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Posted to by Zhaowei <> on 2021/09/22 10:44:07 UTC

kylin crash down when no adding time partition in sql

Here is my question:

I have a cube that having 150+ segments and time over 3 years.

Kylin will OOM/FULL-GC and crash down , when some users forgot to add time partition (p_day) in their sqls.

I dumped the heap memory and analyze the cause ,  founding that each sql thread used 4GB+ memory.

Is there any parameters can limit the resources used by a single SQL ?

- kylin version:2.3.0
- jdk version:1.8.0_181
- jvm:-Xms32g -Xmx32g -server -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 

The harder, more fortunate