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Posted to by on 2003/10/02 20:24:15 UTC

cvs commit: xml-xerces/java/src/org/apache/xerces/impl

mrglavas    2003/10/02 11:24:15

  Modified:    java/src/org/apache/xerces/impl
  Fixing indentation.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +532 -481  xml-xerces/java/src/org/apache/xerces/impl/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-xerces/java/src/org/apache/xerces/impl/,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  ---	2 Oct 2003 18:18:15 -0000	1.1
  +++	2 Oct 2003 18:24:15 -0000	1.2
  @@ -99,489 +99,540 @@
    * @author Elena Litani, IBM
    * @author Michael Glavassevich, IBM
  + * 
  + * @version
   public class XML11NSDocumentScannerImpl extends XML11DocumentScannerImpl {
  -	/** 
  -	 * If is true, the dtd validator is no longer in the pipeline
  -	 * and the scanner should bind namespaces 
  -	 */
  -	protected boolean fBindNamespaces;
  -	/** 
  -	 * If validating parser, make sure we report an error in the
  -	 *  scanner if DTD grammar is missing.
  -	 */
  -	protected boolean fPerformValidation;
  -	protected String[] fUri= new String[4];
  -	protected String[] fLocalpart = new String[4];
  -	protected int fLength = 0;
  -	// private data
  -	//
  -	/** DTD validator */
  -	private XMLDTDValidatorFilter fDTDValidator;
  -	/**
  -	 * The scanner is responsible for removing DTD validator
  -	 * from the pipeline if it is not needed.
  -	 * 
  -	 * @param validator the DTD validator from the pipeline
  -	 */
  -	public void setDTDValidator(XMLDTDValidatorFilter validator){
  -		fDTDValidator = validator;
  -	}
  -	/**
  -	 * Scans a start element. This method will handle the binding of
  -	 * namespace information and notifying the handler of the start
  -	 * of the element.
  -	 * <p>
  -	 * <pre>
  -	 * [44] EmptyElemTag ::= '&lt;' Name (S Attribute)* S? '/>'
  -	 * [40] STag ::= '&lt;' Name (S Attribute)* S? '>'
  -	 * </pre>
  -	 * <p>
  -	 * <strong>Note:</strong> This method assumes that the leading
  -	 * '&lt;' character has been consumed.
  -	 * <p>
  -	 * <strong>Note:</strong> This method uses the fElementQName and
  -	 * fAttributes variables. The contents of these variables will be
  -	 * destroyed. The caller should copy important information out of
  -	 * these variables before calling this method.
  -	 *
  -	 * @return True if element is empty. (i.e. It matches
  -	 *          production [44].
  -	 */
  -	protected boolean scanStartElement()
  -	throws IOException, XNIException {
  -		if (DEBUG_CONTENT_SCANNING) System.out.println(">>> scanStartElementNS()");
  -		// Note: namespace processing is on by default
  -		fEntityScanner.scanQName(fElementQName);
  -		// REVISIT - [Q] Why do we need this local variable? -- mrglavas
  -		String rawname = fElementQName.rawname;
  -		if (fBindNamespaces) {
  -			fNamespaceContext.pushContext();
  -			if (fScannerState == SCANNER_STATE_ROOT_ELEMENT) {
  -				if (fPerformValidation) {
  -					fErrorReporter.reportError(XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN,
  -											   "MSG_GRAMMAR_NOT_FOUND",
  -											   new Object[]{ rawname},
  -											   XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_ERROR);
  -					if (fDoctypeName == null || !fDoctypeName.equals(rawname)) {
  -						fErrorReporter.reportError( XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN,
  -													"RootElementTypeMustMatchDoctypedecl",
  -													new Object[]{fDoctypeName, rawname},
  -													XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_ERROR);
  -					}
  -				}
  -			}
  -		}
  -		// push element stack
  -		fCurrentElement = fElementStack.pushElement(fElementQName);
  -		// attributes
  -		boolean empty = false;
  -		fAttributes.removeAllAttributes();
  -		do {
  -			// spaces
  -			boolean sawSpace = fEntityScanner.skipSpaces();
  -			// end tag?
  -			int c = fEntityScanner.peekChar();
  -			if (c == '>') {
  -				fEntityScanner.scanChar();
  -				break;
  -			}
  -			else if (c == '/') {
  -				fEntityScanner.scanChar();
  -				if (!fEntityScanner.skipChar('>')) {
  -					reportFatalError("ElementUnterminated",
  -									 new Object[]{rawname});
  -				}
  -				empty = true;
  -				break;
  -			}
  -			else if (!isValidNameStartChar(c) || !sawSpace) {
  -				reportFatalError("ElementUnterminated", new Object[]{rawname});
  -			}
  -			// attributes
  -			scanAttribute(fAttributes);
  -		} while (true);
  -		if (fBindNamespaces) {
  -			// REVISIT: is it required? forbit xmlns prefix for element
  -			if (fElementQName.prefix == XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS) {
  -				fErrorReporter.reportError(XMLMessageFormatter.XMLNS_DOMAIN,
  -										   "ElementXMLNSPrefix",
  -										   new Object[]{fElementQName.rawname},
  -										   XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR);
  -			}
  -			// bind the element
  -			String prefix = fElementQName.prefix != null
  -							? fElementQName.prefix : XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING;
  -			// assign uri to the element
  -			fElementQName.uri = fNamespaceContext.getURI(prefix);
  -			// make sure that object in the element stack is updated as well
  -			fCurrentElement.uri = fElementQName.uri;
  -			if (fElementQName.prefix == null && fElementQName.uri != null) {
  -				fElementQName.prefix = XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING;
  -			}
  -			if (fElementQName.prefix != null && fElementQName.uri == null) {
  -				fErrorReporter.reportError(XMLMessageFormatter.XMLNS_DOMAIN,
  -										   "ElementPrefixUnbound",
  -										   new Object[]{fElementQName.prefix, fElementQName.rawname},
  -										   XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR);
  -			}
  -			// bind attributes (xmlns are already bound bellow)
  -			int length = fAttributes.getLength();
  -			fLength = 0; //initialize structure
  -			for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  -				fAttributes.getName(i, fAttributeQName);
  -				String aprefix = fAttributeQName.prefix != null
  -								 ? fAttributeQName.prefix : XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING;
  -				String uri = fNamespaceContext.getURI(aprefix);
  -				// REVISIT: try removing the first "if" and see if it is faster.
  -				//
  -				if (fAttributeQName.uri != null && fAttributeQName.uri == uri) {
  -					checkDuplicates(fAttributeQName, fAttributes);
  -					continue;
  -				}
  -				if (aprefix != XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING) {
  -					fAttributeQName.uri = uri;
  -					if (uri == null) {
  -						fErrorReporter.reportError(XMLMessageFormatter.XMLNS_DOMAIN,
  -												   "AttributePrefixUnbound",
  -												   new Object[]{fElementQName.rawname,fAttributeQName.rawname,aprefix},
  -												   XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR);
  -					}
  -					fAttributes.setURI(i, uri);
  -					checkDuplicates(fAttributeQName, fAttributes);
  -				}
  -			}
  -		}
  -		// call handler
  -		if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
  -			if (empty) {
  -				//decrease the markup depth..
  -				fMarkupDepth--;
  -				// check that this element was opened in the same entity
  -				if (fMarkupDepth < fEntityStack[fEntityDepth - 1]) {
  -					reportFatalError("ElementEntityMismatch",
  -									 new Object[]{fCurrentElement.rawname});
  -				}
  -				fDocumentHandler.emptyElement(fElementQName, fAttributes, null);
  -				if (fBindNamespaces) {
  -					fNamespaceContext.popContext();
  -				}
  -				//pop the element off the stack..
  -				fElementStack.popElement(fElementQName);
  -			} else {
  -				fDocumentHandler.startElement(fElementQName, fAttributes, null);
  -			}
  -		}
  -		if (DEBUG_CONTENT_SCANNING) System.out.println("<<< scanStartElement(): "+empty);
  -		return empty;
  -	} // scanStartElement():boolean
  -	private final void checkDuplicates(QName qname, XMLAttributesImpl attributes){
  -		// Example: <foo xmlns:a='NS' xmlns:b='NS' a:attr='v1' b:attr='v2'/>
  -		// search if such attribute already exists
  -		for (int i = 0; i < fLength; i++) {
  -			if (qname.uri == fUri[i] && fLocalpart[i].equals(qname.localpart)) {
  -				fErrorReporter.reportError(XMLMessageFormatter.XMLNS_DOMAIN,
  -										   "AttributeNSNotUnique",
  -										   new Object[]{fElementQName.rawname,qname.rawname, qname.uri},
  -										   XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR);
  -			}
  -		}
  -		int index = fLength;
  -		if (fLength++ == fUri.length) {
  -			String[] uris = new String[fUri.length + 4];
  -			String[] lps = new String [fUri.length + 4];
  -			System.arraycopy(fUri, 0, uris, 0, fUri.length);
  -			System.arraycopy(fLocalpart, 0, lps, 0, fLocalpart.length);
  -			fUri = uris;
  -			fLocalpart = lps;
  -		}
  -		fUri[index] = qname.uri;
  -		fLocalpart[index] = qname.localpart;
  -	}
  -	/**
  - * Scans an attribute.
  - * <p>
  - * <pre>
  - * [41] Attribute ::= Name Eq AttValue
  - * </pre>
  - * <p>
  - * <strong>Note:</strong> This method assumes that the next
  - * character on the stream is the first character of the attribute
  - * name.
  - * <p>
  - * <strong>Note:</strong> This method uses the fAttributeQName and
  - * fQName variables. The contents of these variables will be
  - * destroyed.
  - *
  - * @param attributes The attributes list for the scanned attribute.
  - */
  -	protected void scanAttribute(XMLAttributesImpl attributes)
  -	throws IOException, XNIException {
  -		if (DEBUG_CONTENT_SCANNING) System.out.println(">>> scanAttribute()");
  -		// name
  -		fEntityScanner.scanQName(fAttributeQName);
  -		// equals
  -		fEntityScanner.skipSpaces();
  -		if (!fEntityScanner.skipChar('=')) {
  -			reportFatalError("EqRequiredInAttribute",
  -							 new Object[]{fCurrentElement.rawname,fAttributeQName.rawname});
  -		}
  -		fEntityScanner.skipSpaces();
  -		// content
  -		int oldLen = attributes.getLength();
  -		attributes.addAttribute(fAttributeQName, XMLSymbols.fCDATASymbol, null);
  -		// WFC: Unique Att Spec
  -		if (oldLen == attributes.getLength()) {
  -			reportFatalError("AttributeNotUnique",
  -							 new Object[]{fCurrentElement.rawname,
  -								 fAttributeQName.rawname});
  -		}
  -		//REVISIT: one more case needs to be included: external PE and standalone is no
  -		boolean isVC =  fHasExternalDTD && !fStandalone;
  -		// REVISIT: it seems that this function should not take attributes, and length
  -		scanAttributeValue(this.fTempString, fTempString2,
  -						   fAttributeQName.rawname, attributes,
  -						   oldLen, isVC,fCurrentElement.rawname);
  -		String value = fTempString.toString();
  -		attributes.setValue(oldLen, value);
  -		attributes.setNonNormalizedValue(oldLen, fTempString2.toString());
  -		attributes.setSpecified(oldLen, true);
  -		// record namespace declarations if any.
  -		if (fBindNamespaces) {
  -			String localpart = fAttributeQName.localpart;
  -			String prefix = fAttributeQName.prefix != null
  -							? fAttributeQName.prefix : XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING;
  -			// when it's of form xmlns="..." or xmlns:prefix="...",
  -			// it's a namespace declaration. but prefix:xmlns="..." isn't.
  -			if (prefix == XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS ||
  -				prefix == XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING && localpart == XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS) {
  -				// get the internalized value of this attribute
  -				String uri = fSymbolTable.addSymbol(value);
  -				// 1. "xmlns" can't be bound to any namespace
  -				if (prefix == XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS && localpart == XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS) {
  -					fErrorReporter.reportError(XMLMessageFormatter.XMLNS_DOMAIN,
  -											   "CantBindXMLNS",
  -											   new Object[]{fAttributeQName},
  -											   XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR);
  -				}
  -				// 2. the namespace for "xmlns" can't be bound to any prefix
  -				if (uri == NamespaceContext.XMLNS_URI) {
  -					fErrorReporter.reportError(XMLMessageFormatter.XMLNS_DOMAIN,
  -											   "CantBindXMLNS",
  -											   new Object[]{fAttributeQName},
  -											   XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR);
  -				}
  -				// 3. "xml" can't be bound to any other namespace than it's own
  -				if (localpart == XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XML) {
  -					if (uri != NamespaceContext.XML_URI) {
  -						fErrorReporter.reportError(XMLMessageFormatter.XMLNS_DOMAIN,
  -												   "CantBindXML",
  -												   new Object[]{fAttributeQName},
  -												   XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR);
  -					}
  -				}
  -				// 4. the namespace for "xml" can't be bound to any other prefix
  -				else {
  -					if (uri ==NamespaceContext.XML_URI) {
  -						fErrorReporter.reportError(XMLMessageFormatter.XMLNS_DOMAIN,
  -												   "CantBindXML",
  -												   new Object[]{fAttributeQName},
  -												   XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR);
  -					}
  -				}
  -				prefix = localpart != XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS ? localpart : XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING;
  -				// Declare prefix in context. Removing the association between a prefix and a 
  -				// namespace name is permitted in XML 1.1, so if the uri value is the empty string, 
  -				// the prefix is being unbound. -- mrglavas
  -				fNamespaceContext.declarePrefix(prefix, uri.length() != 0 ? uri : null);
  -				// bind namespace attribute to a namespace
  -				attributes.setURI(oldLen, fNamespaceContext.getURI(XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS));
  -			}
  -			else {
  -				// attempt to bind attribute
  -				if (fAttributeQName.prefix != null) {
  -					attributes.setURI(oldLen, fNamespaceContext.getURI(fAttributeQName.prefix));
  -				}
  -			}
  -		}
  -		if (DEBUG_CONTENT_SCANNING) System.out.println("<<< scanAttribute()");
  -	} // scanAttribute(XMLAttributes)
  -	/**
  -	 * Scans an end element.
  -	 * <p>
  -	 * <pre>
  -	 * [42] ETag ::= '&lt;/' Name S? '>'
  -	 * </pre>
  -	 * <p>
  -	 * <strong>Note:</strong> This method uses the fElementQName variable.
  -	 * The contents of this variable will be destroyed. The caller should
  -	 * copy the needed information out of this variable before calling
  -	 * this method.
  -	 *
  -	 * @return The element depth.
  -	 */
  -	protected int scanEndElement() throws IOException, XNIException {
  -		if (DEBUG_CONTENT_SCANNING) System.out.println(">>> scanEndElement()");
  -		// pop context
  -		fElementStack.popElement(fElementQName) ;
  -		// Take advantage of the fact that next string _should_ be "fElementQName.rawName",
  -		//In scanners most of the time is consumed on checks done for XML characters, we can
  -		// optimize on it and avoid the checks done for endElement,
  -		//we will also avoid symbol table lookup -
  -		// this should work both for namespace processing true or false...
  -		//REVISIT: if the string is not the same as expected.. we need to do better error handling..
  -		//We can skip this for now... In any case if the string doesn't match -- document is not well formed.
  -		if (!fEntityScanner.skipString(fElementQName.rawname)) {
  -			reportFatalError("ETagRequired", new Object[]{fElementQName.rawname});
  -		}
  -		// end
  -		fEntityScanner.skipSpaces();
  -		if (!fEntityScanner.skipChar('>')) {
  -			reportFatalError("ETagUnterminated",
  -							 new Object[]{fElementQName.rawname});
  -		}
  -		fMarkupDepth--;
  -		//we have increased the depth for two markup "<" characters
  -		fMarkupDepth--;
  -		// check that this element was opened in the same entity
  -		if (fMarkupDepth < fEntityStack[fEntityDepth - 1]) {
  -			reportFatalError("ElementEntityMismatch",
  -							 new Object[]{fCurrentElement.rawname});
  -		}
  -		// call handler
  -		if (fDocumentHandler != null ) {
  -			fDocumentHandler.endElement(fElementQName, null);
  -			if (fBindNamespaces) {
  -				fNamespaceContext.popContext();
  -			}
  -		}
  -		return fMarkupDepth;
  -	} // scanEndElement():int
  -	public void reset(XMLComponentManager componentManager)
  -	throws XMLConfigurationException {
  -		super.reset(componentManager);
  -		fPerformValidation = false;
  -		fBindNamespaces = false;
  -	}
  -	/** Creates a content dispatcher. */
  -	protected Dispatcher createContentDispatcher() {
  -		return new NS11ContentDispatcher();
  -	} // createContentDispatcher():Dispatcher
  -	/**
  -	 * Dispatcher to handle content scanning.
  -	 */
  -	protected final class NS11ContentDispatcher
  -	extends ContentDispatcher {
  -		/**
  -		 * Scan for root element hook. This method is a hook for
  -		 * subclasses to add code that handles scanning for the root
  -		 * element. This method will also attempt to remove DTD validator
  -		 * from the pipeline, if there is no DTD grammar. If DTD validator
  -		 * is no longer in the pipeline bind namespaces in the scanner.
  -		 *
  -		 *
  -		 * @return True if the caller should stop and return true which
  -		 *          allows the scanner to switch to a new scanning
  -		 *          dispatcher. A return value of false indicates that
  -		 *          the content dispatcher should continue as normal.
  -		 */
  -		protected boolean scanRootElementHook()
  -		throws IOException, XNIException {
  -			if (fDTDValidator == null) {
  -				fBindNamespaces = true;
  -			}
  -			else if (!fDTDValidator.hasGrammar()) {
  -				fBindNamespaces = true;
  -				fPerformValidation = fDTDValidator.validate();
  -				// re-configure pipeline
  -				XMLDocumentSource source = fDTDValidator.getDocumentSource();
  -				XMLDocumentHandler handler = fDTDValidator.getDocumentHandler();
  -				source.setDocumentHandler(handler);
  -				if (handler != null)
  -					handler.setDocumentSource(source);
  -				fDTDValidator.setDocumentSource(null);
  -				fDTDValidator.setDocumentHandler(null);
  -			}
  -			if (scanStartElement()) {
  -				setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_TRAILING_MISC);
  -				setDispatcher(fTrailingMiscDispatcher);
  -				return true;
  -			}
  -			return false;
  +    /** 
  +     * If is true, the dtd validator is no longer in the pipeline
  +     * and the scanner should bind namespaces 
  +     */
  +    protected boolean fBindNamespaces;
  +    /** 
  +     * If validating parser, make sure we report an error in the
  +     *  scanner if DTD grammar is missing.
  +     */
  +    protected boolean fPerformValidation;
  +    protected String[] fUri = new String[4];
  +    protected String[] fLocalpart = new String[4];
  +    protected int fLength = 0;
  +    // private data
  +    //
  +    /** DTD validator */
  +    private XMLDTDValidatorFilter fDTDValidator;
  +    /**
  +     * The scanner is responsible for removing DTD validator
  +     * from the pipeline if it is not needed.
  +     * 
  +     * @param validator the DTD validator from the pipeline
  +     */
  +    public void setDTDValidator(XMLDTDValidatorFilter validator) {
  +        fDTDValidator = validator;
  +    }
  +    /**
  +     * Scans a start element. This method will handle the binding of
  +     * namespace information and notifying the handler of the start
  +     * of the element.
  +     * <p>
  +     * <pre>
  +     * [44] EmptyElemTag ::= '&lt;' Name (S Attribute)* S? '/>'
  +     * [40] STag ::= '&lt;' Name (S Attribute)* S? '>'
  +     * </pre>
  +     * <p>
  +     * <strong>Note:</strong> This method assumes that the leading
  +     * '&lt;' character has been consumed.
  +     * <p>
  +     * <strong>Note:</strong> This method uses the fElementQName and
  +     * fAttributes variables. The contents of these variables will be
  +     * destroyed. The caller should copy important information out of
  +     * these variables before calling this method.
  +     *
  +     * @return True if element is empty. (i.e. It matches
  +     *          production [44].
  +     */
  +    protected boolean scanStartElement() throws IOException, XNIException {
  +            System.out.println(">>> scanStartElementNS()");
  +        // Note: namespace processing is on by default
  +        fEntityScanner.scanQName(fElementQName);
  +        // REVISIT - [Q] Why do we need this local variable? -- mrglavas
  +        String rawname = fElementQName.rawname;
  +        if (fBindNamespaces) {
  +            fNamespaceContext.pushContext();
  +            if (fScannerState == SCANNER_STATE_ROOT_ELEMENT) {
  +                if (fPerformValidation) {
  +                    fErrorReporter.reportError(
  +                        XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN,
  +                        "MSG_GRAMMAR_NOT_FOUND",
  +                        new Object[] { rawname },
  +                        XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_ERROR);
  +                    if (fDoctypeName == null
  +                        || !fDoctypeName.equals(rawname)) {
  +                        fErrorReporter.reportError(
  +                            XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN,
  +                            "RootElementTypeMustMatchDoctypedecl",
  +                            new Object[] { fDoctypeName, rawname },
  +                            XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_ERROR);
  +                    }
  +                }
  +            }
  +        }
  +        // push element stack
  +        fCurrentElement = fElementStack.pushElement(fElementQName);
  +        // attributes
  +        boolean empty = false;
  +        fAttributes.removeAllAttributes();
  +        do {
  +            // spaces
  +            boolean sawSpace = fEntityScanner.skipSpaces();
  +            // end tag?
  +            int c = fEntityScanner.peekChar();
  +            if (c == '>') {
  +                fEntityScanner.scanChar();
  +                break;
  +            } else if (c == '/') {
  +                fEntityScanner.scanChar();
  +                if (!fEntityScanner.skipChar('>')) {
  +                    reportFatalError(
  +                        "ElementUnterminated",
  +                        new Object[] { rawname });
  +                }
  +                empty = true;
  +                break;
  +            } else if (!isValidNameStartChar(c) || !sawSpace) {
  +                reportFatalError(
  +                    "ElementUnterminated",
  +                    new Object[] { rawname });
  +            }
  +            // attributes
  +            scanAttribute(fAttributes);
  +        } while (true);
  +        if (fBindNamespaces) {
  +            // REVISIT: is it required? forbit xmlns prefix for element
  +            if (fElementQName.prefix == XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS) {
  +                fErrorReporter.reportError(
  +                    XMLMessageFormatter.XMLNS_DOMAIN,
  +                    "ElementXMLNSPrefix",
  +                    new Object[] { fElementQName.rawname },
  +                    XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR);
  +            }
  +            // bind the element
  +            String prefix =
  +                fElementQName.prefix != null
  +                    ? fElementQName.prefix
  +                    : XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING;
  +            // assign uri to the element
  +            fElementQName.uri = fNamespaceContext.getURI(prefix);
  +            // make sure that object in the element stack is updated as well
  +            fCurrentElement.uri = fElementQName.uri;
  +            if (fElementQName.prefix == null && fElementQName.uri != null) {
  +                fElementQName.prefix = XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING;
  +            }
  +            if (fElementQName.prefix != null && fElementQName.uri == null) {
  +                fErrorReporter.reportError(
  +                    XMLMessageFormatter.XMLNS_DOMAIN,
  +                    "ElementPrefixUnbound",
  +                    new Object[] {
  +                        fElementQName.prefix,
  +                        fElementQName.rawname },
  +                    XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR);
  +            }
  +            // bind attributes (xmlns are already bound bellow)
  +            int length = fAttributes.getLength();
  +            fLength = 0; //initialize structure
  +            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  +                fAttributes.getName(i, fAttributeQName);
  +                String aprefix =
  +                    fAttributeQName.prefix != null
  +                        ? fAttributeQName.prefix
  +                        : XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING;
  +                String uri = fNamespaceContext.getURI(aprefix);
  +                // REVISIT: try removing the first "if" and see if it is faster.
  +                //
  +                if (fAttributeQName.uri != null
  +                    && fAttributeQName.uri == uri) {
  +                    checkDuplicates(fAttributeQName, fAttributes);
  +                    continue;
  +                }
  +                if (aprefix != XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING) {
  +                    fAttributeQName.uri = uri;
  +                    if (uri == null) {
  +                        fErrorReporter.reportError(
  +                            XMLMessageFormatter.XMLNS_DOMAIN,
  +                            "AttributePrefixUnbound",
  +                            new Object[] {
  +                                fElementQName.rawname,
  +                                fAttributeQName.rawname,
  +                                aprefix },
  +                            XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR);
  +                    }
  +                    fAttributes.setURI(i, uri);
  +                    checkDuplicates(fAttributeQName, fAttributes);
  +                }
  +            }
  +        }
  +        // call handler
  +        if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
  +            if (empty) {
  +                //decrease the markup depth..
  +                fMarkupDepth--;
  +                // check that this element was opened in the same entity
  +                if (fMarkupDepth < fEntityStack[fEntityDepth - 1]) {
  +                    reportFatalError(
  +                        "ElementEntityMismatch",
  +                        new Object[] { fCurrentElement.rawname });
  +                }
  +                fDocumentHandler.emptyElement(fElementQName, fAttributes, null);
  +                if (fBindNamespaces) {
  +                    fNamespaceContext.popContext();
  +                }
  +                //pop the element off the stack..
  +                fElementStack.popElement(fElementQName);
  +            } else {
  +                fDocumentHandler.startElement(fElementQName, fAttributes, null);
  +            }
  +        }
  +            System.out.println("<<< scanStartElement(): " + empty);
  +        return empty;
  +    } // scanStartElement():boolean
  +    private final void checkDuplicates(
  +        QName qname,
  +        XMLAttributesImpl attributes) {
  +        // Example: <foo xmlns:a='NS' xmlns:b='NS' a:attr='v1' b:attr='v2'/>
  +        // search if such attribute already exists
  +        for (int i = 0; i < fLength; i++) {
  +            if (qname.uri == fUri[i]
  +                && fLocalpart[i].equals(qname.localpart)) {
  +                fErrorReporter.reportError(
  +                    XMLMessageFormatter.XMLNS_DOMAIN,
  +                    "AttributeNSNotUnique",
  +                    new Object[] {
  +                        fElementQName.rawname,
  +                        qname.rawname,
  +                        qname.uri },
  +                    XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR);
  +            }
  +        }
  +        int index = fLength;
  +        if (fLength++ == fUri.length) {
  +            String[] uris = new String[fUri.length + 4];
  +            String[] lps = new String[fUri.length + 4];
  +            System.arraycopy(fUri, 0, uris, 0, fUri.length);
  +            System.arraycopy(fLocalpart, 0, lps, 0, fLocalpart.length);
  +            fUri = uris;
  +            fLocalpart = lps;
  +        }
  +        fUri[index] = qname.uri;
  +        fLocalpart[index] = qname.localpart;
  +    }
  +    /**
  +    * Scans an attribute.
  +    * <p>
  +    * <pre>
  +    * [41] Attribute ::= Name Eq AttValue
  +    * </pre>
  +    * <p>
  +    * <strong>Note:</strong> This method assumes that the next
  +    * character on the stream is the first character of the attribute
  +    * name.
  +    * <p>
  +    * <strong>Note:</strong> This method uses the fAttributeQName and
  +    * fQName variables. The contents of these variables will be
  +    * destroyed.
  +    *
  +    * @param attributes The attributes list for the scanned attribute.
  +    */
  +    protected void scanAttribute(XMLAttributesImpl attributes)
  +        throws IOException, XNIException {
  +            System.out.println(">>> scanAttribute()");
  +        // name
  +        fEntityScanner.scanQName(fAttributeQName);
  +        // equals
  +        fEntityScanner.skipSpaces();
  +        if (!fEntityScanner.skipChar('=')) {
  +            reportFatalError(
  +                "EqRequiredInAttribute",
  +                new Object[] {
  +                    fCurrentElement.rawname,
  +                    fAttributeQName.rawname });
  +        }
  +        fEntityScanner.skipSpaces();
  +        // content
  +        int oldLen = attributes.getLength();
  +        attributes.addAttribute(fAttributeQName, XMLSymbols.fCDATASymbol, null);
  +        // WFC: Unique Att Spec
  +        if (oldLen == attributes.getLength()) {
  +            reportFatalError(
  +                "AttributeNotUnique",
  +                new Object[] {
  +                    fCurrentElement.rawname,
  +                    fAttributeQName.rawname });
  +        }
  +        //REVISIT: one more case needs to be included: external PE and standalone is no
  +        boolean isVC = fHasExternalDTD && !fStandalone;
  +        // REVISIT: it seems that this function should not take attributes, and length
  +        scanAttributeValue(
  +            this.fTempString,
  +            fTempString2,
  +            fAttributeQName.rawname,
  +            attributes,
  +            oldLen,
  +            isVC,
  +            fCurrentElement.rawname);
  +        String value = fTempString.toString();
  +        attributes.setValue(oldLen, value);
  +        attributes.setNonNormalizedValue(oldLen, fTempString2.toString());
  +        attributes.setSpecified(oldLen, true);
  +        // record namespace declarations if any.
  +        if (fBindNamespaces) {
  +            String localpart = fAttributeQName.localpart;
  +            String prefix =
  +                fAttributeQName.prefix != null
  +                    ? fAttributeQName.prefix
  +                    : XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING;
  +            // when it's of form xmlns="..." or xmlns:prefix="...",
  +            // it's a namespace declaration. but prefix:xmlns="..." isn't.
  +            if (prefix == XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS
  +                || prefix == XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING
  +                && localpart == XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS) {
  +                // get the internalized value of this attribute
  +                String uri = fSymbolTable.addSymbol(value);
  +                // 1. "xmlns" can't be bound to any namespace
  +                if (prefix == XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS
  +                    && localpart == XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS) {
  +                    fErrorReporter.reportError(
  +                        XMLMessageFormatter.XMLNS_DOMAIN,
  +                        "CantBindXMLNS",
  +                        new Object[] { fAttributeQName },
  +                        XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR);
  +                }
  +                // 2. the namespace for "xmlns" can't be bound to any prefix
  +                if (uri == NamespaceContext.XMLNS_URI) {
  +                    fErrorReporter.reportError(
  +                        XMLMessageFormatter.XMLNS_DOMAIN,
  +                        "CantBindXMLNS",
  +                        new Object[] { fAttributeQName },
  +                        XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR);
  +                }
  +                // 3. "xml" can't be bound to any other namespace than it's own
  +                if (localpart == XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XML) {
  +                    if (uri != NamespaceContext.XML_URI) {
  +                        fErrorReporter.reportError(
  +                            XMLMessageFormatter.XMLNS_DOMAIN,
  +                            "CantBindXML",
  +                            new Object[] { fAttributeQName },
  +                            XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR);
  +                    }
  +                }
  +                // 4. the namespace for "xml" can't be bound to any other prefix
  +                else {
  +                    if (uri == NamespaceContext.XML_URI) {
  +                        fErrorReporter.reportError(
  +                            XMLMessageFormatter.XMLNS_DOMAIN,
  +                            "CantBindXML",
  +                            new Object[] { fAttributeQName },
  +                            XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR);
  +                    }
  +                }
  +                prefix =
  +                    localpart != XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS
  +                        ? localpart
  +                        : XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING;
  +                // Declare prefix in context. Removing the association between a prefix and a 
  +                // namespace name is permitted in XML 1.1, so if the uri value is the empty string, 
  +                // the prefix is being unbound. -- mrglavas
  +                fNamespaceContext.declarePrefix(
  +                    prefix,
  +                    uri.length() != 0 ? uri : null);
  +                // bind namespace attribute to a namespace
  +                attributes.setURI(
  +                    oldLen,
  +                    fNamespaceContext.getURI(XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS));
  +            } else {
  +                // attempt to bind attribute
  +                if (fAttributeQName.prefix != null) {
  +                    attributes.setURI(
  +                        oldLen,
  +                        fNamespaceContext.getURI(fAttributeQName.prefix));
  +                }
  +            }
  +        }
  +            System.out.println("<<< scanAttribute()");
  +    } // scanAttribute(XMLAttributes)
  +    /**
  +     * Scans an end element.
  +     * <p>
  +     * <pre>
  +     * [42] ETag ::= '&lt;/' Name S? '>'
  +     * </pre>
  +     * <p>
  +     * <strong>Note:</strong> This method uses the fElementQName variable.
  +     * The contents of this variable will be destroyed. The caller should
  +     * copy the needed information out of this variable before calling
  +     * this method.
  +     *
  +     * @return The element depth.
  +     */
  +    protected int scanEndElement() throws IOException, XNIException {
  +            System.out.println(">>> scanEndElement()");
  +        // pop context
  +        fElementStack.popElement(fElementQName);
  +        // Take advantage of the fact that next string _should_ be "fElementQName.rawName",
  +        //In scanners most of the time is consumed on checks done for XML characters, we can
  +        // optimize on it and avoid the checks done for endElement,
  +        //we will also avoid symbol table lookup -
  +        // this should work both for namespace processing true or false...
  +        //REVISIT: if the string is not the same as expected.. we need to do better error handling..
  +        //We can skip this for now... In any case if the string doesn't match -- document is not well formed.
  +        if (!fEntityScanner.skipString(fElementQName.rawname)) {
  +            reportFatalError(
  +                "ETagRequired",
  +                new Object[] { fElementQName.rawname });
  +        }
  +        // end
  +        fEntityScanner.skipSpaces();
  +        if (!fEntityScanner.skipChar('>')) {
  +            reportFatalError(
  +                "ETagUnterminated",
  +                new Object[] { fElementQName.rawname });
  +        }
  +        fMarkupDepth--;
  +        //we have increased the depth for two markup "<" characters
  +        fMarkupDepth--;
  +        // check that this element was opened in the same entity
  +        if (fMarkupDepth < fEntityStack[fEntityDepth - 1]) {
  +            reportFatalError(
  +                "ElementEntityMismatch",
  +                new Object[] { fCurrentElement.rawname });
  +        }
  +        // call handler
  +        if (fDocumentHandler != null) {
  +            fDocumentHandler.endElement(fElementQName, null);
  +            if (fBindNamespaces) {
  +                fNamespaceContext.popContext();
  +            }
  +        }
  +        return fMarkupDepth;
  +    } // scanEndElement():int
  +    public void reset(XMLComponentManager componentManager)
  +        throws XMLConfigurationException {
  +        super.reset(componentManager);
  +        fPerformValidation = false;
  +        fBindNamespaces = false;
  +    }
  +    /** Creates a content dispatcher. */
  +    protected Dispatcher createContentDispatcher() {
  +        return new NS11ContentDispatcher();
  +    } // createContentDispatcher():Dispatcher
  +    /**
  +     * Dispatcher to handle content scanning.
  +     */
  +    protected final class NS11ContentDispatcher extends ContentDispatcher {
  +        /**
  +         * Scan for root element hook. This method is a hook for
  +         * subclasses to add code that handles scanning for the root
  +         * element. This method will also attempt to remove DTD validator
  +         * from the pipeline, if there is no DTD grammar. If DTD validator
  +         * is no longer in the pipeline bind namespaces in the scanner.
  +         *
  +         *
  +         * @return True if the caller should stop and return true which
  +         *          allows the scanner to switch to a new scanning
  +         *          dispatcher. A return value of false indicates that
  +         *          the content dispatcher should continue as normal.
  +         */
  +        protected boolean scanRootElementHook()
  +            throws IOException, XNIException {
  +            if (fDTDValidator == null) {
  +                fBindNamespaces = true;
  +            } else if (!fDTDValidator.hasGrammar()) {
  +                fBindNamespaces = true;
  +                fPerformValidation = fDTDValidator.validate();
  +                // re-configure pipeline
  +                XMLDocumentSource source = fDTDValidator.getDocumentSource();
  +                XMLDocumentHandler handler = fDTDValidator.getDocumentHandler();
  +                source.setDocumentHandler(handler);
  +                if (handler != null)
  +                    handler.setDocumentSource(source);
  +                fDTDValidator.setDocumentSource(null);
  +                fDTDValidator.setDocumentHandler(null);
  +            }
  +            if (scanStartElement()) {
  +                setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_TRAILING_MISC);
  +                setDispatcher(fTrailingMiscDispatcher);
  +                return true;
  +            }
  +            return false;
  -		} // scanRootElementHook():boolean
  -	}
  +        } // scanRootElementHook():boolean
  +    }

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