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Posted to by Alex Harui <> on 2016/04/11 07:35:55 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache FlexJS 0.6.0 and Apache Flex FalconJX 0.6.0 Released

The Apache Flex community is pleased to announce the release of Apache
FlexJS SDK 0.6.0 and Apache Flex FalconJX Compiler 0.6.0.

Apache Flex is a highly productive, open source application framework for
building and maintaining expressive applications that deploy consistently
on all major browsers, desktops and devices (including smartphones,
tablets and tv).

Apache FlexJS is a next-generation Flex SDK that enables developers to use
MXML and ActionScript to not only create SWFs but also cross-compile the
same MXML and ActionScript to HTML/JS/CSS so applications can run natively
in browsers.  The cross-compiled code can also be used in Apache Cordova
(Adobe PhoneGap) mobile applications.

Apache Flex FalconJX is a next-generation MXML and ActionScript
cross-compiler.  It extends the next-generation SWF compiler known as
Falcon.  Both are contained in the release package and are used by the
FlexJS package to compile SWFs or cross-compile to HTML/JS/CSS.

This is the fourth release of FlexJS and FalconJX.  It is ‘beta'
quality.  In this release, all JS used to implement framework
functionality is actually written in AS and cross-compiled, which helps
show that there is developer productivity improvements using higher-level
languages.  In addition, the there is a new Storage.swc for working with
the persistent storage and a Reflection.swc for basic reflection

In addition, there is a new tool called asnodec (in js/bin).  It causes
the compiler to output an index.js that can be run with Node.js.

Also, Apache FlexJS 0.6.0 is now available as a npm package. On a system
With npm installed, users can easily install FlexJS with the command:
  npm install flexjs -g
Or you can use the Installer as described below.

The purpose of this release is to gather feedback about the
features and implementation strategies, and recruit new contributors as we
grow these code bases into an SDK and tool chain that delivers the highest
productivity developing applications that can run in the most places.
These releases may not handle production needs.  Expect lots of bugs and
missing features.  Please file bugs at:

For questions about how to use FlexJS and FalconJX, send email to  Please try to prefix the subject with [FlexJS] or
[FalconJX] so it is clear the questions refer to this release and not the
Flex SDK and MXMLC compiler.

For questions and feedback on the development of the source code in these
release, send email to  Again, please prefix the
subject with [FlexJS] or [FalconJX].

Apache FlexJS and Apache Flex FalconJX are available in source and binary
form from the following download page:

When downloading from a mirror site, please remember to verify the
downloads using signatures or MD5 hashes.

A simple way to try these releases is to use the
InstallApacheFlex 3.1 or 3.2 application which is available at the
following url:

Choose Apache FlexJS 0.6.0 and it will create an Adobe Flash
Builder-compatible SDK that uses the Falcon and FalconJX compilers to
generate SWFs and HTML/JS/CSS output.  You can also use FDT as your IDE
for developing FlexJS applications.  Some folks have been successful
using IntelliJ, FlashDevelop as well.  Moonshine is also working on
FlexJS support.

See the README or the FlexJS wiki for more information.  The FlexJS

section of the wiki is at the following

For more information on Apache Flex, visit the project home page:

Please try FlexJS and become involved in shaping the future of Flex.

The Apache Flex Community