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[03/12] jiffy commit: updated refs/heads/master to 99a3d43

Replace PropEr with EQC

PropEr broke my support for R14. Turns out that EQC Mini is quite usable
so I've just switched to that. If EQC Mini exists it will be used, if
not the test is skipped gracefully.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 68b60400d6cbdd463845dc19544c3cafe9a32292
Parents: 4c0bfbc
Author: Paul J. Davis <>
Authored: Fri Sep 23 15:19:19 2016 -0500
Committer: Paul J. Davis <>
Committed: Thu Sep 29 12:54:33 2016 -0500

 Makefile                         |  12 +-
 rebar.config.script              |  39 ++----
 test/jiffy_11_proper_tests.erl   | 185 ------------------------
 test/jiffy_11_property_tests.erl | 257 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 268 insertions(+), 225 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 025486e..f781311 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -15,17 +15,7 @@ distclean: clean
 	git clean -fxd
-	@touch
-depends: devmarker
-	@if test ! -d ./deps/proper; then \
-		$(REBAR) get-deps; \
-	fi
-build: depends
 	$(REBAR) compile
diff --git a/rebar.config.script b/rebar.config.script
index 8a0049d..42bc6ef 100644
--- a/rebar.config.script
+++ b/rebar.config.script
@@ -1,37 +1,18 @@
 % This file is part of Jiffy released under the MIT license.
 % See the LICENSE file for more information.
-% Only include PropEr as a dependency when the JIFFY_DEV
-% environment variable is defined. This allows downstream
-% applications to avoid requiring PropEr.
-% This script is based on the example provided with Rebar.
-ErlOpts = [{d, 'JIFFY_DEV'}],
+% Only run the EQC checks when EQC is present.
-Proper = [
-    {proper, ".*", {git, "git://", "master"}}
+HaveEQC = code:which(eqc) =/= non_existing,
-ConfigPath = filename:dirname(SCRIPT),
-DevMarker = filename:join([ConfigPath, ""]),
+ErlOpts = if not HaveEQC -> []; true ->
+    [{d, 'HAVE_EQC'}]
-case filelib:is_file(DevMarker) of
-    true ->
-        % Don't override existing dependencies
-        Config0 = case lists:keyfind(deps, 1, CONFIG) of
-            false ->
-                CONFIG ++ [{deps, Proper}];
-            {deps, DepsList} ->
-                lists:keyreplace(deps, 1, CONFIG, {deps, DepsList ++ Proper})
-        end,
-        Config1 = case lists:keyfind(erl_opts, 1, Config0) of
-            false ->
-                Config0 ++ [{erl_opts, ErlOpts}];
-            {erl_opts, Opts} ->
-                NewOpts = {erl_opts, Opts ++ ErlOpts},
-                lists:keyreplace(erl_opts, 1, Config0, NewOpts)
-        end;
+case lists:keyfind(erl_opts, 1, CONFIG) of
+    {erl_opts, Opts} ->
+        NewOpts = {erl_opts, Opts ++ ErlOpts},
+        lists:keyreplace(erl_opts, 1, CONFIG, NewOpts);
     false ->
-        CONFIG
+        CONFIG ++ [{erl_opts, ErlOpts}]
diff --git a/test/jiffy_11_proper_tests.erl b/test/jiffy_11_proper_tests.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 23aa38d..0000000
--- a/test/jiffy_11_proper_tests.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-% This file is part of Jiffy released under the MIT license.
-% See the LICENSE file for more information.
-opts() ->
-    [
-        {max_size, 15},
-        {numtests, 1000}
-    ].
-run(Name) ->
-    {msg("~s", [Name]), [
-        {timeout, 300, ?_assert(proper:quickcheck(?MODULE:Name(), opts()))}
-    ]}.
-proper_encode_decode_test_() ->
-    [
-        run(prop_enc_dec),
-        run(prop_enc_dec_pretty),
-        run(prop_dec_trailer),
-        run(prop_enc_no_crash),
-        run(prop_dec_no_crash_bin),
-        run(prop_dec_no_crash_any)
-    ].
-prop_enc_dec() ->
-    ?FORALL(Data, json(),
-        begin
-            %io:format(standard_error, "Data: ~p~n", [Data]),
-            Data == jiffy:decode(jiffy:encode(Data))
-        end
-    ).
-prop_dec_trailer() ->
-    ?FORALL({T1, T2}, {json(), json()},
-        begin
-            B1 = jiffy:encode(T1),
-            B2 = jiffy:encode(T2),
-            Combiners = [
-                <<" ">>,
-                <<"\r\t">>,
-                <<"\n   \t">>,
-                <<"                     ">>
-            ],
-            lists:foreach(fun(Comb) ->
-                Bin = <<B1/binary, Comb/binary, B2/binary>>,
-                {has_trailer, T1, Rest} = jiffy:decode(Bin, [return_trailer]),
-                T2 = jiffy:decode(Rest)
-            end, Combiners),
-            true
-        end
-    ).
-to_map_ejson({Props}) ->
-    NewProps = [{K, to_map_ejson(V)} || {K, V} <- Props],
-    maps:from_list(NewProps);
-to_map_ejson(Vals) when is_list(Vals) ->
-    [to_map_ejson(V) || V <- Vals];
-to_map_ejson(Val) ->
-    Val.
-prop_map_enc_dec() ->
-    ?FORALL(Data, json(),
-        begin
-            MapData = to_map_ejson(Data),
-            MapData == jiffy:decode(jiffy:encode(MapData), [return_maps])
-        end
-    ).
-prop_enc_dec_pretty() ->
-    ?FORALL(Data, json(),
-        begin
-            Data == jiffy:decode(jiffy:encode(Data, [pretty]))
-        end
-    ).
-prop_enc_no_crash() ->
-    ?FORALL(Data, any(), begin catch jiffy:encode(Data), true end).
-prop_dec_no_crash_bin() ->
-    ?FORALL(Data, binary(), begin catch jiffy:decode(Data), true end).
-prop_dec_no_crash_any() ->
-    ?FORALL(Data, any(), begin catch jiffy:decode(Data), true end).
-% JSON Generation
-json_null() ->
-    null.
-json_boolean() ->
-    oneof([true, false]).
-json_number() ->
-    oneof([integer(), float()]).
-json_string() ->
-    escaped_utf8_bin().
-json_list(S) when S =< 0 ->
-    [];
-json_list(S) ->
-        [ListSize],
-        [integer(0, S)],
-        vector(ListSize, json_text(S - ListSize))
-    ).
-json_object(S) when S =< 0 ->
-    {[]};
-json_object(S) ->
-        [ObjectSize],
-        [integer(0, S)],
-        {vector(ObjectSize, {json_string(), json_text(S - ObjectSize)})}
-    ).
-json_value() ->
-    oneof([
-        json_null(),
-        json_boolean(),
-        json_string(),
-        json_number()
-    ]).
-json_text(S) when S > 0 ->
-    ?LAZY(oneof([
-        json_list(S),
-        json_object(S)
-    ]));
-json_text(_) ->
-    json_value().
-json() ->
-    ?SIZED(S, json_text(S)).
-%% XXX: Add generators
-% We should add generators that generate JSON binaries directly
-% so we can test things that aren't produced by the encoder.
-% We should also have a version of the JSON generator that inserts
-% errors into the JSON that we can test for.
-escaped_utf8_bin() ->
-    ?SUCHTHAT(Bin,
-        ?LET(S, ?SUCHTHAT(L, list(escaped_char()), L /= []),
-        unicode:characters_to_binary(S, unicode, utf8)),
-        is_binary(Bin)
-    ).
-escaped_char() ->
-    ?LET(C, char(),
-        case C of
-            $" -> "\\\"";
-            C when C == 65534 -> 65533;
-            C when C == 65535 -> 65533;
-            C when C > 1114111 -> 1114111;
-            C -> C
-        end
-    ).
diff --git a/test/jiffy_11_property_tests.erl b/test/jiffy_11_property_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70d7333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/jiffy_11_property_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+% This file is part of Jiffy released under the MIT license.
+% See the LICENSE file for more information.
+property_test_() ->
+    [
+        run(prop_enc_dec),
+        run(prop_enc_dec_pretty),
+        run(prop_dec_trailer),
+        run(prop_enc_no_crash),
+        run(prop_dec_no_crash_bin),
+        run(prop_dec_no_crash_any)
+    ] ++ map_props().
+map_props() ->
+    [
+        run(prop_map_enc_dec)
+    ].
+map_props() ->
+    [].
+prop_enc_dec() ->
+    ?FORALL(Data, json(), begin
+        Data == jiffy:decode(jiffy:encode(Data))
+    end).
+prop_dec_trailer() ->
+    ?FORALL({T1, Comb, T2}, {json(), combiner(), json()},
+        begin
+            B1 = jiffy:encode(T1),
+            B2 = jiffy:encode(T2),
+            Bin = <<B1/binary, Comb/binary, B2/binary>>,
+            {has_trailer, T1, Rest} = jiffy:decode(Bin, [return_trailer]),
+            T2 = jiffy:decode(Rest),
+            true
+        end
+    ).
+prop_enc_dec_pretty() ->
+    ?FORALL(Data, json(),
+        begin
+            Data == jiffy:decode(jiffy:encode(Data, [pretty]))
+        end
+    ).
+prop_map_enc_dec() ->
+    ?FORALL(Data, json(),
+        begin
+            MapData = to_map_ejson(Data),
+            MapData == jiffy:decode(jiffy:encode(MapData), [return_maps])
+        end
+    ).
+prop_enc_no_crash() ->
+    ?FORALL(Data, any(), begin catch jiffy:encode(Data), true end).
+prop_dec_no_crash_any() ->
+    ?FORALL(Data, any(), begin catch jiffy:decode(Data), true end).
+prop_dec_no_crash_bin() ->
+    ?FORALL(Data, binary(), begin catch jiffy:decode(Data), true end).
+opts() ->
+    [
+        {numtests, [1000]}
+    ].
+apply_opts(Prop) ->
+    apply_opts(Prop, opts()).
+apply_opts(Prop, []) ->
+    Prop;
+apply_opts(Prop, [{Name, Args} | Rest]) ->
+    NewProp = erlang:apply(eqc, Name, Args ++ [Prop]),
+    apply_opts(NewProp, Rest).
+log(F, A) ->
+    io:format(standard_error, F, A).
+run(Name) ->
+    Prop = apply_opts(?MODULE:Name()),
+    {msg("~s", [Name]), [
+        {timeout, 300, ?_assert(eqc:quickcheck(Prop))}
+    ]}.
+to_map_ejson({Props}) ->
+    NewProps = [{K, to_map_ejson(V)} || {K, V} <- Props],
+    maps:from_list(NewProps);
+to_map_ejson(Vals) when is_list(Vals) ->
+    [to_map_ejson(V) || V <- Vals];
+to_map_ejson(Val) ->
+    Val.
+% Random any term generation
+any() ->
+    ?SIZED(Size, any(Size)).
+any(0) ->
+    any_value();
+any(S) ->
+    oneof(any_value_types() ++ [
+        ?LAZY(any_list(S)),
+        ?LAZY(any_tuple(S))
+    ]).
+any_value() ->
+    oneof(any_value_types()).
+any_value_types() ->
+    [
+        largeint(),
+        int(),
+        real(),
+        atom(),
+        binary()
+    ].
+any_list(0) ->
+    [];
+any_list(Size) ->
+    ListSize = Size div 5,
+    vector(ListSize, any(Size div 2)).
+any_tuple(0) ->
+    {};
+any_tuple(Size) ->
+    ?LET(L, any_list(Size), list_to_tuple(L)).
+% JSON Generation
+json() ->
+    ?SIZED(Size, json(Size)).
+json(0) ->
+    oneof([
+        json_null(),
+        json_true(),
+        json_false(),
+        json_number(),
+        json_string()
+    ]);
+json(Size) ->
+    frequency([
+        {1, json_null()},
+        {1, json_true()},
+        {1, json_false()},
+        {1, json_number()},
+        {1, json_string()},
+        {5, ?LAZY(json_array(Size))},
+        {5, ?LAZY(json_object(Size))}
+    ]).
+json_null() ->
+    null.
+json_true() ->
+    true.
+json_false() ->
+    false.
+json_number() ->
+    oneof([largeint(), int(), real()]).
+json_string() ->
+    utf8().
+json_array(0) ->
+    [];
+json_array(Size) ->
+    ArrSize = Size div 5,
+    vector(ArrSize, json(Size div 2)).
+json_object(0) ->
+    {[]};
+json_object(Size) ->
+    ObjSize = Size div 5,
+    {vector(ObjSize, {json_string(), json(Size div 2)})}.
+combiner() ->
+    ?SIZED(
+        Size,
+        ?LET(
+            L,
+            vector((Size div 4) + 1, oneof([$\r, $\n, $\t, $\s])),
+            list_to_binary(L)
+        )
+    ).
+atom() ->
+    ?LET(L, ?SIZED(Size, vector(Size rem 254, char())), list_to_atom(L)).
+%% XXX: Add generators
+% We should add generators that generate JSON binaries directly
+% so we can test things that aren't produced by the encoder.
+% We should also have a version of the JSON generator that inserts
+% errors into the JSON that we can test for.