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Posted to by Matt Juntunen <> on 2021/07/18 15:20:31 UTC

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Apache Commons Numbers Version 1.0 Released

The Apache Commons Team is pleased to announce the availability of
version 1.0 of "Apache Commons Numbers".

Apache Commons Numbers provides number types and utilities.

Changes in this version include:

Fixed Bugs:
o NUMBERS-153:  Use iterative implementation of "trigamma" function. Thanks to
    Dmitriy Golovashkin for reporting. Thanks to Gilles Sadowski.
o NUMBERS-150:  "Fraction/BigFraction": Fixed pow(int) to handle
    Integer.MIN_VALUE and throw ArithmeticException for negative exponents to a
    fraction of zero. Thanks to Jin Xu.
o NUMBERS-147:  Fixed Fraction/BigFraction from(double, int) to support
    Integer.MIN_VALUE as max denominator. Thanks to Alex Herbert.

o NUMBERS-163:  Combined "LinearCombination" and "Summation" into single "Sum"
    class. Thanks to Matt Juntunen.
o NUMBERS-164:  Added SortInPlace utility, original from Commons Math. Thanks
    to Gilles Sadowski.
o NUMBERS-159:  Moved "Norms", "LinearCombination", and "Summation" from
    commons-numbers-arrays module to commons-numbers-core module. Moved
    "CosAngle" from commons-numbers-arrays module to commons-numbers-angle
    module. Thanks to Matt Juntunen.
o NUMBERS-156:  Replaced "SafeNorm" with "Norms". Added "Summation" class for
    extended precision summation. Thanks to Matt Juntunen.
o NUMBERS-161:  "Angle" replaces "PlaneAngle" and "PlaneAngleRadians". Thanks
    to Gilles Sadowski.
o NUMBERS-158:  Replace angle normalize method with normalizer method that
    returns operator instance. Thanks to Gilles Sadowski.
o NUMBERS-157:  Adding Reduce operation originally from Commons Math to
    commons-numbers-angle module. Thanks to Gilles Sadowski.
o NUMBERS-142:  "LinearCombination": Update to use the dot2s algorithm. Avoids
    construction of an intermediate array for array dot products. Update the
    hi-lo splitting algorithm to use Dekker's split to ensure the product
    round-off is computed to exact precision. Thanks to Alex Herbert.
o NUMBERS-154:  Precision compareTo method now handles NaN properly to ensure
    consistent sorting. Thanks to Gilles Sadowski.
o NUMBERS-149:  "Fraction": Port tests from commons-lang Fraction to
    demonstrate functional compatibility between the lang and numbers
    implementation of Fraction. Thanks to Jin Xu.
o NUMBERS-151:  "ArithmeticUtils": Refine pow(int, int) and pow(long, int) for
    edge cases. Thanks to Jin Xu.

Historical list of changes:

For complete information on Apache Commons Number, including instructions on how
to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the
Apache Commons Numbers website:

Distribution packages can be downloaded from

Matt Juntunen, on behalf of the Apache Commons Team