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Bug report for Fop [2003/05/11]

| Bugzilla Bug ID                                                           |
|     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New         ASS=Assigned                |
|     |         OPN=Reopened    VER=Verified    (Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
|     |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker     CRI=Critical    MAJ=Major             |
|     |   |           MIN=Minor       NOR=Normal      ENH=Enhancement       |
|     |   |   +-------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   | Date Posted                                                 |
|     |   |   |          +--------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   |          | Description                                      |
|     |   |   |          |                                                  |
|  635|Opn|Nor|2001-02-18|Doesn't support id= attribute in fo:page-sequence |
|  953|Opn|Nor|2001-03-12|Incorrect hyperlinks area rendering in justified t|
| 1063|New|Nor|2001-03-21|fop does not handle large fo files                |
| 1180|New|Maj|2001-04-02|Problem with monospaced font                      |
| 1859|Opn|Min|2001-05-22|org.apache.fop.apps.Driver.reset() doesn't fully r|
| 1998|New|Nor|2001-06-05|linefeed-treatment not understood                 |
| 2150|Ass|Maj|2001-06-13|New page with  a table-header but without any tabl|
| 2475|Ass|Nor|2001-07-06|Borders don't appear to work in <fo:table-row>    |
| 2740|New|Maj|2001-07-23|multi-page tables sometimes render badly          |
| 2909|New|Maj|2001-07-30|Gradient render error                             |
| 2964|Ass|Nor|2001-08-02|problems with height of cells in tables           |
| 2988|New|Maj|2001-08-03|0.19: list-item-label does not stick to list-item-|
| 3044|Ass|Maj|2001-08-08|keep-together not functioning                     |
| 3280|New|Nor|2001-08-27|PCL Renderer doesn't work                         |
| 3305|Opn|Nor|2001-08-28|list-block overlapping footnote body              |
| 3497|New|Maj|2001-09-07|id already exists error when using span="all" attr|
| 3824|New|Blk|2001-09-25|MIF option with tables                            |
| 4030|New|Nor|2001-10-08|IOException creating Postscript with graphics on S|
| 4126|New|Nor|2001-10-12|FontState.width() returns pts instead of millipts |
| 4226|New|Nor|2001-10-17|The orphans property doesn't seem to work         |
| 4388|New|Nor|2001-10-24|Nullpointer exception in the construction of new D|
| 4415|New|Nor|2001-10-25|scaling="uniform" does not work on images...      |
| 4510|New|Nor|2001-10-30|fo:inline common properties ignored?              |
| 4535|New|Maj|2001-10-31|PCL renderer 1.13 not rendering SVG               |
| 4614|New|Maj|2001-11-03|wrap property combined with Chinese               |
| 4767|New|Nor|2001-11-09|SVG text is distored in PDF output                |
| 5001|New|Nor|2001-11-21|content-width and content-height ignored?         |
| 5010|New|Enh|2001-11-21|Better error reporting needed                     |
| 5047|Ass|Nor|2001-11-23|Dotted border style is not supported              |
| 5124|New|Maj|2001-11-27|fo:block-container is not rendered properly using |
| 5335|Opn|Min|2001-12-10|Text with embedded CID fonts not retrievable from |
| 5655|Ass|Nor|2002-01-02|text-decoration cannot take multiple values       |
| 5674|New|Nor|2002-01-03|postscript generated by FOP is missing end command|
| 6094|Opn|Maj|2002-01-29|0.20.3rc hangs in endless loop                    |
| 6237|Opn|Nor|2002-02-05|&#xFB01 (fi ligature) produces a "sharp"?         |
| 6305|New|Nor|2002-02-07|Using fo:table-and-caption results in empty output|
| 6427|New|Enh|2002-02-13|Adding additional Type 1 fonts problem            |
| 6437|New|Maj|2002-02-13|Tables without fo:table-column don't render       |
| 6483|New|Nor|2002-02-15|Table, Loop, "footer could not fit on page, moving|
| 6844|New|Nor|2002-03-04|No line breaks inserted in list-item-label        |
| 6918|New|Nor|2002-03-06|reference-orientation has no effect               |
| 6929|New|Nor|2002-03-06|Cells border hidden by cells background           |
| 6997|New|Nor|2002-03-09|Row-spanned row data breaks over a page within a c|
| 7140|New|Enh|2002-03-15|page-position attribute set to "last" on condition|
| 7241|New|Nor|2002-03-19|keep-with-previous, keep-with-next only working on|
| 7283|New|Nor|2002-03-20|Table border misaligned when using margin-left in |
| 7337|New|Nor|2002-03-21|border around external image leaves empty space   |
| 7487|New|Nor|2002-03-26|break-before="page" for table inserts empty page  |
| 7496|New|Nor|2002-03-26|The table header borders are not adjusted to the b|
| 7525|New|Cri|2002-03-27|table with spans inside a list-block              |
| 7919|New|Cri|2002-04-10|problem to use attribute linefeed-treatment and li|
| 8003|Ass|Maj|2002-04-12|FopImageFactory never releases cached images      |
| 8050|New|Nor|2002-04-13|Soft hyphen (&shy;) is not handled properly       |
| 8321|New|Nor|2002-04-19|from-parent('width') returns 0 for nested tables  |
| 8463|New|Nor|2002-04-24|SVG clipping in example doc when rende|
| 8767|Ass|Min|2002-05-03|Image and solid colour background rectangle sizes |
| 8819|New|Nor|2002-05-06|Footnotes lost                                    |
| 9292|New|Nor|2002-05-21|FOP rejects a property value of "inherit" as an un|
| 9379|New|Nor|2002-05-24|MIF Renderer generates incorrect MIF code         |
| 9569|New|Maj|2002-06-03|break does not work on block-container            |
| 9864|New|Nor|2002-06-14|fo:list-item-label at the end of line             |
| 9885|New|Nor|2002-06-14|link in pdf to another pdf through url doesn't wor|
|10255|New|Maj|2002-06-26|FOP Cannot be embeded in Tomcat 4.0.4             |
|10379|New|Enh|2002-07-01|Improvement to FOP Classloader                    |
|11032|New|Min|2002-07-22|Height of table-cell is calculated incorrect when |
|11783|New|Maj|2002-08-16|<fo:block background-color="x">text</fo:block> gen|
|11905|New|Nor|2002-08-21|Fo file throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException     |
|12262|New|Min|2002-09-03|Lacking detection of endless loops                |
|12300|New|Nor|2002-09-04|letter-spacing problem on sequencing pages        |
|12448|New|Nor|2002-09-09|Height of lines set by line-height are too short. |
|12494|New|Nor|2002-09-10|fop produces pdf file which Acrobat Reader refuses|
|12610|New|Enh|2002-09-13|[PATCH] onLoad Action for PDF documents or how to |
|12630|New|Cri|2002-09-13|resizing images                                   |
|12809|New|Maj|2002-09-19|footnote coming at the bottom page                |
|13289|New|Blk|2002-10-04|Lines in wrapped blocks are not wrapped correctly |
|13347|New|Nor|2002-10-06|fo:table with inline-progression-dimension in %   |
|13450|New|Cri|2002-10-09|FOP0.20.4 embedded rendering throws exception     |
|13464|Opn|Nor|2002-10-09|part of word missing when broken across pages     |
|13586|New|Blk|2002-10-13|fop will not work on linux alpha because jre is br|
|13592|New|Nor|2002-10-14|Converting a FO document with PNG images into PS  |
|13699|Opn|Cri|2002-10-16|[PATCH] PDF-Renderer Not Threadsafe               |
|13734|New|Nor|2002-10-17|Hyphenation does not work correctly on long string|
|13807|New|Nor|2002-10-21|list-block in table-cell                          |
|14122|New|Nor|2002-10-31|table cell overlaps in next cell when background-c|
|14248|New|Enh|2002-11-05|51-page FO example, could be added to the samples |
|14349|New|Enh|2002-11-07|redesign awt viewer as embeddable viewer bean and |
|14352|New|Enh|2002-11-07|It would be nice if FOP could be plugged into popu|
|14356|New|Nor|2002-11-07|*NOT* embedding TrueTypeFont in PDF causes Acrobat|
|14419|New|Enh|2002-11-10|Imlplement SourceResolver, Image Resolver         |
|14444|New|Nor|2002-11-11|[PATCH] a performance patch for PDFInfo class     |
|14504|New|Cri|2002-11-13|Pagebreak in cell spanning multiple rows create fa|
|14527|New|Nor|2002-11-13|ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when rendering to T|
|14529|New|Nor|2002-11-13|SVG url references do not work                    |
|14626|New|Nor|2002-11-17|List of files with bad CR/LF                      |
|14637|Opn|Nor|2002-11-18|fo:retrieve-marker is confused by 2-columns report|
|14679|New|Enh|2002-11-19|Pluggable renderers                               |
|14924|New|Nor|2002-11-28|Table disappears when it ends when the page ends  |
|14962|New|Nor|2002-11-29|Bug in ID Generation                              |
|14963|New|Nor|2002-11-29|Fix for #8878 causes problems                     |
|15020|New|Enh|2002-12-03|Reuse of fo-tree                                  |
|15119|New|Nor|2002-12-05|fo:external-graphic and border properties         |
|15165|New|Nor|2002-12-08|SVG Renderer does not stop properly if fo includes|
|15992|New|Nor|2003-01-11|Single graphic in column followed by span-all bloc|
|16017|New|Nor|2003-01-13|Jpeg's and the PDF Serializer                     |
|16023|New|Nor|2003-01-13|tiff images are not rendered                      |
|16047|New|Nor|2003-01-14|PDF bookmark extension example is missing closing |
|16130|New|Nor|2003-01-15|PS-Renderer emits lots of redundant moveto's      |
|16156|New|Nor|2003-01-16|0.20.5rc SVG example does not work                |
|16182|New|Enh|2003-01-16|[PATCH] PSGraphics2D: SEG_QUADTO implementation   |
|16237|New|Min|2003-01-19|superscripts and subscipts are placed too high / t|
|16348|New|Nor|2003-01-23|ulink does not align correctly in footnote        |
|16626|New|Nor|2003-01-31|Hyphenation causing error     |
|16672|New|Maj|2003-02-02|SVG clipping error                                |
|16713|New|Nor|2003-02-03|Hyphenation error in tables                       |
|16929|New|Nor|2003-02-10|Table rows of a table in a page body with two colu|
|17085|New|Min|2003-02-14|Absolute Position of block-container wrong in some|
|17369|New|Nor|2003-02-25|Footnote duplication                              |
|17380|New|Nor|2003-02-25|Batik Component will not recognize feXXXX SVG elem|
|17521|Ass|Blk|2003-02-28|Fonts in PDF                                      |
|17681|New|Nor|2003-03-05|Margin attributes not suported                    |
|17727|New|Nor|2003-03-06|Page breaks in tables are not correctly calculated|
|17921|New|Nor|2003-03-12|Kerning is broken for standard fonts              |
|17955|New|Enh|2003-03-13|[PATCH] Unnecessary exception throwing.           |
|17999|New|Nor|2003-03-14|@border in fo:block : overwrites area & page margi|
|18010|New|Maj|2003-03-14|fo:basic-link bad position in table inside a table|
|18027|New|Maj|2003-03-15|width/offset of fo:basic-link area bad when using |
|18038|New|Min|2003-03-16|duplicated links on page break, in table with keep|
|18098|New|Maj|2003-03-18|bad fo:basic-link area if line breaks just before |
|18103|New|Nor|2003-03-18|height of cells                                   |
|18216|New|Nor|2003-03-21|fo:table ignores break-before="column" and break-a|
|18292|New|Nor|2003-03-24|24 bit PNG not displayed correctly                |
|18702|New|Nor|2003-04-04|fo:block with fo:inline: size calucation          |
|18801|New|Nor|2003-04-08|"visibility" property is not implemented          |
|18977|New|Nor|2003-04-13|Duplicate ID reported in ListItemLabel            |
|19073|New|Maj|2003-04-16|multi-page table cellborders are too often added w|
|19216|New|Maj|2003-04-22|Links do not work properly if included two adjacen|
|19222|New|Nor|2003-04-22|XMLRenderer does not produce well-formed XML      |
|19228|New|Blk|2003-04-22|[PATCH] Child LayoutContext is null in certain cir|
|19268|New|Nor|2003-04-24|fo:block with padding => region-body overwrites re|
|19341|Ver|Nor|2003-04-26|leader doesn't work since 0.20.5.rc2              |
|19465|New|Maj|2003-04-30|fo:leader leader-pattern="rule" not working correc|
|19466|New|Enh|2003-04-30|[PATCH] Let's teach FOP under NT/2000/XP to start |
|19693|New|Enh|2003-05-06|[PATCH] NamedDestinations links in PDF according t|
|19695|New|Enh|2003-05-06|[PATCH] Allow fox:destination as child of fox:outl|
|19717|New|Enh|2003-05-07|Lets add support for to build.x|
|19719|New|Nor|2003-05-07|NPE at InlineStackingLayoutManager.initChildLC(Inl|
|19720|New|Nor|2003-05-07|Multiple failures to create PDF from docbook-xsl-1|
|19755|New|Nor|2003-05-08|Nested lists space before problem                 |
|19769|Ass|Enh|2003-05-08|Indefinite page size is not implemented           |
|19797|New|Nor|2003-05-09|PS Renderer: image elements in SVG may produce bla|
| Total  150 bugs                                                           |

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SAX Handlers for FO and Area Trees

Posted by Glen Mazza <>.
I am starting to look at the SAX handlers used for the
creation of the FO Tree and the Area Tree.  I have a
couple of questions on the code:

1.)  fo.FOTreeBuilder is the SAX Handler for the FO
Tree -- but what is the SAX event handler for building
the Area Tree?  (it seems to be fop.apps.LayoutHandler
but as this class does not derive from
org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler I am unsure.)

2.)  FOTreeBuilder maintains an internal reference to
an apps.StructureHandler object-- which appears to be
populated from the apps.Driver class with its
LayoutHandler object.  I'm not sure why we need to
give a reference to the LayoutHandler object to the
FOTreeBuilder handler.

It would appear that the FO Tree SAX Handler should
not need to know anything about the LayoutHandler
(Area Tree?) SAX handler in order to create the FO
Tree--but are we linking the two SAX Handlers so that
the Area Tree can start being built before the FO Tree
is finished?


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