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Posted to by mruff <> on 2004/01/21 15:08:45 UTC

preGoal, attainGoal question

I'm new to maven.
My intention is to checkout a project (scm:checkout-project) and the 
build it (site:generate)

I wanted this to achive with the following maven.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<project xmlns:j="jelly:core" default="buildall">
   <goal name="buildall">
       <attainGoal name="clean"/>
       <attainGoal name="site:generate"/>              </goal>
   <preGoal name="site:generate">
       <attainGoal name="scm:checkout-project"/>
The problem now is the the scm:checkout-project is not exectued, and I 
do not know why. The project.xml and files are 
correct. If I call maven site:generate or maven scm:checkout-project 
individually without the maven.xml file they both work fine. But I do 
not get it to work together like I want:
1. checkout
2. site generate

Thanks for help

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