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Posted to by Ryan Brown <> on 2009/12/01 23:21:32 UTC

Finding sprocs referenced in mapper files (ibatis.NET)

Does anybody know of a way to get a list of all the stored procedures used
in a given codebase? We have a ton that are no longer used and I would like
to get a list of those that are used to help with cleaning this up and
verifying deployments.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

*Ryan Brown*



Re: Finding sprocs referenced in mapper files (ibatis.NET)

Posted by Ron Grabowski <>.
The attached file contains some code I wrote to parse .xml mapper files. It extracts embedded resources:

Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load("...");
string[] resourceNames = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
List<SqlMapInfo> items = new List<SqlMapInfo>();
foreach (string resourceName in resourceNames)
    if (resourceName.EndsWith("xml"))
        var searcher = new SqlMapSearcher(assembly, resourceName);

and stores information about them:

class SqlMapInfo
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string Statement { get; set; }
    public string Filename { get; set; }

I must have really been liking LINQ when I wrote my inspection code:

var statementGroups =
    from item in items
    where item.Statement == "insert" || item.Statement == "update"
    group item by item.Statement
        into byStatements
        select new
            Statement = byStatements.Key,
            Ids = from item in byStatements
                  group item by item.Id into byIds
                  where byIds.Count() > 1
                  select new
                      Id = byIds.Key,
                      Filenames = from item in byIds select item.Filename

The output:

foreach (var statementGroup in statementGroups)
    foreach (var id in statementGroup.Ids)
        Console.WriteLine("\t{0} {1}", id.Id, id.Filenames.Count());
        foreach (var filename in id.Filenames)
            string[] parts = filename.Split('.');
            Console.WriteLine("\t\t{0}", parts[parts.Length -2] + ".xml");

told me that some of my <insert id="..."> statements had ids of SaveNew instead of the more common Insert:

        Insert: 43
        InsertWithIdentity: 10
        SaveNew: 15

        Delete: 2
        Save: 14
        Update: 44

Is that what you were looking for? You could change the LINQ query to filer just for <procedure> nodes and focus on how those were being used.

From: Ryan Brown <>
Sent: Tue, December 1, 2009 5:21:32 PM
Subject: Finding sprocs referenced in mapper files (ibatis.NET)

Does anybody know of a way to get a list of all the stored procedures used in a given codebase? We have a ton that are no longer used and I would like to get a list of those that are used to help with cleaning this up and verifying deployments.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Ryan Brown

