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Posted to by Johnson Lu via Apache TVM Discuss <> on 2021/03/10 08:51:45 UTC

[Apache TVM Discuss] [Questions] Can we generate assembly code that tensor dimensions are not fixed?

Thanks for your suggestion, but I want to generate assembly code directly, then call it in C code, with original one, I can call assembly code by the function call like this: void assembly(int *C,int*A,int *B), and result are correct. 

I try to use te.ver() for the output geometry, like this. 

    M_var = tvm.te.var(name='M_var')

    N_var = tvm.te.var(name='N_var')

    K_var = tvm.te.var(name='K_var')

    # Construct the TVM computation.

    A = tvm.te.placeholder((M_var,K_var), name='A', dtype=tvm_dtype)

    B = tvm.te.placeholder((N_var,K_var), name='B', dtype=tvm_dtype)

    k = tvm.te.reduce_axis((0,K_var), name='k')

    C = tvm.te.compute((N_var, M_var),
        lambda i, j: tvm.te.sum(A[j][k].astype(tvm_output_dtype) * B[i][k].astype(tvm_output_dtype), axis=k),

    s = tvm.te.create_schedule(C.op)
    func =, [A, B, C], \
                    target = target, \
                    target_host = target_host, \

     func.imported_modules[0].save('tvm_matmul.s', 's')

And generate assembly code after build function, but I am not sure how to call such assembly code in my C code, how to pass M, N, K value?

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