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[11/14] groovy git commit: move datetime extensions to their own module
diff --git a/src/spec/doc/working-with-datetime-types.adoc b/src/spec/doc/working-with-datetime-types.adoc
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index 6567154..0000000
--- a/src/spec/doc/working-with-datetime-types.adoc
+++ /dev/null
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-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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-  distributed with this work for additional information
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-  under the License.
-= Working with Date/Time types
-:gdk:[Groovy development kit]
-:java-time-types: `java.time` types
-Groovy's syntax and extension methods within the {gdk} provide conveniences for using
-the[Date/Time API
-introduced in Java 8]. This documentation refers to the data types defined by this API as
-"JSR 310 types."
-== Formatting and parsing
-A common use case when working with date/time types is to convert them to Strings (formatting)
-and from Strings (parsing). Groovy provides these additional formatting methods:
-[cols="1,1,1" options="header"]
-| Method
-| Description
-| Example
-| `getDateString()`
-| For `LocalDate` and `LocalDateTime`, formats with
-| `2018-03-10`
-| For `OffsetDateTime`, formats with
-| `2018-03-10+04:00`
-| For `ZonedDateTime`, formats with
-and appends the `ZoneId` short name
-| `2018-03-10EST`
-| `getDateTimeString()`
-| For `LocalDateTime`, formats with
-| `2018-03-10T20:30:45`
-| For `OffsetDateTime`, formats with
-| `2018-03-10T20:30:45+04:00`
-| For `ZonedDateTime`, formats with
-and appends the `ZoneId` short name
-| `2018-03-10T20:30:45EST`
-| `getTimeString()`
-| For `LocalTime` and `LocalDateTime`, formats with
-| `20:30:45`
-| For `OffsetTime` and `OffsetDateTime`, formats with
-| `20:30:45+04:00`
-| For `ZonedDateTime`, formats with
-and appends the `ZoneId` short name
-| `20:30:45EST`
-| `format(FormatStyle style)`
-| For `LocalTime` and `OffsetTime`, formats with
-| `4:30 AM` (with style `FormatStyle.SHORT`, e.g.)
-| For `LocalDate`, formats with
-| `Saturday, March 10, 2018` (with style `FormatStyle.FULL`, e.g.)
-| For `LocalDateTime`, `OffsetDateTime`, and `ZonedDateTime` formats with
-| `Mar 10, 2019 4:30:45 AM` (with style `FormatStyle.MEDIUM`, e.g.)
-| `format(String pattern)`
-| Formats with
-| `03/10/2018` (with pattern `'MM/dd/yyyy', e.g.)
-For parsing, Groovy adds a static `parse` method to many of the JSR 310 types. The method
-takes two arguments: the value to be formatted and the pattern to use. The pattern is
-defined by the
-[`java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter` API].
-As an example:
-Note that these `parse` methods have a different argument ordering than the static
-`parse` method Groovy added to `java.util.Date`.
-This was done to be consistent with the existing `parse` methods of the Date/Time API.
-== Manipulating date/time
-=== Addition and subtraction
-`Temporal` types have `plus` and `minus` methods for adding or subtracting a provided
-`java.time.temporal.TemporalAmount` argument. Because Groovy maps the `+` and `-` operators
-to single-argument methods of these names, a more natural expression syntax can be used to add and subtract.
-Groovy provides additional `plus` and `minus` methods that accept an integer argument,
-enabling the above to be rewritten more succinctly:
-The unit of these integers depends on the JSR 310 type operand. As evident above,
-integers used with `ChronoLocalDate` types like `LocalDate` have a unit of
-Integers used with `Year` and `YearMonth` have a unit of
-[years] and
-[months], respectively.
-All other types have a unit of
-such as `LocalTime`, for instance:
-=== Multiplication and division
-The `*` operator can be used to multiply `Period` and `Duration` instances by an
-integer value; the `/` operator can be used to divide `Duration` instances by an integer value.
-=== Incrementing and decrementing
-The  `++` and `--` operators can be used increment and decrement date/time values by one unit. Since the JSR 310 types
-are immutable, the operation will create a new instance with the incremented/decremented value and reassign it to the
-=== Negation
-The `Duration` and `Period` types represent a negative or positive length of time.
-These can be negated with the unary `-` operator.
-== Interacting with date/time values
-=== Property notation
-method of `TemporalAccessor` types (e.g. `LocalDate`,
-`LocalTime`, `ZonedDateTime`, etc.) and the
-method of `TemporalAmount` types (namely `Period` and `Duration`), can be invoked with
-Groovy's property notation. For example:
-=== Ranges, `upto`, and `downto`
-The JSR 310 types can be used with the <<core-operators.adoc#_range_operator,range operator>>.
-The following example iterates between today and the `LocalDate` six days from now,
-printing out the day of the week for each iteration. As both range bounds are inclusive,
-this prints all seven days of the week.
-The `upto` method will accomplish the same as the range in the above example.
-The `upto` method iterates from the earlier start value (inclusive) to the later end value
-(also inclusive), calling the closure with the incremented value once per iteration.
-The `downto` method iterates in the opposite direction, from a later start value
-to an earlier end value.
-The unit of iteration for `upto`, `downto`, and ranges is the same as the unit for addition
-and subtraction: `LocalDate` iterates by one day at a time,
-`YearMonth` iterates by one month, `Year` by one year, and everything else by one second.
-Both methods also support an optional a `TemporalUnit` argument to change the unit of
-Consider the following example, where March 1st, 2018 is iterated up to March 2nd, 2018
-using an iteration unit of
-Since the start date is inclusive, the closure is called with date March 1st. The `upto` method
-then increments the date by one month, yielding the date, April 1st. Because this date is _after_ the
-specified end date of March 2nd, the iteration stops immediately, having only called the closure
-once. This behavior is the same for the `downto` method except that the iteration will stop
-as soon as the the value of `end` becomes earlier than the targeted end date.
-In short, when iterating with the `upto` or `downto` methods with a custom unit of iteration,
-the current value of iteration will never exceed the end value.
-=== Combining date/time values
-The left-shift operator (`<<`) can be used to combine two JSR 310 types into an aggregate type.
-For example, a `LocalDate` can be left-shifted into a `LocalTime` to produce a composite
-`LocalDateTime` instance.
-The left-shift operator is reflexive; the order of the operands does not matter.
-=== Creating periods and durations
-The right-shift operator (`>>`) produces a value representing the period or duration between the
-operands. For `ChronoLocalDate`, `YearMonth`, and `Year`, the operator yields
-a `Period` instance:
-The operator produces a `Duration` for the time-aware JSR types:
-If the value on the left-hand side of the operator is earlier than the value on the right-hand
-side, the result is positive. If the left-hand side is later than the right-hand side, the
-result is negative:
-== Converting between legacy and JSR 310 types
-Despite the shortcomings of `Date`, `Calendar`, and `TimeZone` types in the `java.util` package
-they are farily common in Java APIs (at least in those prior to Java 8).
-To accommodate use of such APIs, Groovy provides methods for converting between the
-JSR 310 types and legacy types.
-Most JSR types have been fitted with `toDate()` and `toCalendar()` methods for
-converting to relatively equivalent `java.util.Date` and `java.util.Calendar` values.
-Both `ZoneId` and `ZoneOffset` have been given a `toTimeZone()` method for converting to
-Note that when converting to a legacy type:
-* Nanosecond values are truncated to milliseconds. A `LocalTime`, for example, with a `ChronoUnit.NANOS` value
-of 999,999,999 nanoseconds translates to 999 milliseconds.
-* When converting the "local" types (`LocalDate`, `LocalTime`, and `LocalDateTime`), the time zone of the
-returned `Date` or `Calendar` will be the system default.
-* When converting a time-only type (`LocalTime` or `OffsetTime`), the year/month/day of the `Date` or `Calendar` is set
-to the current date.
-* When converting a date-only type (`LocalDate`), the time value of the `Date` or `Calendar` will be cleared,
-i.e. `00:00:00.000`.
-* When converting an `OffsetDateTime` to a `Calendar`, only the hours and minutes of the `ZoneOffset` convey
-into the corresponding `TimeZone`. Fortunately, Zone Offsets with non-zero seconds are rare.
-Groovy has added a number of methods to `Date` and `Calendar`
-for converting into the various JSR 310 types:
diff --git a/src/spec/test/gdk/WorkingWithDateTimeTypesTest.groovy b/src/spec/test/gdk/WorkingWithDateTimeTypesTest.groovy
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index 99e7f8d..0000000
--- a/src/spec/test/gdk/WorkingWithDateTimeTypesTest.groovy
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-package gdk
-import java.time.*
-import java.time.chrono.JapaneseDate
-import java.time.temporal.ChronoField
-import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
-class WorkingWithDateTimeTypesTest extends GroovyTestCase {
-    void testParsing() {
-        // tag::static_parsing[]
-        def date = LocalDate.parse('Jun 3, 04','MMM d, yy')
-        assert date == LocalDate.of(2004, Month.JUNE, 3)
-        def time = LocalTime.parse('4:45','H:mm')
-        assert time == LocalTime.of(4, 45, 0)
-        def offsetTime = OffsetTime.parse('09:47:51-1234', 'HH:mm:ssZ')
-        assert offsetTime == OffsetTime.of(9, 47, 51, 0, ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutes(-12, -34))
-        def dateTime =  ZonedDateTime.parse('2017/07/11 9:47PM Pacific Standard Time', 'yyyy/MM/dd h:mma zzzz')
-        assert dateTime == ZonedDateTime.of(
-                               LocalDate.of(2017, 7, 11),
-                               LocalTime.of(21, 47, 0),
-                               ZoneId.of('America/Los_Angeles')
-                           )
-        // end::static_parsing[]
-    }
-    void testRange() {
-        // tag::date_ranges[]
-        def start =
-        def end = start + 6 // 6 days later
-        (start..end).each { date ->
-            println date.dayOfWeek
-        }
-        // end::date_ranges[]
-    }
-    void testUptoDownto() {
-        // tag::date_upto_date[]
-        def start =
-        def end = start + 6 // 6 days later
-        start.upto(end) { date ->
-            println date.dayOfWeek
-        }
-        // end::date_upto_date[]
-    }
-    void testUptoCustomUnit() {
-        // tag::date_upto_date_by_months[]
-        def start = LocalDate.of(2018, Month.MARCH, 2)
-        def end = start + 1 // 1 day later
-        int iterationCount = 0
-        start.upto(end, ChronoUnit.MONTHS) { date ->
-            println date
-            ++iterationCount
-        }
-        assert iterationCount == 1
-        // end::date_upto_date_by_months[]
-    }
-    void testPlusMinusWithTemporalAmounts() {
-        // tag::plus_minus_period[]
-        def aprilFools = LocalDate.of(2018, Month.APRIL, 1)
-        def nextAprilFools = aprilFools + Period.ofDays(365) // add 365 days
-        assert nextAprilFools.year == 2019
-        def idesOfMarch = aprilFools - Period.ofDays(17) // subtract 17 days
-        assert idesOfMarch.dayOfMonth == 15
-        assert idesOfMarch.month == Month.MARCH
-        // end::plus_minus_period[]
-    }
-    void testLocalDatePlusMinusInteger() {
-        def aprilFools = LocalDate.of(2018, Month.APRIL, 1)
-        // tag::localdate_plus_minus_integer[]
-        def nextAprilFools = aprilFools + 365 // add 365 days
-        def idesOfMarch = aprilFools - 17 // subtract 17 days
-        // end::localdate_plus_minus_integer[]
-        assert nextAprilFools.year == 2019
-        assert idesOfMarch.dayOfMonth == 15
-        assert idesOfMarch.month == Month.MARCH
-    }
-    void testLocalTimePlusMinusInteger() {
-        // tag::localtime_plus_minus_integer[]
-        def mars = LocalTime.of(12, 34, 56) // 12:34:56 pm
-        def thirtySecondsToMars = mars - 30 // go back 30 seconds
-        assert thirtySecondsToMars.second == 26
-        // end::localtime_plus_minus_integer[]
-    }
-    void testNextPrevious() {
-        // tag::next_previous[]
-        def year = Year.of(2000)
-        --year // decrement by one year
-        assert year.value == 1999
-        def offsetTime = OffsetTime.of(0, 0, 0, 0, ZoneOffset.UTC) // 00:00:00.000 UTC
-        offsetTime++ // increment by one second
-        assert offsetTime.second == 1
-        // end::next_previous[]
-    }
-    void testMultiplyDivide() {
-        // tag::multiply_divide[]
-        def period = Period.ofMonths(1) * 2 // a 1-month period times 2
-        assert period.months == 2
-        def duration = Duration.ofSeconds(10) / 5// a 10-second duration divided by 5
-        assert duration.seconds == 2
-        // end::multiply_divide[]
-    }
-    void testNegation() {
-        // tag::duration_negation[]
-        def duration = Duration.ofSeconds(-15)
-        def negated = -duration
-        assert negated.seconds == 15
-        // end::duration_negation[]
-    }
-    void testPropertyNotation() {
-        // tag::property_notation[]
-        def date = LocalDate.of(2018, Month.MARCH, 12)
-        assert date[ChronoField.YEAR] == 2018
-        assert date[ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR] == Month.MARCH.value
-        assert date[ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH] == 12
-        assert date[ChronoField.DAY_OF_WEEK] == DayOfWeek.MONDAY.value
-        def period = Period.ofYears(2).withMonths(4).withDays(6)
-        assert period[ChronoUnit.YEARS] == 2
-        assert period[ChronoUnit.MONTHS] == 4
-        assert period[ChronoUnit.DAYS] == 6
-        // end::property_notation[]
-    }
-    void testLeftShift() {
-        // tag::leftshift_operator[]
-        MonthDay monthDay = Month.JUNE << 3 // June 3rd
-        LocalDate date = monthDay << Year.of(2015) // 3-Jun-2015
-        LocalDateTime dateTime = date << LocalTime.NOON // 3-Jun-2015 @ 12pm
-        OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime = dateTime << ZoneOffset.ofHours(-5) // 3-Jun-2015 @ 12pm UTC-5
-        // end::leftshift_operator[]
-        // tag::leftshift_operator_reflexive[]
-        def year = Year.of(2000)
-        def month = Month.DECEMBER
-        YearMonth a = year << month
-        YearMonth b = month << year
-        assert a == b
-        // end::leftshift_operator_reflexive[]
-    }
-    void testRightShift() {
-        // tag::rightshift_operator_period[]
-        def newYears = LocalDate.of(2018, Month.JANUARY, 1)
-        def aprilFools = LocalDate.of(2018, Month.APRIL, 1)
-        def period = newYears >> aprilFools
-        assert period instanceof Period
-        assert period.months == 3
-        // end::rightshift_operator_period[]
-        // tag::rightshift_operator_duration[]
-        def duration = LocalTime.NOON >> (LocalTime.NOON + 30)
-        assert duration instanceof Duration
-        assert duration.seconds == 30
-        // end::rightshift_operator_duration[]
-        // tag::rightshift_operator_negative[]
-        def decade = Year.of(2010) >> Year.of(2000)
-        assert decade.years == -10
-        // end::rightshift_operator_negative[]
-    }
-    void testToDateAndToCalendar() {
-        // tag::todate_tocalendar[]
-        // LocalDate to java.util.Date
-        def valentines = LocalDate.of(2018, Month.FEBRUARY, 14)
-        assert valentines.toDate().format('MMMM dd, yyyy') == 'February 14, 2018'
-        // LocalTime to java.util.Date
-        def noon = LocalTime.of(12, 0, 0)
-        assert noon.toDate().format('HH:mm:ss') == '12:00:00'
-        // ZoneId to java.util.TimeZone
-        def newYork = ZoneId.of('America/New_York')
-        assert newYork.toTimeZone() == TimeZone.getTimeZone('America/New_York')
-        // ZonedDateTime to java.util.Calendar
-        def valAtNoonInNY = ZonedDateTime.of(valentines, noon, newYork)
-        assert valAtNoonInNY.toCalendar().getTimeZone().toZoneId() == newYork
-        // end::todate_tocalendar[]
-    }
-    void testConvertToJSR310Types() {
-        // tag::to_jsr310_types[]
-        Date legacy = Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS', '2010-04-03 10:30:58.999')
-        assert legacy.toLocalDate() == LocalDate.of(2010, 4, 3)
-        assert legacy.toLocalTime() == LocalTime.of(10, 30, 58, 999_000_000) // 999M ns = 999ms
-        assert legacy.toOffsetTime().hour == 10
-        assert legacy.toYear() == Year.of(2010)
-        assert legacy.toMonth() == Month.APRIL
-        assert legacy.toDayOfWeek() == DayOfWeek.SATURDAY
-        assert legacy.toMonthDay() == MonthDay.of(Month.APRIL, 3)
-        assert legacy.toYearMonth() == YearMonth.of(2010, Month.APRIL)
-        assert legacy.toLocalDateTime().year == 2010
-        assert legacy.toOffsetDateTime().dayOfMonth == 3
-        assert legacy.toZonedDateTime().zone == ZoneId.systemDefault()
-        // end::to_jsr310_types[]
-    }
diff --git a/src/test/groovy/DateTest.groovy b/src/test/groovy/DateTest.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c2034d..0000000
--- a/src/test/groovy/DateTest.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *  distributed with this work for additional information
- *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *  under the License.
- */
-package groovy
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
-import static java.util.Calendar.*
-class DateTest extends GroovyTestCase {
-    void testCalendarNextPrevious() {
-        TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone('GMT+00')
-        Calendar c = getInstance(tz)
-        c[HOUR_OF_DAY] = 6
-        c[YEAR] = 2002
-        c[MONTH] = FEBRUARY
-        c[DATE] = 2
-        c.clearTime()
-        def formatter = new SimpleDateFormat('dd-MMM-yyyy', Locale.US)
-        formatter.calendar.timeZone = tz
-        assert formatter.format(c.previous().time) == '01-Feb-2002'
-        assert formatter.format(c.time) == '02-Feb-2002'
-        assert formatter.format( == '03-Feb-2002'
-        def dates = (c.previous(){ formatter.format(it.time) }
-        assert dates == ['01-Feb-2002', '02-Feb-2002', '03-Feb-2002']
-    }
-    void testDateNextPrevious() {
-        def tz = TimeZone.default
-        def x = new Date()
-        def y = x + 2
-        assert x < y
-        def crossedDaylightSavingBoundary = tz.inDaylightTime(x) ^ tz.inDaylightTime(y)
-        ++x
-        --y
-        if (!crossedDaylightSavingBoundary) assert x == y
-        x += 2
-        assert x > y
-    }
-    void testDateRange() {
-        def today = new Date()
-        def later = today + 3
-        def expected = [today, today + 1, today + 2, today + 3]
-        def list = []
-        for (d in today..later) {
-            list << d
-        }
-        assert list == expected
-    }
-    void testCalendarIndex() {
-        Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(2002, FEBRUARY, 2)
-        assert c[MONTH] == FEBRUARY
-        assert c[DAY_OF_WEEK] == SATURDAY
-    }
-    void testDateIndex() {
-        Date d = new GregorianCalendar(2002, FEBRUARY, 2).time
-        assert d[MONTH] == FEBRUARY
-        assert d[DAY_OF_WEEK] == SATURDAY
-    }
diff --git a/src/test/groovy/DateTimeTest.groovy b/src/test/groovy/DateTimeTest.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index db2e266..0000000
--- a/src/test/groovy/DateTimeTest.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,821 +0,0 @@
-package groovy
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
-import java.time.*
-import java.time.chrono.JapaneseDate
-import java.time.temporal.ChronoField
-import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
-class DateTimeTest extends GroovyTestCase {
-    void testDurationPlusMinusPositiveNegative() {
-        def duration = Duration.ofSeconds(10)
-        def longer = duration + 5
-        def shorter = duration - 5
-        assert longer.seconds == 15
-        assert shorter.seconds == 5
-        assert (++longer).seconds == 16
-        assert (--shorter).seconds == 4
-    }
-    void testInstantPlusMinusPositiveNegative() {
-        def epoch = Instant.ofEpochMilli(0)
-        def twoSecPastEpoch = epoch + 2
-        def oneSecPastEpoch = twoSecPastEpoch - 1
-        assert oneSecPastEpoch.epochSecond == 1
-        assert twoSecPastEpoch.epochSecond == 2
-        assert (++twoSecPastEpoch).epochSecond == 3
-        assert (--oneSecPastEpoch).epochSecond == 0
-    }
-    void testLocalDatePlusMinusPositiveNegative() {
-        def epoch = LocalDate.of(1970, Month.JANUARY, 1)
-        def twoDaysPastEpoch = epoch + 2
-        def oneDayPastEpoch = twoDaysPastEpoch - 1
-        assert oneDayPastEpoch.dayOfMonth == 2
-        assert twoDaysPastEpoch.dayOfMonth == 3
-        assert (++twoDaysPastEpoch).dayOfMonth == 4
-        assert (--oneDayPastEpoch).dayOfMonth == 1
-    }
-    void testLocalDateTimePlusMinusPositiveNegative() {
-        def epoch = LocalDateTime.of(1970, Month.JANUARY, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-        def twoSecsPastEpoch = epoch + 2
-        def oneSecPastEpoch = twoSecsPastEpoch - 1
-        assert oneSecPastEpoch.second == 1
-        assert twoSecsPastEpoch.second == 2
-        assert (++twoSecsPastEpoch).second == 3
-        assert (--oneSecPastEpoch).second == 0
-    }
-    void testLocalTimePlusMinusPositiveNegative() {
-        def epoch = LocalTime.of(0, 0, 0, 0)
-        def twoSecsPastEpoch = epoch + 2
-        def oneSecPastEpoch = twoSecsPastEpoch - 1
-        assert oneSecPastEpoch.second == 1
-        assert twoSecsPastEpoch.second == 2
-        assert (++twoSecsPastEpoch).second == 3
-        assert (--oneSecPastEpoch).second == 0
-    }
-    void testOffsetDateTimePlusMinusPositiveNegative() {
-        def epoch = OffsetDateTime.of(LocalDateTime.of(1970, Month.JANUARY, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0),
-                ZoneOffset.ofHours(0))
-        def twoSecsPastEpoch = epoch + 2
-        def oneSecPastEpoch = twoSecsPastEpoch - 1
-        assert oneSecPastEpoch.second == 1
-        assert twoSecsPastEpoch.second == 2
-        assert (++twoSecsPastEpoch).second == 3
-        assert (--oneSecPastEpoch).second == 0
-    }
-    void testOffsetTimePlusMinusPositiveNegative() {
-        def epoch = OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(0, 0, 0, 0),
-                ZoneOffset.ofHours(0))
-        def twoSecsPastEpoch = epoch + 2
-        def oneSecPastEpoch = twoSecsPastEpoch - 1
-        assert oneSecPastEpoch.second == 1
-        assert twoSecsPastEpoch.second == 2
-        assert (++twoSecsPastEpoch).second == 3
-        assert (--oneSecPastEpoch).second == 0
-    }
-    void testPeriodPlusMinusPositiveNegative() {
-        def fortnight = Period.ofDays(14)
-        def fortnightAndTwoDays = fortnight + 2
-        def fortnightAndOneDay = fortnightAndTwoDays - 1
-        assert fortnightAndOneDay.days == 15
-        assert fortnightAndTwoDays.days == 16
-        assert (++fortnightAndTwoDays).days == 17
-        assert (--fortnightAndOneDay).days == 14
-    }
-    void testYearPlusMinusPositiveNegative() {
-        def epoch = Year.of(1970)
-        def twoYearsAfterEpoch = epoch + 2
-        def oneYearAfterEpoch = twoYearsAfterEpoch - 1
-        assert oneYearAfterEpoch.value == 1971
-        assert twoYearsAfterEpoch.value == 1972
-        assert (++twoYearsAfterEpoch).value == 1973
-        assert (--oneYearAfterEpoch).value == 1970
-    }
-    void testYearMonthPlusMinusPositiveNegative() {
-        def epoch = YearMonth.of(1970, Month.JANUARY)
-        def twoMonthsAfterEpoch = epoch + 2
-        def oneMonthAfterEpoch = twoMonthsAfterEpoch - 1
-        assert oneMonthAfterEpoch.month == Month.FEBRUARY
-        assert twoMonthsAfterEpoch.month == Month.MARCH
-        assert (++twoMonthsAfterEpoch).month == Month.APRIL
-        assert (--oneMonthAfterEpoch).month == Month.JANUARY
-    }
-    void testZonedDateTimePlusMinusPositiveNegative() {
-        def epoch = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDateTime.of(1970, Month.JANUARY, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0),
-                ZoneId.systemDefault())
-        def twoSecsPastEpoch = epoch + 2
-        def oneSecPastEpoch = twoSecsPastEpoch - 1
-        assert oneSecPastEpoch.second == 1
-        assert twoSecsPastEpoch.second == 2
-        assert (++twoSecsPastEpoch).second == 3
-        assert (--oneSecPastEpoch).second == 0
-    }
-    void testDayOfWeekPlusMinus() {
-        def mon = DayOfWeek.MONDAY
-        assert mon + 4 == DayOfWeek.FRIDAY
-        assert mon - 4 == DayOfWeek.THURSDAY
-    }
-    void testMonthPlusMinus() {
-        def jan = Month.JANUARY
-        assert jan + 4 == Month.MAY
-        assert jan - 4 == Month.SEPTEMBER
-    }
-    void testDurationPositiveNegative() {
-        def positiveDuration = Duration.ofSeconds(3)
-        assert (-positiveDuration).seconds == -3
-        def negativeDuration = Duration.ofSeconds(-5)
-        assert (+negativeDuration).seconds == 5
-    }
-    void testDurationMultiplyDivide() {
-        def duration = Duration.ofSeconds(60)
-        assert (duration / 2).seconds == 30
-        assert (duration * 2).seconds == 120
-    }
-    void testDurationIsPositiveIsNonnegativeIsNonpositive() {
-        def pos = Duration.ofSeconds(10)
-        assert pos.isPositive() == true
-        assert pos.isNonpositive() == false
-        assert pos.isNonnegative() == true
-        def neg = Duration.ofSeconds(-10)
-        assert neg.isPositive() == false
-        assert neg.isNonpositive() == true
-        assert neg.isNonnegative() == false
-        assert Duration.ZERO.isPositive() == false
-        assert Duration.ZERO.isNonpositive() == true
-        assert Duration.ZERO.isNonnegative() == true
-    }
-    void testPeriodPositiveNegative() {
-        def positivePeriod = Period.of(1,2,3)
-        Period madeNegative = -positivePeriod
-        assert madeNegative.years == -1 : "All Period fields should be made negative"
-        assert madeNegative.months == -2
-        assert madeNegative.days == -3
-        def negativePeriod = Period.of(-1,2,-3)
-        Period madePositive = +negativePeriod
-        assert madePositive.years == 1 : "Negative Period fields should be made positive"
-        assert madePositive.months == 2 : "Positive Period fields should remain positive"
-        assert madePositive.days == 3
-    }
-    void testPeriodMultiply() {
-        def period = Period.of(1,1,1)
-        Period doublePeriod = period * 2
-        assert doublePeriod.years == 2
-        assert doublePeriod.months == 2
-        assert doublePeriod.days == 2
-    }
-    void testPeriodIsPositiveIsNonnegativeIsNonpositive() {
-        def pos = Period.ofDays(10)
-        assert pos.isPositive() == true
-        assert pos.isNonpositive() == false
-        assert pos.isNonnegative() == true
-        def neg = Period.ofDays(-10)
-        assert neg.isPositive() == false
-        assert neg.isNonpositive() == true
-        assert neg.isNonnegative() == false
-        assert Period.ZERO.isPositive() == false
-        assert Period.ZERO.isNonpositive() == true
-        assert Period.ZERO.isNonnegative() == true
-    }
-    void testTemporalGetAt() {
-        def epoch = Instant.ofEpochMilli(0)
-        assert epoch[ChronoField.INSTANT_SECONDS] == 0
-    }
-    void testTemporalAmountGetAt() {
-        def duration = Duration.ofHours(10)
-        assert duration[ChronoUnit.SECONDS] == 36_000
-    }
-    void testZoneOffsetGetAt() {
-        def offset = ZoneOffset.ofTotalSeconds(360)
-        assert offset[ChronoField.OFFSET_SECONDS] == 360
-    }
-    void testTemporalRightShift() {
-        def epoch = Instant.ofEpochMilli(0)
-        def dayAfterEpoch = epoch + (60 * 60 * 24)
-        Duration instantDuration = epoch >> dayAfterEpoch
-        assert instantDuration == Duration.ofDays(1)
-    }
-    void testLocalDateRightShift() {
-        def localDate1 = LocalDate.of(2000, Month.JANUARY, 1)
-        def localDate2 = localDate1.plusYears(2)
-        Period localDatePeriod = localDate1 >> localDate2
-        assert localDatePeriod.years == 2
-    }
-    void testYearRightShift() {
-        def year1 = Year.of(2000)
-        def year2 = Year.of(2018)
-        Period yearPeriod = year1 >> year2
-        assert yearPeriod.years == 18
-    }
-    void testYearMonthRightShift() {
-        def yearMonth1 = YearMonth.of(2018, Month.JANUARY)
-        def yearMonth2 = YearMonth.of(2018, Month.MARCH)
-        Period yearMonthPeriod = yearMonth1 >> yearMonth2
-        assert yearMonthPeriod.months == 2
-    }
-    void testRightShiftDifferentTypes() {
-        try {
-   >>
-            fail('Should not be able to use right shift on different Temporal types.')
-        } catch (e) {
-            assert e instanceof GroovyRuntimeException
-        }
-    }
-    void testUptoDifferentTypes() {
-        try {
-  , ChronoUnit.MONTHS)) { d -> }
-            fail('Cannot use upto() with two different Temporal types.')
-        } catch (e) {
-            assert e instanceof GroovyRuntimeException
-        }
-    }
-    void testDowntoDifferentTypes() {
-        try {
-  , ChronoUnit.MONTHS)) { d -> }
-            fail('Cannot use downto() with two different argument types.')
-        } catch (e) {
-            assert e instanceof GroovyRuntimeException
-        }
-    }
-    void testUptoSelfWithDefaultUnit() {
-        def epoch = Instant.ofEpochMilli(0)
-        int iterations = 0
-        epoch.upto(epoch) {
-            ++iterations
-            assert it == epoch: 'upto closure should be provided with arg'
-        }
-        assert iterations == 1: 'Iterating upto same value should call closure once'
-    }
-    void testDowntoSelfWithDefaultUnit() {
-        def epoch = Instant.ofEpochMilli(0)
-        int iterations = 0
-        epoch.downto(epoch) {
-            ++iterations
-            assert it == epoch: 'downto closure should be provided with arg'
-        }
-        assert iterations == 1: 'Iterating downto same value should call closure once'
-    }
-    void testUptoWithSecondsDefaultUnit() {
-        def epoch = Instant.ofEpochMilli(0)
-        int iterations = 0
-        Instant end = null
-        epoch.upto(epoch + 1) {
-            ++iterations
-            end = it
-        }
-        assert iterations == 2: 'Iterating upto Temporal+1 value should call closure twice'
-        assert end.epochSecond == 1: 'Unexpected upto final value'
-    }
-    void testDowntoWithSecondsDefaultUnit() {
-        def epoch = Instant.ofEpochMilli(0)
-        int iterations = 0
-        Instant end = null
-        epoch.downto(epoch - 1) {
-            ++iterations
-            end = it
-        }
-        assert iterations == 2 : 'Iterating downto Temporal+1 value should call closure twice'
-        assert end.epochSecond == -1 : 'Unexpected downto final value'
-    }
-    void testUptoWithYearsDefaultUnit() {
-        def endYear = null
-        Year.of(1970).upto(Year.of(1971)) { year -> endYear = year }
-        assert endYear.value == 1971
-    }
-    void testDowntoWithYearsDefaultUnit() {
-        def endYear = null
-        Year.of(1971).downto(Year.of(1970)) { year -> endYear = year }
-        assert endYear.value == 1970
-    }
-    void testUptoWithMonthsDefaultUnit() {
-        def endYearMonth = null
-        YearMonth.of(1970, Month.JANUARY).upto(YearMonth.of(1970, Month.FEBRUARY)) { yearMonth ->
-            endYearMonth = yearMonth
-        }
-        assert endYearMonth.month == Month.FEBRUARY
-    }
-    void testDowntoWithMonthsDefaultUnit() {
-        def endYearMonth = null
-        YearMonth.of(1970, Month.FEBRUARY).downto(YearMonth.of(1970, Month.JANUARY)) { yearMonth ->
-            endYearMonth = yearMonth
-        }
-        assert endYearMonth.month == Month.JANUARY
-    }
-    void testUptoWithDaysDefaultUnit() {
-        def endLocalDate = null
-        LocalDate.of(1970, Month.JANUARY, 1).upto(LocalDate.of(1970, Month.JANUARY, 2)) {  localDate ->
-            endLocalDate = localDate
-        }
-        assert endLocalDate.dayOfMonth == 2
-    }
-    void testDowntoWithDaysDefaultUnit() {
-        def endLocalDate = null
-        LocalDate.of(1970, Month.JANUARY, 2).downto(LocalDate.of(1970, Month.JANUARY, 1)) {  localDate ->
-            endLocalDate = localDate
-        }
-        assert endLocalDate.dayOfMonth == 1
-    }
-    void testUptoWithIllegalReversedArguments() {
-        def epoch = Instant.ofEpochMilli(0)
-        try {
-            epoch.upto(epoch - 1) {
-                fail('upto() should fail when passed earlier arg')
-            }
-        } catch (GroovyRuntimeException e) {
-        }
-    }
-    void testDowntoWithIllegalReversedArguments() {
-        def epoch = Instant.ofEpochMilli(0)
-        try {
-            epoch.downto(epoch + 1) {
-                fail('downto() should fail when passed earlier arg')
-            }
-        } catch (GroovyRuntimeException e) {}
-    }
-    void testUptoSelfWithCustomUnit() {
-        def today =
-        int iterations = 0
-        today.upto(today, ChronoUnit.MONTHS) {
-            ++iterations
-            assert it == today: 'upto closure should be provided with arg'
-        }
-        assert iterations == 1: 'Iterating upto same value should call closure once'
-    }
-    void testDowntoSelfWithCustomUnit() {
-        def today =
-        int iterations = 0
-        today.downto(today, ChronoUnit.MONTHS) {
-            ++iterations
-            assert it == today: 'downto closure should be provided with arg'
-        }
-        assert iterations == 1: 'Iterating downto same value should call closure once'
-    }
-    void testUptoWithCustomUnit() {
-        LocalDateTime from = LocalDateTime.of(2018, Month.FEBRUARY, 11, 22, 9, 34)
-        // one second beyond one iteration
-        LocalDateTime to = from.plusDays(1).plusSeconds(1)
-        int iterations = 0
-        LocalDateTime end = null
-        from.upto(to, ChronoUnit.DAYS) {
-            ++iterations
-            end = it
-        }
-        assert iterations == 2
-        assert end.dayOfMonth == 12: "Upto should have iterated by DAYS twice"
-    }
-    void testDowntoWithCustomUnit() {
-        LocalDateTime from = LocalDateTime.of(2018, Month.FEBRUARY, 11, 22, 9, 34)
-        // one day beyond one iteration
-        LocalDateTime to = from.minusYears(1).minusDays(1)
-        int iterations = 0
-        LocalDateTime end = null
-        from.downto(to, ChronoUnit.YEARS) {
-            ++iterations
-            end = it
-        }
-        assert iterations == 2
-        assert end.year == 2017 : "Downto should have iterated by YEARS twice"
-    }
-    void testInstantToDateToCalendar() {
-        def epoch = Instant.ofEpochMilli(0).plusNanos(999_999)
-        def date = epoch.toDate()
-        def cal = epoch.toCalendar()
-        assert cal.time == date
-        def sdf = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS')
-        sdf.timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone('GMT')
-        assert sdf.format(date) == '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000'
-    }
-    void testLocalDateToDateToCalendar() {
-        def ld = LocalDate.of(2018, Month.FEBRUARY, 12)
-        Calendar cal = ld.toCalendar()
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) == 2018
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.FEBRUARY
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 12
-        assert cal.timeZone.getID() == TimeZone.default.getID()
-        Date date = ld.toDate()
-        assert date.format('yyyy-MM-dd') == '2018-02-12'
-    }
-    void testLocalDateTimeToDateToCalendar() {
-        def ldt = LocalDateTime.of(2018, Month.FEBRUARY, 12, 22, 26, 30, 123_999_999)
-        Calendar cal = ldt.toCalendar()
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) == 2018
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.FEBRUARY
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 12
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) == 22
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) == 26
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.SECOND) == 30
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) == 123
-        assert cal.timeZone.getID() == TimeZone.default.getID()
-        Date date = ldt.toDate()
-        assert date.format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS') == '2018-02-12 22:26:30.123'
-    }
-    void testLocalTimeToDateToCalendar() {
-        def today = Calendar.instance
-        def lt = LocalTime.of(22, 38, 20, 9_999_999)
-        Calendar cal = lt.toCalendar()
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) == today.get(Calendar.YEAR) : 'LocalTime.toCalendar() should have current year'
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) == today.get(Calendar.MONTH) : 'LocalTime.toCalendar() should have current month'
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) : 'LocalTime.toCalendar() should have current day'
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) == 22
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) == 38
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.SECOND) == 20
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) == 9
-        assert cal.timeZone.getID() == TimeZone.default.getID()
-        Date date = lt.toDate()
-        assert date.format('HH:mm:ss.SSS') == '22:38:20.009'
-    }
-    void testOffsetDateTimeToDateToCalendar() {
-        def ld = LocalDate.of(2018, Month.FEBRUARY, 12)
-        def lt = LocalTime.of(22, 46, 10, 16_000_001)
-        def offset = ZoneOffset.ofHours(-5)
-        def odt = OffsetDateTime.of(ld, lt, offset)
-        Calendar cal = odt.toCalendar()
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) == 2018
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.FEBRUARY
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 12
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) == 22
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) == 46
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.SECOND) == 10
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) == 16
-        assert cal.timeZone.getOffset(System.currentTimeMillis()) == -5 * 60 * 60 * 1000
-        Date date = odt.toDate()
-        def sdf = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z')
-        sdf.timeZone = cal.timeZone
-        assert sdf.format(date) == '2018-02-12 22:46:10.016 -0500'
-    }
-    void testOffsetTimeToDateToCalendar() {
-        def lt = LocalTime.of(22, 53, 2, 909_900_009)
-        def offset = ZoneOffset.ofHours(-4)
-        def ot = OffsetTime.of(lt, offset)
-        Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone('GMT-4'))
-        Calendar cal = ot.toCalendar()
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) == today.get(Calendar.YEAR) : 'OffsetTime.toCalendar() should have current year'
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) == today.get(Calendar.MONTH) : 'OffsetTime.toCalendar() should have current month'
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) : 'OffsetTime.toCalendar() should have current day'
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) == 22
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) == 53
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.SECOND) == 2
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) == 909
-        assert cal.timeZone.getOffset(System.currentTimeMillis()) == -4 * 60 * 60 * 1000
-        Date date = ot.toDate()
-        def sdf = new SimpleDateFormat('HH:mm:ss.SSS Z')
-        sdf.timeZone = cal.timeZone
-        assert sdf.format(date) == '22:53:02.909 -0400'
-    }
-    void testZonedDateTimeToDateToCalendar() {
-        def ldt = LocalDateTime.of(2018, Month.FEBRUARY, 13, 20, 33, 57)
-        def zoneId = ZoneId.ofOffset('GMT', ZoneOffset.ofHours(3))
-        def zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(ldt, zoneId)
-        Calendar cal = zdt.toCalendar()
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) == 2018
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.FEBRUARY
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 13
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) == 20
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) == 33
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.SECOND) == 57
-        assert cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) == 0
-        assert cal.timeZone.getOffset(System.currentTimeMillis()) == 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000
-        Date date = zdt.toDate()
-        def sdf = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z')
-        sdf.timeZone = cal.timeZone
-        assert sdf.format(date) == '2018-02-13 20:33:57.000 +0300'
-    }
-    void testZoneOffsetExtensionProperties() {
-        def offset = ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutesSeconds(3,4,5)
-        assert offset.hours == 3
-        assert offset.minutes == 4
-        assert offset.seconds == 5
-        def negOffset = ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutesSeconds(-1, -2, -3)
-        assert negOffset.hours == -1
-        assert negOffset.minutes == -2
-        assert negOffset.seconds == -3
-    }
-    void testZoneOffsetToZimeZone() {
-        TimeZone utcTz = ZoneOffset.UTC.toTimeZone()
-        assert utcTz.getID() == 'GMT'
-        TimeZone noSecsTz = ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutes(1, 30).toTimeZone()
-        assert noSecsTz.getID() == 'GMT+01:30'
-        TimeZone secsTz = ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutesSeconds(-4, -15, -30).toTimeZone()
-        assert secsTz.getID() == 'GMT-04:15'
-    }
-    void testZoneIdExtensionProperties() {
-        def offset = ZoneOffset.ofHours(7)
-        def zoneId = ZoneId.ofOffset('GMT', offset)
-        assert zoneId.offset.totalSeconds == offset.totalSeconds
-        assert zoneId.getOffset( == offset.totalSeconds
-        assert zoneId.shortName == 'GMT+07:00'
-        assert zoneId.fullName == 'GMT+07:00'
-        ZoneId ny = ZoneId.of('America/New_York')
-        assert ny.getShortName(Locale.US) == 'ET'
-        assert ny.getFullName(Locale.US) == 'Eastern Time'
-    }
-    void testZoneIdToTimeZone() {
-        ZoneId ny = ZoneId.of('America/New_York')
-        assert ny.toTimeZone() == TimeZone.getTimeZone(ny)
-    }
-    void testYearExtensionProperties() {
-        def year = Year.of(2009)
-        assert year.era == 1
-        assert year.yearOfEra == 2009
-    }
-    void testDayOfWeekExtensionProperties() {
-        assert DayOfWeek.SUNDAY.weekend
-        assert DayOfWeek.MONDAY.weekday
-    }
-    void testYear_Month_leftShift() {
-        def a =
-        def b = Month.JULY
-        YearMonth x = a << b
-        YearMonth y = b << a
-        assert x == y
-    }
-    void testYear_MonthDay_leftShift() {
-        def a =
-        def b =
-        LocalDate x = a << b
-        LocalDate y = b << a
-        assert x == y
-    }
-    void testMonthDay_leftShift() {
-        LocalDate d = MonthDay.of(Month.FEBRUARY, 13) << 2018
-        assert d.year == 2018
-        assert d.month == Month.FEBRUARY
-        assert d.dayOfMonth == 13
-    }
-    void testMonth_leftShift() {
-        MonthDay md = Month.JANUARY << 10
-        assert md.month == Month.JANUARY
-        assert md.dayOfMonth == 10
-    }
-    void testLocalDate_LocalTime_leftShift() {
-        def a =
-        def b =
-        LocalDateTime x = a << b
-        LocalDateTime y = b << a
-        assert x == y
-    }
-    void testLocalDate_OffsetTime_leftShift() {
-        def a =
-        def b =
-        OffsetDateTime x = a << b
-        OffsetDateTime y = b << a
-        assert x == y
-    }
-    void testLocalDateTime_ZoneOffset_leftShift() {
-        def a =
-        def b = ZoneOffset.ofHours(5)
-        OffsetDateTime x = a << b
-        OffsetDateTime y = b << a
-        assert x == y
-    }
-    void testLocalDateTime_ZoneId_leftShift() {
-        def a =
-        def b = ZoneId.systemDefault()
-        ZonedDateTime x = a << b
-        ZonedDateTime y = b << a
-        assert x == y
-    }
-    void testLocalTime_ZoneOffset_leftShift() {
-        def a =
-        def b = ZoneOffset.ofHours(5)
-        OffsetTime x = a << b
-        OffsetTime y = b << a
-        assert x == y
-    }
-    void testLocalDateTimeClearTime() {
-        def d = LocalDateTime.of(, LocalTime.of(8, 9, 10, 100_032))
-        d = d.clearTime()
-        assert d.hour == 0
-        assert d.minute == 0
-        assert d.second == 0
-        assert d.nano == 0
-    }
-    void testOffsetDateTimeClearTime() {
-        def offset = ZoneOffset.ofHours(-1)
-        def d = OffsetDateTime.of(, LocalTime.of(8, 9, 10, 100_032), offset)
-        d = d.clearTime()
-        assert d.hour == 0
-        assert d.minute == 0
-        assert d.second == 0
-        assert d.nano == 0
-        assert d.offset == offset : 'cleartTime() should not change offset'
-    }
-    void testZonedDateTimeClearTime() {
-        def zone =  ZoneId.of('America/New_York')
-        def d = ZonedDateTime.of(, LocalTime.of(8, 9, 10, 100_032), zone)
-        d = d.clearTime()
-        assert d.hour == 0
-        assert d.minute == 0
-        assert d.second == 0
-        assert d.nano == 0
-        assert == zone : 'cleartTime() should not change zone'
-    }
-    void testFormatByPattern() {
-        def zone =  ZoneId.of('America/New_York')
-        def offset = ZoneOffset.ofHours(2)
-        LocalDate ld = LocalDate.of(2018, Month.FEBRUARY, 13)
-        LocalTime lt = LocalTime.of(3,4,5,6_000_000)
-        LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.of(ld, lt)
-        OffsetTime ot = OffsetTime.of(lt, offset)
-        OffsetDateTime odt = OffsetDateTime.of(ldt, offset)
-        ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(ldt, zone)
-        assert ld.format('yyyy-MM-dd') == '2018-02-13'
-        assert lt.format('HH:mm:ss.SSS') == '03:04:05.006'
-        assert ldt.format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS') == '2018-02-13 03:04:05.006'
-        assert ot.format('HH:mm:ss.SSS Z') == '03:04:05.006 +0200'
-        assert odt.format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z') == '2018-02-13 03:04:05.006 +0200'
-        assert zdt.format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS VV') == '2018-02-13 03:04:05.006 America/New_York'
-    }
-    void testLocalDateParse() {
-        LocalDate ld = LocalDate.parse('2018-02-15', 'yyyy-MM-dd')
-        assert [ld.year, ld.month, ld.dayOfMonth] == [2018, Month.FEBRUARY, 15]
-    }
-    void testLocalDateTimeParse() {
-        LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.parse('2018-02-15 21:43:03.002', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS')
-        assert [ldt.year, ldt.month, ldt.dayOfMonth] == [2018, Month.FEBRUARY, 15]
-        assert [ldt.hour, ldt.minute, ldt.second] == [21, 43, 03]
-        assert ldt.nano == 2 * 1e6
-    }
-    void testLocalTimeParse() {
-        LocalTime lt = LocalTime.parse('21:43:03.002', 'HH:mm:ss.SSS')
-        assert [lt.hour, lt.minute, lt.second] == [21, 43, 03]
-        assert lt.nano == 2 * 1e6
-    }
-    void testOffsetDateTimeParse() {
-        OffsetDateTime odt = OffsetDateTime.parse('2018-02-15 21:43:03.002 -00', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS X')
-        assert [odt.year, odt.month, odt.dayOfMonth] == [2018, Month.FEBRUARY, 15]
-        assert [odt.hour, odt.minute, odt.second] == [21, 43, 03]
-        assert odt.nano == 2 * 1e6
-        assert odt.offset.totalSeconds == 0
-    }
-    void testOffsetTimeParse() {
-        OffsetTime ot = OffsetTime.parse('21:43:03.002 -00', 'HH:mm:ss.SSS X')
-        assert [ot.hour, ot.minute, ot.second] == [21, 43, 03]
-        assert ot.nano == 2 * 1e6
-        assert ot.offset.totalSeconds == 0
-    }
-    void testZonedDateTimeParse() {
-        ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.parse('2018-02-15 21:43:03.002 UTC', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS z')
-        assert [zdt.year, zdt.month, zdt.dayOfMonth] == [2018, Month.FEBRUARY, 15]
-        assert [zdt.hour, zdt.minute, zdt.second] == [21, 43, 03]
-        assert zdt.nano == 2 * 1e6
-    }
-    void testPeriodBetweenYears() {
-        def period = Period.between(Year.of(2000), Year.of(2010))
-        assert period.years == 10
-        assert period.months == 0
-        assert period.days == 0
-    }
-    void testPeriodBetweenYearMonths() {
-        def period = Period.between(YearMonth.of(2018, Month.MARCH), YearMonth.of(2016, Month.APRIL))
-        assert period.years == -1
-        assert period.months == -11
-        assert period.days == 0
-    }
diff --git a/src/test/java/org/codehaus/groovy/runtime/ b/src/test/java/org/codehaus/groovy/runtime/
deleted file mode 100644
index c182b12..0000000
--- a/src/test/java/org/codehaus/groovy/runtime/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
- *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *  distributed with this work for additional information
- *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *  under the License.
- */
-package org.codehaus.groovy.runtime;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.sql.Timestamp;
-import java.text.ParseException;
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
-import java.time.*;
-import java.util.Calendar;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.TimeZone;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-public class DateGroovyMethodsTest {
-    @Test
-    public void minus() throws ParseException {
-        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
-        assertEquals("20171231", sdf.format(DateGroovyMethods.minus(sdf.parse("20180101"), 1)));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void plus() throws ParseException {
-        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
-        assertEquals("20180101", sdf.format( Timestamp(sdf.parse("20171231").getTime()), 1)));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void next() throws ParseException {
-        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
-        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
-        calendar.setTime(sdf.parse("20171231"));
-        assertEquals("20180101", sdf.format(;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void previous() throws ParseException {
-        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
-        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
-        calendar.setTime(sdf.parse("20180101"));
-        assertEquals("20171231", sdf.format(DateGroovyMethods.previous(calendar).getTime()));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void calendarConversionsDefaultTimeZone() throws ParseException {
-        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd HHmmss SSS");
-        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
-        calendar.setTime(sdf.parse("20180115 153256 001"));
-        LocalDate expectedLocalDate = LocalDate.of(2018, Month.JANUARY, 15);
-        LocalTime expectedLocalTime = LocalTime.of(15, 32, 56, 1_000_000);
-        LocalDateTime expectedLocalDateTime = LocalDateTime.of(expectedLocalDate, expectedLocalTime);
-        assertEquals("DayOfWeek", DayOfWeek.MONDAY, DateGroovyMethods.toDayOfWeek(calendar));
-        assertEquals("Month", Month.JANUARY, DateGroovyMethods.toMonth(calendar));
-        assertEquals("MonthDay", MonthDay.of(Month.JANUARY, 15), DateGroovyMethods.toMonthDay(calendar));
-        assertEquals("YearMonth", YearMonth.of(2018, Month.JANUARY), DateGroovyMethods.toYearMonth(calendar));
-        assertEquals("Year", Year.of(2018), DateGroovyMethods.toYear(calendar));
-        assertEquals("LocalDate", expectedLocalDate, DateGroovyMethods.toLocalDate(calendar));
-        assertEquals("LocalTime", expectedLocalTime, DateGroovyMethods.toLocalTime(calendar));
-        assertEquals("LocalDateTime", expectedLocalDateTime, DateGroovyMethods.toLocalDateTime(calendar));
-        assertEquals("OffsetTime", expectedLocalTime, DateGroovyMethods.toOffsetTime(calendar).toLocalTime());
-        assertEquals("OffsetDateTime", expectedLocalDateTime,
-                DateGroovyMethods.toOffsetDateTime(calendar).toLocalDateTime());
-        assertEquals("ZonedDateTime", expectedLocalDateTime,
-                DateGroovyMethods.toZonedDateTime(calendar).toLocalDateTime());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void calendarConversionsDifferingTimeZones() throws ParseException {
-        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd HHmmss SSS");
-        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC+0"));
-        calendar.setTime(sdf.parse("20180115 153256 001"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void sameCalendarAndDateConvertIdentically() throws ParseException {
-        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd HHmmss SSS");
-        Date date = sdf.parse("20180115 153256 001");
-        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
-        calendar.setTime(date);
-        assertEquals("DayOfWeek", DateGroovyMethods.toDayOfWeek(calendar), DateGroovyMethods.toDayOfWeek(date));
-        assertEquals("Month", DateGroovyMethods.toMonth(calendar), DateGroovyMethods.toMonth(date));
-        assertEquals("MonthDay", DateGroovyMethods.toMonthDay(calendar), DateGroovyMethods.toMonthDay(date));
-        assertEquals("YearMonth", DateGroovyMethods.toYearMonth(calendar), DateGroovyMethods.toYearMonth(date));
-        assertEquals("Year", DateGroovyMethods.toYear(calendar), DateGroovyMethods.toYear(date));
-        assertEquals("LocalDate", DateGroovyMethods.toLocalDate(calendar), DateGroovyMethods.toLocalDate(date));
-        assertEquals("LocalTime", DateGroovyMethods.toLocalTime(calendar), DateGroovyMethods.toLocalTime(date));
-        assertEquals("LocalDateTime", DateGroovyMethods.toLocalDate(calendar), DateGroovyMethods.toLocalDate(date));
-        assertEquals("OffsetTime", DateGroovyMethods.toOffsetTime(calendar), DateGroovyMethods.toOffsetTime(date));
-        assertEquals("OffsetDateTime",
-                DateGroovyMethods.toOffsetDateTime(calendar), DateGroovyMethods.toOffsetDateTime(date));
-        assertEquals("ZonedDateTime",
-                DateGroovyMethods.toZonedDateTime(calendar), DateGroovyMethods.toZonedDateTime(date));
-    }
diff --git a/src/test/org/codehaus/groovy/runtime/DateGDKTest.groovy b/src/test/org/codehaus/groovy/runtime/DateGDKTest.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c27878..0000000
--- a/src/test/org/codehaus/groovy/runtime/DateGDKTest.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-/*  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *  distributed with this work for additional information
- *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *  under the License.
- */
-package org.codehaus.groovy.runtime
-import java.text.DateFormat
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
- * @author tnichols
- * @author Paul King
- */
-class DateGDKTest extends GroovyTestCase {
-    void testGDKDateMethods() {
-        Locale defaultLocale = Locale.default
-        TimeZone defaultTZ = TimeZone.default
-        try {
-            Locale locale = Locale.GERMANY
-            Locale.setDefault locale // set this otherwise the test will fail if your locale isn't the same
-            TimeZone.setDefault TimeZone.getTimeZone('Europe/Berlin')
-            Date d = new Date(0)
-            assertEquals '1970-01-01', d.format('yyyy-MM-dd')
-            assertEquals '01/01/1970', d.format('dd/MM/yyyy', TimeZone.getTimeZone('GMT'))
-            assertEquals DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale).format(d), d.dateString
-            assertEquals '01.01.70', d.dateString
-            assertEquals DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale).format(d), d.timeString
-            assertEquals '01:00:00', d.timeString
-            assertEquals DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale).format(d), d.dateTimeString
-        } finally {
-            Locale.default = defaultLocale
-            TimeZone.setDefault defaultTZ
-        }
-    }
-    void testStaticParse() {
-        TimeZone defaultTZ = TimeZone.default
-        try {
-            TimeZone.setDefault TimeZone.getTimeZone('Etc/GMT')
-            Date d = Date.parse('yy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss', '70/01/01 00:00:00')
-            assertEquals 0, d.time
-        } finally {
-            TimeZone.setDefault defaultTZ
-        }
-    }
-    void testParseWithTimeZone() {
-        TimeZone defaultTZ = TimeZone.default
-        try {
-            TimeZone.default = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+05")
-            def tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+03")
-            def newYear = Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd', "2015-01-01", tz)
-            assert newYear.toString() == 'Thu Jan 01 02:00:00 GMT+05:00 2015'
-        } finally {
-            TimeZone.default = defaultTZ
-        }
-    }
-    void testRoundTrip() {
-        Date d = new Date()
-        String pattern = 'dd MMM yyyy, hh:mm:ss,SSS a z'
-        String out = d.format(pattern)
-        Date d2 = Date.parse(pattern, out)
-        assertEquals d.time, d2.time
-    }
-    void testCalendarTimeZone() {
-        Locale defaultLocale = Locale.default
-        TimeZone defaultTZ = TimeZone.default
-        try {
-            Locale locale = Locale.UK
-            Locale.setDefault locale // set this otherwise the test will fail if your locale isn't the same
-            TimeZone.setDefault TimeZone.getTimeZone('Etc/GMT')
-            def offset = 8
-            def notLocalTZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-$offset")
-            Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(notLocalTZ)
-            def offsetHr = cal.format('HH') as int
-            def hr = cal.time.format('HH') as int
-            if (hr < offset) hr += 24 // if GMT hr has rolled over to next day
-            // offset should be 8 hours behind GMT:
-            assertEquals(offset, hr - offsetHr)
-        } finally {
-            Locale.default = defaultLocale
-            TimeZone.setDefault defaultTZ
-        }
-    }
-    static SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat('MM/dd/yyyy')
-    static java.sql.Date sqlDate(String s) {
-        return new java.sql.Date(f.parse(s).time)
-    }
-    void testMinusDates() {
-        assertEquals(10, f.parse("1/11/2007") - f.parse("1/1/2007"))
-        assertEquals(-10, f.parse("1/1/2007") - f.parse("1/11/2007"))
-        assertEquals(375, f.parse("1/11/2008") - f.parse("1/1/2007"))
-        assertEquals(356, f.parse("1/1/2008") - f.parse("1/10/2007"))
-        assertEquals(1, f.parse("7/12/2007") - f.parse("7/11/2007"))
-        assertEquals(0, f.parse("1/1/2007") - f.parse("1/1/2007"))
-        assertEquals(-1, f.parse("12/31/2007") - f.parse("1/1/2008"))
-        assertEquals(365, f.parse("1/1/2008") - f.parse("1/1/2007"))
-        assertEquals(36525, f.parse("1/1/2008") - f.parse("1/1/1908"))
-        assertEquals(1, sqlDate("7/12/2007") - f.parse("7/11/2007"))
-        assertEquals(0, sqlDate("1/1/2007") - sqlDate("1/1/2007"))
-        assertEquals(-1, f.parse("12/31/2007") - sqlDate("1/1/2008"))
-        assertEquals(365, sqlDate("1/1/2008") - sqlDate("1/1/2007"))
-        assertEquals(36525, f.parse("1/1/2008") - sqlDate("1/1/1908"))
-        Date d = f.parse("7/4/1776");
-        assertEquals(44, (d + 44) - d);
-        java.sql.Date sqld = sqlDate("7/4/1776");
-        assertEquals(-4444, (sqld - 4444) - sqld);
-    }
-    /** GROOVY-3374  */
-    void testClearTime() {
-        def now = new Date()
-        def calendarNow = Calendar.getInstance()
-        now.clearTime()
-        calendarNow.clearTime()
-        assert now == calendarNow.time
-        assert calendarNow.get(Calendar.HOUR) == 0
-        assert calendarNow.get(Calendar.MINUTE) == 0
-        assert calendarNow.get(Calendar.SECOND) == 0
-        assert calendarNow.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) == 0
-    }
-    /** GROOVY-4789 */
-    void testStaticParseToStringDate() {
-        TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault()
-        try {
-            TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"))
-            Date date = new Date(0)
-            String toStringRepresentation = date.toString()
-            assert toStringRepresentation == "Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 1970"
-            assert date == Date.parseToStringDate(toStringRepresentation)
-        }
-        finally {
-            TimeZone.setDefault(tz)
-        }
-    }
-    void test_Upto_Date_ShouldExecuteClosureForEachDayUpToDate() {
-        Date startDate = new Date()
-        List expectedResults = [startDate, startDate + 1, startDate + 2]
-        List actualResults = []
-        startDate.upto(startDate + 2){
-            actualResults << it
-        }
-        assert actualResults == expectedResults
-    }
-    void test_upto_Date_ShouldNotAcceptToDatesLessThanStartDate() {
-        Date startDate = new Date()
-        Date toDate = new Date(startDate.getTime() - 1L)
-        shouldFail(GroovyRuntimeException) {
-            startDate.upto(toDate){}
-        }
-    }
-    void test_downto_Date_ShouldExecuteClosureForEachDayDownToDate() {
-        Date startDate = new Date()
-        List expectedResults = [startDate, startDate - 1, startDate - 2]
-        List actualResults = []
-        startDate.downto(startDate - 2){
-            actualResults << it
-        }
-        assert actualResults == expectedResults
-    }
-    void test_downto_Date_ShouldNotAcceptToDatesGreaterThanStartDate() {
-        Date startDate = new Date()
-        Date toDate = new Date(startDate.getTime() + 1L)
-        shouldFail(GroovyRuntimeException) {
-            startDate.downto(toDate){}
-        }
-    }
-    void test_upto_Calendar_ShouldExecuteClosureForEachDayUpToDate() {
-        Calendar startDate = Calendar.getInstance()
-        Calendar toDate = startDate.clone()
-        toDate.add(Calendar.DATE, 1)
-        List expectedResults = [startDate, toDate]
-        List actualResults = []
-        startDate.upto(toDate){
-            actualResults << it
-        }
-        assert actualResults == expectedResults
-    }
-    void test_upto_Calendar_ShouldNotAcceptToDatesLessThanStartDate() {
-        Calendar startDate = Calendar.getInstance()
-        Calendar toDate = startDate.clone()
-        toDate.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -1)
-        shouldFail(GroovyRuntimeException) {
-            startDate.upto(toDate){}
-        }
-    }
-    void test_downto_Calendar_ShouldExecuteClosureForEachDayDownToDate() {
-        Calendar startDate = Calendar.getInstance()
-        Calendar toDate = startDate.clone()
-        toDate.add(Calendar.DATE, -1)
-        List expectedResults = [startDate, toDate]
-        List actualResults = []
-        startDate.downto(toDate){
-            actualResults << it
-        }
-        assert actualResults == expectedResults
-    }
-    void test_downto_Calendar_ShouldNotAcceptToDatesGreaterThanStartDate() {
-        Calendar startDate = Calendar.getInstance()
-        Calendar toDate = startDate.clone()
-        toDate.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 1)
-        shouldFail(GroovyRuntimeException) {
-            startDate.downto(toDate){}
-        }
-    }
-    void testCopyWith() {
-        Date febOne1970 = new Date(70, 1, 1)
-        Date aprilSix = febOne1970.copyWith(dayOfMonth: 6, month: Calendar.APRIL)
-        assertEquals '1970-04-06', aprilSix.format('yyyy-MM-dd')
-        Map updates = [:]
-        updates[Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH] = 4
-        Date aprilFour = aprilSix.copyWith(updates)
-        assertEquals '1970-04-04', aprilFour.format('yyyy-MM-dd')
-    }
diff --git a/subprojects/groovy-datetime/build.gradle b/subprojects/groovy-datetime/build.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92326c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/groovy-datetime/build.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ *  distributed with this work for additional information
+ *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ *  under the License.
+ */
+dependencies {
+    compile rootProject
+    testCompile project(':groovy-test')
+    testCompile project(':groovy-dateutil')
+task moduleDescriptor(type: org.codehaus.groovy.gradle.WriteExtensionDescriptorTask) {
+    extensionClasses = 'org.apache.groovy.datetime.extensions.DateTimeExtensions'
+    staticExtensionClasses = 'org.apache.groovy.datetime.extensions.DateTimeStaticExtensions'
+compileJava.dependsOn moduleDescriptor