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Posted to by on 2012/10/16 21:33:21 UTC

svn commit: r1398999 [4/4] - in /incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk: javadoc/ javadoc/src/main/resources/ javadoc/src/test/antunit/ jetty-deploy/ jetty-deploy/src/main/resources/ jetty-deploy/src/test/antunit/ manifest/ manifest/src/main/resources/ manife...

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-junit/src/main/resources/test-junit.ant
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-junit/src/main/resources/test-junit.ant (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-junit/src/main/resources/test-junit.ant Tue Oct 16 21:33:19 2012
@@ -14,91 +14,81 @@
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
-<project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins#test-junit"
-    xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
+<project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins#test-junit" xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
     <ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.9,+]" />
     <ea:import mrid="org.apache.easyant.plugins#abstract-test;0.9" />
     <ea:import mrid="org.apache.easyant.plugins#antcontrib-activator;0.9" />
     <target name="test-junit:init" depends="abstract-test:init">
-        <ea:parameter property=""
-            default="perTest" description="The forkmode for junit tests; 'perTest' or 'once'"/>
-        <ea:parameter property=""
-            default="true" description="Run the tests in a separate VM. (true/false)"/>
-        <ea:parameter property=""
-            default="" description="Extra parameters to pass to the test JVM, for example to enable debugging"/>
-        <ea:parameter property=""
-            default="perTest" description="The forkmode for junit integration tests; 'perTest' or 'once'"/>
-        <ea:parameter property=""
-            default="true" description="Run integration tests in a separate VM. (true/false)"/>
-        <ea:parameter property=""
-            default="" description="Extra parameters to pass to the integration test JVM, for example to enable debugging"/>
+        <ea:parameter property="" default="perTest"
+            description="The forkmode for junit tests; 'perTest' or 'once'" />
+        <ea:parameter property="" default="true" description="Run the tests in a separate VM. (true/false)" />
+        <ea:parameter property="" default=""
+            description="Extra parameters to pass to the test JVM, for example to enable debugging" />
+        <ea:parameter property="" default="perTest"
+            description="The forkmode for junit integration tests; 'perTest' or 'once'" />
+        <ea:parameter property="" default="true"
+            description="Run integration tests in a separate VM. (true/false)" />
+        <ea:parameter property="" default=""
+            description="Extra parameters to pass to the integration test JVM, for example to enable debugging" />
     <macrodef name="junit-test">
-        <attribute name="prefix"/>
+        <attribute name="prefix" />
             <mkdir dir="${target.test.xml}" />
-            <mkdir dir="${@{prefix}.run.dir}"/>
+            <mkdir dir="${@{prefix}.run.dir}" />
-            <junit
-               haltonfailure="off"
-               haltonerror="off"
-               errorproperty="@{prefix}.failed"
-               failureproperty="@{prefix}.failed"
-               showoutput="no"
-               printsummary="yes"
-               includeantruntime="yes"
-               dir="${@{prefix}.run.dir}"
-               fork="${@{prefix}.run.fork}" forkmode="${@{prefix}.run.forkmode}">
+            <junit haltonfailure="off" haltonerror="off" errorproperty="@{prefix}.failed" failureproperty="@{prefix}.failed"
+                showoutput="no" printsummary="yes" includeantruntime="yes" dir="${@{prefix}.run.dir}" fork="${@{prefix}.run.fork}"
+                forkmode="${@{prefix}.run.forkmode}">
-                <jvmarg line="${@{prefix}.run.jvmargs}"/>
+                <jvmarg line="${@{prefix}.run.jvmargs}" />
                     <path refid="run.@{prefix}.classpath" />
-                <formatter type="xml"/>
+                <formatter type="xml" />
                 <batchtest todir="${target.test.xml}">
-                    <resources refid="target.@{prefix}.set"/>
+                    <resources refid="target.@{prefix}.set" />
     <target name="-test-junit:test" depends="test-junit:init,abstract-test:compute-test-sets" unless="skip.test">
-        <junit-test prefix="test"/>
+        <junit-test prefix="test" />
     <target name="-test-junit:integration-test" depends="test-junit:init,abstract-test:compute-test-sets" unless="skip.test.integration">
-        <junit-test prefix="test.integration"/>
+        <junit-test prefix="test.integration" />
-    <target name="test-junit:run" if="" unless="skip.test" depends="-test-junit:test" description="run junit tests" extensionOf="abstract-test:test-run">
-        <check-test-result propertytocheck="test.failed" 
-            message="At least one test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} for details or use the report target to run the test with a report"/>
+    <target name="test-junit:run" if="" unless="skip.test" depends="-test-junit:test" description="run junit tests"
+        extensionOf="abstract-test:test-run">
+        <check-test-result propertytocheck="test.failed"
+            message="At least one test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} for details or use the report target to run the test with a report" />
-    <target name="test-junit:run-integration" if="" unless="skip.test.integration" depends="-test-junit:integration-test" description="run junit integration tests" extensionOf="abstract-test:integration-test-run">
+    <target name="test-junit:run-integration" if="" unless="skip.test.integration" depends="-test-junit:integration-test"
+        description="run junit integration tests" extensionOf="abstract-test:integration-test-run">
         <check-test-result propertytocheck="test.integration.failed"
             message="At least one integration test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} for details or use the report target to run the test with a report" />
-    <target name="test-junit:report" if="" unless="skip.test" depends="-test-junit:test,-test-junit:integration-test" description="generate junit report">
+    <target name="test-junit:report" if="" unless="skip.test" depends="-test-junit:test,-test-junit:integration-test"
+        description="generate junit report">
         <junitreport todir="${target.test.xml}">
             <fileset dir="${target.test.xml}">
                 <include name="TEST-*.xml" />
             <report format="frames" todir="${target.test.html}" />
-        <fail if="test.failed"
-              message="At least one test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} or report in ${target.test.html}" />
+        <fail if="test.failed" message="At least one test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} or report in ${target.test.html}" />
         <fail if="test.integration.failed"
-              message="At least one integration test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} or report in ${target.test.html}" />
+            message="At least one integration test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} or report in ${target.test.html}" />
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-junit/src/test/antunit/sample-module.ivy
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-junit/src/test/antunit/sample-module.ivy (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-junit/src/test/antunit/sample-module.ivy Tue Oct 16 21:33:19 2012
@@ -15,10 +15,9 @@
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
-<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea=""> 
-    <info organisation="org.apache.easyant" module="standard-java-app" revision="0.1" status="integration"/>
+<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea="">
+    <info organisation="org.apache.easyant" module="standard-java-app" revision="0.1" status="integration" />
-       <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.4" conf="default->default"/>
+        <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.4" conf="default->default" />
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-junit/src/test/antunit/test-junit-test.xml
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-junit/src/test/antunit/test-junit-test.xml (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-junit/src/test/antunit/test-junit-test.xml Tue Oct 16 21:33:19 2012
@@ -14,72 +14,73 @@
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
-<project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins;test-junit-test" 
-    xmlns:au="antlib:org.apache.ant.antunit" 
-    xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
+<project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins;test-junit-test" xmlns:au="antlib:org.apache.ant.antunit" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
-    <!-- Import your plugin --> 
-    <property name="target" value="target/test-antunit"/>
+    <!-- Import your plugin -->
+    <property name="target" value="target/test-antunit" />
     <!-- configure easyant in current project -->
     <ea:configure-easyant-ivy-instance />
     <!-- import our local plugin -->
-    <ea:import-test-module moduleIvy="../../../module.ivy" sourceDirectory="../../main/resources"/>
+    <ea:import-test-module moduleIvy="../../../module.ivy" sourceDirectory="../../main/resources" />
-    <!-- Defines a setUp / tearDown (before each test) that cleans the environnement --> 
+    <!-- Defines a setUp / tearDown (before each test) that cleans the environnement -->
     <target name="clean" description="remove stale build artifacts before / after each test">
         <delete dir="${basedir}" includeemptydirs="true">
-            <include name="**/target/**"/>
-            <include name="**/lib/**"/>
+            <include name="**/target/**" />
+            <include name="**/lib/**" />
     <!--FIXME: test-junit targets get executed as they are prefixed by "test" -->
     <target name="setUp" depends="clean">
-        <ivy:settings id="project.ivy.instance"/>
-        <ivy:cachepath pathid="compile.test.classpath" file="sample-module.ivy" settingsRef="project.ivy.instance"/>
-        <mkdir dir="${target}/test/classes"/>
-        <mkdir dir="${target}/integration-test/classes"/>
-        <javac srcdir="src/test/java" destdir="${target}/test/classes" classpathref="compile.test.classpath"/>
-        <javac srcdir="src/integration-test/java" destdir="${target}/integration-test/classes" classpathref="compile.test.classpath"/>
+        <ivy:settings id="project.ivy.instance" />
+        <ivy:cachepath pathid="compile.test.classpath" file="sample-module.ivy" settingsRef="project.ivy.instance" />
+        <mkdir dir="${target}/test/classes" />
+        <mkdir dir="${target}/integration-test/classes" />
+        <javac srcdir="src/test/java" destdir="${target}/test/classes" classpathref="compile.test.classpath" />
+        <javac srcdir="src/integration-test/java" destdir="${target}/integration-test/classes" classpathref="compile.test.classpath" />
-    <target name="tearDown" depends="clean"/>
+    <target name="tearDown" depends="clean" />
     <target name="test-test-junit:init" depends="test-junit:init">
-        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="" value="perTest"/>
-        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="" value="true"/>
-        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="" value=""/>
-        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="" value="perTest"/>
-        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="" value="true"/>
-        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="" value=""/>
+        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="" value="perTest" />
+        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="" value="true" />
+        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="" value="" />
+        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="" value="perTest" />
+        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="" value="true" />
+        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="" value="" />
     <target name="test-test-junit:test" depends="-test-junit:test">
-        <au:assertFileExists file="${target.test.xml}"/>
-        <au:assertFileExists file="${}"/>
+        <au:assertFileExists file="${target.test.xml}" />
+        <au:assertFileExists file="${}" />
     <target name="test-test-junit:integration-test" depends="-test-junit:integration-test">
-        <au:assertFileExists file="${target.test.xml}"/>
-        <au:assertFileExists file="${}"/>
+        <au:assertFileExists file="${target.test.xml}" />
+        <au:assertFileExists file="${}" />
     <target name="configure-plugin">
-       <property name="" value="true"/>
-       <property name="" value="false"/>
+        <property name="" value="true" />
+        <property name="" value="false" />
     <target name="test-test-junit:run" depends="configure-plugin,test-junit:run">
-        <au:assertLogContains text="At least one test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} for details or use the report target to run the test with a report" level="error"/>
+        <au:assertLogContains
+            text="At least one test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} for details or use the report target to run the test with a report"
+            level="error" />
     <target name="test-test-junit:run-integration" depends="configure-plugin,test-junit:run-integration">
-        <au:assertLogContains text="At least one integration test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} for details or use the report target to run the test with a report" level="error"/>
+        <au:assertLogContains
+            text="At least one integration test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} for details or use the report target to run the test with a report"
+            level="error" />
     <target name="test-test-junit:report" depends="test-junit:report">
         <!--TODO: add this missing test case -->
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-testng/module.ivy
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-testng/module.ivy (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-testng/module.ivy Tue Oct 16 21:33:19 2012
@@ -14,18 +14,24 @@
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
-<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea=""> 
+<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea="">
     <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="test-testng" revision="0.9">
-           <description>This module provides testng tests compilation and execution feature.<br/>
-This module extends abstract-test module.</description>
-           <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
-        </info>
-        <configurations>
-                <conf name="default" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf"/>
-                <conf name="test" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
-                <conf name="provided" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
-        </configurations>
+        <extends organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="parent-plugin" revision="0.1" />
+        <description>
+            This module provides testng tests compilation and execution feature.
+            <br />
+            This module extends abstract-test module.
+        </description>
+        <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1" />
+    </info>
+    <configurations>
+        <conf name="default" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf" />
+        <conf name="test"
+            description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases." />
+        <conf name="provided"
+            description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive." />
+    </configurations>
-        <artifact type="ant"/>
+        <artifact type="ant" />
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-testng/src/main/resources/test-testng.ant
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-testng/src/main/resources/test-testng.ant (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-testng/src/main/resources/test-testng.ant Tue Oct 16 21:33:19 2012
@@ -14,70 +14,68 @@
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
-<project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins#test-testng"
-    xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
+<project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins#test-testng" xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
     <ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.9,+]" />
     <ea:import mrid="org.apache.easyant.plugins#abstract-test;0.9" />
     <target name="test-testng:init" depends="abstract-test:init">
-        <ea:parameter property="testng.filename" description="testng configuration filename" default="testng.xml"/>
+        <ea:parameter property="testng.filename" description="testng configuration filename" default="testng.xml" />
         <available property="testng.available" classname="org.testng.TestNGAntTask">
             <classpath refid="run.test.classpath" />
-        <fail unless="testng.available" message="Testng is unavailable, perhaps you forget to add testng in you project dependencies."/>
+        <fail unless="testng.available" message="Testng is unavailable, perhaps you forget to add testng in you project dependencies." />
         <taskdef name="testng" classname="com.beust.testng.TestNGAntTask">
-             <classpath refid="run.test.classpath" />
+            <classpath refid="run.test.classpath" />
     <macrodef name="testng-test">
-        <attribute name="prefix"/>
+        <attribute name="prefix" />
             <mkdir dir="${target.test.xml}" />
             <!-- Xml and HTML file will be generated in target.test.xml -->
-            <testng outputDir="${target.test.xml}"
-                   haltonfailure="off"
-                   failureproperty="@{prefix}.failed">
+            <testng outputDir="${target.test.xml}" haltonfailure="off" failureproperty="@{prefix}.failed">
                 <classpath refid="run.@{prefix}.classpath" />
                 <xmlfileset dir="${target.@{prefix}.classes}" includes="${testng.filename}" />
                 <!-- Alternative way to launch testng, maybe this could be an alternative target? -->
-                            <classfileset dir="${target.@{prefix}.classes}" includes="**/*.class" />
+                <classfileset dir="${target.@{prefix}.classes}" includes="**/*.class" />
     <target name="-test-testng:test" depends="test-testng:init,abstract-test:compute-test-sets" unless="skip.test">
-        <testng-test prefix="test"/>
+        <testng-test prefix="test" />
-    <target name="-test-testng:integration-test" depends="test-testng:init,abstract-test:compute-test-sets" unless="skip.test.integration">
-        <testng-test prefix="test.integration"/>
+    <target name="-test-testng:integration-test" depends="test-testng:init,abstract-test:compute-test-sets"
+        unless="skip.test.integration">
+        <testng-test prefix="test.integration" />
-    <target name="test-testng:run" if="" unless="skip.test" depends="-test-testng:test" description="run testng tests" extensionOf="abstract-test:test-run">
+    <target name="test-testng:run" if="" unless="skip.test" depends="-test-testng:test" description="run testng tests"
+        extensionOf="abstract-test:test-run">
         <check-test-result propertytocheck="test.failed"
-              message="At least one test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} for details or use the report target to run the test with a report" />
+            message="At least one test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} for details or use the report target to run the test with a report" />
-    <target name="test-testng:run-integration" if="" unless="skip.test.integration" depends="-test-testng:integration-test" description="run testng integration tests" extensionOf="abstract-test:integration-test-run">
+    <target name="test-testng:run-integration" if="" unless="skip.test.integration" depends="-test-testng:integration-test"
+        description="run testng integration tests" extensionOf="abstract-test:integration-test-run">
         <check-test-result propertytocheck="test.integration.failed"
-              message="At least one integration test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} for details or use the report target to run the test with a report" />
+            message="At least one integration test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} for details or use the report target to run the test with a report" />
-    <target name="test-testng:report" if="" unless="skip.test" depends="-test-testng:test,-test-testng:integration-test" description="generate testng reports">
+    <target name="test-testng:report" if="" unless="skip.test"
+        depends="-test-testng:test,-test-testng:integration-test" description="generate testng reports">
         <junitreport todir="${target.test.xml}">
             <fileset dir="${target.test.xml}">
                 <include name="TEST-*.xml" />
             <report format="frames" todir="${target.test.html}" />
-        <fail if="test.failed"
-              message="At least one test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} or report in ${target.test.html}" />
+        <fail if="test.failed" message="At least one test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} or report in ${target.test.html}" />
         <fail if="test.integration.failed"
-              message="At least one integration test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} or report in ${target.test.html}" />
+            message="At least one integration test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} or report in ${target.test.html}" />
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-testng/src/test/antunit/sample-module.ivy
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-testng/src/test/antunit/sample-module.ivy (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-testng/src/test/antunit/sample-module.ivy Tue Oct 16 21:33:19 2012
@@ -15,10 +15,9 @@
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
-<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea=""> 
-    <info organisation="org.apache.easyant" module="standard-java-app" revision="0.1" status="integration"/>
+<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea="">
+    <info organisation="org.apache.easyant" module="standard-java-app" revision="0.1" status="integration" />
-       <dependency org="org.testng" name="testng" rev="6.7" conf="default->default"/>
+        <dependency org="org.testng" name="testng" rev="6.7" conf="default->default" />
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-testng/src/test/antunit/test-testng-test.xml
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-testng/src/test/antunit/test-testng-test.xml (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/test-testng/src/test/antunit/test-testng-test.xml Tue Oct 16 21:33:19 2012
@@ -14,65 +14,66 @@
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
-<project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins;test-testng-test" 
-    xmlns:au="antlib:org.apache.ant.antunit" 
-    xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
+<project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins;test-testng-test" xmlns:au="antlib:org.apache.ant.antunit" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
-    <!-- Import your plugin --> 
-    <property name="target" value="target/test-antunit"/>
+    <!-- Import your plugin -->
+    <property name="target" value="target/test-antunit" />
     <!-- configure easyant in current project -->
     <ea:configure-easyant-ivy-instance />
     <!-- import our local plugin -->
-    <ea:import-test-module moduleIvy="../../../module.ivy" sourceDirectory="../../main/resources"/>
+    <ea:import-test-module moduleIvy="../../../module.ivy" sourceDirectory="../../main/resources" />
-    <!-- Defines a setUp / tearDown (before each test) that cleans the environnement --> 
+    <!-- Defines a setUp / tearDown (before each test) that cleans the environnement -->
     <target name="clean" description="remove stale build artifacts before / after each test">
         <delete dir="${basedir}" includeemptydirs="true">
-            <include name="**/target/**"/>
-            <include name="**/lib/**"/>
+            <include name="**/target/**" />
+            <include name="**/lib/**" />
     <!--FIXME: test-testng targets get executed as they are prefixed by "test" -->
     <target name="setUp" depends="clean">
-        <ivy:settings id="project.ivy.instance"/>
-        <ivy:cachepath pathid="compile.test.classpath" file="sample-module.ivy" settingsRef="project.ivy.instance"/>
-        <mkdir dir="${target}/test/classes"/>
-        <mkdir dir="${target}/integration-test/classes"/>
-        <javac srcdir="src/test/java" destdir="${target}/test/classes" classpathref="compile.test.classpath"/>
-        <javac srcdir="src/integration-test/java" destdir="${target}/integration-test/classes" classpathref="compile.test.classpath"/>
+        <ivy:settings id="project.ivy.instance" />
+        <ivy:cachepath pathid="compile.test.classpath" file="sample-module.ivy" settingsRef="project.ivy.instance" />
+        <mkdir dir="${target}/test/classes" />
+        <mkdir dir="${target}/integration-test/classes" />
+        <javac srcdir="src/test/java" destdir="${target}/test/classes" classpathref="compile.test.classpath" />
+        <javac srcdir="src/integration-test/java" destdir="${target}/integration-test/classes" classpathref="compile.test.classpath" />
-    <target name="tearDown" depends="clean"/>
+    <target name="tearDown" depends="clean" />
     <target name="test-test-testng:init" depends="test-testng:init">
-        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="testng.filename" value="testng.xml"/>
+        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="testng.filename" value="testng.xml" />
     <target name="test-test-testng:test" depends="-test-testng:test">
-        <au:assertFileExists file="${target.test.xml}"/>
+        <au:assertFileExists file="${target.test.xml}" />
     <target name="test-test-testng:integration-test" depends="-test-testng:integration-test">
-        <au:assertFileExists file="${target.test.xml}"/>
+        <au:assertFileExists file="${target.test.xml}" />
     <target name="configure-plugin">
-       <property name="" value="true"/>
-       <property name="" value="false"/>
+        <property name="" value="true" />
+        <property name="" value="false" />
     <target name="test-test-testng:run" depends="configure-plugin,test-testng:run">
-        <au:assertLogContains text="At least one test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} for details or use the report target to run the test with a report" level="error"/>
+        <au:assertLogContains
+            text="At least one test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} for details or use the report target to run the test with a report"
+            level="error" />
     <target name="test-test-testng:run-integration" depends="configure-plugin,test-testng:run-integration">
-        <au:assertLogContains text="At least one integration test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} for details or use the report target to run the test with a report" level="error"/>
+        <au:assertLogContains
+            text="At least one integration test has failed. See logs in ${target.test.xml} for details or use the report target to run the test with a report"
+            level="error" />
     <target name="test-test-testng:report" depends="test-testng:report">
         <!--TODO: add this missing test case -->
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/webstart/module.ivy
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/webstart/module.ivy (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/webstart/module.ivy Tue Oct 16 21:33:19 2012
@@ -14,20 +14,23 @@
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
-<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea=""> 
+<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea="">
     <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="webstart" revision="0.9">
+        <extends organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="parent-plugin" revision="0.1" />
         <description>This module allows different webstart processus.</description>
-           <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
-        </info>
-        <configurations>
-                <conf name="default" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf"/>
-                <conf name="test" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
-                <conf name="provided" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
-        </configurations>
+        <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1" />
+    </info>
+    <configurations>
+        <conf name="default" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf" />
+        <conf name="test"
+            description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases." />
+        <conf name="provided"
+            description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive." />
+    </configurations>
-                <artifact name="webstart" type="ant"/>
-        </publications>
+        <artifact name="webstart" type="ant" />
+    </publications>
-        <dependency org="org.apache.easyant.tasks" name="partial-jnlp-task" rev="0.1" conf="default->default"/>
+        <dependency org="org.apache.easyant.tasks" name="partial-jnlp-task" rev="0.1" conf="default->default" />
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/webstart/src/main/resources/webstart.ant
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/webstart/src/main/resources/webstart.ant (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/webstart/src/main/resources/webstart.ant Tue Oct 16 21:33:19 2012
@@ -14,63 +14,63 @@
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
-<project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins;webstart" 
-        xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" 
-        xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib"
-        xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
+<project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins;webstart" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib"
+    xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
     <ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.9,+]" />
-    <ea:import mrid="org.apache.easyant.plugins#abstract-package;0.9"/>
+    <ea:import mrid="org.apache.easyant.plugins#abstract-package;0.9" />
     <macrodef name="signJars">
-        <attribute name="alias"   description="the alias signer" />
-        <attribute name="storepass"  description="the keystore password"/>
-        <attribute name="keypass"  default="@{storepass}" description="the key password"/>
-        <attribute name="keystore"  description="the path to the keystore"/>
-        <attribute name="lazy"  default="false" description="tell if the already signed jars have to be signed a second time"/>
-       <element name="signFolder" optional="yes"/>
-       <sequential>
-        <echo>Sign...</echo>
-        <ac:if>
-            <isset property="@{keystore}"/>
-            <ac:then>
-                <signjar alias="@{alias}" keypass="@{keypass}" keystore="@{keystore}" storepass="@{storepass}" lazy="@{replaceSign}">
-                   <signFolder/>
-                </signjar>
-            </ac:then>
-            <ac:else>
-                <signjar alias="@{alias}" keypass="@{keypass}" storepass="@{storepass}" lazy="@{replaceSign}">
-                    <signFolder/>
-                </signjar>
-            </ac:else>
-        </ac:if>
-        <echo>Sign done !</echo>
-       </sequential>
+        <attribute name="alias" description="the alias signer" />
+        <attribute name="storepass" description="the keystore password" />
+        <attribute name="keypass" default="@{storepass}" description="the key password" />
+        <attribute name="keystore" description="the path to the keystore" />
+        <attribute name="lazy" default="false" description="tell if the already signed jars have to be signed a second time" />
+        <element name="signFolder" optional="yes" />
+        <sequential>
+            <echo>Sign...</echo>
+            <ac:if>
+                <isset property="@{keystore}" />
+                <ac:then>
+                    <signjar alias="@{alias}" keypass="@{keypass}" keystore="@{keystore}" storepass="@{storepass}"
+                        lazy="@{replaceSign}">
+                        <signFolder />
+                    </signjar>
+                </ac:then>
+                <ac:else>
+                    <signjar alias="@{alias}" keypass="@{keypass}" storepass="@{storepass}" lazy="@{replaceSign}">
+                        <signFolder />
+                    </signjar>
+                </ac:else>
+            </ac:if>
+            <echo>Sign done !</echo>
+        </sequential>
     <target name="webstart:init">
         <ea:parameter property="webstart.jnlp.file" required="true" description="the jnlp to modify" />
         <ea:parameter property="webstart.sign.jar" default="false" description="tell if the jars has to be signed" />
-        <ea:parameter property="webstart.flat.path" description="Force the resources path in the jnlp file. If the path resources have to be declared in relative or absolute" />
-        <ea:parameter property="target.main.artifact" required="true" description="the location of the main artifact"/>
+        <ea:parameter property="webstart.flat.path"
+            description="Force the resources path in the jnlp file. If the path resources have to be declared in relative or absolute" />
+        <ea:parameter property="target.main.artifact" required="true" description="the location of the main artifact" />
         <taskdef name="partial-jnlp" classname="org.apache.easyant.tasks.JNLPTask" classpathref="org.apache.easyant.plugins#webstart.classpath" />
     <target name="webstart:edit-jnlp" depends="webstart:init" description="edit an existing jnlp file">
-        <echo message="[Library directory]: ${lib.main}" level="debug"/>
-        <echo message="[libArtifact]: ${target.main.artifact}" level="debug"/>
+        <echo message="[Library directory]: ${lib.main}" level="debug" />
+        <echo message="[libArtifact]: ${target.main.artifact}" level="debug" />
             <isset property="webstart.flat.path" />
                 <partial-jnlp mainJar="${target.main.artifact}" jnlpFile="${webstart.jnlp.file}">
-                    <fileset refid="lib.main.fileset"/>
+                    <fileset refid="lib.main.fileset" />
-                <partial-jnlp mainJar="${target.main.artifact}" jnlpFile="${webstart.jnlp.file}" flatPathResources="${webstart.flat.path}">
-                    <fileset refid="lib.main.fileset"/>
+                <partial-jnlp mainJar="${target.main.artifact}" jnlpFile="${webstart.jnlp.file}"
+                    flatPathResources="${webstart.flat.path}">
+                    <fileset refid="lib.main.fileset" />
@@ -81,12 +81,14 @@
         <ea:parameter property="webstart.storepass" required="true" description="the keystore password" />
         <ea:parameter property="webstart.keypass" default="${webstart.storepass}" description="the key password" />
         <ea:parameter property="keystore" default="" description="the path to the keystore" />
-        <ea:parameter property="lazy" default="false" description="tell if the already signed jars have to be signed a second time" />
-        <signJars alias="${webstart.alias}" storepass="${webstart.storepass}" keypass="${webstart.keypass}" keystore="${webstart.keystore}" lazy="${webstart.lazy}" >
-             <signfolder>
-                 <fileset refid="lib.main.fileset"/>
-                 <fileset file="${target.main.artifact}" />
-             </signfolder>
+        <ea:parameter property="lazy" default="false"
+            description="tell if the already signed jars have to be signed a second time" />
+        <signJars alias="${webstart.alias}" storepass="${webstart.storepass}" keypass="${webstart.keypass}"
+            keystore="${webstart.keystore}" lazy="${webstart.lazy}">
+            <signfolder>
+                <fileset refid="lib.main.fileset" />
+                <fileset file="${target.main.artifact}" />
+            </signfolder>
@@ -97,5 +99,4 @@
             <arg value="${webstart.jnlp.file}" />
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/webstart/src/test/antunit/webstart-test.xml
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/webstart/src/test/antunit/webstart-test.xml (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/webstart/src/test/antunit/webstart-test.xml Tue Oct 16 21:33:19 2012
@@ -14,77 +14,72 @@
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
-<project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins;webstart-test" 
-    xmlns:au="antlib:org.apache.ant.antunit" 
-    xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
-    xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
-    <!-- Import your plugin --> 
-    <property name="target" value="target/test-antunit"/>
-    <!-- configure easyant in current project -->
-    <ea:configure-easyant-ivy-instance />
-    <!-- import our local plugin -->
-    <ea:import-test-module moduleIvy="../../../module.ivy" sourceDirectory="../../main/resources"/>
-    <!-- Defines a setUp / tearDown (before each test) that cleans the environnement --> 
-    <target name="clean" description="remove stale build artifacts before / after each test">
-        <delete dir="${basedir}" includeemptydirs="true">
-            <include name="**/target/**"/>
-            <include name="**/lib/**"/>
-        </delete>
-    </target>
-    <target name="setUp" depends="clean">
-       <property name="target.main.artifact" value="${target}/artifacts/foobar.jar"/>
-       <property name="webstart.jnlp.file" value="${basedir}/foobar.jnlp"/>
-       <property name="skip.register.main.artifact" value="true"/>
-       <property name="webstart.sign.jar" value="true"/>
-       <property name="webstart.alias" value="myalias"/>
-       <property name="webstart.storepass" value="mypass"/>
-       <mkdir dir="${target}/artifacts"/>
-       <jar destfile="${target.main.artifact}"/>
-       <mkdir dir="lib/main"/>
-       <echo file="${webstart.jnlp.file}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="tearDown" depends="clean"/>
-    <target name="test-webstart:init" depends="webstart:init">
-        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="webstart.jnlp.file" value="${basedir}/foobar.jnlp"/>
-        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="webstart.sign.jar" value="true"/>
-<!--TODO: test property not set
+<project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins;webstart-test" xmlns:au="antlib:org.apache.ant.antunit" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
+	<!-- Import your plugin -->
+	<property name="target" value="target/test-antunit" />
+	<!-- configure easyant in current project -->
+	<ea:configure-easyant-ivy-instance />
+	<!-- import our local plugin -->
+	<ea:import-test-module moduleIvy="../../../module.ivy" sourceDirectory="../../main/resources" />
+	<!-- Defines a setUp / tearDown (before each test) that cleans the environnement -->
+	<target name="clean" description="remove stale build artifacts before / after each test">
+		<delete dir="${basedir}" includeemptydirs="true">
+			<include name="**/target/**" />
+			<include name="**/lib/**" />
+		</delete>
+	</target>
+	<target name="setUp" depends="clean">
+		<property name="target.main.artifact" value="${target}/artifacts/foobar.jar" />
+		<property name="webstart.jnlp.file" value="${basedir}/foobar.jnlp" />
+		<property name="skip.register.main.artifact" value="true" />
+		<property name="webstart.sign.jar" value="true" />
+		<property name="webstart.alias" value="myalias" />
+		<property name="webstart.storepass" value="mypass" />
+		<mkdir dir="${target}/artifacts" />
+		<jar destfile="${target.main.artifact}" />
+		<mkdir dir="lib/main" />
+		<echo file="${webstart.jnlp.file}" />
+	</target>
+	<target name="tearDown" depends="clean" />
+	<target name="test-webstart:init" depends="webstart:init">
+		<au:assertPropertyEquals name="webstart.jnlp.file" value="${basedir}/foobar.jnlp" />
+		<au:assertPropertyEquals name="webstart.sign.jar" value="true" />
+		<!--TODO: test property not set
         <au:assertPropertyEquals name="webstart.flat.path" value=""/>
-        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="target.main.artifact" value="${target}/artifacts/foobar.jar"/>
-        <au:assertReferenceSet refid="lib.main.fileset"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="test-webstart:edit-jnlp" depends="webstart:edit-jnlp">
-        <au:assertLogContains text="[Library directory]: ${lib.main}" level="debug"/>
-        <au:assertLogContains text="[libArtifact]: ${target.main.artifact}" level="debug"/>
-        <!--TODO: test partialjnlp's job -->
-    </target>
-    <target name="test-webstart:sign" depends="webstart:sign">
-        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="webstart.alias" value="myalias"/>
-        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="webstart.storepass" value="mypass"/>
-        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="webstart.keypass" value=""/>
-        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="webstart.keystore" value=""/>
-        <au:assertPropertyEquals name="webstart.lazy" value="false"/>
-        <au:assertLogContains text="Sign..." />
-        <au:assertTrue>
-            <issigned file="${target.main.artifact}"/>
-        </au:assertTrue> 
-        <au:assertLogContains text="Sign done !"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="test-webstart:prepare" depends="webstart:prepare">
-    </target>
-    <target name="test-webstart:run" depends="webstart:run">
-        <!-- TODO: Don't know how to test it yet :) -->
-    </target>
+		<au:assertPropertyEquals name="target.main.artifact" value="${target}/artifacts/foobar.jar" />
+		<au:assertReferenceSet refid="lib.main.fileset" />
+	</target>
+	<target name="test-webstart:edit-jnlp" depends="webstart:edit-jnlp">
+		<au:assertLogContains text="[Library directory]: ${lib.main}" level="debug" />
+		<au:assertLogContains text="[libArtifact]: ${target.main.artifact}" level="debug" />
+		<!--TODO: test partialjnlp's job -->
+	</target>
+	<target name="test-webstart:sign" depends="webstart:sign">
+		<au:assertPropertyEquals name="webstart.alias" value="myalias" />
+		<au:assertPropertyEquals name="webstart.storepass" value="mypass" />
+		<au:assertPropertyEquals name="webstart.keypass" value="" />
+		<au:assertPropertyEquals name="webstart.keystore" value="" />
+		<au:assertPropertyEquals name="webstart.lazy" value="false" />
+		<au:assertLogContains text="Sign..." />
+		<au:assertTrue>
+			<issigned file="${target.main.artifact}" />
+		</au:assertTrue>
+		<au:assertLogContains text="Sign done !" />
+	</target>
+	<target name="test-webstart:prepare" depends="webstart:prepare">
+	</target>
+	<target name="test-webstart:run" depends="webstart:run">
+		<!-- TODO: Don't know how to test it yet :) -->
+	</target>
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/xooki/module.ivy
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/xooki/module.ivy (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/xooki/module.ivy Tue Oct 16 21:33:19 2012
@@ -14,22 +14,26 @@
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
-<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea=""> 
+<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea="">
     <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="xooki" revision="0.9">
+        <extends organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="parent-plugin" revision="0.1" />
-            This module provides functionalities for setting up a xooki-based documentation structure in your project.
+            This module provides functionalities for setting up a xooki-based documentation structure in your
+            project.
-           <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
-        </info>
-        <configurations>
-                <conf name="default" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf"/>
-                <conf name="test" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
-                <conf name="provided" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
-        </configurations>
+        <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1" />
+    </info>
+    <configurations>
+        <conf name="default" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf" />
+        <conf name="test"
+            description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases." />
+        <conf name="provided"
+            description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive." />
+    </configurations>
-        <artifact type="ant"/>
+        <artifact type="ant" />
-        <dependency org="org.apache.xooki" name="xooki" rev="0.1-r1397252"/>
+        <dependency org="org.apache.xooki" name="xooki" rev="0.1-r1397252" />
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/xooki/src/main/resources/xooki.ant
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/xooki/src/main/resources/xooki.ant (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/xooki/src/main/resources/xooki.ant Tue Oct 16 21:33:19 2012
@@ -14,35 +14,32 @@
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
-<project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins#xooki" 
-    xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib"
-    xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant" 
-    xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" 
-    xmlns:xooki="antlib:xooki">
+<project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins#xooki" xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib" xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant"
+    xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" xmlns:xooki="antlib:xooki">
     <ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.9,+]" />
     <target name="xooki:init">
-        <ea:parameter property="xooki.checkUpToDate" required="false" 
-            default="true" description="Proxies for the checkUpToDate xooki:generate task. Defaults to true." />
-        <ea:parameter property="src.documentation.dir" required="false" 
-            default="${basedir}/src/documentation" description="Xooki source documentation." />
-        <ea:parameter property="documentation.css.dir" default="${src.documentation.dir}/style" 
+        <ea:parameter property="xooki.checkUpToDate" required="false" default="true"
+            description="Proxies for the checkUpToDate xooki:generate task. Defaults to true." />
+        <ea:parameter property="src.documentation.dir" required="false" default="${basedir}/src/documentation"
+            description="Xooki source documentation." />
+        <ea:parameter property="documentation.css.dir" default="${src.documentation.dir}/style"
             description="path where the css are stored, used for nice looking HTML" />
-        <ea:parameter property="target.documentation.dir" default="${target}/documentation" 
+        <ea:parameter property="target.documentation.dir" default="${target}/documentation"
             description="directory where the documentation will be generated to" />
-        <ea:parameter property="xooki.temp.dir" required="false" default="${target}/temp-doc" 
+        <ea:parameter property="xooki.temp.dir" required="false" default="${target}/temp-doc"
             description="Temporary directory for xooki use." />
-        <ea:parameter property="xooki.resources.include.pattern" default="style/**,images/**" 
+        <ea:parameter property="xooki.resources.include.pattern" default="style/**,images/**"
             description="Pattern describing files included in xooki documentation generation" />
-        <ea:parameter property="xooki.resources.exclude.pattern" default="" 
+        <ea:parameter property="xooki.resources.exclude.pattern" default=""
             description="Pattern describing files excluded in xooki documentation generation" />
-        <ea:parameter property="xooki.history.dir" default="${src.documentation.dir}/history" 
-            description="directory where documentation history version are stored (used to update config.extra.js)"/>
+        <ea:parameter property="xooki.history.dir" default="${src.documentation.dir}/history"
+            description="directory where documentation history version are stored (used to update config.extra.js)" />
         <!-- TODO: should menu context names be inherited from the environment somehow? -->
         <ea:parameter property="" default="buildtypes,plugins"
-            description="list of documentation menus for which xooki will generate menus"/>
+            description="list of documentation menus for which xooki will generate menus" />
         <!-- Xooki tasks requires jdk16 -->
         <condition property="org.apache.easyant.plugins#xooki.enabled">
@@ -50,7 +47,7 @@
-            <istrue value="${org.apache.easyant.plugins#xooki.enabled}"/>
+            <istrue value="${org.apache.easyant.plugins#xooki.enabled}" />
                 <echo level="verbose">Loading xooki antlib</echo>
                 <taskdef uri="antlib:xooki" file="${src.documentation.dir}/xooki/antlib.xml" />
@@ -61,7 +58,7 @@
         <condition property="contains.history.dir">
-            <available file="${xooki.history.dir}" type="dir"/>
+            <available file="${xooki.history.dir}" type="dir" />
@@ -69,28 +66,27 @@
     <target name="xooki:create-skeleton" depends="xooki:init">
         <mkdir dir="${xooki.temp.dir}" />
         <mkdir dir="${documentation.css.dir}" />
-        <ivy:retrieve organisation="xooki" module="xooki" inline="true" pattern="${xooki.temp.dir}/[artifact].[ext]" settingsRef="easyant.ivy.instance"/>
+        <ivy:retrieve organisation="xooki" module="xooki" inline="true" pattern="${xooki.temp.dir}/[artifact].[ext]"
+            settingsRef="easyant.ivy.instance" />
         <unzip src="${xooki.temp.dir}/xooki.jar" dest="${src.documentation.dir}" />
         <delete dir="${xooki.temp.dir}" />
     <target name="-xooki:copy-resources" depends="xooki:init">
         <available file="${src.documentation.dir}/xooki/antlib.xml" property="xooki.skeleton.present" />
-        <fail unless="xooki.skeleton.present" 
+        <fail unless="xooki.skeleton.present"
             message="Xooki skeleton has not been correctly setup. Run easyant org.apache.easyant.plugins#xooki:create-skeleton to generate a xooki skeleton." />
         <echo message="Generating xooki documentation." />
         <mkdir dir="${target.documentation.dir}" />
-        <echo level="verbose" message="copying documentation resources"/>
+        <echo level="verbose" message="copying documentation resources" />
-        <fileset id="xooki.resources.fileset" 
-            dir="${src.documentation.dir}" 
-            includes="${xooki.resources.include.pattern}" 
+        <fileset id="xooki.resources.fileset" dir="${src.documentation.dir}" includes="${xooki.resources.include.pattern}"
             excludes="${xooki.resources.exclude.pattern}" />
         <copy todir="${target.documentation.dir}">
-            <fileset refid="xooki.resources.fileset"/>
+            <fileset refid="xooki.resources.fileset" />
         <!-- copy to a xooki temp dir this will allow users to generate xooki documentation -->
@@ -109,14 +105,13 @@
                 <echo>Updating history for @{doc-version}</echo>
-                <echo file="@{doc-version}/config.extra.js"
-                        message="xooki.c.setImportLevel(2);" />
+                <echo file="@{doc-version}/config.extra.js" message="xooki.c.setImportLevel(2);" />
     <target name="xooki:generate" depends="-xooki:copy-resources,-xooki:configure-history" if="org.apache.easyant.plugins#xooki.enabled">
-        <echo level="verbose" message="generating target documentation"/>
+        <echo level="verbose" message="generating target documentation" />
         <dirname file="${target.documentation.dir}" property="" />
         <basename file="${target.documentation.dir}" property="" />
@@ -128,19 +123,18 @@
             <exclude name="xooki/**" />
-        <xooki:generate destDir="${}/${}" checkUpToDate="${xooki.checkUpToDate}">
-            <fileset refid="src.documentation.fileset"/>
+        <xooki:generate destDir="${}/${}"
+            checkUpToDate="${xooki.checkUpToDate}">
+            <fileset refid="src.documentation.fileset" />
     <target name="xooki:package" depends="xooki:generate" description="package the xooki documentation" if="org.apache.easyant.plugins#xooki.enabled">
-        <ea:parameter property="target.artifacts" default="${target}/artifacts" 
-            description="destination directory for target artifacts"/>
+        <ea:parameter property="target.artifacts" default="${target}/artifacts" description="destination directory for target artifacts" />
         <echo message="Packaging generated documentation." />
         <mkdir dir="${target.artifacts}" />
         <zip destfile="${target.artifacts}/${ivy.module}" basedir="${target.documentation.dir}" />
-        <ea:registerartifact type="doc" ext="zip" classifier="doc" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}"/>
+        <ea:registerartifact type="doc" ext="zip" classifier="doc" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}" />
\ No newline at end of file