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Posted to by Simon Temple <> on 2017/01/24 16:51:29 UTC

CouchDB 2: Unique Id from view with custom list function

I have a problem very similar to that described in this stack overflow: <>

So I have written a variation of the list function suggested as the answer that ensures unique ids.  It also sends the correctly formatted ViewResult JSON.

function ( head, req ) {

    var ar = new Array();
    var allRowsMap = {};

    while ( row = getRow() ) {
        ar.push( );
        allRowsMap[] = row;

    ar = ar.sort().filter( function ( e, i, arr ) { return arr.lastIndexOf( e ) === i; } );

    send( '{"total_rows":' );
    send( ar.length );
    send( ',"offset":' );
    send( head.offset );
    send( ',"rows":[\n' );

    for ( i = 0; i < ar.length; i++ ) {
        send( toJSON( allRowsMap[ar[i]] ) );
        if ( (i + 1) < ar.length ) {
            send( ',' );
        send( '\n' )
    send( ']}' );

This is my view (all_by_realmOrgId) *without* the list function: <>


This is my view (all_by_realmOrgId) with the list function (unique_by_id): <>

However when I try and page my view it fails to work as I intended because it’s only listing uniquely the records selected between skip and limit: <>

.  This may be an impossible ask but…can anyone suggest a way to modify my list function to enable pagination to work?
.  Alternatively, is there another way to achieve the pagination of a view where duplicates can be removed (SELECT UNIQUE in SQL)

