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Posted to by "Hohlen, John" <> on 2002/09/10 17:43:34 UTC

RE: ??? In JSP Error Message Using Struts 1.1 and Multiple Messag e Re source Files

I solved part of the problem on my own problem. I shouldn't be using the
resource bundle in my code.  The Struts framework figures which out messages
resource bundle to use based on the current sub-application being used.
Therefore, I changed my code to the following:

     ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
                new ActionError("error.login.blankUserIdPassword"));

However, Struts still doesn't seem to find the value for my error message.
Now it displays the key:

Correct the following error(s): 

Other internationalized text on my JSP is being correctly found in the
sub-application's message resource file as I use the "bundle" attribute in
my JSP custom tags.  But the action errors code doesn't seem to be finding
the message resource bundle.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hohlen, John 
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 9:35 AM
To: Struts-Help (E-mail)
Subject: ??? In JSP Error Message Using Struts 1.1 and Multiple Message
Re source Files

I'm currently seeing "????" in my error messages using the <html:errors> tag
in Struts 1.1 (b2) with multiple message resource files.  For example, I see
the following:

Correct the following error(s):
???en_US.Please enter user ID and password.???

I understand the "???" will appear when an unknown message key is used if
you have null set to "false" in the message-resources declaration.  For

<message-resources key="LOGIN_MESSAGES_KEY" 

However, the message key is being found because "Please enter user ID and
password" is the correct "value" for the key.  More specifically, my
"" file has the following key/value:

error.login.blankUserIdPassword = Please enter user ID and password. 

My Java code poplulates the errors container as follows:
      ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
      ResourceBundle bundle =

Any ideas on why I'm seeing the "???" if the key is being successfully



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