * Constructor for TransactionTest.
       * @param arg0
      public TransactionTest(String name)
      public static void main(String[] args)
       * Test for void Transaction(List)
      public void testTransactionList()
          Transaction t1 = new Transaction();
          List        l = new ArrayList();
          for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
               Record r = new Record( Record.ADD );
               l.add( r );
               t1.addRecord( r );
          Transaction t2 = new Transaction( l );
          for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
              assertSame( t1.getRecord( i ), t2.getRecord( i ) );
       * Test for void addRecord(int, Record)
      public void testAddRecordIRecord()
          Transaction t = new Transaction();
          for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
               t.addRecord( new Record( Record.ADD ) );
          t.addRecord(5, new Record( Record.REFERENCE ) );
          assertEquals( t.getRecord(5).getType(), Record.REFERENCE);
          assertEquals( t.numberOfRecords(), 11 );
      public void testRemoveRecord()
          Transaction t = new Transaction();
          for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
               t.addRecord( new Record( Record.ADD ) );
          t.removeRecord( 5 );
          assertEquals( t.numberOfRecords(), 9 );
      public void testIterator()
          List        l = new ArrayList();
          for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
               l.add( new Record( Record.ADD ) );
          Transaction t = new Transaction( l );
          Iterator i = t.iterator();
          int j = 0;
          while ( i.hasNext() )
              assertSame( l.get(j), );
          assertEquals( t.numberOfRecords(), 10 );
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/xdocs/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
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        <person name="Avalon Documentation Team" email=""/>
      <s1 title="Introduction">
          Demos are a few very simple blocks for phoenix. 
        Copyright (c) @year@ The Jakarta Apache Project All rights reserved.
        $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2002/08/13 15:41:58 $
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-apps/infomover/src/xdocs/menu.xml
  Index: menu.xml
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  		name="Avalon Applications Documentation - Demo"
  	<title>Apache Avalon Apps - InfoMover</title>
  	<menu name="About">
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