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cvs commit: xml-axis/java/test/httpunit build.xml

seibert     2002/08/22 11:30:18

  Modified:    java/test/httpunit build.xml
  Steve's file... I hope I didn't fudge it up too badly
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +141 -26   xml-axis/java/test/httpunit/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-axis/java/test/httpunit/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- build.xml	23 Jul 2002 23:42:49 -0000	1.1
  +++ build.xml	22 Aug 2002 18:30:18 -0000	1.2
  @@ -1,39 +1,154 @@
   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  +<!DOCTYPE project [
  +        <!ENTITY properties SYSTEM "file:../../xmls/properties.xml">
  +        <!ENTITY paths  SYSTEM "file:../../xmls/path_refs.xml">
  +        <!ENTITY taskdefs SYSTEM "file:../../xmls/taskdefs.xml">
  +        <!ENTITY taskdefs_post_compile SYSTEM "file:../../xmls/taskdefs_post_compile.xml">
  +        <!ENTITY targets SYSTEM "file:../../xmls/targets.xml">
  +<!-- ===================================================================
  +   Test/Sample Component file for Axis
  +   This is a build file for use with the Jakarta Ant build tool.
  +   jakarta-ant from
  +Build Instructions:
  +   To compile
  +        ant <target>
  +   To execute
  +        ant <target>
  +  Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Apache Software Foundation.
  +==================================================================== -->
   <project name="httpunit" default="default" basedir=".">
  +  <description>
  +    Test a Web application with HttpUnit. Based on example code in 
  +    Java Development with Ant, Hatcher and Loughran, 2001.
  +    Customised for Axis by Steve Loughran.
  +    1. Needs XSLT support from Xalan to generate the reports.
  +    2. To run a single test, set testcase=the name of the test.
  +    3. default URL is http://localhost:8080/axis ; set the 
  +       axis.url property to target a different system or port.
  +  </description>
  +  <property name="axis.home" location="../.." />
  +  <!-- Load the application specific settings -->
  +  <!-- #Project specific props -->
  +  <property file=""/>
  +        &properties;
  +        &paths;
  +        <!-- &taskdefs; -->
  +        <!-- &taskdefs_post_compile; -->
  +  <!-- ========================================================== -->
  +  <!-- Test settings                                              -->
  +  <!-- ========================================================== -->
  -  <property name="axis.home" location="../.."/> 
  -  <property name="" value="buildComponent.xml"/> 
  -  <target name="clean">
  -    <ant antfile="${}"
  -      target="clean"/>
  -  </target>
  +  <property name="axis.url" value="http://localhost:8080/axis"/>
  -  <target name="copy">
  -    <ant antfile="${}"
  -      target="copy"/>
  -  </target>
  -  <target name="default" >
  -    <ant antfile="${}"
  -      target="default"/>
  -  </target>
  +  <target name="copy"/>
  -  <target name="deploy">
  -    <ant antfile="${}"
  -      target="deploy"/>
  -  </target>
  +  <target name="deploy"/>
  -  <target name="run">
  -    <ant antfile="${}"
  -      target="run"/>
  -  </target>
  +  <target name="run" depends="test"/>
  -  <target name="undeploy">
  -    <ant antfile="${}"
  -      target="undeploy"/>
  -  </target>
  +  <target name="undeploy"/>
  +  <path id="test.compile.classpath">
  +    <fileset dir="lib" includes="**/*.jar" />
  +  </path>
  +  <path id="test.classpath">
  +    <path refid="test.compile.classpath"/>
  +    <pathelement location="${test.classes.dir}"/>
  +  </path>    
  +  <!-- Public Targets -->
  +  <target name="default" 
  +    depends="compile"
  +    />
  +  <!-- cleanup target -->
  +  <target name="clean" description="cleanup"/>
  +  <!-- init configures things -->
  +  <target name="init" >
  +    <echo> Axis home=${axis.home}</echo>
  +    <mkdir dir="${test.classes.dir}" />
  +    <mkdir dir="${}" />
  +    <mkdir dir="${test.reports.dir}" />
  +  </target>
  +    <!-- compile the java sources using the compilation classpath -->
  +  <target name="compile" depends="init">
  +    <property name="build.debuglevel" value="lines,vars,source"/> 
  +    <javac destdir="${test.classes.dir}"
  +           debug="${build.debug}"
  +           includeAntRuntime="false"
  +           srcdir="src">
  +      <classpath refid="test.compile.classpath"/>
  +    </javac>
  +  </target>
  +   <!-- this is our test suite for httpunit -->
  +  <target name="run-test"
  +      depends="compile" 
  +      description="test axis on a server" >
  +    <junit printsummary="false"
  +           errorProperty="test.failed"
  +           failureProperty="test.failed"
  +           haltonfailure="false"
  +           fork="true">
  +      <classpath 
  +        refid="test.classpath"/>
  +      <sysproperty key="server.url" 
  +        value="${axis.url}"/>
  +      <formatter type="xml"/>
  +      <formatter type="brief" usefile="false"/>
  +      <test name="${testcase}" if="testcase"/>
  +      <batchtest todir="${}" unless="testcase">
  +        <fileset dir="src" includes="**/*"/>
  +      </batchtest>
  +    </junit>
  +  </target>
  +  <!-- generate any test reports and fail, if needed -->
  +  <target name="test" depends="run-test" if="test.failed">    
  +    <junitreport todir="${}">
  +      <fileset dir="${}">
  +        <include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
  +      </fileset>
  +      <report format="frames" todir="${test.reports.dir}"/>
  +    </junitreport>
  +    <!-- bail out -->
  +    <fail message="Functional tests failed - see ${test.reports.dir}"  />
  +  </target>