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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2022/10/14 09:19:16 UTC

[GitHub] [incubator-streampark] MonsterChenzhuo opened a new issue, #1841: [Feature] FlinkJobStatusWatcher

MonsterChenzhuo opened a new issue, #1841:

   ### Search before asking
   - [X] I had searched in the [feature]( and found no similar feature requirement.
   ### Description
   FlinkJobStatusWatcher 线程模式设计有缺陷。
    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
   package org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher
   import org.apache.streampark.common.util.Logger
   import org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.enums.FlinkJobState
   import org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.enums.FlinkK8sExecuteMode.{APPLICATION, SESSION}
   import org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.event.FlinkJobStatusChangeEvent
   import org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.model._
   import org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.{ChangeEventBus, FlinkTrackController, IngressController, JobStatusWatcherConfig, KubernetesRetriever}
   import org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.helper.KubernetesDeploymentHelper
   import org.apache.hc.client5.http.fluent.Request
   import org.apache.hc.core5.util.Timeout
   import org.apache.streampark.archives.FetchArchives
   import org.json4s.{DefaultFormats, JNothing, JNull}
   import org.json4s.JsonAST.JArray
   import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.parse
   import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
   import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, ScheduledFuture, TimeUnit}
   import javax.annotation.Nonnull
   import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe
   import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationLong
   import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, ExecutionContextExecutorService, Future}
   import scala.language.{implicitConversions, postfixOps}
   import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
    * Watcher for continuously monitor flink job status on kubernetes-mode,
    * the traced flink identifiers from FlinkTrackCachePool.trackIds, the traced
    * result of flink jobs status would written to FlinkTrackCachePool.jobStatuses.
   class FlinkJobStatusWatcher(conf: JobStatusWatcherConfig = JobStatusWatcherConfig.defaultConf)
                              (implicit val trackController: FlinkTrackController,
                               implicit val eventBus: ChangeEventBus) extends Logger with FlinkWatcher {
     private val trackTaskExecPool = Executors.newWorkStealingPool()
     private implicit val trackTaskExecutor: ExecutionContextExecutorService = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(trackTaskExecPool)
     private val timerExec = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor()
     private var timerSchedule: ScheduledFuture[_] = _
      * stop watcher process
     override def doStart(): Unit = {
       timerSchedule = timerExec.scheduleAtFixedRate(() => doWatch(), 0, conf.requestIntervalSec, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
       logInfo("[flink-k8s] FlinkJobStatusWatcher started.")
      * stop watcher process
     override def doStop(): Unit = {
       // interrupt all running threads
       logInfo("[flink-k8s] FlinkJobStatusWatcher stopped.")
      * closes resource, relinquishing any underlying resources.
     override def doClose(): Unit = {
       logInfo("[flink-k8s] FlinkJobStatusWatcher closed.")
      * single flink job status tracking task
     override def doWatch(): Unit = {
       // get all legal tracking ids
       val trackIds = Try(trackController.collectAllTrackIds()).filter(_.nonEmpty).getOrElse(return)
       // retrieve flink job status in thread pool
       val tracksFuture: Set[Future[Option[JobStatusCV]]] = { id =>
         val future = Future {
           id.executeMode match {
             case SESSION => touchSessionJob(id)
             case APPLICATION => touchApplicationJob(id)
         future onComplete (_.getOrElse(None) match {
           case Some(jobState) =>
             val trackId = id.copy(jobId = jobState.jobId)
             val latest: JobStatusCV = trackController.jobStatuses.get(trackId)
             if (latest == null || latest.jobState != jobState.jobState || latest.jobId != jobState.jobId) {
               // put job status to cache
               trackController.jobStatuses.put(trackId, jobState)
               // set jobId to trackIds
               eventBus.postSync(FlinkJobStatusChangeEvent(trackId, jobState))
             if (FlinkJobState.isEndState(jobState.jobState)) {
               // remove trackId from cache of job that needs to be untracked
               if (trackId.executeMode == APPLICATION) {
           case _ =>
       // blocking until all future are completed or timeout is reached
       Try(Await.ready(Future.sequence(tracksFuture), conf.requestTimeoutSec seconds)) { _ =>
         logInfo(s"[FlinkJobStatusWatcher] tracking flink job status on kubernetes mode timeout," +
           s" limitSeconds=${conf.requestTimeoutSec}," +
           s" trackIds=${trackIds.mkString(",")}")
      * Get flink status information from kubernetes-native-session cluster.
      * When the flink-cluster-client request fails, the job state would be
      * LOST or SILENT.
      * This method can be called directly from outside, without affecting the
      * current cachePool result.
     def touchSessionJob(@Nonnull trackId: TrackId): Option[JobStatusCV] = {
       val pollEmitTime = System.currentTimeMillis
       val clusterId = trackId.clusterId
       val namespace = trackId.namespace
       val appId = trackId.appId
       val jobId = trackId.jobId
       val rsMap = touchSessionAllJob(clusterId, namespace, appId).toMap
       val id = TrackId.onSession(namespace, clusterId, appId, jobId)
       val jobState = rsMap.get(id).filter(_.jobState != FlinkJobState.SILENT).getOrElse {
         val preCache = trackController.jobStatuses.get(id)
         val state = inferSilentOrLostFromPreCache(preCache)
         val nonFirstSilent = state == FlinkJobState.SILENT && preCache != null && preCache.jobState == FlinkJobState.SILENT
         if (nonFirstSilent) {
           JobStatusCV(jobState = state, jobId = id.jobId, pollEmitTime = preCache.pollEmitTime, pollAckTime = preCache.pollAckTime)
         } else {
           JobStatusCV(jobState = state, jobId = id.jobId, pollEmitTime = pollEmitTime, pollAckTime = System.currentTimeMillis)
      * Get all flink job status information from kubernetes-native-session cluster.
      * The empty array will returned when the k8s-client or flink-cluster-client
      * request fails.
      * This method can be called directly from outside, without affecting the
      * current cachePool result.
     protected[kubernetes] def touchSessionAllJob(@Nonnull clusterId: String, @Nonnull namespace: String, @Nonnull appId: Long): Array[(TrackId, JobStatusCV)] = {
       lazy val defaultResult = Array.empty[(TrackId, JobStatusCV)]
       val pollEmitTime = System.currentTimeMillis
       val jobDetails = listJobsDetails(ClusterKey(SESSION, namespace, clusterId)).getOrElse(return defaultResult).jobs
       if (jobDetails.isEmpty) {
       } else { { d =>
           TrackId.onSession(namespace, clusterId, appId, d.jid) -> d.toJobStatusCV(pollEmitTime, System.currentTimeMillis)
      * Get flink status information from kubernetes-native-application cluster.
      * When the flink-cluster-client request fails, will infer the job statue
      * from k8s events.
      * This method can be called directly from outside, without affecting the
      * current cachePool result.
     def touchApplicationJob(@Nonnull trackId: TrackId): Option[JobStatusCV] = {
       implicit val pollEmitTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis
       val clusterId = trackId.clusterId
       val namespace = trackId.namespace
       val jobDetails = listJobsDetails(ClusterKey(APPLICATION, namespace, clusterId))
       if (jobDetails.isEmpty || {
       } else {
         Some(, System.currentTimeMillis))
      * list flink jobs details
     private def listJobsDetails(clusterKey: ClusterKey): Option[JobDetails] = {
       // get flink rest api
       Try {
         val clusterRestUrl = trackController.getClusterRestUrl(clusterKey).filter(_.nonEmpty).getOrElse(return None)
         // list flink jobs from rest api
       }.getOrElse {
         logger.warn("Failed to visit remote flink jobs on kubernetes-native-mode cluster, and the retry access logic is performed.")
         val clusterRestUrl = trackController.refreshClusterRestUrl(clusterKey).getOrElse(return None)
         Try(callJobsOverviewsApi(clusterRestUrl)) match {
           case Success(s) =>
   "The retry is successful.")
           case Failure(e) =>
             logger.warn(s"The retry fetch failed, final status failed, errorStack=${e.getMessage}.")
      * list flink jobs details from rest api
     private def callJobsOverviewsApi(restUrl: String): Option[JobDetails] = {
       val jobDetails =
      * Infer the current flink state from the last relevant k8s events.
      * This method is only used for application-mode job inference in
      * case of a failed JM rest request.
     private def inferApplicationFlinkJobStateFromK8sEvent(@Nonnull trackId: TrackId)
                                                          (implicit pollEmitTime: Long): Option[JobStatusCV] = {
       this.synchronized {
         // infer from k8s deployment and event
         val latest: JobStatusCV = trackController.jobStatuses.get(trackId)"Query the local cache result:${trackController.canceling.has(trackId).toString},trackId ${trackId.toString}.")
         val jobState = {
           if (trackController.canceling.has(trackId)) FlinkJobState.CANCELED else {
             // whether deployment exists on kubernetes cluster
             val isDeployExists = KubernetesRetriever.isDeploymentExists(trackId.clusterId, trackId.namespace)
             val deployStateOfTheError = KubernetesDeploymentHelper.getDeploymentStatusChanges(trackId.namespace, trackId.clusterId)
             val isConnection = KubernetesDeploymentHelper.isTheK8sConnectionNormal()
             if (isDeployExists) {
               if (!deployStateOfTheError) {
       "Task Enter the initialization process.")
               } else if (isConnection) {
       "Enter the task failure deletion process.")
                 KubernetesDeploymentHelper.watchPodTerminatedLog(trackId.namespace, trackId.clusterId)
                 KubernetesDeploymentHelper.deleteTaskDeployment(trackId.namespace, trackId.clusterId)
                 IngressController.deleteIngress(trackId.namespace, trackId.clusterId)
               } else {
             } else if (isConnection) {
     "The deployment is deleted and enters the task failure process.")
             } else {
       val jobStatusCV = JobStatusCV(
         jobState = jobState,
         jobId = null,
         pollEmitTime = pollEmitTime,
         pollAckTime = System.currentTimeMillis
       if (jobState == FlinkJobState.SILENT && latest != null && latest.jobState == FlinkJobState.SILENT) {
         Some(jobStatusCV.copy(pollEmitTime = latest.pollEmitTime, pollAckTime = latest.pollAckTime))
       } else {
     private[this] def inferSilentOrLostFromPreCache(preCache: JobStatusCV) = preCache match {
       case preCache if preCache == null => FlinkJobState.SILENT
       case preCache if preCache.jobState == FlinkJobState.SILENT &&
         System.currentTimeMillis() - preCache.pollAckTime >= conf.silentStateJobKeepTrackingSec * 1000 => FlinkJobState.LOST
       case _ => FlinkJobState.SILENT
   object FlinkJobStatusWatcher {
     private val effectEndStates: Seq[FlinkJobState.Value] = FlinkJobState.endingStates.filter(_ != FlinkJobState.LOST)
      * infer flink job state before persistence.
      * so drama, so sad.
      * @param current  current flink job state
      * @param previous previous flink job state from persistent storage
     def inferFlinkJobStateFromPersist(current: FlinkJobState.Value, previous: FlinkJobState.Value): FlinkJobState.Value = {
       current match {
         case FlinkJobState.LOST => if (effectEndStates.contains(current)) previous else FlinkJobState.TERMINATED
         case FlinkJobState.POS_TERMINATED | FlinkJobState.TERMINATED => previous match {
           case FlinkJobState.CANCELLING => FlinkJobState.CANCELED
           case FlinkJobState.FAILING => FlinkJobState.FAILED
           case _ => if (current == FlinkJobState.POS_TERMINATED) FlinkJobState.FINISHED else FlinkJobState.TERMINATED
         case _ => current
   private[kubernetes] case class JobDetails(jobs: Array[JobDetail] = Array())
   private[kubernetes] case class JobDetail(jid: String,
                                            name: String,
                                            state: String,
                                            startTime: Long,
                                            endTime: Long,
                                            duration: Long,
                                            lastModification: Long,
                                            tasks: JobTask) {
     def toJobStatusCV(pollEmitTime: Long, pollAckTime: Long): JobStatusCV = {
         jobState = FlinkJobState.of(state),
         jobId = jid,
         jobName = name,
         jobStartTime = startTime,
         jobEndTime = endTime,
         duration = duration,
         taskTotal =,
         pollEmitTime = pollEmitTime,
         pollAckTime = pollAckTime)
   private[kubernetes] case class JobTask(total: Int,
                                          created: Int,
                                          scheduled: Int,
                                          deploying: Int,
                                          running: Int,
                                          finished: Int,
                                          canceling: Int,
                                          canceled: Int,
                                          failed: Int,
                                          reconciling: Int,
                                          initializing: Int)
   private[kubernetes] object JobDetails {
     implicit lazy val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
     def as(json: String): Option[JobDetails] = {
       Try(parse(json)) match {
         case Success(ok) =>
           ok \ "jobs" match {
             case JNothing | JNull => None
             case JArray(arr) =>
               val details = => {
                 val task = x \ "tasks"
                   (x \ "jid").extractOpt[String].orNull,
                   (x \ "name").extractOpt[String].orNull,
                   (x \ "state").extractOpt[String].orNull,
                   (x \ "start-time").extractOpt[Long].getOrElse(0),
                   (x \ "end-time").extractOpt[Long].getOrElse(0),
                   (x \ "duration").extractOpt[Long].getOrElse(0),
                   (x \ "last-modification").extractOpt[Long].getOrElse(0),
                     (task \ "total").extractOpt[Int].getOrElse(0),
                     (task \ "created").extractOpt[Int].getOrElse(0),
                     (task \ "scheduled").extractOpt[Int].getOrElse(0),
                     (task \ "deploying").extractOpt[Int].getOrElse(0),
                     (task \ "running").extractOpt[Int].getOrElse(0),
                     (task \ "finished").extractOpt[Int].getOrElse(0),
                     (task \ "canceling").extractOpt[Int].getOrElse(0),
                     (task \ "canceled").extractOpt[Int].getOrElse(0),
                     (task \ "failed").extractOpt[Int].getOrElse(0),
                     (task \ "reconciling").extractOpt[Int].getOrElse(0),
                     (task \ "initializing").extractOpt[Int].getOrElse(0)
             case _ => None
         case Failure(_) => None
   2022-10-14 17:15:51 | INFO  | pool-7-thread-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:39] [StreamPark] ======Set(TrackId(kubernetes-application,native-flink,test33,100000,null))======
   2022-10-14 17:15:51 | WARN  | ForkJoinPool-1-worker-4 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:220] Failed to visit remote flink jobs on kubernetes-native-mode cluster, and the retry access logic is performed.
   2022-10-14 17:15:51 | INFO  | ForkJoinPool-1-worker-4 | org.apache.flink.kubernetes.KubernetesClusterDescriptor:147] Retrieve flink cluster test33 successfully, JobManager Web Interface:
   2022-10-14 17:15:52 | INFO  | ForkJoinPool-1-worker-4 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.KubernetesRetriever:131] retrieve flink jobManager rest url:
   2022-10-14 17:16:02 | WARN  | ForkJoinPool-1-worker-4 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:227] The retry fetch failed, final status failed, errorStack=Connect to [/] failed: connect timed out.
   2022-10-14 17:16:02 | INFO  | ForkJoinPool-1-worker-4 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:256] Query the local cache result:false,trackId TrackId(kubernetes-application,native-flink,test33,100000,null).
   2022-10-14 17:16:02 | INFO  | ForkJoinPool-1-worker-4 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:278] The deployment is deleted and enters the task failure process.
   2022-10-14 17:16:02 | INFO  | pool-7-thread-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:39] [StreamPark] ========整个流程执行完成一遍:pool-7-thread-1========
   2022-10-14 17:16:02 | INFO  | pool-7-thread-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:39] [StreamPark] ========整个流程执行开始:pool-7-thread-1========
   2022-10-14 17:16:02 | INFO  | pool-7-thread-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:39] [StreamPark] ======Set(TrackId(kubernetes-application,native-flink,test33,100000,null))======
   2022-10-14 17:16:03 | ERROR | ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.KubernetesRetriever:71] [StreamPark] Get flinkClient error, the error is: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.flink.client.deployment.ClusterRetrieveException: Could not get the rest endpoint of test33
   2022-10-14 17:16:03 | INFO  | ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:256] Query the local cache result:false,trackId TrackId(kubernetes-application,native-flink,test33,100000,null).
   2022-10-14 17:16:03 | INFO  | ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:278] The deployment is deleted and enters the task failure process.
   2022-10-14 17:16:03 | INFO  | pool-7-thread-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:39] [StreamPark] ========整个流程执行完成一遍:pool-7-thread-1========
   2022-10-14 17:16:03 | INFO  | pool-7-thread-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:39] [StreamPark] ========整个流程执行开始:pool-7-thread-1========
   2022-10-14 17:16:03 | INFO  | pool-7-thread-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:39] [StreamPark] ======Set(TrackId(kubernetes-application,native-flink,test33,100000,null))======
   2022-10-14 17:16:03 | ERROR | ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.KubernetesRetriever:71] [StreamPark] Get flinkClient error, the error is: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.flink.client.deployment.ClusterRetrieveException: Could not get the rest endpoint of test33
   2022-10-14 17:16:03 | INFO  | ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:256] Query the local cache result:false,trackId TrackId(kubernetes-application,native-flink,test33,100000,null).
   2022-10-14 17:16:04 | INFO  | ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:278] The deployment is deleted and enters the task failure process.
   2022-10-14 17:16:04 | INFO  | pool-7-thread-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:39] [StreamPark] ========整个流程执行完成一遍:pool-7-thread-1========
   2022-10-14 17:16:04 | INFO  | pool-7-thread-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:39] [StreamPark] ========整个流程执行开始:pool-7-thread-1========
   2022-10-14 17:16:04 | INFO  | pool-7-thread-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:39] [StreamPark] ======Set(TrackId(kubernetes-application,native-flink,test33,100000,null))======
   2022-10-14 17:16:04 | ERROR | ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.KubernetesRetriever:71] [StreamPark] Get flinkClient error, the error is: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.flink.client.deployment.ClusterRetrieveException: Could not get the rest endpoint of test33
   2022-10-14 17:16:04 | INFO  | ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:256] Query the local cache result:false,trackId TrackId(kubernetes-application,native-flink,test33,100000,null).
   2022-10-14 17:16:04 | INFO  | ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:278] The deployment is deleted and enters the task failure process.
   2022-10-14 17:16:04 | INFO  | pool-7-thread-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:39] [StreamPark] ========整个流程执行完成一遍:pool-7-thread-1========
   2022-10-14 17:16:08 | INFO  | pool-7-thread-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:39] [StreamPark] ========整个流程执行开始:pool-7-thread-1========
   2022-10-14 17:16:13 | INFO  | pool-7-thread-1 | org.apache.streampark.flink.kubernetes.watcher.FlinkJobStatusWatcher:39] [StreamPark] ========整个流程执行开始:pool-7-thread-1========
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Re: [I] [Feature] FlinkJobStatusWatcher [incubator-streampark]

Posted by "linxq1995 (via GitHub)" <>.
linxq1995 commented on issue #1841:

   你好,kubernetes application方式提交任务,遇到jobmanger ui无法访问,如何解决?
   The retry fetch failed, final status failed, errorStack=Connect to [/] failed: connect timed out.

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[GitHub] [incubator-streampark] wolfboys closed issue #1841: [Feature] FlinkJobStatusWatcher

Posted by GitBox <>.
wolfboys closed issue #1841: [Feature] FlinkJobStatusWatcher 

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[GitHub] [incubator-streampark] MonsterChenzhuo commented on issue #1841: [Feature] FlinkJobStatusWatcher

Posted by GitBox <>.
MonsterChenzhuo commented on issue #1841:

   <img width="1190" alt="图片" src="">
   <img width="601" alt="图片" src="">
   Solution: Use java1.8 forkjoin mechanism, a list of trackIds, through the recursive way to split, this split granularity is set to the default 50, that is, if I have 500 tasks, when the implementation of the status judgment logic, will be the original single-threaded traversal to access the jobmanage, into 10 threads, to traverse the respective sub_trackIds list, which is much more efficient.

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