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[19/26] documentation commit: updated refs/heads/master to 5a81ace
diff --git a/src/api/ddoc/views.rst b/src/api/ddoc/views.rst
index 8a299cc..dfa4eda 100644
--- a/src/api/ddoc/views.rst
+++ b/src/api/ddoc/views.rst
@@ -10,198 +10,197 @@
 .. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 .. the License.
 .. _api/ddoc/view:
 .. http:get:: /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_view/{view}
-  :synopsis: Returns results for the specified stored view
-  Executes the specified view function from the specified design document.
-  :param db: Database name
-  :param ddoc: Design document name
-  :param view: View function name
-  :<header Accept: - :mimetype:`application/json`
-                   - :mimetype:`text/plain`
-  :query boolean conflicts: Includes `conflicts` information in response.
-    Ignored if `include_docs` isn't ``true``. Default is ``false``
-  :query boolean descending: Return the documents in descending by key order.
-    Default is ``false``
-  :query json endkey: Stop returning records when the specified key is
-    reached. *Optional*
-  :query json end_key: Alias for `endkey` param
-  :query string endkey_docid: Stop returning records when the specified
-    document ID is reached. *Optional*
-  :query string end_key_doc_id: Alias for `endkey_docid` param
-  :query boolean group: Group the results using the reduce function to a group
-    or single row. Default is ``false``
-  :query number group_level: Specify the group level to be used. *Optional*
-  :query boolean include_docs: Include the associated document with each row.
-    Default is ``false``.
-  :query boolean attachments: Include the Base64-encoded content of
-    :ref:`attachments <api/doc/attachments>` in the documents that are included
-    if `include_docs` is ``true``. Ignored if `include_docs` isn't ``true``.
-    Default is ``false``.
-  :query boolean att_encoding_info: Include encoding information in attachment
-    stubs if `include_docs` is ``true`` and the particular attachment is
-    compressed. Ignored if `include_docs` isn't ``true``. Default is ``false``.
-  :query boolean inclusive_end: Specifies whether the specified end key should
-    be included in the result. Default is ``true``
-  :query json key: Return only documents that match the specified key.
-    *Optional*
-  :query json-array keys: Return only documents where the key matches one of the
-    keys specified in the array. *Optional*
-  :query number limit: Limit the number of the returned documents to the
-    specified number. *Optional*
-  :query boolean reduce: Use the reduction function. Default is ``true``
-  :query number skip: Skip this number of records before starting to return
-    the results. Default is ``0``
-  :query string stale: Allow the results from a stale view to be used.
-    Supported values: ``ok`` and ``update_after``. *Optional*
-  :query json startkey: Return records starting with the specified key.
-    *Optional*
-  :query json start_key: Alias for `startkey` param
-  :query string startkey_docid: Return records starting with the specified
-    document ID. *Optional*
-  :query string start_key_doc_id: Alias for `startkey_docid` param
-  :query boolean update_seq: Response includes an ``update_seq`` value
-    indicating which sequence id of the database the view reflects.
-    Default is ``false``
-  :>header Content-Type: - :mimetype:`application/json`
-                         - :mimetype:`text/plain; charset=utf-8`
-  :>header ETag: Response signature
-  :>header Transfer-Encoding: ``chunked``
-  :>json number offset: Offset where the document list started
-  :>json array rows: Array of view row objects. By default the information
-    returned contains only the document ID and revision
-  :>json number total_rows: Number of documents in the database/view
-  :>json number update_seq: Current update sequence for the database
-  :code 200: Request completed successfully
-  :code 400: Invalid request
-  :code 401: Read permission required
-  :code 404: Specified database, design document or view is missed
-  :code 500: View function execution error
-  **Request**:
-  .. code-block:: http
-    GET /recipes/_design/ingredients/_view/by_name HTTP/1.1
-    Accept: application/json
-    Host: localhost:5984
-  **Response**:
-  .. code-block:: http
-    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-    Cache-Control: must-revalidate
-    Content-Type: application/json
-    Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 09:12:06 GMT
-    ETag: "2FOLSBSW4O6WB798XU4AQYA9B"
-    Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
-    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+    :synopsis: Returns results for the specified stored view
+    Executes the specified view function from the specified design document.
+    :param db: Database name
+    :param ddoc: Design document name
+    :param view: View function name
+    :<header Accept: - :mimetype:`application/json`
+                     - :mimetype:`text/plain`
+    :query boolean conflicts: Includes `conflicts` information in response.
+      Ignored if `include_docs` isn't ``true``. Default is ``false``
+    :query boolean descending: Return the documents in descending by key order.
+      Default is ``false``
+    :query json endkey: Stop returning records when the specified key is
+      reached. *Optional*
+    :query json end_key: Alias for `endkey` param
+    :query string endkey_docid: Stop returning records when the specified
+      document ID is reached. *Optional*
+    :query string end_key_doc_id: Alias for `endkey_docid` param
+    :query boolean group: Group the results using the reduce function to a
+      group or single row. Default is ``false``
+    :query number group_level: Specify the group level to be used. *Optional*
+    :query boolean include_docs: Include the associated document with each row.
+      Default is ``false``.
+    :query boolean attachments: Include the Base64-encoded content of
+      :ref:`attachments <api/doc/attachments>` in the documents that are
+      included if `include_docs` is ``true``. Ignored if `include_docs` isn't
+      ``true``. Default is ``false``.
+    :query boolean att_encoding_info: Include encoding information in
+      attachment stubs if `include_docs` is ``true`` and the particular
+      attachment is compressed. Ignored if `include_docs` isn't ``true``.
+      Default is ``false``.
+    :query boolean inclusive_end: Specifies whether the specified end key
+      should be included in the result. Default is ``true``
+    :query json key: Return only documents that match the specified key.
+      *Optional*
+    :query json-array keys: Return only documents where the key matches one of
+      the keys specified in the array. *Optional*
+    :query number limit: Limit the number of the returned documents to the
+      specified number. *Optional*
+    :query boolean reduce: Use the reduction function. Default is ``true``
+    :query number skip: Skip this number of records before starting to return
+      the results. Default is ``0``
+    :query string stale: Allow the results from a stale view to be used.
+      Supported values: ``ok`` and ``update_after``. *Optional*
+    :query json startkey: Return records starting with the specified key.
+      *Optional*
+    :query json start_key: Alias for `startkey` param
+    :query string startkey_docid: Return records starting with the specified
+      document ID. *Optional*
+    :query string start_key_doc_id: Alias for `startkey_docid` param
+    :query boolean update_seq: Response includes an ``update_seq`` value
+      indicating which sequence id of the database the view reflects.
+      Default is ``false``
+    :>header Content-Type: - :mimetype:`application/json`
+                           - :mimetype:`text/plain; charset=utf-8`
+    :>header ETag: Response signature
+    :>header Transfer-Encoding: ``chunked``
+    :>json number offset: Offset where the document list started
+    :>json array rows: Array of view row objects. By default the information
+      returned contains only the document ID and revision
+    :>json number total_rows: Number of documents in the database/view
+    :>json number update_seq: Current update sequence for the database
+    :code 200: Request completed successfully
+    :code 400: Invalid request
+    :code 401: Read permission required
+    :code 404: Specified database, design document or view is missed
+    :code 500: View function execution error
+    **Request**:
+    .. code-block:: http
+        GET /recipes/_design/ingredients/_view/by_name HTTP/1.1
+        Accept: application/json
+        Host: localhost:5984
+    **Response**:
+    .. code-block:: http
+        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+        Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+        Content-Type: application/json
+        Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 09:12:06 GMT
+        ETag: "2FOLSBSW4O6WB798XU4AQYA9B"
+        Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
+        Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-    {
-        "offset": 0,
-        "rows": [
-            {
-                "id": "SpaghettiWithMeatballs",
-                "key": "meatballs",
-                "value": 1
-            },
-            {
-                "id": "SpaghettiWithMeatballs",
-                "key": "spaghetti",
-                "value": 1
-            },
-            {
-                "id": "SpaghettiWithMeatballs",
-                "key": "tomato sauce",
-                "value": 1
-            }
-        ],
-        "total_rows": 3
-    }
+        {
+            "offset": 0,
+            "rows": [
+                {
+                    "id": "SpaghettiWithMeatballs",
+                    "key": "meatballs",
+                    "value": 1
+                },
+                {
+                    "id": "SpaghettiWithMeatballs",
+                    "key": "spaghetti",
+                    "value": 1
+                },
+                {
+                    "id": "SpaghettiWithMeatballs",
+                    "key": "tomato sauce",
+                    "value": 1
+                }
+            ],
+            "total_rows": 3
+        }
 .. versionchanged:: 1.6.0 added ``attachments`` and ``att_encoding_info``
-   parameters
+    parameters
 .. warning::
-   Using the ``attachments`` parameter to include attachments in view results
-   is not recommended for large attachment sizes. Also note that the
-   Base64-encoding that is used leads to a 33% overhead (i.e. one third) in
-   transfer size for attachments.
+    Using the ``attachments`` parameter to include attachments in view results
+    is not recommended for large attachment sizes. Also note that the
+    Base64-encoding that is used leads to a 33% overhead (i.e. one third) in
+    transfer size for attachments.
 .. http:post:: /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_view/{view}
-  :synopsis: Returns certain rows for the specified stored view
-  Executes the specified view function from the specified design document.
-  Unlike :get:`/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_view/{view}` for accessing views, the
-  :method:`POST` method supports the specification
-  of explicit keys to be retrieved from the view results. The remainder of the
-  :method:`POST` view functionality is identical to the
-  :get:`/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_view/{view}` API.
+    :synopsis: Returns certain rows for the specified stored view
-  **Request**:
+    Executes the specified view function from the specified design document.
+    Unlike :get:`/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_view/{view}` for accessing views, the
+    :method:`POST` method supports the specification
+    of explicit keys to be retrieved from the view results. The remainder of
+    the :method:`POST` view functionality is identical to the
+    :get:`/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_view/{view}` API.
-  .. code-block:: http
+    **Request**:
-    POST /recipes/_design/ingredients/_view/by_name HTTP/1.1
-    Accept: application/json
-    Content-Length: 37
-    Host: localhost:5984
+    .. code-block:: http
-    {
-        "keys": [
-            "meatballs",
-            "spaghetti"
-        ]
-    }
+        POST /recipes/_design/ingredients/_view/by_name HTTP/1.1
+        Accept: application/json
+        Content-Length: 37
+        Host: localhost:5984
-  **Response**:
+        {
+            "keys": [
+                "meatballs",
+                "spaghetti"
+            ]
+        }
-  .. code-block:: http
+    **Response**:
-    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-    Cache-Control: must-revalidate
-    Content-Type: application/json
-    Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 09:14:13 GMT
-    ETag: "6R5NM8E872JIJF796VF7WI3FZ"
-    Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
-    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+    .. code-block:: http
-    {
-        "offset": 0,
-        "rows": [
-            {
-                "id": "SpaghettiWithMeatballs",
-                "key": "meatballs",
-                "value": 1
-            },
-            {
-                "id": "SpaghettiWithMeatballs",
-                "key": "spaghetti",
-                "value": 1
-            }
-        ],
-        "total_rows": 3
-    }
+        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+        Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+        Content-Type: application/json
+        Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 09:14:13 GMT
+        ETag: "6R5NM8E872JIJF796VF7WI3FZ"
+        Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
+        Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+        {
+            "offset": 0,
+            "rows": [
+                {
+                    "id": "SpaghettiWithMeatballs",
+                    "key": "meatballs",
+                    "value": 1
+                },
+                {
+                    "id": "SpaghettiWithMeatballs",
+                    "key": "spaghetti",
+                    "value": 1
+                }
+            ],
+            "total_rows": 3
+        }
 .. _api/ddoc/view/options:
 View Options
 There are two view indexing options that can be defined in a design document
 as boolean properties of an ``options`` object. Unlike the others querying
@@ -213,80 +212,77 @@ index is generated, not when it's accessed:
 - **include_design** (*boolean*): Allows map functions to be called on design
   documents as well as regular documents
-In additional to these options, you may specify :ref:`any other <api/ddoc/view>`
-with their default value. E.g. having option ``"include_docs": true`` will
-automatically includes document body for view results response. You still may
-override such by explicitly defining same query parameter name with other value.
+In additional to these options, you may specify
+:ref:`any other <api/ddoc/view>` with their default value. E.g. having option
+``"include_docs": true`` will automatically includes document body for view
+results response. You still may override such by explicitly defining same query
+parameter name with other value.
 .. _api/ddoc/view/indexing:
 Querying Views and Indexes
-The definition of a view within a design document also creates an index
-based on the key information defined within each view. The production
-and use of the index significantly increases the speed of access and
-searching or selecting documents from the view.
+The definition of a view within a design document also creates an index based
+on the key information defined within each view. The production and use of the
+index significantly increases the speed of access and searching or selecting
+documents from the view.
-However, the index is not updated when new documents are added or
-modified in the database. Instead, the index is generated or updated,
-either when the view is first accessed, or when the view is accessed
-after a document has been updated. In each case, the index is updated
-before the view query is executed against the database.
+However, the index is not updated when new documents are added or modified in
+the database. Instead, the index is generated or updated, either when the view
+is first accessed, or when the view is accessed after a document has been
+updated. In each case, the index is updated before the view query is executed
+against the database.
 View indexes are updated incrementally in the following situations:
--  A new document has been added to the database.
--  A document has been deleted from the database.
+- A new document has been added to the database.
+- A document has been deleted from the database.
+- A document in the database has been updated.
--  A document in the database has been updated.
-View indexes are rebuilt entirely when the view definition changes. To
-achieve this, a 'fingerprint' of the view definition is created when the
-design document is updated. If the fingerprint changes, then the view
-indexes are entirely rebuilt. This ensures that changes to the view
-definitions are reflected in the view indexes.
+View indexes are rebuilt entirely when the view definition changes. To achieve
+this, a 'fingerprint' of the view definition is created when the design
+document is updated. If the fingerprint changes, then the view indexes are
+entirely rebuilt. This ensures that changes to the view definitions are
+reflected in the view indexes.
 .. note::
-   View index rebuilds occur when one view from the same the view group
-   (i.e. all the views defined within a single a design document) has
-   been determined as needing a rebuild. For example, if if you have a
-   design document with different views, and you update the database,
-   all three view indexes within the design document will be updated.
-Because the view is updated when it has been queried, it can result in a
-delay in returned information when the view is accessed, especially if
-there are a large number of documents in the database and the view index
-does not exist. There are a number of ways to mitigate, but not
-completely eliminate, these issues. These include:
--  Create the view definition (and associated design documents) on your
-   database before allowing insertion or updates to the documents. If
-   this is allowed while the view is being accessed, the index can be
-   updated incrementally.
--  Manually force a view request from the database. You can do this
-   either before users are allowed to use the view, or you can access
-   the view manually after documents are added or updated.
--  Use the :ref:`changes feed <api/db/changes>` to monitor for changes to the
-   database and then access the view to force the corresponding view
-   index to be updated.
--  Use a monitor with the :ref:`update notification <update-notifications>`
-   section of the CouchDB configuration file to monitor for changes to your
-   database, and trigger a view query to force the view to be updated.
-None of these can completely eliminate the need for the indexes to be
-rebuilt or updated when the view is accessed, but they may lessen the
-effects on end-users of the index update affecting the user experience.
-Another alternative is to allow users to access a 'stale' version of the
-view index, rather than forcing the index to be updated and displaying
-the updated results. Using a stale view may not return the latest
-information, but will return the results of the view query using an
-existing version of the index.
+    View index rebuilds occur when one view from the same the view group (i.e.
+    all the views defined within a single a design document) has been
+    determined as needing a rebuild. For example, if if you have a design
+    document with different views, and you update the database, all three view
+    indexes within the design document will be updated.
+Because the view is updated when it has been queried, it can result in a delay
+in returned information when the view is accessed, especially if there are a
+large number of documents in the database and the view index does not exist.
+There are a number of ways to mitigate, but not completely eliminate, these
+issues. These include:
+- Create the view definition (and associated design documents) on your database
+  before allowing insertion or updates to the documents. If this is allowed
+  while the view is being accessed, the index can be updated incrementally.
+- Manually force a view request from the database. You can do this either
+  before users are allowed to use the view, or you can access the view manually
+  after documents are added or updated.
+- Use the :ref:`changes feed <api/db/changes>` to monitor for changes to the
+  database and then access the view to force the corresponding view index to be
+  updated.
+- Use a monitor with the :ref:`update notification <update-notifications>`
+  section of the CouchDB configuration file to monitor for changes to your
+  database, and trigger a view query to force the view to be updated.
+None of these can completely eliminate the need for the indexes to be rebuilt
+or updated when the view is accessed, but they may lessen the effects on
+end-users of the index update affecting the user experience.
+Another alternative is to allow users to access a 'stale' version of the view
+index, rather than forcing the index to be updated and displaying the updated
+results. Using a stale view may not return the latest information, but will
+return the results of the view query using an existing version of the index.
 For example, to access the existing stale view ``by_recipe`` in the
 ``recipes`` design document:
@@ -297,174 +293,163 @@ For example, to access the existing stale view ``by_recipe`` in the
 Accessing a stale view:
--  Does not trigger a rebuild of the view indexes, even if there have
-   been changes since the last access.
+- Does not trigger a rebuild of the view indexes, even if there have been
+  changes since the last access.
--  Returns the current version of the view index, if a current version
-   exists.
+- Returns the current version of the view index, if a current version exists.
--  Returns an empty result set if the given view index does exist.
+- Returns an empty result set if the given view index does exist.
 As an alternative, you use the ``update_after`` value to the ``stale``
-parameter. This causes the view to be returned as a stale view, but for
-the update process to be triggered after the view information has been
-returned to the client.
-In addition to using stale views, you can also make use of the
-``update_seq`` query argument. Using this query argument generates the
-view information including the update sequence of the database from
-which the view was generated. The returned value can be compared this to
-the current update sequence exposed in the database information
-(returned by :get:`/{db}`).
+parameter. This causes the view to be returned as a stale view, but for the
+update process to be triggered after the view information has been returned to
+the client.
+In addition to using stale views, you can also make use of the ``update_seq``
+query argument. Using this query argument generates the view information
+including the update sequence of the database from which the view was
+generated. The returned value can be compared this to the current update
+sequence exposed in the database information (returned by :get:`/{db}`).
 .. _api/ddoc/view/sorting:
 Sorting Returned Rows
-Each element within the returned array is sorted using native UTF-8
-sorting according to the contents of the key portion of the emitted
-content. The basic order of output is as follows:
+Each element within the returned array is sorted using native UTF-8 sorting
+according to the contents of the key portion of the emitted content. The basic
+order of output is as follows:
 -  ``null``
 -  ``false``
 -  ``true``
 -  Numbers
 -  Text (case sensitive, lowercase first)
 -  Arrays (according to the values of each element, in order)
 -  Objects (according to the values of keys, in key order)
 .. code-block:: http
-  GET /db/_design/test/_view/sorting HTTP/1.1
-  Accept: application/json
-  Host: localhost:5984
+    GET /db/_design/test/_view/sorting HTTP/1.1
+    Accept: application/json
+    Host: localhost:5984
 .. code-block:: http
-  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-  Cache-Control: must-revalidate
-  Content-Type: application/json
-  Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 10:09:25 GMT
-  ETag: "8LA1LZPQ37B6R9U8BK9BGQH27"
-  Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
-  Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-  {
-      "offset": 0,
-      "rows": [
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": null,
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": false,
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": true,
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": 0,
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": 1,
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": 10,
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": 42,
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": "10",
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": "hello",
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": "Hello",
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": "\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442",
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": [],
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": [
-                  1,
-                  2,
-                  3
-              ],
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": [
-                  2,
-                  3
-              ],
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": [
-                  3
-              ],
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": {},
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": {
-                  "foo": "bar"
-              },
-              "value": null
-          }
-      ],
-      "total_rows": 17
-  }
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 10:09:25 GMT
+    ETag: "8LA1LZPQ37B6R9U8BK9BGQH27"
+    Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
+    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+    {
+        "offset": 0,
+        "rows": [
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": null,
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": false,
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": true,
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": 0,
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": 1,
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": 10,
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": 42,
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": "10",
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": "hello",
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": "Hello",
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": "\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442",
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": [],
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": [
+                    1,
+                    2,
+                    3
+                ],
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": [
+                    2,
+                    3
+                ],
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": [
+                    3
+                ],
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": {},
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": {
+                    "foo": "bar"
+                },
+                "value": null
+            }
+        ],
+        "total_rows": 17
+    }
 You can reverse the order of the returned view information by using the
 ``descending`` query value set to true:
@@ -473,133 +458,130 @@ You can reverse the order of the returned view information by using the
 .. code-block:: http
-  GET /db/_design/test/_view/sorting?descending=true HTTP/1.1
-  Accept: application/json
-  Host: localhost:5984
+    GET /db/_design/test/_view/sorting?descending=true HTTP/1.1
+    Accept: application/json
+    Host: localhost:5984
 .. code-block:: http
-  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-  Cache-Control: must-revalidate
-  Content-Type: application/json
-  Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 10:09:25 GMT
-  ETag: "Z4N468R15JBT98OM0AMNSR8U"
-  Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
-  Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-  {
-      "offset": 0,
-      "rows": [
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": {
-                  "foo": "bar"
-              },
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": {},
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": [
-                  3
-              ],
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": [
-                  2,
-                  3
-              ],
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": [
-                  1,
-                  2,
-                  3
-              ],
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": [],
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": "\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442",
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": "Hello",
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": "hello",
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": "10",
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": 42,
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": 10,
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": 1,
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": 0,
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": true,
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": false,
-              "value": null
-          },
-          {
-              "id": "dummy-doc",
-              "key": null,
-              "value": null
-          }
-      ],
-      "total_rows": 17
-  }
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 10:09:25 GMT
+    ETag: "Z4N468R15JBT98OM0AMNSR8U"
+    Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
+    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+    {
+        "offset": 0,
+        "rows": [
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": {
+                    "foo": "bar"
+                },
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": {},
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": [
+                    3
+                ],
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": [
+                    2,
+                    3
+                ],
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": [
+                    1,
+                    2,
+                    3
+                ],
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": [],
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": "\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442",
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": "Hello",
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": "hello",
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": "10",
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": 42,
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": 10,
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": 1,
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": 0,
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": true,
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": false,
+                "value": null
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "dummy-doc",
+                "key": null,
+                "value": null
+            }
+        ],
+        "total_rows": 17
+    }
 Sorting order and startkey/endkey
 The sorting direction is applied before the filtering applied using the
-``startkey`` and ``endkey`` query arguments. For example the following
+``startkey`` and ``endkey`` query arguments. For example the following query:
 .. code-block:: http
@@ -612,37 +594,34 @@ will operate correctly when listing all the matching entries between
 .. code-block:: http
+    GET /recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?descending=true&startkey=%22carrots%22&endkey=%22egg%22 HTTP/1.1
+    Accept: application/json
+    Host: localhost:5984
-  GET /recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?descending=true&startkey=%22carrots%22&endkey=%22egg%22 HTTP/1.1
-  Accept: application/json
-  Host: localhost:5984
-  {
-     "total_rows" : 26453,
-     "rows" : [],
-     "offset" : 21882
-  }
+    {
+        "total_rows" : 26453,
+        "rows" : [],
+        "offset" : 21882
+    }
-The results will be empty because the entries in the view are reversed
-before the key filter is applied, and therefore the ``endkey`` of “egg”
-will be seen before the ``startkey`` of “carrots”, resulting in an empty
+The results will be empty because the entries in the view are reversed before
+the key filter is applied, and therefore the ``endkey`` of “egg” will be seen
+before the ``startkey`` of “carrots”, resulting in an empty list.
 Instead, you should reverse the values supplied to the ``startkey`` and
-``endkey`` parameters to match the descending sorting applied to the
-keys. Changing the previous example to:
+``endkey`` parameters to match the descending sorting applied to the keys.
+Changing the previous example to:
 .. code-block:: http
-  GET /recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?descending=true&startkey=%22egg%22&endkey=%22carrots%22 HTTP/1.1
-  Accept: application/json
-  Host: localhost:5984
+    GET /recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?descending=true&startkey=%22egg%22&endkey=%22carrots%22 HTTP/1.1
+    Accept: application/json
+    Host: localhost:5984
 .. _api/ddoc/view/sorting/raw:
 Raw collation
 By default CouchDB using `ICU`_ driver for sorting view results. It's possible
 use binary collation instead for faster view builds where Unicode collation is
@@ -653,15 +632,14 @@ documents ``options`` object at the root level. After that, views will be
 regenerated and new order applied.
 .. seealso::
-   :ref:`views/collation`
+    :ref:`views/collation`
 .. _ICU:
 .. _api/ddoc/view/limiting:
 Using Limits and Skipping Rows
 By default requestion views result returns all records for it. That's ok when
 they are small, but this may lead to problems when there are billions of them
@@ -669,75 +647,75 @@ since the clients might have to read them all and consume all available memory.
 But it's possible to reduce output result rows by specifying ``limit`` query
 parameter. For example, retrieving the list of recipes using the ``by_title``
-view and limited to 5 returns only 5 records, while there are total 2667 records
-in view:
+view and limited to 5 returns only 5 records, while there are total 2667
+records in view:
 .. code-block:: http
-  GET /recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_title?limit=5 HTTP/1.1
-  Accept: application/json
-  Host: localhost:5984
+    GET /recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_title?limit=5 HTTP/1.1
+    Accept: application/json
+    Host: localhost:5984
 .. code-block:: http
-  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-  Cache-Control: must-revalidate
-  Content-Type: application/json
-  Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 09:14:13 GMT
-  ETag: "9Q6Q2GZKPH8D5F8L7PB6DBSS9"
-  Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
-  Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-  {
-     "offset" : 0,
-     "rows" : [
-        {
-           "id" : "3-tiersalmonspinachandavocadoterrine",
-           "key" : "3-tier salmon, spinach and avocado terrine",
-           "value" : [
-              null,
-              "3-tier salmon, spinach and avocado terrine"
-           ]
-        },
-        {
-           "id" : "Aberffrawcake",
-           "key" : "Aberffraw cake",
-           "value" : [
-              null,
-              "Aberffraw cake"
-           ]
-        },
-        {
-           "id" : "Adukiandorangecasserole-microwave",
-           "key" : "Aduki and orange casserole - microwave",
-           "value" : [
-              null,
-              "Aduki and orange casserole - microwave"
-           ]
-        },
-        {
-           "id" : "Aioli-garlicmayonnaise",
-           "key" : "Aioli - garlic mayonnaise",
-           "value" : [
-              null,
-              "Aioli - garlic mayonnaise"
-           ]
-        },
-        {
-           "id" : "Alabamapeanutchicken",
-           "key" : "Alabama peanut chicken",
-           "value" : [
-              null,
-              "Alabama peanut chicken"
-           ]
-        }
-     ],
-     "total_rows" : 2667
-  }
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 09:14:13 GMT
+    ETag: "9Q6Q2GZKPH8D5F8L7PB6DBSS9"
+    Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
+    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+    {
+        "offset" : 0,
+        "rows" : [
+            {
+                "id" : "3-tiersalmonspinachandavocadoterrine",
+                "key" : "3-tier salmon, spinach and avocado terrine",
+                "value" : [
+                    null,
+                    "3-tier salmon, spinach and avocado terrine"
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "id" : "Aberffrawcake",
+                "key" : "Aberffraw cake",
+                "value" : [
+                    null,
+                    "Aberffraw cake"
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "id" : "Adukiandorangecasserole-microwave",
+                "key" : "Aduki and orange casserole - microwave",
+                "value" : [
+                    null,
+                    "Aduki and orange casserole - microwave"
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "id" : "Aioli-garlicmayonnaise",
+                "key" : "Aioli - garlic mayonnaise",
+                "value" : [
+                    null,
+                    "Aioli - garlic mayonnaise"
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "id" : "Alabamapeanutchicken",
+                "key" : "Alabama peanut chicken",
+                "value" : [
+                    null,
+                    "Alabama peanut chicken"
+                ]
+            }
+        ],
+        "total_rows" : 2667
+    }
 To omit some records you may use ``skip`` query parameter:
@@ -745,55 +723,54 @@ To omit some records you may use ``skip`` query parameter:
 .. code-block:: http
-  GET /recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_title?limit=3&skip=2 HTTP/1.1
-  Accept: application/json
-  Host: localhost:5984
+    GET /recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_title?limit=3&skip=2 HTTP/1.1
+    Accept: application/json
+    Host: localhost:5984
 .. code-block:: http
-  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-  Cache-Control: must-revalidate
-  Content-Type: application/json
-  Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 09:14:13 GMT
-  Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
-  Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-  {
-     "offset" : 2,
-     "rows" : [
-        {
-           "id" : "Adukiandorangecasserole-microwave",
-           "key" : "Aduki and orange casserole - microwave",
-           "value" : [
-              null,
-              "Aduki and orange casserole - microwave"
-           ]
-        },
-        {
-           "id" : "Aioli-garlicmayonnaise",
-           "key" : "Aioli - garlic mayonnaise",
-           "value" : [
-              null,
-              "Aioli - garlic mayonnaise"
-           ]
-        },
-        {
-           "id" : "Alabamapeanutchicken",
-           "key" : "Alabama peanut chicken",
-           "value" : [
-              null,
-              "Alabama peanut chicken"
-           ]
-        }
-     ],
-     "total_rows" : 2667
-  }
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 09:14:13 GMT
+    Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
+    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
-.. warning::
+    {
+        "offset" : 2,
+        "rows" : [
+            {
+                "id" : "Adukiandorangecasserole-microwave",
+                "key" : "Aduki and orange casserole - microwave",
+                "value" : [
+                    null,
+                    "Aduki and orange casserole - microwave"
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "id" : "Aioli-garlicmayonnaise",
+                "key" : "Aioli - garlic mayonnaise",
+                "value" : [
+                    null,
+                    "Aioli - garlic mayonnaise"
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "id" : "Alabamapeanutchicken",
+                "key" : "Alabama peanut chicken",
+                "value" : [
+                    null,
+                    "Alabama peanut chicken"
+                ]
+            }
+        ],
+        "total_rows" : 2667
+    }
-   Using ``limit`` and ``skip`` parameters is not recommended for results
-   pagination. Read :ref:`pagination recipe <views/pagination>` why it's so
-   and how to make it better.
+.. warning::
+    Using ``limit`` and ``skip`` parameters is not recommended for results
+    pagination. Read :ref:`pagination recipe <views/pagination>` why it's so
+    and how to make it better.
diff --git a/src/api/document/attachments.rst b/src/api/document/attachments.rst
index f2403aa..0215083 100644
--- a/src/api/document/attachments.rst
+++ b/src/api/document/attachments.rst
@@ -10,274 +10,276 @@
 .. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 .. the License.
 .. _api/doc/attachment:
 .. http:head:: /{db}/{docid}/{attname}
-  :synopsis: Returns bare information in the HTTP Headers for the attachment
-  Returns the HTTP headers containing a minimal amount of information
-  about the specified attachment. The method supports the same query
-  arguments as the :get:`/{db}/{docid}/{attname}` method, but only
-  the header information (including attachment size, encoding and the MD5 hash
-  as an :header:`ETag`), is returned.
-  :param db: Database name
-  :param docid: Document ID
-  :param attname: Attachment name
-  :<header If-Match: Document's revision. Alternative to `rev` query parameter
-  :<header If-None-Match: Attachment's base64 encoded MD5 binary digest.
-    *Optional*
-  :query string rev: Document's revision. *Optional*
-  :>header Accept-Ranges: :ref:`Range request aware <api/doc/attachment/range>`.
-    Used for attachments with :mimetype:`application/octet-stream` content type
-  :>header Content-Encoding: Used compression codec. Available if attachment's
-    ``content_type`` is in :config:option:`list of compressiable types
-    <attachments/compressible_types>`
-  :>header Content-Length: Attachment size. If compression codec was used,
-    this value is about compressed size, not actual
-  :>header Content-MD5: Base64 encoded MD5 binary digest
-  :>header ETag: Double quoted base64 encoded MD5 binary digest
-  :code 200: Attachment exists
-  :code 304: Attachment wasn't modified if :header:`ETag` equals specified
-    :header:`If-None-Match` header
-  :code 401: Read privilege required
-  :code 404: Specified database, document or attachment was not found
-  **Request**:
-  .. code-block:: http
-    HEAD /recipes/SpaghettiWithMeatballs/recipe.txt HTTP/1.1
-    Host: localhost:5984
-  **Response**:
-  .. code-block:: http
-    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-    Accept-Ranges: none
-    Cache-Control: must-revalidate
-    Content-Encoding: gzip
-    Content-Length: 100
-    Content-MD5: vVa/YgiE1+Gh0WfoFJAcSg==
-    Content-Type: text/plain
-    Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 12:42:42 GMT
-    ETag: "vVa/YgiE1+Gh0WfoFJAcSg=="
-    Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
+    :synopsis: Returns bare information in the HTTP Headers for the attachment
+    Returns the HTTP headers containing a minimal amount of information about
+    the specified attachment. The method supports the same query arguments as
+    the :get:`/{db}/{docid}/{attname}` method, but only the header information
+    (including attachment size, encoding and the MD5 hash as an
+    :header:`ETag`), is returned.
+    :param db: Database name
+    :param docid: Document ID
+    :param attname: Attachment name
+    :<header If-Match: Document's revision. Alternative to `rev` query
+      parameter
+    :<header If-None-Match: Attachment's base64 encoded MD5 binary digest.
+      *Optional*
+    :query string rev: Document's revision. *Optional*
+    :>header Accept-Ranges: :ref:`Range request aware
+      <api/doc/attachment/range>`. Used for attachments with
+      :mimetype:`application/octet-stream` content type
+    :>header Content-Encoding: Used compression codec. Available if
+      attachment's ``content_type`` is in :config:option:`list of compressiable
+      types <attachments/compressible_types>`
+    :>header Content-Length: Attachment size. If compression codec was used,
+      this value is about compressed size, not actual
+    :>header Content-MD5: Base64 encoded MD5 binary digest
+    :>header ETag: Double quoted base64 encoded MD5 binary digest
+    :code 200: Attachment exists
+    :code 304: Attachment wasn't modified if :header:`ETag` equals specified
+      :header:`If-None-Match` header
+    :code 401: Read privilege required
+    :code 404: Specified database, document or attachment was not found
+    **Request**:
+    .. code-block:: http
+        HEAD /recipes/SpaghettiWithMeatballs/recipe.txt HTTP/1.1
+        Host: localhost:5984
+    **Response**:
+    .. code-block:: http
+        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+        Accept-Ranges: none
+        Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+        Content-Encoding: gzip
+        Content-Length: 100
+        Content-MD5: vVa/YgiE1+Gh0WfoFJAcSg==
+        Content-Type: text/plain
+        Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 12:42:42 GMT
+        ETag: "vVa/YgiE1+Gh0WfoFJAcSg=="
+        Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
 .. http:get:: /{db}/{docid}/{attname}
-  :synopsis: Gets the attachment of a document
-  Returns the file attachment associated with the document.
-  The raw data of the associated attachment is returned (just as if you were
-  accessing a static file. The returned :header:`Content-Type`
-  will be the same as the content type set when the document attachment
-  was submitted into the database.
-  :param db: Database name
-  :param docid: Document ID
-  :param attname: Attachment name
-  :<header If-Match: Document's revision. Alternative to `rev` query parameter
-  :<header If-None-Match: Attachment's base64 encoded MD5 binary digest.
-    *Optional*
-  :query string rev: Document's revision. *Optional*
-  :>header Accept-Ranges: :ref:`Range request aware <api/doc/attachment/range>`.
-    Used for attachments with :mimetype:`application/octet-stream`
-  :>header Content-Encoding: Used compression codec. Available if attachment's
-    ``content_type`` is in :config:option:`list of compressiable types
-    <attachments/compressible_types>`
-  :>header Content-Length: Attachment size. If compression codec is used,
-    this value is about compressed size, not actual
-  :>header Content-MD5: Base64 encoded MD5 binary digest
-  :>header ETag: Double quoted base64 encoded MD5 binary digest
-  :response: Stored content
-  :code 200: Attachment exists
-  :code 304: Attachment wasn't modified if :header:`ETag` equals specified
-    :header:`If-None-Match` header
-  :code 401: Read privilege required
-  :code 404: Specified database, document or attachment was not found
+    :synopsis: Gets the attachment of a document
+    Returns the file attachment associated with the document. The raw data of
+    the associated attachment is returned (just as if you were accessing a
+    static file. The returned :header:`Content-Type` will be the same as the
+    content type set when the document attachment was submitted into the
+    database.
+    :param db: Database name
+    :param docid: Document ID
+    :param attname: Attachment name
+    :<header If-Match: Document's revision. Alternative to `rev` query
+      parameter
+    :<header If-None-Match: Attachment's base64 encoded MD5 binary digest.
+      *Optional*
+    :query string rev: Document's revision. *Optional*
+    :>header Accept-Ranges: :ref:`Range request aware
+      <api/doc/attachment/range>`. Used for attachments with
+      :mimetype:`application/octet-stream`
+    :>header Content-Encoding: Used compression codec. Available if
+      attachment's ``content_type`` is in :config:option:`list of compressiable
+      types <attachments/compressible_types>`
+    :>header Content-Length: Attachment size. If compression codec is used,
+      this value is about compressed size, not actual
+    :>header Content-MD5: Base64 encoded MD5 binary digest
+    :>header ETag: Double quoted base64 encoded MD5 binary digest
+    :response: Stored content
+    :code 200: Attachment exists
+    :code 304: Attachment wasn't modified if :header:`ETag` equals specified
+      :header:`If-None-Match` header
+    :code 401: Read privilege required
+    :code 404: Specified database, document or attachment was not found
 .. http:put:: /{db}/{docid}/{attname}
-  :synopsis: Adds an attachment of a document
-  Uploads the supplied content as an attachment to the specified document.
-  The attachment name provided must be a URL encoded string. You must also
-  supply either the ``rev`` query argument or the :header:`If-Match`
-  HTTP header for validation, and the HTTP headers (to set the attachment
-  content type).
-  If case when uploading an attachment using an existing attachment name,
-  CouchDB will update the corresponding stored content of the database.
-  Since you must supply the revision information to add an attachment to
-  the document, this serves as validation to update the existing attachment.
-  .. note::
-     Uploading an attachment updates the corresponding document revision.
-     Revisions are tracked for the parent document, not individual attachments.
-  :param db: Database name
-  :param docid: Document ID
-  :param attname: Attachment name
-  :<header Content-Type: Attachment MIME type. *Required*
-  :<header If-Match: Document revision. Alternative to `rev` query parameter
-  :query string rev: Document revision. *Required*
-  :>header Accept-Ranges: :ref:`Range request aware <api/doc/attachment/range>`.
-    Used for attachments with :mimetype:`application/octet-stream`
-  :>header Content-Encoding: Used compression codec. Available if attachment's
-    ``content_type`` is in :config:option:`list of compressiable types
-    <attachments/compressible_types>`
-  :>header Content-Length: Attachment size. If compression codec is used,
-    this value is about compressed size, not actual
-  :>header Content-MD5: Base64 encoded MD5 binary digest
-  :>header ETag: Double quoted base64 encoded MD5 binary digest
-  :>json string id: Document ID
-  :>json boolean ok: Operation status
-  :>json string rev: Revision MVCC token
-  :code 200: Attachment successfully removed
-  :code 202: Request was accepted, but changes are not yet stored on disk
-  :code 400: Invalid request body or parameters
-  :code 401: Write privileges required
-  :code 404: Specified database, document or attachment was not found
-  :code 409: Document's revision wasn't specified or it's not the latest
-  **Request**:
-  .. code-block:: http
-    PUT /recipes/SpaghettiWithMeatballs/recipe.txt HTTP/1.1
-    Accept: application/json
-    Content-Length: 86
-    Content-Type: text/plain
-    Host: localhost:5984
-    If-Match: 1-917fa2381192822767f010b95b45325b
-    1. Cook spaghetti
-    2. Cook meatballs
-    3. Mix them
-    4. Add tomato sauce
-    5. ...
-    6. PROFIT!
-  **Response**:
-  .. code-block:: http
-    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
-    Cache-Control: must-revalidate
-    Content-Length: 85
-    Content-Type: application/json
-    Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 12:38:04 GMT
-    ETag: "2-ce91aed0129be8f9b0f650a2edcfd0a4"
-    Location: http://localhost:5984/recipes/SpaghettiWithMeatballs/recipe.txt
-    Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
-    {
-        "id": "SpaghettiWithMeatballs",
-        "ok": true,
-        "rev": "2-ce91aed0129be8f9b0f650a2edcfd0a4"
-    }
+    :synopsis: Adds an attachment of a document
+    Uploads the supplied content as an attachment to the specified document.
+    The attachment name provided must be a URL encoded string. You must also
+    supply either the ``rev`` query argument or the :header:`If-Match` HTTP
+    header for validation, and the HTTP headers (to set the attachment content
+    type).
+    If case when uploading an attachment using an existing attachment name,
+    CouchDB will update the corresponding stored content of the database. Since
+    you must supply the revision information to add an attachment to the
+    document, this serves as validation to update the existing attachment.
+    .. note::
+        Uploading an attachment updates the corresponding document revision.
+        Revisions are tracked for the parent document, not individual
+        attachments.
+    :param db: Database name
+    :param docid: Document ID
+    :param attname: Attachment name
+    :<header Content-Type: Attachment MIME type. *Required*
+    :<header If-Match: Document revision. Alternative to `rev` query parameter
+    :query string rev: Document revision. *Required*
+    :>header Accept-Ranges: :ref:`Range request aware
+      <api/doc/attachment/range>`. Used for attachments with
+      :mimetype:`application/octet-stream`
+    :>header Content-Encoding: Used compression codec. Available if
+      attachment's ``content_type`` is in :config:option:`list of compressiable
+      types <attachments/compressible_types>`
+    :>header Content-Length: Attachment size. If compression codec is used,
+      this value is about compressed size, not actual
+    :>header Content-MD5: Base64 encoded MD5 binary digest
+    :>header ETag: Double quoted base64 encoded MD5 binary digest
+    :>json string id: Document ID
+    :>json boolean ok: Operation status
+    :>json string rev: Revision MVCC token
+    :code 200: Attachment successfully removed
+    :code 202: Request was accepted, but changes are not yet stored on disk
+    :code 400: Invalid request body or parameters
+    :code 401: Write privileges required
+    :code 404: Specified database, document or attachment was not found
+    :code 409: Document's revision wasn't specified or it's not the latest
+    **Request**:
+    .. code-block:: http
+        PUT /recipes/SpaghettiWithMeatballs/recipe.txt HTTP/1.1
+        Accept: application/json
+        Content-Length: 86
+        Content-Type: text/plain
+        Host: localhost:5984
+        If-Match: 1-917fa2381192822767f010b95b45325b
+        1. Cook spaghetti
+        2. Cook meatballs
+        3. Mix them
+        4. Add tomato sauce
+        5. ...
+        6. PROFIT!
+    **Response**:
+    .. code-block:: http
+        HTTP/1.1 201 Created
+        Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+        Content-Length: 85
+        Content-Type: application/json
+        Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 12:38:04 GMT
+        ETag: "2-ce91aed0129be8f9b0f650a2edcfd0a4"
+        Location: http://localhost:5984/recipes/SpaghettiWithMeatballs/recipe.txt
+        Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
+        {
+            "id": "SpaghettiWithMeatballs",
+            "ok": true,
+            "rev": "2-ce91aed0129be8f9b0f650a2edcfd0a4"
+        }
 .. http:delete:: /{db}/{docid}/{attname}
-  :synopsis: Deletes an attachment of a document
-  Deletes the attachment ``attachment`` of the specified ``doc``. You must
-  supply the ``rev`` query parameter or :header:`If-Match` with the current
-  revision to delete the attachment.
-  .. note::
-     Deleting an attachment updates the corresponding document revision.
-     Revisions are tracked for the parent document, not individual attachments.
-  :param db: Database name
-  :param docid: Document ID
-  :<header Accept: - :mimetype:`application/json`
-                   - :mimetype:`text/plain`
-  :<header If-Match: Document revision. Alternative to `rev` query parameter
-  :<header X-Couch-Full-Commit: Overrides server's
-    :config:option:`commit policy <couchdb/delayed_commits>`. Possible values
-    are: ``false`` and ``true``. *Optional*
-  :query string rev: Document revision. *Required*
-  :query string batch: Store changes in :ref:`batch mode
-    <api/doc/batch-writes>` Possible values: ``ok``. *Optional*
-  :>header Content-Type: - :mimetype:`application/json`
-                         - :mimetype:`text/plain; charset=utf-8`
-  :>header ETag: Double quoted document's new revision
-  :>json string id: Document ID
-  :>json boolean ok: Operation status
-  :>json string rev: Revision MVCC token
-  :code 200: Attachment successfully removed
-  :code 202: Request was accepted, but changes are not yet stored on disk
-  :code 400: Invalid request body or parameters
-  :code 401: Write privileges required
-  :code 404: Specified database, document or attachment was not found
-  :code 409: Document's revision wasn't specified or it's not the latest
-  **Request**:
-  .. code-block:: http
-    DELETE /recipes/SpaghettiWithMeatballs?rev=6-440b2dd39c20413045748b42c6aba6e2 HTTP/1.1
-    Accept: application/json
-    Host: localhost:5984
-  Alternatively, instead of ``rev`` query parameter you may use
-  :header:`If-Match` header:
-  .. code-block:: http
-    DELETE /recipes/SpaghettiWithMeatballs HTTP/1.1
-    Accept: application/json
-    If-Match: 6-440b2dd39c20413045748b42c6aba6e2
-    Host: localhost:5984
-  **Response**:
-  .. code-block:: http
-    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-    Cache-Control: must-revalidate
-    Content-Length: 85
-    Content-Type: application/json
-    Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 12:23:13 GMT
-    ETag: "7-05185cf5fcdf4b6da360af939431d466"
-    Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
-    {
-        "id": "SpaghettiWithMeatballs",
-        "ok": true,
-        "rev": "7-05185cf5fcdf4b6da360af939431d466"
-    }
+    :synopsis: Deletes an attachment of a document
+    Deletes the attachment ``attachment`` of the specified ``doc``. You must
+    supply the ``rev`` query parameter or :header:`If-Match` with the current
+    revision to delete the attachment.
+    .. note::
+        Deleting an attachment updates the corresponding document revision.
+        Revisions are tracked for the parent document, not individual attachments.
+    :param db: Database name
+    :param docid: Document ID
+    :<header Accept: - :mimetype:`application/json`
+                     - :mimetype:`text/plain`
+    :<header If-Match: Document revision. Alternative to `rev` query parameter
+    :<header X-Couch-Full-Commit: Overrides server's
+      :config:option:`commit policy <couchdb/delayed_commits>`. Possible values
+      are: ``false`` and ``true``. *Optional*
+    :query string rev: Document revision. *Required*
+    :query string batch: Store changes in :ref:`batch mode
+      <api/doc/batch-writes>` Possible values: ``ok``. *Optional*
+    :>header Content-Type: - :mimetype:`application/json`
+                           - :mimetype:`text/plain; charset=utf-8`
+    :>header ETag: Double quoted document's new revision
+    :>json string id: Document ID
+    :>json boolean ok: Operation status
+    :>json string rev: Revision MVCC token
+    :code 200: Attachment successfully removed
+    :code 202: Request was accepted, but changes are not yet stored on disk
+    :code 400: Invalid request body or parameters
+    :code 401: Write privileges required
+    :code 404: Specified database, document or attachment was not found
+    :code 409: Document's revision wasn't specified or it's not the latest
+    **Request**:
+    .. code-block:: http
+        DELETE /recipes/SpaghettiWithMeatballs?rev=6-440b2dd39c20413045748b42c6aba6e2 HTTP/1.1
+        Accept: application/json
+        Host: localhost:5984
+    Alternatively, instead of ``rev`` query parameter you may use
+    :header:`If-Match` header:
+    .. code-block:: http
+        DELETE /recipes/SpaghettiWithMeatballs HTTP/1.1
+        Accept: application/json
+        If-Match: 6-440b2dd39c20413045748b42c6aba6e2
+        Host: localhost:5984
+    **Response**:
+    .. code-block:: http
+        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+        Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+        Content-Length: 85
+        Content-Type: application/json
+        Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 12:23:13 GMT
+        ETag: "7-05185cf5fcdf4b6da360af939431d466"
+        Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
+        {
+            "id": "SpaghettiWithMeatballs",
+            "ok": true,
+            "rev": "7-05185cf5fcdf4b6da360af939431d466"
+        }
 .. _api/doc/attachment/range:
 HTTP Range Requests
 HTTP allows you to specify byte ranges for requests. This allows the
-implementation of resumable downloads and skippable audio and video
-streams alike. This is available for all attachments inside CouchDB.
+implementation of resumable downloads and skippable audio and video streams
+alike. This is available for all attachments inside CouchDB.
-This is just a real quick run through how this looks under the hood.
-Usually, you will have larger binary files to serve from CouchDB, like
-MP3s and videos, but to make things a little more obvious, I use a text
-file here (Note that I use the :mimetype:`application/octet-stream`
-:header`Content-Type` instead of :mimetype:`text/plain`).
+This is just a real quick run through how this looks under the hood. Usually,
+you will have larger binary files to serve from CouchDB, like MP3s and videos,
+but to make things a little more obvious, I use a text file here (Note that I
+use the :mimetype:`application/octet-stream` :header`Content-Type` instead of
 .. code-block:: bash
     shell> cat file.txt
     My hovercraft is full of eels!
-Now let's store this text file as an attachment in CouchDB. First, we
-create a database:
+Now let's store this text file as an attachment in CouchDB. First, we create a
 .. code-block:: bash
@@ -311,8 +313,8 @@ HTTP supports many ways to specify single and even multiple byte
 ranges. Read all about it in :rfc:`2616#section-14.27`.
 .. note::
-   Databases that have been created with CouchDB 1.0.2 or earlier will
-   support range requests in |version|, but they are using a less-optimal
-   algorithm. If you plan to make heavy use of this feature, make sure
-   to compact your database with CouchDB |version| to take advantage of a
-   better algorithm to find byte ranges.
+    Databases that have been created with CouchDB 1.0.2 or earlier will support
+    range requests in |version|, but they are using a less-optimal algorithm.
+    If you plan to make heavy use of this feature, make sure to compact your
+    database with CouchDB |version| to take advantage of a better algorithm to
+    find byte ranges.