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Posted to by Peter Karich <> on 2010/10/26 18:19:08 UTC

After java replication: field not found exception on slaves


we had the following problem. We added a field to schema.xml and fed our 
master with the new data.
After that querying on the master is fine. But when we replicated 
(solr1.4.0) to our slaves.
All slaves said they cannot find the new field (standard exception for 
missing fields).
And that although I can see the new field in the xml response and I can 
see it in the replicated schema.xml file!?

It is more strange that with scp-ing the exact data folder to our master 
all is fine (on the master).

Did somebody of you hit the same strange behaviour?


PS: Finally  we did on the slaves:
rm -rf data/
./ + replicated again