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Posted to by saurish <> on 2014/03/17 08:28:30 UTC

SolrCloud - CompositeId Document Routing Problem

Hi,I am testing the solrcloud's compositeId routing but failing to get
documents pertaining to a route. PFB the steps for the same. pls point where
i am making mistake in the configuration or let me know if i have to do
something more ....
I'm using zookeeper 3.4.5 and two tomcat 7 server instances with Solr 4.5. 

*Configured tomcat1,tomcat2 instances with solr home directories solr-home1
, solr-home2 respectively.Also copied solr config files to folder
/Users/solrconfig-files * 
*Uploaded Solr Configuration into Zookeeper ensemble :*
java -classpath .:/Users/solr-cli-lib/* -cmd
upconfig -zkhost localhost:2181 -confdir /Users/solrconfig-files -confname
java -classpath .:/Users/solr-cli-lib/* -cmd
linkconfig -collection collection1 -confname myconf -zkhost localhost:2181
*Deployed SolrCloud in Tomcat 7 :
placed below params in in both tomcats servers on different
SOLR_OPTS="-Dsolr.solr.home=/Users/solr-home1 -Dport=8080 -DhostContext=solr
-DzkClientTimeout=20000 -DzkHost=localhost:2181" 
(Note:- used the approprizate -DzkHost to point to the first node when
tomcat on second node starts)
 *Created solr.xml , placed in solr-home1 and solr-home2 content as below,*
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

*Creating Collection, shards and replicas, Using curl created collection *
*Created a collection collection1 with two shards with replicator 2 *

*Indexed few docs using curl as below ,*
curl http://localhost:8080/solr/update -H "Content-Type: text/xml"
--data-binary 'Sports!1234football'
curl http://localhost:8080/solr/update -H "Content-Type: text/xml"
--data-binary 'Movies!4321The.Shawshank.Redemption' 
*I am querying using the below syntax:*

On both the ocassions,  i end up results of "Sports" route only. If i given
_route_ paramter with any other name, still the results of "Sports" are
thrown up.
Can you pls point where am i making mistake?Regards

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