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Posted to by David White <> on 2001/07/19 20:03:59 UTC

Is "Reserved"?

I am rather new to JSP. However, I note that many standard jsp
commands are XML elements that begin with (are in the namespace?)

What I have found is that Tomcat seems to not reserve this prefix
(namespace?) for use by the jsp engine. For example: I can delcare
a taglib and give it the prefix "jsp" and get no complaints. I am not
sure what will happen but it seems confusing at best, tramatic at worst.

Also, if I screw up and enter <jsp:incude> instead of <jsp:include>,
Tomcat does not complain or find any error. It simply takes the data
and places it on the servlets output. This seems to be little help

I have looked at the current JSP spec and find nothing on this one way
or the other. It would seem a minor imposition to require that the
"jsp" be reserved and that the allowed commands within that prefix to
be enforced by Tomcat.

Tomcat complains when I screw up on the use of an explicitly declared 
tag library element. It complains if I forget to provide a required
to either a valid jsp:xxx command or a declared tag library command.

I am wrong to expect the behaviors that I do not see?

