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[3/8] qpid-dispatch git commit: DISPATCH-801 Updated 3rd party UI components to latest available via npm
diff --git a/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrService.js b/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrService.js
index 62938d2..a2dd335 100644
--- a/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrService.js
+++ b/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrService.js
@@ -21,1086 +21,28 @@ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 var QDR = (function(QDR) {
-  // The QDR service handles the connection to
-  // the server in the background
-  QDR.module.factory("QDRService", ['$rootScope', '$http', '$timeout', '$resource', '$location', function($rootScope, $http, $timeout, $resource, $location) {
+  // The QDR service handles the connection to the router
+  QDR.module.factory("QDRService", ['$timeout', '$location', function($timeout, $location) {
+    var dm = require("dispatch-management")
     var self = {
-      rhea: require("rhea"),
-      timeout: 10,             // seconds to wait before assuming a request has failed
-      updateInterval: 2000,   // milliseconds between background updates
-      connectActions: [],
-      disconnectActions: [],
-      updatedActions: {},
-      updating: false,        // are we updating the node list in the background
-      maxCorrelatorDepth: 10, // max number of outstanding requests to allow
-      /*
-       * @property message
-       * The proton message that is used to send commands
-       * and receive responses
-       */
-      sender: undefined,
-      receiver: undefined,
-      version: undefined,
-      sendable: false,
-      schema: undefined,
-      connected: false,
-      gotTopology: false,
-      errorText: undefined,
-      connectionError: undefined,
-      addConnectAction: function(action) {
-        if (angular.isFunction(action)) {
-          self.connectActions.push(action);
-        }
-      },
-      addDisconnectAction: function(action) {
-        if (angular.isFunction(action)) {
-          self.disconnectActions.push(action);
-        }
-      },
-      delDisconnectAction: function(action) {
-        if (angular.isFunction(action)) {
-          var index = self.disconnectActions.indexOf(action)
-          if (index >= 0)
-            self.disconnectActions.splice(index, 1)
-        }
-      },
-      addUpdatedAction: function(key, action) {
-        if (angular.isFunction(action)) {
-          self.updatedActions[key] = action;
-        }
-      },
-      delUpdatedAction: function(key) {
-        if (key in self.updatedActions)
-          delete self.updatedActions[key];
-      },
-      executeConnectActions: function() {
-        self.connectActions.forEach(function(action) {
-          try {
-            action.apply();
-          } catch (e) {
-            // in case the page that registered the handler has been unloaded
-          }
-        });
-        self.connectActions = [];
-      },
-      executeDisconnectActions: function() {
-        self.disconnectActions.forEach(function(action) {
-          try {
-            action.apply();
-          } catch (e) {
-            // in case the page that registered the handler has been unloaded
-          }
-        });
-        self.disconnectActions = [];
-      },
-      executeUpdatedActions: function() {
-        for (action in self.updatedActions) {
-//          try {
-            self.updatedActions[action].apply();
-/*          } catch (e) {
-QDR.log.debug("caught error executing updated actions")
-            delete self.updatedActions[action]
-          }
-          */
-        }
-      },
-      redirectWhenConnected: function(org) {
-        $location.path(QDR.pluginRoot + "/connect")
-        $'org', org);
-      },
-      notifyTopologyDone: function() {
-        if (!self.gotTopology) {
-          QDR.log.debug("topology was just initialized");
-          //console.dump(self.topology._nodeInfo)
-          self.gotTopology = true;
-          //$rootScope.$apply();
-        } else {
-          //QDR.log.debug("topology model was just updated");
-        }
-        self.executeUpdatedActions();
-      },
-      isConnected: function() {
-        return self.connected;
-      },
-      versionCheck: function (minVer) {
-        var verparts = self.version.split('.')
-        var minparts = minVer.split('.')
-        try {
-          for (var i=0; i<minparts.length; ++i) {
-            if (parseInt(minVer[i] > parseInt(verparts[i])))
-              return false
-          }
-        } catch (e) {
-          QDR.log.debug("error doing version check between: " + self.version + " and " + minVer + " " + e.message)
-          return false
-        }
-        return true
-      },
-      correlator: {
-        _objects: {},
-        _correlationID: 0,
-        corr: function() {
-          var id = ++this._correlationID + "";
-          this._objects[id] = {
-            resolver: null
-          }
-          return id;
-        },
-        request: function() {
-          //QDR.log.debug("correlator:request");
-          return this;
-        },
-        then: function(id, resolver, error) {
-          //QDR.log.debug("registered then resolver for correlationID: " + id);
-          if (error) {
-            //QDR.log.debug("then received an error. deleting correlator")
-            delete this._objects[id];
-            return;
-          }
-          this._objects[id].resolver = resolver;
-        },
-        // called by receiver's on('message') handler when a response arrives
-        resolve: function(context) {
-          var correlationID = context.message.correlation_id;
-          this._objects[correlationID].resolver(context.message.body, context);
-          delete this._objects[correlationID];
-        },
-        depth: function () {
-          return Object.keys(this._objects).length
-        }
-      },
-      onSubscription: function() {
-        self.executeConnectActions();
-        var org = $
-        if (org)
-          org =
-        if (org && org.length > 0 && org !== "connect") {
-          self.getSchema(function () {
-            self.setUpdateEntities([])
-            self.topology.get()
-            self.addUpdatedAction('onSub', function () {
-              self.delUpdatedAction('onSub')
-              $timeout( function () {
-                $location.path(QDR.pluginRoot + '/' + org)
-                $'org', null)
-                $location.replace()
-              })
-            })
-          });
-        }
-      },
-      startUpdating: function() {
-        self.stopUpdating(true);
-"startUpdating called")
-        self.updating = true;
-        self.topology.get();
-      },
-      stopUpdating: function(silent) {
-        self.updating = false;
-        if (self.topology._getTimer) {
-          clearTimeout(self.topology._getTimer)
-          self.topology._getTimer = null;
-        }
-        if (self.topology._waitTimer) {
-          clearTimeout(self.topology._waitTimer)
-          self.topology._waitTimer = null;
-        }
-        if (self.topology._gettingTopo) {
-          if (self.topology.q)
-            self.topology.q.abort()
-        }
-        if (!silent)
-"stopUpdating called")
-      },
-      cleanUp: function() {},
-      error: function(line) {
-        if (line.num) {
-          QDR.log.debug("error - num: ", line.num, " message: ", line.message);
-        } else {
-          QDR.log.debug("error - message: ", line.message);
-        }
-      },
-      disconnected: function(line) {
-        QDR.log.debug("Disconnected from QDR server");
-        self.executeDisconnectActions();
-      },
-      nameFromId: function(id) {
-        return id.split('/')[3];
-      },
-      humanify: function(s) {
-        if (!s || s.length === 0)
-          return s;
-        var t = s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substr(1).replace(/[A-Z]/g, ' $&');
-        return t.replace(".", " ");
-      },
-      pretty: function(v) {
-        var formatComma = d3.format(",");
-        if (!isNaN(parseFloat(v)) && isFinite(v))
-          return formatComma(v);
-        return v;
-      },
-      nodeNameList: function() {
-        var nl = [];
-        for (var id in self.topology._nodeInfo) {
-          nl.push(self.nameFromId(id));
-        }
-        return nl.sort();
-      },
-      nodeIdList: function() {
-        var nl = [];
-        for (var id in self.topology._nodeInfo) {
-          nl.push(id);
-        }
-        return nl.sort();
-      },
-      nodeList: function() {
-        var nl = [];
-        for (var id in self.topology._nodeInfo) {
-          nl.push({
-            name: self.nameFromId(id),
-            id: id
-          });
-        }
-        return nl;
-      },
-      isLargeNetwork: function () {
-        return Object.keys(self.topology._nodeInfo).length >= 12
-      },
-      isMSIE: function () {
-        return (document.documentMode || /Edge/.test(navigator.userAgent))
-      },
-      // given an attribute name array, find the value at the same index in the values array
-      valFor: function(aAr, vAr, key) {
-        var idx = aAr.indexOf(key);
-        if ((idx > -1) && (idx < vAr.length)) {
-          return vAr[idx];
-        }
-        return null;
-      },
-      isArtemis: function(d) {
-        return (d.nodeType === 'route-container' || d.nodeType === 'on-demand') && ( && === 'apache-activemq-artemis');
-      },
-      isQpid: function(d) {
-        return (d.nodeType === 'route-container' || d.nodeType === 'on-demand') && ( && === 'qpid-cpp');
-      },
-      isAConsole: function(properties, connectionId, nodeType, key) {
-        return self.isConsole({
-          properties: properties,
-          connectionId: connectionId,
-          nodeType: nodeType,
-          key: key
-        })
-      },
-      isConsole: function(d) {
-        // use connection properties if available
-        return (d && d['properties'] && d['properties']['console_identifier'] === 'Dispatch console')
-      },
-      flatten: function(attributes, result) {
-        var flat = {}
-        attributes.forEach(function(attr, i) {
-          if (result && result.length > i)
-            flat[attr] = result[i]
-        })
-        return flat;
-      },
-      isConsoleLink: function(link) {
-        // find the connection for this link
-        var conns = self.topology.nodeInfo()[link.nodeId]['.connection']
-        var connIndex = conns.attributeNames.indexOf("identity")
-        var linkCons = conns.results.filter(function(conn) {
-          return conn[connIndex] === link.connectionId;
-        })
-        var conn = self.flatten(conns.attributeNames, linkCons[0]);
-        return self.isConsole(conn)
-      },
-      quiesceLink: function(nodeId, name) {
-        function gotMethodResponse(nodeName, entity, response, context) {
-          var statusCode = context.message.application_properties.statusCode;
-          if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode >= 300) {
-            Core.notification('error', context.message.statusDescription);
-  'Error ' + context.message.statusDescription)
-          }
-        }
-        var attributes = {
-          adminStatus: 'disabled',
-          name: name
-        };
-        self.sendMethod(nodeId, "", attributes, "UPDATE", undefined, gotMethodResponse)
-      },
-      addr_text: function(addr) {
-        if (!addr)
-          return "-"
-        if (addr[0] == 'M')
-          return addr.substring(2)
-        else
-          return addr.substring(1)
-      },
-      addr_class: function(addr) {
-        if (!addr) return "-"
-        if (addr[0] == 'M') return "mobile"
-        if (addr[0] == 'R') return "router"
-        if (addr[0] == 'A') return "area"
-        if (addr[0] == 'L') return "local"
-        if (addr[0] == 'C') return "link-incoming"
-        if (addr[0] == 'E') return "link-incoming"
-        if (addr[0] == 'D') return "link-outgoing"
-        if (addr[0] == 'F') return "link-outgoing"
-        if (addr[0] == 'T') return "topo"
-        return "unknown: " + addr[0]
-      },
-      identity_clean: function(identity) {
-        if (!identity)
-          return "-"
-        var pos = identity.indexOf('/')
-        if (pos >= 0)
-          return identity.substring(pos + 1)
-        return identity
-      },
-      queueDepth: function () {
-        var qdepth = self.maxCorrelatorDepth - self.correlator.depth()
-        if (qdepth <= 0)
-          qdepth = 1;
-//QDR.log.debug("queueDepth requested " + qdepth + "(" + self.correlator.depth() + ")")
-        return qdepth;
-      },
-      // check if all nodes have this entity. if not, get them
-      initEntity: function (entity, callback) {
-        var callNeeded = Object.keys(self.topology._nodeInfo).some( function (node) {
-          return !angular.isDefined(self.topology._nodeInfo[node][entity])
-        })
-        if (callNeeded) {
-          self.loadEntity(entity, callback)
-        } else
-          callback()
-      },
-      // get/refresh entities for all nodes
-      loadEntity: function (entities, callback) {
-        if ( !== '[object Array]') {
-          entities = [entities]
-        }
-        var q = QDR.queue(self.queueDepth())
-        for (node in self.topology._nodeInfo) {
-          for (var i=0; i<entities.length; ++i) {
-            var entity = entities[i]
-            q.defer(self.ensureNodeInfo, node, entity, [], q)
-          }
-        }
-        q.await(function (error) {
-          clearTimeout(self.topology._waitTimer)
-          callback();
-        })
-      },
-      // enusre all the topology nones have all these entities
-      ensureAllEntities: function (entityAttribs, callback, extra) {
-        self.ensureEntities(Object.keys(self.topology._nodeInfo), entityAttribs, callback, extra)
-      },
-      // ensure these nodes have all these entities. don't fetch unless forced to
-      ensureEntities: function (nodes, entityAttribs, callback, extra) {
-        if ( !== '[object Array]') {
-          entityAttribs = [entityAttribs]
-        }
-        if ( !== '[object Array]') {
-          nodes = [nodes]
-        }
-        var q = QDR.queue(self.queueDepth())
-        for (var n=0; n<nodes.length; ++n) {
-          for (var i=0; i<entityAttribs.length; ++i) {
-            var ea = entityAttribs[i]
-            // if we don'e already have the entity or we want to force a refresh
-            if (!self.topology._nodeInfo[nodes[n]][ea.entity] || ea.force)
-              q.defer(self.ensureNodeInfo, nodes[n], ea.entity, ea.attrs || [], q)
-          }
-        }
-        q.await(function (error) {
-          clearTimeout(self.topology._waitTimer)
-          callback(extra);
-        })
-      },
-      // queue up a request to get certain attributes for one entity for a node and return the results
-      fetchEntity: function (node, entity, attrs, callback) {
-        var results = {}
-        var gotResponse = function (nodeName, dotentity, response) {
-          results = response
-        }
-        var q = QDR.queue(self.queueDepth())
-        q.defer(self.fetchNodeInfo, node, entity, attrs, q, gotResponse)
-        q.await(function (error) {
-          callback(node, entity, results)
-        })
-      },
-      // get/refreshes entities for all topology.nodes
-      // call doneCallback when all data is available
-      // optionally supply a resultCallBack that will be called as each result is avaialble
-      // if a resultCallBack is supplied, the calling function is responsible for accumulating the responses
-      //   otherwise the responses will be returned to the doneCallback as an object
-      fetchAllEntities: function (entityAttribs, doneCallback, resultCallback) {
-        var q = QDR.queue(self.queueDepth())
-        var results = {}
-        if (!resultCallback) {
-          resultCallback = function (nodeName, dotentity, response) {
-            if (!results[nodeName])
-              results[nodeName] = {}
-            results[nodeName][dotentity] = angular.copy(response);
-          }
-        }
-        var gotAResponse = function (nodeName, dotentity, response) {
-          resultCallback(nodeName, dotentity, response)
-        }
-        if ( !== '[object Array]') {
-          entityAttribs = [entityAttribs]
-        }
-        var nodes = Object.keys(self.topology._nodeInfo)
-        for (var n=0; n<nodes.length; ++n) {
-          for (var i=0; i<entityAttribs.length; ++i) {
-            var ea = entityAttribs[i]
-            q.defer(self.fetchNodeInfo, nodes[n], ea.entity, ea.attrs || [], q, gotAResponse)
-          }
-        }
-        q.await(function (error) {
-          doneCallback(results);
-        })
-      },
-      setUpdateEntities: function (entities) {
-        self.topology._autoUpdatedEntities = entities
-      },
-      addUpdateEntity: function (entity) {
-        if (self.topology._autoUpdatedEntities.indexOf(entity) == -1)
-          self.topology._autoUpdatedEntities.push(entity)
-      },
-      delUpdateEntity: function (entity) {
-        var index = self.topology._autoUpdatedEntities.indexOf(entity)
-        if (index != -1)
-          self.topology._autoUpdatedEntities.splice(index, 1)
-      },
-      /*
-       * send the management messages that build up the topology
-       *
-       *
-       */
-      topology: {
-        _gettingTopo: false,
-        _nodeInfo: {},
-        _lastNodeInfo: {},
-        _waitTimer: null,
-        _getTimer: null,
-        _autoUpdatedEntities: [],
-        q: null,
-        nodeInfo: function() {
-          return self.topology._nodeInfo
-        },
-        get: function() {
-          if (self.topology._gettingTopo) {
-            QDR.log.debug("asked to get topology but was already getting it")
-            if (self.topology.q)
-              self.topology.q.abort()
-          }
-          self.topology.q = null
-          if (!self.connected) {
-            QDR.log.debug("topology get failed because !self.connected")
-            return;
-          }
-          if (self.topology._getTimer) {
-            clearTimeout(self.topology._getTimer)
-            self.topology._getTimer = null
-          }
-          //"starting get topology with correlator.depth of " + self.correlator.depth())
-          self.topology._gettingTopo = true;
-          self.errorText = undefined;
-          // get the list of nodes to query.
-          // once this completes, we will get the info for each node returned
-          self.getRemoteNodeInfo(function(response, context) {
-            if ( === '[object Array]') {
-              // remove dropped nodes
-              var keys = Object.keys(self.topology._nodeInfo)
-              for (var i=0; i<keys.length; ++i) {
-                if (response.indexOf(keys[i]) < 0) {
-                  delete self.topology._nodeInfo[keys[i]]
-                }
-              }
-              // add any new nodes
-              // if there is only one node, it will not be returned
-              if (response.length === 0) {
-                var parts = self.receiver.remote.attach.source.address.split('/')
-                parts[4] = '$management'
-                response.push(parts.join('/'))
-                //"GET-MGMT-NODES returned an empty list. Using ")
-                //console.dump(response)
-              }
-              for (var i=0; i<response.length; ++i) {
-                if (!angular.isDefined(self.topology._nodeInfo[response[i]])) {
-                  self.topology._nodeInfo[angular.copy(response[i])] = {};
-                }
-              }
-              // also refresh any entities that were requested
-              self.topology.q = QDR.queue(self.queueDepth())
-              for (var i=0; i<self.topology._autoUpdatedEntities.length; ++i) {
-                var entity = self.topology._autoUpdatedEntities[i]
-                //QDR.log.debug("queuing requests for all nodes for " + entity)
-                for (node in self.topology._nodeInfo) {
-                  self.topology.q.defer(self.ensureNodeInfo, node, entity, [], self.topology.q)
-                }
-              }
-              self.topology.q.await(function (error) {
-                self.topology._gettingTopo = false;
-                self.topology.q = null
-                self.topology.ondone(error)
-              })
-            };
-          });
-        },
-        cleanUp: function(obj) {
-          if (obj)
-            delete obj;
-        },
-        timedOut: function(q) {
-          // a node dropped out. this happens when the get-mgmt-nodex
-          // results contains more nodes than actually respond within
-          // the timeout
-          QDR.log.debug("timed out waiting for management responses");
-          // note: can't use 'this' in a timeout handler
-          self.topology.miniDump("state at timeout");
-          q.abort()
-          //self.topology.onerror(Error("management responses are not consistent"));
-        },
-        addNodeInfo: function(id, entity, values, q) {
-          clearTimeout(self.topology._waitTimer)
-          // save the results in the nodeInfo object
-          if (id) {
-            if (!(id in self.topology._nodeInfo)) {
-              self.topology._nodeInfo[id] = {};
-            }
-            // copy the values to allow garbage collector to reclaim their memory
-            self.topology._nodeInfo[id][entity] = angular.copy(values)
-          }
-          self.topology.cleanUp(values);
-        },
-        ondone: function(waserror) {
-          clearTimeout(self.topology._getTimer);
-          clearTimeout(self.topology._waitTimer);
-          self.topology._waitTimer = null;
-          if (self.updating)
-            self.topology._getTimer = setTimeout(self.topology.get, self.updateInterval);
-          //if (!waserror)
-            self.notifyTopologyDone();
-        },
-        dump: function(prefix) {
-          if (prefix)
-  ;
-          for (var key in self.topology._nodeInfo) {
-  ;
-            console.dump(self.topology._nodeInfo[key]);
-  "---");
-          }
-        },
-        miniDump: function(prefix) {
-          if (prefix)
-  ;
-          console.dump(Object.keys(self.topology._nodeInfo));
-        },
-        onerror: function(err) {
-          self.topology._gettingTopo = false;
-          QDR.log.debug("Err:" + err);
-          //self.executeDisconnectActions();
-        }
-      },
-      getRemoteNodeInfo: function(callback) {
-        //QDR.log.debug("getRemoteNodeInfo called");
-        setTimeout(function () {
-          var ret;
-          // first get the list of remote node names
-          self.correlator.request(
-            ret = self.sendMgmtQuery('GET-MGMT-NODES')
-          ).then(, function(response, context) {
-            callback(response, context);
-            self.topology.cleanUp(response);
-          }, ret.error);
-        }, 1)
-      },
-      // sends a request and updates the topology.nodeInfo object with the response
-      // should only be called from a q.defer() statement
-      ensureNodeInfo: function (nodeId, entity, attrs, q, callback) {
-        //QDR.log.debug("queuing request for " + nodeId + " " + entity)
-        self.getNodeInfo(nodeId, entity, attrs, q, function (nodeName, dotentity, response) {
-          //QDR.log.debug("got response for " + nodeId + " " + entity)
-          self.topology.addNodeInfo(nodeName, dotentity, response, q)
-          callback(null)
-        })
-        return {
-          abort: function() {
-            delete self.topology._nodeInfo[nodeId]
-            //self.topology._nodeInfo[nodeId][entity] = {attributeNames: [], results: [[]]};
-          }
-        }
-      },
-      // sends request and returns the response
-      // should only be called from a q.defer() statement
-      fetchNodeInfo: function (nodeId, entity, attrs, q, heartbeat, callback) {
-        self.getNodeInfo(nodeId, entity, attrs, q, function (nodeName, dotentity, response) {
-          heartbeat(nodeName, dotentity, response)
-          callback(null)
-        })
-      },
-      getMultipleNodeInfo: function(nodeNames, entity, attrs, callback, selectedNodeId, aggregate) {
-        if (!angular.isDefined(aggregate))
-          aggregate = true;
-        var responses = {};
-        var gotNodesResult = function(nodeName, dotentity, response) {
-          responses[nodeName] = response;
-        }
-        var q = QDR.queue(self.queueDepth())
-        nodeNames.forEach(function(id) {
-            q.defer(self.fetchNodeInfo, id, '.' + entity, attrs, q, gotNodesResult)
-        })
-        q.await(function (error) {
-          if (aggregate)
-            self.aggregateNodeInfo(nodeNames, entity, selectedNodeId, responses, callback);
-          else {
-            callback(nodeNames, entity, responses)
-          }
-        })
-      },
-      aggregateNodeInfo: function(nodeNames, entity, selectedNodeId, responses, callback) {
-        //QDR.log.debug("got all results for  " + entity);
-        // aggregate the responses
-        var newResponse = {};
-        var thisNode = responses[selectedNodeId];
-        newResponse['attributeNames'] = thisNode.attributeNames;
-        newResponse['results'] = thisNode.results;
-        newResponse['aggregates'] = [];
-        for (var i = 0; i < thisNode.results.length; ++i) {
-          var result = thisNode.results[i];
-          var vals = [];
-          result.forEach(function(val) {
-            vals.push({
-              sum: val,
-              detail: []
-            })
-          })
-          newResponse.aggregates.push(vals);
-        }
-        var nameIndex = thisNode.attributeNames.indexOf("name");
-        var ent = self.schema.entityTypes[entity];
-        var ids = Object.keys(responses);
-        ids.sort();
-        ids.forEach(function(id) {
-          var response = responses[id];
-          var results = response.results;
-          results.forEach(function(result) {
-            // find the matching result in the aggregates
-            var found = newResponse.aggregates.some(function(aggregate, j) {
-              if (aggregate[nameIndex].sum === result[nameIndex]) {
-                // result and aggregate are now the same record, add the graphable values
-                newResponse.attributeNames.forEach(function(key, i) {
-                  if (ent.attributes[key] && ent.attributes[key].graph) {
-                    if (id != selectedNodeId)
-                      aggregate[i].sum += result[i];
-                  }
-                  aggregate[i].detail.push({
-                    node: self.nameFromId(id) + ':',
-                    val: result[i]
-                  })
-                })
-                return true; // stop looping
-              }
-              return false; // continute looking for the aggregate record
-            })
-            if (!found) {
-              // this attribute was not found in the aggregates yet
-              // because it was not in the selectedNodeId's results
-              var vals = [];
-              result.forEach(function(val) {
-                vals.push({
-                  sum: val,
-                  detail: [{
-                    node: self.nameFromId(id),
-                    val: val
-                  }]
-                })
-              })
-              newResponse.aggregates.push(vals)
-            }
-          })
-        })
-        callback(nodeNames, entity, newResponse);
-      },
-      getSchema: function(callback) {
-        //"getting schema");
-        var ret;
-        self.correlator.request(
-          ret = self.sendMgmtQuery('GET-SCHEMA')
-        ).then(, function(response) {
-          //"Got schema response");
-          // remove deprecated
-          for (var entityName in response.entityTypes) {
-            var entity = response.entityTypes[entityName]
-            if (entity.deprecated) {
-              // deprecated entity
-              delete response.entityTypes[entityName]
-            } else {
-              for (var attributeName in entity.attributes) {
-                var attribute = entity.attributes[attributeName]
-                if (attribute.deprecated) {
-                  // deprecated attribute
-                  delete response.entityTypes[entityName].attributes[attributeName]
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          self.schema = response;
-          callback()
-        }, ret.error);
-      },
-      getNodeInfo: function(nodeName, entity, attrs, q, callback) {
-        //QDR.log.debug("getNodeInfo called with nodeName: " + nodeName + " and entity " + entity);
-        var timedOut = function (q) {
-          q.abort()
-        }
-        var atimer = setTimeout(timedOut, self.timeout * 1000, q);
-        var ret;
-        self.correlator.request(
-          ret = self.sendQuery(nodeName, entity, attrs)
-        ).then(, function(response) {
-          clearTimeout(atimer)
-          callback(nodeName, entity, response);
-        }, ret.error);
-      },
-      sendMethod: function(nodeId, entity, attrs, operation, props, callback) {
-        setTimeout(function () {
-          var ret;
-          self.correlator.request(
-            ret = self._sendMethod(nodeId, entity, attrs, operation, props)
-          ).then(, function(response, context) {
-            callback(nodeId, entity, response, context);
-          }, ret.error);
-        }, 1)
-      },
-      _fullAddr: function(toAddr) {
-        var toAddrParts = toAddr.split('/');
-        if (toAddrParts.shift() != "amqp:") {
-          self.topology.error(Error("unexpected format for router address: " + toAddr));
-          return;
-        }
-        var fullAddr = toAddrParts.join('/');
-        return fullAddr;
-      },
-      _sendMethod: function(toAddr, entity, attrs, operation, props) {
-        var ret = {
-          id: self.correlator.corr()
-        };
-        var fullAddr = self._fullAddr(toAddr);
-        if (!self.sender || !self.sendable) {
-          ret.error = "no sender"
-          return ret;
-        }
-        try {
-          var application_properties = {
-            operation: operation
-          }
-          if (entity) {
-            var ent = self.schema.entityTypes[entity];
-            var fullyQualifiedType = ent ? ent.fullyQualifiedType : entity;
-            application_properties.type = fullyQualifiedType || entity;
-          }
-          if (
-   =;
-          if (props) {
-            jQuery.extend(application_properties, props);
-          }
-          var msg = {
-            body: attrs,
-            to: fullAddr,
-            reply_to: self.receiver.remote.attach.source.address,
-            correlation_id:,
-            application_properties: application_properties
-          }
-          self.sender.send(msg);
-          //console.dump("------- method called -------")
-          //console.dump(msg)
-        } catch (e) {
-          error = "error sending: " + e;
-          QDR.log.error(error)
-          ret.error = error;
-        }
-        return ret;
-      },
-      sendQuery: function(toAddr, entity, attrs, operation) {
-        operation = operation || "QUERY"
-        var fullAddr = self._fullAddr(toAddr);
-        var body;
-        if (attrs) {
-          body = {
-            "attributeNames": attrs,
-          }
-        } else {
-          body = {
-            "attributeNames": [],
-          }
-        }
-        if (entity[0] === '.')
-          entity = entity.substr(1, entity.length - 1)
-        var prefix = "org.apache.qpid.dispatch."
-        var configs = ["address", "autoLink", "linkRoute"]
-        if (configs.indexOf(entity) > -1)
-          prefix += "router.config."
-        return self._send(body, fullAddr, operation, prefix + entity);
-      },
-      sendMgmtQuery: function(operation) {
-        return self._send([], "/$management", operation);
-      },
-      _send: function(body, to, operation, entityType) {
-        var ret = {
-          id: self.correlator.corr()
-        };
-        if (!self.sender || !self.sendable) {
-          ret.error = "no sender"
-          return ret;
-        }
-        try {
-          var application_properties = {
-            operation: operation,
-            type: "",
-            name: "self"
-          };
-          if (entityType)
-            application_properties.entityType = entityType;
-          self.sender.send({
-            body: body,
-            to: to,
-            reply_to: self.receiver.remote.attach.source.address,
-            correlation_id:,
-            application_properties: application_properties
-          })
-        } catch (e) {
-          error = "error sending: " + e;
-          QDR.log.error(error)
-          ret.error = error;
-        }
-        return ret;
-      },
-      disconnect: function() {
-        self.connection.close();
-        self.connected = false
-        self.errorText = "Disconnected."
-      },
-      connectionTimer: null,
-      testConnect: function (options, timeout, callback) {
-        var connection;
-        var allowDelete = true;
-        var reconnect = angular.isDefined(options.reconnect) ? options.reconnect : false
-        var baseAddress = options.address + ':' + options.port;
-        var protocol = "ws"
-        if ($location.protocol() === "https")
-          protocol = "wss"
-"testConnect called with reconnect " + reconnect + " using " + protocol + " protocol")
-        try {
-          var ws = self.rhea.websocket_connect(WebSocket);
-          connection = self.rhea.connect({
-            connection_details: ws(protocol + "://" + baseAddress, ["binary"]),
-            reconnect: reconnect,
-              properties: {
-                console_identifier: 'Dispatch console'
-              }
-            }
-          );
-        } catch (e) {
-          QDR.log.debug("exception caught on test connect " + e)
-          self.errorText = "Connection failed "
-          callback({error: e})
-          return
-        }
-        // called when initial connecting fails, and when connection is dropped after connecting
-        connection.on('disconnected', function(context) {
-          if (allowDelete) {
-            delete connection
-            connection.options.reconnect = false
-            //"connection.on(disconnected) called")
-            callback({error: "failed to connect"})
-          }
-        })
-        connection.on("connection_open", function (context) {
-          allowDelete = false;
-          callback({connection: connection, context: context})
-        })
-      },
-      connect: function(options) {
-        var connection;
-        self.topologyInitialized = false;
-        if (!self.connected) {
-          var okay = {
-            connection: false,
-            sender: false,
-            receiver: false
-          }
-          var sender, receiver
-          self.connectionError = undefined;
-          var stop = function(context) {
-            //self.stopUpdating();
-            okay.sender = false;
-            okay.receiver = false;
-            okay.connected = false;
-            self.connected = false;
-            self.sender = null;
-            self.receiver = null;
-            self.sendable = false;
-            self.gotTopology = false;
-          }
-          var maybeStart = function() {
-            if (okay.connection && okay.sender && okay.receiver && self.sendable && !self.connected) {
-              //"okay to start")
-              self.connected = true;
-              self.connection = connection;
-              self.sender = sender;
-              self.receiver = receiver;
-              self.gotTopology = false;
-              self.onSubscription();
-            }
-          }
-          var onDisconnect = function() {
-            //QDR.log.warn("Disconnected");
-            self.connectionError = true;
-            stop();
-            self.executeDisconnectActions();
-          }
-          // called after event is fired or connection error has happened
-          var connectionCallback = function (options) {
-            //'connectionCallback called')
-            if (!options.error) {
-              //'there was no error')
-              connection = options.connection
-              self.version =
-              QDR.log.debug("connection_opened")
-              okay.connection = true;
-              okay.receiver = false;
-              okay.sender = false;
-              connection.on('disconnected', function(context) {
-                //"connection.on(disconnected) called")
-                self.errorText = "Unable to connect"
-                onDisconnect();
-              })
-              connection.on('connection_close', function(context) {
-                //"connection closed")
-                self.errorText = "Disconnected"
-                onDisconnect();
-              })
-              sender = connection.open_sender();
-              sender.on('sender_open', function(context) {
-                //"sender_opened")
-                okay.sender = true
-                maybeStart()
-              })
-              sender.on('sendable', function(context) {
-                //QDR.log.debug("sendable")
-                self.sendable = true;
-                maybeStart();
-              })
-              receiver = connection.open_receiver({
-                source: {
-                  dynamic: true
-                }
-              });
-              receiver.on('receiver_open', function(context) {
-                //"receiver_opened")
-                if (receiver.remote && receiver.remote.attach && receiver.remote.attach.source) {
-                  okay.receiver = true;
-                  maybeStart()
-                }
-              })
-              receiver.on("message", function(context) {
-                self.correlator.resolve(context);
-              });
-            } else {
-              //"there was an error " + options.error)
-              self.errorText = "Unable to connect"
-              onDisconnect();
-            }
-          }
-          QDR.log.debug("****** calling rhea.connect ********")
-          if (!options.connection) {
-            QDR.log.debug("rhea.connect was not passed an existing connection")
-            options.reconnect = true
-            self.testConnect(options, 5000, connectionCallback)
+      management: new dm.Management($location.protocol()),
+      utilities: dm.Utilities,
+      onDisconnect: function () {
+        $timeout( function () {
+          $location.path('/connect')
+          var curPath = $location.path()
+          var org = curPath.substr(1)
+          if (org && org.length > 0 && org !== "connect") {
+            $'org', org)
           } else {
-            QDR.log.debug("rhea.connect WAS passed an existing connection")
-            connectionCallback(options)
+            $'org', null)
-        }
+        })
     return self;
@@ -1117,52 +59,6 @@ console.dump(e)
-function ngGridFlexibleHeightPlugin (opts) {
-    var self = this;
-    self.grid = null;
-    self.scope = null;
-    self.init = function (scope, grid, services) {
-        self.domUtilityService = services.DomUtilityService;
-        self.grid = grid;
-        self.scope = scope;
-        var recalcHeightForData = function () { setTimeout(innerRecalcForData, 1); };
-        var innerRecalcForData = function () {
-            var gridId = self.grid.gridId;
-            var footerPanelSel = '.' + gridId + ' .ngFooterPanel';
-            if (!self.grid.$topPanel || !self.grid.$canvas)
-              return;
-            var extraHeight = self.grid.$topPanel.height() + $(footerPanelSel).height();
-            var naturalHeight = self.grid.$canvas.height() + 1;
-            if (opts != null) {
-                if (opts.minHeight != null && (naturalHeight + extraHeight) < opts.minHeight) {
-                    naturalHeight = opts.minHeight - extraHeight - 2;
-                }
-                if (opts.maxHeight != null && (naturalHeight + extraHeight) > opts.maxHeight) {
-                    naturalHeight = opts.maxHeight;
-                }
-            }
-            var newViewportHeight = naturalHeight + 3;
-            if (!self.scope.baseViewportHeight || self.scope.baseViewportHeight !== newViewportHeight) {
-                self.grid.$viewport.css('height', newViewportHeight + 'px');
-                self.grid.$root.css('height', (newViewportHeight + extraHeight) + 'px');
-                self.scope.baseViewportHeight = newViewportHeight;
-                self.domUtilityService.RebuildGrid(self.scope, self.grid);
-            }
-        };
-        self.scope.catHashKeys = function () {
-            var hash = '',
-                idx;
-            for (idx in self.scope.renderedRows) {
-                hash += self.scope.renderedRows[idx].$$hashKey;
-            }
-            return hash;
-        };
-        self.scope.$watch('catHashKeys()', innerRecalcForData);
-        self.scope.$watch(, recalcHeightForData);
-    };
 if (!String.prototype.startsWith) {
   String.prototype.startsWith = function (searchString, position) {
     return this.substr(position || 0, searchString.length) === searchString
diff --git a/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrSettings.js b/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrSettings.js
index 3f0c109..746e296 100644
--- a/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrSettings.js
+++ b/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrSettings.js
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ var QDR = (function(QDR) {
     }, true);
     $scope.buttonText = function() {
-      if (QDRService.isConnected()) {
+      if ( {
         return "Disconnect";
       } else {
         return "Connect";
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ var QDR = (function(QDR) {
     $scope.connect = function() {
-      if (QDRService.connected) {
+      if ( {
         $timeout( function () {
-          QDRService.disconnect();
@@ -76,53 +76,58 @@ var QDR = (function(QDR) {
-    var doConnect = function(opts) {
+    var doConnect = function() {
+"doConnect called on connect page")
       if (!$scope.formEntity.address)
         $scope.formEntity.address = "localhost"
       if (!$scope.formEntity.port)
         $scope.formEntity.port = 5673
       var failed = function() {
+"disconnect action called");
         $timeout(function() {
-          QDR.log.debug("disconnect action called");
           $scope.connecting = false;
-          $scope.connectionErrorText = QDRService.errorText;
-          $scope.connectionError = true;
+          $scope.connectionErrorText = "Unable to connect to " + $scope.formEntity.address + ":" + $scope.formEntity.port
+          $scope.connectionError = true
-      QDRService.addDisconnectAction(failed);
-      QDRService.addConnectAction(function() {
-        QDRService.delDisconnectAction(failed)
-        QDRService.getSchema(function () {
-"got schema after connection")
-          QDRService.addUpdatedAction("initialized", function () {
-            QDRService.delUpdatedAction("initialized")
-  "got initial topology")
-            $timeout(function() {
-              $scope.connecting = false;
-              if ($location.path().startsWith(QDR.pluginRoot)) {
-                  var searchObject = $;
-                  var goto = "overview";
-                  if ( && !== "connect") {
-                    goto =;
+      var options = {address: $scope.formEntity.address, port: $scope.formEntity.port}
+, function (e) {
+        if (e.error) {
+          failed()
+        } else {
+"test connect from connect page succeeded")
+ {
+  "real connect from connect page succeeded")
+            // get notified if at any time the connection fails
+  ;
+   () {
+    "got schema after connection")
+    "initialized", function () {
+      "initialized")
+      "got initial topology")
+                $timeout(function() {
+                  $scope.connecting = false;
+                  if ($location.path().startsWith(QDR.pluginRoot)) {
+                      var searchObject = $;
+                      var goto = "overview";
+                      if ( && !== "connect") {
+                        goto =;
+                      }
+                      $'org', null)
+                      $location.path(QDR.pluginRoot + "/" + goto);
-                  $'org', null)
-                  $location.path(QDR.pluginRoot + "/" + goto);
-              }
+                })
+              })
+    "requesting a topology")
+    [])
-          })
-"requesting a topology")
-          QDRService.setUpdateEntities([])
-          QDRService.topology.get()
-        })
-      });
-      var options = {address: $scope.formEntity.address, port: $scope.formEntity.port}
-      // if we have already successfully connected (the test connections succeeded)
-      if (opts && opts.connection) {
-        options.connection = opts.connection
-        options.context = opts.context
-      }
-      QDRService.connect(options);
+          });
+          options.reconnect = true
+        }
+      })

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