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svn commit: r1740904 - in /ctakes/trunk/ctakes-relation-extractor/src/main/java/org/apache/ctakes/relationextractor: ae/ eval/

Author: clin
Date: Mon Apr 25 21:27:22 2016
New Revision: 1740904

fix a relation bug that caused location_of category counts to keep on increasing for each grid search option.


Modified: ctakes/trunk/ctakes-relation-extractor/src/main/java/org/apache/ctakes/relationextractor/ae/
--- ctakes/trunk/ctakes-relation-extractor/src/main/java/org/apache/ctakes/relationextractor/ae/ (original)
+++ ctakes/trunk/ctakes-relation-extractor/src/main/java/org/apache/ctakes/relationextractor/ae/ Mon Apr 25 21:27:22 2016
@@ -57,263 +57,266 @@ import;
 public abstract class RelationExtractorAnnotator extends CleartkAnnotator<String> {
-  public static final String NO_RELATION_CATEGORY = "-NONE-";
+	public static final String NO_RELATION_CATEGORY = "-NONE-";
-      "ProbabilityOfKeepingANegativeExample";
-  public static Map<String, Integer> category_frequency = new LinkedHashMap<>();
-  @ConfigurationParameter(
-      mandatory = false,
-      description = "probability that a negative example should be retained for training")
-  protected double probabilityOfKeepingANegativeExample = 1.0;
-  protected Random coin = new Random(0);
-  private List<RelationFeaturesExtractor<IdentifiedAnnotation,IdentifiedAnnotation>> featureExtractors = this.getFeatureExtractors();
-  private Class<? extends Annotation> coveringClass = getCoveringClass();
-  /**
-   * Defines the list of feature extractors used by the classifier. Subclasses
-   * may override this method to provide a different set of feature extractors.
-   * 
-   * @return The list of feature extractors to use.
-   */
-  protected List<RelationFeaturesExtractor<IdentifiedAnnotation,IdentifiedAnnotation>> getFeatureExtractors() {
-    return Lists.newArrayList(
-        new TokenFeaturesExtractor(),
-        new PartOfSpeechFeaturesExtractor(),
-        new PhraseChunkingExtractor(),
-        new NamedEntityFeaturesExtractor(),
-        new DependencyTreeFeaturesExtractor(),
-        new DependencyPathFeaturesExtractor());
-  }
-  protected Class<? extends BinaryTextRelation> getRelationClass() {
-    return BinaryTextRelation.class;
-  }
-  /*
-   * Defines the type of annotation that the relation exists within (sentence,
-   * document, segment)
-   */
-  protected abstract Class<? extends Annotation> getCoveringClass();
-  /**
-   * Selects the relevant mentions/annotations within a covering annotation for
-   * relation identification/extraction.
-   */
-  protected abstract Iterable<IdentifiedAnnotationPair> getCandidateRelationArgumentPairs(
-      JCas identifiedAnnotationView,
-      Annotation coveringAnnotation);
-  /**
-   * Workaround for
-   * 
-   * Not intended for external use
-   */
-  static void allowClassifierModelOnClasspath(UimaContext context) {
-    String modelPathParam = GenericJarClassifierFactory.PARAM_CLASSIFIER_JAR_PATH;
-    String modelPath = (String) context.getConfigParameterValue(modelPathParam);
-    if (modelPath != null) {
-      URL modelClasspathURL = RelationExtractorAnnotator.class.getResource(modelPath);
-      if (modelClasspathURL != null) {
-        UimaContextAdmin contextAdmin = (UimaContextAdmin) context;
-        ConfigurationManager manager = contextAdmin.getConfigurationManager();
-        String qualifiedModelPathParam = contextAdmin.getQualifiedContextName() + modelPathParam;
-        manager.setConfigParameterValue(qualifiedModelPathParam, modelClasspathURL.toString());
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  @Override
-  public void initialize(UimaContext context) throws ResourceInitializationException {
-    allowClassifierModelOnClasspath(context);
-    super.initialize(context);
-  }
-  /*
-   * Implement the standard UIMA process method.
-   */
-  @Override
-  public void process(JCas jCas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException {
-    // lookup from pair of annotations to binary text relation
-    // note: assumes that there will be at most one relation per pair
-    Map<List<Annotation>, BinaryTextRelation> relationLookup;
-    relationLookup = new HashMap<>();
-    if (this.isTraining()) {
-      relationLookup = new HashMap<>();
-      for (BinaryTextRelation relation :, this.getRelationClass())) {
-        Annotation arg1 = relation.getArg1().getArgument();
-        Annotation arg2 = relation.getArg2().getArgument();
-        // The key is a list of args so we can do bi-directional lookup
-        List<Annotation> key = Arrays.asList(arg1, arg2);
-        if(relationLookup.containsKey(key)){
-         String reln = relationLookup.get(key).getCategory();
-         System.err.println("Error in: "+ ViewUriUtil.getURI(jCas).toString());
-         System.err.println("Error! This attempted relation " + relation.getCategory() + " already has a relation " + reln + " at this span: " + arg1.getCoveredText() + " -- " + arg2.getCoveredText());
-        }
-        relationLookup.put(key, relation);
-      }
-    }
-    // walk through each sentence in the text
-    for (Annotation coveringAnnotation :, coveringClass)) {
-      // walk through the pairs of annotations
-      for (IdentifiedAnnotationPair pair : this.getCandidateRelationArgumentPairs(jCas, coveringAnnotation)) {
-        IdentifiedAnnotation arg1 = pair.getArg1();
-        IdentifiedAnnotation arg2 = pair.getArg2();
-        // apply all the feature extractors to extract the list of features
-        List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<>();
-        for (RelationFeaturesExtractor<IdentifiedAnnotation,IdentifiedAnnotation> extractor : this.featureExtractors) {
-        	 List<Feature> feats = extractor.extract(jCas, arg1, arg2);
-        	 if (feats != null)  features.addAll(feats);
-        }
-        // sanity check on feature values
-        for (Feature feature : features) {
-          if (feature.getValue() == null) {
-        	feature.setValue("NULL");
-            String message = String.format("Null value found in %s", feature);
-            System.err.println(message);
-//            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, feature, features));
-          }
-        }
-        // during training, feed the features to the data writer
-        if (this.isTraining()) {
-          String category = this.getRelationCategory(relationLookup, arg1, arg2);
-          if (category == null) {
-            continue;
-          }
-          //populate category_frequency count:
-          if(category_frequency.containsKey(category)){
-        	  category_frequency.put(category, category_frequency.get(category)+1);
-          }else{
-        	  category_frequency.put(category, 1);
-          }
-          // create a classification instance and write it to the training data
-          this.dataWriter.write(new Instance<>(category, features));
-        }
-        // during classification feed the features to the classifier and create
-        // annotations
-        else {
-          String predictedCategory = this.classify(features);
-          // add a relation annotation if a true relation was predicted
-          if (!predictedCategory.equals(NO_RELATION_CATEGORY)) {
-            // if we predict an inverted relation, reverse the order of the
-            // arguments
-            if (predictedCategory.endsWith("-1")) {
-              predictedCategory = predictedCategory.substring(0, predictedCategory.length() - 2);
-              IdentifiedAnnotation temp = arg1;
-              arg1 = arg2;
-              arg2 = temp;
-            }
-            createRelation(jCas, arg1, arg2, predictedCategory);
-          }
-        }
-      } // end pair in pairs
-    } // end for(Sentence)
-  }
-  /**
-   * Looks up the arguments in the specified lookup table and converts the
-   * relation into a label for classification
-   * 
-   * @return If this category should not be processed for training return
-   *         <i>null</i> otherwise it returns the label sent to the datawriter
-   */
-  protected String getRelationCategory(
-      Map<List<Annotation>, BinaryTextRelation> relationLookup,
-      IdentifiedAnnotation arg1,
-      IdentifiedAnnotation arg2) {
-    BinaryTextRelation relation = relationLookup.get(Arrays.asList(arg1, arg2));
-    String category;
-    if (relation != null) {
-      category = relation.getCategory();
-    } else if (coin.nextDouble() <= this.probabilityOfKeepingANegativeExample) {
-      category = NO_RELATION_CATEGORY;
-    } else {
-      category = null;
-    }
-    return category;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Predict an outcome given a set of features. By default, this simply
-   * delegates to the object's <code>classifier</code>. Subclasses may override
-   * this method to implement more complex classification procedures.
-   * 
-   * @param features
-   *          The features to be classified.
-   * @return The predicted outcome (label) for the features.
-   */
-  protected String classify(List<Feature> features) throws CleartkProcessingException {
-    return this.classifier.classify(features);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Create a UIMA relation type based on arguments and the relation label. This
-   * allows subclasses to create/define their own types: e.g. coreference can
-   * create CoreferenceRelation instead of BinaryTextRelation
-   * 
-   * @param jCas
-   *          - JCas object, needed to create new UIMA types
-   * @param arg1
-   *          - First argument to relation
-   * @param arg2
-   *          - Second argument to relation
-   * @param predictedCategory
-   *          - Name of relation
-   */
-  protected void createRelation(
-      JCas jCas,
-      IdentifiedAnnotation arg1,
-      IdentifiedAnnotation arg2,
-      String predictedCategory) {
-    // add the relation to the CAS
-    RelationArgument relArg1 = new RelationArgument(jCas);
-    relArg1.setArgument(arg1);
-    relArg1.setRole("Argument");
-    relArg1.addToIndexes();
-    RelationArgument relArg2 = new RelationArgument(jCas);
-    relArg2.setArgument(arg2);
-    relArg2.setRole("Related_to");
-    relArg2.addToIndexes();
-    BinaryTextRelation relation = new BinaryTextRelation(jCas);
-    relation.setArg1(relArg1);
-    relation.setArg2(relArg2);
-    relation.setCategory(predictedCategory);
-    relation.addToIndexes();
-  }
-  public static class IdentifiedAnnotationPair {
-    private final IdentifiedAnnotation arg1;
-    private final IdentifiedAnnotation arg2;
-    public IdentifiedAnnotationPair(IdentifiedAnnotation arg1, IdentifiedAnnotation arg2) {
-      this.arg1 = arg1;
-      this.arg2 = arg2;
-    }
-    public final IdentifiedAnnotation getArg1() {
-      return arg1;
-    }
-    public final IdentifiedAnnotation getArg2() {
-      return arg2;
-    }
-  }
+			"ProbabilityOfKeepingANegativeExample";
+	public static Map<String, Integer> category_frequency = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+	@ConfigurationParameter(
+			mandatory = false,
+			description = "probability that a negative example should be retained for training")
+	protected double probabilityOfKeepingANegativeExample = 1.0;
+	protected Random coin = new Random(0);
+	private List<RelationFeaturesExtractor<IdentifiedAnnotation,IdentifiedAnnotation>> featureExtractors = this.getFeatureExtractors();
+	private Class<? extends Annotation> coveringClass = getCoveringClass();
+	/**
+	 * Defines the list of feature extractors used by the classifier. Subclasses
+	 * may override this method to provide a different set of feature extractors.
+	 * 
+	 * @return The list of feature extractors to use.
+	 */
+	protected List<RelationFeaturesExtractor<IdentifiedAnnotation,IdentifiedAnnotation>> getFeatureExtractors() {
+		return Lists.newArrayList(
+				new TokenFeaturesExtractor(),
+				new PartOfSpeechFeaturesExtractor(),
+				new PhraseChunkingExtractor(),
+				new NamedEntityFeaturesExtractor(),
+				new DependencyTreeFeaturesExtractor(),
+				new DependencyPathFeaturesExtractor());
+	}
+	protected Class<? extends BinaryTextRelation> getRelationClass() {
+		return BinaryTextRelation.class;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Defines the type of annotation that the relation exists within (sentence,
+	 * document, segment)
+	 */
+	protected abstract Class<? extends Annotation> getCoveringClass();
+	/**
+	 * Selects the relevant mentions/annotations within a covering annotation for
+	 * relation identification/extraction.
+	 */
+	protected abstract Iterable<IdentifiedAnnotationPair> getCandidateRelationArgumentPairs(
+			JCas identifiedAnnotationView,
+			Annotation coveringAnnotation);
+	/**
+	 * Workaround for
+	 * 
+	 * Not intended for external use
+	 */
+	static void allowClassifierModelOnClasspath(UimaContext context) {
+		String modelPathParam = GenericJarClassifierFactory.PARAM_CLASSIFIER_JAR_PATH;
+		String modelPath = (String) context.getConfigParameterValue(modelPathParam);
+		if (modelPath != null) {
+			URL modelClasspathURL = RelationExtractorAnnotator.class.getResource(modelPath);
+			if (modelClasspathURL != null) {
+				UimaContextAdmin contextAdmin = (UimaContextAdmin) context;
+				ConfigurationManager manager = contextAdmin.getConfigurationManager();
+				String qualifiedModelPathParam = contextAdmin.getQualifiedContextName() + modelPathParam;
+				manager.setConfigParameterValue(qualifiedModelPathParam, modelClasspathURL.toString());
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	@Override
+	public void initialize(UimaContext context) throws ResourceInitializationException {
+		allowClassifierModelOnClasspath(context);
+		super.initialize(context);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Implement the standard UIMA process method.
+	 */
+	@Override
+	public void process(JCas jCas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException {
+		// lookup from pair of annotations to binary text relation
+		// note: assumes that there will be at most one relation per pair
+		Map<List<Annotation>, BinaryTextRelation> relationLookup;
+		relationLookup = new HashMap<>();
+		if (this.isTraining()) {
+			relationLookup = new HashMap<>();
+			for (BinaryTextRelation relation :, this.getRelationClass())) {
+				Annotation arg1 = relation.getArg1().getArgument();
+				Annotation arg2 = relation.getArg2().getArgument();
+				// The key is a list of args so we can do bi-directional lookup
+				List<Annotation> key = Arrays.asList(arg1, arg2);
+				if(relationLookup.containsKey(key)){
+					String reln = relationLookup.get(key).getCategory();
+					System.err.println("Error in: "+ ViewUriUtil.getURI(jCas).toString());
+					System.err.println("Error! This attempted relation " + relation.getCategory() + " already has a relation " + reln + " at this span: " + arg1.getCoveredText() + " -- " + arg2.getCoveredText());
+				}
+				relationLookup.put(key, relation);
+			}
+		}
+		// walk through each sentence in the text
+		for (Annotation coveringAnnotation :, coveringClass)) {
+			// walk through the pairs of annotations
+			for (IdentifiedAnnotationPair pair : this.getCandidateRelationArgumentPairs(jCas, coveringAnnotation)) {
+				IdentifiedAnnotation arg1 = pair.getArg1();
+				IdentifiedAnnotation arg2 = pair.getArg2();
+				// apply all the feature extractors to extract the list of features
+				List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<>();
+				for (RelationFeaturesExtractor<IdentifiedAnnotation,IdentifiedAnnotation> extractor : this.featureExtractors) {
+					List<Feature> feats = extractor.extract(jCas, arg1, arg2);
+					if (feats != null)  features.addAll(feats);
+				}
+				// sanity check on feature values
+				for (Feature feature : features) {
+					if (feature.getValue() == null) {
+						feature.setValue("NULL");
+						String message = String.format("Null value found in %s", feature);
+						System.err.println(message);
+						//            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, feature, features));
+					}
+				}
+				// during training, feed the features to the data writer
+				if (this.isTraining()) {
+					String category = this.getRelationCategory(relationLookup, arg1, arg2);
+					if (category == null) {
+						continue;
+					}
+					//populate category_frequency count:
+					if(category_frequency.containsKey(category)){
+						category_frequency.put(category, category_frequency.get(category)+1);
+					}else{
+						category_frequency.put(category, 1);
+					}
+					// create a classification instance and write it to the training data
+					this.dataWriter.write(new Instance<>(category, features));
+				}
+				// during classification feed the features to the classifier and create
+				// annotations
+				else {
+					String predictedCategory = this.classify(features);
+					// add a relation annotation if a true relation was predicted
+					if (!predictedCategory.equals(NO_RELATION_CATEGORY)) {
+						// if we predict an inverted relation, reverse the order of the
+						// arguments
+						if (predictedCategory.endsWith("-1")) {
+							predictedCategory = predictedCategory.substring(0, predictedCategory.length() - 2);
+							IdentifiedAnnotation temp = arg1;
+							arg1 = arg2;
+							arg2 = temp;
+						}
+						createRelation(jCas, arg1, arg2, predictedCategory);
+					}
+				}
+			} // end pair in pairs
+		} // end for(Sentence)
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Looks up the arguments in the specified lookup table and converts the
+	 * relation into a label for classification
+	 * 
+	 * @return If this category should not be processed for training return
+	 *         <i>null</i> otherwise it returns the label sent to the datawriter
+	 */
+	protected String getRelationCategory(
+			Map<List<Annotation>, BinaryTextRelation> relationLookup,
+			IdentifiedAnnotation arg1,
+			IdentifiedAnnotation arg2) {
+		BinaryTextRelation relation = relationLookup.get(Arrays.asList(arg1, arg2));
+		String category;
+		if (relation != null) {
+			category = relation.getCategory();
+		} else if (coin.nextDouble() <= this.probabilityOfKeepingANegativeExample) {
+			category = NO_RELATION_CATEGORY;
+		} else {
+			category = null;
+		}
+		return category;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Predict an outcome given a set of features. By default, this simply
+	 * delegates to the object's <code>classifier</code>. Subclasses may override
+	 * this method to implement more complex classification procedures.
+	 * 
+	 * @param features
+	 *          The features to be classified.
+	 * @return The predicted outcome (label) for the features.
+	 */
+	protected String classify(List<Feature> features) throws CleartkProcessingException {
+		return this.classifier.classify(features);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Create a UIMA relation type based on arguments and the relation label. This
+	 * allows subclasses to create/define their own types: e.g. coreference can
+	 * create CoreferenceRelation instead of BinaryTextRelation
+	 * 
+	 * @param jCas
+	 *          - JCas object, needed to create new UIMA types
+	 * @param arg1
+	 *          - First argument to relation
+	 * @param arg2
+	 *          - Second argument to relation
+	 * @param predictedCategory
+	 *          - Name of relation
+	 */
+	protected void createRelation(
+			JCas jCas,
+			IdentifiedAnnotation arg1,
+			IdentifiedAnnotation arg2,
+			String predictedCategory) {
+		// add the relation to the CAS
+		RelationArgument relArg1 = new RelationArgument(jCas);
+		relArg1.setArgument(arg1);
+		relArg1.setRole("Argument");
+		relArg1.addToIndexes();
+		RelationArgument relArg2 = new RelationArgument(jCas);
+		relArg2.setArgument(arg2);
+		relArg2.setRole("Related_to");
+		relArg2.addToIndexes();
+		BinaryTextRelation relation = new BinaryTextRelation(jCas);
+		relation.setArg1(relArg1);
+		relation.setArg2(relArg2);
+		relation.setCategory(predictedCategory);
+		relation.addToIndexes();
+	}
+	public static class IdentifiedAnnotationPair {
+		private final IdentifiedAnnotation arg1;
+		private final IdentifiedAnnotation arg2;
+		public IdentifiedAnnotationPair(IdentifiedAnnotation arg1, IdentifiedAnnotation arg2) {
+			this.arg1 = arg1;
+			this.arg2 = arg2;
+		}
+		public final IdentifiedAnnotation getArg1() {
+			return arg1;
+		}
+		public final IdentifiedAnnotation getArg2() {
+			return arg2;
+		}
+	}
+	public static void clearCategoryFrequency() {
+		category_frequency = new LinkedHashMap<>();	
+	}

Modified: ctakes/trunk/ctakes-relation-extractor/src/main/java/org/apache/ctakes/relationextractor/eval/
--- ctakes/trunk/ctakes-relation-extractor/src/main/java/org/apache/ctakes/relationextractor/eval/ (original)
+++ ctakes/trunk/ctakes-relation-extractor/src/main/java/org/apache/ctakes/relationextractor/eval/ Mon Apr 25 21:27:22 2016
@@ -374,6 +374,8 @@ public class RelationExtractorEvaluation
 			List<String> parameters = new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(this.parameterSettings.trainingArguments));
 			List<String> additional = Arrays.asList(weightArray);
+			RelationExtractorAnnotator.clearCategoryFrequency();
 			// train the classifier and package it into a .jar file
 			JarClassifierBuilder.trainAndPackage(directory, parameters.toArray(new String[parameters.size()]));