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Posted to by Apache Jenkins Server <> on 2021/08/09 06:52:48 UTC

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4529

See <>


[...truncated 954.77 KB...]
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 28 passed, 3 skipped, 4866 deselected, 7 warnings in 46.68 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7fc4a00d5da0>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7fc53a1d9908>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7fc4a14e1d68>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-08_23_36_44-4301866826313689768 after 360 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output652030d4-6225-4aac-84ba-76cf324e7da1.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 941.52 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f736456bf28>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f736456bb38>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f736456bb00>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), (b'191: 1', 1), (b'192: 1', 1), (b'193: 1', 1), (b'194: 1', 1), (b'195: 1', 1), (b'196: 1', 1), (b'197: 1', 1), (b'198: 1', 1), (b'199: 1', 1), (b'200: 1', 1), (b'201: 1', 1), (b'202: 1', 1), (b'203: 1', 1), (b'204: 1', 1), (b'205: 1', 1), (b'206: 1', 1), (b'207: 1', 1), (b'208: 1', 1), (b'209: 1', 1), (b'210: 1', 1), (b'211: 1', 1), (b'212: 1', 1), (b'213: 1', 1), (b'214: 1', 1), (b'215: 1', 1), (b'216: 1', 1), (b'217: 1', 1), (b'218: 1', 1), (b'219: 1', 1), (b'220: 1', 1), (b'221: 1', 1), (b'222: 1', 1), (b'223: 1', 1), (b'224: 1', 1), (b'225: 1', 1), (b'226: 1', 1), (b'227: 1', 1), (b'228: 1', 1), (b'229: 1', 1), (b'230: 1', 1), (b'231: 1', 1), (b'232: 1', 1), (b'233: 1', 1), (b'234: 1', 1), (b'235: 1', 1), (b'236: 1', 1), (b'237: 1', 1), (b'238: 1', 1), (b'239: 1', 1), (b'240: 1', 1), (b'241: 1', 1), (b'242: 1', 1), (b'243: 1', 1), (b'244: 1', 1), (b'245: 1', 1), (b'246: 1', 1), (b'247: 1', 1), (b'248: 1', 1), (b'249: 1', 1), (b'250: 1', 1), (b'251: 1', 1), (b'252: 1', 1), (b'253: 1', 1), (b'254: 1', 1), (b'255: 1', 1), (b'256: 1', 1), (b'257: 1', 1), (b'258: 1', 1), (b'259: 1', 1), (b'260: 1', 1), (b'261: 1', 1), (b'262: 1', 1), (b'263: 1', 1), (b'264: 1', 1), (b'265: 1', 1), (b'266: 1', 1), (b'267: 1', 1), (b'268: 1', 1), (b'269: 1', 1), (b'270: 1', 1), (b'271: 1', 1), (b'272: 1', 1), (b'273: 1', 1), (b'274: 1', 1), (b'275: 1', 1), (b'276: 1', 1), (b'277: 1', 1), (b'278: 1', 1), (b'279: 1', 1), (b'280: 1', 1), (b'281: 1', 1), (b'282: 1', 1), (b'283: 1', 1), (b'284: 1', 1), (b'285: 1', 1), (b'286: 1', 1), (b'287: 1', 1), (b'288: 1', 1), (b'289: 1', 1), (b'290: 1', 1), (b'291: 1', 1), (b'292: 1', 1), (b'293: 1', 1), (b'294: 1', 1), (b'295: 1', 1), (b'296: 1', 1), (b'297: 1', 1), (b'298: 1', 1), (b'299: 1', 1), (b'300: 1', 1), (b'301: 1', 1), (b'302: 1', 1), (b'303: 1', 1), (b'304: 1', 1), (b'305: 1', 1), (b'306: 1', 1), (b'307: 1', 1), (b'308: 1', 1), (b'309: 1', 1), (b'310: 1', 1), (b'311: 1', 1), (b'312: 1', 1), (b'313: 1', 1), (b'314: 1', 1), (b'315: 1', 1), (b'316: 1', 1), (b'317: 1', 1), (b'318: 1', 1), (b'319: 1', 1), (b'320: 1', 1), (b'321: 1', 1), (b'322: 1', 1), (b'323: 1', 1), (b'324: 1', 1), (b'325: 1', 1), (b'326: 1', 1), (b'327: 1', 1), (b'328: 1', 1), (b'329: 1', 1), (b'330: 1', 1), (b'331: 1', 1), (b'332: 1', 1), (b'333: 1', 1), (b'334: 1', 1), (b'335: 1', 1), (b'336: 1', 1), (b'337: 1', 1), (b'338: 1', 1), (b'339: 1', 1), (b'340: 1', 1), (b'341: 1', 1), (b'342: 1', 1), (b'343: 1', 1), (b'344: 1', 1), (b'345: 1', 1), (b'346: 1', 1), (b'347: 1', 1), (b'348: 1', 1), (b'349: 1', 1), (b'350: 1', 1), (b'351: 1', 1), (b'352: 1', 1), (b'353: 1', 1), (b'354: 1', 1), (b'355: 1', 1), (b'356: 1', 1), (b'357: 1', 1), (b'358: 1', 1), (b'359: 1', 1), (b'360: 1', 1), (b'361: 1', 1), (b'362: 1', 1), (b'363: 1', 1), (b'364: 1', 1), (b'365: 1', 1), (b'366: 1', 1), (b'367: 1', 1), (b'368: 1', 1), (b'369: 1', 1), (b'370: 1', 1), (b'371: 1', 1), (b'372: 1', 1), (b'373: 1', 1), (b'374: 1', 1), (b'375: 1', 1), (b'376: 1', 1), (b'377: 1', 1), (b'378: 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-08_23_37_02-3925161278007750736 after 360 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputafc734d5-5285-40ac-9033-dd3a75e9f2bf.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 957.22 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 3 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py36:testPy36Cloud'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 50m 19s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Jenkins build is back to normal : beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4564

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4563

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 980.88 KB...]
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-3/py38-pyarrow-3/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
collected 4900 items / 4871 deselected / 3 skipped / 26 selected

apache_beam/dataframe/ .                                       [  3%]
apache_beam/io/ ..................
> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 passed in 645.28 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38pyarrow-3
> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 passed in 651.98 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:preCommitIT_V2

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38pyarrow-3
....            [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 47.88 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-3 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-3: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38pyarrow-4
GLOB sdist-make: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 create: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 installdeps: pyarrow>=4,<5
py38-pyarrow-4 inst: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 installed: apache-beam @ file://<,atomicwrites==1.4.0,attrs==21.2.0,avro-python3==,certifi==2021.5.30,charset-normalizer==2.0.4,crcmod==1.7,deprecation==2.1.0,dill==,docker==5.0.0,docopt==0.6.2,execnet==1.9.0,fastavro==1.4.4,freezegun==1.1.0,future==0.18.2,greenlet==1.1.1,grpcio==1.39.0,hdfs==2.6.0,httplib2==0.19.1,idna==3.2,mock==2.0.0,more-itertools==8.8.0,nose==1.3.7,nose-xunitmp==0.4.1,numpy==1.20.3,oauth2client==4.1.3,orjson==3.6.1,packaging==21.0,pandas==1.3.2,parameterized==0.7.5,pbr==5.6.0,pluggy==0.13.1,protobuf==3.17.3,psycopg2-binary==2.9.1,py==1.10.0,pyarrow==4.0.1,pyasn1==0.4.8,pyasn1-modules==0.2.8,pydot==1.4.2,PyHamcrest==1.10.1,pymongo==3.12.0,pyparsing==2.4.7,pytest==4.6.11,pytest-forked==1.3.0,pytest-timeout==1.4.2,pytest-xdist==1.34.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,pytz==2021.1,PyYAML==5.4.1,requests==2.26.0,requests-mock==1.9.3,rsa==4.7.2,six==1.16.0,SQLAlchemy==1.4.22,tenacity==5.1.5,testcontainers==3.4.2,typing-extensions==,urllib3==1.26.6,wcwidth==0.2.5,websocket-client==1.2.1,wrapt==1.12.1>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='525346215'
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[0] | python --version
Python 3.8.5
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[1] | pip --version
pip 21.1.3 from <> (python 3.8)
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[2] | pip check
No broken requirements found.
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[3] | bash <>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test: commands[0] | /bin/sh -c 'pip freeze | grep -E '"'"'(pyarrow|numpy)'"'"''
apache-beam @ file://<>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test: commands[1] | <> py38-pyarrow-4 '-m uses_pyarrow'
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
gw0 I / gw1 I / gw2 I / gw3 I / gw4 I / gw5 I
gw0 [29] / gw1 [29] / gw2 [29] / gw3 [29] / gw4 [29] / gw5 [29]

.............................                                            [100%]
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:54: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \c
    self.assertIsNone(FileSystems.get_scheme('c:\\abc\cdf'))  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:62: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \d
    self.assertTrue(isinstance(FileSystems.get_filesystem('c:\\abc\def'),  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
============== 29 passed, 1 skipped, 24 warnings in 34.78 seconds ==============
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
collected 4900 items / 4871 deselected / 3 skipped / 26 selected

apache_beam/dataframe/ .                                       [  3%]
apache_beam/io/ ............................            [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 47.32 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

FAILURE: Build completed with 4 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cloud'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38CloudCoverage'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

4: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 49m 5s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4562

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[noreply] [BEAM-11088] TestStream utility and testing improvements (#15320)

[...truncated 963.90 KB...]
  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
============== 29 passed, 1 skipped, 20 warnings in 43.49 seconds ==============
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-3/py38-pyarrow-3/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
collected 4900 items / 4871 deselected / 3 skipped / 26 selected

apache_beam/dataframe/ .                                       [  3%]
apache_beam/io/ ............
> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 passed in 702.84 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:preCommitIT_V2

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38pyarrow-3
................            [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 53.79 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-3 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-3: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38pyarrow-4
GLOB sdist-make: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 create: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 installdeps: pyarrow>=4,<5
py38-pyarrow-4 inst: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 installed: apache-beam @ file://<,atomicwrites==1.4.0,attrs==21.2.0,avro-python3==,certifi==2021.5.30,charset-normalizer==2.0.4,crcmod==1.7,deprecation==2.1.0,dill==,docker==5.0.0,docopt==0.6.2,execnet==1.9.0,fastavro==1.4.4,freezegun==1.1.0,future==0.18.2,greenlet==1.1.1,grpcio==1.39.0,hdfs==2.6.0,httplib2==0.19.1,idna==3.2,mock==2.0.0,more-itertools==8.8.0,nose==1.3.7,nose-xunitmp==0.4.1,numpy==1.20.3,oauth2client==4.1.3,orjson==3.6.1,packaging==21.0,pandas==1.3.2,parameterized==0.7.5,pbr==5.6.0,pluggy==0.13.1,protobuf==3.17.3,psycopg2-binary==2.9.1,py==1.10.0,pyarrow==4.0.1,pyasn1==0.4.8,pyasn1-modules==0.2.8,pydot==1.4.2,PyHamcrest==1.10.1,pymongo==3.12.0,pyparsing==2.4.7,pytest==4.6.11,pytest-forked==1.3.0,pytest-timeout==1.4.2,pytest-xdist==1.34.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,pytz==2021.1,PyYAML==5.4.1,requests==2.26.0,requests-mock==1.9.3,rsa==4.7.2,six==1.16.0,SQLAlchemy==1.4.22,tenacity==5.1.5,testcontainers==3.4.2,typing-extensions==,urllib3==1.26.6,wcwidth==0.2.5,websocket-client==1.2.1,wrapt==1.12.1>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='2890928696'
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[0] | python --version
Python 3.8.5
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[1] | pip --version
pip 21.2.3 from <> (python 3.8)
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[2] | pip check
No broken requirements found.
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[3] | bash <>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test: commands[0] | /bin/sh -c 'pip freeze | grep -E '"'"'(pyarrow|numpy)'"'"''
apache-beam @ file://<>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test: commands[1] | <> py38-pyarrow-4 '-m uses_pyarrow'
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
gw0 I / gw1 I / gw2 I / gw3 I / gw4 I / gw5 I
gw0 [29] / gw1 [29] / gw2 [29] / gw3 [29] / gw4 [29] / gw5 [29]

.............................                                            [100%]
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:54: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \c
    self.assertIsNone(FileSystems.get_scheme('c:\\abc\cdf'))  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:62: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \d
    self.assertTrue(isinstance(FileSystems.get_filesystem('c:\\abc\def'),  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
============== 29 passed, 1 skipped, 20 warnings in 43.61 seconds ==============
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
collected 4900 items / 4871 deselected / 3 skipped / 26 selected

apache_beam/dataframe/ .                                       [  3%]
apache_beam/io/ ............................            [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 52.88 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

FAILURE: Build completed with 4 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cloud'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38CloudCoverage'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

4: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 54m 28s
106 actionable tasks: 78 executed, 28 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4561

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[Kyle Weaver] [BEAM-12609] Make type parameter part of PushdownProjector interface.

[pascal.gillet] [BEAM-12479] Fixes UnsupportedOperationException

[baeminbo] [BEAM-12504] Make CreateTransaction wait on input signal

[Robert Burke] redundant build

[...truncated 979.22 KB...]

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
============== 29 passed, 1 skipped, 24 warnings in 34.45 seconds ==============
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-3/py38-pyarrow-3/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
collected 4900 items / 4871 deselected / 3 skipped / 26 selected

apache_beam/dataframe/ .                                       [  3%]
apache_beam/io/ ............................            [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 48.56 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-3 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-3: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38pyarrow-4
GLOB sdist-make: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 create: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 installdeps: pyarrow>=4,<5
py38-pyarrow-4 inst: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 installed: apache-beam @ file://<,atomicwrites==1.4.0,attrs==21.2.0,avro-python3==,certifi==2021.5.30,charset-normalizer==2.0.4,crcmod==1.7,deprecation==2.1.0,dill==,docker==5.0.0,docopt==0.6.2,execnet==1.9.0,fastavro==1.4.4,freezegun==1.1.0,future==0.18.2,greenlet==1.1.1,grpcio==1.39.0,hdfs==2.6.0,httplib2==0.19.1,idna==3.2,mock==2.0.0,more-itertools==8.8.0,nose==1.3.7,nose-xunitmp==0.4.1,numpy==1.20.3,oauth2client==4.1.3,orjson==3.6.1,packaging==21.0,pandas==1.3.2,parameterized==0.7.5,pbr==5.6.0,pluggy==0.13.1,protobuf==3.17.3,psycopg2-binary==2.9.1,py==1.10.0,pyarrow==4.0.1,pyasn1==0.4.8,pyasn1-modules==0.2.8,pydot==1.4.2,PyHamcrest==1.10.1,pymongo==3.12.0,pyparsing==2.4.7,pytest==4.6.11,pytest-forked==1.3.0,pytest-timeout==1.4.2,pytest-xdist==1.34.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,pytz==2021.1,PyYAML==5.4.1,requests==2.26.0,requests-mock==1.9.3,rsa==4.7.2,six==1.16.0,SQLAlchemy==1.4.22,tenacity==5.1.5,testcontainers==3.4.2,typing-extensions==,urllib3==1.26.6,wcwidth==0.2.5,websocket-client==1.2.1,wrapt==1.12.1>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='3015897274'
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[0] | python --version
Python 3.8.5
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[1] | pip --version
pip 21.1.3 from <> (python 3.8)
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[2] | pip check
No broken requirements found.
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[3] | bash <>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test: commands[0] | /bin/sh -c 'pip freeze | grep -E '"'"'(pyarrow|numpy)'"'"''
apache-beam @ file://<>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test: commands[1] | <> py38-pyarrow-4 '-m uses_pyarrow'
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
gw0 I / gw1 I / gw2 I / gw3 I / gw4 I / gw5 I
gw0 [29] / gw1 [29] / gw2 [29] / gw3 [29] / gw4 [29] / gw5 [29]

.............................                                            [100%]
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:54: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \c
    self.assertIsNone(FileSystems.get_scheme('c:\\abc\cdf'))  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:62: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \d
    self.assertTrue(isinstance(FileSystems.get_filesystem('c:\\abc\def'),  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
============== 29 passed, 1 skipped, 24 warnings in 34.88 seconds ==============
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
collected 4900 items / 4871 deselected / 3 skipped / 26 selected

apache_beam/dataframe/ .                                       [  3%]
apache_beam/io/ ............................            [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 46.86 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 passed in 676.26 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 passed in 699.45 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:preCommitIT_V2

FAILURE: Build completed with 4 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cloud'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38CloudCoverage'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

4: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 47m 19s
106 actionable tasks: 78 executed, 28 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4560

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[noreply] [BEAM-7745] Avoid uncached state fetches for streaming side-inputs

[...truncated 1020.15 KB...]
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 50.83 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-3 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-3: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38pyarrow-4
GLOB sdist-make: <>

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_batch_V2
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 passed in 654.86 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38pyarrow-4
py38-pyarrow-4 create: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 installdeps: pyarrow>=4,<5
py38-pyarrow-4 inst: <>

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
>>> RUNNING integration tests with pipeline options: --runner=TestDataflowRunner --project=apache-beam-testing --region=us-central1 --staging_location=gs://temp-storage-for-end-to-end-tests/staging-it --temp_location=gs://temp-storage-for-end-to-end-tests/temp-it --output=gs://temp-storage-for-end-to-end-tests/py-it-cloud/output --sdk_location=<> --requirements_file=postcommit_requirements.txt --num_workers=1 --sleep_secs=20 --streaming --dataflow_worker_jar=<> --experiments=use_runner_v2 --experiments=shuffle_mode=appliance --enable_streaming_engine
>>>   pytest options: apache_beam/examples/ --capture=no --numprocesses=2 --timeout=1800
>>>   collect markers: 
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.7.3, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 1800.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
gw0 I / gw1 I
gw0 [1] / gw1 [1]

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38pyarrow-4
py38-pyarrow-4 installed: apache-beam @ file://<,atomicwrites==1.4.0,attrs==21.2.0,avro-python3==,certifi==2021.5.30,charset-normalizer==2.0.4,crcmod==1.7,deprecation==2.1.0,dill==,docker==5.0.0,docopt==0.6.2,execnet==1.9.0,fastavro==1.4.4,freezegun==1.1.0,future==0.18.2,greenlet==1.1.1,grpcio==1.39.0,hdfs==2.6.0,httplib2==0.19.1,idna==3.2,mock==2.0.0,more-itertools==8.8.0,nose==1.3.7,nose-xunitmp==0.4.1,numpy==1.20.3,oauth2client==4.1.3,orjson==3.6.1,packaging==21.0,pandas==1.3.2,parameterized==0.7.5,pbr==5.6.0,pluggy==0.13.1,protobuf==3.17.3,psycopg2-binary==2.9.1,py==1.10.0,pyarrow==4.0.1,pyasn1==0.4.8,pyasn1-modules==0.2.8,pydot==1.4.2,PyHamcrest==1.10.1,pymongo==3.12.0,pyparsing==2.4.7,pytest==4.6.11,pytest-forked==1.3.0,pytest-timeout==1.4.2,pytest-xdist==1.34.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,pytz==2021.1,PyYAML==5.4.1,requests==2.26.0,requests-mock==1.9.3,rsa==4.7.2,six==1.16.0,SQLAlchemy==1.4.22,tenacity==5.1.5,testcontainers==3.4.2,typing-extensions==,urllib3==1.26.6,wcwidth==0.2.5,websocket-client==1.2.1,wrapt==1.12.1>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='3452408952'
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[0] | python --version
Python 3.8.5
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[1] | pip --version
pip 21.1.3 from <> (python 3.8)
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[2] | pip check
No broken requirements found.
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[3] | bash <>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test: commands[0] | /bin/sh -c 'pip freeze | grep -E '"'"'(pyarrow|numpy)'"'"''
apache-beam @ file://<>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test: commands[1] | <> py38-pyarrow-4 '-m uses_pyarrow'
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
gw0 I / gw1 I / gw2 I / gw3 I / gw4 I / gw5 I
gw0 [29] / gw1 [29] / gw2 [29] / gw3 [29] / gw4 [29] / gw5 [29]

.............................                                            [100%]
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:54: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \c
    self.assertIsNone(FileSystems.get_scheme('c:\\abc\cdf'))  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:62: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \d
    self.assertTrue(isinstance(FileSystems.get_filesystem('c:\\abc\def'),  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
============== 29 passed, 1 skipped, 24 warnings in 36.72 seconds ==============
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
collected 4900 items / 4871 deselected / 3 skipped / 26 selected

apache_beam/dataframe/ .                                       [  3%]
apache_beam/io/ ............................            [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 50.31 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 passed in 669.80 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 passed in 705.88 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:preCommitIT_V2

FAILURE: Build completed with 5 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cloud'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38CloudCoverage'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

4: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

5: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 49m 10s
106 actionable tasks: 77 executed, 29 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4559

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[Luke Cwik] [BEAM-12619] Swap LinkedBlockingQueue to ArrayBlockingQueue for minor

[Luke Cwik] fixup! Fix spotbugs warning

[Jeremy Quinn] Add AWS services as a runtime dependency to support S3

[Andrew Pilloud] [BEAM-12759] ORDER BY then SELECT

[...truncated 1019.95 KB...]
    self.assertIsNone(FileSystems.get_scheme('c:\\abc\cdf'))  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:62: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \d
    self.assertTrue(isinstance(FileSystems.get_filesystem('c:\\abc\def'),  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
============== 29 passed, 1 skipped, 18 warnings in 39.54 seconds ==============
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
collected 4900 items / 4871 deselected / 3 skipped / 26 selected

apache_beam/dataframe/ .                                       [  3%]
apache_beam/io/ ........................
> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 passed in 690.15 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38pyarrow-4
....            [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 51.70 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw1] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f48b86d2908>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f48b86d2780>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f48b86d2748>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-16_11_59_01-2767531113701067275 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputc9575a4c-fc85-4874-9722-e55ac8136335.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 942.88 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 5 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cloud'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38CloudCoverage'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

4: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

5: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 47m 35s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4558

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 1.05 MB...]
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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(b'191: 1', 1), (b'192: 1', 1), (b'193: 1', 1), (b'194: 1', 1), (b'195: 1', 1), (b'196: 1', 1), (b'197: 1', 1), (b'198: 1', 1), (b'199: 1', 1), (b'200: 1', 1), (b'201: 1', 1), (b'202: 1', 1), (b'203: 1', 1), (b'204: 1', 1), (b'205: 1', 1), (b'206: 1', 1), (b'207: 1', 1), (b'208: 1', 1), (b'209: 1', 1), (b'210: 1', 1), (b'211: 1', 1), (b'212: 1', 1), (b'213: 1', 1), (b'214: 1', 1), (b'215: 1', 1), (b'216: 1', 1), (b'217: 1', 1), (b'218: 1', 1), (b'219: 1', 1), (b'220: 1', 1), (b'221: 1', 1), (b'222: 1', 1), (b'223: 1', 1), (b'224: 1', 1), (b'225: 1', 1), (b'226: 1', 1), (b'227: 1', 1), (b'228: 1', 1), (b'229: 1', 1), (b'230: 1', 1), (b'231: 1', 1), (b'232: 1', 1), (b'233: 1', 1), (b'234: 1', 1), (b'235: 1', 1), (b'236: 1', 1), (b'237: 1', 1), (b'238: 1', 1), (b'239: 1', 1), (b'240: 1', 1), (b'241: 1', 1), (b'242: 1', 1), (b'243: 1', 1), (b'244: 1', 1), (b'245: 1', 1), (b'246: 1', 1), (b'247: 1', 1), (b'248: 1', 1), (b'249: 1', 1), (b'250: 1', 1), (b'251: 1', 1), (b'252: 1', 1), (b'253: 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(b'316: 1', 1), (b'317: 1', 1), (b'318: 1', 1), (b'319: 1', 1), (b'320: 1', 1), (b'321: 1', 1), (b'322: 1', 1), (b'323: 1', 1), (b'324: 1', 1), (b'325: 1', 1), (b'326: 1', 1), (b'327: 1', 1), (b'328: 1', 1), (b'329: 1', 1), (b'330: 1', 1), (b'331: 1', 1), (b'332: 1', 1), (b'333: 1', 1), (b'334: 1', 1), (b'335: 1', 1), (b'336: 1', 1), (b'337: 1', 1), (b'338: 1', 1), (b'339: 1', 1), (b'340: 1', 1), (b'341: 1', 1), (b'342: 1', 1), (b'343: 1', 1), (b'344: 1', 1), (b'345: 1', 1), (b'346: 1', 1), (b'347: 1', 1), (b'348: 1', 1), (b'349: 1', 1), (b'350: 1', 1), (b'351: 1', 1), (b'352: 1', 1), (b'353: 1', 1), (b'354: 1', 1), (b'355: 1', 1), (b'356: 1', 1), (b'357: 1', 1), (b'358: 1', 1), (b'359: 1', 1), (b'360: 1', 1), (b'361: 1', 1), (b'362: 1', 1), (b'363: 1', 1), (b'364: 1', 1), (b'365: 1', 1), (b'366: 1', 1), (b'367: 1', 1), (b'368: 1', 1), (b'369: 1', 1), (b'370: 1', 1), (b'371: 1', 1), (b'372: 1', 1), (b'373: 1', 1), (b'374: 1', 1), (b'375: 1', 1), (b'376: 1', 1), (b'377: 1', 1), (b'378: 1', 1), (b'379: 1', 1), (b'380: 1', 1), (b'381: 1', 1), (b'382: 1', 1), (b'383: 1', 1), (b'384: 1', 1), (b'385: 1', 1), (b'386: 1', 1), (b'387: 1', 1), (b'388: 1', 1), (b'389: 1', 1), (b'390: 1', 1), (b'391: 1', 1), (b'392: 1', 1), (b'393: 1', 1), (b'394: 1', 1), (b'395: 1', 1), (b'396: 1', 1), (b'397: 1', 1), (b'398: 1', 1), (b'399: 1', 1), (b'400: 1', 1), (b'401: 1', 1), (b'402: 1', 1), (b'403: 1', 1), (b'404: 1', 1), (b'405: 1', 1), (b'406: 1', 1), (b'407: 1', 1), (b'408: 1', 1), (b'409: 1', 1), (b'410: 1', 1), (b'411: 1', 1), (b'412: 1', 1), (b'413: 1', 1), (b'414: 1', 1), (b'415: 1', 1), (b'416: 1', 1), (b'417: 1', 1), (b'418: 1', 1), (b'419: 1', 1), (b'420: 1', 1), (b'421: 1', 1), (b'422: 1', 1), (b'423: 1', 1), (b'424: 1', 1), (b'425: 1', 1), (b'426: 1', 1), (b'427: 1', 1), (b'428: 1', 1), (b'429: 1', 1), (b'430: 1', 1), (b'431: 1', 1), (b'432: 1', 1), (b'433: 1', 1), (b'434: 1', 1), (b'435: 1', 1), (b'436: 1', 1), (b'437: 1', 1), (b'438: 1', 1), (b'439: 1', 1), (b'440: 1', 1), (b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-16_05_38_45-14807344086465079261 after 360 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputa00d93f1-3d00-4189-a005-1c44bec0f14b.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 944.61 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38pyarrow-4
GLOB sdist-make: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 create: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 installdeps: pyarrow>=4,<5
py38-pyarrow-4 inst: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 installed: apache-beam @ file://<,atomicwrites==1.4.0,attrs==21.2.0,avro-python3==,certifi==2021.5.30,charset-normalizer==2.0.4,crcmod==1.7,deprecation==2.1.0,dill==,docker==5.0.0,docopt==0.6.2,execnet==1.9.0,fastavro==1.4.4,freezegun==1.1.0,future==0.18.2,greenlet==1.1.1,grpcio==1.39.0,hdfs==2.6.0,httplib2==0.19.1,idna==3.2,mock==2.0.0,more-itertools==8.8.0,nose==1.3.7,nose-xunitmp==0.4.1,numpy==1.20.3,oauth2client==4.1.3,orjson==3.6.1,packaging==21.0,pandas==1.3.2,parameterized==0.7.5,pbr==5.6.0,pluggy==0.13.1,protobuf==3.17.3,psycopg2-binary==2.9.1,py==1.10.0,pyarrow==4.0.1,pyasn1==0.4.8,pyasn1-modules==0.2.8,pydot==1.4.2,PyHamcrest==1.10.1,pymongo==3.12.0,pyparsing==2.4.7,pytest==4.6.11,pytest-forked==1.3.0,pytest-timeout==1.4.2,pytest-xdist==1.34.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,pytz==2021.1,PyYAML==5.4.1,requests==2.26.0,requests-mock==1.9.3,rsa==4.7.2,six==1.16.0,SQLAlchemy==1.4.22,tenacity==5.1.5,testcontainers==3.4.2,typing-extensions==,urllib3==1.26.6,wcwidth==0.2.5,websocket-client==1.2.1,wrapt==1.12.1>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='1048564202'
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[0] | python --version
Python 3.8.5
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[1] | pip --version
pip 21.1.3 from <> (python 3.8)
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[2] | pip check
No broken requirements found.
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[3] | bash <>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test: commands[0] | /bin/sh -c 'pip freeze | grep -E '"'"'(pyarrow|numpy)'"'"''
apache-beam @ file://<>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test: commands[1] | <> py38-pyarrow-4 '-m uses_pyarrow'
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
gw0 I / gw1 I / gw2 I / gw3 I / gw4 I / gw5 I
gw0 [29] / gw1 [29] / gw2 [29] / gw3 [29] / gw4 [29] / gw5 [29]

.............................                                            [100%]
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:54: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \c
    self.assertIsNone(FileSystems.get_scheme('c:\\abc\cdf'))  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:62: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \d
    self.assertTrue(isinstance(FileSystems.get_filesystem('c:\\abc\def'),  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
============== 29 passed, 1 skipped, 24 warnings in 35.89 seconds ==============
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
collected 4900 items / 4871 deselected / 3 skipped / 26 selected

apache_beam/dataframe/ .                                       [  3%]
apache_beam/io/ ............................            [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 49.37 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

FAILURE: Build completed with 6 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cloud'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38CloudCoverage'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

4: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

5: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

6: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 53m 37s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4557

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 1.02 MB...]
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7fa268f1d7f0>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7fa268f1d400>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7fa268f1d3c8>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-15_23_35_29-12439228726966791233 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output17d79ad9-7ad9-4cea-8f7c-b3e2e3fea9b4.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 955.07 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f3b651ee860>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f3acc092cf8>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f3acc42c908>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-15_23_35_32-2895038303767788707 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output1d2a077d-07bc-46b1-b241-6af649f17bbf.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 946.51 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 6 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cloud'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38CloudCoverage'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

4: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

5: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

6: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 48m 26s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4556

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 1005.61 KB...]
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f8a9c44d400>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f8a9c44d320>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f8a9c44d2e8>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-15_17_35_55-2308941972274573784 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output62bbeb3b-f88b-4450-9e3b-2a0cad98284b.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 975.80 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f3558126898>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f358dd8fe10>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f3558d166a0>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-15_17_36_51-5994842429834711271 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output176c13a7-33b5-471e-b88b-7bfddcb5a7df.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 951.81 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 6 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cloud'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38CloudCoverage'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

4: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

5: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

6: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 50m 11s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4555

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 979.55 KB...]
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7fbcbc665908>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7fbcbc665518>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7fbcbf26c780>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-15_11_37_08-10009109692022599270 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputbe60fb25-dc8f-43da-a98a-6b01ef1e09d3.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 961.41 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7ff3d80970b8>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7ff4731e8518>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7ff3d8097080>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-15_11_38_05-5428781077632820941 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output77d6e3b1-cb16-4322-abfe-24f87b7b6fd0.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 946.91 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 6 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cloud'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38CloudCoverage'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

4: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

5: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

6: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 51m 6s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4554

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 996.24 KB...]
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 53.34 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f26331afcf8>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f25fc46a400>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f25fc46a3c8>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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1', 1), (b'254: 1', 1), (b'255: 1', 1), (b'256: 1', 1), (b'257: 1', 1), (b'258: 1', 1), (b'259: 1', 1), (b'260: 1', 1), (b'261: 1', 1), (b'262: 1', 1), (b'263: 1', 1), (b'264: 1', 1), (b'265: 1', 1), (b'266: 1', 1), (b'267: 1', 1), (b'268: 1', 1), (b'269: 1', 1), (b'270: 1', 1), (b'271: 1', 1), (b'272: 1', 1), (b'273: 1', 1), (b'274: 1', 1), (b'275: 1', 1), (b'276: 1', 1), (b'277: 1', 1), (b'278: 1', 1), (b'279: 1', 1), (b'280: 1', 1), (b'281: 1', 1), (b'282: 1', 1), (b'283: 1', 1), (b'284: 1', 1), (b'285: 1', 1), (b'286: 1', 1), (b'287: 1', 1), (b'288: 1', 1), (b'289: 1', 1), (b'290: 1', 1), (b'291: 1', 1), (b'292: 1', 1), (b'293: 1', 1), (b'294: 1', 1), (b'295: 1', 1), (b'296: 1', 1), (b'297: 1', 1), (b'298: 1', 1), (b'299: 1', 1), (b'300: 1', 1), (b'301: 1', 1), (b'302: 1', 1), (b'303: 1', 1), (b'304: 1', 1), (b'305: 1', 1), (b'306: 1', 1), (b'307: 1', 1), (b'308: 1', 1), (b'309: 1', 1), (b'310: 1', 1), (b'311: 1', 1), (b'312: 1', 1), (b'313: 1', 1), (b'314: 1', 1), (b'315: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-15_05_35_26-452522900742146525 after 361 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output085c86d1-80e7-493b-af20-103dbb2db813.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 951.21 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f9018666278>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f9018666198>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f9018666160>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-15_05_35_35-15906105398263307150 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output9ed4d30e-724b-49d9-b294-ade91b044cc7.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 955.94 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 3 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py36:testPy36Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 48m 52s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4553

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 1006.28 KB...]
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 48.26 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f8ef424a160>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f8ef424a080>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f8ef424a048>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-14_23_35_19-14855913448484727983 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputfae38ee5-29eb-4217-88eb-1495e4ee7e5b.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 972.53 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw1] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7ff4c40e6e48>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7ff4c40e66d8>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7ff4c54aa6a0>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-14_23_35_57-991178715758474392 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputb9fb2d67-0fae-452a-93d7-bf3317b2dd44.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 958.41 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 3 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py36:testPy36Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 49m 16s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4552

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 993.82 KB...]

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 47.89 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f8f84501ef0>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f8f845012e8>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f8f845012b0>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-14_17_35_12-3247587248591132213 after 360 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputc211a7b7-de0b-4741-b434-732429d01636.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 952.27 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f6cec35b1d0>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f6cec35b0f0>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f6cec35b0b8>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-14_17_35_40-13224962063562997416 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output9f991d26-7bea-45dd-9dd2-63312fa1ac36.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 958.41 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 3 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38CloudCoverage'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 49m 7s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4551

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 1.04 MB...]

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 51.89 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7fe4504d5ef0>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7fe4504d52e8>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7fe4504d52b0>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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1', 1), (b'254: 1', 1), (b'255: 1', 1), (b'256: 1', 1), (b'257: 1', 1), (b'258: 1', 1), (b'259: 1', 1), (b'260: 1', 1), (b'261: 1', 1), (b'262: 1', 1), (b'263: 1', 1), (b'264: 1', 1), (b'265: 1', 1), (b'266: 1', 1), (b'267: 1', 1), (b'268: 1', 1), (b'269: 1', 1), (b'270: 1', 1), (b'271: 1', 1), (b'272: 1', 1), (b'273: 1', 1), (b'274: 1', 1), (b'275: 1', 1), (b'276: 1', 1), (b'277: 1', 1), (b'278: 1', 1), (b'279: 1', 1), (b'280: 1', 1), (b'281: 1', 1), (b'282: 1', 1), (b'283: 1', 1), (b'284: 1', 1), (b'285: 1', 1), (b'286: 1', 1), (b'287: 1', 1), (b'288: 1', 1), (b'289: 1', 1), (b'290: 1', 1), (b'291: 1', 1), (b'292: 1', 1), (b'293: 1', 1), (b'294: 1', 1), (b'295: 1', 1), (b'296: 1', 1), (b'297: 1', 1), (b'298: 1', 1), (b'299: 1', 1), (b'300: 1', 1), (b'301: 1', 1), (b'302: 1', 1), (b'303: 1', 1), (b'304: 1', 1), (b'305: 1', 1), (b'306: 1', 1), (b'307: 1', 1), (b'308: 1', 1), (b'309: 1', 1), (b'310: 1', 1), (b'311: 1', 1), (b'312: 1', 1), (b'313: 1', 1), (b'314: 1', 1), (b'315: 1', 1), (b'316: 1', 1), (b'317: 1', 1), (b'318: 1', 1), (b'319: 1', 1), (b'320: 1', 1), (b'321: 1', 1), (b'322: 1', 1), (b'323: 1', 1), (b'324: 1', 1), (b'325: 1', 1), (b'326: 1', 1), (b'327: 1', 1), (b'328: 1', 1), (b'329: 1', 1), (b'330: 1', 1), (b'331: 1', 1), (b'332: 1', 1), (b'333: 1', 1), (b'334: 1', 1), (b'335: 1', 1), (b'336: 1', 1), (b'337: 1', 1), (b'338: 1', 1), (b'339: 1', 1), (b'340: 1', 1), (b'341: 1', 1), (b'342: 1', 1), (b'343: 1', 1), (b'344: 1', 1), (b'345: 1', 1), (b'346: 1', 1), (b'347: 1', 1), (b'348: 1', 1), (b'349: 1', 1), (b'350: 1', 1), (b'351: 1', 1), (b'352: 1', 1), (b'353: 1', 1), (b'354: 1', 1), (b'355: 1', 1), (b'356: 1', 1), (b'357: 1', 1), (b'358: 1', 1), (b'359: 1', 1), (b'360: 1', 1), (b'361: 1', 1), (b'362: 1', 1), (b'363: 1', 1), (b'364: 1', 1), (b'365: 1', 1), (b'366: 1', 1), (b'367: 1', 1), (b'368: 1', 1), (b'369: 1', 1), (b'370: 1', 1), (b'371: 1', 1), (b'372: 1', 1), (b'373: 1', 1), (b'374: 1', 1), (b'375: 1', 1), (b'376: 1', 1), (b'377: 1', 1), (b'378: 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-14_11_36_56-15066243365905492869 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output8f29dc52-4dc6-4f54-af6a-bff04e5136e0.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 940.18 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f875c39b1d0>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f875c39b0f0>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f875c39b0b8>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-14_11_36_29-3401236650577587403 after 363 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputb398ab4f-5fe1-4a04-a8c9-fca1f112f37e.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 968.07 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 49m 55s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4550

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 1.05 MB...]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7ffac4766208>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7ffb6d831400>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7ffb6d827ef0>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-14_05_38_05-4646719249153619208 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output8bdb9c02-f6ce-4fa6-9ed1-9eed1afe598a.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 964.74 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f9068739cf8>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f9068739908>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f90335bf5f8>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-14_05_38_50-5640448151978939504 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output85d2de9b-c565-4770-b2f0-8aa780467cf1.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 943.49 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 4 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py37:testPy37Cloud'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py36:testPy36Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

4: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 51m 35s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4549

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 1023.07 KB...]

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 47.38 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f8b3975e438>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f8b8f4ecd30>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f8b3975e400>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-13_23_33_48-1143320599239311611 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputa272cb65-be2c-4e71-ae80-1b35e210100a.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 938.91 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f668407af98>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f67209e7588>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f668407a128>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-13_23_34_51-3241367520456588446 after 362 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output7554f5d3-e033-4d0a-adea-0b58d98495e6.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 966.64 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 48m 34s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4548

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[noreply] [BEAM-12757]: Remove call for Json Dag in Portable PipelineRunner as

[noreply] fix confusing function def (#15120)

[...truncated 1.00 MB...]

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 49.22 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f4ec4294d30>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f4ef7fa8e48>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f4ec422d438>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), (b'191: 1', 1), (b'192: 1', 1), (b'193: 1', 1), (b'194: 1', 1), (b'195: 1', 1), (b'196: 1', 1), (b'197: 1', 1), (b'198: 1', 1), (b'199: 1', 1), (b'200: 1', 1), (b'201: 1', 1), (b'202: 1', 1), (b'203: 1', 1), (b'204: 1', 1), (b'205: 1', 1), (b'206: 1', 1), (b'207: 1', 1), (b'208: 1', 1), (b'209: 1', 1), (b'210: 1', 1), (b'211: 1', 1), (b'212: 1', 1), (b'213: 1', 1), (b'214: 1', 1), (b'215: 1', 1), (b'216: 1', 1), (b'217: 1', 1), (b'218: 1', 1), (b'219: 1', 1), (b'220: 1', 1), (b'221: 1', 1), (b'222: 1', 1), (b'223: 1', 1), (b'224: 1', 1), (b'225: 1', 1), (b'226: 1', 1), (b'227: 1', 1), (b'228: 1', 1), (b'229: 1', 1), (b'230: 1', 1), (b'231: 1', 1), (b'232: 1', 1), (b'233: 1', 1), (b'234: 1', 1), (b'235: 1', 1), (b'236: 1', 1), (b'237: 1', 1), (b'238: 1', 1), (b'239: 1', 1), (b'240: 1', 1), (b'241: 1', 1), (b'242: 1', 1), (b'243: 1', 1), (b'244: 1', 1), (b'245: 1', 1), (b'246: 1', 1), (b'247: 1', 1), (b'248: 1', 1), (b'249: 1', 1), (b'250: 1', 1), (b'251: 1', 1), (b'252: 1', 1), (b'253: 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(b'316: 1', 1), (b'317: 1', 1), (b'318: 1', 1), (b'319: 1', 1), (b'320: 1', 1), (b'321: 1', 1), (b'322: 1', 1), (b'323: 1', 1), (b'324: 1', 1), (b'325: 1', 1), (b'326: 1', 1), (b'327: 1', 1), (b'328: 1', 1), (b'329: 1', 1), (b'330: 1', 1), (b'331: 1', 1), (b'332: 1', 1), (b'333: 1', 1), (b'334: 1', 1), (b'335: 1', 1), (b'336: 1', 1), (b'337: 1', 1), (b'338: 1', 1), (b'339: 1', 1), (b'340: 1', 1), (b'341: 1', 1), (b'342: 1', 1), (b'343: 1', 1), (b'344: 1', 1), (b'345: 1', 1), (b'346: 1', 1), (b'347: 1', 1), (b'348: 1', 1), (b'349: 1', 1), (b'350: 1', 1), (b'351: 1', 1), (b'352: 1', 1), (b'353: 1', 1), (b'354: 1', 1), (b'355: 1', 1), (b'356: 1', 1), (b'357: 1', 1), (b'358: 1', 1), (b'359: 1', 1), (b'360: 1', 1), (b'361: 1', 1), (b'362: 1', 1), (b'363: 1', 1), (b'364: 1', 1), (b'365: 1', 1), (b'366: 1', 1), (b'367: 1', 1), (b'368: 1', 1), (b'369: 1', 1), (b'370: 1', 1), (b'371: 1', 1), (b'372: 1', 1), (b'373: 1', 1), (b'374: 1', 1), (b'375: 1', 1), (b'376: 1', 1), (b'377: 1', 1), (b'378: 1', 1), (b'379: 1', 1), (b'380: 1', 1), (b'381: 1', 1), (b'382: 1', 1), (b'383: 1', 1), (b'384: 1', 1), (b'385: 1', 1), (b'386: 1', 1), (b'387: 1', 1), (b'388: 1', 1), (b'389: 1', 1), (b'390: 1', 1), (b'391: 1', 1), (b'392: 1', 1), (b'393: 1', 1), (b'394: 1', 1), (b'395: 1', 1), (b'396: 1', 1), (b'397: 1', 1), (b'398: 1', 1), (b'399: 1', 1), (b'400: 1', 1), (b'401: 1', 1), (b'402: 1', 1), (b'403: 1', 1), (b'404: 1', 1), (b'405: 1', 1), (b'406: 1', 1), (b'407: 1', 1), (b'408: 1', 1), (b'409: 1', 1), (b'410: 1', 1), (b'411: 1', 1), (b'412: 1', 1), (b'413: 1', 1), (b'414: 1', 1), (b'415: 1', 1), (b'416: 1', 1), (b'417: 1', 1), (b'418: 1', 1), (b'419: 1', 1), (b'420: 1', 1), (b'421: 1', 1), (b'422: 1', 1), (b'423: 1', 1), (b'424: 1', 1), (b'425: 1', 1), (b'426: 1', 1), (b'427: 1', 1), (b'428: 1', 1), (b'429: 1', 1), (b'430: 1', 1), (b'431: 1', 1), (b'432: 1', 1), (b'433: 1', 1), (b'434: 1', 1), (b'435: 1', 1), (b'436: 1', 1), (b'437: 1', 1), (b'438: 1', 1), (b'439: 1', 1), (b'440: 1', 1), (b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-13_17_35_48-8714458526480605463 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output76f2bca1-911b-4c4d-95ec-2277e2df7412.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 943.91 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7fbd6020f198>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7fbd6020f0b8>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7fbd6020f080>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-13_17_36_39-7515110842330956469 after 360 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outpute4d9b1b0-05a7-4712-bf7d-deb812b32d52.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 958.75 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 49m 58s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4547

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 1.02 MB...]

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 50.90 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7fa70c0f1f28>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7fa70c0f1320>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7fa70dce4630>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-13_11_40_25-17060811835384075073 after 360 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputbfaa76d6-7822-49bb-99a8-90c4799d207d.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 943.42 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7fc81406aeb8>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7fc81406add8>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7fc81406ada0>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-13_11_40_46-2747841997973101800 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output85ab0936-358f-45c5-9540-d43c66f610ca.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 962.72 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 54m 15s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4546

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 1005.72 KB...]
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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1', 1), (b'254: 1', 1), (b'255: 1', 1), (b'256: 1', 1), (b'257: 1', 1), (b'258: 1', 1), (b'259: 1', 1), (b'260: 1', 1), (b'261: 1', 1), (b'262: 1', 1), (b'263: 1', 1), (b'264: 1', 1), (b'265: 1', 1), (b'266: 1', 1), (b'267: 1', 1), (b'268: 1', 1), (b'269: 1', 1), (b'270: 1', 1), (b'271: 1', 1), (b'272: 1', 1), (b'273: 1', 1), (b'274: 1', 1), (b'275: 1', 1), (b'276: 1', 1), (b'277: 1', 1), (b'278: 1', 1), (b'279: 1', 1), (b'280: 1', 1), (b'281: 1', 1), (b'282: 1', 1), (b'283: 1', 1), (b'284: 1', 1), (b'285: 1', 1), (b'286: 1', 1), (b'287: 1', 1), (b'288: 1', 1), (b'289: 1', 1), (b'290: 1', 1), (b'291: 1', 1), (b'292: 1', 1), (b'293: 1', 1), (b'294: 1', 1), (b'295: 1', 1), (b'296: 1', 1), (b'297: 1', 1), (b'298: 1', 1), (b'299: 1', 1), (b'300: 1', 1), (b'301: 1', 1), (b'302: 1', 1), (b'303: 1', 1), (b'304: 1', 1), (b'305: 1', 1), (b'306: 1', 1), (b'307: 1', 1), (b'308: 1', 1), (b'309: 1', 1), (b'310: 1', 1), (b'311: 1', 1), (b'312: 1', 1), (b'313: 1', 1), (b'314: 1', 1), (b'315: 1', 1), 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1', 1), (b'379: 1', 1), (b'380: 1', 1), (b'381: 1', 1), (b'382: 1', 1), (b'383: 1', 1), (b'384: 1', 1), (b'385: 1', 1), (b'386: 1', 1), (b'387: 1', 1), (b'388: 1', 1), (b'389: 1', 1), (b'390: 1', 1), (b'391: 1', 1), (b'392: 1', 1), (b'393: 1', 1), (b'394: 1', 1), (b'395: 1', 1), (b'396: 1', 1), (b'397: 1', 1), (b'398: 1', 1), (b'399: 1', 1), (b'400: 1', 1), (b'401: 1', 1), (b'402: 1', 1), (b'403: 1', 1), (b'404: 1', 1), (b'405: 1', 1), (b'406: 1', 1), (b'407: 1', 1), (b'408: 1', 1), (b'409: 1', 1), (b'410: 1', 1), (b'411: 1', 1), (b'412: 1', 1), (b'413: 1', 1), (b'414: 1', 1), (b'415: 1', 1), (b'416: 1', 1), (b'417: 1', 1), (b'418: 1', 1), (b'419: 1', 1), (b'420: 1', 1), (b'421: 1', 1), (b'422: 1', 1), (b'423: 1', 1), (b'424: 1', 1), (b'425: 1', 1), (b'426: 1', 1), (b'427: 1', 1), (b'428: 1', 1), (b'429: 1', 1), (b'430: 1', 1), (b'431: 1', 1), (b'432: 1', 1), (b'433: 1', 1), (b'434: 1', 1), (b'435: 1', 1), (b'436: 1', 1), (b'437: 1', 1), (b'438: 1', 1), (b'439: 1', 1), (b'440: 1', 1), (b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-13_05_41_21-458288695361669474 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output4bceb561-6af4-4b4e-89a3-06de4221cc5e.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 956.19 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38pyarrow-3
.........................            [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 49.53 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-3 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-3: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38pyarrow-4
GLOB sdist-make: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 create: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 installdeps: pyarrow>=4,<5
py38-pyarrow-4 inst: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 installed: apache-beam @ file://<,atomicwrites==1.4.0,attrs==21.2.0,avro-python3==,certifi==2021.5.30,charset-normalizer==2.0.4,crcmod==1.7,deprecation==2.1.0,dill==,docker==5.0.0,docopt==0.6.2,execnet==1.9.0,fastavro==1.4.4,freezegun==1.1.0,future==0.18.2,greenlet==1.1.1,grpcio==1.39.0,hdfs==2.6.0,httplib2==0.19.1,idna==3.2,mock==2.0.0,more-itertools==8.8.0,nose==1.3.7,nose-xunitmp==0.4.1,numpy==1.20.3,oauth2client==4.1.3,orjson==3.6.1,packaging==21.0,pandas==1.3.1,parameterized==0.7.5,pbr==5.6.0,pluggy==0.13.1,protobuf==3.17.3,psycopg2-binary==2.9.1,py==1.10.0,pyarrow==4.0.1,pyasn1==0.4.8,pyasn1-modules==0.2.8,pydot==1.4.2,PyHamcrest==1.10.1,pymongo==3.12.0,pyparsing==2.4.7,pytest==4.6.11,pytest-forked==1.3.0,pytest-timeout==1.4.2,pytest-xdist==1.34.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,pytz==2021.1,PyYAML==5.4.1,requests==2.26.0,requests-mock==1.9.3,rsa==4.7.2,six==1.16.0,SQLAlchemy==1.4.22,tenacity==5.1.5,testcontainers==3.4.1,typing-extensions==,urllib3==1.26.6,wcwidth==0.2.5,websocket-client==1.2.1,wrapt==1.12.1>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='2950817634'
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[0] | python --version
Python 3.8.5
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[1] | pip --version
pip 21.2.3 from <> (python 3.8)
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[2] | pip check
No broken requirements found.
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[3] | bash <>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test: commands[0] | /bin/sh -c 'pip freeze | grep -E '"'"'(pyarrow|numpy)'"'"''
apache-beam @ file://<>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test: commands[1] | <> py38-pyarrow-4 '-m uses_pyarrow'
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
gw0 I / gw1 I / gw2 I / gw3 I / gw4 I / gw5 I
gw0 [29] / gw1 [29] / gw2 [29] / gw3 [29] / gw4 [29] / gw5 [29]

.............................                                            [100%]
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:54: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \c
    self.assertIsNone(FileSystems.get_scheme('c:\\abc\cdf'))  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:62: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \d
    self.assertTrue(isinstance(FileSystems.get_filesystem('c:\\abc\def'),  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
============== 29 passed, 1 skipped, 22 warnings in 36.16 seconds ==============
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
collected 4900 items / 4871 deselected / 3 skipped / 26 selected

apache_beam/dataframe/ .                                       [  3%]
apache_beam/io/ ............................            [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 48.53 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 56m 42s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4545

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 1.01 MB...]

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 50.09 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f8eb3d27908>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f8eb3d274e0>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f8e5579e3c8>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-12_23_36_27-12509782872513738688 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputac4ca9fe-4fba-492c-9506-2c536e59504f.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 955.34 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f46e80b34a8>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f46e80b33c8>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f46e80b3390>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), (b'191: 1', 1), (b'192: 1', 1), (b'193: 1', 1), (b'194: 1', 1), (b'195: 1', 1), (b'196: 1', 1), (b'197: 1', 1), (b'198: 1', 1), (b'199: 1', 1), (b'200: 1', 1), (b'201: 1', 1), (b'202: 1', 1), (b'203: 1', 1), (b'204: 1', 1), (b'205: 1', 1), (b'206: 1', 1), (b'207: 1', 1), (b'208: 1', 1), (b'209: 1', 1), (b'210: 1', 1), (b'211: 1', 1), (b'212: 1', 1), (b'213: 1', 1), (b'214: 1', 1), (b'215: 1', 1), (b'216: 1', 1), (b'217: 1', 1), (b'218: 1', 1), (b'219: 1', 1), (b'220: 1', 1), (b'221: 1', 1), (b'222: 1', 1), (b'223: 1', 1), (b'224: 1', 1), (b'225: 1', 1), (b'226: 1', 1), (b'227: 1', 1), (b'228: 1', 1), (b'229: 1', 1), (b'230: 1', 1), (b'231: 1', 1), (b'232: 1', 1), (b'233: 1', 1), (b'234: 1', 1), (b'235: 1', 1), (b'236: 1', 1), (b'237: 1', 1), (b'238: 1', 1), (b'239: 1', 1), (b'240: 1', 1), (b'241: 1', 1), (b'242: 1', 1), (b'243: 1', 1), (b'244: 1', 1), (b'245: 1', 1), (b'246: 1', 1), (b'247: 1', 1), (b'248: 1', 1), (b'249: 1', 1), (b'250: 1', 1), (b'251: 1', 1), (b'252: 1', 1), (b'253: 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-12_23_36_55-4539851383052891720 after 363 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output16153f02-cb9c-4900-9a38-575dc47a129a.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 949.68 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 3 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 49m 12s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4544

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[noreply] Loosen typing extensions requirement

[Kyle Weaver] [BEAM-12719] ZetaSQL docs: replace out of date table with link to

[ryanthompson591] Add retry_gcs_file_copy when 500 errros happen from server

[noreply] Merge pull request #15265 from [BEAM-12545] Extend FileSink by

[noreply] [BEAM-12453]: Add interface to access I/O topic information for a Samza

[noreply] [BEAM-10212] Guard state caching with experiment (#15319)

[...truncated 1.01 MB...]
  <>:54: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \c
    self.assertIsNone(FileSystems.get_scheme('c:\\abc\cdf'))  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:62: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \d
    self.assertTrue(isinstance(FileSystems.get_filesystem('c:\\abc\def'),  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
============= 29 passed, 1 skipped, 18 warnings in 198.43 seconds ==============
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-3/py38-pyarrow-3/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
collected 4900 items / 4871 deselected / 3 skipped / 26 selected

apache_beam/dataframe/ .                                       [  3%]
apache_beam/io/ ............................            [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
===== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 244.08 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-3 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-3: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38pyarrow-4
GLOB sdist-make: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 create: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 installdeps: pyarrow>=4,<5
py38-pyarrow-4 inst: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 installed: apache-beam @ file://<,atomicwrites==1.4.0,attrs==21.2.0,avro-python3==,certifi==2021.5.30,charset-normalizer==2.0.4,crcmod==1.7,deprecation==2.1.0,dill==,docker==5.0.0,docopt==0.6.2,execnet==1.9.0,fastavro==1.4.4,freezegun==1.1.0,future==0.18.2,greenlet==1.1.1,grpcio==1.39.0,hdfs==2.6.0,httplib2==0.19.1,idna==3.2,mock==2.0.0,more-itertools==8.8.0,nose==1.3.7,nose-xunitmp==0.4.1,numpy==1.20.3,oauth2client==4.1.3,orjson==3.6.1,packaging==21.0,pandas==1.3.1,parameterized==0.7.5,pbr==5.6.0,pluggy==0.13.1,protobuf==3.17.3,psycopg2-binary==2.9.1,py==1.10.0,pyarrow==4.0.1,pyasn1==0.4.8,pyasn1-modules==0.2.8,pydot==1.4.2,PyHamcrest==1.10.1,pymongo==3.12.0,pyparsing==2.4.7,pytest==4.6.11,pytest-forked==1.3.0,pytest-timeout==1.4.2,pytest-xdist==1.34.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,pytz==2021.1,PyYAML==5.4.1,requests==2.26.0,requests-mock==1.9.3,rsa==4.7.2,six==1.16.0,SQLAlchemy==1.4.22,tenacity==5.1.5,testcontainers==3.4.1,typing-extensions==,urllib3==1.26.6,wcwidth==0.2.5,websocket-client==1.2.0,wrapt==1.12.1>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='2055372742'
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[0] | python --version
Python 3.8.5
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[1] | pip --version
pip 21.1.3 from <> (python 3.8)
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[2] | pip check
No broken requirements found.
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[3] | bash <>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test: commands[0] | /bin/sh -c 'pip freeze | grep -E '"'"'(pyarrow|numpy)'"'"''
apache-beam @ file://<>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test: commands[1] | <> py38-pyarrow-4 '-m uses_pyarrow'
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
gw0 I / gw1 I / gw2 I / gw3 I / gw4 I / gw5 I
gw0 [29] / gw1 [29] / gw2 [29] / gw3 [29] / gw4 [29] / gw5 [29]

.............................                                            [100%]
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:54: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \c
    self.assertIsNone(FileSystems.get_scheme('c:\\abc\cdf'))  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:62: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \d
    self.assertTrue(isinstance(FileSystems.get_filesystem('c:\\abc\def'),  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
============= 29 passed, 1 skipped, 16 warnings in 187.73 seconds ==============
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
collected 4900 items / 4871 deselected / 3 skipped / 26 selected

apache_beam/dataframe/ .                                       [  3%]
apache_beam/io/ ............................            [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:550: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
===== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 141.25 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 11m 8s
106 actionable tasks: 78 executed, 28 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4543

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[bsindhwani] Python Kata - Event Time Triggers

[bsindhwani] Python Kata - Event Time Triggers - Added license to task-info.yaml

[bsindhwani] Python Kata - Event Time Triggers - refactored the accumulation mode

[bsindhwani] Python Kata - Event Time Triggers - task description corrected to

[bsindhwani] Python Kata - Event Time Triggers - added streaming options

[bsindhwani] Python Kata - Event Time Triggers - add license text in task-info.yaml

[bsindhwani] Python Kata - Early Triggers

[bsindhwani] Python Kata - Event Time Triggers & Early Triggers - - corrected

[bsindhwani] Python Kata - Window Accumulation Mode

[bsindhwani] Python Kata - Event Time Triggers - removed the external transform

[bsindhwani] Python Kata - added license to course-info.yaml

[Robert Burke] [BEAM-11779] Remove appliance restriction.

[noreply] [BEAM-6374] Emit PCollection metrics from GoSDK (#15289)

[noreply] Merge pull request #15165 from [BEAM-12593] Verify DataFrame API on

[...truncated 1006.26 KB...]

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4871 deselected, 7 warnings in 50.45 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f205000dc50>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f20ec0f34a8>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f205000dc18>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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(b'316: 1', 1), (b'317: 1', 1), (b'318: 1', 1), (b'319: 1', 1), (b'320: 1', 1), (b'321: 1', 1), (b'322: 1', 1), (b'323: 1', 1), (b'324: 1', 1), (b'325: 1', 1), (b'326: 1', 1), (b'327: 1', 1), (b'328: 1', 1), (b'329: 1', 1), (b'330: 1', 1), (b'331: 1', 1), (b'332: 1', 1), (b'333: 1', 1), (b'334: 1', 1), (b'335: 1', 1), (b'336: 1', 1), (b'337: 1', 1), (b'338: 1', 1), (b'339: 1', 1), (b'340: 1', 1), (b'341: 1', 1), (b'342: 1', 1), (b'343: 1', 1), (b'344: 1', 1), (b'345: 1', 1), (b'346: 1', 1), (b'347: 1', 1), (b'348: 1', 1), (b'349: 1', 1), (b'350: 1', 1), (b'351: 1', 1), (b'352: 1', 1), (b'353: 1', 1), (b'354: 1', 1), (b'355: 1', 1), (b'356: 1', 1), (b'357: 1', 1), (b'358: 1', 1), (b'359: 1', 1), (b'360: 1', 1), (b'361: 1', 1), (b'362: 1', 1), (b'363: 1', 1), (b'364: 1', 1), (b'365: 1', 1), (b'366: 1', 1), (b'367: 1', 1), (b'368: 1', 1), (b'369: 1', 1), (b'370: 1', 1), (b'371: 1', 1), (b'372: 1', 1), (b'373: 1', 1), (b'374: 1', 1), (b'375: 1', 1), (b'376: 1', 1), (b'377: 1', 1), (b'378: 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-12_11_35_37-10497948288583496027 after 365 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output23156204-f3b0-4cc5-94cb-52be6e7dd5ea.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 957.68 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f784ee55a20>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f7818164a58>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f7818164a20>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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1', 1), (b'254: 1', 1), (b'255: 1', 1), (b'256: 1', 1), (b'257: 1', 1), (b'258: 1', 1), (b'259: 1', 1), (b'260: 1', 1), (b'261: 1', 1), (b'262: 1', 1), (b'263: 1', 1), (b'264: 1', 1), (b'265: 1', 1), (b'266: 1', 1), (b'267: 1', 1), (b'268: 1', 1), (b'269: 1', 1), (b'270: 1', 1), (b'271: 1', 1), (b'272: 1', 1), (b'273: 1', 1), (b'274: 1', 1), (b'275: 1', 1), (b'276: 1', 1), (b'277: 1', 1), (b'278: 1', 1), (b'279: 1', 1), (b'280: 1', 1), (b'281: 1', 1), (b'282: 1', 1), (b'283: 1', 1), (b'284: 1', 1), (b'285: 1', 1), (b'286: 1', 1), (b'287: 1', 1), (b'288: 1', 1), (b'289: 1', 1), (b'290: 1', 1), (b'291: 1', 1), (b'292: 1', 1), (b'293: 1', 1), (b'294: 1', 1), (b'295: 1', 1), (b'296: 1', 1), (b'297: 1', 1), (b'298: 1', 1), (b'299: 1', 1), (b'300: 1', 1), (b'301: 1', 1), (b'302: 1', 1), (b'303: 1', 1), (b'304: 1', 1), (b'305: 1', 1), (b'306: 1', 1), (b'307: 1', 1), (b'308: 1', 1), (b'309: 1', 1), (b'310: 1', 1), (b'311: 1', 1), (b'312: 1', 1), (b'313: 1', 1), (b'314: 1', 1), (b'315: 1', 1), 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1', 1), (b'379: 1', 1), (b'380: 1', 1), (b'381: 1', 1), (b'382: 1', 1), (b'383: 1', 1), (b'384: 1', 1), (b'385: 1', 1), (b'386: 1', 1), (b'387: 1', 1), (b'388: 1', 1), (b'389: 1', 1), (b'390: 1', 1), (b'391: 1', 1), (b'392: 1', 1), (b'393: 1', 1), (b'394: 1', 1), (b'395: 1', 1), (b'396: 1', 1), (b'397: 1', 1), (b'398: 1', 1), (b'399: 1', 1), (b'400: 1', 1), (b'401: 1', 1), (b'402: 1', 1), (b'403: 1', 1), (b'404: 1', 1), (b'405: 1', 1), (b'406: 1', 1), (b'407: 1', 1), (b'408: 1', 1), (b'409: 1', 1), (b'410: 1', 1), (b'411: 1', 1), (b'412: 1', 1), (b'413: 1', 1), (b'414: 1', 1), (b'415: 1', 1), (b'416: 1', 1), (b'417: 1', 1), (b'418: 1', 1), (b'419: 1', 1), (b'420: 1', 1), (b'421: 1', 1), (b'422: 1', 1), (b'423: 1', 1), (b'424: 1', 1), (b'425: 1', 1), (b'426: 1', 1), (b'427: 1', 1), (b'428: 1', 1), (b'429: 1', 1), (b'430: 1', 1), (b'431: 1', 1), (b'432: 1', 1), (b'433: 1', 1), (b'434: 1', 1), (b'435: 1', 1), (b'436: 1', 1), (b'437: 1', 1), (b'438: 1', 1), (b'439: 1', 1), (b'440: 1', 1), (b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-12_11_37_15-1100093349174814580 after 360 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output59bc3fa6-04aa-4088-9df3-5618e558705a.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 950.36 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 49m 58s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4542

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 974.57 KB...]

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4870 deselected, 7 warnings in 48.02 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw1] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f86fc27de10>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f86fc27dd30>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f86fc27dcf8>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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1', 1), (b'254: 1', 1), (b'255: 1', 1), (b'256: 1', 1), (b'257: 1', 1), (b'258: 1', 1), (b'259: 1', 1), (b'260: 1', 1), (b'261: 1', 1), (b'262: 1', 1), (b'263: 1', 1), (b'264: 1', 1), (b'265: 1', 1), (b'266: 1', 1), (b'267: 1', 1), (b'268: 1', 1), (b'269: 1', 1), (b'270: 1', 1), (b'271: 1', 1), (b'272: 1', 1), (b'273: 1', 1), (b'274: 1', 1), (b'275: 1', 1), (b'276: 1', 1), (b'277: 1', 1), (b'278: 1', 1), (b'279: 1', 1), (b'280: 1', 1), (b'281: 1', 1), (b'282: 1', 1), (b'283: 1', 1), (b'284: 1', 1), (b'285: 1', 1), (b'286: 1', 1), (b'287: 1', 1), (b'288: 1', 1), (b'289: 1', 1), (b'290: 1', 1), (b'291: 1', 1), (b'292: 1', 1), (b'293: 1', 1), (b'294: 1', 1), (b'295: 1', 1), (b'296: 1', 1), (b'297: 1', 1), (b'298: 1', 1), (b'299: 1', 1), (b'300: 1', 1), (b'301: 1', 1), (b'302: 1', 1), (b'303: 1', 1), (b'304: 1', 1), (b'305: 1', 1), (b'306: 1', 1), (b'307: 1', 1), (b'308: 1', 1), (b'309: 1', 1), (b'310: 1', 1), (b'311: 1', 1), (b'312: 1', 1), (b'313: 1', 1), (b'314: 1', 1), (b'315: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-12_05_35_24-17926447789040982966 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output4ca5dd4e-c030-4c9d-b140-025c1deed01b.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 956.16 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f24b478feb8>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f24b478fdd8>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f24b478fda0>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-12_05_36_26-3700284783593632165 after 361 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output2fe0cf20-fe77-4fe9-9fa4-74095f0d651e.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 965.04 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 49m 54s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4541

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[noreply] [GoSDK Infra] Limit simultaneous tests binaries to 3. (#15321)

[...truncated 1.02 MB...]
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:534: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
============= 29 passed, 1 skipped, 16 warnings in 142.74 seconds ==============
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-3/py38-pyarrow-3/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
collected 4899 items / 4870 deselected / 3 skipped / 26 selected

apache_beam/dataframe/ .                                       [  3%]
apache_beam/io/ ............................            [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:534: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
===== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4870 deselected, 7 warnings in 220.33 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-3 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-3: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38pyarrow-4
GLOB sdist-make: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 create: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 installdeps: pyarrow>=4,<5
py38-pyarrow-4 inst: <>
py38-pyarrow-4 installed: apache-beam @ file://<,atomicwrites==1.4.0,attrs==21.2.0,avro-python3==,certifi==2021.5.30,charset-normalizer==2.0.4,crcmod==1.7,deprecation==2.1.0,dill==,docker==5.0.0,docopt==0.6.2,execnet==1.9.0,fastavro==1.4.4,freezegun==1.1.0,future==0.18.2,greenlet==1.1.1,grpcio==1.39.0,hdfs==2.6.0,httplib2==0.19.1,idna==3.2,mock==2.0.0,more-itertools==8.8.0,nose==1.3.7,nose-xunitmp==0.4.1,numpy==1.20.3,oauth2client==4.1.3,orjson==3.6.1,packaging==21.0,pandas==1.2.5,parameterized==0.7.5,pbr==5.6.0,pluggy==0.13.1,protobuf==3.17.3,psycopg2-binary==2.9.1,py==1.10.0,pyarrow==4.0.1,pyasn1==0.4.8,pyasn1-modules==0.2.8,pydot==1.4.2,PyHamcrest==1.10.1,pymongo==3.12.0,pyparsing==2.4.7,pytest==4.6.11,pytest-forked==1.3.0,pytest-timeout==1.4.2,pytest-xdist==1.34.0,python-dateutil==2.8.2,pytz==2021.1,PyYAML==5.4.1,requests==2.26.0,requests-mock==1.9.3,rsa==4.7.2,six==1.16.0,SQLAlchemy==1.4.22,tenacity==5.1.5,testcontainers==3.4.1,typing-extensions==,urllib3==1.26.6,wcwidth==0.2.5,websocket-client==1.2.0,wrapt==1.12.1>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='249575482'
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[0] | python --version
Python 3.8.5
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[1] | pip --version
pip 21.1.3 from <> (python 3.8)
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[2] | pip check
No broken requirements found.
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-pre: commands[3] | bash <>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test: commands[0] | /bin/sh -c 'pip freeze | grep -E '"'"'(pyarrow|numpy)'"'"''
apache-beam @ file://<>
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test: commands[1] | <> py38-pyarrow-4 '-m uses_pyarrow'
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
gw0 I / gw1 I / gw2 I / gw3 I / gw4 I / gw5 I
gw0 [29] / gw1 [29] / gw2 [29] / gw3 [29] / gw4 [29] / gw5 [29]

.............................                                            [100%]
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:54: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \c
    self.assertIsNone(FileSystems.get_scheme('c:\\abc\cdf'))  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:62: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \d
    self.assertTrue(isinstance(FileSystems.get_filesystem('c:\\abc\def'),  # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:534: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
============= 29 passed, 1 skipped, 20 warnings in 169.05 seconds ==============
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: target/.tox-py38-pyarrow-4/py38-pyarrow-4/.pytest_cache
rootdir: <,> inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: xdist-1.34.0, timeout-1.4.2, forked-1.3.0, requests-mock-1.9.3
timeout: 600.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
collected 4899 items / 4870 deselected / 3 skipped / 26 selected

apache_beam/dataframe/ .                                       [  3%]
apache_beam/io/ ............................            [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:534: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:419: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:380: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:370: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
===== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4870 deselected, 7 warnings in 208.86 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

FAILURE: Build completed with 4 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py36:testPy36Cloud'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38Cython'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

4: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 2m 42s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4540

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[marwant] Move misplaced cloud healthcare update info line from template to

[Robert Burke] [BEAM-12738][GoSDK] Fix Dataflow Job URL

[eugene.nikolayev] Fix docs typos in contrib guide.

[noreply] Merge pull request #15126 from [BEAM-12665] Add option in ReadAll

[noreply] Update error message (#15286)

[...truncated 947.13 KB...]
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 29 passed, 3 skipped, 4870 deselected, 7 warnings in 48.32 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f9a3c283588>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f9a3c283400>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f99a351c5c0>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-11_17_36_12-5480933475249157816 after 365 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputc4e1cf10-69d0-47cc-9f3b-d754c09c2e03.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 968.05 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7fe870751d68>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7fe8b688dbe0>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7fe878b195c0>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-11_17_36_31-12897241504821844767 after 361 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputa1d18a87-4d3f-4754-aced-1263fe339829.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 958.91 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 3 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py36:testPy36Cloud'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 49m 50s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4539

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 946.79 KB...]

  <>:377: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:367: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 28 passed, 3 skipped, 4866 deselected, 7 warnings in 61.85 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f834c339c88>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f834c3397b8>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f834c339940>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-11_11_38_40-12047258655293325527 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output99a39f49-106e-4e10-a020-19513005b96c.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 945.28 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7fd10c192898>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7fd10c192780>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7fd1a62e3438>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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1', 1), (b'254: 1', 1), (b'255: 1', 1), (b'256: 1', 1), (b'257: 1', 1), (b'258: 1', 1), (b'259: 1', 1), (b'260: 1', 1), (b'261: 1', 1), (b'262: 1', 1), (b'263: 1', 1), (b'264: 1', 1), (b'265: 1', 1), (b'266: 1', 1), (b'267: 1', 1), (b'268: 1', 1), (b'269: 1', 1), (b'270: 1', 1), (b'271: 1', 1), (b'272: 1', 1), (b'273: 1', 1), (b'274: 1', 1), (b'275: 1', 1), (b'276: 1', 1), (b'277: 1', 1), (b'278: 1', 1), (b'279: 1', 1), (b'280: 1', 1), (b'281: 1', 1), (b'282: 1', 1), (b'283: 1', 1), (b'284: 1', 1), (b'285: 1', 1), (b'286: 1', 1), (b'287: 1', 1), (b'288: 1', 1), (b'289: 1', 1), (b'290: 1', 1), (b'291: 1', 1), (b'292: 1', 1), (b'293: 1', 1), (b'294: 1', 1), (b'295: 1', 1), (b'296: 1', 1), (b'297: 1', 1), (b'298: 1', 1), (b'299: 1', 1), (b'300: 1', 1), (b'301: 1', 1), (b'302: 1', 1), (b'303: 1', 1), (b'304: 1', 1), (b'305: 1', 1), (b'306: 1', 1), (b'307: 1', 1), (b'308: 1', 1), (b'309: 1', 1), (b'310: 1', 1), (b'311: 1', 1), (b'312: 1', 1), (b'313: 1', 1), (b'314: 1', 1), (b'315: 1', 1), 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-11_11_39_58-8002974064291293977 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputef5c405c-110a-44ce-b157-f7d142778f41.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 955.73 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 52m 26s
106 actionable tasks: 78 executed, 28 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4538

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


Started by timer
Running as SYSTEM
[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building remotely on apache-beam-jenkins-4 (beam) in workspace <>
The recommended git tool is: NONE
No credentials specified
Wiping out workspace first.
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning repository
 > git init <> # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.7.4'
 > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* +refs/pull/${ghprbPullId}/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/${ghprbPullId}/* # timeout=10
 > git rev-parse origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
Checking out Revision b9b4c6e1f142d3fcb93f6a4458e2a06282ab9ee8 (origin/master)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f b9b4c6e1f142d3fcb93f6a4458e2a06282ab9ee8 # timeout=10
Commit message: "Merge pull request #15296 from andyxiexu/python-sdk"
 > git rev-list --no-walk b9b4c6e1f142d3fcb93f6a4458e2a06282ab9ee8 # timeout=10
No emails were triggered.
[EnvInject] - Executing scripts and injecting environment variables after the SCM step.
[EnvInject] - Injecting as environment variables the properties content 

[EnvInject] - Variables injected successfully.
[Gradle] - Launching build.
[src] $ <> --continue --max-workers=12 -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs=-Xms2g -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx4g -Pdocker-pull-licenses :pythonPreCommit
Starting a Gradle Daemon, 3 busy Daemons could not be reused, use --status for details
> Task :buildSrc:compileJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :buildSrc:compileGroovy FROM-CACHE
> Task :buildSrc:pluginDescriptors
> Task :buildSrc:processResources
> Task :buildSrc:classes
> Task :buildSrc:jar
> Task :buildSrc:assemble
> Task :buildSrc:spotlessGroovy
> Task :buildSrc:spotlessGroovy FAILED
> Task :buildSrc:spotlessGroovyGradle FROM-CACHE
> Task :buildSrc:spotlessGroovyGradleCheck UP-TO-DATE
> Task :buildSrc:pluginUnderTestMetadata
> Task :buildSrc:compileTestJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :buildSrc:compileTestGroovy NO-SOURCE
> Task :buildSrc:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :buildSrc:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
> Task :buildSrc:test NO-SOURCE
> Task :buildSrc:validatePlugins FROM-CACHE

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':buildSrc:spotlessGroovy'.
> Failed to load cache entry for task ':buildSrc:spotlessGroovy'

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.


Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4537

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 952.73 KB...]

  <>:377: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:367: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 28 passed, 3 skipped, 4866 deselected, 7 warnings in 51.28 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw1] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7fc4b85dec50>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7fc4f66b5e10>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7fc4b8965240>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-10_23_36_50-5599074931511338999 after 362 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputa374f055-d476-400b-9dc3-fdfb691fd8b4.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 949.89 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f39b877ccf8>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f3a6a8d4748>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f39d1bc2d68>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-10_23_38_27-5083835316726425762 after 361 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output9afb1f6a-8352-480f-b3dc-823856893d0a.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 959.43 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 51m 27s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4536

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[andyxu] Add support for python sdk container to turn on google cloud profiler

[andyxu] format file

[marwant] Update Google Cloud Healthcare API version from v1beta1 to GA

[zyichi] Update beam dataflow python container versions.

[...truncated 972.40 KB...]

  <>:377: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:367: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 28 passed, 3 skipped, 4866 deselected, 7 warnings in 47.03 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw1] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7fe8c847cba8>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7fe8c847c748>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7fe8c847c898>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-10_17_40_41-14687195038530836389 after 360 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputfd0fc177-08f3-4e3b-94ad-8498283e4141.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 942.37 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f135c73edd8>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f135c73ecf8>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f135c73ecc0>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-10_17_41_32-11127941550024940732 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output6f420abe-42db-418e-8c98-0e41ae33cae6.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 970.91 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 49m 23s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4535

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[chamikaramj] Fix typo

[noreply] [BEAM-12403][BEAM-12348] Add User State Support for Portable SamzaRunner

[...truncated 926.69 KB...]

  <>:377: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:367: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 28 passed, 3 skipped, 4866 deselected, 7 warnings in 49.35 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f2c405b2d30>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f2c405b2b38>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f2c405b2b00>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-10_11_40_25-3188716562485011862 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputac095901-8140-42c0-bb8f-c35234e0fd38.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 949.53 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f2e1dfcbba8>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f2e1dfcb748>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f2e2736b2e8>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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(b'316: 1', 1), (b'317: 1', 1), (b'318: 1', 1), (b'319: 1', 1), (b'320: 1', 1), (b'321: 1', 1), (b'322: 1', 1), (b'323: 1', 1), (b'324: 1', 1), (b'325: 1', 1), (b'326: 1', 1), (b'327: 1', 1), (b'328: 1', 1), (b'329: 1', 1), (b'330: 1', 1), (b'331: 1', 1), (b'332: 1', 1), (b'333: 1', 1), (b'334: 1', 1), (b'335: 1', 1), (b'336: 1', 1), (b'337: 1', 1), (b'338: 1', 1), (b'339: 1', 1), (b'340: 1', 1), (b'341: 1', 1), (b'342: 1', 1), (b'343: 1', 1), (b'344: 1', 1), (b'345: 1', 1), (b'346: 1', 1), (b'347: 1', 1), (b'348: 1', 1), (b'349: 1', 1), (b'350: 1', 1), (b'351: 1', 1), (b'352: 1', 1), (b'353: 1', 1), (b'354: 1', 1), (b'355: 1', 1), (b'356: 1', 1), (b'357: 1', 1), (b'358: 1', 1), (b'359: 1', 1), (b'360: 1', 1), (b'361: 1', 1), (b'362: 1', 1), (b'363: 1', 1), (b'364: 1', 1), (b'365: 1', 1), (b'366: 1', 1), (b'367: 1', 1), (b'368: 1', 1), (b'369: 1', 1), (b'370: 1', 1), (b'371: 1', 1), (b'372: 1', 1), (b'373: 1', 1), (b'374: 1', 1), (b'375: 1', 1), (b'376: 1', 1), (b'377: 1', 1), (b'378: 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-10_11_41_07-2615666025474055681 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output952cdfe9-6d61-4f96-bd8a-f777f8b4dc98.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 953.34 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 51m 17s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4534

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 942.46 KB...]

  <>:377: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:367: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 28 passed, 3 skipped, 4866 deselected, 7 warnings in 47.83 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f4bb40c6b70>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f4bb40c6860>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f4bf29fe8d0>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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1', 1), (b'254: 1', 1), (b'255: 1', 1), (b'256: 1', 1), (b'257: 1', 1), (b'258: 1', 1), (b'259: 1', 1), (b'260: 1', 1), (b'261: 1', 1), (b'262: 1', 1), (b'263: 1', 1), (b'264: 1', 1), (b'265: 1', 1), (b'266: 1', 1), (b'267: 1', 1), (b'268: 1', 1), (b'269: 1', 1), (b'270: 1', 1), (b'271: 1', 1), (b'272: 1', 1), (b'273: 1', 1), (b'274: 1', 1), (b'275: 1', 1), (b'276: 1', 1), (b'277: 1', 1), (b'278: 1', 1), (b'279: 1', 1), (b'280: 1', 1), (b'281: 1', 1), (b'282: 1', 1), (b'283: 1', 1), (b'284: 1', 1), (b'285: 1', 1), (b'286: 1', 1), (b'287: 1', 1), (b'288: 1', 1), (b'289: 1', 1), (b'290: 1', 1), (b'291: 1', 1), (b'292: 1', 1), (b'293: 1', 1), (b'294: 1', 1), (b'295: 1', 1), (b'296: 1', 1), (b'297: 1', 1), (b'298: 1', 1), (b'299: 1', 1), (b'300: 1', 1), (b'301: 1', 1), (b'302: 1', 1), (b'303: 1', 1), (b'304: 1', 1), (b'305: 1', 1), (b'306: 1', 1), (b'307: 1', 1), (b'308: 1', 1), (b'309: 1', 1), (b'310: 1', 1), (b'311: 1', 1), (b'312: 1', 1), (b'313: 1', 1), (b'314: 1', 1), (b'315: 1', 1), (b'316: 1', 1), (b'317: 1', 1), (b'318: 1', 1), (b'319: 1', 1), (b'320: 1', 1), (b'321: 1', 1), (b'322: 1', 1), (b'323: 1', 1), (b'324: 1', 1), (b'325: 1', 1), (b'326: 1', 1), (b'327: 1', 1), (b'328: 1', 1), (b'329: 1', 1), (b'330: 1', 1), (b'331: 1', 1), (b'332: 1', 1), (b'333: 1', 1), (b'334: 1', 1), (b'335: 1', 1), (b'336: 1', 1), (b'337: 1', 1), (b'338: 1', 1), (b'339: 1', 1), (b'340: 1', 1), (b'341: 1', 1), (b'342: 1', 1), (b'343: 1', 1), (b'344: 1', 1), (b'345: 1', 1), (b'346: 1', 1), (b'347: 1', 1), (b'348: 1', 1), (b'349: 1', 1), (b'350: 1', 1), (b'351: 1', 1), (b'352: 1', 1), (b'353: 1', 1), (b'354: 1', 1), (b'355: 1', 1), (b'356: 1', 1), (b'357: 1', 1), (b'358: 1', 1), (b'359: 1', 1), (b'360: 1', 1), (b'361: 1', 1), (b'362: 1', 1), (b'363: 1', 1), (b'364: 1', 1), (b'365: 1', 1), (b'366: 1', 1), (b'367: 1', 1), (b'368: 1', 1), (b'369: 1', 1), (b'370: 1', 1), (b'371: 1', 1), (b'372: 1', 1), (b'373: 1', 1), (b'374: 1', 1), (b'375: 1', 1), (b'376: 1', 1), (b'377: 1', 1), (b'378: 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-10_05_38_24-3919780683032473456 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output796e3003-8fbc-4ff1-843a-e414049f7e83.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 952.12 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7fa1743b1c88>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7fa1743b1a90>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7fa20f5196a0>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-10_05_39_38-5177526076263024803 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output427b89bb-9b3e-4248-9834-02dd3358bf33.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 962.16 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 52m 13s
106 actionable tasks: 78 executed, 28 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4533

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[heejong] [BEAM-12716] Update XLang Kafka taxi example to use BigQuery sink

[heejong] add comment

[...truncated 930.91 KB...]

  <>:377: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:367: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 28 passed, 3 skipped, 4866 deselected, 7 warnings in 48.78 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f7cfc4bcc50>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f7cfc4bc748>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f7cfc4bc940>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-09_23_37_42-17943723580748026325 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output851c1761-37cb-4340-9637-7e30e1bab474.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 954.12 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7fe901f40cf8>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7fe9c4084438>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7fe9c40847b8>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-09_23_38_04-16352191386617522697 after 363 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output5c4a8284-40d0-4514-b8fd-f81ea7a1618b.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 949.25 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 51m 17s
106 actionable tasks: 78 executed, 28 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4532

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[noreply] Merge pull request #15298 from [BEAM-12729] Suppress Avro Runtime

[noreply] Refactor _RemoveDuplicates to use counter state (#15242)

[...truncated 963.16 KB...]
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7fcc94240e48>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7fcc94240d68>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7fcc94240d30>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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1', 1), (b'379: 1', 1), (b'380: 1', 1), (b'381: 1', 1), (b'382: 1', 1), (b'383: 1', 1), (b'384: 1', 1), (b'385: 1', 1), (b'386: 1', 1), (b'387: 1', 1), (b'388: 1', 1), (b'389: 1', 1), (b'390: 1', 1), (b'391: 1', 1), (b'392: 1', 1), (b'393: 1', 1), (b'394: 1', 1), (b'395: 1', 1), (b'396: 1', 1), (b'397: 1', 1), (b'398: 1', 1), (b'399: 1', 1), (b'400: 1', 1), (b'401: 1', 1), (b'402: 1', 1), (b'403: 1', 1), (b'404: 1', 1), (b'405: 1', 1), (b'406: 1', 1), (b'407: 1', 1), (b'408: 1', 1), (b'409: 1', 1), (b'410: 1', 1), (b'411: 1', 1), (b'412: 1', 1), (b'413: 1', 1), (b'414: 1', 1), (b'415: 1', 1), (b'416: 1', 1), (b'417: 1', 1), (b'418: 1', 1), (b'419: 1', 1), (b'420: 1', 1), (b'421: 1', 1), (b'422: 1', 1), (b'423: 1', 1), (b'424: 1', 1), (b'425: 1', 1), (b'426: 1', 1), (b'427: 1', 1), (b'428: 1', 1), (b'429: 1', 1), (b'430: 1', 1), (b'431: 1', 1), (b'432: 1', 1), (b'433: 1', 1), (b'434: 1', 1), (b'435: 1', 1), (b'436: 1', 1), (b'437: 1', 1), (b'438: 1', 1), (b'439: 1', 1), (b'440: 1', 1), (b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-09_17_51_32-12523917916217857872 after 360 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_outputa97db51b-e801-44a6-85ab-9965d575a272.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 952.72 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:testPy38pyarrow-4
....             [100%]

=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  <>:42: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):

  <>:566: FutureWarning: WriteToFiles is experimental.
    return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles(

  <>:534: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supported
    p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location or

  <>:416: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    for batch in orig.to_batches(chunksize=20)

  <>:377: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:367: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 28 passed, 3 skipped, 4866 deselected, 7 warnings in 61.71 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f8dd4f3c8d0>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f8dd4f3c6d8>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f8dd4f3c6a0>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-09_17_51_55-14387039196068735823 after 360 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output52c3c4b0-bfd6-4c54-9929-22ff145beb89.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 956.31 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 49m 2s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4531

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 964.05 KB...]

  <>:377: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:367: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 28 passed, 3 skipped, 4866 deselected, 7 warnings in 52.28 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f048c5f3d30>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f0525756518>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f048c9f3550>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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1', 1), (b'254: 1', 1), (b'255: 1', 1), (b'256: 1', 1), (b'257: 1', 1), (b'258: 1', 1), (b'259: 1', 1), (b'260: 1', 1), (b'261: 1', 1), (b'262: 1', 1), (b'263: 1', 1), (b'264: 1', 1), (b'265: 1', 1), (b'266: 1', 1), (b'267: 1', 1), (b'268: 1', 1), (b'269: 1', 1), (b'270: 1', 1), (b'271: 1', 1), (b'272: 1', 1), (b'273: 1', 1), (b'274: 1', 1), (b'275: 1', 1), (b'276: 1', 1), (b'277: 1', 1), (b'278: 1', 1), (b'279: 1', 1), (b'280: 1', 1), (b'281: 1', 1), (b'282: 1', 1), (b'283: 1', 1), (b'284: 1', 1), (b'285: 1', 1), (b'286: 1', 1), (b'287: 1', 1), (b'288: 1', 1), (b'289: 1', 1), (b'290: 1', 1), (b'291: 1', 1), (b'292: 1', 1), (b'293: 1', 1), (b'294: 1', 1), (b'295: 1', 1), (b'296: 1', 1), (b'297: 1', 1), (b'298: 1', 1), (b'299: 1', 1), (b'300: 1', 1), (b'301: 1', 1), (b'302: 1', 1), (b'303: 1', 1), (b'304: 1', 1), (b'305: 1', 1), (b'306: 1', 1), (b'307: 1', 1), (b'308: 1', 1), (b'309: 1', 1), (b'310: 1', 1), (b'311: 1', 1), (b'312: 1', 1), (b'313: 1', 1), (b'314: 1', 1), (b'315: 1', 1), (b'316: 1', 1), (b'317: 1', 1), (b'318: 1', 1), (b'319: 1', 1), (b'320: 1', 1), (b'321: 1', 1), (b'322: 1', 1), (b'323: 1', 1), (b'324: 1', 1), (b'325: 1', 1), (b'326: 1', 1), (b'327: 1', 1), (b'328: 1', 1), (b'329: 1', 1), (b'330: 1', 1), (b'331: 1', 1), (b'332: 1', 1), (b'333: 1', 1), (b'334: 1', 1), (b'335: 1', 1), (b'336: 1', 1), (b'337: 1', 1), (b'338: 1', 1), (b'339: 1', 1), (b'340: 1', 1), (b'341: 1', 1), (b'342: 1', 1), (b'343: 1', 1), (b'344: 1', 1), (b'345: 1', 1), (b'346: 1', 1), (b'347: 1', 1), (b'348: 1', 1), (b'349: 1', 1), (b'350: 1', 1), (b'351: 1', 1), (b'352: 1', 1), (b'353: 1', 1), (b'354: 1', 1), (b'355: 1', 1), (b'356: 1', 1), (b'357: 1', 1), (b'358: 1', 1), (b'359: 1', 1), (b'360: 1', 1), (b'361: 1', 1), (b'362: 1', 1), (b'363: 1', 1), (b'364: 1', 1), (b'365: 1', 1), (b'366: 1', 1), (b'367: 1', 1), (b'368: 1', 1), (b'369: 1', 1), (b'370: 1', 1), (b'371: 1', 1), (b'372: 1', 1), (b'373: 1', 1), (b'374: 1', 1), (b'375: 1', 1), (b'376: 1', 1), (b'377: 1', 1), (b'378: 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(b'441: 1', 1), (b'442: 1', 1), (b'443: 1', 1), (b'444: 1', 1), (b'445: 1', 1), (b'446: 1', 1), (b'447: 1', 1), (b'448: 1', 1), (b'449: 1', 1), (b'450: 1', 1), (b'451: 1', 1), (b'452: 1', 1), (b'453: 1', 1), (b'454: 1', 1), (b'455: 1', 1), (b'456: 1', 1), (b'457: 1', 1), (b'458: 1', 1), (b'459: 1', 1), (b'460: 1', 1), (b'461: 1', 1), (b'462: 1', 1), (b'463: 1', 1), (b'464: 1', 1), (b'465: 1', 1), (b'466: 1', 1), (b'467: 1', 1), (b'468: 1', 1), (b'469: 1', 1), (b'470: 1', 1), (b'471: 1', 1), (b'472: 1', 1), (b'473: 1', 1), (b'474: 1', 1), (b'475: 1', 1), (b'476: 1', 1), (b'477: 1', 1), (b'478: 1', 1), (b'479: 1', 1), (b'480: 1', 1), (b'481: 1', 1), (b'482: 1', 1), (b'483: 1', 1), (b'484: 1', 1), (b'485: 1', 1), (b'486: 1', 1), (b'487: 1', 1), (b'488: 1', 1), (b'489: 1', 1), (b'490: 1', 1), (b'491: 1', 1), (b'492: 1', 1), (b'493: 1', 1), (b'494: 1', 1), (b'495: 1', 1), (b'496: 1', 1), (b'497: 1', 1), (b'498: 1', 1), (b'499: 1', 1)])
E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-09_11_37_43-5366234889855503110 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output1e4ec2c7-6cf5-4b71-b293-6d0c21ebd022.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 949.01 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7efd16084be0>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7efd16084cf8>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7efcd8370390>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 1', 1), (b'129: 1', 1), (b'130: 1', 1), (b'131: 1', 1), (b'132: 1', 1), (b'133: 1', 1), (b'134: 1', 1), (b'135: 1', 1), (b'136: 1', 1), (b'137: 1', 1), (b'138: 1', 1), (b'139: 1', 1), (b'140: 1', 1), (b'141: 1', 1), (b'142: 1', 1), (b'143: 1', 1), (b'144: 1', 1), (b'145: 1', 1), (b'146: 1', 1), (b'147: 1', 1), (b'148: 1', 1), (b'149: 1', 1), (b'150: 1', 1), (b'151: 1', 1), (b'152: 1', 1), (b'153: 1', 1), (b'154: 1', 1), (b'155: 1', 1), (b'156: 1', 1), (b'157: 1', 1), (b'158: 1', 1), (b'159: 1', 1), (b'160: 1', 1), (b'161: 1', 1), (b'162: 1', 1), (b'163: 1', 1), (b'164: 1', 1), (b'165: 1', 1), (b'166: 1', 1), (b'167: 1', 1), (b'168: 1', 1), (b'169: 1', 1), (b'170: 1', 1), (b'171: 1', 1), (b'172: 1', 1), (b'173: 1', 1), (b'174: 1', 1), (b'175: 1', 1), (b'176: 1', 1), (b'177: 1', 1), (b'178: 1', 1), (b'179: 1', 1), (b'180: 1', 1), (b'181: 1', 1), (b'182: 1', 1), (b'183: 1', 1), (b'184: 1', 1), (b'185: 1', 1), (b'186: 1', 1), (b'187: 1', 1), (b'188: 1', 1), (b'189: 1', 1), (b'190: 1', 1), 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-09_11_38_05-1472262083655470551 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output273a31c8-f60d-400a-b075-d86774de1875.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 948.85 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 51m 14s
106 actionable tasks: 76 executed, 30 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Build failed in Jenkins: beam_PreCommit_Python_Cron #4530

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[...truncated 961.00 KB...]

  <>:377: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

  <>:367: FutureWarning: The parameter chunksize is deprecated for pyarrow.Table.to_batches as of 0.15, please use the parameter max_chunksize instead
    pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) for batch in self._records_as_arrow(

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: <> -
====== 28 passed, 3 skipped, 4866 deselected, 7 warnings in 46.43 seconds ======
py38-pyarrow-4 run-test-post: commands[0] | bash <>
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py38-pyarrow-4: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:tox:py38:preCommitPy38

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.3 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f7cc06cbcf8>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f7cc06cb860>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f7cd0a643c8>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-09_05_38_06-5045974633597140785 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output82025ca3-9db9-4e58-99be-86a65d7a75c1.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 951.33 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ StreamingWordCountIT.test_streaming_wordcount_it _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.6.8 <>

self = <apache_beam.examples.streaming_wordcount_it_test.StreamingWordCountIT testMethod=test_streaming_wordcount_it>

    def test_streaming_wordcount_it(self):
      # Build expected dataset.
      expected_msg = [('%d: 1' % num).encode('utf-8')
                      for num in range(DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)]
      # Set extra options to the pipeline for test purpose
      state_verifier = PipelineStateMatcher(PipelineState.RUNNING)
      pubsub_msg_verifier = PubSubMessageMatcher(
          self.project,, expected_msg, timeout=400)
      extra_opts = {
          'wait_until_finish_duration': WAIT_UNTIL_FINISH_DURATION,
          'on_success_matcher': all_of(state_verifier, pubsub_msg_verifier)
      # Generate input data and inject to PubSub.
      self._inject_numbers(self.input_topic, DEFAULT_INPUT_NUMBERS)
      # Get pipeline options from command argument: --test-pipeline-options,
      # and start pipeline job by calling pipeline main function.
>         save_main_session=False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
apache_beam/examples/ in run
    output |
apache_beam/ in __exit__
    self.result =
apache_beam/ in run
    return self.runner.run_pipeline(self, self._options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <apache_beam.runners.dataflow.test_dataflow_runner.TestDataflowRunner object at 0x7f196c00dd30>
pipeline = <apache_beam.pipeline.Pipeline object at 0x7f196c00db38>
options = <apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions object at 0x7f196c00db00>

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline, options):
      """Execute test pipeline and verify test matcher"""
      test_options = options.view_as(TestOptions)
      on_success_matcher = test_options.on_success_matcher
      wait_duration = test_options.wait_until_finish_duration
      is_streaming = options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming
      # [BEAM-1889] Do not send this to remote workers also, there is no need to
      # send this option to remote executors.
      test_options.on_success_matcher = None
      self.result = super(TestDataflowRunner,
                          self).run_pipeline(pipeline, options)
      if self.result.has_job:
        # TODO(markflyhigh)(BEAM-1890): Use print since Nose dosen't show logs
        # in some cases.
        print('Worker logs: %s' % self.build_console_url(options))
        if is_streaming and not wait_duration:
          _LOGGER.warning('Waiting indefinitely for streaming job.')
        if on_success_matcher:
          from hamcrest import assert_that as hc_assert_that
>         hc_assert_that(self.result, pickler.loads(on_success_matcher))
E         AssertionError: 
E         Expected: (Test pipeline expected terminated in state: RUNNING and Expected 500 messages.)
E              but: Expected 500 messages. Got 0 messages. Diffs (item, count):
E           Expected but not in actual: dict_items([(b'0: 1', 1), (b'1: 1', 1), (b'2: 1', 1), (b'3: 1', 1), (b'4: 1', 1), (b'5: 1', 1), (b'6: 1', 1), (b'7: 1', 1), (b'8: 1', 1), (b'9: 1', 1), (b'10: 1', 1), (b'11: 1', 1), (b'12: 1', 1), (b'13: 1', 1), (b'14: 1', 1), (b'15: 1', 1), (b'16: 1', 1), (b'17: 1', 1), (b'18: 1', 1), (b'19: 1', 1), (b'20: 1', 1), (b'21: 1', 1), (b'22: 1', 1), (b'23: 1', 1), (b'24: 1', 1), (b'25: 1', 1), (b'26: 1', 1), (b'27: 1', 1), (b'28: 1', 1), (b'29: 1', 1), (b'30: 1', 1), (b'31: 1', 1), (b'32: 1', 1), (b'33: 1', 1), (b'34: 1', 1), (b'35: 1', 1), (b'36: 1', 1), (b'37: 1', 1), (b'38: 1', 1), (b'39: 1', 1), (b'40: 1', 1), (b'41: 1', 1), (b'42: 1', 1), (b'43: 1', 1), (b'44: 1', 1), (b'45: 1', 1), (b'46: 1', 1), (b'47: 1', 1), (b'48: 1', 1), (b'49: 1', 1), (b'50: 1', 1), (b'51: 1', 1), (b'52: 1', 1), (b'53: 1', 1), (b'54: 1', 1), (b'55: 1', 1), (b'56: 1', 1), (b'57: 1', 1), (b'58: 1', 1), (b'59: 1', 1), (b'60: 1', 1), (b'61: 1', 1), (b'62: 1', 1), (b'63: 1', 1), (b'64: 1', 1), (b'65: 1', 1), (b'66: 1', 1), (b'67: 1', 1), (b'68: 1', 1), (b'69: 1', 1), (b'70: 1', 1), (b'71: 1', 1), (b'72: 1', 1), (b'73: 1', 1), (b'74: 1', 1), (b'75: 1', 1), (b'76: 1', 1), (b'77: 1', 1), (b'78: 1', 1), (b'79: 1', 1), (b'80: 1', 1), (b'81: 1', 1), (b'82: 1', 1), (b'83: 1', 1), (b'84: 1', 1), (b'85: 1', 1), (b'86: 1', 1), (b'87: 1', 1), (b'88: 1', 1), (b'89: 1', 1), (b'90: 1', 1), (b'91: 1', 1), (b'92: 1', 1), (b'93: 1', 1), (b'94: 1', 1), (b'95: 1', 1), (b'96: 1', 1), (b'97: 1', 1), (b'98: 1', 1), (b'99: 1', 1), (b'100: 1', 1), (b'101: 1', 1), (b'102: 1', 1), (b'103: 1', 1), (b'104: 1', 1), (b'105: 1', 1), (b'106: 1', 1), (b'107: 1', 1), (b'108: 1', 1), (b'109: 1', 1), (b'110: 1', 1), (b'111: 1', 1), (b'112: 1', 1), (b'113: 1', 1), (b'114: 1', 1), (b'115: 1', 1), (b'116: 1', 1), (b'117: 1', 1), (b'118: 1', 1), (b'119: 1', 1), (b'120: 1', 1), (b'121: 1', 1), (b'122: 1', 1), (b'123: 1', 1), (b'124: 1', 1), (b'125: 1', 1), (b'126: 1', 1), (b'127: 1', 1), (b'128: 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E           Unexpected: dict_items([])

apache_beam/runners/dataflow/ AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
WARNING Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.6 interpreter.
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Discarding unparseable args: ['--sleep_secs=20']
WARNING Timing out on waiting for job 2021-08-09_05_38_37-4716910266292310759 after 364 seconds
ERROR Timeout after 400 sec. Received 0 messages from projects/apache-beam-testing/subscriptions/wc_subscription_output38146f40-13de-46fc-be41-e0b30d4e6cdf.
- generated xml file: <> -
========================== 1 failed in 957.46 seconds ==========================

> Task :sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2 FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py37:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '<'> line: 81

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:test-suites:dataflow:py36:preCommitIT_streaming_V2'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 51m 42s
106 actionable tasks: 78 executed, 28 from cache

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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