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Posted to by Roland Asmann <> on 2006/05/16 19:12:32 UTC

Priority in Profiles


How is the priority in the order of Profiles determined? I am running maven with 4 activated profiles,
2 of them over the '-P' and the other 2 over the '-D' and property-activation.
2 of these Profiles (1 from the '-P' and 1 from the '-D') set properties for the build. One of these
properties is set with a different value, depending on which profile sets it. Now the question is, which
profile will set this property? And if I change something in my POM (e.g. the order of the profiles) or
in the command (e.g. the order of the '-P' and '-D' or the order inside the '-P'/ '-D'), will the value
remain the same as it was before or is the priority different somehow?


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