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spark git commit: [SPARK-12719][SQL] SQL generation support for Generate

Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 8ef3399af -> 1974d1d34

[SPARK-12719][SQL] SQL generation support for Generate

## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR adds SQL generation support for `Generate` operator. It always converts `Generate` operator into `LATERAL VIEW` format as there are many limitations to put UDTF in project list.

This PR is based on, please see the last commit to review the real changes.

Thanks dilipbiswal for his initial work! Takes over

## How was this patch tested?

new tests in `LogicalPlanToSQLSuite`

Author: Wenchen Fan <>

Closes #11696 from cloud-fan/generate.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 1974d1d34d42c91730eaf45f7958cfab4827a14c
Parents: 8ef3399
Author: Wenchen Fan <>
Authored: Thu Mar 17 20:25:05 2016 +0800
Committer: Wenchen Fan <>
Committed: Thu Mar 17 20:25:05 2016 +0800

 .../org/apache/spark/sql/hive/SQLBuilder.scala  |  65 +++++++++--
 .../spark/sql/hive/LogicalPlanToSQLSuite.scala  | 112 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 170 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sql/hive/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/SQLBuilder.scala b/sql/hive/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/SQLBuilder.scala
index cd417ce..05dfad2 100644
--- a/sql/hive/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/SQLBuilder.scala
+++ b/sql/hive/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/SQLBuilder.scala
@@ -126,6 +126,9 @@ class SQLBuilder(logicalPlan: LogicalPlan, sqlContext: SQLContext) extends Loggi
     case w: Window =>
+    case g: Generate =>
+      generateToSQL(g)
     case Limit(limitExpr, child) =>
       s"${toSQL(child)} LIMIT ${limitExpr.sql}"
@@ -250,6 +253,42 @@ class SQLBuilder(logicalPlan: LogicalPlan, sqlContext: SQLContext) extends Loggi
+  private def generateToSQL(g: Generate): String = {
+    val columnAliases =",")
+    val childSQL = if (g.child == OneRowRelation) {
+      // This only happens when we put UDTF in project list and there is no FROM clause. Because we
+      // always generate LATERAL VIEW for `Generate`, here we use a trick to put a dummy sub-query
+      // after FROM clause, so that we can generate a valid LATERAL VIEW SQL string.
+      // For example, if the original SQL is: "SELECT EXPLODE(ARRAY(1, 2))", we will convert in to
+      // LATERAL VIEW format, and generate:
+      // SELECT col FROM (SELECT 1) sub-q0 LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE(ARRAY(1, 2)) sub_q1 AS col
+      s"(SELECT 1) ${SQLBuilder.newSubqueryName}"
+    } else {
+      toSQL(g.child)
+    }
+    // The final SQL string for Generate contains 7 parts:
+    //   1. the SQL of child, can be a table or sub-query
+    //   2. the LATERAL VIEW keyword
+    //   3. an optional OUTER keyword
+    //   4. the SQL of generator, e.g. EXPLODE(array_col)
+    //   5. the table alias for output columns of generator.
+    //   6. the AS keyword
+    //   7. the column alias, can be more than one, e.g. AS key, value
+    // An concrete example: "tbl LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE(map_col) sub_q AS key, value", and the builder
+    // will put it in FROM clause later.
+    build(
+      childSQL,
+      "LATERAL VIEW",
+      if (g.outer) "OUTER" else "",
+      g.generator.sql,
+      SQLBuilder.newSubqueryName,
+      "AS",
+      columnAliases
+    )
+  }
   private def sameOutput(output1: Seq[Attribute], output2: Seq[Attribute]): Boolean =
     output1.size == output2.size && => pair._1.semanticEquals(pair._2))
@@ -423,6 +462,17 @@ class SQLBuilder(logicalPlan: LogicalPlan, sqlContext: SQLContext) extends Loggi
         case j: Join => j.copy(
           left = addSubqueryIfNeeded(j.left),
           right = addSubqueryIfNeeded(j.right))
+        // A special case for Generate. When we put UDTF in project list, followed by WHERE, e.g.
+        // SELECT EXPLODE(arr) FROM tbl WHERE id > 1, the Filter operator will be under Generate
+        // operator and we need to add a sub-query between them, as it's not allowed to have a WHERE
+        // before LATERAL VIEW, e.g. "... FROM tbl WHERE id > 2 EXPLODE(arr) ..." is illegal.
+        case g @ Generate(_, _, _, _, _, f: Filter) =>
+          // Add an extra `Project` to make sure we can generate legal SQL string for sub-query,
+          // for example, Subquery -> Filter -> Table will generate "(tbl WHERE ...) AS name", which
+          // misses the SELECT part.
+          val proj = Project(f.output, f)
+          g.copy(child = addSubquery(proj))
@@ -431,13 +481,14 @@ class SQLBuilder(logicalPlan: LogicalPlan, sqlContext: SQLContext) extends Loggi
     private def addSubqueryIfNeeded(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan match {
-      case _: SubqueryAlias => plan
-      case _: Filter => plan
-      case _: Join => plan
-      case _: LocalLimit => plan
-      case _: GlobalLimit => plan
-      case _: SQLTable => plan
-      case OneRowRelation => plan
+      case _: SubqueryAlias |
+           _: Filter |
+           _: Join |
+           _: LocalLimit |
+           _: GlobalLimit |
+           _: SQLTable |
+           _: Generate |
+           OneRowRelation => plan
       case _ => addSubquery(plan)
diff --git a/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/LogicalPlanToSQLSuite.scala b/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/LogicalPlanToSQLSuite.scala
index ca46c22..f3cb6f8 100644
--- a/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/LogicalPlanToSQLSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/LogicalPlanToSQLSuite.scala
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ package org.apache.spark.sql.hive
 import scala.util.control.NonFatal
+import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
 import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
 import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SQLTestUtils
@@ -45,12 +46,28 @@ class LogicalPlanToSQLSuite extends SQLBuilderTest with SQLTestUtils {
       .select('id as 'a, 'id as 'b, 'id as 'c, 'id as 'd)
+    def createArray(id: Column): Column = {
+      when(id % 3 === 0, lit(null)).otherwise(array('id, 'id + 1))
+    }
+    sqlContext
+      .range(10)
+      .select(
+        createArray('id).as("arr"),
+        array(array('id), createArray('id)).as("arr2"),
+        lit("""{"f1": "1", "f2": "2", "f3": 3}""").as("json"),
+        'id
+      )
+      .write
+      .saveAsTable("parquet_t3")
   override protected def afterAll(): Unit = {
     sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS parquet_t0")
     sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS parquet_t1")
     sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS parquet_t2")
+    sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS parquet_t3")
     sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t0")
@@ -625,4 +642,99 @@ class LogicalPlanToSQLSuite extends SQLBuilderTest with SQLTestUtils {
         |HAVING MAX(a.KEY) > 0
+  test("generator in project list without FROM clause") {
+    checkHiveQl("SELECT EXPLODE(ARRAY(1,2,3))")
+    checkHiveQl("SELECT EXPLODE(ARRAY(1,2,3)) AS val")
+  }
+  test("generator in project list with non-referenced table") {
+    checkHiveQl("SELECT EXPLODE(ARRAY(1,2,3)) FROM t0")
+    checkHiveQl("SELECT EXPLODE(ARRAY(1,2,3)) AS val FROM t0")
+  }
+  test("generator in project list with referenced table") {
+    checkHiveQl("SELECT EXPLODE(arr) FROM parquet_t3")
+    checkHiveQl("SELECT EXPLODE(arr) AS val FROM parquet_t3")
+  }
+  test("generator in project list with non-UDTF expressions") {
+    checkHiveQl("SELECT EXPLODE(arr), id FROM parquet_t3")
+    checkHiveQl("SELECT EXPLODE(arr) AS val, id as a FROM parquet_t3")
+  }
+  test("generator in lateral view") {
+    checkHiveQl("SELECT val, id FROM parquet_t3 LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE(arr) exp AS val")
+    checkHiveQl("SELECT val, id FROM parquet_t3 LATERAL VIEW OUTER EXPLODE(arr) exp AS val")
+  }
+  test("generator in lateral view with ambiguous names") {
+    checkHiveQl(
+      """
+        |SELECT,
+        |FROM parquet_t3
+        |LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE(arr) exp AS id
+      """.stripMargin)
+    checkHiveQl(
+      """
+        |SELECT,
+        |FROM parquet_t3
+        |LATERAL VIEW OUTER EXPLODE(arr) exp AS id
+      """.stripMargin)
+  }
+  test("use JSON_TUPLE as generator") {
+    checkHiveQl(
+      """
+        |SELECT c0, c1, c2
+        |FROM parquet_t3
+        |LATERAL VIEW JSON_TUPLE(json, 'f1', 'f2', 'f3') jt
+      """.stripMargin)
+    checkHiveQl(
+      """
+        |SELECT a, b, c
+        |FROM parquet_t3
+        |LATERAL VIEW JSON_TUPLE(json, 'f1', 'f2', 'f3') jt AS a, b, c
+      """.stripMargin)
+  }
+  test("nested generator in lateral view") {
+    checkHiveQl(
+      """
+        |SELECT val, id
+        |FROM parquet_t3
+        |LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE(arr2) exp1 AS nested_array
+        |LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE(nested_array) exp1 AS val
+      """.stripMargin)
+    checkHiveQl(
+      """
+        |SELECT val, id
+        |FROM parquet_t3
+        |LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE(arr2) exp1 AS nested_array
+        |LATERAL VIEW OUTER EXPLODE(nested_array) exp1 AS val
+      """.stripMargin)
+  }
+  test("generate with other operators") {
+    checkHiveQl(
+      """
+        |SELECT EXPLODE(arr) AS val, id
+        |FROM parquet_t3
+        |WHERE id > 2
+        |ORDER BY val, id
+        |LIMIT 5
+      """.stripMargin)
+    checkHiveQl(
+      """
+        |SELECT val, id
+        |FROM parquet_t3
+        |LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE(arr2) exp1 AS nested_array
+        |LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE(nested_array) exp1 AS val
+        |WHERE val > 2
+        |ORDER BY val, id
+        |LIMIT 5
+      """.stripMargin)
+  }

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