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+            <h2>Z-MERT</h2>
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+            <p>This document describes how to manually run the ZMERT module.  ZMERT is Joshua’s minimum error-rate
+training module, written by Omar F. Zaidan.  It is easily adapted to drop in different decoders, and
+was also written so as to work with different objective functions (other than BLEU).</p>
+<p>((Section (1) in <code class="highlighter-rouge">$JOSHUA/examples/ZMERT/README_ZMERT.txt</code> is an expanded version of this section))</p>
+<p>Z-MERT, can be used by launching the driver program (<code class="highlighter-rouge"></code>), which expects a config file as
+its main argument.  This config file can be used to specify any subset of Z-MERT’s 20-some
+parameters.  For a full list of those parameters, and their default values, run ZMERT with a single
+-h argument as follows:</p>
+<div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>java -cp $JOSHUA/bin joshua.zmert.ZMERT -h
+<p>So what does a Z-MERT config file look like?</p>
+<p>Examine the file <code class="highlighter-rouge">examples/ZMERT/ZMERT_config_ex2.txt</code>.  You will find that it
+specifies the following “main” MERT parameters:</p>
+<div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>(*) -dir dirPrefix:         working directory
+(*) -s sourceFile:          source sentences (foreign sentences) of the MERT dataset
+(*) -r refFile:             target sentences (reference translations) of the MERT dataset
+(*) -rps refsPerSen:        number of reference translations per sentence
+(*) -p paramsFile:          file containing parameter names, initial values, and ranges
+(*) -maxIt maxMERTIts:      maximum number of MERT iterations
+(*) -ipi initsPerIt:        number of intermediate initial points per iteration
+(*) -cmd commandFile:       name of file containing commands to run the decoder
+(*) -decOut decoderOutFile: name of the output file produced by the decoder
+(*) -dcfg decConfigFile:    name of decoder config file
+(*) -N N:                   size of N-best list (per sentence) generated in each MERT iteration
+(*) -v verbosity:           output verbosity level (0-2; higher value =&gt; more verbose)
+(*) -seed seed:             seed used to initialize the random number generator
+<p>(Note that the <code class="highlighter-rouge">-s</code> parameter is only used if Z-MERT is running Joshua as an
+ internal decoder.  If Joshua is run as an external decoder, as is the case in
+ this README, then this parameter is ignored.)</p>
+<p>To test Z-MERT on the 100-sentence test set of example2, provide this config
+file to Z-MERT as follows:</p>
+<div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>java -cp bin joshua.zmert.ZMERT -maxMem 500 examples/ZMERT/ZMERT_config_ex2.txt &gt; examples/ZMERT/ZMERT_example/ZMERT.out
+<p>This will run Z-MERT for a couple of iterations on the data from the example2
+folder.  (Notice that we have made copies of the source and reference files
+from example2 and renamed them as src.txt and ref.* in the MERT_example folder,
+just to have all the files needed by Z-MERT in one place.)  Once the Z-MERT run
+is complete, you should be able to inspect the log file to see what kinds of
+things it did.  If everything goes well, the run should take a few minutes, of
+which more than 95% is time spent by Z-MERT waiting on Joshua to finish
+decoding the sentences (once per iteration).</p>
+<p>The output file you get should be equivalent to <code class="highlighter-rouge">ZMERT.out.verbosity1</code>.  If you
+rerun the experiment with the verbosity (-v) argument set to 2 instead of 1,
+the output file you get should be equivalent to <code class="highlighter-rouge">ZMERT.out.verbosity2</code>, which has
+more interesting details about what Z-MERT does.</p>
+<p>Notice the additional <code class="highlighter-rouge">-maxMem</code> argument.  It tells Z-MERT that it should not
+persist to use up memory while the decoder is running (during which time Z-MERT
+would be idle).  The 500 tells Z-MERT that it can only use a maximum of 500 MB.
+For more details on this issue, see section (4) in Z-MERT’s README.</p>
+<p>A quick note about Z-MERT’s interaction with the decoder.  If you examine the
+file <code class="highlighter-rouge">decoder_command_ex2.txt</code>, which is provided as the commandFile (<code class="highlighter-rouge">-cmd</code>)
+argument in Z-MERT’s config file, you’ll find it contains the command one would
+use to run the decoder.  Z-MERT launches the commandFile as an external
+process, and assumes that it will launch the decoder to produce translations.
+(Make sure that commandFile is executable.)  After launching this external
+process, Z-MERT waits for it to finish, then uses the resulting output file for
+parameter tuning (in addition to the output files from previous iterations).
+The command file here only has a single command, but your command file could
+have multiple lines.  Just make sure the command file itself is executable.</p>
+<p>Notice that the Z-MERT arguments <code class="highlighter-rouge">configFile</code> and <code class="highlighter-rouge">decoderOutFile</code> (<code class="highlighter-rouge">-cfg</code> and
+<code class="highlighter-rouge">-decOut</code>) must match the two Joshua arguments in the commandFile’s (<code class="highlighter-rouge">-cmd</code>) single
+command.  Also, the Z-MERT argument for N must match the value for <code class="highlighter-rouge">top_n</code> in
+Joshua’s config file, indicated by the Z-MERT argument configFile (<code class="highlighter-rouge">-cfg</code>).</p>
+<p>For more details on Z-MERT, refer to <code class="highlighter-rouge">$JOSHUA/examples/ZMERT/README_ZMERT.txt</code></p>
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+ * Bootstrap Responsive v2.3.2
+ *
+ * Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc
+ * Licensed under the Apache License v2.0
+ *
+ *
+ * Designed and built with all the love in the world by @mdo and @fat.
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