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Posted to by 진태식 <> on 2002/05/14 13:21:43 UTC

Cactus TestCase. Please, Help me.

Good morning?
Glad to meet you.
I'm a Cactus beginner. And can't English well. So, I'm sorry.

I'm studing Apache's TestCase(
I did work below.

I made cactustest webapp. Tomcat 4.0.

folder : file.
cactustest : jspRedirector.jsp ,
cactustest/WEB-INF : web.xml ,
cactustest/WEB-INF/classes : SampleServlet.class, TestSampleServlet.class ,
cactustest/WEB-INF/lib : cactus.jar, junit.jar, log4j-1.2rc1.jar 

Start Tomcat Server.

http://localhost:8080/cactustest/servlet/SampleServlet --> Good.
But, http://localhost:8080/cactustest/servlet/TestSampleServlet --> Not Good. Error.

Is wrong this my test?
Next, what will I do?

I want your help.
Thank you.

Below is source of

import org.apache.cactus.* ;
import junit.framework.* ;

public class TestSampleServlet extends ServletTestCase

 public TestSampleServlet(String theName)
 public static void main(String[] theArgs)
     junit.swingui.TestRunner.main(new String[] {TestSampleServlet.class.getName()});
 public static Test suite()
     return new TestSuite(TestSampleServlet.class);
 public void testXXX()
     // Initialize class to test
     SampleServlet servlet = new SampleServlet();
     // Set a variable in session as the doSomething() method that we are testing need
     // this variable to be present in the session (for example)
     session.setAttribute("name", "value");
     // Call the method to test, passing an HttpServletRequest object (for example)
     String result = servlet.doSomething(request);
     // Perform verification that test was successful
     assertEquals("something", result);
     assertEquals("otherValue", session.getAttribute("otherName"));