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Posted to by Niclas Hedhman <> on 2016/04/14 18:43:43 UTC

Code generator


Today I created a "code generator". It should probably have been done with
some Templating engine, but I am too rusty in any one of them and no mood
to spend most of the day fighting someone else's system, so right now it is
plain Java.

So, the idea is;

zest create-project restapp MyFunkyApp org.hedhman.niclas.funky
cd MyFunkyApp
./gradlew build
./gradlew jettyRun

And a rudimentary, CRUD capable web app called MyFunkyApp is running. It
comes with a Customer, Order, OrderItem domain model, and a Authentication
and Authorization hardcoded.

It creates a 4 layer (config, infrastructure, domain, connectivity) and
sets up RDF indexing and the File entity store.

It is not fully done yet. Last thing before I go to sleep was that the
SecurityRepository isn't visible to the RestModule in the Layer above it.
It might be exposing a visibility bug. I will try to look at it tomorrow.

I would like some feedback on what should and should not be included.

Also, note "restapp" in the command line above is the template name. Feel
free to create additional templates. This is what I manage to muster in 15
hours or so...

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer - New Energy for Java