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Posted to by Jason Dillon <> on 2007/06/08 06:41:26 UTC

Support for running selenium-maven-plugin on headless Unix systems

Hi folks, I've added some support to use the selenium-maven-plugin on  
headless Unix systems.  Its only lightly tested, but wanted to let  
y'all know about it so you can go and test it more for me (hehe).

I've added a new `selenium:xvfb` goal, which will fire up an Xvfb  
server and then propagate the DISPLAY to the `selenium:start-server`  
goal.  Some basics docs on that are here: 

And the goal docs are here:

It basically evolves a new goal execution to run xvfb before start- 
server... and since Xvfb is not happy unless run as root, you need to  
make Xvfb SUID, or create a wrapper script to invoke it using sudo or  
something (and override the executable parameter).

Initial testing seems to indicate it works well.  Some bits to try  
and detect a free X11 display to use is in there too.

Hopefully Apache Geronimo will help test this out more for us (since  
that is who I whipped it up for).  But if anyone else wants to give  
it a whirl and provide feedback that would be great too.

New 1.0-beta-2-SNAPSHOT artifacts are deployed in the usual place.   
This also includes 0.9.2-SNAPSHOT of the Selenium bits... need to  
wait for them to release that before I can release the plugin,  
hopefully everything will work out and that will be soonish.

Oh, and there is a new Jira project for this plugin here:

So, if you find any problems or want to request a new feature please  
file it there.

