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Posted to by Tim Whittington <> on 2006/11/20 00:48:39 UTC

Problems with managing sizing of processor pools in web server, JK and Tomcat

A recent discussion on a patch for the IIS ISAPI Redirector
( raised some
issues with the current way JK handles the sizing of the connection pool
and it's relationship to the threads in the web server process.
Historically (prior to 1.2.16 or so I think) JK had a cachesize
property, and implemented a cache of AJP connections.
If a request was made via JK for an endpoint and there were no free
endpoints in the cache, then a new endpoint was created and used.
This mean that the Web Server -> JK -> Tomcat interaction would work
pretty well without much tuning - the only way to break the config was
to size the Max Processors on the AJP Connector smaller than the cache
size of the JK connector.
Around 1.2.16 the cache was changed to a hard limited connection pool,
which fails with an error if a thread requests and endpoint and there
isn't one available in the pool.
This now requires that the following parameters be set to exactly the
same values for correct operation:
- Web server threads per process
- JK connection_pool_size
- AJP Connector MaxPoolThreads
If the Web server threads per process doesn't match the JK
connection_pool_size setting then there is either wastage or breakage:
- If there are more web server threads, then there is the potential
that the request will fail to obtain an endpoint and generate an error
- If there are less web server threads, then the extra connection pool
slots are never used
If the JK connection_pool_size doesn't match the AJP Connector
MaxPoolThreads, then again there is either wastage or breakage:
- If there are more JK connection slots, then there could be a service
failure when too many concurrent requests are made
- If there are less JK connection slots, then the AJP connector will
never reach the max processors
An illustration of this fragility is the fact that when the cache was
changed to a connection pool, the IIS ISAPI Redirector was not fixed.
The default cachesize was set to 10, making it very likely that the
connection pool would be breached on a server system, and the
ExtensionProc was never updated to handle the endpoint allocation
failure, so IIS silently drops the TCP connection when this happens
(ISAPI requires the ISAPI extension to handle error conditions and send
appropriate HTTP responses)
I don't know what Apaches behaviour would be, and it's currently masked
since the pool size is always set to the correct threads per process in
(This was one of several serious bugs I've found recently in the IIS
connector introduced by changes to common without updating the IIS
I submitted a patch for the IIS connector to size the connection pool
to the max threads in IIS (I'll discuss the vagaries of how to determine
this separately), which raised some comments from Mladen that the
default sizes for IIS/Apache are too large compared with their AJP
Connector counterparts in Tomcat 5.5/6 and their respective defaults.
I see a few ways forward on this:
 - Keep the current structure, fix the IIS autodetect and document that
you should probably not customise connection_pool_size anymore and size
the Tomcat AJP Connector appropriately (or at least be very careful)
 - Make the JK connection pool blocking and reduce the default sizes to
match the defaults that the Tomcat AJP Connectors ship with.
 - nother similar way would be to use a worker thread pool to handle JK
requests asynchronously to the web server thread, which is the
recommended approach for ISAPI extensions - I don't know how valid this
is in Apache though.
 - Revert the connection pool to a caching behaviour
I'd suggest that a worker pool + asynch requests is the most robust
option (assuming this is a cosher approach for Apache - it's certainly
the best approach for IIS), with a blocking hard-limited connection pool
being the second best option.