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Posted to by Peter Firmstone <> on 2022/02/18 08:21:57 UTC

Isolation of dynamically downloaded service proxy code


I'm looking to solve a difficult long term problem using OSGi Subprocess 
Isolation.  This code has a history dating back to the late 90s and in 
the last couple of years, ported to OSGi, all modules are also OSGi 
bundles.  There are downstream developers currently using it with OSGi.

A basic description: multiple entities cooperating over networks using 
services.  Clients lookup services and use them, share them, listen for 
events, these services have proxy bundles, loaded just prior to 
unmarshaling of proxy objects.  Multiple services may use the same 
bundle version, however we need to keep proxy bundles separate in their 
own namespace, as these services may be provided by separate companies 
or individuals.

Some background on the software platform and the problem:

 1. Distributed service architecture, using Java and dynamic code,
    predates OSGi remote services.
 2. Contains a Service provider implementation; uses the same META-INF
    jar declaration of Java SPI, but predates it.  This service provider
    has been since modified to export OSGi services, when OSGi is used.
 3. Uses Java serialization stream protocol for marshaling objects, but
    doesn't support serialized object graphs with circular references,
    is a re-implementation of Java serialization.  Uses a constructor
    signature for deserialization.  Validates input, type checks
    parameters, atomic failure to prevent gadget attacks.  Also
    authenticates remote endpoint and associates principles with thread
    performing de-serialization, for authorization to de-serialize.
 4. Assigns ClassLoaders to both local and remote network connection
    Endpoints, allows identical bundles to be used so that class
    resolution is identical, once the connection is set up, class
    resolution is determined by the Endpoint ClassLoader. A provider
    interface ProxyCodebaseSpi (an OSGi service) is used to provide the
    Endpoint ClassLoader, a CodebaseAccessor (remote service) is passed
    to ProxyCodebaseSpi, from which it obtains information pertaining to
    the proxy codebase.
 5. CodebaseAccessor remote service, provides a URI string and code
    signer certficates and is also used for authentication of the remote
    service, prior to the ProxyCodebaseSpi wiring up and bundles for the
    service proxy.
 6. Uses an extensible communication layer and supports TLSv1.3 with
    stateless session tickets, as well as HTTPS and Kerberos.
 7. User Subject principals are obtained from the AccessControlContext
    of threads calling the Endpoints for authentication, threads in the
    remote JVM run with user principals authenticated from the local
    jvm, for authorization and access.
 8. Service proxy requires its own identity and namespace.  The identity
    of the service proxy is represented by the ClassLoader for the
    proxy, permissions are granted dynamically at runtime.
 9. Other services with different identity may use the same proxy
    bundles, but must not share.
10. The Service API bundle must be shared between client code and proxy
    code, so that client and proxy code share common interfaces.  Client
    and proxy depend on the service api bundle. Proxy bundle is private
11. A client may use many remote services, with different server
    subjects, however their proxy codebase bundles may be identical, but
    must not be shared.  Investigating using subprocess isolation.
12. Distributed service registry's (lookup services) are discovered
    dynamically over IPv6 multicast.  Local network request and
    announcement protocols.  Global network announce protocol.

The software platform can be found here:

I'm learning how to use the ESA Maven plugin and have created a couple 
of ESA archives, for a service and its proxy, this is the lookup service:

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or recommendations.
