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[2/3] spark git commit: [SPARK-8149][SQL] Break ExpressionEvaluationSuite down to multiple files
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/ComplexTypeSuite.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/ComplexTypeSuite.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f151dd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/ComplexTypeSuite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions
+import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.UnresolvedExtractValue
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
+class ComplexTypeSuite extends SparkFunSuite with ExpressionEvalHelper {
+  test("CreateStruct") {
+    val row = Row(1, 2, 3)
+    val c1 = '"a")
+    val c3 = '"c")
+    checkEvaluation(CreateStruct(Seq(c1, c3)), Row(1, 3), row)
+  }
+  test("complex type") {
+    val row = create_row(
+      "^Ba*n",                                // 0
+      null.asInstanceOf[UTF8String],          // 1
+      create_row("aa", "bb"),                 // 2
+      Map("aa"->"bb"),                        // 3
+      Seq("aa", "bb")                         // 4
+    )
+    val typeS = StructType(
+      StructField("a", StringType, true) :: StructField("b", StringType, true) :: Nil
+    )
+    val typeMap = MapType(StringType, StringType)
+    val typeArray = ArrayType(StringType)
+    checkEvaluation(GetMapValue(BoundReference(3, typeMap, true),
+      Literal("aa")), "bb", row)
+    checkEvaluation(GetMapValue(Literal.create(null, typeMap), Literal("aa")), null, row)
+    checkEvaluation(
+      GetMapValue(Literal.create(null, typeMap), Literal.create(null, StringType)), null, row)
+    checkEvaluation(GetMapValue(BoundReference(3, typeMap, true),
+      Literal.create(null, StringType)), null, row)
+    checkEvaluation(GetArrayItem(BoundReference(4, typeArray, true),
+      Literal(1)), "bb", row)
+    checkEvaluation(GetArrayItem(Literal.create(null, typeArray), Literal(1)), null, row)
+    checkEvaluation(
+      GetArrayItem(Literal.create(null, typeArray), Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null, row)
+    checkEvaluation(GetArrayItem(BoundReference(4, typeArray, true),
+      Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null, row)
+    def getStructField(expr: Expression, fieldName: String): ExtractValue = {
+      expr.dataType match {
+        case StructType(fields) =>
+          val field = fields.find( == fieldName).get
+          GetStructField(expr, field, fields.indexOf(field))
+      }
+    }
+    def quickResolve(u: UnresolvedExtractValue): ExtractValue = {
+      ExtractValue(u.child, u.extraction, _ == _)
+    }
+    checkEvaluation(getStructField(BoundReference(2, typeS, nullable = true), "a"), "aa", row)
+    checkEvaluation(getStructField(Literal.create(null, typeS), "a"), null, row)
+    val typeS_notNullable = StructType(
+      StructField("a", StringType, nullable = false)
+        :: StructField("b", StringType, nullable = false) :: Nil
+    )
+    assert(getStructField(BoundReference(2, typeS, nullable = true), "a").nullable === true)
+    assert(getStructField(BoundReference(2, typeS_notNullable, nullable = false), "a").nullable
+      === false)
+    assert(getStructField(Literal.create(null, typeS), "a").nullable === true)
+    assert(getStructField(Literal.create(null, typeS_notNullable), "a").nullable === true)
+    checkEvaluation(quickResolve('"aa")), "bb", row)
+    checkEvaluation(quickResolve('c.array(typeArray.elementType).at(4).getItem(1)), "bb", row)
+    checkEvaluation(quickResolve('c.struct(typeS).at(2).getField("a")), "aa", row)
+  }
+  test("error message of ExtractValue") {
+    val structType = StructType(StructField("a", StringType, true) :: Nil)
+    val arrayStructType = ArrayType(structType)
+    val arrayType = ArrayType(StringType)
+    val otherType = StringType
+    def checkErrorMessage(
+      childDataType: DataType,
+      fieldDataType: DataType,
+      errorMesage: String): Unit = {
+      val e = intercept[org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException] {
+        ExtractValue(
+          Literal.create(null, childDataType),
+          Literal.create(null, fieldDataType),
+          _ == _)
+      }
+      assert(e.getMessage().contains(errorMesage))
+    }
+    checkErrorMessage(structType, IntegerType, "Field name should be String Literal")
+    checkErrorMessage(arrayStructType, BooleanType, "Field name should be String Literal")
+    checkErrorMessage(arrayType, StringType, "Array index should be integral type")
+    checkErrorMessage(otherType, StringType, "Can't extract value from")
+  }
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/ConditionalExpressionSuite.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/ConditionalExpressionSuite.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..152c4e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/ConditionalExpressionSuite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions
+import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{IntegerType, BooleanType}
+class ConditionalExpressionSuite extends SparkFunSuite with ExpressionEvalHelper {
+  test("case when") {
+    val row = create_row(null, false, true, "a", "b", "c")
+    val c1 = '
+    val c2 = '
+    val c3 = '
+    val c4 = '
+    val c5 = '
+    val c6 = '
+    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(c1, c4, c6)), "c", row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4, c6)), "c", row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(c3, c4, c6)), "a", row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(Literal.create(null, BooleanType), c4, c6)), "c", row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(Literal.create(false, BooleanType), c4, c6)), "c", row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(Literal.create(true, BooleanType), c4, c6)), "a", row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(c3, c4, c2, c5, c6)), "a", row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4, c3, c5, c6)), "b", row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(c1, c4, c2, c5, c6)), "c", row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(c1, c4, c2, c5)), null, row)
+    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4, c6)).nullable === true)
+    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4, c3, c5, c6)).nullable === true)
+    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4, c3, c5)).nullable === true)
+    val c4_notNull = '
+    val c5_notNull = '
+    val c6_notNull = '
+    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4_notNull, c6_notNull)).nullable === false)
+    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4, c6_notNull)).nullable === true)
+    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4_notNull, c6)).nullable === true)
+    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4_notNull, c3, c5_notNull, c6_notNull)).nullable === false)
+    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4, c3, c5_notNull, c6_notNull)).nullable === true)
+    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4_notNull, c3, c5, c6_notNull)).nullable === true)
+    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4_notNull, c3, c5_notNull, c6)).nullable === true)
+    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4_notNull, c3, c5_notNull)).nullable === true)
+    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4, c3, c5_notNull)).nullable === true)
+    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4_notNull, c3, c5)).nullable === true)
+  }
+  test("case key when") {
+    val row = create_row(null, 1, 2, "a", "b", "c")
+    val c1 = '
+    val c2 = '
+    val c3 = '
+    val c4 = '
+    val c5 = '
+    val c6 = '
+    val literalNull = Literal.create(null, IntegerType)
+    val literalInt = Literal(1)
+    val literalString = Literal("a")
+    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(c1, Seq(c2, c4, c5)), "b", row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(c1, Seq(c2, c4, literalNull, c5, c6)), "b", row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(c2, Seq(literalInt, c4, c5)), "a", row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(c2, Seq(c1, c4, c5)), "b", row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(c4, Seq(literalString, c2, c3)), 1, row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(c4, Seq(c6, c3, c5, c2, Literal(3))), 3, row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(literalInt, Seq(c2, c4, c5)), "a", row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(literalString, Seq(c5, c2, c4, c3)), 2, row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(c6, Seq(c5, c2, c4, c3)), null, row)
+    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(literalNull, Seq(c2, c5, c1, c6)), "c", row)
+  }
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/ExpressionEvalHelper.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/ExpressionEvalHelper.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87a92b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/ExpressionEvalHelper.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions
+import org.scalactic.TripleEqualsSupport.Spread
+import org.scalatest.Matchers._
+import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.CatalystTypeConverters
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{GenerateProjection, GenerateMutableProjection}
+ * A few helper functions for expression evaluation testing. Mixin this trait to use them.
+ */
+trait ExpressionEvalHelper {
+  self: SparkFunSuite =>
+  protected def create_row(values: Any*): Row = {
+    new GenericRow(
+  }
+  protected def checkEvaluation(
+      expression: Expression, expected: Any, inputRow: Row = EmptyRow): Unit = {
+    checkEvaluationWithoutCodegen(expression, expected, inputRow)
+    checkEvaluationWithGeneratedMutableProjection(expression, expected, inputRow)
+    checkEvaluationWithGeneratedProjection(expression, expected, inputRow)
+  }
+  protected def evaluate(expression: Expression, inputRow: Row = EmptyRow): Any = {
+    expression.eval(inputRow)
+  }
+  protected def checkEvaluationWithoutCodegen(
+      expression: Expression,
+      expected: Any,
+      inputRow: Row = EmptyRow): Unit = {
+    val actual = try evaluate(expression, inputRow) catch {
+      case e: Exception => fail(s"Exception evaluating $expression", e)
+    }
+    if (actual != expected) {
+      val input = if (inputRow == EmptyRow) "" else s", input: $inputRow"
+      fail(s"Incorrect evaluation (codegen off): $expression, " +
+        s"actual: $actual, " +
+        s"expected: $expected$input")
+    }
+  }
+  protected def checkEvaluationWithGeneratedMutableProjection(
+      expression: Expression,
+      expected: Any,
+      inputRow: Row = EmptyRow): Unit = {
+    val plan = try {
+      GenerateMutableProjection.generate(Alias(expression, s"Optimized($expression)")() :: Nil)()
+    } catch {
+      case e: Throwable =>
+        val ctx = GenerateProjection.newCodeGenContext()
+        val evaluated = expression.gen(ctx)
+        fail(
+          s"""
+            |Code generation of $expression failed:
+            |${evaluated.code}
+            |$e
+          """.stripMargin)
+    }
+    val actual = plan(inputRow).apply(0)
+    if (actual != expected) {
+      val input = if (inputRow == EmptyRow) "" else s", input: $inputRow"
+      fail(s"Incorrect Evaluation: $expression, actual: $actual, expected: $expected$input")
+    }
+  }
+  protected def checkEvaluationWithGeneratedProjection(
+      expression: Expression,
+      expected: Any,
+      inputRow: Row = EmptyRow): Unit = {
+    val ctx = GenerateProjection.newCodeGenContext()
+    lazy val evaluated = expression.gen(ctx)
+    val plan = try {
+      GenerateProjection.generate(Alias(expression, s"Optimized($expression)")() :: Nil)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Throwable =>
+        fail(
+          s"""
+            |Code generation of $expression failed:
+            |${evaluated.code}
+            |$e
+          """.stripMargin)
+    }
+    val actual = plan(inputRow)
+    val expectedRow = new GenericRow(Array[Any](CatalystTypeConverters.convertToCatalyst(expected)))
+    if (actual.hashCode() != expectedRow.hashCode()) {
+      fail(
+        s"""
+          |Mismatched hashCodes for values: $actual, $expectedRow
+          |Hash Codes: ${actual.hashCode()} != ${expectedRow.hashCode()}
+          |Expressions: $expression
+          |Code: $evaluated
+        """.stripMargin)
+    }
+    if (actual != expectedRow) {
+      val input = if (inputRow == EmptyRow) "" else s", input: $inputRow"
+      fail(s"Incorrect Evaluation: $expression, actual: $actual, expected: $expected$input")
+    }
+  }
+  protected def checkDoubleEvaluation(
+      expression: Expression,
+      expected: Spread[Double],
+      inputRow: Row = EmptyRow): Unit = {
+    val actual = try evaluate(expression, inputRow) catch {
+      case e: Exception => fail(s"Exception evaluating $expression", e)
+    }
+    actual.asInstanceOf[Double] shouldBe expected
+  }
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/ExpressionEvaluationSuite.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/ExpressionEvaluationSuite.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index eea2edc..0000000
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/ExpressionEvaluationSuite.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1461 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions
-import java.sql.{Date, Timestamp}
-import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet
-import org.scalactic.TripleEqualsSupport.Spread
-import org.scalatest.Matchers._
-import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.CatalystTypeConverters
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.UnresolvedExtractValue
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{GenerateProjection, GenerateMutableProjection}
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.mathfuncs._
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateUtils
-import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
-class ExpressionEvaluationBaseSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
-  def checkEvaluation(expression: Expression, expected: Any, inputRow: Row = EmptyRow): Unit = {
-    checkEvaluationWithoutCodegen(expression, expected, inputRow)
-    checkEvaluationWithGeneratedMutableProjection(expression, expected, inputRow)
-    checkEvaluationWithGeneratedProjection(expression, expected, inputRow)
-  }
-  def evaluate(expression: Expression, inputRow: Row = EmptyRow): Any = {
-    expression.eval(inputRow)
-  }
-  def checkEvaluationWithoutCodegen(
-      expression: Expression,
-      expected: Any,
-      inputRow: Row = EmptyRow): Unit = {
-    val actual = try evaluate(expression, inputRow) catch {
-      case e: Exception => fail(s"Exception evaluating $expression", e)
-    }
-    if (actual != expected) {
-      val input = if (inputRow == EmptyRow) "" else s", input: $inputRow"
-      fail(s"Incorrect Evaluation: $expression, actual: $actual, expected: $expected$input")
-    }
-  }
-  def checkEvaluationWithGeneratedMutableProjection(
-      expression: Expression,
-      expected: Any,
-      inputRow: Row = EmptyRow): Unit = {
-    val plan = try {
-      GenerateMutableProjection.generate(Alias(expression, s"Optimized($expression)")() :: Nil)()
-    } catch {
-      case e: Throwable =>
-        val ctx = GenerateProjection.newCodeGenContext()
-        val evaluated = expression.gen(ctx)
-        fail(
-          s"""
-            |Code generation of $expression failed:
-            |${evaluated.code}
-            |$e
-          """.stripMargin)
-    }
-    val actual = plan(inputRow).apply(0)
-    if (actual != expected) {
-      val input = if (inputRow == EmptyRow) "" else s", input: $inputRow"
-      fail(s"Incorrect Evaluation: $expression, actual: $actual, expected: $expected$input")
-    }
-  }
-  def checkEvaluationWithGeneratedProjection(
-      expression: Expression,
-      expected: Any,
-      inputRow: Row = EmptyRow): Unit = {
-    val ctx = GenerateProjection.newCodeGenContext()
-    lazy val evaluated = expression.gen(ctx)
-    val plan = try {
-      GenerateProjection.generate(Alias(expression, s"Optimized($expression)")() :: Nil)
-    } catch {
-      case e: Throwable =>
-        fail(
-          s"""
-            |Code generation of $expression failed:
-            |${evaluated.code}
-            |$e
-          """.stripMargin)
-    }
-    val actual = plan(inputRow)
-    val expectedRow = new GenericRow(Array[Any](CatalystTypeConverters.convertToCatalyst(expected)))
-    if (actual.hashCode() != expectedRow.hashCode()) {
-      fail(
-        s"""
-          |Mismatched hashCodes for values: $actual, $expectedRow
-          |Hash Codes: ${actual.hashCode()} != ${expectedRow.hashCode()}
-          |Expressions: ${expression}
-          |Code: ${evaluated}
-        """.stripMargin)
-    }
-    if (actual != expectedRow) {
-      val input = if (inputRow == EmptyRow) "" else s", input: $inputRow"
-      fail(s"Incorrect Evaluation: $expression, actual: $actual, expected: $expected$input")
-    }
-  }
-  def checkDoubleEvaluation(
-      expression: Expression,
-      expected: Spread[Double],
-      inputRow: Row = EmptyRow): Unit = {
-    val actual = try evaluate(expression, inputRow) catch {
-      case e: Exception => fail(s"Exception evaluating $expression", e)
-    }
-    actual.asInstanceOf[Double] shouldBe expected
-  }
-class ExpressionEvaluationSuite extends ExpressionEvaluationBaseSuite {
-  def create_row(values: Any*): Row = {
-    new GenericRow(
-  }
-  test("literals") {
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(1), 1)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(true), true)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(false), false)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(0L), 0L)
-    List(0.0, -0.0, Double.NegativeInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity).foreach {
-      d => {
-        checkEvaluation(Literal(d), d)
-        checkEvaluation(Literal(d.toFloat), d.toFloat)
-      }
-    }
-    checkEvaluation(Literal("test"), "test")
-    checkEvaluation(Literal.create(null, StringType), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(1) + Literal(1), 2)
-  }
-  test("unary BitwiseNOT") {
-    checkEvaluation(BitwiseNot(1), -2)
-    assert(BitwiseNot(1).dataType === IntegerType)
-    assert(BitwiseNot(1).eval(EmptyRow).isInstanceOf[Int])
-    checkEvaluation(BitwiseNot(1.toLong), -2.toLong)
-    assert(BitwiseNot(1.toLong).dataType === LongType)
-    assert(BitwiseNot(1.toLong).eval(EmptyRow).isInstanceOf[Long])
-    checkEvaluation(BitwiseNot(1.toShort), -2.toShort)
-    assert(BitwiseNot(1.toShort).dataType === ShortType)
-    assert(BitwiseNot(1.toShort).eval(EmptyRow).isInstanceOf[Short])
-    checkEvaluation(BitwiseNot(1.toByte), -2.toByte)
-    assert(BitwiseNot(1.toByte).dataType === ByteType)
-    assert(BitwiseNot(1.toByte).eval(EmptyRow).isInstanceOf[Byte])
-  }
-  // scalastyle:off
-  /**
-   * Checks for three-valued-logic.  Based on:
-   *
-   * I.e. in flat cpo "False -> Unknown -> True",
-   *   OR is lowest upper bound,
-   *   AND is greatest lower bound.
-   * p       q       p OR q  p AND q  p = q
-   * True    True    True    True     True
-   * True    False   True    False    False
-   * True    Unknown True    Unknown  Unknown
-   * False   True    True    False    False
-   * False   False   False   False    True
-   * False   Unknown Unknown False    Unknown
-   * Unknown True    True    Unknown  Unknown
-   * Unknown False   Unknown False    Unknown
-   * Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown  Unknown
-   *
-   * p       NOT p
-   * True    False
-   * False   True
-   * Unknown Unknown
-   */
-  // scalastyle:on
-  val notTrueTable =
-    (true, false) ::
-    (false, true) ::
-    (null, null) :: Nil
-  test("3VL Not") {
-    notTrueTable.foreach {
-      case (v, answer) =>
-        checkEvaluation(!Literal.create(v, BooleanType), answer)
-    }
-  }
-  booleanLogicTest("AND", _ && _,
-    (true, true, true) ::
-    (true, false, false) ::
-    (true, null, null) ::
-    (false, true, false) ::
-    (false, false, false) ::
-    (false, null, false) ::
-    (null, true, null) ::
-    (null, false, false) ::
-    (null, null, null) :: Nil)
-  booleanLogicTest("OR", _ || _,
-    (true, true, true) ::
-    (true, false, true) ::
-    (true, null, true) ::
-    (false, true, true) ::
-    (false, false, false) ::
-    (false, null, null) ::
-    (null, true, true) ::
-    (null, false, null) ::
-    (null, null, null) :: Nil)
-  booleanLogicTest("=", _ === _,
-    (true, true, true) ::
-    (true, false, false) ::
-    (true, null, null) ::
-    (false, true, false) ::
-    (false, false, true) ::
-    (false, null, null) ::
-    (null, true, null) ::
-    (null, false, null) ::
-    (null, null, null) :: Nil)
-  def booleanLogicTest(
-      name: String,
-      op: (Expression, Expression) => Expression,
-      truthTable: Seq[(Any, Any, Any)]) {
-    test(s"3VL $name") {
-      truthTable.foreach {
-        case (l, r, answer) =>
-          val expr = op(Literal.create(l, BooleanType), Literal.create(r, BooleanType))
-          checkEvaluation(expr, answer)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("IN") {
-    checkEvaluation(In(Literal(1), Seq(Literal(1), Literal(2))), true)
-    checkEvaluation(In(Literal(2), Seq(Literal(1), Literal(2))), true)
-    checkEvaluation(In(Literal(3), Seq(Literal(1), Literal(2))), false)
-    checkEvaluation(
-      In(Literal(1), Seq(Literal(1), Literal(2))) && In(Literal(2), Seq(Literal(1), Literal(2))),
-      true)
-  }
-  test("Divide") {
-    checkEvaluation(Divide(Literal(2), Literal(1)), 2)
-    checkEvaluation(Divide(Literal(1.0), Literal(2.0)), 0.5)
-    checkEvaluation(Divide(Literal(1), Literal(2)), 0)
-    checkEvaluation(Divide(Literal(1), Literal(0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Divide(Literal(1.0), Literal(0.0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Divide(Literal(0.0), Literal(0.0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Divide(Literal(0), Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Divide(Literal(1), Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Divide(Literal.create(null, IntegerType), Literal(0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Divide(Literal.create(null, DoubleType), Literal(0.0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Divide(Literal.create(null, IntegerType), Literal(1)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Divide(Literal.create(null, IntegerType), Literal.create(null, IntegerType)),
-      null)
-  }
-  test("Remainder") {
-    checkEvaluation(Remainder(Literal(2), Literal(1)), 0)
-    checkEvaluation(Remainder(Literal(1.0), Literal(2.0)), 1.0)
-    checkEvaluation(Remainder(Literal(1), Literal(2)), 1)
-    checkEvaluation(Remainder(Literal(1), Literal(0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Remainder(Literal(1.0), Literal(0.0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Remainder(Literal(0.0), Literal(0.0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Remainder(Literal(0), Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Remainder(Literal(1), Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Remainder(Literal.create(null, IntegerType), Literal(0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Remainder(Literal.create(null, DoubleType), Literal(0.0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Remainder(Literal.create(null, IntegerType), Literal(1)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Remainder(Literal.create(null, IntegerType), Literal.create(null, IntegerType)),
-      null)
-  }
-  test("INSET") {
-    val hS = HashSet[Any]() + 1 + 2
-    val nS = HashSet[Any]() + 1 + 2 + null
-    val one = Literal(1)
-    val two = Literal(2)
-    val three = Literal(3)
-    val nl = Literal(null)
-    val s = Seq(one, two)
-    val nullS = Seq(one, two, null)
-    checkEvaluation(InSet(one, hS), true)
-    checkEvaluation(InSet(two, hS), true)
-    checkEvaluation(InSet(two, nS), true)
-    checkEvaluation(InSet(nl, nS), true)
-    checkEvaluation(InSet(three, hS), false)
-    checkEvaluation(InSet(three, nS), false)
-    checkEvaluation(InSet(one, hS) && InSet(two, hS), true)
-  }
-  test("MaxOf") {
-    checkEvaluation(MaxOf(1, 2), 2)
-    checkEvaluation(MaxOf(2, 1), 2)
-    checkEvaluation(MaxOf(1L, 2L), 2L)
-    checkEvaluation(MaxOf(2L, 1L), 2L)
-    checkEvaluation(MaxOf(Literal.create(null, IntegerType), 2), 2)
-    checkEvaluation(MaxOf(2, Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), 2)
-  }
-  test("MinOf") {
-    checkEvaluation(MinOf(1, 2), 1)
-    checkEvaluation(MinOf(2, 1), 1)
-    checkEvaluation(MinOf(1L, 2L), 1L)
-    checkEvaluation(MinOf(2L, 1L), 1L)
-    checkEvaluation(MinOf(Literal.create(null, IntegerType), 1), 1)
-    checkEvaluation(MinOf(1, Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), 1)
-  }
-  test("LIKE literal Regular Expression") {
-    checkEvaluation(Literal.create(null, StringType).like("a"), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal.create("a", StringType).like(Literal.create(null, StringType)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal.create(null, StringType).like(Literal.create(null, StringType)), null)
-    checkEvaluation("abdef" like "abdef", true)
-    checkEvaluation("a_%b" like "a\\__b", true)
-    checkEvaluation("addb" like "a_%b", true)
-    checkEvaluation("addb" like "a\\__b", false)
-    checkEvaluation("addb" like "a%\\%b", false)
-    checkEvaluation("a_%b" like "a%\\%b", true)
-    checkEvaluation("addb" like "a%", true)
-    checkEvaluation("addb" like "**", false)
-    checkEvaluation("abc" like "a%", true)
-    checkEvaluation("abc"  like "b%", false)
-    checkEvaluation("abc"  like "bc%", false)
-    checkEvaluation("a\nb" like "a_b", true)
-    checkEvaluation("ab" like "a%b", true)
-    checkEvaluation("a\nb" like "a%b", true)
-  }
-  test("LIKE Non-literal Regular Expression") {
-    val regEx = '
-    checkEvaluation("abcd" like regEx, null, create_row(null))
-    checkEvaluation("abdef" like regEx, true, create_row("abdef"))
-    checkEvaluation("a_%b" like regEx, true, create_row("a\\__b"))
-    checkEvaluation("addb" like regEx, true, create_row("a_%b"))
-    checkEvaluation("addb" like regEx, false, create_row("a\\__b"))
-    checkEvaluation("addb" like regEx, false, create_row("a%\\%b"))
-    checkEvaluation("a_%b" like regEx, true, create_row("a%\\%b"))
-    checkEvaluation("addb" like regEx, true, create_row("a%"))
-    checkEvaluation("addb" like regEx, false, create_row("**"))
-    checkEvaluation("abc" like regEx, true, create_row("a%"))
-    checkEvaluation("abc" like regEx, false, create_row("b%"))
-    checkEvaluation("abc" like regEx, false, create_row("bc%"))
-    checkEvaluation("a\nb" like regEx, true, create_row("a_b"))
-    checkEvaluation("ab" like regEx, true, create_row("a%b"))
-    checkEvaluation("a\nb" like regEx, true, create_row("a%b"))
-    checkEvaluation(Literal.create(null, StringType) like regEx, null, create_row("bc%"))
-  }
-  test("RLIKE literal Regular Expression") {
-    checkEvaluation(Literal.create(null, StringType) rlike "abdef", null)
-    checkEvaluation("abdef" rlike Literal.create(null, StringType), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal.create(null, StringType) rlike Literal.create(null, StringType), null)
-    checkEvaluation("abdef" rlike "abdef", true)
-    checkEvaluation("abbbbc" rlike "a.*c", true)
-    checkEvaluation("fofo" rlike "^fo", true)
-    checkEvaluation("fo\no" rlike "^fo\no$", true)
-    checkEvaluation("Bn" rlike "^Ba*n", true)
-    checkEvaluation("afofo" rlike "fo", true)
-    checkEvaluation("afofo" rlike "^fo", false)
-    checkEvaluation("Baan" rlike "^Ba?n", false)
-    checkEvaluation("axe" rlike "pi|apa", false)
-    checkEvaluation("pip" rlike "^(pi)*$", false)
-    checkEvaluation("abc"  rlike "^ab", true)
-    checkEvaluation("abc"  rlike "^bc", false)
-    checkEvaluation("abc"  rlike "^ab", true)
-    checkEvaluation("abc"  rlike "^bc", false)
-    intercept[java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException] {
-      evaluate("abbbbc" rlike "**")
-    }
-  }
-  test("RLIKE Non-literal Regular Expression") {
-    val regEx = '
-    checkEvaluation("abdef" rlike regEx, true, create_row("abdef"))
-    checkEvaluation("abbbbc" rlike regEx, true, create_row("a.*c"))
-    checkEvaluation("fofo" rlike regEx, true, create_row("^fo"))
-    checkEvaluation("fo\no" rlike regEx, true, create_row("^fo\no$"))
-    checkEvaluation("Bn" rlike regEx, true, create_row("^Ba*n"))
-    intercept[java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException] {
-      evaluate("abbbbc" rlike regEx, create_row("**"))
-    }
-  }
-  test("data type casting") {
-    val sd = "1970-01-01"
-    val d = Date.valueOf(sd)
-    val zts = sd + " 00:00:00"
-    val sts = sd + " 00:00:02"
-    val nts = sts + ".1"
-    val ts = Timestamp.valueOf(nts)
-    checkEvaluation("abdef" cast StringType, "abdef")
-    checkEvaluation("abdef" cast DecimalType.Unlimited, null)
-    checkEvaluation("abdef" cast TimestampType, null)
-    checkEvaluation("12.65" cast DecimalType.Unlimited, Decimal(12.65))
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(1) cast LongType, 1.toLong)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(1000) cast TimestampType, LongType), 1.toLong)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(-1200) cast TimestampType, LongType), -2.toLong)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(1.toDouble) cast TimestampType, DoubleType), 1.toDouble)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(1.toDouble) cast TimestampType, DoubleType), 1.toDouble)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(sd) cast DateType, StringType), sd)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(d) cast StringType, DateType), 0)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(nts) cast TimestampType, StringType), nts)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(ts) cast StringType, TimestampType), ts)
-    // all convert to string type to check
-    checkEvaluation(
-      Cast(Cast(Literal(nts) cast TimestampType, DateType), StringType), sd)
-    checkEvaluation(
-      Cast(Cast(Literal(ts) cast DateType, TimestampType), StringType), zts)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast("abdef" cast BinaryType, StringType), "abdef")
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Cast(Cast(Cast(
-      Cast("5" cast ByteType, ShortType), IntegerType), FloatType), DoubleType), LongType),
-      5.toLong)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Cast(Cast(Cast(Cast("5" cast
-      ByteType, TimestampType), DecimalType.Unlimited), LongType), StringType), ShortType),
-      0.toShort)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Cast(Cast(Cast(Cast("5" cast
-      TimestampType, ByteType), DecimalType.Unlimited), LongType), StringType), ShortType), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Cast(Cast(Cast(Cast("5" cast
-      DecimalType.Unlimited, ByteType), TimestampType), LongType), StringType), ShortType),
-      0.toShort)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(true) cast IntegerType, 1)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(false) cast IntegerType, 0)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(true) cast StringType, "true")
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(false) cast StringType, "false")
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(1) cast BooleanType, IntegerType), 1)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(0) cast BooleanType, IntegerType), 0)
-    checkEvaluation("23" cast DoubleType, 23d)
-    checkEvaluation("23" cast IntegerType, 23)
-    checkEvaluation("23" cast FloatType, 23f)
-    checkEvaluation("23" cast DecimalType.Unlimited, Decimal(23))
-    checkEvaluation("23" cast ByteType, 23.toByte)
-    checkEvaluation("23" cast ShortType, 23.toShort)
-    checkEvaluation("2012-12-11" cast DoubleType, null)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(123) cast IntegerType, 123)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(23d) + Cast(true, DoubleType), 24d)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(23) + Cast(true, IntegerType), 24)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(23f) + Cast(true, FloatType), 24f)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(Decimal(23)) + Cast(true, DecimalType.Unlimited), Decimal(24))
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(23.toByte) + Cast(true, ByteType), 24.toByte)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(23.toShort) + Cast(true, ShortType), 24.toShort)
-    intercept[Exception] {evaluate(Literal(1) cast BinaryType, null)}
-    assert(("abcdef" cast StringType).nullable === false)
-    assert(("abcdef" cast BinaryType).nullable === false)
-    assert(("abcdef" cast BooleanType).nullable === false)
-    assert(("abcdef" cast TimestampType).nullable === true)
-    assert(("abcdef" cast LongType).nullable === true)
-    assert(("abcdef" cast IntegerType).nullable === true)
-    assert(("abcdef" cast ShortType).nullable === true)
-    assert(("abcdef" cast ByteType).nullable === true)
-    assert(("abcdef" cast DecimalType.Unlimited).nullable === true)
-    assert(("abcdef" cast DecimalType(4, 2)).nullable === true)
-    assert(("abcdef" cast DoubleType).nullable === true)
-    assert(("abcdef" cast FloatType).nullable === true)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal.create(null, IntegerType), ShortType), null)
-  }
-  test("date") {
-    val d1 = DateUtils.fromJavaDate(Date.valueOf("1970-01-01"))
-    val d2 = DateUtils.fromJavaDate(Date.valueOf("1970-01-02"))
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(d1) < Literal(d2), true)
-  }
-  test("casting to fixed-precision decimals") {
-    // Overflow and rounding for casting to fixed-precision decimals:
-    // - Values should round with HALF_UP mode by default when you lower scale
-    // - Values that would overflow the target precision should turn into null
-    // - Because of this, casts to fixed-precision decimals should be nullable
-    assert(Cast(Literal(123), DecimalType.Unlimited).nullable === false)
-    assert(Cast(Literal(10.03f), DecimalType.Unlimited).nullable === true)
-    assert(Cast(Literal(10.03), DecimalType.Unlimited).nullable === true)
-    assert(Cast(Literal(Decimal(10.03)), DecimalType.Unlimited).nullable === false)
-    assert(Cast(Literal(123), DecimalType(2, 1)).nullable === true)
-    assert(Cast(Literal(10.03f), DecimalType(2, 1)).nullable === true)
-    assert(Cast(Literal(10.03), DecimalType(2, 1)).nullable === true)
-    assert(Cast(Literal(Decimal(10.03)), DecimalType(2, 1)).nullable === true)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(123), DecimalType.Unlimited), Decimal(123))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(123), DecimalType(3, 0)), Decimal(123))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(123), DecimalType(3, 1)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(123), DecimalType(2, 0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(10.03), DecimalType.Unlimited), Decimal(10.03))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(10.03), DecimalType(4, 2)), Decimal(10.03))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(10.03), DecimalType(3, 1)), Decimal(10.0))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(10.03), DecimalType(2, 0)), Decimal(10))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(10.03), DecimalType(1, 0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(10.03), DecimalType(2, 1)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(10.03), DecimalType(3, 2)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(Decimal(10.03)), DecimalType(3, 1)), Decimal(10.0))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(Decimal(10.03)), DecimalType(3, 2)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(10.05), DecimalType.Unlimited), Decimal(10.05))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(10.05), DecimalType(4, 2)), Decimal(10.05))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(10.05), DecimalType(3, 1)), Decimal(10.1))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(10.05), DecimalType(2, 0)), Decimal(10))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(10.05), DecimalType(1, 0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(10.05), DecimalType(2, 1)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(10.05), DecimalType(3, 2)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(Decimal(10.05)), DecimalType(3, 1)), Decimal(10.1))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(Decimal(10.05)), DecimalType(3, 2)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(9.95), DecimalType(3, 2)), Decimal(9.95))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(9.95), DecimalType(3, 1)), Decimal(10.0))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(9.95), DecimalType(2, 0)), Decimal(10))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(9.95), DecimalType(2, 1)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(9.95), DecimalType(1, 0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(Decimal(9.95)), DecimalType(3, 1)), Decimal(10.0))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(Decimal(9.95)), DecimalType(1, 0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(-9.95), DecimalType(3, 2)), Decimal(-9.95))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(-9.95), DecimalType(3, 1)), Decimal(-10.0))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(-9.95), DecimalType(2, 0)), Decimal(-10))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(-9.95), DecimalType(2, 1)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(-9.95), DecimalType(1, 0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(Decimal(-9.95)), DecimalType(3, 1)), Decimal(-10.0))
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(Decimal(-9.95)), DecimalType(1, 0)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(Double.NaN), DecimalType.Unlimited), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(1.0 / 0.0), DecimalType.Unlimited), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(Float.NaN), DecimalType.Unlimited), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(1.0f / 0.0f), DecimalType.Unlimited), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(Double.NaN), DecimalType(2, 1)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(1.0 / 0.0), DecimalType(2, 1)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(Float.NaN), DecimalType(2, 1)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(1.0f / 0.0f), DecimalType(2, 1)), null)
-  }
-  test("timestamp") {
-    val ts1 = new Timestamp(12)
-    val ts2 = new Timestamp(123)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal("ab") < Literal("abc"), true)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(ts1) < Literal(ts2), true)
-  }
-  test("date casting") {
-    val d = Date.valueOf("1970-01-01")
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(d), ShortType), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(d), IntegerType), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(d), LongType), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(d), FloatType), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(d), DoubleType), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(d), DecimalType.Unlimited), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(d), DecimalType(10, 2)), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(d), StringType), "1970-01-01")
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Cast(Literal(d), TimestampType), StringType), "1970-01-01 00:00:00")
-  }
-  test("timestamp casting") {
-    val millis = 15 * 1000 + 2
-    val seconds = millis * 1000 + 2
-    val ts = new Timestamp(millis)
-    val tss = new Timestamp(seconds)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(ts, ShortType), 15.toShort)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(ts, IntegerType), 15)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(ts, LongType), 15.toLong)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(ts, FloatType), 15.002f)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(ts, DoubleType), 15.002)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Cast(tss, ShortType), TimestampType), ts)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Cast(tss, IntegerType), TimestampType), ts)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Cast(tss, LongType), TimestampType), ts)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Cast(millis.toFloat / 1000, TimestampType), FloatType),
-      millis.toFloat / 1000)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Cast(millis.toDouble / 1000, TimestampType), DoubleType),
-      millis.toDouble / 1000)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(Decimal(1)) cast TimestampType, DecimalType.Unlimited), Decimal(1))
-    // A test for higher precision than millis
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Cast(0.00000001, TimestampType), DoubleType), 0.00000001)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(Double.NaN), TimestampType), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(1.0 / 0.0), TimestampType), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(Float.NaN), TimestampType), null)
-    checkEvaluation(Cast(Literal(1.0f / 0.0f), TimestampType), null)
-  }
-  test("array casting") {
-    val array = Literal.create(Seq("123", "abc", "", null),
-      ArrayType(StringType, containsNull = true))
-    val array_notNull = Literal.create(Seq("123", "abc", ""),
-      ArrayType(StringType, containsNull = false))
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(array, ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = true))
-      assert(cast.resolved === true)
-      checkEvaluation(cast, Seq(123, null, null, null))
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(array, ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = false))
-      assert(cast.resolved === false)
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(array, ArrayType(BooleanType, containsNull = true))
-      assert(cast.resolved === true)
-      checkEvaluation(cast, Seq(true, true, false, null))
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(array, ArrayType(BooleanType, containsNull = false))
-      assert(cast.resolved === false)
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(array_notNull, ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = true))
-      assert(cast.resolved === true)
-      checkEvaluation(cast, Seq(123, null, null))
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(array_notNull, ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = false))
-      assert(cast.resolved === false)
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(array_notNull, ArrayType(BooleanType, containsNull = true))
-      assert(cast.resolved === true)
-      checkEvaluation(cast, Seq(true, true, false))
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(array_notNull, ArrayType(BooleanType, containsNull = false))
-      assert(cast.resolved === true)
-      checkEvaluation(cast, Seq(true, true, false))
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(array, IntegerType)
-      assert(cast.resolved === false)
-    }
-  }
-  test("map casting") {
-    val map = Literal.create(
-      Map("a" -> "123", "b" -> "abc", "c" -> "", "d" -> null),
-      MapType(StringType, StringType, valueContainsNull = true))
-    val map_notNull = Literal.create(
-      Map("a" -> "123", "b" -> "abc", "c" -> ""),
-      MapType(StringType, StringType, valueContainsNull = false))
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(map, MapType(StringType, IntegerType, valueContainsNull = true))
-      assert(cast.resolved === true)
-      checkEvaluation(cast, Map("a" -> 123, "b" -> null, "c" -> null, "d" -> null))
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(map, MapType(StringType, IntegerType, valueContainsNull = false))
-      assert(cast.resolved === false)
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(map, MapType(StringType, BooleanType, valueContainsNull = true))
-      assert(cast.resolved === true)
-      checkEvaluation(cast, Map("a" -> true, "b" -> true, "c" -> false, "d" -> null))
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(map, MapType(StringType, BooleanType, valueContainsNull = false))
-      assert(cast.resolved === false)
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(map, MapType(IntegerType, StringType, valueContainsNull = true))
-      assert(cast.resolved === false)
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(map_notNull, MapType(StringType, IntegerType, valueContainsNull = true))
-      assert(cast.resolved === true)
-      checkEvaluation(cast, Map("a" -> 123, "b" -> null, "c" -> null))
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(map_notNull, MapType(StringType, IntegerType, valueContainsNull = false))
-      assert(cast.resolved === false)
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(map_notNull, MapType(StringType, BooleanType, valueContainsNull = true))
-      assert(cast.resolved === true)
-      checkEvaluation(cast, Map("a" -> true, "b" -> true, "c" -> false))
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(map_notNull, MapType(StringType, BooleanType, valueContainsNull = false))
-      assert(cast.resolved === true)
-      checkEvaluation(cast, Map("a" -> true, "b" -> true, "c" -> false))
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(map_notNull, MapType(IntegerType, StringType, valueContainsNull = true))
-      assert(cast.resolved === false)
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(map, IntegerType)
-      assert(cast.resolved === false)
-    }
-  }
-  test("struct casting") {
-    val struct = Literal.create(
-      Row("123", "abc", "", null),
-      StructType(Seq(
-        StructField("a", StringType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("b", StringType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("c", StringType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("d", StringType, nullable = true))))
-    val struct_notNull = Literal.create(
-      Row("123", "abc", ""),
-      StructType(Seq(
-        StructField("a", StringType, nullable = false),
-        StructField("b", StringType, nullable = false),
-        StructField("c", StringType, nullable = false))))
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(struct, StructType(Seq(
-        StructField("a", IntegerType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("b", IntegerType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("c", IntegerType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("d", IntegerType, nullable = true))))
-      assert(cast.resolved === true)
-      checkEvaluation(cast, Row(123, null, null, null))
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(struct, StructType(Seq(
-        StructField("a", IntegerType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("b", IntegerType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("c", IntegerType, nullable = false),
-        StructField("d", IntegerType, nullable = true))))
-      assert(cast.resolved === false)
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(struct, StructType(Seq(
-        StructField("a", BooleanType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("b", BooleanType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("c", BooleanType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("d", BooleanType, nullable = true))))
-      assert(cast.resolved === true)
-      checkEvaluation(cast, Row(true, true, false, null))
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(struct, StructType(Seq(
-        StructField("a", BooleanType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("b", BooleanType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("c", BooleanType, nullable = false),
-        StructField("d", BooleanType, nullable = true))))
-      assert(cast.resolved === false)
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(struct_notNull, StructType(Seq(
-        StructField("a", IntegerType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("b", IntegerType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("c", IntegerType, nullable = true))))
-      assert(cast.resolved === true)
-      checkEvaluation(cast, Row(123, null, null))
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(struct_notNull, StructType(Seq(
-        StructField("a", IntegerType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("b", IntegerType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("c", IntegerType, nullable = false))))
-      assert(cast.resolved === false)
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(struct_notNull, StructType(Seq(
-        StructField("a", BooleanType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("b", BooleanType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("c", BooleanType, nullable = true))))
-      assert(cast.resolved === true)
-      checkEvaluation(cast, Row(true, true, false))
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(struct_notNull, StructType(Seq(
-        StructField("a", BooleanType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("b", BooleanType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("c", BooleanType, nullable = false))))
-      assert(cast.resolved === true)
-      checkEvaluation(cast, Row(true, true, false))
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(struct, StructType(Seq(
-        StructField("a", StringType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("b", StringType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("c", StringType, nullable = true))))
-      assert(cast.resolved === false)
-    }
-    {
-      val cast = Cast(struct, IntegerType)
-      assert(cast.resolved === false)
-    }
-  }
-  test("complex casting") {
-    val complex = Literal.create(
-      Row(
-        Seq("123", "abc", ""),
-        Map("a" -> "123", "b" -> "abc", "c" -> ""),
-        Row(0)),
-      StructType(Seq(
-        StructField("a",
-          ArrayType(StringType, containsNull = false), nullable = true),
-        StructField("m",
-          MapType(StringType, StringType, valueContainsNull = false), nullable = true),
-        StructField("s",
-          StructType(Seq(
-            StructField("i", IntegerType, nullable = true)))))))
-    val cast = Cast(complex, StructType(Seq(
-      StructField("a",
-        ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = true), nullable = true),
-      StructField("m",
-        MapType(StringType, BooleanType, valueContainsNull = false), nullable = true),
-      StructField("s",
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("l", LongType, nullable = true)))))))
-    assert(cast.resolved === true)
-    checkEvaluation(cast, Row(
-      Seq(123, null, null),
-      Map("a" -> true, "b" -> true, "c" -> false),
-      Row(0L)))
-  }
-  test("null checking") {
-    val row = create_row("^Ba*n", null, true, null)
-    val c1 = '
-    val c2 = '
-    val c3 = '
-    val c4 = '
-    checkEvaluation(c1.isNull, false, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1.isNotNull, true, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c2.isNull, true, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c2.isNotNull, false, row)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal.create(1, ShortType).isNull, false)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal.create(1, ShortType).isNotNull, true)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal.create(null, ShortType).isNull, true)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal.create(null, ShortType).isNotNull, false)
-    checkEvaluation(Coalesce(c1 :: c2 :: Nil), "^Ba*n", row)
-    checkEvaluation(Coalesce(Literal.create(null, StringType) :: Nil), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(Coalesce(Literal.create(null, StringType) :: c1 :: c2 :: Nil), "^Ba*n", row)
-    checkEvaluation(
-      If(c3, Literal.create("a", StringType), Literal.create("b", StringType)), "a", row)
-    checkEvaluation(If(c3, c1, c2), "^Ba*n", row)
-    checkEvaluation(If(c4, c2, c1), "^Ba*n", row)
-    checkEvaluation(If(Literal.create(null, BooleanType), c2, c1), "^Ba*n", row)
-    checkEvaluation(If(Literal.create(true, BooleanType), c1, c2), "^Ba*n", row)
-    checkEvaluation(If(Literal.create(false, BooleanType), c2, c1), "^Ba*n", row)
-    checkEvaluation(If(Literal.create(false, BooleanType),
-      Literal.create("a", StringType), Literal.create("b", StringType)), "b", row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 in (c1, c2), true, row)
-    checkEvaluation(
-      Literal.create("^Ba*n", StringType) in (Literal.create("^Ba*n", StringType)), true, row)
-    checkEvaluation(
-      Literal.create("^Ba*n", StringType) in (Literal.create("^Ba*n", StringType), c2), true, row)
-  }
-  test("case when") {
-    val row = create_row(null, false, true, "a", "b", "c")
-    val c1 = '
-    val c2 = '
-    val c3 = '
-    val c4 = '
-    val c5 = '
-    val c6 = '
-    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(c1, c4, c6)), "c", row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4, c6)), "c", row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(c3, c4, c6)), "a", row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(Literal.create(null, BooleanType), c4, c6)), "c", row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(Literal.create(false, BooleanType), c4, c6)), "c", row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(Literal.create(true, BooleanType), c4, c6)), "a", row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(c3, c4, c2, c5, c6)), "a", row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4, c3, c5, c6)), "b", row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(c1, c4, c2, c5, c6)), "c", row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseWhen(Seq(c1, c4, c2, c5)), null, row)
-    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4, c6)).nullable === true)
-    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4, c3, c5, c6)).nullable === true)
-    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4, c3, c5)).nullable === true)
-    val c4_notNull = '
-    val c5_notNull = '
-    val c6_notNull = '
-    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4_notNull, c6_notNull)).nullable === false)
-    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4, c6_notNull)).nullable === true)
-    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4_notNull, c6)).nullable === true)
-    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4_notNull, c3, c5_notNull, c6_notNull)).nullable === false)
-    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4, c3, c5_notNull, c6_notNull)).nullable === true)
-    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4_notNull, c3, c5, c6_notNull)).nullable === true)
-    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4_notNull, c3, c5_notNull, c6)).nullable === true)
-    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4_notNull, c3, c5_notNull)).nullable === true)
-    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4, c3, c5_notNull)).nullable === true)
-    assert(CaseWhen(Seq(c2, c4_notNull, c3, c5)).nullable === true)
-  }
-  test("case key when") {
-    val row = create_row(null, 1, 2, "a", "b", "c")
-    val c1 = '
-    val c2 = '
-    val c3 = '
-    val c4 = '
-    val c5 = '
-    val c6 = '
-    val literalNull = Literal.create(null, IntegerType)
-    val literalInt = Literal(1)
-    val literalString = Literal("a")
-    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(c1, Seq(c2, c4, c5)), "b", row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(c1, Seq(c2, c4, literalNull, c5, c6)), "b", row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(c2, Seq(literalInt, c4, c5)), "a", row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(c2, Seq(c1, c4, c5)), "b", row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(c4, Seq(literalString, c2, c3)), 1, row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(c4, Seq(c6, c3, c5, c2, Literal(3))), 3, row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(literalInt, Seq(c2, c4, c5)), "a", row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(literalString, Seq(c5, c2, c4, c3)), 2, row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(c6, Seq(c5, c2, c4, c3)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(CaseKeyWhen(literalNull, Seq(c2, c5, c1, c6)), "c", row)
-  }
-  test("complex type") {
-    val row = create_row(
-      "^Ba*n",                                // 0
-      null.asInstanceOf[UTF8String],          // 1
-      create_row("aa", "bb"),                 // 2
-      Map("aa"->"bb"),                        // 3
-      Seq("aa", "bb")                         // 4
-    )
-    val typeS = StructType(
-      StructField("a", StringType, true) :: StructField("b", StringType, true) :: Nil
-    )
-    val typeMap = MapType(StringType, StringType)
-    val typeArray = ArrayType(StringType)
-    checkEvaluation(GetMapValue(BoundReference(3, typeMap, true),
-      Literal("aa")), "bb", row)
-    checkEvaluation(GetMapValue(Literal.create(null, typeMap), Literal("aa")), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(
-      GetMapValue(Literal.create(null, typeMap), Literal.create(null, StringType)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(GetMapValue(BoundReference(3, typeMap, true),
-      Literal.create(null, StringType)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(GetArrayItem(BoundReference(4, typeArray, true),
-      Literal(1)), "bb", row)
-    checkEvaluation(GetArrayItem(Literal.create(null, typeArray), Literal(1)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(
-      GetArrayItem(Literal.create(null, typeArray), Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(GetArrayItem(BoundReference(4, typeArray, true),
-      Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null, row)
-    def getStructField(expr: Expression, fieldName: String): ExtractValue = {
-      expr.dataType match {
-        case StructType(fields) =>
-          val field = fields.find( == fieldName).get
-          GetStructField(expr, field, fields.indexOf(field))
-      }
-    }
-    def quickResolve(u: UnresolvedExtractValue): ExtractValue = {
-      ExtractValue(u.child, u.extraction, _ == _)
-    }
-    checkEvaluation(getStructField(BoundReference(2, typeS, nullable = true), "a"), "aa", row)
-    checkEvaluation(getStructField(Literal.create(null, typeS), "a"), null, row)
-    val typeS_notNullable = StructType(
-      StructField("a", StringType, nullable = false)
-        :: StructField("b", StringType, nullable = false) :: Nil
-    )
-    assert(getStructField(BoundReference(2, typeS, nullable = true), "a").nullable === true)
-    assert(getStructField(BoundReference(2, typeS_notNullable, nullable = false), "a").nullable
-      === false)
-    assert(getStructField(Literal.create(null, typeS), "a").nullable === true)
-    assert(getStructField(Literal.create(null, typeS_notNullable), "a").nullable === true)
-    checkEvaluation(quickResolve('"aa")), "bb", row)
-    checkEvaluation(quickResolve('c.array(typeArray.elementType).at(4).getItem(1)), "bb", row)
-    checkEvaluation(quickResolve('c.struct(typeS).at(2).getField("a")), "aa", row)
-  }
-  test("error message of ExtractValue") {
-    val structType = StructType(StructField("a", StringType, true) :: Nil)
-    val arrayStructType = ArrayType(structType)
-    val arrayType = ArrayType(StringType)
-    val otherType = StringType
-    def checkErrorMessage(
-        childDataType: DataType,
-        fieldDataType: DataType,
-        errorMesage: String): Unit = {
-      val e = intercept[org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException] {
-        ExtractValue(
-          Literal.create(null, childDataType),
-          Literal.create(null, fieldDataType),
-          _ == _)
-      }
-      assert(e.getMessage().contains(errorMesage))
-    }
-    checkErrorMessage(structType, IntegerType, "Field name should be String Literal")
-    checkErrorMessage(arrayStructType, BooleanType, "Field name should be String Literal")
-    checkErrorMessage(arrayType, StringType, "Array index should be integral type")
-    checkErrorMessage(otherType, StringType, "Can't extract value from")
-  }
-  test("arithmetic") {
-    val row = create_row(1, 2, 3, null)
-    val c1 = '
-    val c2 = '
-    val c3 = '
-    val c4 = '
-    checkEvaluation(UnaryMinus(c1), -1, row)
-    checkEvaluation(UnaryMinus(Literal.create(100, IntegerType)), -100)
-    checkEvaluation(Add(c1, c4), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(Add(c1, c2), 3, row)
-    checkEvaluation(Add(c1, Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(Add(Literal.create(null, IntegerType), c2), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(
-      Add(Literal.create(null, IntegerType), Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(-c1, -1, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 + c2, 3, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 - c2, -1, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 * c2, 2, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 / c2, 0, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 % c2, 1, row)
-  }
-  test("fractional arithmetic") {
-    val row = create_row(1.1, 2.0, 3.1, null)
-    val c1 = '
-    val c2 = '
-    val c3 = '
-    val c4 = '
-    checkEvaluation(UnaryMinus(c1), -1.1, row)
-    checkEvaluation(UnaryMinus(Literal.create(100.0, DoubleType)), -100.0)
-    checkEvaluation(Add(c1, c4), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(Add(c1, c2), 3.1, row)
-    checkEvaluation(Add(c1, Literal.create(null, DoubleType)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(Add(Literal.create(null, DoubleType), c2), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(
-      Add(Literal.create(null, DoubleType), Literal.create(null, DoubleType)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(-c1, -1.1, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 + c2, 3.1, row)
-    checkDoubleEvaluation(c1 - c2, (-0.9 +- 0.001), row)
-    checkDoubleEvaluation(c1 * c2, (2.2 +- 0.001), row)
-    checkDoubleEvaluation(c1 / c2, (0.55 +- 0.001), row)
-    checkDoubleEvaluation(c3 % c2, (1.1 +- 0.001), row)
-  }
-  test("BinaryComparison") {
-    val row = create_row(1, 2, 3, null, 3, null)
-    val c1 = '
-    val c2 = '
-    val c3 = '
-    val c4 = '
-    val c5 = '
-    val c6 = '
-    checkEvaluation(LessThan(c1, c4), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(LessThan(c1, c2), true, row)
-    checkEvaluation(LessThan(c1, Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(LessThan(Literal.create(null, IntegerType), c2), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(
-      LessThan(Literal.create(null, IntegerType), Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 < c2, true, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 <= c2, true, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 > c2, false, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 >= c2, false, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 === c2, false, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 !== c2, true, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c4 <=> c1, false, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 <=> c4, false, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c4 <=> c6, true, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c3 <=> c5, true, row)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal(true) <=> Literal.create(null, BooleanType), false, row)
-    checkEvaluation(Literal.create(null, BooleanType) <=> Literal(true), false, row)
-  }
-  test("StringComparison") {
-    val row = create_row("abc", null)
-    val c1 = '
-    val c2 = '
-    checkEvaluation(c1 contains "b", true, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 contains "x", false, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c2 contains "b", null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 contains Literal.create(null, StringType), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 startsWith "a", true, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 startsWith "b", false, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c2 startsWith "a", null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 startsWith Literal.create(null, StringType), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 endsWith "c", true, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 endsWith "b", false, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c2 endsWith "b", null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 endsWith Literal.create(null, StringType), null, row)
-  }
-  test("Substring") {
-    val row = create_row("example", "example"
-    val s = '
-    // substring from zero position with less-than-full length
-    checkEvaluation(
-      Substring(s, Literal.create(0, IntegerType), Literal.create(2, IntegerType)), "ex", row)
-    checkEvaluation(
-      Substring(s, Literal.create(1, IntegerType), Literal.create(2, IntegerType)), "ex", row)
-    // substring from zero position with full length
-    checkEvaluation(
-      Substring(s, Literal.create(0, IntegerType), Literal.create(7, IntegerType)), "example", row)
-    checkEvaluation(
-      Substring(s, Literal.create(1, IntegerType), Literal.create(7, IntegerType)), "example", row)
-    // substring from zero position with greater-than-full length
-    checkEvaluation(Substring(s, Literal.create(0, IntegerType), Literal.create(100, IntegerType)),
-      "example", row)
-    checkEvaluation(Substring(s, Literal.create(1, IntegerType), Literal.create(100, IntegerType)),
-      "example", row)
-    // substring from nonzero position with less-than-full length
-    checkEvaluation(Substring(s, Literal.create(2, IntegerType), Literal.create(2, IntegerType)),
-      "xa", row)
-    // substring from nonzero position with full length
-    checkEvaluation(Substring(s, Literal.create(2, IntegerType), Literal.create(6, IntegerType)),
-      "xample", row)
-    // substring from nonzero position with greater-than-full length
-    checkEvaluation(Substring(s, Literal.create(2, IntegerType), Literal.create(100, IntegerType)),
-      "xample", row)
-    // zero-length substring (within string bounds)
-    checkEvaluation(Substring(s, Literal.create(0, IntegerType), Literal.create(0, IntegerType)),
-      "", row)
-    // zero-length substring (beyond string bounds)
-    checkEvaluation(Substring(s, Literal.create(100, IntegerType), Literal.create(4, IntegerType)),
-      "", row)
-    // substring(null, _, _) -> null
-    checkEvaluation(Substring(s, Literal.create(100, IntegerType), Literal.create(4, IntegerType)),
-      null, create_row(null))
-    // substring(_, null, _) -> null
-    checkEvaluation(Substring(s, Literal.create(null, IntegerType), Literal.create(4, IntegerType)),
-      null, row)
-    // substring(_, _, null) -> null
-    checkEvaluation(
-      Substring(s, Literal.create(100, IntegerType), Literal.create(null, IntegerType)),
-      null,
-      row)
-    // 2-arg substring from zero position
-    checkEvaluation(
-      Substring(s, Literal.create(0, IntegerType), Literal.create(Integer.MAX_VALUE, IntegerType)),
-      "example",
-      row)
-    checkEvaluation(
-      Substring(s, Literal.create(1, IntegerType), Literal.create(Integer.MAX_VALUE, IntegerType)),
-      "example",
-      row)
-    // 2-arg substring from nonzero position
-    checkEvaluation(
-      Substring(s, Literal.create(2, IntegerType), Literal.create(Integer.MAX_VALUE, IntegerType)),
-      "xample",
-      row)
-    val s_notNull = '
-    assert(Substring(s, Literal.create(0, IntegerType), Literal.create(2, IntegerType)).nullable
-      === true)
-    assert(
-      Substring(s_notNull, Literal.create(0, IntegerType), Literal.create(2, IntegerType)).nullable
-        === false)
-    assert(Substring(s_notNull,
-      Literal.create(null, IntegerType), Literal.create(2, IntegerType)).nullable === true)
-    assert(Substring(s_notNull,
-      Literal.create(0, IntegerType), Literal.create(null, IntegerType)).nullable === true)
-    checkEvaluation(s.substr(0, 2), "ex", row)
-    checkEvaluation(s.substr(0), "example", row)
-    checkEvaluation(s.substring(0, 2), "ex", row)
-    checkEvaluation(s.substring(0), "example", row)
-  }
-  test("SQRT") {
-    val inputSequence = (1 to (1<<24) by 511).map(_ * (1L<<24))
-    val expectedResults = => math.sqrt(l.toDouble))
-    val rowSequence = => create_row(l.toDouble))
-    val d = '
-    for ((row, expected) <- rowSequence zip expectedResults) {
-      checkEvaluation(Sqrt(d), expected, row)
-    }
-    checkEvaluation(Sqrt(Literal.create(null, DoubleType)), null, create_row(null))
-    checkEvaluation(Sqrt(-1), null, EmptyRow)
-    checkEvaluation(Sqrt(-1.5), null, EmptyRow)
-  }
-  test("Bitwise operations") {
-    val row = create_row(1, 2, 3, null)
-    val c1 = '
-    val c2 = '
-    val c3 = '
-    val c4 = '
-    checkEvaluation(BitwiseAnd(c1, c4), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(BitwiseAnd(c1, c2), 0, row)
-    checkEvaluation(BitwiseAnd(c1, Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(
-      BitwiseAnd(Literal.create(null, IntegerType), Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(BitwiseOr(c1, c4), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(BitwiseOr(c1, c2), 3, row)
-    checkEvaluation(BitwiseOr(c1, Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(
-      BitwiseOr(Literal.create(null, IntegerType), Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(BitwiseXor(c1, c4), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(BitwiseXor(c1, c2), 3, row)
-    checkEvaluation(BitwiseXor(c1, Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(
-      BitwiseXor(Literal.create(null, IntegerType), Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(BitwiseNot(c4), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(BitwiseNot(c1), -2, row)
-    checkEvaluation(BitwiseNot(Literal.create(null, IntegerType)), null, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 & c2, 0, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 | c2, 3, row)
-    checkEvaluation(c1 ^ c2, 3, row)
-    checkEvaluation(~c1, -2, row)
-  }
-  /**
-   * Used for testing math functions for DataFrames.
-   * @param c The DataFrame function
-   * @param f The functions in scala.math
-   * @param domain The set of values to run the function with
-   * @param expectNull Whether the given values should return null or not
-   * @tparam T Generic type for primitives
-   */
-  def unaryMathFunctionEvaluation[@specialized(Int, Double, Float, Long) T](
-      c: Expression => Expression,
-      f: T => T,
-      domain: Iterable[T] = (-20 to 20).map(_ * 0.1),
-      expectNull: Boolean = false): Unit = {
-    if (expectNull) {
-      domain.foreach { value =>
-        checkEvaluation(c(Literal(value)), null, EmptyRow)
-      }
-    } else {
-      domain.foreach { value =>
-        checkEvaluation(c(Literal(value)), f(value), EmptyRow)
-      }
-    }
-    checkEvaluation(c(Literal.create(null, DoubleType)), null, create_row(null))
-  }
-  test("sin") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Sin, math.sin)
-  }
-  test("asin") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Asin, math.asin, (-10 to 10).map(_ * 0.1))
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Asin, math.asin, (11 to 20).map(_ * 0.1), true)
-  }
-  test("sinh") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Sinh, math.sinh)
-  }
-  test("cos") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Cos, math.cos)
-  }
-  test("acos") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Acos, math.acos, (-10 to 10).map(_ * 0.1))
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Acos, math.acos, (11 to 20).map(_ * 0.1), true)
-  }
-  test("cosh") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Cosh, math.cosh)
-  }
-  test("tan") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Tan, math.tan)
-  }
-  test("atan") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Atan, math.atan)
-  }
-  test("tanh") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Tanh, math.tanh)
-  }
-  test("toDegrees") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(ToDegrees, math.toDegrees)
-  }
-  test("toRadians") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(ToRadians, math.toRadians)
-  }
-  test("cbrt") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Cbrt, math.cbrt)
-  }
-  test("ceil") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Ceil, math.ceil)
-  }
-  test("floor") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Floor, math.floor)
-  }
-  test("rint") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Rint, math.rint)
-  }
-  test("exp") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Exp, math.exp)
-  }
-  test("expm1") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Expm1, math.expm1)
-  }
-  test("signum") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation[Double](Signum, math.signum)
-  }
-  test("log") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Log, math.log, (0 to 20).map(_ * 0.1))
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Log, math.log, (-5 to -1).map(_ * 0.1), true)
-  }
-  test("log10") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Log10, math.log10, (0 to 20).map(_ * 0.1))
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Log10, math.log10, (-5 to -1).map(_ * 0.1), true)
-  }
-  test("log1p") {
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Log1p, math.log1p, (-1 to 20).map(_ * 0.1))
-    unaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Log1p, math.log1p, (-10 to -2).map(_ * 1.0), true)
-  }
-  /**
-   * Used for testing math functions for DataFrames.
-   * @param c The DataFrame function
-   * @param f The functions in scala.math
-   * @param domain The set of values to run the function with
-   */
-  def binaryMathFunctionEvaluation(
-      c: (Expression, Expression) => Expression,
-      f: (Double, Double) => Double,
-      domain: Iterable[(Double, Double)] = (-20 to 20).map(v => (v * 0.1, v * -0.1)),
-      expectNull: Boolean = false): Unit = {
-    if (expectNull) {
-      domain.foreach { case (v1, v2) =>
-        checkEvaluation(c(v1, v2), null, create_row(null))
-      }
-    } else {
-      domain.foreach { case (v1, v2) =>
-        checkEvaluation(c(v1, v2), f(v1 + 0.0, v2 + 0.0), EmptyRow)
-        checkEvaluation(c(v2, v1), f(v2 + 0.0, v1 + 0.0), EmptyRow)
-      }
-    }
-    checkEvaluation(c(Literal.create(null, DoubleType), 1.0), null, create_row(null))
-    checkEvaluation(c(1.0, Literal.create(null, DoubleType)), null, create_row(null))
-  }
-  test("pow") {
-    binaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Pow, math.pow, (-5 to 5).map(v => (v * 1.0, v * 1.0)))
-    binaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Pow, math.pow, Seq((-1.0, 0.9), (-2.2, 1.7), (-2.2, -1.7)), true)
-  }
-  test("hypot") {
-    binaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Hypot, math.hypot)
-  }
-  test("atan2") {
-    binaryMathFunctionEvaluation(Atan2, math.atan2)
-  }
-// TODO: Make the tests work with codegen.
-class ExpressionEvaluationWithoutCodeGenSuite extends ExpressionEvaluationBaseSuite {
-  override def checkEvaluation(
-      expression: Expression, expected: Any, inputRow: Row = EmptyRow): Unit = {
-    checkEvaluationWithoutCodegen(expression, expected, inputRow)
-  }
-  test("CreateStruct") {
-    val row = Row(1, 2, 3)
-    val c1 = '"a")
-    val c3 = '"c")
-    checkEvaluation(CreateStruct(Seq(c1, c3)), Row(1, 3), row)
-  }
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/GeneratedEvaluationSuite.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/GeneratedEvaluationSuite.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 371a731..0000000
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/GeneratedEvaluationSuite.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen._
- * Additional tests for code generation.
- */
-class GeneratedEvaluationSuite extends ExpressionEvaluationSuite {
-  test("multithreaded eval") {
-    import scala.concurrent._
-    import
-    import scala.concurrent.duration._
-    val futures = (1 to 20).map { _ =>
-      future {
-        GeneratePredicate.generate(EqualTo(Literal(1), Literal(1)))
-        GenerateProjection.generate(EqualTo(Literal(1), Literal(1)) :: Nil)
-        GenerateMutableProjection.generate(EqualTo(Literal(1), Literal(1)) :: Nil)
-        GenerateOrdering.generate(Add(Literal(1), Literal(1)).asc :: Nil)
-      }
-    }
-    futures.foreach(Await.result(_, 10.seconds))
-  }
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/LiteralExpressionSuite.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/LiteralExpressionSuite.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f44f55d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/LiteralExpressionSuite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions
+import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
+import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StringType
+class LiteralExpressionSuite extends SparkFunSuite with ExpressionEvalHelper {
+  // TODO: Add tests for all data types.
+  test("boolean literals") {
+    checkEvaluation(Literal(true), true)
+    checkEvaluation(Literal(false), false)
+  }
+  test("int literals") {
+    checkEvaluation(Literal(1), 1)
+    checkEvaluation(Literal(0L), 0L)
+  }
+  test("double literals") {
+    List(0.0, -0.0, Double.NegativeInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity).foreach {
+      d => {
+        checkEvaluation(Literal(d), d)
+        checkEvaluation(Literal(d.toFloat), d.toFloat)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  test("string literals") {
+    checkEvaluation(Literal("test"), "test")
+    checkEvaluation(Literal.create(null, StringType), null)
+  }
+  test("sum two literals") {
+    checkEvaluation(Add(Literal(1), Literal(1)), 2)
+  }
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/MathFunctionsSuite.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/MathFunctionsSuite.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25ebc70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/MathFunctionsSuite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions
+import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
+import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DoubleType
+class MathFunctionsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with ExpressionEvalHelper {
+  /**
+   * Used for testing unary math expressions.
+   *
+   * @param c expression
+   * @param f The functions in scala.math
+   * @param domain The set of values to run the function with
+   * @param expectNull Whether the given values should return null or not
+   * @tparam T Generic type for primitives
+   */
+  private def testUnary[T](
+      c: Expression => Expression,
+      f: T => T,
+      domain: Iterable[T] = (-20 to 20).map(_ * 0.1),
+      expectNull: Boolean = false): Unit = {
+    if (expectNull) {
+      domain.foreach { value =>
+        checkEvaluation(c(Literal(value)), null, EmptyRow)
+      }
+    } else {
+      domain.foreach { value =>
+        checkEvaluation(c(Literal(value)), f(value), EmptyRow)
+      }
+    }
+    checkEvaluation(c(Literal.create(null, DoubleType)), null, create_row(null))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Used for testing binary math expressions.
+   *
+   * @param c The DataFrame function
+   * @param f The functions in scala.math
+   * @param domain The set of values to run the function with
+   */
+  private def testBinary(
+      c: (Expression, Expression) => Expression,
+      f: (Double, Double) => Double,
+      domain: Iterable[(Double, Double)] = (-20 to 20).map(v => (v * 0.1, v * -0.1)),
+      expectNull: Boolean = false): Unit = {
+    if (expectNull) {
+      domain.foreach { case (v1, v2) =>
+        checkEvaluation(c(Literal(v1), Literal(v2)), null, create_row(null))
+      }
+    } else {
+      domain.foreach { case (v1, v2) =>
+        checkEvaluation(c(Literal(v1), Literal(v2)), f(v1 + 0.0, v2 + 0.0), EmptyRow)
+        checkEvaluation(c(Literal(v2), Literal(v1)), f(v2 + 0.0, v1 + 0.0), EmptyRow)
+      }
+    }
+    checkEvaluation(c(Literal.create(null, DoubleType), Literal(1.0)), null, create_row(null))
+    checkEvaluation(c(Literal(1.0), Literal.create(null, DoubleType)), null, create_row(null))
+  }
+  test("sin") {
+    testUnary(Sin, math.sin)
+  }
+  test("asin") {
+    testUnary(Asin, math.asin, (-10 to 10).map(_ * 0.1))
+    testUnary(Asin, math.asin, (11 to 20).map(_ * 0.1), expectNull = true)
+  }
+  test("sinh") {
+    testUnary(Sinh, math.sinh)
+  }
+  test("cos") {
+    testUnary(Cos, math.cos)
+  }
+  test("acos") {
+    testUnary(Acos, math.acos, (-10 to 10).map(_ * 0.1))
+    testUnary(Acos, math.acos, (11 to 20).map(_ * 0.1), expectNull = true)
+  }
+  test("cosh") {
+    testUnary(Cosh, math.cosh)
+  }
+  test("tan") {
+    testUnary(Tan, math.tan)
+  }
+  test("atan") {
+    testUnary(Atan, math.atan)
+  }
+  test("tanh") {
+    testUnary(Tanh, math.tanh)
+  }
+  test("toDegrees") {
+    testUnary(ToDegrees, math.toDegrees)
+  }
+  test("toRadians") {
+    testUnary(ToRadians, math.toRadians)
+  }
+  test("cbrt") {
+    testUnary(Cbrt, math.cbrt)
+  }
+  test("ceil") {
+    testUnary(Ceil, math.ceil)
+  }
+  test("floor") {
+    testUnary(Floor, math.floor)
+  }
+  test("rint") {
+    testUnary(Rint, math.rint)
+  }
+  test("exp") {
+    testUnary(Exp, math.exp)
+  }
+  test("expm1") {
+    testUnary(Expm1, math.expm1)
+  }
+  test("signum") {
+    testUnary[Double](Signum, math.signum)
+  }
+  test("log") {
+    testUnary(Log, math.log, (0 to 20).map(_ * 0.1))
+    testUnary(Log, math.log, (-5 to -1).map(_ * 0.1), expectNull = true)
+  }
+  test("log10") {
+    testUnary(Log10, math.log10, (0 to 20).map(_ * 0.1))
+    testUnary(Log10, math.log10, (-5 to -1).map(_ * 0.1), expectNull = true)
+  }
+  test("log1p") {
+    testUnary(Log1p, math.log1p, (-1 to 20).map(_ * 0.1))
+    testUnary(Log1p, math.log1p, (-10 to -2).map(_ * 1.0), expectNull = true)
+  }
+  test("pow") {
+    testBinary(Pow, math.pow, (-5 to 5).map(v => (v * 1.0, v * 1.0)))
+    testBinary(Pow, math.pow, Seq((-1.0, 0.9), (-2.2, 1.7), (-2.2, -1.7)), expectNull = true)
+  }
+  test("hypot") {
+    testBinary(Hypot, math.hypot)
+  }
+  test("atan2") {
+    testBinary(Atan2, math.atan2)
+  }

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