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[3/8] ambari git commit: AMBARI-8317 Refactor the OS-dependent Ambari Server Windows components - Part 1.4
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
deleted file mode 100644
index dce404d..0000000
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import optparse
-import os
-import socket
-import string
-from _winreg import (OpenKey, EnumValue, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KEY_READ, CloseKey, KEY_WRITE, QueryValueEx, SetValueEx,
-                     REG_EXPAND_SZ)
-from ambari_commons import os_utils
-from ambari_commons.exceptions import *
-from ambari_commons.logging_utils import *
-from ambari_commons.os_windows import run_powershell_script, UserHelper, CHECK_FIREWALL_SCRIPT
-from ambari_server.dbConfiguration import DBMSConfig
-from ambari_server.serverConfiguration import *
-from ambari_server.userInput import get_validated_string_input
-# Non-root user setup commands
-NR_USER_COMMENT = "Ambari user"
-NR_GET_OWNER_CMD = 'stat -c "%U" {0}'
-NR_USERADD_CMD = 'cmd /C net user {0} {1} /ADD'
-NR_SET_USER_COMMENT_CMD = 'usermod -c "{0}" {1}'
-NR_USER_CHANGE_PROMPT = "Ambari-server service is configured to run under user '{0}'. Change this setting [y/n] (n)? "
-NR_USER_CUSTOMIZE_PROMPT = "Customize user account for ambari-server service [y/n] (n)? "
-# JDK setup choices
-  JDKRelease("jdk7.67", "Oracle JDK 7.67",
-             "", "jdk-7u67-windows-x64.exe",
-             "", "",
-             None)
-JDK_VERSION_REs = ["(jdk.*)/jre", "Creating (jdk.*)/jre"]
-JDK_PROMPT = "[{0}] {1}\n"
-JDK_CUSTOM_CHOICE_PROMPT = "[{0}] - Custom JDK\n==============================================================================\nEnter choice ({1}): "
-JDK_VALID_CHOICES = "^[{0}{1:d}]$"
-MAKE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_CMD = "chmod a+x {0}"
-JDK_DOWNLOAD_CMD = "curl --create-dirs -o {0} {1}"
-JDK_DOWNLOAD_SIZE_CMD = "curl -I {0}"
-# use --no-same-owner when running as root to prevent uucp as the user (AMBARI-6478)
-UNTAR_JDK_ARCHIVE = "tar --no-same-owner -xvf {0}"
-USERNAME_PATTERN = "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*$"
-DATABASE_DBMS = "sqlserver"
-DATABASE_NAME = "ambari"
-JDBC_PATTERNS = {"sqlserver": "sqljdbc*.jar"}
-DATABASE_FULL_NAMES = {"sqlserver": "SQL Server"}
-JDBC_DB_OPTION_VALUES = ["sqlserver"]
-JDBC_DB_DEFAULT_DRIVER = {"sqlserver" : "sqljdbc4.jar"}
-ERROR_NOT_ROOT = 'Ambari-server setup should be run with administrator-level privileges'
-MESSAGE_CHECK_FIREWALL = 'Checking firewall status...'
-def os_check_firewall():
-  out = run_powershell_script(CHECK_FIREWALL_SCRIPT)
-  if out[0] != 0:
-    print_warning_msg("Unable to check firewall status:{0}".format(out[2]))
-    return False
-  profiles_status = [i for i in out[1].split("\n") if not i == ""]
-  if "1" in profiles_status:
-    enabled_profiles = []
-    if profiles_status[0] == "1":
-      enabled_profiles.append("DomainProfile")
-    if profiles_status[1] == "1":
-      enabled_profiles.append("StandardProfile")
-    if profiles_status[2] == "1":
-      enabled_profiles.append("PublicProfile")
-    print_warning_msg("Following firewall profiles enabled:{0}. Make sure that firewall properly configured.".format(",".join(enabled_profiles)))
-    return False
-  return True
-# No security enhancements in Windows
-def disable_security_enhancements():
-  retcode = 0
-  err = ''
-  return (retcode, err)
-# User account creation
-def os_create_custom_user():
-  user = get_validated_string_input(
-    "Enter user account for ambari-server service ({0}):".format(NR_DEFAULT_USER),
-    "Invalid username.",
-    False
-  )
-  if user == NR_DEFAULT_USER:
-    return 0, user
-  password = get_validated_string_input("Enter password for user {0}:".format(user), "", None, "Password", True, False)
-  uh = UserHelper()
-  status, message = uh.create_user(user,password)
-  if status == UserHelper.USER_EXISTS:
-    print_info_msg("User {0} already exists, make sure that you typed correct password for user, "
-                      "skipping user creation".format(user))
-  elif status == UserHelper.ACTION_FAILED:  # fail
-    print_warning_msg("Can't create user {0}. Failed with message {1}".format(user, message))
-    return UserHelper.ACTION_FAILED, None
-  # setting SeServiceLogonRight to user
-  status, message = uh.add_user_privilege(user, 'SeServiceLogonRight')
-  if status == UserHelper.ACTION_FAILED:
-    print_warning_msg("Can't add SeServiceLogonRight to user {0}. Failed with message {1}".format(user, message))
-    return UserHelper.ACTION_FAILED, None
-  print_info_msg("User configuration is done.")
-  print_warning_msg("When using non SYSTEM user make sure that your user have read\write access to log directories and "
-                    "all server directories. In case of integrated authentication for SQL Server make sure that your "
-                    "user properly configured to use ambari database.")
-  #storing username and password in os.environ temporary to pass them to service
-  os.environ[SERVICE_USERNAME_KEY] = user
-  os.environ[SERVICE_PASSWORD_KEY] = password
-  return 0, user
-# JDK Setup
-def populate_jdk_configs(properties, jdk_num):
-  if properties.has_key(JDK_RELEASES):
-    jdk_names = properties[JDK_RELEASES].split(',')
-    jdks = []
-    for jdk_name in jdk_names:
-      jdkR = JDKRelease.from_properties(properties, jdk_name)
-      jdks.append(jdkR)
-  else:
-  n_config = 1
-  jdk_choice_prompt = ''
-  jdk_choices = ''
-  for jdk in jdks:
-    jdk_choice_prompt += JDK_PROMPT.format(n_config, jdk.desc)
-    jdk_choices_tmp = '{0}{1:d}'.format(jdk_choices, n_config)
-    jdk_choices = jdk_choices_tmp
-    n_config += 1
-  jdk_choice_prompt += JDK_CUSTOM_CHOICE_PROMPT.format(n_config, jdk_num)
-  jdk_valid_choices = JDK_VALID_CHOICES.format(jdk_choices, n_config)
-  return (jdks, jdk_choice_prompt, jdk_valid_choices, n_config)
-def os_install_jdk(java_inst_file, java_home_dir):
-  print "Installing JDK to {0}".format(java_home_dir)
-  if not os.path.exists(java_home_dir):
-    os.makedirs(java_home_dir)
-  if java_inst_file.endswith(".exe"):
-    (dirname, filename) = os.path.split(java_inst_file)
-    installLogFilePath = os.path.join(configDefaults.OUT_DIR, filename + "-install.log")
-    #jre7u67.exe /s INSTALLDIR=<dir> STATIC=1 WEB_JAVA=0 /L \\var\\log\\ambari-server\\jre7u67.exe-install.log
-    installCmd = [
-      java_inst_file,
-      "/s",
-      "INSTALLDIR=" + java_home_dir,
-      "STATIC=1",
-      "WEB_JAVA=0",
-      "/L",
-      installLogFilePath
-    ]
-    retcode, out, err = run_os_command(installCmd)
-  #TODO: support .msi file installations
-    #msiexec.exe jre.msi /s INSTALLDIR=<dir> STATIC=1 WEB_JAVA=0 /L \\var\\log\\ambari-server\\jre7u67-install.log ?
-  else:
-    err = "JDK installation failed.Unknown file mask."
-    raise FatalException(1, err)
-  if retcode == 1603:
-    # JDK already installed
-    print "JDK already installed in {0}".format(java_home_dir)
-    retcode = 0
-  else:
-    if retcode != 0:
-      err = "Installation of JDK returned exit code %s" % retcode
-      raise FatalException(retcode, err)
-    print "Successfully installed JDK to {0}".format(java_home_dir)
-  # Don't forget to adjust the JAVA_HOME env var
-  return (retcode, out)
-def os_ensure_java_home_env_var_is_set(java_home_var):
-  if not os.environ.has_key(JAVA_HOME) or os.environ[JAVA_HOME] != java_home_var:
-    java_home_var_val = java_home_var.replace('\\\\', '\\')
-    os.system("SETX {0} {1} /M".format(JAVA_HOME, java_home_var_val))
-    os.environ[JAVA_HOME] = java_home_var
-    pass
-# JDBC Setup
-def os_check_jdbc_options(options):
-  #Only SQL Server supported, no point in checking options.jdbc_db
-  return (options.jdbc_driver is not None)
-def os_setup_jdbc_drivers(args):
-  properties = get_ambari_properties()
-  if properties == -1:
-    print_error_msg("Error getting ambari properties")
-    return -1
-  #Only support SQL Server
-  dbms = DBMSConfig.create(args, properties)
-  if dbms.ensure_jdbc_driver_installed(args, properties):
-    # Now save the properties file
-    update_properties(properties)
-  pass
-def os_setup_database(options):
-  properties = get_ambari_properties()
-  if properties == -1:
-    raise FatalException(-1, "Error getting ambari properties")
-  #Ensure the default database host is set
-  options.default_database_host = "localhost\\SQLEXPRESS"
-  #Only support SQL Server
-  dbmsAmbari = DBMSConfig.create(options, properties, "Ambari")
-  resultA = dbmsAmbari.configure_database(options, properties)
-  #By default, use the same server for Metrics
-  options.default_database_host = dbmsAmbari.database_host
-  # Now save the properties file
-  if resultA:
-    update_properties(properties)
-    dbmsAmbari.setup_database()
-def os_reset_database(options):
-  properties = get_ambari_properties()
-  if properties == -1:
-    raise FatalException(-1, "Error getting ambari properties")
-  if not (properties.getPropertyDict().has_key(JDBC_URL_PROPERTY) and
-            properties.getPropertyDict().has_key(JDBC_RCA_URL_PROPERTY)):
-    raise FatalException(-1, "Ambari Server not set up yet. Nothing to reset.")
-  empty_options = optparse.Values()
-  empty_options.silent = options.silent
-  empty_options.database_host = ""
-  empty_options.database_port = ""
-  empty_options.database_name = ""
-  empty_options.database_windows_auth = False
-  empty_options.database_username = ""
-  empty_options.database_password = ""
-  empty_options.init_db_script_file = ""
-  empty_options.cleanup_db_script_file = ""
-  #Only support SQL Server
-  dbmsAmbari = DBMSConfig.create(empty_options, properties, "Ambari")
-  dbmsAmbari.reset_database()
-  pass
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d9735a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import json
+import os
+import shutil
+from ambari_commons.exceptions import FatalException
+from ambari_commons.logging_utils import print_info_msg, print_warning_msg, print_error_msg
+from ambari_commons.os_utils import is_root, run_os_command
+from ambari_server.dbConfiguration import DBMSConfigFactory, check_jdbc_drivers
+from import Properties
+from ambari_server.serverConfiguration import configDefaults, \
+  check_database_name_property, get_ambari_properties, get_ambari_version, get_full_ambari_classpath, \
+  get_java_exe_path, get_stack_location, parse_properties_file, read_ambari_user, update_ambari_properties, \
+  update_database_name_property, \
+from ambari_server.setupSecurity import adjust_directory_permissions
+# constants
+from ambari_server.utils import compare_versions
+SCHEMA_UPGRADE_HELPER_CMD = "{0} -cp {1} " + \
+                            "org.apache.ambari.server.upgrade.SchemaUpgradeHelper" + \
+                            " > " + configDefaults.SERVER_OUT_FILE + " 2>&1"
+STACK_UPGRADE_HELPER_CMD = "{0} -cp {1} " + \
+                           "org.apache.ambari.server.upgrade.StackUpgradeHelper" + \
+                           " {2} {3} > " + configDefaults.SERVER_OUT_FILE + " 2>&1"
+# Stack upgrade
+def upgrade_stack(args, stack_id, repo_url=None, repo_url_os=None):
+  if not is_root():
+    err = 'Ambari-server upgradestack should be run with ' \
+          'root-level privileges'
+    raise FatalException(4, err)
+  check_database_name_property()
+  stack_name, stack_version = stack_id.split(STACK_NAME_VER_SEP)
+  retcode = run_stack_upgrade(stack_name, stack_version, repo_url, repo_url_os)
+  if not retcode == 0:
+    raise FatalException(retcode, 'Stack upgrade failed.')
+  return retcode
+def load_stack_values(version, filename):
+  import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+  values = {}
+  root = ET.parse(filename).getroot()
+  for ostag in root:
+    ostype = ostag.attrib['type']
+    for repotag in ostag:
+      reponametag = repotag.find('reponame')
+      repoidtag = repotag.find('repoid')
+      baseurltag = repotag.find('baseurl')
+      if reponametag is not None and repoidtag is not None and baseurltag is not None:
+        key = "repo:/" + reponametag.text
+        key += "/" + version
+        key += "/" + ostype
+        key += "/" + repoidtag.text
+        key += ":baseurl"
+        values[key] = baseurltag.text
+  return values
+def run_stack_upgrade(stackName, stackVersion, repo_url, repo_url_os):
+  jdk_path = get_java_exe_path()
+  if jdk_path is None:
+    print_error_msg("No JDK found, please run the \"setup\" "
+                    "command to install a JDK automatically or install any "
+                    "JDK manually to " + configDefaults.JDK_INSTALL_DIR)
+    return 1
+  stackId = {}
+  stackId[stackName] = stackVersion
+  if repo_url is not None:
+    stackId['repo_url'] = repo_url
+  if repo_url_os is not None:
+    stackId['repo_url_os'] = repo_url_os
+  command = STACK_UPGRADE_HELPER_CMD.format(jdk_path, get_full_ambari_classpath(),
+                                            "updateStackId",
+                                            "'" + json.dumps(stackId) + "'")
+  (retcode, stdout, stderr) = run_os_command(command)
+  print_info_msg("Return code from stack upgrade command, retcode = " + str(retcode))
+  if retcode > 0:
+    print_error_msg("Error executing stack upgrade, please check the server logs.")
+  return retcode
+def run_metainfo_upgrade(keyValueMap=None):
+  jdk_path = get_java_exe_path()
+  if jdk_path is None:
+    print_error_msg("No JDK found, please run the \"setup\" "
+                    "command to install a JDK automatically or install any "
+                    "JDK manually to " + configDefaults.JDK_INSTALL_DIR)
+  retcode = 1
+  if keyValueMap:
+    command = STACK_UPGRADE_HELPER_CMD.format(jdk_path, get_full_ambari_classpath(),
+                                              'updateMetaInfo',
+                                              "'" + json.dumps(keyValueMap) + "'")
+    (retcode, stdout, stderr) = run_os_command(command)
+    print_info_msg("Return code from stack upgrade command, retcode = " + str(retcode))
+    if retcode > 0:
+      print_error_msg("Error executing metainfo upgrade, please check the "
+                      "server logs.")
+  return retcode
+# Repo upgrade
+def change_objects_owner(args):
+  print 'Fixing database objects owner'
+  properties = Properties()   #Dummy, args contains the dbms name and parameters already
+  factory = DBMSConfigFactory()
+  dbms = factory.create(args, properties)
+  dbms.change_db_files_owner()
+def upgrade_local_repo(args):
+  properties = get_ambari_properties()
+  if properties == -1:
+    print_error_msg("Error getting ambari properties")
+    return -1
+  stack_location = get_stack_location(properties)
+  stack_root_local = os.path.join(stack_location, "HDPLocal")
+  if not os.path.exists(stack_root_local):
+    print_info_msg("HDPLocal stack directory does not exist, skipping")
+    return
+  stack_root = os.path.join(stack_location, "HDP")
+  if not os.path.exists(stack_root):
+    print_info_msg("HDP stack directory does not exist, skipping")
+    return
+  for stack_version_local in os.listdir(stack_root_local):
+    repo_file_local = os.path.join(stack_root_local, stack_version_local, "repos", "repoinfo.xml.rpmsave")
+    if not os.path.exists(repo_file_local):
+      repo_file_local = os.path.join(stack_root_local, stack_version_local, "repos", "repoinfo.xml")
+    repo_file = os.path.join(stack_root, stack_version_local, "repos", "repoinfo.xml")
+    print_info_msg("Local repo file: " + repo_file_local)
+    print_info_msg("Repo file: " + repo_file_local)
+    metainfo_update_items = {}
+    if os.path.exists(repo_file_local) and os.path.exists(repo_file):
+      local_values = load_stack_values(stack_version_local, repo_file_local)
+      repo_values = load_stack_values(stack_version_local, repo_file)
+      for k, v in local_values.iteritems():
+        if repo_values.has_key(k):
+          local_url = local_values[k]
+          repo_url = repo_values[k]
+          if repo_url != local_url:
+            metainfo_update_items[k] = local_url
+    run_metainfo_upgrade(metainfo_update_items)
+# Schema upgrade
+def run_schema_upgrade():
+  jdk_path = get_java_exe_path()
+  if jdk_path is None:
+    print_error_msg("No JDK found, please run the \"setup\" "
+                    "command to install a JDK automatically or install any "
+                    "JDK manually to " + configDefaults.JDK_INSTALL_DIR)
+    return 1
+  print 'Upgrading database schema'
+  command = SCHEMA_UPGRADE_HELPER_CMD.format(jdk_path, get_full_ambari_classpath())
+  (retcode, stdout, stderr) = run_os_command(command)
+  print_info_msg("Return code from schema upgrade command, retcode = " + str(retcode))
+  if retcode > 0:
+    print_error_msg("Error executing schema upgrade, please check the server logs.")
+  else:
+    print_info_msg('Schema upgrade completed')
+  return retcode
+# Upgrades the Ambari Server.
+def move_user_custom_actions():
+  print_info_msg('Moving *.py files from custom_actions to custom_actions/scripts')
+  properties = get_ambari_properties()
+  if properties == -1:
+    err = "Error getting ambari properties"
+    print_error_msg(err)
+    raise FatalException(-1, err)
+  try:
+    resources_dir = properties[RESOURCES_DIR_PROPERTY]
+  except (KeyError), e:
+    conf_file = properties.fileName
+    err = 'Property ' + str(e) + ' is not defined at ' + conf_file
+    print_error_msg(err)
+    raise FatalException(1, err)
+  custom_actions_dir_path = os.path.join(resources_dir, 'custom_actions')
+  custom_actions_scripts_dir_path = os.path.join(custom_actions_dir_path, 'scripts')
+  print_info_msg('Moving *.py files from %s to %s' % (custom_actions_dir_path, custom_actions_scripts_dir_path))
+  try:
+    for custom_action_file_name in os.listdir(custom_actions_dir_path):
+      custom_action_file_path = os.path.join(custom_actions_dir_path, custom_action_file_name)
+      if os.path.isfile(custom_action_file_path) and custom_action_file_path.endswith('.py'):
+        print_info_msg('Moving %s to %s' % (custom_action_file_path, custom_actions_scripts_dir_path))
+        shutil.move(custom_action_file_path, custom_actions_scripts_dir_path)
+  except (OSError, shutil.Error) as e:
+    err = 'Upgrade failed. Can not move *.py files from %s to %s. ' % (custom_actions_dir_path, custom_actions_scripts_dir_path) + str(e)
+    print_error_msg(err)
+    raise FatalException(1, err)
+def upgrade(args):
+  if not is_root():
+    err = configDefaults.MESSAGE_ERROR_UPGRADE_NOT_ROOT
+    raise FatalException(4, err)
+  print 'Updating properties in ' + AMBARI_PROPERTIES_FILE + ' ...'
+  retcode = update_ambari_properties()
+  if not retcode == 0:
+    err = AMBARI_PROPERTIES_FILE + ' file can\'t be updated. Exiting'
+    raise FatalException(retcode, err)
+  try:
+    update_database_name_property(upgrade=True)
+  except FatalException:
+    return -1
+  # Ignore the server version & database options passed via command-line arguments
+  parse_properties_file(args)
+  #TODO check database version
+  change_objects_owner(args)
+  retcode = run_schema_upgrade()
+  if not retcode == 0:
+    print_error_msg("Ambari server upgrade failed. Please look at {0}, for more details.".format(configDefaults.SERVER_LOG_FILE))
+    raise FatalException(11, 'Schema upgrade failed.')
+  user = read_ambari_user()
+  if user is None:
+    warn = "Can not determine custom ambari user.\n" + SETUP_OR_UPGRADE_MSG
+    print_warning_msg(warn)
+  else:
+    adjust_directory_permissions(user)
+  # local repo
+  upgrade_local_repo(args)
+  # create jdbc symlinks if jdbc drivers are available in resources
+  check_jdbc_drivers(args)
+  properties = get_ambari_properties()
+  if properties == -1:
+    err = "Error getting ambari properties"
+    print_error_msg(err)
+    raise FatalException(-1, err)
+  # Move *.py files from custom_actions to custom_actions/scripts
+  # This code exists for historic reasons in which custom action python scripts location changed from Ambari 1.7.0 to 2.0.0
+  ambari_version = get_ambari_version(properties)
+  if ambari_version is None:
+    args.warnings.append("*.py files were not moved from custom_actions to custom_actions/scripts.")
+  elif compare_versions(ambari_version, "2.0.0") == 0:
+    move_user_custom_actions()
+  # check if ambari has obsolete LDAP configuration
+  if properties.get_property(LDAP_PRIMARY_URL_PROPERTY) and not properties.get_property(IS_LDAP_CONFIGURED):
+    args.warnings.append("Existing LDAP configuration is detected. You must run the \"ambari-server setup-ldap\" command to adjust existing LDAP configuration.")
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
index ee8eaa0..5ca5cce 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
@@ -30,10 +30,12 @@ REFRESH_STACK_HASH_ACTION = "refresh-stack-hash"
 STATUS_ACTION = "status"
 SETUP_HTTPS_ACTION = "setup-https"
 LDAP_SETUP_ACTION = "setup-ldap"
+LDAP_SYNC_ACTION = "sync-ldap"
 SETUP_GANGLIA_HTTPS_ACTION = "setup-ganglia-https"
-SETUP_NAGIOS_HTTPS_ACTION = "setup-nagios-https"
 ENCRYPT_PASSWORDS_ACTION = "encrypt-passwords"
 SETUP_SECURITY_ACTION = "setup-security"
+BACKUP_ACTION = "backup"
+RESTORE_ACTION = "restore"
                           SETUP_SECURITY_ACTION, LDAP_SETUP_ACTION]
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
index 3407039..769b5f7 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
@@ -24,22 +24,27 @@ import random
 import re
 import shutil
 import socket
-import stat
 import string
-import sys
 import tempfile
 import urllib2
+import time
 from ambari_commons.exceptions import NonFatalException, FatalException
 from ambari_commons.logging_utils import get_silent, print_warning_msg, print_error_msg, print_info_msg
-from ambari_commons.os_check import OSCheck, OSConst
+from ambari_commons.os_check import OSCheck
 from ambari_commons.os_utils import copy_file, is_root, is_valid_filepath, remove_file, set_file_permissions, \
   run_os_command, search_file
 from ambari_server.serverConfiguration import configDefaults, get_ambari_properties, read_ambari_user, \
-  get_value_from_properties, find_jdk, get_ambari_classpath, get_conf_dir, is_alias_string, find_properties_file, \
+  get_value_from_properties, find_jdk, get_conf_dir, is_alias_string, find_properties_file, \
   update_properties_2, \
+  LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_PROPERTY, LDAP_MGR_USERNAME_PROPERTY, decrypt_password_for_alias, read_passwd_for_alias, \
+  get_is_secure, get_master_key_location, get_credential_store_location, get_is_persisted, get_original_master_key, \
 from setupActions import SETUP_ACTION, LDAP_SETUP_ACTION
 from ambari_server.userInput import get_YN_input, get_validated_string_input, get_validated_filepath_input, \
@@ -63,28 +68,6 @@ KEYTOOL_IMPORT_CERT_CMD = "{0}" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + keytool_bin + " -imp
 KEYTOOL_DELETE_CERT_CMD = "{0}" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + keytool_bin + " -delete -alias '{1}' -storepass '{2}' -noprompt"
 KEYTOOL_KEYSTORE = " -keystore '{0}'"
-java_bin = "java"
-if OSCheck.is_windows_family():
-  java_bin = "java.exe"
-SECURITY_PROVIDER_GET_CMD = "{0}" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + java_bin + " -cp {1}" +\
-                          os.pathsep + "{2} " +\
-                          "" +\
-                          ".CredentialProvider GET {3} {4} {5} " +\
-                          "> " + configDefaults.SERVER_OUT_FILE + " 2>&1"
-SECURITY_PROVIDER_PUT_CMD = "{0}" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + java_bin + " -cp {1}" +\
-                          os.pathsep + "{2} " +\
-                          "" +\
-                          ".CredentialProvider PUT {3} {4} {5} " +\
-                          "> " + configDefaults.SERVER_OUT_FILE + " 2>&1"
-SECURITY_PROVIDER_KEY_CMD = "{0}" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + java_bin + " -cp {1}" +\
-                          os.pathsep + "{2} " +\
-                          "" +\
-                          ".MasterKeyServiceImpl {3} {4} {5} " +\
-                          "> " + configDefaults.SERVER_OUT_FILE + " 2>&1"
 SSL_KEY_DIR = 'security.server.keys_dir'
 SSL_API_PORT = 'client.api.ssl.port'
 SSL_API = 'api.ssl'
@@ -109,29 +92,12 @@ SRVR_TWO_WAY_SSL_PORT = "8441"
 SRVR_ONE_WAY_SSL_PORT_PROPERTY = "security.server.one_way_ssl.port"
-SECURITY_KEYS_DIR = "security.server.keys_dir"
-SECURITY_MASTER_KEY_LOCATION = "security.master.key.location"
-SECURITY_KEY_IS_PERSISTED = "security.master.key.ispersisted"
-SECURITY_IS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED = "security.passwords.encryption.enabled"
 GANGLIA_HTTPS = 'ganglia.https'
 NAGIOS_HTTPS = 'nagios.https'
-SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_ALIAS = "ambari.ssl.trustStore.password"
-SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_PROPERTY = "ssl.trustStore.path"
-SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY = "ssl.trustStore.password"
-SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_PROPERTY = "ssl.trustStore.type"
 PASSWORD_PATTERN = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$"
-LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_ALIAS = "ambari.ldap.manager.password"
-LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_PROPERTY = "authentication.ldap.managerPassword"
-LDAP_MGR_USERNAME_PROPERTY = "authentication.ldap.managerDn"
 REGEX_IP_ADDRESS = "^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$"
 REGEX_HOSTNAME = "^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$"
 REGEX_HOSTNAME_PORT = "^(.*:[0-9]{1,5}$)"
@@ -420,7 +386,7 @@ def get_truststore_password(properties):
   isSecure = get_is_secure(properties)
   if truststore_password:
     if isSecure:
-      truststore_password = decrypt_password_for_alias(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_ALIAS)
+      truststore_password = decrypt_password_for_alias(properties, SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_ALIAS)
     truststore_password = read_password("", ".*", "Password for TrustStore:", "Invalid characters in password")
     if truststore_password:
@@ -429,40 +395,40 @@ def get_truststore_password(properties):
   return truststore_password
+def get_pass_file_path(conf_file, filename):
+  return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(conf_file), filename)
 def read_password(passwordDefault=DEFAULT_PASSWORD,
-  # setup password
-  if passwordPrompt is None:
-    passwordPrompt = 'Password (' + passwordDefault + '): '
-  if passwordDescr is None:
-    passwordDescr = "Invalid characters in password. Use only alphanumeric or " \
-                    "_ or - characters"
-  password = get_validated_string_input(passwordPrompt, passwordDefault,
-                                        passwordPattern, passwordDescr, True)
-  if not password:
-    print 'Password cannot be blank.'
-    return read_password(passwordDefault, passwordPattern, passwordPrompt,
-                   passwordDescr)
-  if password != passwordDefault:
-    password1 = get_validated_string_input("Re-enter password: ",
-                                           passwordDefault, passwordPattern, passwordDescr, True)
-    if password != password1:
-      print "Passwords do not match"
-      return read_password(passwordDefault, passwordPattern, passwordPrompt,
-                      passwordDescr)
-  return password
+  input = True
+  while(input):
+    # setup password
+    if passwordPrompt is None:
+      passwordPrompt = 'Password (' + passwordDefault + '): '
-def get_is_secure(properties):
-  isSecure = properties.get_property(SECURITY_IS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED)
-  isSecure = True if isSecure and isSecure.lower() == 'true' else False
-  return isSecure
+    if passwordDescr is None:
+      passwordDescr = "Invalid characters in password. Use only alphanumeric or " \
+                      "_ or - characters"
+    password = get_validated_string_input(passwordPrompt, passwordDefault,
+                                          passwordPattern, passwordDescr, True)
+    if not password:
+      print 'Password cannot be blank.'
+      continue
+    if password != passwordDefault:
+      password1 = get_validated_string_input("Re-enter password: ",
+                                             passwordDefault, passwordPattern, passwordDescr, True)
+      if password != password1:
+        print "Passwords do not match"
+        continue
+    input = False
+  return password
 def encrypt_password(alias, password):
   properties = get_ambari_properties()
@@ -494,59 +460,6 @@ def get_alias_string(alias):
 def get_alias_from_alias_string(aliasStr):
   return aliasStr[8:-1]
-def read_passwd_for_alias(alias, masterKey=""):
-  if alias:
-    jdk_path = find_jdk()
-    if jdk_path is None:
-      print_error_msg("No JDK found, please run the \"setup\" "
-                      "command to install a JDK automatically or install any "
-                      "JDK manually to " + configDefaults.JDK_INSTALL_DIR)
-      return 1
-    tempFileName = "ambari.passwd"
-    passwd = ""
-    tempDir = tempfile.gettempdir()
-    #create temporary file for writing
-    tempFilePath = tempDir + os.sep + tempFileName
-    file = open(tempFilePath, 'w+')
-    os.chmod(tempFilePath, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE)
-    file.close()
-    if masterKey is None or masterKey == "":
-      masterKey = "None"
-    command = SECURITY_PROVIDER_GET_CMD.format(jdk_path,
-      get_conf_dir(), get_ambari_classpath(), alias, tempFilePath, masterKey)
-    (retcode, stdout, stderr) = run_os_command(command)
-    print_info_msg("Return code from credential provider get passwd: " +
-                   str(retcode))
-    if retcode != 0:
-      print 'ERROR: Unable to read password from store. alias = ' + alias
-    else:
-      passwd = open(tempFilePath, 'r').read()
-      # Remove temporary file
-    os.remove(tempFilePath)
-    return passwd
-  else:
-    print_error_msg("Alias is unreadable.")
-def decrypt_password_for_alias(alias):
-  properties = get_ambari_properties()
-  if properties == -1:
-    raise FatalException(1, None)
-  isSecure = get_is_secure(properties)
-  (isPersisted, masterKeyFile) = get_is_persisted(properties)
-  if isSecure:
-    masterKey = None
-    if not masterKeyFile:
-      # Encryption enabled but no master key file found
-      masterKey = get_original_master_key(properties)
-    return read_passwd_for_alias(alias, masterKey)
-  else:
-    return alias
 def save_passwd_for_alias(alias, passwd, masterKey=""):
   if alias and passwd:
     jdk_path = find_jdk()
@@ -559,8 +472,8 @@ def save_passwd_for_alias(alias, passwd, masterKey=""):
     if masterKey is None or masterKey == "":
       masterKey = "None"
-    command = SECURITY_PROVIDER_PUT_CMD.format(jdk_path, get_conf_dir(),
-      get_ambari_classpath(), alias, passwd, masterKey)
+    command = SECURITY_PROVIDER_PUT_CMD.format(get_java_exe_path(),
+      get_full_ambari_classpath(), alias, passwd, masterKey)
     (retcode, stdout, stderr) = run_os_command(command)
     print_info_msg("Return code from credential provider save passwd: " +
@@ -568,61 +481,6 @@ def save_passwd_for_alias(alias, passwd, masterKey=""):
     print_error_msg("Alias or password is unreadable.")
-def get_is_persisted(properties):
-  keyLocation = get_master_key_location(properties)
-  masterKeyFile = search_file(SECURITY_MASTER_KEY_FILENAME, keyLocation)
-  isPersisted = True if masterKeyFile else False
-  return (isPersisted, masterKeyFile)
-def get_credential_store_location(properties):
-  store_loc = properties[SECURITY_KEYS_DIR]
-  if store_loc is None or store_loc == "":
-    store_loc = "/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/credentials.jceks"
-  else:
-    store_loc += os.sep + "credentials.jceks"
-  return store_loc
-def get_master_key_location(properties):
-  keyLocation = properties[SECURITY_MASTER_KEY_LOCATION]
-  if keyLocation is None or keyLocation == "":
-    keyLocation = properties[SECURITY_KEYS_DIR]
-  return keyLocation
-def get_original_master_key(properties):
-  try:
-    masterKey = get_validated_string_input('Enter current Master Key: ',
-                                             "", ".*", "", True, False)
-  except KeyboardInterrupt:
-    print 'Exiting...'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  # Find an alias that exists
-  alias = None
-  property = properties.get_property(JDBC_PASSWORD_PROPERTY)
-  if property and is_alias_string(property):
-  alias = None
-  if not alias:
-    property = properties.get_property(LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_PROPERTY)
-    if property and is_alias_string(property):
-  if not alias:
-    property = properties.get_property(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY)
-    if property and is_alias_string(property):
-  # Decrypt alias with master to validate it, if no master return
-  if alias and masterKey:
-    password = read_passwd_for_alias(alias, masterKey)
-    if not password:
-      print "ERROR: Master key does not match."
-      return get_original_master_key(properties)
-  return masterKey
 def read_master_key(isReset=False):
   passwordPattern = ".*"
   passwordPrompt = "Please provide master key for locking the credential store: "
@@ -632,19 +490,23 @@ def read_master_key(isReset=False):
   if isReset:
     passwordPrompt = "Enter new Master Key: "
-  masterKey = get_validated_string_input(passwordPrompt, passwordDefault,
-                            passwordPattern, passwordDescr, True, True)
+  input = True
+  while(input):
+    masterKey = get_validated_string_input(passwordPrompt, passwordDefault,
+                              passwordPattern, passwordDescr, True, True)
-  if not masterKey:
-    print "Master Key cannot be empty!"
-    return read_master_key()
+    if not masterKey:
+      print "Master Key cannot be empty!"
+      continue
-  masterKey2 = get_validated_string_input("Re-enter master key: ",
-      passwordDefault, passwordPattern, passwordDescr, True, True)
+    masterKey2 = get_validated_string_input("Re-enter master key: ",
+        passwordDefault, passwordPattern, passwordDescr, True, True)
-  if masterKey != masterKey2:
-    print "Master key did not match!"
-    return read_master_key()
+    if masterKey != masterKey2:
+      print "Master key did not match!"
+      continue
+    input = False
   return masterKey
@@ -656,8 +518,8 @@ def save_master_key(master_key, key_location, persist=True):
                       "command to install a JDK automatically or install any "
                       "JDK manually to " + configDefaults.JDK_INSTALL_DIR)
       return 1
-    command = SECURITY_PROVIDER_KEY_CMD.format(jdk_path,
-      get_ambari_classpath(), get_conf_dir(), master_key, key_location, persist)
+    command = SECURITY_PROVIDER_KEY_CMD.format(get_java_exe_path(),
+      get_full_ambari_classpath(), master_key, key_location, persist)
     (retcode, stdout, stderr) = run_os_command(command)
     print_info_msg("Return code from credential provider save KEY: " +
@@ -666,8 +528,7 @@ def save_master_key(master_key, key_location, persist=True):
 def store_password_file(password, filename):
   conf_file = find_properties_file()
-  passFilePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(conf_file),
-    filename)
+  passFilePath = get_pass_file_path(conf_file, filename)
   with open(passFilePath, 'w+') as passFile:
@@ -694,10 +555,25 @@ def remove_password_file(filename):
 def adjust_directory_permissions(ambari_user):
   properties = get_ambari_properties()
-  bootstrap_dir = get_value_from_properties(properties, BOOTSTRAP_DIR_PROPERTY)
+  bootstrap_dir = os.path.abspath(get_value_from_properties(properties, BOOTSTRAP_DIR_PROPERTY))
   print_info_msg("Cleaning bootstrap directory ({0}) contents...".format(bootstrap_dir))
   shutil.rmtree(bootstrap_dir, True) #Ignore the non-existent dir error
-  os.makedirs(bootstrap_dir)
+  #Protect against directories lingering around
+  del_attempts = 0
+  while os.path.exists(bootstrap_dir) and del_attempts < 100:
+    time.sleep(50)
+    del_attempts += 1
+  if not os.path.exists(bootstrap_dir):
+    try:
+      os.makedirs(bootstrap_dir)
+    except Exception, ex:
+      print_warning_msg("Failed recreating the bootstrap directory: {0}".format(str(ex)))
+      pass
+  else:
+    print_warning_msg("Bootstrap directory lingering around after 5s. Unable to complete the cleanup.")
   # Add master key and credential store if exists
   keyLocation = get_master_key_location(properties)
   masterKeyFile = search_file(SECURITY_MASTER_KEY_FILENAME, keyLocation)
@@ -710,6 +586,7 @@ def adjust_directory_permissions(ambari_user):
   if trust_store_location:
     configDefaults.NR_ADJUST_OWNERSHIP_LIST.append((trust_store_location, configDefaults.TRUST_STORE_LOCATION_PERMISSIONS, "{0}", "{0}", False))
   print "Adjusting ambari-server permissions and ownership..."
   for pack in configDefaults.NR_ADJUST_OWNERSHIP_LIST:
     file = pack[0]
     mod = pack[1]
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
index 3e8b2c7..c15d335 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
@@ -41,21 +41,28 @@ def get_choice_string_input(prompt, default, firstChoice, secondChoice):
   if get_silent():
     return default
-  choice = raw_input(prompt).lower()
-  if choice in firstChoice:
-    return True
-  elif choice in secondChoice:
-    return False
-  elif choice is "":  # Just enter pressed
-    return default
-  else:
-    print "input not recognized, please try again: "
-    return get_choice_string_input(prompt, default, firstChoice, secondChoice)
+  input = True
+  result = default
+  while input:
+    choice = raw_input(prompt).lower()
+    if choice in firstChoice:
+      result = True
+      input = False
+    elif choice in secondChoice:
+      result = False
+      input = False
+    elif choice is "":  # Just enter pressed
+      result = default
+      input = False
+    else:
+      print "input not recognized, please try again: "
+  return result
 def get_validated_string_input(prompt, default, pattern, description,
                                is_pass, allowEmpty=True, validatorFunction=None):
   input = ""
   while not input:
     if get_silent():
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/custom_actions/scripts/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/custom_actions/scripts/
index c335806..ff2eabd 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/custom_actions/scripts/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/custom_actions/scripts/
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ class CheckHost(Script):
         install_cmd = format("mkdir -p {java_dir} ; cd {java_dir} ; tar -xf {jdk_download_target} > /dev/null 2>&1")
         install_path = ["/bin","/usr/bin/"]
       elif jdk_name.endswith(".exe"):
-        install_cmd = "{} /s INSTALLDIR={} STATIC=1 WEB_JAVA=0 /L \\var\\log\\ambari-agent".format(
+        install_cmd = "{0} /s INSTALLDIR={1} STATIC=1 WEB_JAVA=0 /L \\var\\log\\ambari-agent".format(
           os_utils.quote_path(jdk_download_target), os_utils.quote_path(java64_home),
         install_path = [java_dir]
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDPWIN/2.1/hooks/before-ANY/scripts/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDPWIN/2.1/hooks/before-ANY/scripts/
index d48bb52..8c33856 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDPWIN/2.1/hooks/before-ANY/scripts/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDPWIN/2.1/hooks/before-ANY/scripts/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from ambari_commons.inet_utils import download_file
 from resource_management import *
-_install_cmd = '{} /s INSTALLDIR={} ADDLOCAL="ToolsFeature,SourceFeature"'
+_install_cmd = '{0} /s INSTALLDIR={1} ADDLOCAL="ToolsFeature,SourceFeature"'
 def _check_installed():
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def setup_jdk():
   if not os.path.exists(params.java_home):
   jdk_setup_savepath = os.path.join(params.java_home, params.jdk_name)
-  jdk_download_url = "{}/{}".format(params.jdk_location, params.jdk_name)
+  jdk_download_url = "{0}/{1}".format(params.jdk_location, params.jdk_name)
   download_file(jdk_download_url, jdk_setup_savepath)
   Execute(_install_cmd.format(jdk_setup_savepath, params.java_home))
   if not _check_installed():
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDPWIN/2.1/services/YARN/package/scripts/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDPWIN/2.1/services/YARN/package/scripts/
index f81408f..82bb0fc 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDPWIN/2.1/services/YARN/package/scripts/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDPWIN/2.1/services/YARN/package/scripts/
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ class MapReduce2ServiceCheck(Script):
     validateStatusFileName = ""
     validateStatusFilePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(params.hadoop_home), "temp", validateStatusFileName)
     python_executable = sys.executable
-    validateStatusCmd = "{} {} {} -p {} -s {}".format(
+    validateStatusCmd = "{0} {1} {2} -p {3} -s {4}".format(
       python_executable, validateStatusFilePath, component_type, component_address, params.hadoop_ssl_enabled)
     if params.security_enabled:
-      kinit_cmd = "{} -kt {} {};".format(params.kinit_path_local, params.smoke_user_keytab, params.smokeuser)
+      kinit_cmd = "{0} -kt {1} {2};".format(params.kinit_path_local, params.smoke_user_keytab, params.smokeuser)
       smoke_cmd = kinit_cmd + validateStatusCmd
       smoke_cmd = validateStatusCmd