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Posted to by Sam Ruby <> on 2016/02/22 22:06:06 UTC

[whimsy.git] [1/1] Commit 4617d25: parse the JSON format instead

Commit 4617d251382377b1dc7cd69c08e4ca00baa5aa76:
    parse the JSON format instead

Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: Sam Ruby <>
Committer: Sam Ruby <>
Pusher: rubys <>

www/members/non-participants.cgi                             | ++++ ---------
50 changes: 16 additions, 34 deletions.

diff --git a/www/members/non-participants.cgi b/www/members/non-participants.cgi
index 4401a24..9d9497e 100755
--- a/www/members/non-participants.cgi
+++ b/www/members/non-participants.cgi
@@ -4,61 +4,43 @@ $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.realpath(File.expand_path('../../../lib', __FILE__))
 require 'whimsy/asf'
 require 'wunderbar'
 require 'date'
+require 'json'
 # separator / is added when link is generated
 ROSTER = ""
 # locate and read the attendance file
 MEETINGS = ASF::SVN['private/foundation/Meetings']
-attendance ="#{MEETINGS}/attendance.txt")
-# scan the headings, extract column information
-headings = attendance[/^(\s+\d+)+/]
-col = 0
-cols = headings.scan(/(\s+)(\d+)/).map {|spaces, date|
-  col += spaces.length
-, col+=date.length)
-# column information for the member name
-nameField =  0...cols.first.begin
+attendance = JSON.parse("#{MEETINGS}/attendance.json"))
 # extract and format dates
-dates = {|range| headings[range]}.
+dates = attendance['dates'].sort.
   map {|date| Date.parse(date).strftime('%Y-%b-%d')}
 # compute mappings of names to ids
-active = {|id, data| not data['status']}
-nameMap = Hash[ {|id, data| [id, data[:text].split("\n").first]}]
-idMap = Hash[ {|id, name| [name.gsub(/[^\x20-\x7F]/, ''), id]}]
-# handle cases where names in attendance don't match members.txt
-idMap["Antonio Gallardo Rivera"] = "antonio"
-# idMap["Astrid Keler"] = ?
-# idMap["Astrid Stolper"] = ?
-idMap["Craig Russell"] = 'clr'
-idMap["Donald A. Ball Jr."] = 'balld'
-idMap["Maisonobe Luc"] = 'luc'
-idMap["Noirin Shirley"] = 'noirin'
-idMap["Reto Bachmann-Gmr"] = 'reto'
-idMap["Robertus W.A.M. Huijben (\"Bert\")"] = 'rhuijben'
-idMap["Thomas Fischer"] = 'tfischer'
-idMap["Wilfredo Sanchez"] = 'wsanchez'
-# idMap["William Stoddard"] = 'stoddard'
+members = ASF::Member.list
+active = {|id, data| not data['status']}
+nameMap = Hash[ {|id, data| [id, data[:name]]}]
+idMap = Hash[]
 # analyze attendance
-matrix = attendance.scan(/^[(A-Za-z].*\]\s*$/).map do |line|
-  name = line[nameField].strip
+matrix = attendance['matrix'].map do |name, meetings|
   id = idMap[name]
   next unless id
-  data = {|field| line[field].strip}.reverse
-  missed = data.index {|datum| datum != '-'} + 1
+  data =
+  missed = (data.index {|datum| datum != '-'} || data.length)
   [id, name, missed]
 # produce HTML
 _html do
+  # common banner
+  _a href: '' do
+    _img title: "ASF Logo", alt: "ASF Logo",
+      src: ""
+  end
   _h1 'Non-participating active members'
   @meetingsMissed = (@meetingsMissed || 5).to_i