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Posted to by LAMY Olivier <> on 2002/09/03 17:41:10 UTC

Re: Redirect problem

use <redirect:write file="test.xml"> instead of select 
Question : is-it possible to have something as an append attributes which
precise writing to the end of file ??

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Luke Reeves <>  
To: '' <mailto:''>  
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 5:48 PM
Subject: Redirect problem

I'm trying to use the redirect extension of Xalan and having major issues.
My XSL sheet begins like: 

        <?xml version="1.0"?> 
        <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="
<> " version="1.0" 

And I'm using the following XSL snippet to redirect output: 

        <xsl:template match="description"> 
          <redirect:write select="test.xml"> 
                                <xsl:apply-templates select="test1"/> 

But I constantly get the following error when running the command-line

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "
<> "> 
file:///C:/mscope/config.xsl; <file:///C:/mscope/config.xsl;>  Line 10;
Column 38; java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 

The doctype is there in the error; removing that line from the XSL sheet
just causes the parser to show the next line as the error.  Does anyone know
what's going on here?  Thanks!

        Luke Reeves, <>  

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