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svn commit: r1894611 [2/5] - in /httpd/httpd/trunk: ./ test/ test/modules/md/ test/modules/md/data/ test/modules/md/data/store_migrate/ test/modules/md/data/store_migrate/1.0/ test/modules/md/data/store_migrate/1.0/sample1/ test/modules/md/data/store_m...

Added: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
--- httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ (added)
+++ httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ Fri Oct 29 10:05:29 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+import copy
+import inspect
+import json
+import logging
+from configparser import ConfigParser, ExtendedInterpolation
+import pytest
+import re
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import time
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from typing import Dict, Optional
+from pyhttpd.certs import CertificateSpec
+from .md_cert_util import MDCertUtil
+from pyhttpd.env import HttpdTestSetup, HttpdTestEnv
+from pyhttpd.result import ExecResult
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class MDTestSetup(HttpdTestSetup):
+    def __init__(self, env: 'HttpdTestEnv'):
+        super().__init__(env=env)
+    def make(self):
+        super().make(add_modules=["proxy_connect", "md"])
+        if "pebble" == self.env.acme_server:
+            self._make_pebble_conf()
+    def _make_pebble_conf(self):
+        our_dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(MDTestSetup))
+        conf_src_dir = os.path.join(our_dir, 'pebble')
+        conf_dest_dir = os.path.join(self.env.gen_dir, 'pebble')
+        if not os.path.exists(conf_dest_dir):
+            os.makedirs(conf_dest_dir)
+        for name in os.listdir(conf_src_dir):
+            src_path = os.path.join(conf_src_dir, name)
+            m = re.match(r'(.+).template', name)
+            if m:
+                self._make_template(src_path, os.path.join(conf_dest_dir,
+            elif os.path.isfile(src_path):
+                shutil.copy(src_path, os.path.join(conf_dest_dir, name))
+class MDTestEnv(HttpdTestEnv):
+    MD_S_UNKNOWN = 0
+    MD_S_COMPLETE = 2
+    MD_S_EXPIRED = 3
+    MD_S_ERROR = 4
+    EMPTY_JOUT = {'status': 0, 'output': []}
+    DOMAIN_SUFFIX = "" % time.time()
+    LOG_FMT_TIGHT = '%(levelname)s: %(message)s'
+    @classmethod
+    def get_acme_server(cls):
+        return os.environ['ACME'] if 'ACME' in os.environ else "pebble"
+    @classmethod
+    def has_acme_server(cls):
+        return cls.get_acme_server() != 'none'
+    @classmethod
+    def has_acme_eab(cls):
+        return cls.get_acme_server() == 'pebble'
+    @classmethod
+    def is_pebble(cls) -> bool:
+        return cls.get_acme_server() == 'pebble'
+    @classmethod
+    def lacks_ocsp(cls):
+        return cls.is_pebble()
+    @classmethod
+    def has_a2md(cls):
+        dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(HttpdTestEnv))
+        config = ConfigParser(interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation())
+, 'config.ini'))
+        bin_dir = config.get('global', 'bindir')
+        a2md_bin = os.path.join(bin_dir, 'a2md')
+        return os.path.isfile(a2md_bin)
+    def __init__(self, pytestconfig=None, setup_dirs=True):
+        super().__init__(pytestconfig=pytestconfig,
+                         local_dir=os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(MDTestEnv)),
+                         interesting_modules=["md"])
+        self._acme_server = self.get_acme_server()
+        self._acme_tos = "accepted"
+        self._acme_ca_pemfile = os.path.join(self.gen_dir, "apache/acme-ca.pem")
+        if "pebble" == self._acme_server:
+            self._acme_url = "https://localhost:14000/dir"
+            self._acme_eab_url = "https://localhost:14001/dir"
+        elif "boulder" == self._acme_server:
+            self._acme_url = "http://localhost:4001/directory"
+            self._acme_eab_url = None
+        else:
+            raise Exception(f"unknown ACME server type: {self._acme_server}")
+        self._acme_server_down = False
+        self._acme_server_ok = False
+        self._a2md_bin = os.path.join(self.bin_dir, 'a2md')
+        self._default_domain = f"test1.{self.http_tld}"
+        self._store_dir = "./md"
+        self.set_store_dir_default()
+        self.add_cert_specs([
+            CertificateSpec(domains=[f"expired.{self._http_tld}"],
+                            valid_from=timedelta(days=-100),
+                            valid_to=timedelta(days=-10)),
+            CertificateSpec(domains=["localhost"], key_type='rsa2048'),
+        ])
+        if setup_dirs:
+            self._setup = MDTestSetup(env=self)
+            self._setup.make()
+            self.issue_certs()
+            self.clear_store()
+    def set_store_dir_default(self):
+        dirpath = "md"
+        if self.httpd_is_at_least("2.5.0"):
+            dirpath = os.path.join("state", dirpath)
+        self.set_store_dir(dirpath)
+    def set_store_dir(self, dirpath):
+        self._store_dir = os.path.join(self.server_dir, dirpath)
+        if self.acme_url:
+            self.a2md_stdargs([self.a2md_bin, "-a", self.acme_url, "-d", self._store_dir,  "-C", self.acme_ca_pemfile, "-j"])
+            self.a2md_rawargs([self.a2md_bin, "-a", self.acme_url, "-d", self._store_dir,  "-C", self.acme_ca_pemfile])
+    def get_apxs_var(self, name: str) -> str:
+        p =[self._apxs, "-q", name], capture_output=True, text=True)
+        if p.returncode != 0:
+            return ""
+        return p.stdout.strip()
+    @property
+    def acme_server(self):
+        return self._acme_server
+    @property
+    def acme_url(self):
+        return self._acme_url
+    @property
+    def acme_tos(self):
+        return self._acme_tos
+    @property
+    def a2md_bin(self):
+        return self._a2md_bin
+    @property
+    def acme_ca_pemfile(self):
+        return self._acme_ca_pemfile
+    @property
+    def store_dir(self):
+        return self._store_dir
+    def get_request_domain(self, request):
+        return "%s-%s" % (re.sub(r'[_]', '-', request.node.originalname), MDTestEnv.DOMAIN_SUFFIX)
+    def get_method_domain(self, method):
+        return "%s-%s" % (re.sub(r'[_]', '-', method.__name__.lower()), MDTestEnv.DOMAIN_SUFFIX)
+    def get_module_domain(self, module):
+        return "%s-%s" % (re.sub(r'[_]', '-', module.__name__.lower()), MDTestEnv.DOMAIN_SUFFIX)
+    def get_class_domain(self, c):
+        return "%s-%s" % (re.sub(r'[_]', '-', c.__name__.lower()), MDTestEnv.DOMAIN_SUFFIX)
+    # --------- cmd execution ---------
+    _a2md_args = []
+    _a2md_args_raw = []
+    def a2md_stdargs(self, args):
+        self._a2md_args = [] + args
+    def a2md_rawargs(self, args):
+        self._a2md_args_raw = [] + args
+    def a2md(self, args, raw=False) -> ExecResult:
+        preargs = self._a2md_args
+        if raw:
+            preargs = self._a2md_args_raw
+        log.debug("running: {0} {1}".format(preargs, args))
+        return + args)
+    def check_acme(self):
+        if self._acme_server_ok:
+            return True
+        if self._acme_server_down:
+            pytest.skip(msg="ACME server not running")
+            return False
+        if self.is_live(self.acme_url, timeout=timedelta(seconds=0.5)):
+            self._acme_server_ok = True
+            return True
+        else:
+            self._acme_server_down = True
+  "ACME server not running", pytrace=False)
+            return False
+    def get_ca_pem_file(self, hostname: str) -> Optional[str]:
+        pem_file = super().get_ca_pem_file(hostname)
+        if pem_file is None:
+            pem_file = self.acme_ca_pemfile
+        return pem_file
+    # --------- access local store ---------
+    def purge_store(self):
+        log.debug("purge store dir: %s" % self._store_dir)
+        assert len(self._store_dir) > 1
+        if os.path.exists(self._store_dir):
+            shutil.rmtree(self._store_dir, ignore_errors=False)
+        os.makedirs(self._store_dir)
+    def clear_store(self):
+        log.debug("clear store dir: %s" % self._store_dir)
+        assert len(self._store_dir) > 1
+        if not os.path.exists(self._store_dir):
+            os.makedirs(self._store_dir)
+        for dirpath in ["challenges", "tmp", "archive", "domains", "accounts", "staging", "ocsp"]:
+            shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self._store_dir, dirpath), ignore_errors=True)
+    def clear_ocsp_store(self):
+        assert len(self._store_dir) > 1
+        dirpath = os.path.join(self._store_dir, "ocsp")
+        log.debug("clear ocsp store dir: %s" % dir)
+        if os.path.exists(dirpath):
+            shutil.rmtree(dirpath, ignore_errors=True)
+    def authz_save(self, name, content):
+        dirpath = os.path.join(self._store_dir, 'staging', name)
+        os.makedirs(dirpath)
+        open(os.path.join(dirpath, 'authz.json'), "w").write(content)
+    def path_store_json(self):
+        return os.path.join(self._store_dir, 'md_store.json')
+    def path_account(self, acct):
+        return os.path.join(self._store_dir, 'accounts', acct, 'account.json')
+    def path_account_key(self, acct):
+        return os.path.join(self._store_dir, 'accounts', acct, 'account.pem')
+    def store_domains(self):
+        return os.path.join(self._store_dir, 'domains')
+    def store_archives(self):
+        return os.path.join(self._store_dir, 'archive')
+    def store_stagings(self):
+        return os.path.join(self._store_dir, 'staging')
+    def store_challenges(self):
+        return os.path.join(self._store_dir, 'challenges')
+    def store_domain_file(self, domain, filename):
+        return os.path.join(self.store_domains(), domain, filename)
+    def store_archived_file(self, domain, version, filename):
+        return os.path.join(self.store_archives(), "%s.%d" % (domain, version), filename)
+    def store_staged_file(self, domain, filename):
+        return os.path.join(self.store_stagings(), domain, filename)
+    def path_fallback_cert(self, domain):
+        return os.path.join(self._store_dir, 'domains', domain, 'fallback-pubcert.pem')
+    def path_job(self, domain):
+        return os.path.join(self._store_dir, 'staging', domain, 'job.json')
+    def replace_store(self, src):
+        shutil.rmtree(self._store_dir, ignore_errors=False)
+        shutil.copytree(src, self._store_dir)
+    def list_accounts(self):
+        return os.listdir(os.path.join(self._store_dir, 'accounts'))
+    def check_md(self, domain, md=None, state=-1, ca=None, protocol=None, agreement=None, contacts=None):
+        domains = None
+        if isinstance(domain, list):
+            domains = domain
+            domain = domains[0]
+        if md:
+            domain = md
+        path = self.store_domain_file(domain, 'md.json')
+        with open(path) as f:
+            md = json.load(f)
+        assert md
+        if domains:
+            assert md['domains'] == domains
+        if state >= 0:
+            assert md['state'] == state
+        if ca:
+            assert md['ca']['url'] == ca
+        if protocol:
+            assert md['ca']['proto'] == protocol
+        if agreement:
+            assert md['ca']['agreement'] == agreement
+        if contacts:
+            assert md['contacts'] == contacts
+    def pkey_fname(self, pkeyspec=None):
+        if pkeyspec and not re.match(r'^rsa( ?\d+)?$', pkeyspec.lower()):
+            return "privkey.{0}.pem".format(pkeyspec.lower())
+        return 'privkey.pem'
+    def cert_fname(self, pkeyspec=None):
+        if pkeyspec and not re.match(r'^rsa( ?\d+)?$', pkeyspec.lower()):
+            return "pubcert.{0}.pem".format(pkeyspec.lower())
+        return 'pubcert.pem'
+    def check_md_complete(self, domain, pkey=None):
+        md = self.get_md_status(domain)
+        assert md
+        assert 'state' in md, "md is unexpected: {0}".format(md)
+        assert md['state'] is MDTestEnv.MD_S_COMPLETE, f"unexpected state: {md['state']}"
+        pkey_file = self.store_domain_file(domain, self.pkey_fname(pkey))
+        cert_file = self.store_domain_file(domain, self.cert_fname(pkey))
+        r =['ls', os.path.dirname(pkey_file)])
+        if not os.path.isfile(pkey_file):
+            assert False, f"pkey missing: {pkey_file}: {r.stdout}"
+        if not os.path.isfile(cert_file):
+            assert False, f"cert missing: {cert_file}: {r.stdout}"
+    def check_md_credentials(self, domain):
+        if isinstance(domain, list):
+            domains = domain
+            domain = domains[0]
+        else:
+            domains = [domain]
+        # check private key, validate certificate, etc
+        MDCertUtil.validate_privkey(self.store_domain_file(domain, 'privkey.pem'))
+        cert = MDCertUtil(self.store_domain_file(domain, 'pubcert.pem'))
+        cert.validate_cert_matches_priv_key(self.store_domain_file(domain, 'privkey.pem'))
+        # check SANs and CN
+        assert cert.get_cn() == domain
+        # compare lists twice in opposite directions: SAN may not respect ordering
+        san_list = list(cert.get_san_list())
+        assert len(san_list) == len(domains)
+        assert set(san_list).issubset(domains)
+        assert set(domains).issubset(san_list)
+        # check valid dates interval
+        not_before = cert.get_not_before()
+        not_after = cert.get_not_after()
+        assert not_before <
+        assert not_after >
+    # --------- check utilities ---------
+    def check_json_contains(self, actual, expected):
+        # write all expected key:value bindings to a copy of the actual data ... 
+        # ... assert it stays unchanged 
+        test_json = copy.deepcopy(actual)
+        test_json.update(expected)
+        assert actual == test_json
+    def check_file_access(self, path, exp_mask):
+        actual_mask = os.lstat(path).st_mode & 0o777
+        assert oct(actual_mask) == oct(exp_mask)
+    def check_dir_empty(self, path):
+        assert os.listdir(path) == []
+    def get_http_status(self, domain, path, use_https=True):
+        r = self.get_meta(domain, path, use_https, insecure=True)
+        return r.response['status']
+    def get_cert(self, domain, tls=None, ciphers=None):
+        return MDCertUtil.load_server_cert(self._httpd_addr, self.https_port,
+                                           domain, tls=tls, ciphers=ciphers)
+    def get_server_cert(self, domain, proto=None, ciphers=None):
+        args = [
+            "openssl", "s_client", "-status",
+            "-connect", "%s:%s" % (self._httpd_addr, self.https_port),
+            "-CAfile", self.acme_ca_pemfile,
+            "-servername", domain,
+            "-showcerts"
+        ]
+        if proto is not None:
+            args.extend(["-{0}".format(proto)])
+        if ciphers is not None:
+            args.extend(["-cipher", ciphers])
+        r =
+        # noinspection PyBroadException
+        try:
+            return MDCertUtil.parse_pem_cert(r.stdout)
+        except:
+            return None
+    def verify_cert_key_lenghts(self, domain, pkeys):
+        for p in pkeys:
+            cert = self.get_server_cert(domain, proto="tls1_2", ciphers=p['ciphers'])
+            if 0 == p['keylen']:
+                assert cert is None
+            else:
+                assert cert, "no cert returned for cipher: {0}".format(p['ciphers'])
+                assert cert.get_key_length() == p['keylen'], "key length, expected {0}, got {1}".format(
+                    p['keylen'], cert.get_key_length()
+                )
+    def get_meta(self, domain, path, use_https=True, insecure=False):
+        schema = "https" if use_https else "http"
+        port = self.https_port if use_https else self.http_port
+        r = self.curl_get(f"{schema}://{domain}:{port}{path}", insecure=insecure)
+        assert r.exit_code == 0
+        assert r.response
+        assert r.response['header']
+        return r
+    def get_content(self, domain, path, use_https=True):
+        schema = "https" if use_https else "http"
+        port = self.https_port if use_https else self.http_port
+        r = self.curl_get(f"{schema}://{domain}:{port}{path}")
+        assert r.exit_code == 0
+        return r.stdout
+    def get_json_content(self, domain, path, use_https=True, insecure=False,
+                         debug_log=True):
+        schema = "https" if use_https else "http"
+        port = self.https_port if use_https else self.http_port
+        url = f"{schema}://{domain}:{port}{path}"
+        r = self.curl_get(url, insecure=insecure, debug_log=debug_log)
+        if r.exit_code != 0:
+            log.error(f"curl get on {url} returned {r.exit_code}"
+                      f"\nstdout: {r.stdout}"
+                      f"\nstderr: {r.stderr}")
+        assert r.exit_code == 0, r.stderr
+        return r.json
+    def get_certificate_status(self, domain) -> Dict:
+        return self.get_json_content(domain, "/.httpd/certificate-status", insecure=True)
+    def get_md_status(self, domain, via_domain=None, use_https=True, debug_log=False) -> Dict:
+        if via_domain is None:
+            via_domain = self._default_domain
+        return self.get_json_content(via_domain, f"/md-status/{domain}",
+                                     use_https=use_https, debug_log=debug_log)
+    def get_server_status(self, query="/", via_domain=None, use_https=True):
+        if via_domain is None:
+            via_domain = self._default_domain
+        return self.get_content(via_domain, "/server-status%s" % query, use_https=use_https)
+    def await_completion(self, names, must_renew=False, restart=True, timeout=60,
+                         via_domain=None, use_https=True):
+        try_until = time.time() + timeout
+        renewals = {}
+        names = names.copy()
+        while len(names) > 0:
+            if time.time() >= try_until:
+                return False
+            for name in names:
+                mds = self.get_md_status(name, via_domain=via_domain, use_https=use_https)
+                if mds is None:
+                    log.debug("not managed by md: %s" % name)
+                    return False
+                if 'renewal' in mds:
+                    renewal = mds['renewal']
+                    renewals[name] = True
+                    if 'finished' in renewal and renewal['finished'] is True:
+                        if (not must_renew) or (name in renewals):
+                            log.debug(f"domain cert was renewed: {name}")
+                            names.remove(name)
+            if len(names) != 0:
+                time.sleep(0.1)
+        if restart:
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+            return self.apache_restart() == 0
+        return True
+    def is_renewing(self, name):
+        stat = self.get_certificate_status(name)
+        return 'renewal' in stat
+    def await_renewal(self, names, timeout=60):
+        try_until = time.time() + timeout
+        while len(names) > 0:
+            if time.time() >= try_until:
+                return False
+            for name in names:
+                md = self.get_md_status(name)
+                if md is None:
+                    log.debug("not managed by md: %s" % name)
+                    return False
+                if 'renewal' in md:
+                    names.remove(name)
+            if len(names) != 0:
+                time.sleep(0.1)
+        return True
+    def await_error(self, domain, timeout=60, via_domain=None, use_https=True, errors=1):
+        try_until = time.time() + timeout
+        while True:
+            if time.time() >= try_until:
+                return False
+            md = self.get_md_status(domain, via_domain=via_domain, use_https=use_https)
+            if md:
+                if 'state' in md and md['state'] == MDTestEnv.MD_S_ERROR:
+                    return md
+                if 'renewal' in md and 'errors' in md['renewal'] \
+                        and md['renewal']['errors'] >= errors:
+                    return md
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+        return None
+    def await_file(self, fpath, timeout=60):
+        try_until = time.time() + timeout
+        while True:
+            if time.time() >= try_until:
+                return False
+            if os.path.isfile(fpath):
+                return True
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+    def check_file_permissions(self, domain):
+        dpath = os.path.join(self.store_dir, 'domains', domain)
+        assert os.path.isdir(dpath)
+        md = json.load(open(os.path.join(dpath, 'md.json')))
+        assert md
+        acct = md['ca']['account']
+        assert acct
+        self.check_file_access(self.path_store_json(), 0o600)
+        # domains
+        self.check_file_access(self.store_domains(), 0o700)
+        self.check_file_access(os.path.join(self.store_domains(), domain), 0o700)
+        self.check_file_access(self.store_domain_file(domain, 'privkey.pem'), 0o600)
+        self.check_file_access(self.store_domain_file(domain, 'pubcert.pem'), 0o600)
+        self.check_file_access(self.store_domain_file(domain, 'md.json'), 0o600)
+        # archive
+        self.check_file_access(self.store_archived_file(domain, 1, 'md.json'), 0o600)
+        # accounts
+        self.check_file_access(os.path.join(self._store_dir, 'accounts'), 0o755)
+        self.check_file_access(os.path.join(self._store_dir, 'accounts', acct), 0o755)
+        self.check_file_access(self.path_account(acct), 0o644)
+        self.check_file_access(self.path_account_key(acct), 0o644)
+        # staging
+        self.check_file_access(self.store_stagings(), 0o755)
+    def get_ocsp_status(self, domain, proto=None, cipher=None, ca_file=None):
+        stat = {}
+        args = [
+            "openssl", "s_client", "-status",
+            "-connect", "%s:%s" % (self._httpd_addr, self.https_port),
+            "-CAfile", ca_file if ca_file else self.acme_ca_pemfile,
+            "-servername", domain,
+            "-showcerts"
+        ]
+        if proto is not None:
+            args.extend(["-{0}".format(proto)])
+        if cipher is not None:
+            args.extend(["-cipher", cipher])
+        r =, debug_log=False)
+        ocsp_regex = re.compile(r'OCSP response: +([^=\n]+)\n')
+        matches = ocsp_regex.finditer(r.stdout)
+        for m in matches:
+            if != "":
+                stat['ocsp'] =
+        if 'ocsp' not in stat:
+            ocsp_regex = re.compile(r'OCSP Response Status:\s*(.+)')
+            matches = ocsp_regex.finditer(r.stdout)
+            for m in matches:
+                if != "":
+                    stat['ocsp'] =
+        verify_regex = re.compile(r'Verify return code:\s*(.+)')
+        matches = verify_regex.finditer(r.stdout)
+        for m in matches:
+            if != "":
+                stat['verify'] =
+        return stat
+    def await_ocsp_status(self, domain, timeout=10, ca_file=None):
+        try_until = time.time() + timeout
+        while True:
+            if time.time() >= try_until:
+                break
+            stat = self.get_ocsp_status(domain, ca_file=ca_file)
+            if 'ocsp' in stat and stat['ocsp'] != "no response sent":
+                return stat
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+        raise TimeoutError(f"ocsp respopnse not available: {domain}")
+    def create_self_signed_cert(self, name_list, valid_days, serial=1000, path=None):
+        dirpath = path
+        if not path:
+            dirpath = os.path.join(self.store_domains(), name_list[0])
+        return MDCertUtil.create_self_signed_cert(dirpath, name_list, valid_days, serial)
\ No newline at end of file

Propchange: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
    svn:executable = *

Added: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
--- httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ (added)
+++ httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ Fri Oct 29 10:05:29 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import sys
+def main(argv):
+    if len(argv) > 2:
+        cmd = argv[2]
+        if 'renewing' != cmd:
+            f1 = open(argv[1], 'a+')
+            f1.write(f'{argv}\n')
+            if 'MD_VERSION' in os.environ:
+                f1.write(f'MD_VERSION={os.environ["MD_VERSION"]}\n')
+            if 'MD_STORE' in os.environ:
+                f1.write(f'MD_STORE={os.environ["MD_STORE"]}\n')
+            f1.close()
+        sys.stderr.write("done, all fine.\n")
+        sys.exit(0)
+    else:
+        sys.stderr.write(f"{argv[0]} without arguments")
+        sys.exit(7)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main(sys.argv)

Propchange: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
    svn:executable = *

Added: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
--- httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ (added)
+++ httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ Fri Oct 29 10:05:29 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import sys
+def main(argv):
+    if len(argv) > 3:
+        log = argv[1]
+        fail_on = argv[2]
+        cmd = argv[3]
+        domain = argv[4]
+        if 'renewing' != cmd:
+            f1 = open(log, 'a+')
+            f1.write(f"{[argv[0], log, cmd, domain]}\n")
+            f1.close()
+        if cmd.startswith(fail_on):
+            sys.stderr.write(f"failing on: {cmd}\n")
+            sys.exit(1)
+        sys.stderr.write("done, all fine.\n")
+        sys.exit(0)
+    else:
+        sys.stderr.write("%s without arguments" % (argv[0]))
+        sys.exit(7)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main(sys.argv)

Propchange: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
    svn:executable = *

Added: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
--- httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ (added)
+++ httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ Fri Oct 29 10:05:29 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+def main(argv):
+    if len(argv) > 1:
+        msg = argv[2] if len(argv) > 2 else None
+        # fail on later messaging stages, not the initial 'renewing' one.
+        # we have test_901_030 that check that later stages are not invoked
+        # when misconfigurations are detected early.
+        sys.exit(1 if msg != "renewing" else 0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main(sys.argv)

Propchange: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
    svn:executable = *

Added: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
--- httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ (added)
+++ httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ Fri Oct 29 10:05:29 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+def main(argv):
+    if len(argv) > 2:
+        with open(argv[1], 'a+') as f1:
+            f1.write(f"{argv}\n")
+        sys.stderr.write("done, all fine.\n")
+        sys.exit(0)
+    else:
+        sys.stderr.write(f"{argv[0]} without arguments")
+        sys.exit(7)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main(sys.argv)

Propchange: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
    svn:executable = *

Added: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/pebble/pebble-eab.json.template
--- httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/pebble/pebble-eab.json.template (added)
+++ httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/pebble/pebble-eab.json.template Fri Oct 29 10:05:29 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+  "pebble": {
+    "listenAddress": "",
+    "managementListenAddress": "",
+    "certificate": "${server_dir}/ca/localhost.rsa2048.cert.pem",
+    "privateKey": "${server_dir}/ca/localhost.rsa2048.pkey.pem",
+    "httpPort": ${http_port},
+    "tlsPort": ${https_port},
+    "ocspResponderURL": "",
+    "externalAccountBindingRequired": true,
+    "externalAccountMACKeys": {
+      "kid-1": "zWNDZM6eQGHWpSRTPal5eIUYFTu7EajVIoguysqZ9wG44nMEtx3MUAsUDkMTQ12W",
+      "kid-2": "b10lLJs8l1GPIzsLP0s6pMt8O0XVGnfTaCeROxQM0BIt2XrJMDHJZBM5NuQmQJQH"
+    }
+  }

Added: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/pebble/pebble.json.template
--- httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/pebble/pebble.json.template (added)
+++ httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/pebble/pebble.json.template Fri Oct 29 10:05:29 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  "pebble": {
+    "listenAddress": "",
+    "managementListenAddress": "",
+    "certificate": "${server_dir}/ca/localhost.rsa2048.cert.pem",
+    "privateKey": "${server_dir}/ca/localhost.rsa2048.pkey.pem",
+    "httpPort": ${http_port},
+    "tlsPort": ${https_port},
+    "ocspResponderURL": "",
+    "externalAccountBindingRequired": false
+  }

Added: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
--- httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ (added)
+++ httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ Fri Oct 29 10:05:29 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# test mod_md acme terms-of-service handling
+import re
+import pytest
+from .md_env import MDTestEnv
+def md_name(md):
+    return md['name']
+@pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not MDTestEnv.has_a2md(), reason="no a2md available")
+class TestStore:
+    @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='function')
+    def _method_scope(self, env):
+        env.purge_store()
+    # verify expected binary version
+    def test_md_001_001(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        r =[env.a2md_bin, "-V"])
+        m = re.match(r'version: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(-git)?$', r.stdout)
+        assert m, f"expected version info in '{r.stdout}'"
+    # verify that store is clean
+    def test_md_001_002(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        r =["find", env.store_dir])
+        assert re.match(env.store_dir, r.stdout)
+    # test case: add a single dns managed domain
+    def test_md_001_100(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        dns = ""
+        env.check_json_contains(
+            env.a2md(["store", "add", dns]).json['output'][0],
+            {
+                "name": dns,
+                "domains": [dns],
+                "contacts": [],
+                "ca": {
+                    "url": env.acme_url,
+                    "proto": "ACME"
+                },
+                "state": 0
+            })
+    # test case: add > 1 dns managed domain
+    def test_md_001_101(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        dns = ["", "", ""]
+        env.check_json_contains(
+            env.a2md(["store", "add"] + dns).json['output'][0],
+            {
+                "name": dns[0],
+                "domains": dns,
+                "contacts": [],
+                "ca": {
+                    "url": env.acme_url,
+                    "proto": "ACME"
+                },
+                "state": 0
+            })
+    # test case: add second managed domain
+    def test_md_001_102(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        dns1 = ["", "", ""]
+        assert env.a2md(["store", "add"] + dns1).exit_code == 0
+        #
+        # add second managed domain
+        dns2 = ["", "", ""]
+        jout = env.a2md(["store", "add"] + dns2).json
+        # assert: output covers only changed md
+        assert len(jout['output']) == 1
+        env.check_json_contains(jout['output'][0], {
+            "name": dns2[0],
+            "domains": dns2,
+            "contacts": [],
+            "ca": {
+                "url": env.acme_url,
+                "proto": "ACME"
+            },
+            "state": 0
+        })
+    # test case: add existing domain 
+    def test_md_001_103(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        dns = ""
+        assert env.a2md(["store", "add", dns]).exit_code == 0
+        # add same domain again
+        assert env.a2md(["store", "add", dns]).exit_code == 1
+    # test case: add without CA URL
+    def test_md_001_104(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        dns = ""
+        args = [env.a2md_bin, "-d", env.store_dir, "-j", "store", "add", dns]
+        jout =
+        assert len(jout['output']) == 1
+        env.check_json_contains(jout['output'][0], {
+            "name": dns,
+            "domains": [dns],
+            "contacts": [],
+            "ca": {
+                "proto": "ACME"
+            },
+            "state": 0
+        })
+    # test case: list empty store
+    def test_md_001_200(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        assert env.a2md(["store", "list"]).json == env.EMPTY_JOUT
+    # test case: list two managed domains
+    def test_md_001_201(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        domains = [ 
+            ["", "", ""],
+            ["", "", ""]
+        ]
+        for dns in domains:
+            assert env.a2md(["store", "add"] + dns).exit_code == 0
+        #
+        # list all store content
+        jout = env.a2md(["store", "list"]).json
+        assert len(jout['output']) == len(domains)
+        domains.reverse()
+        jout['output'] = sorted(jout['output'], key=md_name)
+        for i in range(0, len(jout['output'])):
+            env.check_json_contains(jout['output'][i], {
+                "name": domains[i][0],
+                "domains": domains[i],
+                "contacts": [],
+                "ca": {
+                    "url": env.acme_url,
+                    "proto": "ACME"
+                },
+                "state": 0
+            })
+    # test case: remove managed domain
+    def test_md_001_300(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        dns = ""
+        assert env.a2md(["store", "add", dns]).exit_code == 0
+        assert env.a2md(["store", "remove", dns]).json == env.EMPTY_JOUT
+        assert env.a2md(["store", "list"]).json == env.EMPTY_JOUT
+    # test case: remove from list of managed domains 
+    def test_md_001_301(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        dns1 = ["", "", ""]
+        assert env.a2md(["store", "add"] + dns1).exit_code == 0
+        #
+        dns2 = ["", "", ""]
+        jout1 = env.a2md(["store", "add"] + dns2).json
+        # remove managed domain
+        assert env.a2md(["store", "remove", ""]).json == env.EMPTY_JOUT
+        # list store content
+        assert env.a2md(["store", "list"]).json == jout1
+    # test case: remove nonexisting managed domain
+    def test_md_001_302(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        dns1 = ""
+        r = env.a2md(["store", "remove", dns1])
+        assert r.exit_code == 1
+        assert r.json == {
+            'status': 2, 'description': 'No such file or directory', 'output': []
+        }
+    # test case: force remove nonexisting managed domain
+    def test_md_001_303(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        dns1 = ""
+        assert env.a2md(["store", "remove", "-f", dns1]).json == env.EMPTY_JOUT
+    # test case: null change
+    def test_md_001_400(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        dns = ""
+        r1 = env.a2md(["store", "add", dns])
+        assert env.a2md(["store", "update", dns]).json == r1.json
+    # test case: add dns to managed domain
+    def test_md_001_401(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        dns1 = ""
+        env.a2md(["store", "add", dns1])
+        dns2 = ""
+        args = ["store", "update", dns1, "domains", dns1, dns2]
+        assert env.a2md(args).json['output'][0]['domains'] == [dns1, dns2]
+    # test case: change CA URL
+    def test_md_001_402(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        dns = ""
+        args = ["store", "add", dns]
+        assert env.a2md(args).json['output'][0]['ca']['url'] == env.acme_url
+        nurl = ""
+        args = [env.a2md_bin, "-a", nurl, "-d", env.store_dir, "-j", "store", "update", dns]
+        assert['output'][0]['ca']['url'] == nurl
+    # test case: update nonexisting managed domain
+    def test_md_001_403(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        dns = ""
+        assert env.a2md(["store", "update", dns]).exit_code == 1
+    # test case: update domains, throw away md name
+    def test_md_001_404(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        dns1 = ""
+        dns2 = ""
+        args = ["store", "add", dns1]
+        assert env.a2md(args).json['output'][0]['domains'] == [dns1]
+        # override domains list
+        args = ["store", "update", dns1, "domains", dns2]
+        assert env.a2md(args).json['output'][0]['domains'] == [dns2]
+    # test case: update domains with empty dns list
+    def test_md_001_405(self, env: MDTestEnv):
+        dns1 = ""
+        assert env.a2md(["store", "add", dns1]).exit_code == 0
+        assert env.a2md(["store", "update", dns1, "domains"]).exit_code == 1

Added: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
--- httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ (added)
+++ httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ Fri Oct 29 10:05:29 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# test mod_md acme terms-of-service handling
+import os
+import pytest
+from .md_conf import MDConf
+from .md_env import MDTestEnv
+@pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not MDTestEnv.has_a2md(), reason="no a2md available")
+class TestStoreMigrate:
+    @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class')
+    def _class_scope(self, env):
+        MDConf(env).install()
+        assert env.apache_restart() == 0
+    # install old store, start a2md list, check files afterwards
+    def test_md_010_000(self, env):
+        domain = ""
+        env.replace_store(os.path.join(env.test_dir, "../modules/md/data/store_migrate/1.0/sample1"))
+        #
+        # use 1.0 file name for private key
+        fpkey_1_0 = os.path.join(env.store_dir, 'domains', domain, 'pkey.pem')
+        fpkey_1_1 = os.path.join(env.store_dir, 'domains', domain, 'privkey.pem')
+        cert_1_0 = os.path.join(env.store_dir, 'domains', domain, 'cert.pem')
+        cert_1_1 = os.path.join(env.store_dir, 'domains', domain, 'pubcert.pem')
+        chain_1_0 = os.path.join(env.store_dir, 'domains', domain, 'chain.pem')
+        #
+        assert os.path.exists(fpkey_1_0)
+        assert os.path.exists(cert_1_0)
+        assert os.path.exists(chain_1_0)
+        assert not os.path.exists(fpkey_1_1)
+        assert not os.path.exists(cert_1_1)
+        #
+        md = env.a2md(["-vvv", "list", domain]).json['output'][0]
+        assert domain == md["name"]
+        #
+        assert not os.path.exists(fpkey_1_0)
+        assert os.path.exists(cert_1_0)
+        assert os.path.exists(chain_1_0)
+        assert os.path.exists(fpkey_1_1)
+        assert os.path.exists(cert_1_1)

Added: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
--- httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ (added)
+++ httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ Fri Oct 29 10:05:29 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# test mod_md acme terms-of-service handling
+import pytest
+from .md_env import MDTestEnv
+@pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not MDTestEnv.has_a2md(), reason="no a2md available")
+@pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not MDTestEnv.has_acme_server(),
+                    reason="no ACME test server configured")
+class TestRegAdd:
+    @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='function')
+    def _method_scope(self, env):
+        env.purge_store()
+    # test case: add a single dns managed domain
+    def test_md_100_000(self, env):
+        dns = ""
+        jout1 = env.a2md(["add", dns]).json
+        env.check_json_contains(jout1['output'][0], {
+            "name": dns,
+            "domains": [dns],
+            "contacts": [],
+            "ca": {
+                "url": env.acme_url,
+                "proto": "ACME"
+            },
+            "state": env.MD_S_INCOMPLETE
+        })
+        assert env.a2md(["list"]).json == jout1
+    # test case: add > 1 dns managed domain
+    def test_md_100_001(self, env):
+        dns = ["", "", ""]
+        jout1 = env.a2md(["add"] + dns).json
+        env.check_json_contains(jout1['output'][0], {
+            "name": dns[0],
+            "domains": dns,
+            "contacts": [],
+            "ca": {
+                "url": env.acme_url,
+                "proto": "ACME"
+            },
+            "state": env.MD_S_INCOMPLETE
+        })
+        assert env.a2md(["list"]).json == jout1
+    # test case: add second managed domain
+    def test_md_100_002(self, env):
+        dns1 = ["", "", ""]
+        env.a2md(["add"] + dns1)
+        # add second managed domain
+        dns2 = ["", "", ""]
+        jout = env.a2md(["add"] + dns2).json
+        # assert: output covers only changed md
+        assert len(jout['output']) == 1
+        env.check_json_contains(jout['output'][0], {
+            "name": dns2[0],
+            "domains": dns2,
+            "contacts": [],
+            "ca": {
+                "url": env.acme_url,
+                "proto": "ACME"
+            },
+            "state": env.MD_S_INCOMPLETE
+        })
+        assert len(env.a2md(["list"]).json['output']) == 2
+    # test case: add existing domain 
+    def test_md_100_003(self, env):
+        dns = ""
+        assert env.a2md(["add", dns]).exit_code == 0
+        assert env.a2md(["add", dns]).exit_code == 1
+    # test case: add without CA URL
+    def test_md_100_004(self, env):
+        dns = ""
+        jout1 =[env.a2md_bin, "-d", env.store_dir, "-j", "add", dns]).json
+        assert len(jout1['output']) == 1
+        env.check_json_contains(jout1['output'][0], {
+            "name": dns,
+            "domains": [dns],
+            "contacts": [],
+            "ca": {
+                "proto": "ACME"
+            },
+            "state": env.MD_S_INCOMPLETE
+        })
+        assert env.a2md(["list"]).json == jout1
+    # test case: add with invalid DNS
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("invalid_dns", [
+        "tld", "white sp.ace", "invalid.*", "k\"
+    ])
+    def test_md_100_005(self, env, invalid_dns):
+        assert env.a2md(["add", invalid_dns]).exit_code == 1
+        assert env.a2md(["add", "", invalid_dns]).exit_code == 1
+    # test case: add with invalid ACME URL
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("invalid_url", [
+        "no.schema/path", "http://white space/path", "http://bad.port:-1/path"])
+    def test_md_100_006(self, env, invalid_url):
+        args = [env.a2md_bin, "-a", invalid_url, "-d", env.store_dir, "-j"]
+        dns = ""
+        args.extend(["add", dns])
+        assert == 1
+    # test case: add overlapping dns names
+    def test_md_100_007(self, env):
+        assert env.a2md(["add", "", ""]).exit_code == 0
+        # 1: alternate DNS exists as primary name
+        assert env.a2md(["add", "", ""]).exit_code == 1
+        # 2: alternate DNS exists as alternate DNS
+        assert env.a2md(["add", "", ""]).exit_code == 1
+        # 3: primary name exists as alternate DNS
+        assert env.a2md(["add", ""]).exit_code == 1
+    # test case: add subdomains as separate managed domain
+    def test_md_100_008(self, env):
+        assert env.a2md(["add", ""]).exit_code == 0
+        assert env.a2md(["add", ""]).exit_code == 0
+    # test case: add duplicate domain
+    def test_md_100_009(self, env):
+        dns1 = ""
+        dns2 = ""
+        jout = env.a2md(["add", dns1, dns2, dns1, dns2]).json
+        # DNS is only listed once
+        assert len(jout['output']) == 1
+        md = jout['output'][0]
+        assert md['domains'] == [dns1, dns2]
+    # test case: add pnuycode name
+    def test_md_100_010(self, env):
+        assert env.a2md(["add", ""]).exit_code == 0
+    # test case: don't sort alternate names
+    def test_md_100_011(self, env):
+        dns = ["", "", ""]
+        jout = env.a2md(["add"] + dns).json
+        # DNS is only listed as specified
+        assert len(jout['output']) == 1
+        md = jout['output'][0]
+        assert md['domains'] == dns
+    # test case: add DNS wildcard
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("wild_dns", [
+        "*"
+    ])
+    def test_md_100_012(self, env, wild_dns):
+        assert env.a2md(["add", wild_dns]).exit_code == 0

Added: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
--- httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ (added)
+++ httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ Fri Oct 29 10:05:29 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+# test mod_md acme terms-of-service handling
+import pytest
+from .md_env import MDTestEnv
+@pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not MDTestEnv.has_a2md(), reason="no a2md available")
+@pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not MDTestEnv.has_acme_server(),
+                    reason="no ACME test server configured")
+class TestRegUpdate:
+    NAME1 = ""
+    NAME2 = ""
+    @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='function')
+    def _method_scope(self, env):
+        env.clear_store()
+        # add managed domains
+        domains = [ 
+            [self.NAME1, "", ""],
+            [self.NAME2, "", ""]
+        ]
+        for dns in domains:
+            env.a2md(["-a", env.acme_url, "add"] + dns)
+    def teardown_method(self, method):
+        print("teardown_method: %s" % method.__name__)
+    # test case: update domains
+    def test_md_110_000(self, env):
+        dns = ["", ""]
+        output1 = env.a2md(["-vvvv", "update", self.NAME1, "domains"] + dns).json['output']
+        assert len(output1) == 1
+        env.check_json_contains(output1[0], {
+            "name": self.NAME1,
+            "domains": dns,
+            "contacts": [],
+            "ca": {
+                "url": env.acme_url,
+                "proto": "ACME"
+            },
+            "state": env.MD_S_INCOMPLETE
+        })
+        assert env.a2md(["list"]).json['output'][0] == output1[0]
+    # test case: remove all domains
+    def test_md_110_001(self, env):
+        assert env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "domains"]).exit_code == 1
+    # test case: update domains with invalid DNS
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("invalid_dns", [
+        "tld", "white sp.ace", "invalid.*", "k\"
+    ])
+    def test_md_110_002(self, env, invalid_dns):
+        assert env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "domains", invalid_dns]).exit_code == 1
+    # test case: update domains with overlapping DNS list
+    def test_md_110_003(self, env):
+        dns = [self.NAME1, self.NAME2]
+        assert env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "domains"] + dns).exit_code == 1
+    # test case: update with subdomains
+    def test_md_110_004(self, env):
+        dns = ["", ""]
+        md = env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "domains"] + dns).json['output'][0]
+        assert md['name'] == self.NAME1
+        assert md['domains'] == dns
+    # test case: update domains with duplicates
+    def test_md_110_005(self, env):
+        dns = [self.NAME1, self.NAME1, self.NAME1]
+        md = env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "domains"] + dns).json['output'][0]
+        assert md['name'] == self.NAME1
+        assert md['domains'] == [self.NAME1]
+    # test case: remove domains with punycode
+    def test_md_110_006(self, env):
+        dns = [self.NAME1, ""]
+        md = env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "domains"] + dns).json['output'][0]
+        assert md['name'] == self.NAME1
+        assert md['domains'] == dns
+    # test case: update non-existing managed domain
+    def test_md_110_007(self, env):
+        assert env.a2md(["update", "", "domains", ""]).exit_code == 1
+    # test case: update domains with DNS wildcard
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("wild_dns", [
+        "*"
+    ])
+    def test_md_110_008(self, env, wild_dns):
+        assert env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "domains", wild_dns]).exit_code == 0
+    # --------- update ca ---------
+    # test case: update CA URL
+    def test_md_110_100(self, env):
+        url = ""
+        output = env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "ca", url]).json['output']
+        assert len(output) == 1
+        env.check_json_contains(output[0], {
+            "name": self.NAME1,
+            "domains": [self.NAME1, "", ""],
+            "contacts": [],
+            "ca": {
+                "url": url,
+                "proto": "ACME"
+            },
+            "state": env.MD_S_INCOMPLETE
+        })
+    # test case: update CA with invalid URL
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("invalid_url", [
+        "no.schema/path", "http://white space/path", "http://bad.port:-1/path"
+    ])
+    def test_md_110_101(self, env, invalid_url):
+        assert env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "ca", invalid_url]).exit_code == 1
+    # test case: update ca protocol
+    def test_md_110_102(self, env):
+        md = env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "ca", env.acme_url, "FOO"]).json['output'][0]
+        env.check_json_contains(md['ca'], {
+            "url": env.acme_url,
+            "proto": "FOO"
+        })
+        assert md['state'] == 1
+    # test case: update account ID
+    def test_md_110_200(self, env):
+        acc_id = ""
+        output = env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "account", acc_id]).json['output']
+        assert len(output) == 1
+        env.check_json_contains(output[0], {
+            "name": self.NAME1,
+            "domains": [self.NAME1, "", ""],
+            "contacts": [],
+            "ca": {
+                "account": acc_id,
+                "url": env.acme_url,
+                "proto": "ACME"
+            },
+            "state": env.MD_S_INCOMPLETE
+        })
+    # test case: remove account ID
+    def test_md_110_201(self, env):
+        assert env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "account", ""]).exit_code == 0
+        md = env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "account"]).json['output'][0]
+        env.check_json_contains(md['ca'], {
+            "url": env.acme_url,
+            "proto": "ACME"
+        })
+        assert md['state'] == 1
+    # test case: change existing account ID
+    def test_md_110_202(self, env):
+        assert env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "account", ""]).exit_code == 0
+        md = env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "account", ""]).json['output'][0]
+        env.check_json_contains(md['ca'], {
+            "account": "",
+            "url": env.acme_url,
+            "proto": "ACME"
+        })
+        assert md['state'] == 1
+    # test case: ignore additional argument
+    def test_md_110_203(self, env):
+        md = env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "account", "",
+                       ""]).json['output'][0]
+        env.check_json_contains(md['ca'], {
+            "account": "",
+            "url": env.acme_url,
+            "proto": "ACME"
+        })
+        assert md['state'] == 1
+    # test case: add contact info
+    def test_md_110_300(self, env):
+        mail = ""
+        output = env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "contacts", mail]).json['output']
+        assert len(output) == 1
+        env.check_json_contains(output[0], {
+            "name": self.NAME1,
+            "domains": [self.NAME1, "", ""],
+            "contacts": ["mailto:" + mail],
+            "ca": {
+                "url": env.acme_url,
+                "proto": "ACME"
+            },
+            "state": env.MD_S_INCOMPLETE
+        })
+    # test case: add multiple contact info, preserve order
+    def test_md_110_301(self, env):
+        mail = ["", ""]
+        md = env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "contacts"] + mail).json['output'][0]
+        assert md['contacts'] == ["mailto:" + mail[0], "mailto:" + mail[1]]
+        assert md['state'] == 1
+    # test case: must not remove contact info
+    def test_md_110_302(self, env):
+        assert env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "contacts", ""]).exit_code == 0
+        assert env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "contacts"]).exit_code == 1
+    # test case: replace existing contact info
+    def test_md_110_303(self, env):
+        assert env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "contacts", ""]).exit_code == 0
+        md = env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "contacts", ""]).json['output'][0]
+        assert md['contacts'] == [""]
+        assert md['state'] == 1
+    # test case: use invalid mail address
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("invalid_mail", [
+        "", "with", "", "",
+        "", ""
+    ])
+    def test_md_110_304(self, env, invalid_mail):
+        # SEI: Uhm, es ist nicht sinnvoll, eine komplette verification von
+        # zu bauen?
+        assert env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "contacts", invalid_mail]).exit_code == 1
+    # test case: respect urls as given
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("url", [
+        "", "wrong://"])
+    def test_md_110_305(self, env, url):
+        md = env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "contacts", url]).json['output'][0]
+        assert md['contacts'] == [url]
+        assert md['state'] == 1
+    # test case: add tos agreement
+    def test_md_110_400(self, env):
+        output = env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "agreement", env.acme_tos]).json['output']
+        assert len(output) == 1
+        env.check_json_contains(output[0], {
+            "name": self.NAME1,
+            "domains": [self.NAME1, "", ""],
+            "contacts": [],
+            "ca": {
+                "url": env.acme_url,
+                "proto": "ACME",
+                "agreement": env.acme_tos
+            },
+            "state": env.MD_S_INCOMPLETE
+        })
+    # test case: remove tos agreement
+    def test_md_110_402(self, env):
+        assert env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "agreement", env.acme_tos]).exit_code == 0
+        md = env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "agreement"]).json['output'][0]
+        env.check_json_contains(md['ca'], {
+            "url": env.acme_url,
+            "proto": "ACME"
+        })
+        assert md['state'] == 1
+    # test case: ignore additional arguments
+    def test_md_110_403(self, env):
+        md = env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "agreement",
+                       env.acme_tos, "http://invalid.tos/"]).json['output'][0]
+        env.check_json_contains(md['ca'], {
+            "url": env.acme_url,
+            "proto": "ACME",
+            "agreement": env.acme_tos
+        })
+        assert md['state'] == 1
+    # test case: update agreement with invalid URL
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("invalid_url", [
+        "no.schema/path", "http://white space/path", "http://bad.port:-1/path"
+    ])
+    def test_md_110_404(self, env, invalid_url):
+        assert env.a2md(["update", self.NAME1, "agreement", invalid_url]).exit_code == 1

Added: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
--- httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ (added)
+++ httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ Fri Oct 29 10:05:29 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# test mod_md acme terms-of-service handling
+from shutil import copyfile
+import pytest
+from .md_env import MDTestEnv
+@pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not MDTestEnv.has_a2md(), reason="no a2md available")
+@pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not MDTestEnv.has_acme_server(),
+                    reason="no ACME test server configured")
+class TestRegAdd:
+    @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='function')
+    def _method_scope(self, env):
+        env.clear_store()
+    # test case: list empty store
+    def test_md_120_000(self, env):
+        assert env.a2md(["list"]).json == env.EMPTY_JOUT
+    # test case: list two managed domains
+    def test_md_120_001(self, env):
+        domains = [ 
+            ["", "", ""],
+            ["", "", ""]
+        ]
+        for dns in domains:
+            assert env.a2md(["add"] + dns).exit_code == 0
+        #
+        # list all store content
+        jout = env.a2md(["list"]).json
+        assert len(jout['output']) == len(domains)
+        domains.reverse()
+        for i in range(0, len(jout['output'])):
+            env.check_json_contains(jout['output'][i], {
+                "name": domains[i][0],
+                "domains": domains[i],
+                "contacts": [],
+                "ca": {
+                    "url": env.acme_url,
+                    "proto": "ACME"
+                },
+                "state": env.MD_S_INCOMPLETE
+            })
+        # list md by name
+        for dns in ["", ""]:
+            md = env.a2md(["list", dns]).json['output'][0]
+            assert md['name'] == dns
+    # test case: validate md state in store
+    def test_md_120_002(self, env):
+        # check: md without pkey/cert -> INCOMPLETE
+        domain = f"test1.{env.http_tld}"
+        assert env.a2md(["add", domain]).exit_code == 0
+        assert env.a2md(["update", domain, "contacts", "admin@" + domain]).exit_code == 0
+        assert env.a2md(["update", domain, "agreement", env.acme_tos]).exit_code == 0
+        assert env.a2md(["list", domain]).json['output'][0]['state'] == env.MD_S_INCOMPLETE
+        # check: valid pkey/cert -> COMPLETE
+        cred = env.get_credentials_for_name(domain)[0]
+        copyfile(cred.pkey_file, env.store_domain_file(domain, 'privkey.pem'))
+        copyfile(cred.cert_file, env.store_domain_file(domain, 'pubcert.pem'))
+        assert env.a2md(["list", domain]).json['output'][0]['state'] == env.MD_S_COMPLETE
+        # check: expired cert -> EXPIRED
+        cred = env.get_credentials_for_name(f"expired.{env.http_tld}")[0]
+        copyfile(cred.pkey_file, env.store_domain_file(domain, 'privkey.pem'))
+        copyfile(cred.cert_file, env.store_domain_file(domain, 'pubcert.pem'))
+        out = env.a2md(["list", domain]).json['output'][0]
+        assert out['state'] == env.MD_S_INCOMPLETE
+        assert out['renew'] is True
+    # test case: broken cert file
+    def test_md_120_003(self, env):
+        domain = f"test1.{env.http_tld}"
+        assert env.a2md(["add", domain]).exit_code == 0
+        assert env.a2md(["update", domain, "contacts", "admin@" + domain]).exit_code == 0
+        assert env.a2md(["update", domain, "agreement", env.acme_tos]).exit_code == 0
+        # check: valid pkey/cert -> COMPLETE
+        cred = env.get_credentials_for_name(domain)[0]
+        copyfile(cred.pkey_file, env.store_domain_file(domain, 'privkey.pem'))
+        copyfile(cred.cert_file, env.store_domain_file(domain, 'pubcert.pem'))
+        assert env.a2md(["list", domain]).json['output'][0]['state'] == env.MD_S_COMPLETE
+        # check: replace cert by broken file -> ERROR
+        with open(env.store_domain_file(domain, 'pubcert.pem'), 'w') as fd:
+            fd.write("dummy\n")
+        assert env.a2md(["list", domain]).json['output'][0]['state'] == env.MD_S_INCOMPLETE

Added: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
--- httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ (added)
+++ httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ Fri Oct 29 10:05:29 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# test mod_md ACMEv2 registrations
+import re
+import json
+import pytest
+from .md_conf import MDConf
+from .md_env import MDTestEnv
+@pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not MDTestEnv.has_a2md(), reason="no a2md available")
+@pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not MDTestEnv.has_acme_server(),
+                    reason="no ACME test server configured")
+class TestAcmeAcc:
+    @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class')
+    def _class_scope(self, env, acme):
+        acme.start(config='default')
+        env.check_acme()
+        env.APACHE_CONF_SRC = "data/test_drive"
+        MDConf(env).install()
+        assert env.apache_restart() == 0
+    @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='function')
+    def _method_scope(self, env):
+        env.check_acme()
+        env.clear_store()
+    # test case: register a new account, vary length to check base64 encoding
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("contact", [
+        "", "", ""
+    ])
+    def test_md_202_000(self, env, contact):
+        r = env.a2md(["-t", "accepted", "acme", "newreg", contact], raw=True)
+        assert r.exit_code == 0, r
+        m = re.match("registered: (.*)$", r.stdout)
+        assert m, "did not match: {0}".format(r.stdout)
+        acct =
+        print("newreg: %s" %
+        self._check_account(env, acct, ["mailto:" + contact])
+    # test case: register a new account without accepting ToS, must fail
+    def test_md_202_000b(self, env):
+        r = env.a2md(["acme", "newreg", ""], raw=True)
+        assert r.exit_code == 1
+        m = re.match(".*must agree to terms of service.*", r.stderr)
+        if m is None:
+            # the pebble variant
+            m = re.match(".*account did not agree to the terms of service.*", r.stderr)
+        assert m, "did not match: {0}".format(r.stderr)
+    # test case: respect 'mailto:' prefix in contact url
+    def test_md_202_001(self, env):
+        contact = ""
+        r = env.a2md(["-t", "accepted", "acme", "newreg", contact], raw=True)
+        assert r.exit_code == 0
+        m = re.match("registered: (.*)$", r.stdout)
+        assert m
+        acct =
+        self._check_account(env, acct, [contact])
+    # test case: fail on invalid contact url
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("invalid_contact", [
+        "", "", "with",
+        "", "",
+        "", ""
+    ])
+    def test_md_202_002(self, env, invalid_contact):
+        assert env.a2md(["acme", "newreg", invalid_contact]).exit_code == 1
+    # test case: use contact list
+    def test_md_202_003(self, env):
+        contact = ["", ""]
+        r = env.a2md(["-t", "accepted", "acme", "newreg"] + contact, raw=True)
+        assert r.exit_code == 0
+        m = re.match("registered: (.*)$", r.stdout)
+        assert m
+        acct =
+        self._check_account(env, acct, ["mailto:" + contact[0], "mailto:" + contact[1]])
+    # test case: validate new account
+    def test_md_202_100(self, env):
+        acct = self._prepare_account(env, [""])
+        assert env.a2md(["acme", "validate", acct]).exit_code == 0
+    # test case: fail on non-existing account
+    def test_md_202_101(self, env):
+        assert env.a2md(["acme", "validate", "ACME-localhost-1000"]).exit_code == 1
+    # test case: report fail on request signing problem
+    def test_md_202_102(self, env):
+        acct = self._prepare_account(env, [""])
+        with open(env.path_account(acct)) as f:
+            acctj = json.load(f)
+        acctj['url'] = acctj['url'] + "0"
+        open(env.path_account(acct), "w").write(json.dumps(acctj))
+        assert env.a2md(["acme", "validate", acct]).exit_code == 1
+    # test case: register and try delete an account, will fail without persistence
+    def test_md_202_200(self, env):
+        acct = self._prepare_account(env, [""])
+        assert env.a2md(["delreg", acct]).exit_code == 1
+    # test case: register and try delete an account with persistence
+    def test_md_202_201(self, env):
+        acct = self._prepare_account(env, [""])
+        assert env.a2md(["acme", "delreg", acct]).exit_code == 0
+        # check that store is clean
+        r =["find", env.store_dir])
+        assert re.match(env.store_dir, r.stdout)
+    # test case: delete a persisted account without specifying url
+    def test_md_202_202(self, env):
+        acct = self._prepare_account(env, [""])
+        assert[env.a2md_bin, "-d", env.store_dir, "acme", "delreg", acct]).exit_code == 0
+    # test case: delete, then validate an account
+    def test_md_202_203(self, env):
+        acct = self._prepare_account(env, [""])
+        assert env.a2md(["acme", "delreg", acct]).exit_code == 0
+        # validate on deleted account fails
+        assert env.a2md(["acme", "validate", acct]).exit_code == 1
+    def _check_account(self, env, acct, contact):
+        with open(env.path_account(acct)) as f:
+            acctj = json.load(f)
+        assert acctj['registration']['contact'] == contact
+    def _prepare_account(self, env, contact):
+        r = env.a2md(["-t", "accepted", "acme", "newreg"] + contact, raw=True)
+        assert r.exit_code == 0
+        return re.match("registered: (.*)$", r.stdout).group(1)

Added: httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/
--- httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ (added)
+++ httpd/httpd/trunk/test/modules/md/ Fri Oct 29 10:05:29 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+# test mod_md basic configurations
+import re
+import time
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import pytest
+from .md_conf import MDConf
+from .md_env import MDTestEnv
+@pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not MDTestEnv.has_acme_server(),
+                    reason="no ACME test server configured")
+class TestConf:
+    @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class')
+    def _class_scope(self, env):
+        env.clear_store()
+    # test case: just one MDomain definition
+    def test_md_300_001(self, env):
+        MDConf(env, text="""
+            MDomain
+            """).install()
+        assert env.apache_restart() == 0
+    # test case: two MDomain definitions, non-overlapping
+    def test_md_300_002(self, env):
+        MDConf(env, text="""
+            MDomain
+            MDomain
+            """).install()
+        assert env.apache_restart() == 0
+    # test case: two MDomain definitions, exactly the same
+    def test_md_300_003(self, env):
+        assert env.apache_stop() == 0
+        MDConf(env, text="""
+            MDomain
+            MDomain
+            """).install()
+        assert env.apache_fail() == 0
+    # test case: two MDomain definitions, overlapping
+    def test_md_300_004(self, env):
+        assert env.apache_stop() == 0
+        MDConf(env, text="""
+            MDomain
+            MDomain
+            """).install()
+        assert env.apache_fail() == 0
+    # test case: two MDomains, one inside a virtual host
+    def test_md_300_005(self, env):
+        MDConf(env, text="""
+            MDomain
+            <VirtualHost *:12346>
+                MDomain
+            </VirtualHost>
+            """).install()
+        assert env.apache_restart() == 0
+    # test case: two MDomains, one correct vhost name
+    def test_md_300_006(self, env):
+        MDConf(env, text="""
+            MDomain
+            <VirtualHost *:12346>
+                ServerName
+                MDomain
+            </VirtualHost>
+            """).install()
+        assert env.apache_restart() == 0
+    # test case: two MDomains, two correct vhost names
+    def test_md_300_007(self, env):
+        MDConf(env, text="""
+            MDomain
+            <VirtualHost *:12346>
+                ServerName
+                MDomain
+            </VirtualHost>
+            <VirtualHost *:12346>
+                ServerName
+            </VirtualHost>
+            """).install()
+        assert env.apache_restart() == 0
+    # test case: two MDomains, overlapping vhosts
+    def test_md_300_008(self, env):
+        MDConf(env, text="""
+            MDomain
+            <VirtualHost *:12346>
+                ServerName
+                ServerAlias
+                MDomain
+            </VirtualHost>
+            <VirtualHost *:12346>
+                ServerName
+                ServerAlias
+            </VirtualHost>
+            """).install()
+        assert env.apache_restart() == 0
+    # test case: vhosts with overlapping MDs
+    def test_md_300_009(self, env):
+        assert env.apache_stop() == 0
+        conf = MDConf(env)
+        conf.add("""
+            MDMembers manual
+            MDomain
+            MDomain
+            """)
+        conf.add_vhost(port=12346, domains=["", ""], with_ssl=True)
+        conf.add_vhost(port=12346, domains=["", ""], with_ssl=True)
+        conf.add_vhost(port=12346, domains=["", ""], with_ssl=True)
+        conf.install()
+        assert env.apache_fail() == 0
+        env.apache_stop()
+        env.httpd_error_log.ignore_recent()
+    # test case: MDomain, vhost with matching ServerAlias
+    def test_md_300_010(self, env):
+        conf = MDConf(env)
+        conf.add("""
+            MDomain
+            <VirtualHost *:12346>
+                ServerName
+                ServerAlias
+            </VirtualHost>
+            """)
+        conf.install()
+        assert env.apache_restart() == 0
+    # test case: MDomain, misses one ServerAlias
+    def test_md_300_011a(self, env):
+        env.apache_stop()
+        conf = MDConf(env, text="""
+            MDomain manual
+        """)
+        conf.add_vhost(port=env.https_port, domains=[
+            "", "", ""
+        ])
+        conf.install()
+        assert env.apache_fail() == 0
+        env.apache_stop()
+    # test case: MDomain, misses one ServerAlias, but auto add enabled
+    def test_md_300_011b(self, env):
+        env.apache_stop()
+        MDConf(env, text="""
+            MDomain auto
+            <VirtualHost *:%s>
+                ServerName
+                ServerAlias
+                ServerAlias
+            </VirtualHost>
+            """ % env.https_port).install()
+        assert env.apache_restart() == 0
+    # test case: MDomain does not match any vhost
+    def test_md_300_012(self, env):
+        MDConf(env, text="""
+            MDomain
+            <VirtualHost *:12346>
+                ServerName
+                ServerAlias
+            </VirtualHost>
+            """).install()
+        assert env.apache_restart() == 0
+    # test case: one md covers two vhosts
+    def test_md_300_013(self, env):
+        MDConf(env, text="""
+            MDomain
+            <VirtualHost *:12346>
+                ServerName
+            </VirtualHost>
+            <VirtualHost *:12346>
+                ServerName
+            </VirtualHost>
+            """).install()
+        assert env.apache_restart() == 0
+    # test case: global server name as managed domain name
+    def test_md_300_014(self, env):
+        MDConf(env, text=f"""
+            MDomain www.{env.http_tld}
+            <VirtualHost *:12346>
+                ServerName
+            </VirtualHost>
+            """).install()
+        assert env.apache_restart() == 0
+    # test case: valid pkey specification
+    def test_md_300_015(self, env):
+        MDConf(env, text="""
+            MDPrivateKeys Default
+            MDPrivateKeys RSA
+            MDPrivateKeys RSA 2048
+            MDPrivateKeys RSA 3072
+            MDPrivateKeys RSA 4096
+            """).install()
+        assert env.apache_restart() == 0
+    # test case: invalid pkey specification
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("line,exp_err_msg", [
+        ("MDPrivateKeys", "needs to specify the private key type"), 
+        ("MDPrivateKeys Default RSA 1024", "'Default' allows no other parameter"),
+        ("MDPrivateKeys RSA 1024", "must be 2048 or higher"),
+        ("MDPrivateKeys RSA 1024", "must be 2048 or higher"),
+        ("MDPrivateKeys rsa 2048 rsa 4096", "two keys of type 'RSA' are not possible"),
+        ("MDPrivateKeys p-256 secp384r1 P-256", "two keys of type 'P-256' are not possible"),
+        ])
+    def test_md_300_016(self, env, line, exp_err_msg):
+        MDConf(env, text=line).install()
+        assert env.apache_fail() == 0
+        assert exp_err_msg in env.apachectl_stderr
+    # test case: invalid renew window directive
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("line,exp_err_msg", [
+        ("MDRenewWindow dec-31", "has unrecognized format"), 
+        ("MDRenewWindow 1y", "has unrecognized format"), 
+        ("MDRenewWindow 10 d", "takes one argument"), 
+        ("MDRenewWindow 102%", "a length of 100% or more is not allowed.")])
+    def test_md_300_017(self, env, line, exp_err_msg):
+        MDConf(env, text=line).install()
+        assert env.apache_fail() == 0
+        assert exp_err_msg in env.apachectl_stderr
+    # test case: invalid uri for MDProxyPass
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("line,exp_err_msg", [
+        ("MDHttpProxy", "takes one argument"), 
+        ("MDHttpProxy localhost:8080", "scheme must be http or https"),
+        ("MDHttpProxy", "invalid port"),
+        ("MDHttpProxy HTTP localhost 8080", "takes one argument")])
+    def test_md_300_018(self, env, line, exp_err_msg):
+        MDConf(env, text=line).install()
+        assert env.apache_fail() == 0, "Server accepted test config {}".format(line)
+        assert exp_err_msg in env.apachectl_stderr
+    # test case: invalid parameter for MDRequireHttps
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("line,exp_err_msg", [
+        ("MDRequireHTTPS yes", "supported parameter values are 'temporary' and 'permanent'"),
+        ("MDRequireHTTPS", "takes one argument")])
+    def test_md_300_019(self, env, line, exp_err_msg):
+        MDConf(env, text=line).install()
+        assert env.apache_fail() == 0, "Server accepted test config {}".format(line)
+        assert exp_err_msg in env.apachectl_stderr
+    # test case: invalid parameter for MDMustStaple
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("line,exp_err_msg", [
+        ("MDMustStaple", "takes one argument"), 
+        ("MDMustStaple yes", "supported parameter values are 'on' and 'off'"),
+        ("MDMustStaple true", "supported parameter values are 'on' and 'off'")])
+    def test_md_300_020(self, env, line, exp_err_msg):
+        MDConf(env, text=line).install()
+        assert env.apache_fail() == 0, "Server accepted test config {}".format(line)
+        assert exp_err_msg in env.apachectl_stderr
+        env.httpd_error_log.ignore_recent()
+    # test case: alt-names incomplete detection, github isse #68
+    def test_md_300_021(self, env):
+        env.apache_stop()
+        conf = MDConf(env, text="""
+            MDMembers manual
+            MDomain
+            """)
+        conf.add_vhost(port=12344, domains=[
+            "", ""
+        ])
+        conf.install()
+        assert env.apache_fail() == 0
+        # this is unreliable on debian
+        #assert env.httpd_error_log.scan_recent(
+        #    re.compile(r'.*Virtual Host matches Managed Domain \'\', '
+        #               'but the name/alias itself is not managed. A requested '
+        #               'MD certificate will not match ServerName.*'), timeout=10
+        #)
+    # test case: use MDRequireHttps in an <if> construct, but not in <Directory
+    def test_md_300_022(self, env):
+        MDConf(env, text="""
+            MDomain
+            <If "1 == 1">
+              MDRequireHttps temporary
+            </If>
+            <VirtualHost *:12344>
+                ServerName
+            </VirtualHost>
+            """).install()
+        assert env.apache_restart() == 0
+    # test case: use MDRequireHttps not in <Directory
+    def test_md_300_023(self, env):
+        conf = MDConf(env, text="""
+            MDomain
+            <Directory /tmp>
+              MDRequireHttps temporary
+            </Directory>
+            """)
+        conf.add_vhost(port=12344, domains=[""])
+        conf.install()
+        assert env.apache_fail() == 0
+    # test case: invalid parameter for MDCertificateAuthority
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("ca,exp_err_msg", [
+        ("", "takes one argument"),
+        ("yes", "The CA name 'yes' is not known "),
+    ])
+    def test_md_300_024(self, env, ca, exp_err_msg):
+        conf = MDConf(env, text=f"""
+            MDCertificateAuthority {ca}
+            MDRenewMode manual  # lets not contact these in testing
+        """)
+        conf.install()
+        assert env.apache_fail() == 0
+        assert exp_err_msg in env.apachectl_stderr
+    # test case: valid parameter for MDCertificateAuthority
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("ca, url", [
+        ("LetsEncrypt", ""),
+        ("letsencrypt", ""),
+        ("letsencrypt-test", ""),
+        ("LETSEncrypt-TESt", ""),
+        ("buypass", ""),
+        ("buypass-test", ""),
+    ])
+    def test_md_300_025(self, env, ca, url):
+        domain = f"test1.{env.http_tld}"
+        conf = MDConf(env, text=f"""
+            MDCertificateAuthority {ca}
+            MDRenewMode manual
+        """)
+        conf.add_md([domain])
+        conf.install()
+        assert env.apache_restart() == 0, "Server did not accepted CA '{}'".format(ca)
+        md = env.get_md_status(domain)
+        assert md['ca']['url'] == url