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diff --git a/third_party/gperftools/doc/heap_checker.html b/third_party/gperftools/doc/heap_checker.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ea2ade6..0000000
--- a/third_party/gperftools/doc/heap_checker.html
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-  <link rel="stylesheet" href="designstyle.css">
-  <title>Gperftools Heap Leak Checker</title>
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-<p>This is the heap checker we use at Google to detect memory leaks in
-C++ programs.  There are three parts to using it: linking the library
-into an application, running the code, and analyzing the output.</p>
-<H1>Linking in the Library</H1>
-<p>The heap-checker is part of tcmalloc, so to install the heap
-checker into your executable, add <code>-ltcmalloc</code> to the
-link-time step for your executable.  Also, while we don't necessarily
-recommend this form of usage, it's possible to add in the profiler at
-run-time using <code>LD_PRELOAD</code>:</p>
-<pre>% env LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/" <binary></pre>
-<p>This does <i>not</i> turn on heap checking; it just inserts the
-code.  For that reason, it's practical to just always link
-<code>-ltcmalloc</code> into a binary while developing; that's what we
-do at Google.  (However, since any user can turn on the profiler by
-setting an environment variable, it's not necessarily recommended to
-install heapchecker-linked binaries into a production, running
-system.)  Note that if you wish to use the heap checker, you must
-also use the tcmalloc memory-allocation library.  There is no way
-currently to use the heap checker separate from tcmalloc.</p>
-<h1>Running the Code</h1>
-<p>Note: For security reasons, heap profiling will not write to a file
--- and is thus not usable -- for setuid programs.</p>
-<h2><a name="whole_program">Whole-program Heap Leak Checking</a></h2>
-<p>The recommended way to use the heap checker is in "whole program"
-mode.  In this case, the heap-checker starts tracking memory
-allocations before the start of <code>main()</code>, and checks again
-at program-exit.  If it finds any memory leaks -- that is, any memory
-not pointed to by objects that are still "live" at program-exit -- it
-aborts the program (via <code>exit(1)</code>) and prints a message
-describing how to track down the memory leak (using <A
-<p>The heap-checker records the stack trace for each allocation while
-it is active. This causes a significant increase in memory usage, in
-addition to slowing your program down.</p>
-<p>Here's how to run a program with whole-program heap checking:</p>
-  <li> <p>Define the environment variable HEAPCHECK to the <A
-       HREF="#types">type of heap-checking</A> to do.  For instance,
-       to heap-check
-       <code>/usr/local/bin/my_binary_compiled_with_tcmalloc</code>:</p>
-       <pre>% env HEAPCHECK=normal /usr/local/bin/my_binary_compiled_with_tcmalloc</pre>
-<p>No other action is required.</p>
-<p>Note that since the heap-checker uses the heap-profiling framework
-internally, it is not possible to run both the heap-checker and <A
-HREF="heapprofile.html">heap profiler</A> at the same time.</p>
-<h3><a name="types">Flavors of Heap Checking</a></h3>
-<p>These are the legal values when running a whole-program heap
-  <li> <code>minimal</code>
-  <li> <code>normal</code>
-  <li> <code>strict</code>
-  <li> <code>draconian</code>
-<p>"Minimal" heap-checking starts as late as possible in a
-initialization, meaning you can leak some memory in your
-initialization routines (that run before <code>main()</code>, say),
-and not trigger a leak message.  If you frequently (and purposefully)
-leak data in one-time global initializers, "minimal" mode is useful
-for you.  Otherwise, you should avoid it for stricter modes.</p>
-<p>"Normal" heap-checking tracks <A HREF="#live">live objects</A> and
-reports a leak for any data that is not reachable via a live object
-when the program exits.</p>
-<p>"Strict" heap-checking is much like "normal" but has a few extra
-checks that memory isn't lost in global destructors.  In particular,
-if you have a global variable that allocates memory during program
-execution, and then "forgets" about the memory in the global
-destructor (say, by setting the pointer to it to NULL) without freeing
-it, that will prompt a leak message in "strict" mode, though not in
-"normal" mode.</p>
-<p>"Draconian" heap-checking is appropriate for those who like to be
-very precise about their memory management, and want the heap-checker
-to help them enforce it.  In "draconian" mode, the heap-checker does
-not do "live object" checking at all, so it reports a leak unless
-<i>all</i> allocated memory is freed before program exit. (However,
-you can use <A HREF="#disable">IgnoreObject()</A> to re-enable
-liveness-checking on an object-by-object basis.)</p>
-<p>"Normal" mode, as the name implies, is the one used most often at
-Google.  It's appropriate for everyday heap-checking use.</p>
-<p>In addition, there are two other possible modes:</p>
-  <li> <code>as-is</code>
-  <li> <code>local</code>
-<p><code>as-is</code> is the most flexible mode; it allows you to
-specify the various <A HREF="#options">knobs</A> of the heap checker
-explicitly.  <code>local</code> activates the <A
-HREF="#explicit">explicit heap-check instrumentation</A>, but does not
-turn on any whole-program leak checking.</p>
-<h3><A NAME="tweaking">Tweaking whole-program checking</A></h3>
-<p>In some cases you want to check the whole program for memory leaks,
-but waiting for after <code>main()</code> exits to do the first
-whole-program leak check is waiting too long: e.g. in a long-running
-server one might wish to simply periodically check for leaks while the
-server is running.  In this case, you can call the static method
-<code>NoGlobalLeaks()</code>, to verify no global leaks have happened
-as of that point in the program.</p>
-<p>Alternately, doing the check after <code>main()</code> exits might
-be too late.  Perhaps you have some objects that are known not to
-clean up properly at exit.  You'd like to do the "at exit" check
-before those objects are destroyed (since while they're live, any
-memory they point to will not be considered a leak).  In that case,
-you can call <code>NoGlobalLeaks()</code> manually, near the end of
-<code>main()</code>, and then call <code>CancelGlobalCheck()</code> to
-turn off the automatic post-<code>main()</code> check.</p>
-<p>Finally, there's a helper macro for "strict" and "draconian" modes,
-which require all global memory to be freed before program exit.  This
-freeing can be time-consuming and is often unnecessary, since libc
-cleans up all memory at program-exit for you.  If you want the
-benefits of "strict"/"draconian" modes without the cost of all that
-freeing, look at <code>REGISTER_HEAPCHECK_CLEANUP</code> (in
-<code>heap-checker.h</code>).  This macro allows you to mark specific
-cleanup code as active only when the heap-checker is turned on.</p>
-<h2><a name="explicit">Explicit (Partial-program) Heap Leak Checking</h2>
-<p>Instead of whole-program checking, you can check certain parts of your
-code to verify they do not have memory leaks.  This check verifies that
-between two parts of a program, no memory is allocated without being freed.</p>
-<p>To use this kind of checking code, bracket the code you want
-checked by creating a <code>HeapLeakChecker</code> object at the
-beginning of the code segment, and call
-<code>NoLeaks()</code> at the end.  These functions, and all others
-referred to in this file, are declared in
-<p>Here's an example:</p>
-  HeapLeakChecker heap_checker("test_foo");
-  {
-    code that exercises some foo functionality;
-    this code should not leak memory;
-  }
-  if (!heap_checker.NoLeaks()) assert(NULL == "heap memory leak");
-<p>Note that adding in the <code>HeapLeakChecker</code> object merely
-instruments the code for leak-checking.  To actually turn on this
-leak-checking on a particular run of the executable, you must still
-run with the heap-checker turned on:</p>
-<pre>% env HEAPCHECK=local /usr/local/bin/my_binary_compiled_with_tcmalloc</pre>
-<p>If you want to do whole-program leak checking in addition to this
-manual leak checking, you can run in <code>normal</code> or some other
-mode instead: they'll run the "local" checks in addition to the
-whole-program check.</p>
-<h2><a name="disable">Disabling Heap-checking of Known Leaks</a></h2>
-<p>Sometimes your code has leaks that you know about and are willing
-to accept.  You would like the heap checker to ignore them when
-checking your program.  You can do this by bracketing the code in
-question with an appropriate heap-checking construct:</p>
-   ...
-   {
-     HeapLeakChecker::Disabler disabler;
-     &lt;leaky code&gt;
-   }
-   ...
-Any objects allocated by <code>leaky code</code> (including inside any
-routines called by <code>leaky code</code>) and any objects reachable
-from such objects are not reported as leaks.
-<p>Alternately, you can use <code>IgnoreObject()</code>, which takes a
-pointer to an object to ignore.  That memory, and everything reachable
-from it (by following pointers), is ignored for the purposes of leak
-checking.  You can call <code>UnIgnoreObject()</code> to undo the
-effects of <code>IgnoreObject()</code>.</p>
-<h2><a name="options">Tuning the Heap Checker</h2>
-<p>The heap leak checker has many options, some that trade off running
-time and accuracy, and others that increase the sensitivity at the
-risk of returning false positives.  For most uses, the range covered
-by the <A HREF="#types">heap-check flavors</A> is enough, but in
-specialized cases more control can be helpful.</p>
-These options are specified via environment varaiables.
-<p>This first set of options controls sensitivity and accuracy.  These
-options are ignored unless you run the heap checker in <A
-HREF="#types">as-is</A> mode.
-<table frame=box rules=sides cellpadding=5 width=100%>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>HEAP_CHECK_AFTER_DESTRUCTORS</code></td>
-  <td>Default: false</td>
-  <td>
-    When true, do the final leak check after all other global
-    destructors have run.  When false, do it after all
-    <code>REGISTER_HEAPCHECK_CLEANUP</code>, typically much earlier in
-    the global-destructor process.
-  </td>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>HEAP_CHECK_IGNORE_THREAD_LIVE</code></td>
-  <td>Default: true</td>
-  <td>
-    If true, ignore objects reachable from thread stacks and registers
-    (that is, do not report them as leaks).
-  </td>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>HEAP_CHECK_IGNORE_GLOBAL_LIVE</code></td>
-  <td>Default: true</td>
-  <td>
-    If true, ignore objects reachable from global variables and data
-    (that is, do not report them as leaks).
-  </td>
-<p>These options modify the behavior of whole-program leak
-<table frame=box rules=sides cellpadding=5 width=100%>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>HEAP_CHECK_MAX_LEAKS</code></td>
-  <td>Default: 20</td>
-  <td>
-    The maximum number of leaks to be printed to stderr (all leaks are still
-    emitted to file output for pprof to visualize). If negative or zero,
-    print all the leaks found.
-  </td>
-<p>These options apply to all types of leak checking.</p>
-<table frame=box rules=sides cellpadding=5 width=100%>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>HEAP_CHECK_IDENTIFY_LEAKS</code></td>
-  <td>Default: false</td>
-  <td>
-    If true, generate the addresses of the leaked objects in the
-    generated memory leak profile files.
-  </td>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>HEAP_CHECK_TEST_POINTER_ALIGNMENT</code></td>
-  <td>Default: false</td>
-  <td>
-    If true, check all leaks to see if they might be due to the use
-    of unaligned pointers.
-  </td>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td>Default: sizeof(void*)</td>
-  <td>
-    Alignment at which all pointers in memory are supposed to be located.
-    Use 1 if any alignment is ok.
-  </td>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>PPROF_PATH</code></td>
-  <td>Default: pprof</td>
-    The location of the <code>pprof</code> executable.
-  </td>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>HEAP_CHECK_DUMP_DIRECTORY</code></td>
-  <td>Default: /tmp</td>
-  <td>
-    Where the heap-profile files are kept while the program is running.
-  </td>
-<h2>Tips for Handling Detected Leaks</h2>
-<p>What do you do when the heap leak checker detects a memory leak?
-First, you should run the reported <code>pprof</code> command;
-hopefully, that is enough to track down the location where the leak
-<p>If the leak is a real leak, you should fix it!</p>
-<p>If you are sure that the reported leaks are not dangerous and there
-is no good way to fix them, then you can use
-<code>HeapLeakChecker::Disabler</code> and/or
-<code>HeapLeakChecker::IgnoreObject()</code> to disable heap-checking
-for certain parts of the codebase.</p>
-<p>In "strict" or "draconian" mode, leaks may be due to incomplete
-cleanup in the destructors of global variables.  If you don't wish to
-augment the cleanup routines, but still want to run in "strict" or
-"draconian" mode, consider using <A
-<h2>Hints for Debugging Detected Leaks</h2>
-<p>Sometimes it can be useful to not only know the exact code that
-allocates the leaked objects, but also the addresses of the leaked objects.
-Combining this e.g. with additional logging in the program
-one can then track which subset of the allocations
-made at a certain spot in the code are leaked.
-To get the addresses of all leaked objects
-  define the environment variable <code>HEAP_CHECK_IDENTIFY_LEAKS</code>
-  to be <code>1</code>.
-The object addresses will be reported in the form of addresses
-of fake immediate callers of the memory allocation routines.
-Note that the performance of doing leak-checking in this mode
-can be noticeably worse than the default mode.
-<p>One relatively common class of leaks that don't look real
-is the case of multiple initialization.
-In such cases the reported leaks are typically things that are
-linked from some global objects,
-which are initialized and say never modified again.
-The non-obvious cause of the leak is frequently the fact that
-the initialization code for these objects executes more than once.
-E.g. if the code of some <code>.cc</code> file is made to be included twice
-into the binary, then the constructors for global objects defined in that file
-will execute twice thus leaking the things allocated on the first run.
-Similar problems can occur if object initialization is done more explicitly
-e.g. on demand by a slightly buggy code
-that does not always ensure only-once initialization.
-A more rare but even more puzzling problem can be use of not properly
-aligned pointers (maybe inside of not properly aligned objects).
-Normally such pointers are not followed by the leak checker,
-hence the objects reachable only via such pointers are reported as leaks.
-If you suspect this case
-  define the environment variable <code>HEAP_CHECK_TEST_POINTER_ALIGNMENT</code>
-  to be <code>1</code>
-and then look closely at the generated leak report messages.
-<h1>How It Works</h1>
-<p>When a <code>HeapLeakChecker</code> object is constructed, it dumps
-a memory-usage profile named
-<code>&lt;prefix&gt;.&lt;name&gt;-beg.heap</code> to a temporary
-directory.  When <code>NoLeaks()</code>
-is called (for whole-program checking, this happens automatically at
-program-exit), it dumps another profile, named
-(<code>&lt;prefix&gt;</code> is typically determined automatically,
-and <code>&lt;name&gt;</code> is typically <code>argv[0]</code>.)  It
-then compares the two profiles.  If the second profile shows
-more memory use than the first, the
-<code>NoLeaks()</code> function will
-return false.  For "whole program" profiling, this will cause the
-executable to abort (via <code>exit(1)</code>).  In all cases, it will
-print a message on how to process the dumped profiles to locate
-<h3><A name=live>Detecting Live Objects</A></h3>
-<p>At any point during a program's execution, all memory that is
-accessible at that time is considered "live."  This includes global
-variables, and also any memory that is reachable by following pointers
-from a global variable.  It also includes all memory reachable from
-the current stack frame and from current CPU registers (this captures
-local variables).  Finally, it includes the thread equivalents of
-these: thread-local storage and thread heaps, memory reachable from
-thread-local storage and thread heaps, and memory reachable from
-thread CPU registers.</p>
-<p>In all modes except "draconian," live memory is not
-considered to be a leak.  We detect this by doing a liveness flood,
-traversing pointers to heap objects starting from some initial memory
-regions we know to potentially contain live pointer data.  Note that
-this flood might potentially not find some (global) live data region
-to start the flood from.  If you find such, please file a bug.</p>
-<p>The liveness flood attempts to treat any properly aligned byte
-sequences as pointers to heap objects and thinks that it found a good
-pointer whenever the current heap memory map contains an object with
-the address whose byte representation we found.  Some pointers into
-not-at-start of object will also work here.</p>
-<p>As a result of this simple approach, it's possible (though
-unlikely) for the flood to be inexact and occasionally result in
-leaked objects being erroneously determined to be live.  For instance,
-random bit patterns can happen to look like pointers to leaked heap
-objects.  More likely, stale pointer data not corresponding to any
-live program variables can be still present in memory regions,
-especially in thread stacks.  For instance, depending on how the local
-<code>malloc</code> is implemented, it may reuse a heap object
-    char* p = new char[1];   // new might return 0x80000000, say.
-    delete p;
-    new char[1];             // new might return 0x80000000 again
-    // This last new is a leak, but doesn't seem it: p looks like it points to it
-<p>In other words, imprecisions in the liveness flood mean that for
-any heap leak check we might miss some memory leaks.  This means that
-for local leak checks, we might report a memory leak in the local
-area, even though the leak actually happened before the
-<code>HeapLeakChecker</code> object was constructed.  Note that for
-whole-program checks, a leak report <i>does</i> always correspond to a
-real leak (since there's no "before" to have created a false-live
-<p>While this liveness flood approach is not very portable and not
-100% accurate, it works in most cases and saves us from writing a lot
-of explicit clean up code and other hassles when dealing with thread
-<h3>Visualizing Leak with <code>pprof</code></h3>
-The heap checker automatically prints basic leak info with stack traces of
-leaked objects' allocation sites, as well as a pprof command line that can be
-used to visualize the call-graph involved in these allocations.
-The latter can be much more useful for a human
-to see where/why the leaks happened, especially if the leaks are numerous.
-<h3>Leak-checking and Threads</h3>
-<p>At the time of HeapLeakChecker's construction and during
-<code>NoLeaks()</code> calls, we grab a lock
-and then pause all other threads so other threads do not interfere
-with recording or analyzing the state of the heap.</p>
-<p>In general, leak checking works correctly in the presence of
-threads.  However, thread stack data liveness determination (via
-<code>base/thread_lister.h</code>) does not work when the program is
-running under GDB, because the ptrace functionality needed for finding
-threads is already hooked to by GDB.  Conversely, leak checker's
-ptrace attempts might also interfere with GDB.  As a result, GDB can
-result in potentially false leak reports.  For this reason, the
-heap-checker turns itself off when running under GDB.</p>
-<p>Also, <code>thread_lister</code> only works for Linux pthreads;
-leak checking is unlikely to handle other thread implementations
-<p>As mentioned in the discussion of liveness flooding, thread-stack
-liveness determination might mis-classify as reachable objects that
-very recently became unreachable (leaked).  This can happen when the
-pointers to now-logically-unreachable objects are present in the
-active thread stack frame.  In other words, trivial code like the
-following might not produce the expected leak checking outcome
-depending on how the compiled code works with the stack:</p>
-  int* foo = new int [20];
-  HeapLeakChecker check("a_check");
-  foo = NULL;
-  // May fail to trigger.
-  if (!heap_checker.NoLeaks()) assert(NULL == "heap memory leak");
-<address>Maxim Lifantsev<br>
-<!-- Created: Tue Dec 19 10:43:14 PST 2000 -->
-<!-- hhmts start -->
-Last modified: Fri Jul 13 13:14:33 PDT 2007
-<!-- hhmts end -->
diff --git a/third_party/gperftools/doc/heapprofile.html b/third_party/gperftools/doc/heapprofile.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d2ff52c..0000000
--- a/third_party/gperftools/doc/heapprofile.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-  <link rel="stylesheet" href="designstyle.css">
-  <title>Gperftools Heap Profiler</title>
-<p align=right>
-  <i>Last modified
-  <script type=text/javascript>
-    var lm = new Date(document.lastModified);
-    document.write(lm.toDateString());
-  </script></i>
-<p>This is the heap profiler we use at Google, to explore how C++
-programs manage memory.  This facility can be useful for</p>
-  <li> Figuring out what is in the program heap at any given time
-  <li> Locating memory leaks
-  <li> Finding places that do a lot of allocation
-<p>The profiling system instruments all allocations and frees.  It
-keeps track of various pieces of information per allocation site.  An
-allocation site is defined as the active stack trace at the call to
-<code>malloc</code>, <code>calloc</code>, <code>realloc</code>, or,
-<p>There are three parts to using it: linking the library into an
-application, running the code, and analyzing the output.</p>
-<h1>Linking in the Library</h1>
-<p>To install the heap profiler into your executable, add
-<code>-ltcmalloc</code> to the link-time step for your executable.
-Also, while we don't necessarily recommend this form of usage, it's
-possible to add in the profiler at run-time using
-<pre>% env LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/" &lt;binary&gt;</pre>
-<p>This does <i>not</i> turn on heap profiling; it just inserts the
-code.  For that reason, it's practical to just always link
-<code>-ltcmalloc</code> into a binary while developing; that's what we
-do at Google.  (However, since any user can turn on the profiler by
-setting an environment variable, it's not necessarily recommended to
-install profiler-linked binaries into a production, running
-system.)  Note that if you wish to use the heap profiler, you must
-also use the tcmalloc memory-allocation library.  There is no way
-currently to use the heap profiler separate from tcmalloc.</p>
-<h1>Running the Code</h1>
-<p>There are several alternatives to actually turn on heap profiling
-for a given run of an executable:</p>
-  <li> <p>Define the environment variable HEAPPROFILE to the filename
-       to dump the profile to.  For instance, to profile
-       <code>/usr/local/bin/my_binary_compiled_with_tcmalloc</code>:</p>
-       <pre>% env HEAPPROFILE=/tmp/mybin.hprof /usr/local/bin/my_binary_compiled_with_tcmalloc</pre>
-  <li> <p>In your code, bracket the code you want profiled in calls to
-       <code>HeapProfilerStart()</code> and <code>HeapProfilerStop()</code>.
-       (These functions are declared in <code>&lt;gperftools/heap-profiler.h&gt;</code>.)
-       <code>HeapProfilerStart()</code> will take the
-       profile-filename-prefix as an argument.  Then, as often as
-       you'd like before calling <code>HeapProfilerStop()</code>, you
-       can use <code>HeapProfilerDump()</code> or
-       <code>GetHeapProfile()</code> to examine the profile.  In case
-       it's useful, <code>IsHeapProfilerRunning()</code> will tell you
-       whether you've already called HeapProfilerStart() or not.</p>
-<p>For security reasons, heap profiling will not write to a file --
-and is thus not usable -- for setuid programs.</p>
-<H2>Modifying Runtime Behavior</H2>
-<p>You can more finely control the behavior of the heap profiler via
-environment variables.</p>
-<table frame=box rules=sides cellpadding=5 width=100%>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td>default: 1073741824 (1 Gb)</td>
-  <td>
-    Dump heap profiling information each time the specified number of
-    bytes has been allocated by the program.
-  </td>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>HEAP_PROFILE_INUSE_INTERVAL</code></td>
-  <td>default: 104857600 (100 Mb)</td>
-  <td>
-    Dump heap profiling information whenever the high-water memory
-    usage mark increases by the specified number of bytes.
-  </td>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>HEAP_PROFILE_TIME_INTERVAL</code></td>
-  <td>default: 104857600 (100 Mb)</td>
-  <td>
-    Dump heap profiling information each time the specified
-    number of seconds has elapsed.
-  </td>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>HEAP_PROFILE_MMAP</code></td>
-  <td>default: false</td>
-  <td>
-    Profile <code>mmap</code>, <code>mremap</code> and <code>sbrk</code>
-    calls in addition
-    to <code>malloc</code>, <code>calloc</code>, <code>realloc</code>,
-    and <code>new</code>.  <b>NOTE:</b> this causes the profiler to
-    profile calls internal to tcmalloc, since tcmalloc and friends use
-    mmap and sbrk internally for allocations.  One partial solution is
-    to filter these allocations out when running <code>pprof</code>,
-    with something like
-    <code>pprof --ignore='DoAllocWithArena|SbrkSysAllocator::Alloc|MmapSysAllocator::Alloc</code>.
-  </td>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>HEAP_PROFILE_ONLY_MMAP</code></td>
-  <td>default: false</td>
-  <td>
-    Only profile <code>mmap</code>, <code>mremap</code>, and <code>sbrk</code>
-    calls; do not profile
-    <code>malloc</code>, <code>calloc</code>, <code>realloc</code>,
-    or <code>new</code>.
-  </td>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>HEAP_PROFILE_MMAP_LOG</code></td>
-  <td>default: false</td>
-  <td>
-    Log <code>mmap</code>/<code>munmap</code> calls.
-  </td>
-<H2>Checking for Leaks</H2>
-<p>You can use the heap profiler to manually check for leaks, for
-instance by reading the profiler output and looking for large
-allocations.  However, for that task, it's easier to use the <A
-HREF="heap_checker.html">automatic heap-checking facility</A> built
-into tcmalloc.</p>
-<h1><a name="pprof">Analyzing the Output</a></h1>
-<p>If heap-profiling is turned on in a program, the program will
-periodically write profiles to the filesystem.  The sequence of
-profiles will be named:</p>
-           &lt;prefix&gt;.0000.heap
-           &lt;prefix&gt;.0001.heap
-           &lt;prefix&gt;.0002.heap
-           ...
-<p>where <code>&lt;prefix&gt;</code> is the filename-prefix supplied
-when running the code (e.g. via the <code>HEAPPROFILE</code>
-environment variable).  Note that if the supplied prefix
-does not start with a <code>/</code>, the profile files will be
-written to the program's working directory.</p>
-<p>The profile output can be viewed by passing it to the
-<code>pprof</code> tool -- the same tool that's used to analyze <A
-HREF="cpuprofile.html">CPU profiles</A>.
-<p>Here are some examples.  These examples assume the binary is named
-<code>gfs_master</code>, and a sequence of heap profile files can be
-found in files named:</p>
-  /tmp/profile.0001.heap
-  /tmp/profile.0002.heap
-  ...
-  /tmp/profile.0100.heap
-<h3>Why is a process so big</h3>
-    % pprof --gv gfs_master /tmp/profile.0100.heap
-<p>This command will pop-up a <code>gv</code> window that displays
-the profile information as a directed graph.  Here is a portion
-of the resulting output:</p>
-<img src="heap-example1.png">
-A few explanations:
-<li> <code>GFS_MasterChunk::AddServer</code> accounts for 255.6 MB
-     of the live memory, which is 25% of the total live memory.
-<li> <code>GFS_MasterChunkTable::UpdateState</code> is directly
-     accountable for 176.2 MB of the live memory (i.e., it directly
-     allocated 176.2 MB that has not been freed yet).  Furthermore,
-     it and its callees are responsible for 729.9 MB.  The
-     labels on the outgoing edges give a good indication of the
-     amount allocated by each callee.
-<h3>Comparing Profiles</h3>
-<p>You often want to skip allocations during the initialization phase
-of a program so you can find gradual memory leaks.  One simple way to
-do this is to compare two profiles -- both collected after the program
-has been running for a while.  Specify the name of the first profile
-using the <code>--base</code> option.  For example:</p>
-   % pprof --base=/tmp/profile.0004.heap gfs_master /tmp/profile.0100.heap
-<p>The memory-usage in <code>/tmp/profile.0004.heap</code> will be
-subtracted from the memory-usage in
-<code>/tmp/profile.0100.heap</code> and the result will be
-<h3>Text display</h3>
-% pprof --text gfs_master /tmp/profile.0100.heap
-   255.6  24.7%  24.7%    255.6  24.7% GFS_MasterChunk::AddServer
-   184.6  17.8%  42.5%    298.8  28.8% GFS_MasterChunkTable::Create
-   176.2  17.0%  59.5%    729.9  70.5% GFS_MasterChunkTable::UpdateState
-   169.8  16.4%  75.9%    169.8  16.4% PendingClone::PendingClone
-    76.3   7.4%  83.3%     76.3   7.4% __default_alloc_template::_S_chunk_alloc
-    49.5   4.8%  88.0%     49.5   4.8% hashtable::resize
-   ...
-  <li> The first column contains the direct memory use in MB.
-  <li> The fourth column contains memory use by the procedure
-       and all of its callees.
-  <li> The second and fifth columns are just percentage
-       representations of the numbers in the first and fourth columns.
-  <li> The third column is a cumulative sum of the second column
-       (i.e., the <code>k</code>th entry in the third column is the
-       sum of the first <code>k</code> entries in the second column.)
-<h3>Ignoring or focusing on specific regions</h3>
-<p>The following command will give a graphical display of a subset of
-the call-graph.  Only paths in the call-graph that match the regular
-expression <code>DataBuffer</code> are included:</p>
-% pprof --gv --focus=DataBuffer gfs_master /tmp/profile.0100.heap
-<p>Similarly, the following command will omit all paths subset of the
-call-graph.  All paths in the call-graph that match the regular
-expression <code>DataBuffer</code> are discarded:</p>
-% pprof --gv --ignore=DataBuffer gfs_master /tmp/profile.0100.heap
-<h3>Total allocations + object-level information</h3>
-<p>All of the previous examples have displayed the amount of in-use
-space.  I.e., the number of bytes that have been allocated but not
-freed.  You can also get other types of information by supplying a
-flag to <code>pprof</code>:</p>
-<table frame=box rules=sides cellpadding=5 width=100%>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>--inuse_space</code></td>
-  <td>
-     Display the number of in-use megabytes (i.e. space that has
-     been allocated but not freed).  This is the default.
-  </td>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>--inuse_objects</code></td>
-  <td>
-     Display the number of in-use objects (i.e. number of
-     objects that have been allocated but not freed).
-  </td>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>--alloc_space</code></td>
-  <td>
-     Display the number of allocated megabytes.  This includes
-     the space that has since been de-allocated.  Use this
-     if you want to find the main allocation sites in the
-     program.
-  </td>
-<tr valign=top>
-  <td><code>--alloc_objects</code></td>
-  <td>
-     Display the number of allocated objects.  This includes
-     the objects that have since been de-allocated.  Use this
-     if you want to find the main allocation sites in the
-     program.
-  </td>
-<h3>Interactive mode</a></h3>
-<p>By default -- if you don't specify any flags to the contrary --
-pprof runs in interactive mode.  At the <code>(pprof)</code> prompt,
-you can run many of the commands described above.  You can type
-<code>help</code> for a list of what commands are available in
-interactive mode.</p>
-  <li> Heap profiling requires the use of libtcmalloc.  This
-       requirement may be removed in a future version of the heap
-       profiler, and the heap profiler separated out into its own
-       library.
-  <li> If the program linked in a library that was not compiled
-       with enough symbolic information, all samples associated
-       with the library may be charged to the last symbol found
-       in the program before the library.  This will artificially
-       inflate the count for that symbol.
-  <li> If you run the program on one machine, and profile it on
-       another, and the shared libraries are different on the two
-       machines, the profiling output may be confusing: samples that
-       fall within the shared libaries may be assigned to arbitrary
-       procedures.
-  <li> Several libraries, such as some STL implementations, do their
-       own memory management.  This may cause strange profiling
-       results.  We have code in libtcmalloc to cause STL to use
-       tcmalloc for memory management (which in our tests is better
-       than STL's internal management), though it only works for some
-       STL implementations.
-  <li> If your program forks, the children will also be profiled
-       (since they inherit the same HEAPPROFILE setting).  Each
-       process is profiled separately; to distinguish the child
-       profiles from the parent profile and from each other, all
-       children will have their process-id attached to the HEAPPROFILE
-       name.
-  <li> Due to a hack we make to work around a possible gcc bug, your
-       profiles may end up named strangely if the first character of
-       your HEAPPROFILE variable has ascii value greater than 127.
-       This should be exceedingly rare, but if you need to use such a
-       name, just set prepend <code>./</code> to your filename:
-       <code>HEAPPROFILE=./&Auml;gypten</code>.
-<address>Sanjay Ghemawat
-<!-- Created: Tue Dec 19 10:43:14 PST 2000 -->
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-  <li> <A HREF="tcmalloc.html">thread-caching malloc</A>
-  <li> <A HREF="heap_checker.html">heap-checking using tcmalloc</A>
-  <li> <A HREF="heapprofile.html">heap-profiling using tcmalloc</A>
-  <li> <A HREF="cpuprofile.html">CPU profiler</A>
-Last modified: Thu Feb  2 14:40:47 PST 2012
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-digraph Overview {
-node [shape = box]
-T1 [label="Thread Cache"]
-Tsep [label="...", shape=plaintext]
-Tn [label="Thread Cache"]
-T1 -> Tsep -> Tn [style=invis]
-C [label="Central\nHeap"]
-T1 -> C [dir=both]
-Tn -> C [dir=both]
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@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-digraph PageHeap {
-node [shape=box, width=0.3, height=0.3]
-heap [shape=record, height=3, label="<f0>1 page|<f1>2 pages|<f2>3 pages|...|<f255>255 pages|<frest>rest"]
-O0 [shape=record, label=""]
-O1 [shape=record, label=""]
-O2 [shape=record, label="{|}"]
-O3 [shape=record, label="{|}"]
-O4 [shape=record, label="{||}"]
-O5 [shape=record, label="{||}"]
-O6 [shape=record, label="{|...|}"]
-O7 [shape=record, label="{|...|}"]
-O8 [shape=record, label="{|.....|}"]
-O9 [shape=record, label="{|.....|}"]
-sep1 [shape=plaintext, label="..."]
-sep2 [shape=plaintext, label="..."]
-sep3 [shape=plaintext, label="..."]
-sep4 [shape=plaintext, label="..."]
-sep5 [shape=plaintext, label="..."]
-heap:f0 -> O0 -> O1 -> sep1
-heap:f1 -> O2 -> O3 -> sep2
-heap:f2 -> O4 -> O5 -> sep3
-heap:f255 -> O6 -> O7 -> sep4
-heap:frest -> O8 -> O9 -> sep5
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-.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by help2man 1.23.
-.TH PPROF "1" "February 2005" "pprof (part of gperftools)" Google
-pprof \- manual page for pprof (part of gperftools)
-.B pprof
-[\fIoptions\fR] \fI<program> <profile>\fR
-Prints specified cpu- or heap-profile
-Sort by cumulative data
-Subtract <base> from <profile> before display
-.SS "Reporting Granularity:"
-Report at address level
-Report at source line level
-Report at function level [default]
-Report at source file level
-.SS "Output type:"
-Generate text report [default]
-Generate Postscript and display
-Generate source listing of matching routines
-Generate disassembly of matching routines
-Generate DOT file to stdout
-Generate Postcript to stdout
-Generate PDF to stdout
-Generate GIF to stdout
-.SS "Heap-Profile Options:"
-Display in-use (mega)bytes [default]
-Display in-use objects
-Display allocated (mega)bytes
-Display allocated objects
-Display space in bytes
-Ignore negaive differences
-.SS "Call-graph Options:"
-Show at most so many nodes [default=80]
-Hide nodes below <f>*total [default=.005]
-Hide edges below <f>*total [default=.001]
-Focus on nodes matching <regexp>
-Ignore nodes matching <regexp>
-Set GV scaling [default=0]
-pprof /bin/ls
-Outputs one line per procedure
-pprof \fB\-\-gv\fR /bin/ls
-Displays annotated call-graph via 'gv'
-pprof \fB\-\-gv\fR \fB\-\-focus\fR=\fIMutex\fR /bin/ls
-Restricts to code paths including a .*Mutex.* entry
-pprof \fB\-\-gv\fR \fB\-\-focus\fR=\fIMutex\fR \fB\-\-ignore\fR=\fIstring\fR /bin/ls
-Code paths including Mutex but not string
-pprof \fB\-\-list\fR=\fIgetdir\fR /bin/ls
-Dissassembly (with per-line annotations) for getdir()
-pprof \fB\-\-disasm\fR=\fIgetdir\fR /bin/ls
-Dissassembly (with per-PC annotations) for getdir()
-Copyright \(co 2005 Google Inc.
-Further documentation for
-.B pprof
-is maintained as a web page called
-.B cpu_profiler.html
-and is likely installed at one of the following locations:
-.B /usr/share/gperftools/cpu_profiler.html
-.B /usr/local/share/gperftools/cpu_profiler.html
diff --git a/third_party/gperftools/doc/pprof.see_also b/third_party/gperftools/doc/pprof.see_also
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index f2caf52..0000000
--- a/third_party/gperftools/doc/pprof.see_also
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-[see also]
-Further documentation for
-.B pprof
-is maintained as a web page called
-.B cpu_profiler.html
-and is likely installed at one of the following locations:
-.B /usr/share/gperftools/cpu_profiler.html
-.B /usr/local/share/gperftools/cpu_profiler.html
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-<title>pprof and Remote Servers</title>
-<h1><code>pprof</code> and Remote Servers</h1>
-<p>In mid-2006, we added an experimental facility to <A
-HREF="cpu_profiler.html">pprof</A>, the tool that analyzes CPU and
-heap profiles.  This facility allows you to collect profile
-information from running applications.  It makes it easy to collect
-profile information without having to stop the program first, and
-without having to log into the machine where the application is
-running.  This is meant to be used on webservers, but will work on any
-application that can be modified to accept TCP connections on a port
-of its choosing, and to respond to HTTP requests on that port.</p>
-<p>We do not currently have infrastructure, such as apache modules,
-that you can pop into a webserver or other application to get the
-necessary functionality "for free."  However, it's easy to generate
-the necessary data, which should allow the interested developer to add
-the necessary support into his or her applications.</p>
-<p>To use <code>pprof</code> in this experimental "server" mode, you
-give the script a host and port it should query, replacing the normal
-commandline arguments of application + profile file:</p>
-   % pprof
-<p>The host must be listening on that port, and be able to accept HTTP/1.0
-requests -- sent via <code>wget</code> and <code>curl</code> -- for
-several urls.  The following sections list the urls that
-<code>pprof</code> can send, and the responses it expects in
-<p>Here are examples that pprof will recognize, when you give them
-on the commandline, are urls.  In general, you
-specify the host and a port (the port-number is required), and put
-the service-name at the end of the url.:</p>
-http://myhost:80/pprof/heap            # retrieves a heap profile
-http://myhost:8008/pprof/profile       # retrieves a CPU profile
-http://myhost:80                       # retrieves a CPU profile (the default)
-http://myhost:8080/                    # retrieves a CPU profile (the default)
-myhost:8088/pprof/growth               # "http://" is optional, but port is not
-http://myhost:80/myservice/pprof/heap  # /pprof/heap just has to come at the end
-http://myhost:80/pprof/pmuprofile      # CPU profile using performance counters
-<h2> <code><b>/pprof/heap</b></code> </h2>
-<p><code>pprof</code> asks for the url <code>/pprof/heap</code> to
-get heap information.  The actual url is controlled via the variable
-<code>HEAP_PAGE</code> in the <code>pprof</code> script, so you
-can change it if you'd like.</p>
-<p>There are two ways to get this data.  The first is to call</p>
-    MallocExtension::instance()->GetHeapSample(&output);
-<p>and have the server send <code>output</code> back as an HTTP
-response to <code>pprof</code>.  <code>MallocExtension</code> is
-defined in the header file <code>gperftools/malloc_extension.h</code>.</p>
-<p>Note this will only only work if the binary is being run with
-sampling turned on (which is not the default).  To do this, set the
-environment variable <code>TCMALLOC_SAMPLE_PARAMETER</code> to a
-positive value, such as 524288, before running.</p>
-<p>The other way is to call <code>HeapProfileStart(filename)</code>
-(from <code>heap-profiler.h</code>), continue to do work, and then,
-some number of seconds later, call <code>GetHeapProfile()</code>
-(followed by <code>HeapProfilerStop()</code>).  The server can send
-the output of <code>GetHeapProfile</code> back as the HTTP response to
-pprof.  (Note you must <code>free()</code> this data after using it.)
-This is similar to how <A HREF="#profile">profile requests</A> are
-handled, below.  This technique does not require the application to
-run with sampling turned on.</p>
-<p>Here's an example of what the output should look like:</p>
-heap profile:   1923: 127923432 [  1923: 127923432] @ heap_v2/524288
-     1:      312 [     1:      312] @ 0x2aaaabaf5ccc 0x2aaaaba4cd2c 0x2aaaac08c09a
-   928: 122586016 [   928: 122586016] @ 0x2aaaabaf682c 0x400680 0x400bdd 0x2aaaab1c368a 0x2aaaab1c8f77 0x2aaaab1c0396 0x2aaaab1c86ed 0x4007ff 0x2aaaaca62afa
-     1:       16 [     1:       16] @ 0x2aaaabaf5ccc 0x2aaaabb04bac 0x2aaaabc1b262 0x2aaaabc21496 0x2aaaabc214bb
-<p> Older code may produce "version 1" heap profiles which look like this:<p/>
-heap profile:  14933: 791700132 [ 14933: 791700132] @ heap
-     1:   848688 [     1:   848688] @ 0xa4b142 0x7f5bfc 0x87065e 0x4056e9 0x4125f8 0x42b4f1 0x45b1ba 0x463248 0x460871 0x45cb7c 0x5f1744 0x607cee 0x5f4a5e 0x40080f 0x2aaaabad7afa
-     1:  1048576 [     1:  1048576] @ 0xa4a9b2 0x7fd025 0x4ca6d8 0x4ca814 0x4caa88 0x2aaaab104cf0 0x404e20 0x4125f8 0x42b4f1 0x45b1ba 0x463248 0x460871 0x45cb7c 0x5f1744 0x607cee 0x5f4a5e 0x40080f 0x2aaaabad7afa
-  2942: 388629374 [  2942: 388629374] @ 0xa4b142 0x4006a0 0x400bed 0x5f0cfa 0x5f1744 0x607cee 0x5f4a5e 0x40080f 0x2aaaabad7afa
-<p>pprof accepts both old and new heap profiles and automatically
-detects which one you are using.</p>
-<h2> <code><b>/pprof/growth</b></code> </h2>
-<p><code>pprof</code> asks for the url <code>/pprof/growth</code> to
-get heap-profiling delta (growth) information.  The actual url is
-controlled via the variable <code>GROWTH_PAGE</code> in the
-<code>pprof</code> script, so you can change it if you'd like.</p>
-<p>The server should respond by calling</p>
-    MallocExtension::instance()->GetHeapGrowthStacks(&output);
-<p>and sending <code>output</code> back as an HTTP response to
-<code>pprof</code>.  <code>MallocExtension</code> is defined in the
-header file <code>gperftools/malloc_extension.h</code>.</p>
-<p>Here's an example, from an actual Google webserver, of what the
-output should look like:</p>
-heap profile:    741: 812122112 [   741: 812122112] @ growth
-     1:  1572864 [     1:  1572864] @ 0x87da564 0x87db8a3 0x84787a4 0x846e851 0x836d12f 0x834cd1c 0x8349ba5 0x10a3177 0x8349961
-     1:  1048576 [     1:  1048576] @ 0x87d92e8 0x87d9213 0x87d9178 0x87d94d3 0x87da9da 0x8a364ff 0x8a437e7 0x8ab7d23 0x8ab7da9 0x8ac7454 0x8348465 0x10a3161 0x8349961
-<h2> <A NAME="profile"><code><b>/pprof/profile</b></code></A> </h2>
-<p><code>pprof</code> asks for the url
-<code>/pprof/profile?seconds=XX</code> to get cpu-profiling
-information.  The actual url is controlled via the variable
-<code>PROFILE_PAGE</code> in the <code>pprof</code> script, so you can
-change it if you'd like.</p>
-<p>The server should respond by calling
-<code>ProfilerStart(filename)</code>, continuing to do its work, and
-then, XX seconds later, calling <code>ProfilerStop()</code>.  (These
-functions are declared in <code>gperftools/profiler.h</code>.)  The
-application is responsible for picking a unique filename for
-<code>ProfilerStart()</code>.  After calling
-<code>ProfilerStop()</code>, the server should read the contents of
-<code>filename</code> and send them back as an HTTP response to
-<p>Obviously, to get useful profile information the application must
-continue to run in the XX seconds that the profiler is running.  Thus,
-the profile start-stop calls should be done in a separate thread, or
-be otherwise non-blocking.</p>
-<p>The profiler output file is binary, but near the end of it, it
-should have lines of text somewhat like this:</p>
-01016000-01017000 rw-p 00015000 03:01 59314      /lib/
-<h2> <code><b>/pprof/pmuprofile</b></code> </h2>
-<code>pprof</code> asks for a url of the form
-to get cpu-profiling information.  The actual url is controlled via the variable
-<code>PMUPROFILE_PAGE</code> in the <code>pprof</code> script, so you can
-change it if you'd like.</p> 
-This is similar to pprof, but is meant to be used with your CPU's hardware 
-performance counters. The server could be implemented on top of a library 
-such as <a href="">
-<code>libpfm</code></a>. It should collect a sample every nnn occurrences 
-of the event and stop the sampling after xxx seconds. Much of the code 
-for <code>/pprof/profile</code> can be reused for this purpose.
-<p>The server side routines (the equivalent of
-ProfilerStart/ProfilerStart) are not available as part of perftools,
-so this URL is unlikely to be that useful.</p>
-<h2> <code><b>/pprof/contention</b></code> </h2>
-<p>This is intended to be able to profile (thread) lock contention in
-addition to CPU and memory use.  It's not yet usable.</p>
-<h2> <code><b>/pprof/cmdline</b></code> </h2>
-<p><code>pprof</code> asks for the url <code>/pprof/cmdline</code> to
-figure out what application it's profiling.  The actual url is
-controlled via the variable <code>PROGRAM_NAME_PAGE</code> in the
-<code>pprof</code> script, so you can change it if you'd like.</p>
-<p>The server should respond by reading the contents of
-<code>/proc/self/cmdline</code>, converting all internal NUL (\0)
-characters to newlines, and sending the result back as an HTTP
-response to <code>pprof</code>.</p>
-<p>Here's an example return value:<p>
-<h2> <code><b>/pprof/symbol</b></code> </h2>
-<p><code>pprof</code> asks for the url <code>/pprof/symbol</code> to
-map from hex addresses to variable names.  The actual url is
-controlled via the variable <code>SYMBOL_PAGE</code> in the
-<code>pprof</code> script, so you can change it if you'd like.</p>
-<p>When the server receives a GET request for
-<code>/pprof/symbol</code>, it should return a line formatted like
-   num_symbols: ###
-<p>where <code>###</code> is the number of symbols found in the
-binary.  (For now, the only important distinction is whether the value
-is 0, which it is for executables that lack debug information, or
-<p>This is perhaps the hardest request to write code for, because in
-addition to the GET request for this url, the server must accept POST
-requests.  This means that after the HTTP headers, pprof will pass in
-a list of hex addresses connected by <code>+</code>, like so:</p>
-   curl -d '0x0824d061+0x0824d1cf' http://remote_host:80/pprof/symbol
-<p>The server should read the POST data, which will be in one line,
-and for each hex value, should write one line of output to the output
-stream, like so:</p>
-&lt;hex address&gt;&lt;tab&gt;&lt;function name&gt;
-<p>For instance:</p>
-0x08b2dabd    _Update
-<p>The other reason this is the most difficult request to implement,
-is that the application will have to figure out for itself how to map
-from address to function name.  One possibility is to run <code>nm -C
--n &lt;program name&gt;</code> to get the mappings at
-program-compile-time.  Another, at least on Linux, is to call out to
-addr2line for every <code>pprof/symbol</code> call, for instance
-<code>addr2line -Cfse /proc/<getpid>/exe 0x12345678 0x876543210</code>
-(presumably with some caching!)</p>
-<p><code>pprof</code> itself does just this for local profiles (not
-ones that talk to remote servers); look at the subroutine
-Last modified: Mon Jun 12 21:30:14 PDT 2006
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3cb42ab..0000000
--- a/third_party/gperftools/doc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-digraph SpanMap {
-node [shape=box, width=0.3, height=0.3]
-map [shape=record, width=6, label="<f0>|<f1>|<f2>|<f3>|<f4>|<f5>|<f6>|<f7>|<f8>|<f9>|<f10>"]
-S0 [label="a"]
-S1 [label="b"]
-S2 [label="c"]
-S3 [label="d"]
-map:f0 -> S0
-map:f1 -> S0
-map:f2 -> S1
-map:f3 -> S2
-map:f4 -> S2
-map:f5 -> S2
-map:f6 -> S2
-map:f7 -> S2
-map:f8 -> S3
-map:f9 -> S3
-map:f10 -> S3
diff --git a/third_party/gperftools/doc/spanmap.gif b/third_party/gperftools/doc/spanmap.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index a0627f6..0000000
Binary files a/third_party/gperftools/doc/spanmap.gif and /dev/null differ