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Posted to by "Rullo, Federico" <> on 2023/06/01 09:26:33 UTC

HTTP rest server component


We are currently trying to use the Http server adapter to send some external inputs in our pipeline through a POST operation, but we cannot manage to find the location of this server.
We initially thought it was localhost, but it's not correct.

Can you please give us more info about it?



Federico Rullo

GFT Italia S.r.l.
Via A. Rimassa, 51/2
16129 Genova, Italy

T +39 025 8158169<> <>

Registered office: GFT Italia S.r.l., Via Sile 18, 20139 Milan (Italy)
VAT Code and number of registration with the Companies' Register of Milan: 00819200478
Corporate capital: Euro 1,000,000 fully paid-in

Company subject to the direction and coordination activity of GFT Technologies SE

Ai sensi del Regolamento UE 2016/679 (GDPR) e delle Linee Guida per posta elettronica ed Internet del Garante Privacy si rende noto che le informazioni contenute nella presente comunicazione e i relativi allegati possono essere riservate e sono, comunque, destinate esclusivamente alle persone o alla Societ? sopraindicati. Le stesse non sono da considerarsi comunicazioni personali, quindi eventuali risposte potranno essere conosciute da persone appartenenti all'azienda.

In accordance with Regulation EU 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) and Guidelines Applying to the Use of E-Mails and the Internet in the Employment Context of Italian Data Protection Authority it is announced that the information in this communication (which includes any documents with it) is confidential and meant only for above-mentioned persons and/or Companies; the information is not personal therefore, It is intended for the addressee only and any replies will be known by people belonging to the company.


AW: HTTP rest server component

Posted by "Obermeier. Stefan" <>.
Hi Federico,

normally it is {URL-to-UI}/endpoints/{endpointName}.

In  a docker-compose environment service "connect-adapters-iiot" should exist.


Von: Rullo, Federico <>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2023 11:27
Betreff: HTTP rest server component


We are currently trying to use the Http server adapter to send some external inputs in our pipeline through a POST operation, but we cannot manage to find the location of this server.
We initially thought it was localhost, but it's not correct.

Can you please give us more info about it?



Federico Rullo

GFT Italia S.r.l.
Via A. Rimassa, 51/2
16129 Genova, Italy

T +39 025 8158169<><> <>

Registered office: GFT Italia S.r.l., Via Sile 18, 20139 Milan (Italy)
VAT Code and number of registration with the Companies' Register of Milan: 00819200478
Corporate capital: Euro 1,000,000 fully paid-in

Company subject to the direction and coordination activity of GFT Technologies SE

Ai sensi del Regolamento UE 2016/679 (GDPR) e delle Linee Guida per posta elettronica ed Internet del Garante Privacy si rende noto che le informazioni contenute nella presente comunicazione e i relativi allegati possono essere riservate e sono, comunque, destinate esclusivamente alle persone o alla Società sopraindicati. Le stesse non sono da considerarsi comunicazioni personali, quindi eventuali risposte potranno essere conosciute da persone appartenenti all'azienda.

In accordance with Regulation EU 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) and Guidelines Applying to the Use of E-Mails and the Internet in the Employment Context of Italian Data Protection Authority it is announced that the information in this communication (which includes any documents with it) is confidential and meant only for above-mentioned persons and/or Companies; the information is not personal therefore, It is intended for the addressee only and any replies will be known by people belonging to the company.


SEEBURGER AG            Vorstand/SEEBURGER Executive Board:
Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office:                Axel Haas, Michael Kleeberg, Axel Otto, Dr. Martin Kuntz, Matthias Feßenbecker
Edisonstr. 1
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