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Posted to by on 2016/04/05 08:43:47 UTC

svn commit: r1737782 [43/45] - in /tomee/site/trunk/content/ng: ./ admin/ admin/cluster/ admin/configuration/ advanced/ advanced/applicationcomposer/ advanced/setup/ advanced/shading/ advanced/tomee-embedded/ blog/ blog/2016/ blog/2016/03/ community/ c...

Added: tomee/site/trunk/content/ng/js/typed.js
--- tomee/site/trunk/content/ng/js/typed.js (added)
+++ tomee/site/trunk/content/ng/js/typed.js Tue Apr  5 06:43:46 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+// The MIT License (MIT)
+// Typed.js | Copyright (c) 2014 Matt Boldt |
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+! function($) {
+    "use strict";
+    var Typed = function(el, options) {
+        // chosen element to manipulate text
+        this.el = $(el);
+        // options
+        this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.typed.defaults, options);
+        // attribute to type into
+        this.isInput ='input');
+        this.attr = this.options.attr;
+        // show cursor
+        this.showCursor = this.isInput ? false : this.options.showCursor;
+        // text content of element
+        this.elContent = this.attr ? this.el.attr(this.attr) : this.el.text()
+        // html or plain text
+        this.contentType = this.options.contentType;
+        // typing speed
+        this.typeSpeed = this.options.typeSpeed;
+        // add a delay before typing starts
+        this.startDelay = this.options.startDelay;
+        // backspacing speed
+        this.backSpeed = this.options.backSpeed;
+        // amount of time to wait before backspacing
+        this.backDelay = this.options.backDelay;
+        // input strings of text
+        this.strings = this.options.strings;
+        // character number position of current string
+        this.strPos = 0;
+        // current array position
+        this.arrayPos = 0;
+        // number to stop backspacing on.
+        // default 0, can change depending on how many chars
+        // you want to remove at the time
+        this.stopNum = 0;
+        // Looping logic
+        this.loop = this.options.loop;
+        this.loopCount = this.options.loopCount;
+        this.curLoop = 0;
+        // for stopping
+        this.stop = false;
+        // custom cursor
+        this.cursorChar = this.options.cursorChar;
+        // shuffle the strings
+        this.shuffle = this.options.shuffle;
+        // the order of strings
+        this.sequence = [];
+        // All systems go!
+    };
+    Typed.prototype = {
+        constructor: Typed
+        ,
+        init: function() {
+            // begin the loop w/ first current string (global self.string)
+            // current string will be passed as an argument each time after this
+            var self = this;
+            self.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
+                for (var i=0;i<self.strings.length;++i) self.sequence[i]=i;
+                // shuffle the array if true
+                if(self.shuffle) self.sequence = self.shuffleArray(self.sequence);
+                // Start typing
+                self.typewrite(self.strings[self.sequence[self.arrayPos]], self.strPos);
+            }, self.startDelay);
+        }
+        ,
+        build: function() {
+            // Insert cursor
+            if (this.showCursor === true) {
+                this.cursor = $("<span class=\"typed-cursor\">" + this.cursorChar + "</span>");
+                this.el.after(this.cursor);
+            }
+            this.init();
+        }
+        // pass current string state to each function, types 1 char per call
+        ,
+        typewrite: function(curString, curStrPos) {
+            // exit when stopped
+            if (this.stop === true) {
+                return;
+            }
+            // varying values for setTimeout during typing
+            // can't be global since number changes each time loop is executed
+            var humanize = Math.round(Math.random() * (100 - 30)) + this.typeSpeed;
+            var self = this;
+            // ------------- optional ------------- //
+            // backpaces a certain string faster
+            // ------------------------------------ //
+            // if (self.arrayPos == 1){
+            //  self.backDelay = 50;
+            // }
+            // else{ self.backDelay = 500; }
+            // contain typing function in a timeout humanize'd delay
+            self.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
+                // check for an escape character before a pause value
+                // format: \^\d+ .. eg: ^1000 .. should be able to print the ^ too using ^^
+                // single ^ are removed from string
+                var charPause = 0;
+                var substr = curString.substr(curStrPos);
+                if (substr.charAt(0) === '^') {
+                    var skip = 1; // skip atleast 1
+                    if (/^\^\d+/.test(substr)) {
+                        substr = /\d+/.exec(substr)[0];
+                        skip += substr.length;
+                        charPause = parseInt(substr);
+                    }
+                    // strip out the escape character and pause value so they're not printed
+                    curString = curString.substring(0, curStrPos) + curString.substring(curStrPos + skip);
+                }
+                if (self.contentType === 'html') {
+                    // skip over html tags while typing
+                    var curChar = curString.substr(curStrPos).charAt(0)
+                    if (curChar === '<' || curChar === '&') {
+                        var tag = '';
+                        var endTag = '';
+                        if (curChar === '<') {
+                            endTag = '>'
+                        } else {
+                            endTag = ';'
+                        }
+                        while (curString.substr(curStrPos).charAt(0) !== endTag) {
+                            tag += curString.substr(curStrPos).charAt(0);
+                            curStrPos++;
+                        }
+                        curStrPos++;
+                        tag += endTag;
+                    }
+                }
+                // timeout for any pause after a character
+                self.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
+                    if (curStrPos === curString.length) {
+                        // fires callback function
+                        self.options.onStringTyped(self.arrayPos);
+                        // is this the final string
+                        if (self.arrayPos === self.strings.length - 1) {
+                            // animation that occurs on the last typed string
+                            self.options.callback();
+                            self.curLoop++;
+                            // quit if we wont loop back
+                            if (self.loop === false || self.curLoop === self.loopCount)
+                                return;
+                        }
+                        self.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
+                            self.backspace(curString, curStrPos);
+                        }, self.backDelay);
+                    } else {
+                        /* call before functions if applicable */
+                        if (curStrPos === 0)
+                            self.options.preStringTyped(self.arrayPos);
+                        // start typing each new char into existing string
+                        // curString: arg, self.el.html: original text inside element
+                        var nextString = curString.substr(0, curStrPos + 1);
+                        if (self.attr) {
+                            self.el.attr(self.attr, nextString);
+                        } else {
+                            if (self.isInput) {
+                                self.el.val(nextString);
+                            } else if (self.contentType === 'html') {
+                                self.el.html(nextString);
+                            } else {
+                                self.el.text(nextString);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        // add characters one by one
+                        curStrPos++;
+                        // loop the function
+                        self.typewrite(curString, curStrPos);
+                    }
+                    // end of character pause
+                }, charPause);
+                // humanized value for typing
+            }, humanize);
+        }
+        ,
+        backspace: function(curString, curStrPos) {
+            // exit when stopped
+            if (this.stop === true) {
+                return;
+            }
+            // varying values for setTimeout during typing
+            // can't be global since number changes each time loop is executed
+            var humanize = Math.round(Math.random() * (100 - 30)) + this.backSpeed;
+            var self = this;
+            self.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
+                // ----- this part is optional ----- //
+                // check string array position
+                // on the first string, only delete one word
+                // the stopNum actually represents the amount of chars to
+                // keep in the current string. In my case it's 14.
+                // if (self.arrayPos == 1){
+                //  self.stopNum = 14;
+                // }
+                //every other time, delete the whole typed string
+                // else{
+                //  self.stopNum = 0;
+                // }
+                if (self.contentType === 'html') {
+                    // skip over html tags while backspacing
+                    if (curString.substr(curStrPos).charAt(0) === '>') {
+                        var tag = '';
+                        while (curString.substr(curStrPos).charAt(0) !== '<') {
+                            tag -= curString.substr(curStrPos).charAt(0);
+                            curStrPos--;
+                        }
+                        curStrPos--;
+                        tag += '<';
+                    }
+                }
+                // ----- continue important stuff ----- //
+                // replace text with base text + typed characters
+                var nextString = curString.substr(0, curStrPos);
+                if (self.attr) {
+                    self.el.attr(self.attr, nextString);
+                } else {
+                    if (self.isInput) {
+                        self.el.val(nextString);
+                    } else if (self.contentType === 'html') {
+                        self.el.html(nextString);
+                    } else {
+                        self.el.text(nextString);
+                    }
+                }
+                // if the number (id of character in current string) is
+                // less than the stop number, keep going
+                if (curStrPos > self.stopNum) {
+                    // subtract characters one by one
+                    curStrPos--;
+                    // loop the function
+                    self.backspace(curString, curStrPos);
+                }
+                // if the stop number has been reached, increase
+                // array position to next string
+                else if (curStrPos <= self.stopNum) {
+                    self.arrayPos++;
+                    if (self.arrayPos === self.strings.length) {
+                        self.arrayPos = 0;
+                        // Shuffle sequence again
+                        if(self.shuffle) self.sequence = self.shuffleArray(self.sequence);
+                        self.init();
+                    } else
+                        self.typewrite(self.strings[self.sequence[self.arrayPos]], curStrPos);
+                }
+                // humanized value for typing
+            }, humanize);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Shuffles the numbers in the given array.
+         * @param {Array} array
+         * @returns {Array}
+         */
+        ,shuffleArray: function(array) {
+            var tmp, current, top = array.length;
+            if(top) while(--top) {
+                current = Math.floor(Math.random() * (top + 1));
+                tmp = array[current];
+                array[current] = array[top];
+                array[top] = tmp;
+            }
+            return array;
+        }
+        // Start & Stop currently not working
+        // , stop: function() {
+        //     var self = this;
+        //     self.stop = true;
+        //     clearInterval(self.timeout);
+        // }
+        // , start: function() {
+        //     var self = this;
+        //     if(self.stop === false)
+        //        return;
+        //     this.stop = false;
+        //     this.init();
+        // }
+        // Reset and rebuild the element
+        ,
+        reset: function() {
+            var self = this;
+            clearInterval(self.timeout);
+            var id = this.el.attr('id');
+            this.el.after('<span id="' + id + '"/>')
+            this.el.remove();
+            if (typeof this.cursor !== 'undefined') {
+                this.cursor.remove();
+            }
+            // Send the callback
+            self.options.resetCallback();
+        }
+    };
+    $.fn.typed = function(option) {
+        return this.each(function() {
+            var $this = $(this),
+                data = $'typed'),
+                options = typeof option == 'object' && option;
+            if (!data) $'typed', (data = new Typed(this, options)));
+            if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]();
+        });
+    };
+    $.fn.typed.defaults = {
+        strings: ["These are the default values...", "You know what you should do?", "Use your own!", "Have a great day!"],
+        // typing speed
+        typeSpeed: 0,
+        // time before typing starts
+        startDelay: 0,
+        // backspacing speed
+        backSpeed: 0,
+        // shuffle the strings
+        shuffle: false,
+        // time before backspacing
+        backDelay: 500,
+        // loop
+        loop: false,
+        // false = infinite
+        loopCount: false,
+        // show cursor
+        showCursor: true,
+        // character for cursor
+        cursorChar: "|",
+        // attribute to type (null == text)
+        attr: null,
+        // either html or text
+        contentType: 'html',
+        // call when done callback function
+        callback: function() {},
+        // starting callback function before each string
+        preStringTyped: function() {},
+        //callback for every typed string
+        onStringTyped: function() {},
+        // callback for reset
+        resetCallback: function() {}
+    };
\ No newline at end of file

Added: tomee/site/trunk/content/ng/js/typewriter.js
--- tomee/site/trunk/content/ng/js/typewriter.js (added)
+++ tomee/site/trunk/content/ng/js/typewriter.js Tue Apr  5 06:43:46 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// typewriter
+// 3215287
+(function($, w, d, undefined) {
+  function typewriter() {
+    // Globals 
+    var self = this, speed;
+    function init(element, options) {
+            // Set Globals
+      var str;
+      var indice = 0;
+      self.options = $.extend( {}, $.fn.typewriter.options, options );
+      $currentElement = $(element);
+      elementStr = $currentElement.text().replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
+      dataSpeed  = $"speed") || self.options.speed;
+      $currentElement.empty();
+      var showText = setInterval(
+				function(){
+					if (indice++ < elementStr.length) {
+			      $currentElement.append(elementStr[indice - 1]);
+			    }else{
+			    	clearInterval(showText);
+			    }
+				}, dataSpeed);
+      // self.animation = setInterval(function(){animate_calification()}, 20);
+    }
+    // Metodos publicos
+    return {
+      init: init
+    }
+  }
+  // Plugin jQuery
+  $.fn.typewriter = function(options) {
+    return this.each(function () {
+    	var writer =  new typewriter();
+      writer.init(this, options);
+      $.data( this, 'typewriter', writer);
+    });
+  };
+  $.fn.typewriter.options = {
+    'speed' : 300
+  };
+})(jQuery, window, document);
\ No newline at end of file

Added: tomee/site/trunk/content/ng/js/wow.min.js
--- tomee/site/trunk/content/ng/js/wow.min.js (added)
+++ tomee/site/trunk/content/ng/js/wow.min.js Tue Apr  5 06:43:46 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/*! WOW - v1.1.2 - 2015-04-07
+* Copyright (c) 2015 Matthieu Aussaguel; Licensed MIT */(function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f=function(a,b){return function(){return a.apply(b,arguments)}},g=[].indexOf||function(a){for(var b=0,c=this.length;c>b;b++)if(b in this&&this[b]===a)return b;return-1};b=function(){function a(){}return a.prototype.extend=function(a,b){var c,d;for(c in b)d=b[c],null==a[c]&&(a[c]=d);return a},a.prototype.isMobile=function(a){return/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(a)},a.prototype.createEvent=function(a,b,c,d){var e;return null==b&&(b=!1),null==c&&(c=!1),null==d&&(d=null),null!=document.createEvent?(e=document.createEvent("CustomEvent"),e.initCustomEvent(a,b,c,d)):null!=document.createEventObject?(e=document.createEventObject(),e.eventType=a):e.eventName=a,e},a.prototype.emitEvent=function(a,b){return null!=a.dispatchEvent?a.dispatchEvent(b):b in(null!=a)?a[b]():"on"+b in(null!=a)?a["on"+b]():void 0},a.prototype.addEvent=function(a,b,c){return null!=a.addEventListener?
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 (){return null!=this._util?this._util:this._util=new b},e.prototype.disabled=function(){return!},e}()}).call(this);
\ No newline at end of file

Added: tomee/site/trunk/content/ng/security/index.html
--- tomee/site/trunk/content/ng/security/index.html (added)
+++ tomee/site/trunk/content/ng/security/index.html Tue Apr  5 06:43:46 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+	<meta charset="UTF-8">
+	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
+	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+	<title>Apache TomEE</title>
+	<meta name="description" content="Apache TomEE is a light JavaEE server with a lot tooling" />
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+              <h2>Security</h2>
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+<h3 id="_security_updates">Security updates</h3>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Please note that, except in rare circumstances, binary patches are not produced for individual vulnerabilities. To obtain the binary fix for a particular vulnerability you should upgrade to an Apache TomEE version where that vulnerability has been fixed.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Source patches, usually in the form of references to SVN commits, may be provided in either in a vulnerability announcement and/or the vulnerability details listed on these pages. These source patches may be used by users wishing to build their own local version of TomEE with just that security patch rather than upgrade.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>The Apache Software Foundation takes a very active stance in eliminating security problems and denial of service attacks against Apache projects.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>We strongly encourage folks to report such problems to the private security mailing list first, before disclosing them in a public forum.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Please note that the security mailing list should only be used for reporting undisclosed security vulnerabilities in Apache projects and managing the process of fixing such vulnerabilities. We cannot accept regular bug reports or other queries at this address. All mail sent to this address that does not relate to an undisclosed security problem will be ignored.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>If you need to report a bug that isn&#8217;t an undisclosed security vulnerability, please use the bug reporting system.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Questions about:</p>
+<div class="ulist">
+<p>how to configure TomEE securely</p>
+<p>if a vulnerability applies to your particular application</p>
+<p>obtaining further information on a published vulnerability</p>
+<p>availability of patches and/or new releases</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>should be addressed to the <a href="support.html">users mailing list</a>.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>The private security mailing address is: security (at) apache (dot) org</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Note that all networked servers are subject to denial of service attacks, and we cannot promise magic workarounds to generic problems (such as a client streaming lots of data to your server, or re-requesting the same URL repeatedly). In general our philosophy is to avoid any attacks which can cause the server to consume resources in a non-linear relationship to the size of inputs.</p>
+<div class="sect2">
+<h3 id="_third_party_projects">Third-party projects</h3>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Apache is built with the following components. Please see the security advisories information for each component for more information on the security vulnerabilities and issues that may affect that component.</p>
+<div class="ulist">
+<p>Apache Tomcat 7.x: Tomcat 7 security advisories</p>
+<p>Apache OpenJPA</p>
+<p>Apache CXF: CXF Security Advisories</p>
+<p>Apache OpenWebBeans</p>
+<p>Apache MyFaces</p>
+<p>Apache Bean Validation</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>By default any regular TomEE releases uses latest sub project releases, so that we can follow all security fixes as much as possible.</p>
+<div class="sect2">
+<h3 id="_apache_tomee_versioning_details">Apache TomEE versioning details</h3>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>As security is a key concern in many companies, TomEE team also considers to deliver specific security fixes for those external projects being fixed. For instance, if Tomcat fixes a security issue in Tomcat x.y.z, used in TomEE a.b.c, we will consider packaging a new security update release using the new Tomcat release.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>In order to achieve a smoothly migration patch between a TomEE version and a security update, the TomEE team has decided to adopt the following versioning major.minor.patch[.security update]</p>
+<div class="ulist">
+<p>major ([0-9]+): it refers mainly to the Java EE version we implement. 1.x for Java EE 6 for example.</p>
+<p>minor ([0-9]+): contains features, bugfixes and security fixes (internal or third-party)</p>
+<p>patch ([0-9]+): only bugfixes applied</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Optionally we can concatenate a security update to the version if TomEE source base if not impacted but only a dependency. Note this didn&#8217;t happen yet.</p>
+<div class="sect2">
+<h3 id="_additional_information">Additional information</h3>
+<div class="sect3">
+<h4 id="_secunia">Secunia</h4>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>Secunia is an international IT security company specialising in vulnerability management based in Copenhagen, Denmark.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>There is an Apache Software Foundation vendor declared so you can follow all vulnerabilities related to Apache products. Of course, a Apache TomEE product is also available so you can search for know advisories.</p>
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+<h3 id="_links">Links</h3>
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+<p><a href="" class="bare"></a></p>
+<p><a href="" class="bare"></a></p>
+<p><a href="" class="bare"></a></p>
+<p><a href="">Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures database</a></p>
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