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cvs commit: logging-log4cxx/xdocs/www ChangeLog

mcatan      2004/04/10 15:24:57

  Added:       xdocs/www ChangeLog
  added ChangeLog in download.html page
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  logging-log4cxx/xdocs/www/ChangeLog
  Index: ChangeLog
  Version 0.9.6 (2004-04-11)
  * Timezone management has been optimized through the class TimeZone
  * Inter-thread synchronization and reference counting has been optimized
  * Reference counting now uses gcc atomic functions (bug 929078)
  * Use of StringBuffer has been optimized.
  * Support of localisation throug resourceBundles
  * SyslogAppender now uses the system function 'syslog' to log on the local host.
   (only for POSIX systems)
  * Added TimeZone configuration to PatternLayout (bug 912563)
  * Support of the DailyRollingFileAppender (feature request 842765)
  Version 0.9.5 (2004-02-04)
  * Port of log4j Jnuit tests with Cppunit and Boost Regex.
  * Added explicit exports for MSDEV 6 and MSDEV 7 (no further need of .def files)
  * Custom levels can be configured through the DOMConfigurator and
    PropertyConfigurator classes (Level inherites from Object)
  * Added a reference counter to LoggingEvent to avoid useless copies
    (LoggingEvent inherites from Object)
  * The file log4j.xml as well as the file are now search
    for, in log4cxx initialization.
  * The root logger can be assigned the "OFF" level.
  * Added MSVC6 project missing files mutext.cpp & condition.cpp (bug 847397)
  * condition.cpp now compiles with MSVC6 (bug 847417)
  * fixed pure virtual function call in PropertyConfigurator::configureAndWatch
    (bug 848521)
  * XMLAppender now displays correct timestamp with MSVC 6 (bug 852836)
  * SRLPORT 4.6 support.
  * Fixed an infinite loop in class Properties.
  * Fixed compilations problems with unicode.
  * Fixed SocketAppender bug concerning MDC ans NDC.
  Version 0.9.4 (2003-10-25)
  * StringBuffer has been optimized.
  * Fixed miscellaneous threading problems.
  * Added TimeZone support in PatternLayout (bug 796894)
  * Fixed threading configuration problems (bug 809125)
  * Fixed miscellaneous MSVC and cygwin compilation problems.
  Version 0.9.3 (2003-09-19)
  * Changed tstring to log4cxx::String and tostringstream to
  * Fixed MSVC 2003 compilation erros and warnings.
  * Added helpers for NDC and MDC.
  * Added TimeZone support in TTCCLayout.
  * Fixed compilation problems with logger macros (LOG4CXX_...)
  * Fixed milliseconds formatting problem with MSVC 6.0 and 2003
  * Fixed AsyncAppender crash
  * Added new tests
  * Added benchmarks
  Version 0.9.2 (2003-08-10)
  * Fixed FreeBSD compilation problem with pthread mutex (class CriticalSection).
  * Fixed milliseconds formatting problem (class DateFormat).
  * Long events (> 1024 chars) are now supported in the class XMLSocketAppender.
  * Carriage returns have been normalized in the class XMLLayout.
  Version 0.9.1 (2003-08-06)
  * Fixed deadlock problems in classes Logger and AsyncAppender.
  * Fixed MSVC 6.0 compilation problems.
  * Added MSVC 6.0 static libraty project.
  * Default configuration for the SMTP options is "no".
  Version 0.9.0 (2003-08-06)
  * Added ODBCAppender (matching log4j JDBCAppender)
  * Added SyslogAppender
  * Added SMTPAppender (only for Linux/FreeBSD)
  * Added BasicConfigurator
  * Added a FileWatchDog in PropertyConfigurator and DOMConfigurator
  * Possibility to load a custom LoggerFactory through the DOMConfigurator
  * Changed time precision from seconds to milliseconds
  * Added MSVC 6.0 'Unicode Debug' and 'Unicode Release' targets
  * Added Java like System class.
  Version 0.1.1 (2003-07-09)
  * Fixed MSVC 6.0 compilation problems concerning the 'Release' target
  * Added MSVC 6.0 tests projects
  Version 0.1.0 (2003-07-08)
  * FreeBSD Autotools/Compilation support
  * Fixed TelnetAppender crash when a socket bind exception occured.
  * Added log4j DTD support to XMLLayout and DOMConfigurator
  * Can now send events in XML format over TCP (class XMLSocketAppender) for the
    log4j Chainsaw UI
  * Now compiles with 'configure --enable-unicode' (UTF16 Unicode support)
  * Added Java like Properties class. It's a helper for the PropertyConfigurator
  * Added Java like objects with dynamic cast and instanciation. Custom objects
    can be configured through the DOMConfigurator and PropertyConfigurator classes
  * Port of the PropertyConfigurator class
  * Port of the "Map Diagnostic Context" (MDC) class
  * Added 13 tests (try make check)
  Version 0.0.1 (2003-05-31)
  Loggers, Hierarchy, Filters, Appenders, Layouts, NDC
  * Appenders:
    AsyncAppender, ConsoleAppender, FileAppender, NTEventLogAppender,
    RollingFileAppender, SocketAppender, SocketHubAappender,
  * Layouts:
    HTMLLayout, PatternLayout, SimpleLayout, TTCCLayout, XMLLayout
  * Filters:
    DenyAllFilter, LevelMatchFilter, LevelRangeFilter, StringMatchFilter
  * Configurators: