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Posted to by Gary Larsen <> on 2007/02/14 01:32:57 UTC

REsolved: CForms components for 2.1.9

Sorry for my previous ranting...

> It just seems like a treasure hunt to figure out what's required and where
> all the pieces are located. Are they in samples, src, build, blocks or
> buried in jars??

Well, I should have looked closer at the 2.1.9 samples.  The key to all my
problems was a missing matcher that locates jar resources:

<map:match pattern="resources/*/**">
 <map:select type="resource-exists">
  <map:when test="context://site/{1}/resources/{2}">
   <map:read src="{0}"/>
   <map:read src="resource://org/apache/cocoon/{1}/resources/{2}"/>

I had to modify some of the stylesheets and run them local due to a Saxon8
exception, but everything runs and now it makes sense to me (from a user

Ajax also ran right out of the box.  This is an awesome piece of work!

The one limitation I ran into, not supporting <fi:validation-errors> in ajax
mode, may unfortunately limit my use of it.  Many of my forms are using
groups with tab styling which in ajax mode will cause validation errors to
be hidden from the user in the non-active tabs.

If someone has found a solution for this I would appreciate your advice.


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