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[3/4] kafka git commit: Revert "KAFKA-4345; Run decktape test for each pull request"
diff --git a/tests/kafkatest/tests/client2/ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/client2/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0de53ae..0000000
--- a/tests/kafkatest/tests/client2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from ducktape.mark import parametrize
-from ducktape.utils.util import wait_until
-from import ZookeeperService
-from import KafkaService
-from import VerifiableProducer
-from import ConsoleConsumer
-from kafkatest.tests.produce_consume_validate import ProduceConsumeValidateTest
-from kafkatest.utils import is_int_with_prefix
-class CompressionTest(ProduceConsumeValidateTest):
-    """
-    These tests validate produce / consume for compressed topics.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, test_context):
-        """:type test_context: ducktape.tests.test.TestContext"""
-        super(CompressionTest, self).__init__(test_context=test_context)
-        self.topic = "test_topic"
-        self.zk = ZookeeperService(test_context, num_nodes=1)
-        self.kafka = KafkaService(test_context, num_nodes=1, zk=self.zk, topics={self.topic: {
-                                                                    "partitions": 10,
-                                                                    "replication-factor": 1}})
-        self.num_partitions = 10
-        self.timeout_sec = 60
-        self.producer_throughput = 1000
-        self.num_producers = 4
-        self.messages_per_producer = 1000
-        self.num_consumers = 1
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.zk.start()
-    def min_cluster_size(self):
-        # Override this since we're adding services outside of the constructor
-        return super(CompressionTest, self).min_cluster_size() + self.num_producers + self.num_consumers
-    @parametrize(compression_types=["snappy","gzip","lz4","none"], new_consumer=True)
-    @parametrize(compression_types=["snappy","gzip","lz4","none"], new_consumer=False)
-    def test_compressed_topic(self, compression_types, new_consumer):
-        """Test produce => consume => validate for compressed topics
-        Setup: 1 zk, 1 kafka node, 1 topic with partitions=10, replication-factor=1
-        compression_types parameter gives a list of compression types (or no compression if
-        "none"). Each producer in a VerifiableProducer group (num_producers = 4) will use a
-        compression type from the list based on producer's index in the group.
-            - Produce messages in the background
-            - Consume messages in the background
-            - Stop producing, and finish consuming
-            - Validate that every acked message was consumed
-        """
-        self.kafka.security_protocol = "PLAINTEXT"
-        self.kafka.interbroker_security_protocol = self.kafka.security_protocol
-        self.producer = VerifiableProducer(self.test_context, self.num_producers, self.kafka,
-                                           self.topic, throughput=self.producer_throughput,
-                                           message_validator=is_int_with_prefix,
-                                           compression_types=compression_types)
-        self.consumer = ConsoleConsumer(self.test_context, self.num_consumers, self.kafka, self.topic,
-                                        new_consumer=new_consumer, consumer_timeout_ms=60000,
-                                        message_validator=is_int_with_prefix)
-        self.kafka.start()
-        self.run_produce_consume_validate(lambda: wait_until(
-            lambda: self.producer.each_produced_at_least(self.messages_per_producer) == True,
-            timeout_sec=120, backoff_sec=1,
-            err_msg="Producer did not produce all messages in reasonable amount of time"))
diff --git a/tests/kafkatest/tests/client2/ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/client2/
deleted file mode 100644
index 534f65c..0000000
--- a/tests/kafkatest/tests/client2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from ducktape.mark import matrix
-from ducktape.utils.util import wait_until
-from kafkatest.tests.verifiable_consumer_test import VerifiableConsumerTest
-from import TopicPartition
-import signal
-class OffsetValidationTest(VerifiableConsumerTest):
-    TOPIC = "test_topic"
-    def __init__(self, test_context):
-        super(OffsetValidationTest, self).__init__(test_context, num_consumers=3, num_producers=1,
-                                                     num_zk=1, num_brokers=2, topics={
-            self.TOPIC : { 'partitions': self.NUM_PARTITIONS, 'replication-factor': 2 }
-        })
-    def rolling_bounce_consumers(self, consumer, num_bounces=5, clean_shutdown=True):
-        for _ in range(num_bounces):
-            for node in consumer.nodes:
-                consumer.stop_node(node, clean_shutdown)
-                wait_until(lambda: len(consumer.dead_nodes()) == 1,
-                           timeout_sec=self.session_timeout_sec+5,
-                           err_msg="Timed out waiting for the consumer to shutdown")
-                consumer.start_node(node)
-                self.await_all_members(consumer)
-                self.await_consumed_messages(consumer)
-    def bounce_all_consumers(self, consumer, num_bounces=5, clean_shutdown=True):
-        for _ in range(num_bounces):
-            for node in consumer.nodes:
-                consumer.stop_node(node, clean_shutdown)
-            wait_until(lambda: len(consumer.dead_nodes()) == self.num_consumers, timeout_sec=10,
-                       err_msg="Timed out waiting for the consumers to shutdown")
-            for node in consumer.nodes:
-                consumer.start_node(node)
-            self.await_all_members(consumer)
-            self.await_consumed_messages(consumer)
-    def rolling_bounce_brokers(self, consumer, num_bounces=5, clean_shutdown=True):
-        for _ in range(num_bounces):
-            for node in self.kafka.nodes:
-                self.kafka.restart_node(node, clean_shutdown=True)
-                self.await_all_members(consumer)
-                self.await_consumed_messages(consumer)
-    def setup_consumer(self, topic, **kwargs):
-        # collect verifiable consumer events since this makes debugging much easier
-        consumer = super(OffsetValidationTest, self).setup_consumer(topic, **kwargs)
-        self.mark_for_collect(consumer, 'verifiable_consumer_stdout')
-        return consumer
-    def test_broker_rolling_bounce(self):
-        """
-        Verify correct consumer behavior when the brokers are consecutively restarted.
-        Setup: single Kafka cluster with one producer writing messages to a single topic with one
-        partition, an a set of consumers in the same group reading from the same topic.
-        - Start a producer which continues producing new messages throughout the test.
-        - Start up the consumers and wait until they've joined the group.
-        - In a loop, restart each broker consecutively, waiting for the group to stabilize between
-          each broker restart.
-        - Verify delivery semantics according to the failure type and that the broker bounces
-          did not cause unexpected group rebalances.
-        """
-        partition = TopicPartition(self.TOPIC, 0)
-        producer = self.setup_producer(self.TOPIC)
-        consumer = self.setup_consumer(self.TOPIC)
-        producer.start()
-        self.await_produced_messages(producer)
-        consumer.start()
-        self.await_all_members(consumer)
-        num_rebalances = consumer.num_rebalances()
-        # TODO: make this test work with hard shutdowns, which probably requires
-        #       pausing before the node is restarted to ensure that any ephemeral
-        #       nodes have time to expire
-        self.rolling_bounce_brokers(consumer, clean_shutdown=True)
-        unexpected_rebalances = consumer.num_rebalances() - num_rebalances
-        assert unexpected_rebalances == 0, \
-            "Broker rolling bounce caused %d unexpected group rebalances" % unexpected_rebalances
-        consumer.stop_all()
-        assert consumer.current_position(partition) == consumer.total_consumed(), \
-            "Total consumed records did not match consumed position"
-    @matrix(clean_shutdown=[True, False], bounce_mode=["all", "rolling"])
-    def test_consumer_bounce(self, clean_shutdown, bounce_mode):
-        """
-        Verify correct consumer behavior when the consumers in the group are consecutively restarted.
-        Setup: single Kafka cluster with one producer and a set of consumers in one group.
-        - Start a producer which continues producing new messages throughout the test.
-        - Start up the consumers and wait until they've joined the group.
-        - In a loop, restart each consumer, waiting for each one to rejoin the group before
-          restarting the rest.
-        - Verify delivery semantics according to the failure type.
-        """
-        partition = TopicPartition(self.TOPIC, 0)
-        producer = self.setup_producer(self.TOPIC)
-        consumer = self.setup_consumer(self.TOPIC)
-        producer.start()
-        self.await_produced_messages(producer)
-        consumer.start()
-        self.await_all_members(consumer)
-        if bounce_mode == "all":
-            self.bounce_all_consumers(consumer, clean_shutdown=clean_shutdown)
-        else:
-            self.rolling_bounce_consumers(consumer, clean_shutdown=clean_shutdown)
-        consumer.stop_all()
-        if clean_shutdown:
-            # if the total records consumed matches the current position, we haven't seen any duplicates
-            # this can only be guaranteed with a clean shutdown
-            assert consumer.current_position(partition) == consumer.total_consumed(), \
-                "Total consumed records did not match consumed position"
-        else:
-            # we may have duplicates in a hard failure
-            assert consumer.current_position(partition) <= consumer.total_consumed(), \
-                "Current position greater than the total number of consumed records"
-    @matrix(clean_shutdown=[True, False], enable_autocommit=[True, False])
-    def test_consumer_failure(self, clean_shutdown, enable_autocommit):
-        partition = TopicPartition(self.TOPIC, 0)
-        consumer = self.setup_consumer(self.TOPIC, enable_autocommit=enable_autocommit)
-        producer = self.setup_producer(self.TOPIC)
-        consumer.start()
-        self.await_all_members(consumer)
-        partition_owner = consumer.owner(partition)
-        assert partition_owner is not None
-        # startup the producer and ensure that some records have been written
-        producer.start()
-        self.await_produced_messages(producer)
-        # stop the partition owner and await its shutdown
-        consumer.kill_node(partition_owner, clean_shutdown=clean_shutdown)
-        wait_until(lambda: len(consumer.joined_nodes()) == (self.num_consumers - 1) and consumer.owner(partition) != None,
-                   timeout_sec=self.session_timeout_sec+5, err_msg="Timed out waiting for consumer to close")
-        # ensure that the remaining consumer does some work after rebalancing
-        self.await_consumed_messages(consumer, min_messages=1000)
-        consumer.stop_all()
-        if clean_shutdown:
-            # if the total records consumed matches the current position, we haven't seen any duplicates
-            # this can only be guaranteed with a clean shutdown
-            assert consumer.current_position(partition) == consumer.total_consumed(), \
-                "Total consumed records did not match consumed position"
-        else:
-            # we may have duplicates in a hard failure
-            assert consumer.current_position(partition) <= consumer.total_consumed(), \
-                "Current position greater than the total number of consumed records"
-        # if autocommit is not turned on, we can also verify the last committed offset
-        if not enable_autocommit:
-            assert consumer.last_commit(partition) == consumer.current_position(partition), \
-                "Last committed offset did not match last consumed position"
-    @matrix(clean_shutdown=[True, False], enable_autocommit=[True, False])
-    def test_broker_failure(self, clean_shutdown, enable_autocommit):
-        partition = TopicPartition(self.TOPIC, 0)
-        consumer = self.setup_consumer(self.TOPIC, enable_autocommit=enable_autocommit)
-        producer = self.setup_producer(self.TOPIC)
-        producer.start()
-        consumer.start()
-        self.await_all_members(consumer)
-        num_rebalances = consumer.num_rebalances()
-        # shutdown one of the brokers
-        # TODO: we need a way to target the coordinator instead of picking arbitrarily
-        self.kafka.signal_node(self.kafka.nodes[0], signal.SIGTERM if clean_shutdown else signal.SIGKILL)
-        # ensure that the consumers do some work after the broker failure
-        self.await_consumed_messages(consumer, min_messages=1000)
-        # verify that there were no rebalances on failover
-        assert num_rebalances == consumer.num_rebalances(), "Broker failure should not cause a rebalance"
-        consumer.stop_all()
-        # if the total records consumed matches the current position, we haven't seen any duplicates
-        assert consumer.current_position(partition) == consumer.total_consumed(), \
-            "Total consumed records did not match consumed position"
-        # if autocommit is not turned on, we can also verify the last committed offset
-        if not enable_autocommit:
-            assert consumer.last_commit(partition) == consumer.current_position(partition), \
-                "Last committed offset did not match last consumed position"
-    def test_group_consumption(self):
-        """
-        Verifies correct group rebalance behavior as consumers are started and stopped. 
-        In particular, this test verifies that the partition is readable after every
-        expected rebalance.
-        Setup: single Kafka cluster with a group of consumers reading from one topic
-        with one partition while the verifiable producer writes to it.
-        - Start the consumers one by one, verifying consumption after each rebalance
-        - Shutdown the consumers one by one, verifying consumption after each rebalance
-        """
-        consumer = self.setup_consumer(self.TOPIC)
-        producer = self.setup_producer(self.TOPIC)
-        partition = TopicPartition(self.TOPIC, 0)
-        producer.start()
-        for num_started, node in enumerate(consumer.nodes, 1):
-            consumer.start_node(node)
-            self.await_members(consumer, num_started)
-            self.await_consumed_messages(consumer)
-        for num_stopped, node in enumerate(consumer.nodes, 1):
-            consumer.stop_node(node)
-            if num_stopped < self.num_consumers:
-                self.await_members(consumer, self.num_consumers - num_stopped)
-                self.await_consumed_messages(consumer)
-        assert consumer.current_position(partition) == consumer.total_consumed(), \
-            "Total consumed records did not match consumed position"
-        assert consumer.last_commit(partition) == consumer.current_position(partition), \
-            "Last committed offset did not match last consumed position"
-class AssignmentValidationTest(VerifiableConsumerTest):
-    TOPIC = "test_topic"
-    def __init__(self, test_context):
-        super(AssignmentValidationTest, self).__init__(test_context, num_consumers=3, num_producers=0,
-                                                num_zk=1, num_brokers=2, topics={
-            self.TOPIC : { 'partitions': self.NUM_PARTITIONS, 'replication-factor': 1 },
-        })
-    @matrix(assignment_strategy=["org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RangeAssignor",
-                                 "org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RoundRobinAssignor"])
-    def test_valid_assignment(self, assignment_strategy):
-        """
-        Verify assignment strategy correctness: each partition is assigned to exactly
-        one consumer instance.
-        Setup: single Kafka cluster with a set of consumers in the same group.
-        - Start the consumers one by one
-        - Validate assignment after every expected rebalance
-        """
-        consumer = self.setup_consumer(self.TOPIC, assignment_strategy=assignment_strategy)
-        for num_started, node in enumerate(consumer.nodes, 1):
-            consumer.start_node(node)
-            self.await_members(consumer, num_started)
-            assert self.valid_assignment(self.TOPIC, self.NUM_PARTITIONS, consumer.current_assignment())
diff --git a/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec20143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6a0a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Confluent Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from ducktape.mark import parametrize
+from ducktape.utils.util import wait_until
+from import ConsoleConsumer
+from import KafkaService
+from import config_property
+from import VerifiableProducer
+from import ZookeeperService
+from kafkatest.tests.produce_consume_validate import ProduceConsumeValidateTest
+from kafkatest.utils import is_int
+from kafkatest.version import LATEST_0_10_0, LATEST_0_9, LATEST_0_8_2, TRUNK, KafkaVersion
+# Compatibility tests for moving to a new broker (e.g., 0.10.x) and using a mix of old and new clients (e.g., 0.9.x)
+class ClientCompatibilityTestNewBroker(ProduceConsumeValidateTest):
+    def __init__(self, test_context):
+        super(ClientCompatibilityTestNewBroker, self).__init__(test_context=test_context)
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.topic = "test_topic"
+        self.zk = ZookeeperService(self.test_context, num_nodes=1)
+        self.zk.start()
+        # Producer and consumer
+        self.producer_throughput = 10000
+        self.num_producers = 1
+        self.num_consumers = 1
+        self.messages_per_producer = 1000
+    @parametrize(producer_version=str(LATEST_0_8_2), consumer_version=str(LATEST_0_8_2), compression_types=["none"], new_consumer=False, timestamp_type=None)
+    @parametrize(producer_version=str(LATEST_0_8_2), consumer_version=str(LATEST_0_9), compression_types=["none"], new_consumer=False, timestamp_type=None)
+    @parametrize(producer_version=str(LATEST_0_9), consumer_version=str(TRUNK), compression_types=["none"], new_consumer=False, timestamp_type=None)
+    @parametrize(producer_version=str(TRUNK), consumer_version=str(LATEST_0_9), compression_types=["none"], new_consumer=False, timestamp_type=None)
+    @parametrize(producer_version=str(LATEST_0_9), consumer_version=str(TRUNK), compression_types=["snappy"], timestamp_type=None)
+    @parametrize(producer_version=str(TRUNK), consumer_version=str(LATEST_0_9), compression_types=["snappy"], timestamp_type=str("CreateTime"))
+    @parametrize(producer_version=str(TRUNK), consumer_version=str(TRUNK), compression_types=["snappy"], timestamp_type=str("LogAppendTime"))
+    @parametrize(producer_version=str(LATEST_0_10_0), consumer_version=str(LATEST_0_10_0), compression_types=["snappy"], timestamp_type=str("LogAppendTime"))
+    @parametrize(producer_version=str(LATEST_0_9), consumer_version=str(LATEST_0_9), compression_types=["snappy"], timestamp_type=str("LogAppendTime"))
+    @parametrize(producer_version=str(TRUNK), consumer_version=str(TRUNK), compression_types=["none"], new_consumer=False, timestamp_type=str("LogAppendTime"))
+    def test_compatibility(self, producer_version, consumer_version, compression_types, new_consumer=True, timestamp_type=None):
+        self.kafka = KafkaService(self.test_context, num_nodes=3, zk=self.zk, version=TRUNK, topics={self.topic: {
+                                                                    "partitions": 3,
+                                                                    "replication-factor": 3,
+                                                                    'configs': {"min.insync.replicas": 2}}})
+        for node in self.kafka.nodes:
+            if timestamp_type is not None:
+                node.config[config_property.MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP_TYPE] = timestamp_type
+        self.kafka.start()
+        self.producer = VerifiableProducer(self.test_context, self.num_producers, self.kafka,
+                                           self.topic, throughput=self.producer_throughput,
+                                           message_validator=is_int,
+                                           compression_types=compression_types,
+                                           version=KafkaVersion(producer_version))
+        self.consumer = ConsoleConsumer(self.test_context, self.num_consumers, self.kafka,
+                                        self.topic, consumer_timeout_ms=30000, new_consumer=new_consumer,
+                                        message_validator=is_int, version=KafkaVersion(consumer_version))
+        self.run_produce_consume_validate(lambda: wait_until(
+            lambda: self.producer.each_produced_at_least(self.messages_per_producer) == True,
+            timeout_sec=120, backoff_sec=1,
+            err_msg="Producer did not produce all messages in reasonable amount of time"))
diff --git a/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3f59d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from ducktape.utils.util import wait_until
+from ducktape.tests.test import Test
+from ducktape.mark import matrix
+from import ZookeeperService
+from import KafkaService
+from import ConsoleConsumer
+from import SecurityConfig
+import os
+import re
+TOPIC = "topic-consumer-group-command"
+class ConsumerGroupCommandTest(Test):
+    """
+    Tests ConsumerGroupCommand
+    """
+    # Root directory for persistent output
+    PERSISTENT_ROOT = "/mnt/consumer_group_command"
+    def __init__(self, test_context):
+        super(ConsumerGroupCommandTest, self).__init__(test_context)
+        self.num_zk = 1
+        self.num_brokers = 1
+        self.topics = {
+            TOPIC: {'partitions': 1, 'replication-factor': 1}
+        }
+        self.zk = ZookeeperService(test_context, self.num_zk)
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.zk.start()
+    def start_kafka(self, security_protocol, interbroker_security_protocol):
+        self.kafka = KafkaService(
+            self.test_context, self.num_brokers,
+            self.zk, security_protocol=security_protocol,
+            interbroker_security_protocol=interbroker_security_protocol, topics=self.topics)
+        self.kafka.start()
+    def start_consumer(self, security_protocol):
+        enable_new_consumer = security_protocol == SecurityConfig.SSL
+        self.consumer = ConsoleConsumer(self.test_context, num_nodes=self.num_brokers, kafka=self.kafka, topic=TOPIC,
+                                        consumer_timeout_ms=None, new_consumer=enable_new_consumer)
+        self.consumer.start()
+    def setup_and_verify(self, security_protocol, group=None):
+        self.start_kafka(security_protocol, security_protocol)
+        self.start_consumer(security_protocol)
+        consumer_node = self.consumer.nodes[0]
+        wait_until(lambda: self.consumer.alive(consumer_node),
+                   timeout_sec=10, backoff_sec=.2, err_msg="Consumer was too slow to start")
+        kafka_node = self.kafka.nodes[0]
+        if security_protocol is not SecurityConfig.PLAINTEXT:
+            prop_file = str(self.kafka.security_config.client_config())
+            self.logger.debug(prop_file)
+            kafka_node.account.ssh("mkdir -p %s" % self.PERSISTENT_ROOT, allow_fail=False)
+            kafka_node.account.create_file(self.COMMAND_CONFIG_FILE, prop_file)
+        # Verify ConsumerGroupCommand lists expected consumer groups
+        enable_new_consumer = security_protocol != SecurityConfig.PLAINTEXT
+        command_config_file = None
+        if enable_new_consumer:
+            command_config_file = self.COMMAND_CONFIG_FILE
+        if group:
+            wait_until(lambda:"topic-consumer-group-command",self.kafka.describe_consumer_group(group=group, node=kafka_node, new_consumer=enable_new_consumer, command_config=command_config_file)), timeout_sec=10,
+                       err_msg="Timed out waiting to list expected consumer groups.")
+        else:
+            wait_until(lambda: "test-consumer-group" in self.kafka.list_consumer_groups(node=kafka_node, new_consumer=enable_new_consumer, command_config=command_config_file), timeout_sec=10,
+                       err_msg="Timed out waiting to list expected consumer groups.")
+        self.consumer.stop()
+    @matrix(security_protocol=['PLAINTEXT', 'SSL'])
+    def test_list_consumer_groups(self, security_protocol='PLAINTEXT'):
+        """
+        Tests if ConsumerGroupCommand is listing correct consumer groups
+        :return: None
+        """
+        self.setup_and_verify(security_protocol)
+    @matrix(security_protocol=['PLAINTEXT', 'SSL'])
+    def test_describe_consumer_group(self, security_protocol='PLAINTEXT'):
+        """
+        Tests if ConsumerGroupCommand is describing a consumer group correctly
+        :return: None
+        """
+        self.setup_and_verify(security_protocol, group="test-consumer-group")
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38bd9dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from ducktape.utils.util import wait_until
+from ducktape.tests.test import Test
+from import VerifiableProducer
+from import ZookeeperService
+from import KafkaService
+from import ConsoleConsumer
+from import SecurityConfig
+TOPIC = "topic-get-offset-shell"
+class GetOffsetShellTest(Test):
+    """
+    Tests GetOffsetShell tool
+    """
+    def __init__(self, test_context):
+        super(GetOffsetShellTest, self).__init__(test_context)
+        self.num_zk = 1
+        self.num_brokers = 1
+        self.messages_received_count = 0
+        self.topics = {
+            TOPIC: {'partitions': NUM_PARTITIONS, 'replication-factor': REPLICATION_FACTOR}
+        }
+        self.zk = ZookeeperService(test_context, self.num_zk)
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.zk.start()
+    def start_kafka(self, security_protocol, interbroker_security_protocol):
+        self.kafka = KafkaService(
+            self.test_context, self.num_brokers,
+            self.zk, security_protocol=security_protocol,
+            interbroker_security_protocol=interbroker_security_protocol, topics=self.topics)
+        self.kafka.start()
+    def start_producer(self):
+        # This will produce to kafka cluster
+        self.producer = VerifiableProducer(self.test_context, num_nodes=1, kafka=self.kafka, topic=TOPIC, throughput=1000, max_messages=MAX_MESSAGES)
+        self.producer.start()
+        current_acked = self.producer.num_acked
+        wait_until(lambda: self.producer.num_acked >= current_acked + MAX_MESSAGES, timeout_sec=10,
+                   err_msg="Timeout awaiting messages to be produced and acked")
+    def start_consumer(self, security_protocol):
+        enable_new_consumer = security_protocol != SecurityConfig.PLAINTEXT
+        self.consumer = ConsoleConsumer(self.test_context, num_nodes=self.num_brokers, kafka=self.kafka, topic=TOPIC,
+                                        consumer_timeout_ms=1000, new_consumer=enable_new_consumer)
+        self.consumer.start()
+    def test_get_offset_shell(self, security_protocol='PLAINTEXT'):
+        """
+        Tests if GetOffsetShell is getting offsets correctly
+        :return: None
+        """
+        self.start_kafka(security_protocol, security_protocol)
+        self.start_producer()
+        # Assert that offset fetched without any consumers consuming is 0
+        assert self.kafka.get_offset_shell(TOPIC, None, 1000, 1, -1), "%s:%s:%s" % (TOPIC, NUM_PARTITIONS - 1, 0)
+        self.start_consumer(security_protocol)
+        node = self.consumer.nodes[0]
+        wait_until(lambda: self.consumer.alive(node), timeout_sec=10, backoff_sec=.2, err_msg="Consumer was too slow to start")
+        # Assert that offset is correctly indicated by GetOffsetShell tool
+        wait_until(lambda: "%s:%s:%s" % (TOPIC, NUM_PARTITIONS - 1, MAX_MESSAGES) in self.kafka.get_offset_shell(TOPIC, None, 1000, 1, -1), timeout_sec=10,
+                   err_msg="Timed out waiting to reach expected offset.")
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..afb1972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from ducktape.utils.util import wait_until
+from ducktape.mark import parametrize, matrix, ignore
+from import ZookeeperService
+from import KafkaService
+from import ConsoleConsumer
+from import VerifiableProducer
+from import MirrorMaker
+from import MiniKdc
+from kafkatest.tests.produce_consume_validate import ProduceConsumeValidateTest
+from kafkatest.utils import is_int
+import time
+class TestMirrorMakerService(ProduceConsumeValidateTest):
+    """Sanity checks on mirror maker service class."""
+    def __init__(self, test_context):
+        super(TestMirrorMakerService, self).__init__(test_context)
+        self.topic = "topic"
+        self.source_zk = ZookeeperService(test_context, num_nodes=1)
+        self.target_zk = ZookeeperService(test_context, num_nodes=1)
+        self.source_kafka = KafkaService(test_context, num_nodes=1, zk=self.source_zk,
+                                  topics={self.topic: {"partitions": 1, "replication-factor": 1}})
+        self.target_kafka = KafkaService(test_context, num_nodes=1, zk=self.target_zk,
+                                  topics={self.topic: {"partitions": 1, "replication-factor": 1}})
+        # This will produce to source kafka cluster
+        self.producer = VerifiableProducer(test_context, num_nodes=1, kafka=self.source_kafka, topic=self.topic,
+                                           throughput=1000)
+        self.mirror_maker = MirrorMaker(test_context, num_nodes=1, source=self.source_kafka, target=self.target_kafka,
+                                        whitelist=self.topic, offset_commit_interval_ms=1000)
+        # This will consume from target kafka cluster
+        self.consumer = ConsoleConsumer(test_context, num_nodes=1, kafka=self.target_kafka, topic=self.topic,
+                                        message_validator=is_int, consumer_timeout_ms=60000)
+    def setUp(self):
+        # Source cluster
+        self.source_zk.start()
+        # Target cluster
+        self.target_zk.start()
+    def start_kafka(self, security_protocol):
+        self.source_kafka.security_protocol = security_protocol
+        self.source_kafka.interbroker_security_protocol = security_protocol
+        self.target_kafka.security_protocol = security_protocol
+        self.target_kafka.interbroker_security_protocol = security_protocol
+        if self.source_kafka.security_config.has_sasl_kerberos:
+            minikdc = MiniKdc(self.source_kafka.context, self.source_kafka.nodes + self.target_kafka.nodes)
+            self.source_kafka.minikdc = minikdc
+            self.target_kafka.minikdc = minikdc
+            minikdc.start()
+        self.source_kafka.start()
+        self.target_kafka.start()
+    def bounce(self, clean_shutdown=True):
+        """Bounce mirror maker with a clean (kill -15) or hard (kill -9) shutdown"""
+        # Wait until messages start appearing in the target cluster
+        wait_until(lambda: len(self.consumer.messages_consumed[1]) > 0, timeout_sec=15)
+        # Wait for at least one offset to be committed.
+        #
+        # This step is necessary to prevent data loss with default mirror maker settings:
+        # currently, if we don't have at least one committed offset,
+        # and we bounce mirror maker, the consumer internals will throw OffsetOutOfRangeException, and the default
+        # auto.offset.reset policy ("largest") will kick in, causing mirrormaker to start consuming from the largest
+        # offset. As a result, any messages produced to the source cluster while mirrormaker was dead won't get
+        # mirrored to the target cluster.
+        # (see
+        #
+        # This isn't necessary with kill -15 because mirror maker commits its offsets during graceful
+        # shutdown.
+        if not clean_shutdown:
+            time.sleep(self.mirror_maker.offset_commit_interval_ms / 1000.0 + .5)
+        for i in range(3):
+  "Bringing mirror maker nodes down...")
+            for node in self.mirror_maker.nodes:
+                self.mirror_maker.stop_node(node, clean_shutdown=clean_shutdown)
+            num_consumed = len(self.consumer.messages_consumed[1])
+  "Bringing mirror maker nodes back up...")
+            for node in self.mirror_maker.nodes:
+                self.mirror_maker.start_node(node)
+            # Ensure new messages are once again showing up on the target cluster
+            # new consumer requires higher timeout here
+            wait_until(lambda: len(self.consumer.messages_consumed[1]) > num_consumed + 100, timeout_sec=60)
+    def wait_for_n_messages(self, n_messages=100):
+        """Wait for a minimum number of messages to be successfully produced."""
+        wait_until(lambda: self.producer.num_acked > n_messages, timeout_sec=10,
+                     err_msg="Producer failed to produce %d messages in a reasonable amount of time." % n_messages)
+    @parametrize(security_protocol='PLAINTEXT', new_consumer=False)
+    @matrix(security_protocol=['PLAINTEXT', 'SSL', 'SASL_PLAINTEXT', 'SASL_SSL'], new_consumer=[True])
+    def test_simple_end_to_end(self, security_protocol, new_consumer):
+        """
+        Test end-to-end behavior under non-failure conditions.
+        Setup: two single node Kafka clusters, each connected to its own single node zookeeper cluster.
+        One is source, and the other is target. Single-node mirror maker mirrors from source to target.
+        - Start mirror maker.
+        - Produce a small number of messages to the source cluster.
+        - Consume messages from target.
+        - Verify that number of consumed messages matches the number produced.
+        """
+        self.start_kafka(security_protocol)
+        self.consumer.new_consumer = new_consumer
+        self.mirror_maker.new_consumer = new_consumer
+        self.mirror_maker.start()
+        mm_node = self.mirror_maker.nodes[0]
+        with mm_node.account.monitor_log(self.mirror_maker.LOG_FILE) as monitor:
+            if new_consumer:
+                monitor.wait_until("Resetting offset for partition", timeout_sec=30, err_msg="Mirrormaker did not reset fetch offset in a reasonable amount of time.")
+            else:
+                monitor.wait_until("reset fetch offset", timeout_sec=30, err_msg="Mirrormaker did not reset fetch offset in a reasonable amount of time.")
+        self.run_produce_consume_validate(core_test_action=self.wait_for_n_messages)
+        self.mirror_maker.stop()
+    @matrix(offsets_storage=["kafka", "zookeeper"], new_consumer=[False], clean_shutdown=[True, False])
+    @matrix(new_consumer=[True], clean_shutdown=[True, False], security_protocol=['PLAINTEXT', 'SSL', 'SASL_PLAINTEXT', 'SASL_SSL'])
+    def test_bounce(self, offsets_storage="kafka", new_consumer=True, clean_shutdown=True, security_protocol='PLAINTEXT'):
+        """
+        Test end-to-end behavior under failure conditions.
+        Setup: two single node Kafka clusters, each connected to its own single node zookeeper cluster.
+        One is source, and the other is target. Single-node mirror maker mirrors from source to target.
+        - Start mirror maker.
+        - Produce to source cluster, and consume from target cluster in the background.
+        - Bounce MM process
+        - Verify every message acknowledged by the source producer is consumed by the target consumer
+        """
+        if new_consumer and not clean_shutdown:
+            # Increase timeout on downstream console consumer; mirror maker with new consumer takes extra time
+            # during hard bounce. This is because the restarted mirror maker consumer won't be able to rejoin
+            # the group until the previous session times out
+            self.consumer.consumer_timeout_ms = 60000
+        self.start_kafka(security_protocol)
+        self.consumer.new_consumer = new_consumer
+        self.mirror_maker.offsets_storage = offsets_storage
+        self.mirror_maker.new_consumer = new_consumer
+        self.mirror_maker.start()
+        # Wait until mirror maker has reset fetch offset at least once before continuing with the rest of the test
+        mm_node = self.mirror_maker.nodes[0]
+        with mm_node.account.monitor_log(self.mirror_maker.LOG_FILE) as monitor:
+            if new_consumer:
+                monitor.wait_until("Resetting offset for partition", timeout_sec=30, err_msg="Mirrormaker did not reset fetch offset in a reasonable amount of time.")
+            else:
+                monitor.wait_until("reset fetch offset", timeout_sec=30, err_msg="Mirrormaker did not reset fetch offset in a reasonable amount of time.")
+        self.run_produce_consume_validate(core_test_action=lambda: self.bounce(clean_shutdown=clean_shutdown))
+        self.mirror_maker.stop()
diff --git a/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..850e2aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from ducktape.mark import parametrize
+from ducktape.utils.util import wait_until
+from import ZookeeperService
+from import KafkaService
+from import VerifiableProducer
+from import ConsoleConsumer
+from kafkatest.tests.produce_consume_validate import ProduceConsumeValidateTest
+from kafkatest.utils import is_int
+import random
+class ReassignPartitionsTest(ProduceConsumeValidateTest):
+    """
+    These tests validate partition reassignment.
+    Create a topic with few partitions, load some data, trigger partition re-assignment with and without broker failure,
+    check that partition re-assignment can complete and there is no data loss.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, test_context):
+        """:type test_context: ducktape.tests.test.TestContext"""
+        super(ReassignPartitionsTest, self).__init__(test_context=test_context)
+        self.topic = "test_topic"
+        self.zk = ZookeeperService(test_context, num_nodes=1)
+        self.kafka = KafkaService(test_context, num_nodes=4, zk=self.zk, topics={self.topic: {
+                                                                    "partitions": 20,
+                                                                    "replication-factor": 3,
+                                                                    'configs': {"min.insync.replicas": 2}}
+                                                                })
+        self.num_partitions = 20
+        self.timeout_sec = 60
+        self.producer_throughput = 1000
+        self.num_producers = 1
+        self.num_consumers = 1
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.zk.start()
+    def min_cluster_size(self):
+        # Override this since we're adding services outside of the constructor
+        return super(ReassignPartitionsTest, self).min_cluster_size() + self.num_producers + self.num_consumers
+    def clean_bounce_some_brokers(self):
+        """Bounce every other broker"""
+        for node in self.kafka.nodes[::2]:
+            self.kafka.restart_node(node, clean_shutdown=True)
+    def reassign_partitions(self, bounce_brokers):
+        partition_info = self.kafka.parse_describe_topic(self.kafka.describe_topic(self.topic))
+        self.logger.debug("Partitions before reassignment:" + str(partition_info))
+        # jumble partition assignment in dictionary
+        seed = random.randint(0, 2 ** 31 - 1)
+        self.logger.debug("Jumble partition assignment with seed " + str(seed))
+        random.seed(seed)
+        # The list may still be in order, but that's ok
+        shuffled_list = range(0, self.num_partitions)
+        random.shuffle(shuffled_list)
+        for i in range(0, self.num_partitions):
+            partition_info["partitions"][i]["partition"] = shuffled_list[i]
+        self.logger.debug("Jumbled partitions: " + str(partition_info))
+        # send reassign partitions command
+        self.kafka.execute_reassign_partitions(partition_info)
+        if bounce_brokers:
+            # bounce a few brokers at the same time
+            self.clean_bounce_some_brokers()
+        # Wait until finished or timeout
+        wait_until(lambda: self.kafka.verify_reassign_partitions(partition_info), timeout_sec=self.timeout_sec, backoff_sec=.5)
+    @parametrize(security_protocol="PLAINTEXT", bounce_brokers=True)
+    @parametrize(security_protocol="PLAINTEXT", bounce_brokers=False)
+    def test_reassign_partitions(self, bounce_brokers, security_protocol):
+        """Reassign partitions tests.
+        Setup: 1 zk, 3 kafka nodes, 1 topic with partitions=3, replication-factor=3, and min.insync.replicas=2
+            - Produce messages in the background
+            - Consume messages in the background
+            - Reassign partitions
+            - If bounce_brokers is True, also bounce a few brokers while partition re-assignment is in progress
+            - When done reassigning partitions and bouncing brokers, stop producing, and finish consuming
+            - Validate that every acked message was consumed
+        """
+        self.kafka.security_protocol = security_protocol
+        self.kafka.interbroker_security_protocol = security_protocol
+        new_consumer = False if  self.kafka.security_protocol == "PLAINTEXT" else True
+        self.producer = VerifiableProducer(self.test_context, self.num_producers, self.kafka, self.topic, throughput=self.producer_throughput)
+        self.consumer = ConsoleConsumer(self.test_context, self.num_consumers, self.kafka, self.topic, new_consumer=new_consumer, consumer_timeout_ms=60000, message_validator=is_int)
+        self.kafka.start()
+        self.run_produce_consume_validate(core_test_action=lambda: self.reassign_partitions(bounce_brokers))
diff --git a/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f815034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from ducktape.utils.util import wait_until
+from ducktape.mark import matrix
+from import ZookeeperService
+from import KafkaService
+from import VerifiableProducer
+from import ConsoleConsumer
+from kafkatest.tests.produce_consume_validate import ProduceConsumeValidateTest
+from kafkatest.utils import is_int
+import signal
+def broker_node(test, broker_type):
+    """ Discover node of requested type. For leader type, discovers leader for our topic and partition 0
+    """
+    if broker_type == "leader":
+        node = test.kafka.leader(test.topic, partition=0)
+    elif broker_type == "controller":
+        node = test.kafka.controller()
+    else:
+        raise Exception("Unexpected broker type %s." % (broker_type))
+    return node
+def clean_shutdown(test, broker_type):
+    """Discover broker node of requested type and shut it down cleanly.
+    """
+    node = broker_node(test, broker_type)
+    test.kafka.signal_node(node, sig=signal.SIGTERM)
+def hard_shutdown(test, broker_type):
+    """Discover broker node of requested type and shut it down with a hard kill."""
+    node = broker_node(test, broker_type)
+    test.kafka.signal_node(node, sig=signal.SIGKILL)
+def clean_bounce(test, broker_type):
+    """Chase the leader of one partition and restart it cleanly."""
+    for i in range(5):
+        prev_broker_node = broker_node(test, broker_type)
+        test.kafka.restart_node(prev_broker_node, clean_shutdown=True)
+def hard_bounce(test, broker_type):
+    """Chase the leader and restart it with a hard kill."""
+    for i in range(5):
+        prev_broker_node = broker_node(test, broker_type)
+        test.kafka.signal_node(prev_broker_node, sig=signal.SIGKILL)
+        # Since this is a hard kill, we need to make sure the process is down and that
+        # zookeeper has registered the loss by expiring the broker's session timeout.
+        wait_until(lambda: len(test.kafka.pids(prev_broker_node)) == 0 and not test.kafka.is_registered(prev_broker_node),
+                   timeout_sec=test.kafka.zk_session_timeout + 5,
+                   err_msg="Failed to see timely deregistration of hard-killed broker %s" % str(prev_broker_node.account))
+        test.kafka.start_node(prev_broker_node)
+failures = {
+    "clean_shutdown": clean_shutdown,
+    "hard_shutdown": hard_shutdown,
+    "clean_bounce": clean_bounce,
+    "hard_bounce": hard_bounce
+class ReplicationTest(ProduceConsumeValidateTest):
+    """
+    Note that consuming is a bit tricky, at least with console consumer. The goal is to consume all messages
+    (foreach partition) in the topic. In this case, waiting for the last message may cause the consumer to stop
+    too soon since console consumer is consuming multiple partitions from a single thread and therefore we lose
+    ordering guarantees.
+    Waiting on a count of consumed messages can be unreliable: if we stop consuming when num_consumed == num_acked,
+    we might exit early if some messages are duplicated (though not an issue here since producer retries==0)
+    Therefore rely here on the setting which times out on the interval between successively
+    consumed messages. Since we run the producer to completion before running the consumer, this is a reliable
+    indicator that nothing is left to consume.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, test_context):
+        """:type test_context: ducktape.tests.test.TestContext"""
+        super(ReplicationTest, self).__init__(test_context=test_context)
+        self.topic = "test_topic"
+        self.zk = ZookeeperService(test_context, num_nodes=1)
+        self.kafka = KafkaService(test_context, num_nodes=3, zk=self.zk, topics={self.topic: {
+                                                                    "partitions": 3,
+                                                                    "replication-factor": 3,
+                                                                    'configs': {"min.insync.replicas": 2}}
+                                                                })
+        self.producer_throughput = 1000
+        self.num_producers = 1
+        self.num_consumers = 1
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.zk.start()
+    def min_cluster_size(self):
+        """Override this since we're adding services outside of the constructor"""
+        return super(ReplicationTest, self).min_cluster_size() + self.num_producers + self.num_consumers
+    @matrix(failure_mode=["clean_shutdown", "hard_shutdown", "clean_bounce", "hard_bounce"],
+            broker_type=["leader"],
+            security_protocol=["PLAINTEXT", "SSL", "SASL_PLAINTEXT", "SASL_SSL"])
+    @matrix(failure_mode=["clean_shutdown", "hard_shutdown", "clean_bounce", "hard_bounce"],
+            broker_type=["controller"],
+            security_protocol=["PLAINTEXT", "SASL_SSL"])
+    @matrix(failure_mode=["hard_bounce"],
+            broker_type=["leader"],
+            security_protocol=["SASL_SSL"], client_sasl_mechanism=["PLAIN"], interbroker_sasl_mechanism=["PLAIN", "GSSAPI"])
+    def test_replication_with_broker_failure(self, failure_mode, security_protocol, broker_type, client_sasl_mechanism="GSSAPI", interbroker_sasl_mechanism="GSSAPI"):
+        """Replication tests.
+        These tests verify that replication provides simple durability guarantees by checking that data acked by
+        brokers is still available for consumption in the face of various failure scenarios.
+        Setup: 1 zk, 3 kafka nodes, 1 topic with partitions=3, replication-factor=3, and min.insync.replicas=2
+            - Produce messages in the background
+            - Consume messages in the background
+            - Drive broker failures (shutdown, or bounce repeatedly with kill -15 or kill -9)
+            - When done driving failures, stop producing, and finish consuming
+            - Validate that every acked message was consumed
+        """
+        self.kafka.security_protocol = security_protocol
+        self.kafka.interbroker_security_protocol = security_protocol
+        self.kafka.client_sasl_mechanism = client_sasl_mechanism
+        self.kafka.interbroker_sasl_mechanism = interbroker_sasl_mechanism
+        new_consumer = False if  self.kafka.security_protocol == "PLAINTEXT" else True
+        self.producer = VerifiableProducer(self.test_context, self.num_producers, self.kafka, self.topic, throughput=self.producer_throughput)
+        self.consumer = ConsoleConsumer(self.test_context, self.num_consumers, self.kafka, self.topic, new_consumer=new_consumer, consumer_timeout_ms=60000, message_validator=is_int)
+        self.kafka.start()
+        self.run_produce_consume_validate(core_test_action=lambda: failures[failure_mode](self, broker_type))
diff --git a/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51b2e60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from import ZookeeperService
+from import KafkaService
+from import VerifiableProducer
+from import ConsoleConsumer
+from kafkatest.utils import is_int
+from kafkatest.tests.produce_consume_validate import ProduceConsumeValidateTest
+from ducktape.mark import parametrize
+from ducktape.mark import matrix
+from import ACLs
+import time
+class TestSecurityRollingUpgrade(ProduceConsumeValidateTest):
+    """Tests a rolling upgrade from PLAINTEXT to a secured cluster
+    """
+    def __init__(self, test_context):
+        super(TestSecurityRollingUpgrade, self).__init__(test_context=test_context)
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.acls = ACLs(self.test_context)
+        self.topic = "test_topic"
+ = "group"
+        self.producer_throughput = 100
+        self.num_producers = 1
+        self.num_consumers = 1
+        self.zk = ZookeeperService(self.test_context, num_nodes=1)
+        self.kafka = KafkaService(self.test_context, num_nodes=3, zk=self.zk, topics={self.topic: {
+            "partitions": 3,
+            "replication-factor": 3,
+            'configs': {"min.insync.replicas": 2}}})
+        self.zk.start()
+    def create_producer_and_consumer(self):
+        self.producer = VerifiableProducer(
+            self.test_context, self.num_producers, self.kafka, self.topic,
+            throughput=self.producer_throughput)
+        self.consumer = ConsoleConsumer(
+            self.test_context, self.num_consumers, self.kafka, self.topic,
+            consumer_timeout_ms=60000, message_validator=is_int)
+        self.consumer.group_id = "group"
+    def bounce(self):
+        self.kafka.start_minikdc()
+        for node in self.kafka.nodes:
+            self.kafka.stop_node(node)
+            self.kafka.start_node(node)
+            time.sleep(10)
+    def roll_in_secured_settings(self, client_protocol, broker_protocol):
+        # Roll cluster to include inter broker security protocol.
+        self.kafka.interbroker_security_protocol = broker_protocol
+        self.kafka.open_port(client_protocol)
+        self.kafka.open_port(broker_protocol)
+        self.bounce()
+        # Roll cluster to disable PLAINTEXT port
+        self.kafka.close_port('PLAINTEXT')
+        self.set_authorizer_and_bounce(client_protocol, broker_protocol)
+    def set_authorizer_and_bounce(self, client_protocol, broker_protocol):
+        self.kafka.authorizer_class_name = KafkaService.SIMPLE_AUTHORIZER
+        self.acls.set_acls(client_protocol, self.kafka, self.zk, self.topic,
+        self.acls.set_acls(broker_protocol, self.kafka, self.zk, self.topic,
+        self.bounce()
+    def open_secured_port(self, client_protocol):
+        self.kafka.security_protocol = client_protocol
+        self.kafka.open_port(client_protocol)
+        self.kafka.start_minikdc()
+        self.bounce()
+    def add_sasl_mechanism(self, new_client_sasl_mechanism):
+        self.kafka.client_sasl_mechanism = new_client_sasl_mechanism
+        self.kafka.start_minikdc()
+        self.bounce()
+    def roll_in_sasl_mechanism(self, security_protocol, new_sasl_mechanism):
+        # Roll cluster to update inter-broker SASL mechanism. This disables the old mechanism.
+        self.kafka.interbroker_sasl_mechanism = new_sasl_mechanism
+        self.bounce()
+        # Bounce again with ACLs for new mechanism
+        self.set_authorizer_and_bounce(security_protocol, security_protocol)
+    @matrix(client_protocol=["SSL", "SASL_PLAINTEXT", "SASL_SSL"])
+    def test_rolling_upgrade_phase_one(self, client_protocol):
+        """
+        Start with a PLAINTEXT cluster, open a SECURED port, via a rolling upgrade, ensuring we could produce
+        and consume throughout over PLAINTEXT. Finally check we can produce and consume the new secured port.
+        """
+        self.kafka.interbroker_security_protocol = "PLAINTEXT"
+        self.kafka.security_protocol = "PLAINTEXT"
+        self.kafka.start()
+        # Create PLAINTEXT producer and consumer
+        self.create_producer_and_consumer()
+        # Rolling upgrade, opening a secure protocol, ensuring the Plaintext producer/consumer continues to run
+        self.run_produce_consume_validate(self.open_secured_port, client_protocol)
+        # Now we can produce and consume via the secured port
+        self.kafka.security_protocol = client_protocol
+        self.create_producer_and_consumer()
+        self.run_produce_consume_validate(lambda: time.sleep(1))
+    @matrix(client_protocol=["SASL_SSL", "SSL", "SASL_PLAINTEXT"], broker_protocol=["SASL_SSL", "SSL", "SASL_PLAINTEXT"])
+    def test_rolling_upgrade_phase_two(self, client_protocol, broker_protocol):
+        """
+        Start with a PLAINTEXT cluster with a second Secured port open (i.e. result of phase one).
+        Start an Producer and Consumer via the SECURED port
+        Incrementally upgrade to add inter-broker be the secure protocol
+        Incrementally upgrade again to add ACLs as well as disabling the PLAINTEXT port
+        Ensure the producer and consumer ran throughout
+        """
+        #Given we have a broker that has both secure and PLAINTEXT ports open
+        self.kafka.security_protocol = client_protocol
+        self.kafka.interbroker_security_protocol = "PLAINTEXT"
+        self.kafka.start()
+        #Create Secured Producer and Consumer
+        self.create_producer_and_consumer()
+        #Roll in the security protocol. Disable Plaintext. Ensure we can produce and Consume throughout
+        self.run_produce_consume_validate(self.roll_in_secured_settings, client_protocol, broker_protocol)
+    @parametrize(new_client_sasl_mechanism='PLAIN')
+    def test_rolling_upgrade_sasl_mechanism_phase_one(self, new_client_sasl_mechanism):
+        """
+        Start with a SASL/GSSAPI cluster, add new SASL mechanism, via a rolling upgrade, ensuring we could produce
+        and consume throughout over SASL/GSSAPI. Finally check we can produce and consume using new mechanism.
+        """
+        self.kafka.interbroker_security_protocol = "SASL_SSL"
+        self.kafka.security_protocol = "SASL_SSL"
+        self.kafka.client_sasl_mechanism = "GSSAPI"
+        self.kafka.interbroker_sasl_mechanism = "GSSAPI"
+        self.kafka.start()
+        # Create SASL/GSSAPI producer and consumer
+        self.create_producer_and_consumer()
+        # Rolling upgrade, adding new SASL mechanism, ensuring the GSSAPI producer/consumer continues to run
+        self.run_produce_consume_validate(self.add_sasl_mechanism, new_client_sasl_mechanism)
+        # Now we can produce and consume using the new SASL mechanism
+        self.kafka.client_sasl_mechanism = new_client_sasl_mechanism
+        self.create_producer_and_consumer()
+        self.run_produce_consume_validate(lambda: time.sleep(1))
+    @parametrize(new_sasl_mechanism='PLAIN')
+    def test_rolling_upgrade_sasl_mechanism_phase_two(self, new_sasl_mechanism):
+        """
+        Start with a SASL cluster with GSSAPI for inter-broker and a second mechanism for clients (i.e. result of phase one).
+        Start Producer and Consumer using the second mechanism
+        Incrementally upgrade to set inter-broker to the second mechanism and disable GSSAPI
+        Incrementally upgrade again to add ACLs
+        Ensure the producer and consumer run throughout
+        """
+        #Start with a broker that has GSSAPI for inter-broker and a second mechanism for clients
+        self.kafka.security_protocol = "SASL_SSL"
+        self.kafka.interbroker_security_protocol = "SASL_SSL"
+        self.kafka.client_sasl_mechanism = new_sasl_mechanism
+        self.kafka.interbroker_sasl_mechanism = "GSSAPI"
+        self.kafka.start()
+        #Create Producer and Consumer using second mechanism
+        self.create_producer_and_consumer()
+        #Roll in the second SASL mechanism for inter-broker, disabling first mechanism. Ensure we can produce and consume throughout
+        self.run_produce_consume_validate(self.roll_in_sasl_mechanism, self.kafka.security_protocol, new_sasl_mechanism)
diff --git a/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6bc656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from ducktape.mark import parametrize
+from import ZookeeperService
+from import KafkaService
+from import VerifiableProducer
+from import ConsoleConsumer
+from import SecurityConfig
+from import SslStores
+from kafkatest.tests.produce_consume_validate import ProduceConsumeValidateTest
+from kafkatest.utils import is_int
+import time
+class TestSslStores(SslStores):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(TestSslStores, self).__init__()
+        self.invalid_hostname = False
+        self.generate_ca()
+        self.generate_truststore()
+    def hostname(self, node):
+        if (self.invalid_hostname):
+            return "invalidhost"
+        else:
+            return super(TestSslStores, self).hostname(node)
+class SecurityTest(ProduceConsumeValidateTest):
+    """
+    These tests validate security features.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, test_context):
+        """:type test_context: ducktape.tests.test.TestContext"""
+        super(SecurityTest, self).__init__(test_context=test_context)
+        self.topic = "test_topic"
+        self.zk = ZookeeperService(test_context, num_nodes=1)
+        self.kafka = KafkaService(test_context, num_nodes=1, zk=self.zk, topics={self.topic: {
+                                                                    "partitions": 2,
+                                                                    "replication-factor": 1}
+                                                                })
+        self.num_partitions = 2
+        self.timeout_sec = 10000
+        self.producer_throughput = 1000
+        self.num_producers = 1
+        self.num_consumers = 1
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.zk.start()
+    @parametrize(security_protocol='PLAINTEXT', interbroker_security_protocol='SSL')
+    @parametrize(security_protocol='SSL', interbroker_security_protocol='PLAINTEXT')
+    def test_client_ssl_endpoint_validation_failure(self, security_protocol, interbroker_security_protocol):
+        """
+        Test that invalid hostname in certificate results in connection failures.
+        When security_protocol=SSL, client SSL handshakes are expected to fail due to hostname verification failure.
+        When security_protocol=PLAINTEXT and interbroker_security_protocol=SSL, controller connections fail
+        with hostname verification failure. Hence clients are expected to fail with LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE.
+        """
+        self.kafka.security_protocol = security_protocol
+        self.kafka.interbroker_security_protocol = interbroker_security_protocol
+        SecurityConfig.ssl_stores = TestSslStores()
+        SecurityConfig.ssl_stores.invalid_hostname = True
+        self.kafka.start()
+        self.create_producer_and_consumer()
+        self.producer.log_level = "TRACE"
+        self.producer.start()
+        self.consumer.start()
+        time.sleep(10)
+        assert self.producer.num_acked == 0, "Messages published successfully, endpoint validation did not fail with invalid hostname"
+        error = 'SSLHandshakeException' if security_protocol is 'SSL' else 'LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE'
+        for node in self.producer.nodes:
+            node.account.ssh("grep %s %s" % (error, self.producer.LOG_FILE))
+        for node in self.consumer.nodes:
+            node.account.ssh("grep %s %s" % (error, self.consumer.LOG_FILE))
+        self.producer.stop()
+        self.consumer.stop()
+        self.producer.log_level = "INFO"
+        SecurityConfig.ssl_stores.invalid_hostname = False
+        for node in self.kafka.nodes:
+            self.kafka.restart_node(node, clean_shutdown=True)
+        self.create_producer_and_consumer()
+        self.run_produce_consume_validate()
+    def create_producer_and_consumer(self):
+        self.producer = VerifiableProducer(self.test_context, self.num_producers, self.kafka, self.topic, throughput=self.producer_throughput)
+        self.consumer = ConsoleConsumer(self.test_context, self.num_consumers, self.kafka, self.topic, consumer_timeout_ms=10000, message_validator=is_int)
diff --git a/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74a7eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from ducktape.utils.util import wait_until
+from ducktape.tests.test import Test
+from import SimpleConsumerShell
+from import VerifiableProducer
+from import ZookeeperService
+from import KafkaService
+TOPIC = "topic-simple-consumer-shell"
+class SimpleConsumerShellTest(Test):
+    """
+    Tests SimpleConsumerShell tool
+    """
+    def __init__(self, test_context):
+        super(SimpleConsumerShellTest, self).__init__(test_context)
+        self.num_zk = 1
+        self.num_brokers = 1
+        self.messages_received_count = 0
+        self.topics = {
+            TOPIC: {'partitions': NUM_PARTITIONS, 'replication-factor': REPLICATION_FACTOR}
+        }
+        self.zk = ZookeeperService(test_context, self.num_zk)
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.zk.start()
+    def start_kafka(self):
+        self.kafka = KafkaService(
+            self.test_context, self.num_brokers,
+            self.zk, topics=self.topics)
+        self.kafka.start()
+    def run_producer(self):
+        # This will produce to kafka cluster
+        self.producer = VerifiableProducer(self.test_context, num_nodes=1, kafka=self.kafka, topic=TOPIC, throughput=1000, max_messages=MAX_MESSAGES)
+        self.producer.start()
+        wait_until(lambda: self.producer.num_acked == MAX_MESSAGES, timeout_sec=10,
+                   err_msg="Timeout awaiting messages to be produced and acked")
+    def start_simple_consumer_shell(self):
+        self.simple_consumer_shell = SimpleConsumerShell(self.test_context, 1, self.kafka, TOPIC)
+        self.simple_consumer_shell.start()
+    def test_simple_consumer_shell(self):
+        """
+        Tests if SimpleConsumerShell is fetching expected records
+        :return: None
+        """
+        self.start_kafka()
+        self.run_producer()
+        self.start_simple_consumer_shell()
+        # Assert that SimpleConsumerShell is fetching expected number of messages
+        wait_until(lambda: self.simple_consumer_shell.get_output().count("\n") == (MAX_MESSAGES + 1), timeout_sec=10,
+                   err_msg="Timed out waiting to receive expected number of messages.")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e21322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import time
+import math
+from ducktape.mark import parametrize
+from ducktape.utils.util import wait_until
+from import ProducerPerformanceService
+from import ZookeeperService
+from import KafkaService
+from import ConsoleConsumer
+from kafkatest.tests.produce_consume_validate import ProduceConsumeValidateTest
+from import VerifiableProducer
+from kafkatest.utils import is_int
+class ThrottlingTest(ProduceConsumeValidateTest):
+    """Tests throttled partition reassignment. This is essentially similar
+    to the reassign_partitions_test, except that we throttle the reassignment
+    and verify that it takes a sensible amount of time given the throttle
+    and the amount of data being moved.
+    Since the correctness is time dependent, this test also simplifies the
+    cluster topology. In particular, we fix the number of brokers, the
+    replication-factor, the number of partitions, the partition size, and
+    the number of partitions being moved so that we can accurately predict
+    the time throttled reassignment should take.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, test_context):
+        """:type test_context: ducktape.tests.test.TestContext"""
+        super(ThrottlingTest, self).__init__(test_context=test_context)
+        self.topic = "test_topic"
+        self.zk = ZookeeperService(test_context, num_nodes=1)
+        # Because we are starting the producer/consumer/validate cycle _after_
+        # seeding the cluster with big data (to test throttling), we need to
+        # Start the consumer from the end of the stream. further, we need to
+        # ensure that the consumer is fully started before the producer starts
+        # so that we don't miss any messages. This timeout ensures the sufficient
+        # condition.
+        self.consumer_init_timeout_sec =  10
+        self.num_brokers = 6
+        self.num_partitions = 3
+        self.kafka = KafkaService(test_context,
+                                  num_nodes=self.num_brokers,
+                                  zk=self.zk,
+                                  topics={
+                                      self.topic: {
+                                          "partitions": self.num_partitions,
+                                          "replication-factor": 2,
+                                          "configs": {
+                                              "segment.bytes": 64 * 1024 * 1024
+                                          }
+                                      }
+                                  })
+        self.producer_throughput = 1000
+        self.timeout_sec = 400
+        self.num_records = 2000
+        self.record_size = 4096 * 100  # 400 KB
+        # 1 MB per partition on average.
+        self.partition_size = (self.num_records * self.record_size) / self.num_partitions
+        self.num_producers = 2
+        self.num_consumers = 1
+        self.throttle = 4 * 1024 * 1024  # 4 MB/s
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.zk.start()
+    def min_cluster_size(self):
+        # Override this since we're adding services outside of the constructor
+        return super(ThrottlingTest, self).min_cluster_size() +\
+            self.num_producers + self.num_consumers
+    def clean_bounce_some_brokers(self):
+        """Bounce every other broker"""
+        for node in self.kafka.nodes[::2]:
+            self.kafka.restart_node(node, clean_shutdown=True)
+    def reassign_partitions(self, bounce_brokers, throttle):
+        """This method reassigns partitions using a throttle. It makes an
+        assertion about the minimum amount of time the reassignment should take
+        given the value of the throttle, the number of partitions being moved,
+        and the size of each partition.
+        """
+        partition_info = self.kafka.parse_describe_topic(
+            self.kafka.describe_topic(self.topic))
+        self.logger.debug("Partitions before reassignment:" +
+                          str(partition_info))
+        max_num_moves = 0
+        for i in range(0, self.num_partitions):
+            old_replicas = set(partition_info["partitions"][i]["replicas"])
+            new_part = (i+1) % self.num_partitions
+            new_replicas = set(partition_info["partitions"][new_part]["replicas"])
+            max_num_moves = max(len(new_replicas - old_replicas), max_num_moves)
+            partition_info["partitions"][i]["partition"] = new_part
+        self.logger.debug("Jumbled partitions: " + str(partition_info))
+        self.kafka.execute_reassign_partitions(partition_info,
+                                               throttle=throttle)
+        start = time.time()
+        if bounce_brokers:
+            # bounce a few brokers at the same time
+            self.clean_bounce_some_brokers()
+        # Wait until finished or timeout
+        size_per_broker = max_num_moves * self.partition_size
+        self.logger.debug("Max amount of data transfer per broker: %fb",
+                          size_per_broker)
+        estimated_throttled_time = math.ceil(float(size_per_broker) /
+                                             self.throttle)
+        estimated_time_with_buffer = estimated_throttled_time * 2
+        self.logger.debug("Waiting %ds for the reassignment to complete",
+                          estimated_time_with_buffer)
+        wait_until(lambda: self.kafka.verify_reassign_partitions(partition_info),
+                   timeout_sec=estimated_time_with_buffer, backoff_sec=.5)
+        stop = time.time()
+        time_taken = stop - start
+        self.logger.debug("Transfer took %d second. Estimated time : %ds",
+                          time_taken,
+                          estimated_throttled_time)
+        assert time_taken >= estimated_throttled_time, \
+            ("Expected rebalance to take at least %ds, but it took %ds" % (
+                estimated_throttled_time,
+                time_taken))
+    @parametrize(bounce_brokers=False)
+    @parametrize(bounce_brokers=True)
+    def test_throttled_reassignment(self, bounce_brokers):
+        security_protocol = 'PLAINTEXT'
+        self.kafka.security_protocol = security_protocol
+        self.kafka.interbroker_security_protocol = security_protocol
+        producer_id = 'bulk_producer'
+        bulk_producer = ProducerPerformanceService(
+            context=self.test_context, num_nodes=1, kafka=self.kafka,
+            topic=self.topic, num_records=self.num_records,
+            record_size=self.record_size, throughput=-1, client_id=producer_id,
+            jmx_object_names=['kafka.producer:type=producer-metrics,client-id=%s' % producer_id],
+            jmx_attributes=['outgoing-byte-rate'])
+        self.producer = VerifiableProducer(context=self.test_context,
+                                           num_nodes=1,
+                                           kafka=self.kafka, topic=self.topic,
+                                           message_validator=is_int,
+                                           throughput=self.producer_throughput)
+        self.consumer = ConsoleConsumer(self.test_context,
+                                        self.num_consumers,
+                                        self.kafka,
+                                        self.topic,
+                                        consumer_timeout_ms=60000,
+                                        message_validator=is_int,
+                                        from_beginning=False)
+        self.kafka.start()
+        self.run_produce_consume_validate(core_test_action=
+                                          lambda: self.reassign_partitions(bounce_brokers, self.throttle))