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Posted to by Davide Giannella <> on 2016/12/12 14:41:10 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.5.15 released

The Apache Jackrabbit community is pleased to announce the release of
Apache Jackrabbit Oak. The release is available for download at:

See the full release notes below for details about this release:

Release Notes -- Apache Jackrabbit Oak -- Version 1.5.15


Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content
repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class
web sites and other demanding content applications.

Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.5.15 is an unstable release cut directly from
Jackrabbit Oak trunk, with a focus on new features and other
improvements. For production use we recommend the latest stable 1.4.x

The Oak effort is a part of the Apache Jackrabbit project.
Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.

Changes in Oak 1.5.15

Technical task

    [OAK-4597] - Improve test coverage of blob GC
    [OAK-5098] - improve DocumentNodeStoreService robustness for RDB
    [OAK-5126] - Support ChangeSet merging and serialization
    [OAK-5174] - Introduce API to pass options while writing blobs in
    [OAK-5175] - Pass option for synchronized uploads when writing
    lucene blobs
    [OAK-5176] - Allow configuring ignoreReindexFlags on per
    IndexUpdate basis
    [OAK-5201] - Support upgrade of DataStore cache
    [OAK-5220] - Remove usage of NodeBuilder in IndexDefinition
    [OAK-5252] - Disable IPv6 tests on Jenkins nodes labelled "beam"


    [OAK-4912] - MongoDB:
    occasionally fails
    [OAK-5135] - The flush of written data via TarRevisions is
    asynchronous in relation to FileStore.close()
    [OAK-5137] - Standby client and server miss an exception handler
    [OAK-5138] - NodeCache.getIfPresent() may result in writing to
    persistent cache
    [OAK-5148] - Misleading diffJournalChildren debug message
    [OAK-5151] - Overflown ChangeSets are not handled correctly in
    [OAK-5153] - explode entire node type/mixin inheritence hierarchy
    in observation node type filter
    [OAK-5164] - ChangeSet's maxPathDepth must be taken into account
    by ChangeSetFilterImpl
    [OAK-5177] - Non default MissingIndexProviderStrategy is not being
    passed to child editor
    [OAK-5178] - Default mode for local_diff cache must be synchronous
    [OAK-5179] - MultiplexingNodeStoreService does not register an
    OSGi service for oak.api.Descriptors
    [OAK-5180] - Fix and enable RemoteServerIT
    [OAK-5183] - ClusterRepositoryInfo.getOrCreateId should explicitly
    check for a null argument
    [OAK-5184] - Inconsistent nullability annotation for CommitInfo in
    [OAK-5193] - Version tree may become inconsistent after removing a
    [OAK-5195] - ExternalPrincipalConfiguration uses
    'group.autoMembership' instead of 'user.autoMembership'
    [OAK-5200] - OAK-4930 introduced critical bug confusing id and
    principal name
    [OAK-5203] - [oak-run] Rename dumdatastorerefs comand to
    datastorecheck command
    [OAK-5204] - Fix logger name for DataStoreCacheUtils class
    [OAK-5205] - Lucene index causes many split documents
    [OAK-5215] - remove use of deprecated guava methods
    [OAK-5223] - SegmentNodeStoreService components don't unregister
    with the blobstore
    [OAK-5226] - Incorrect memory calculation for bundled node states
    [OAK-5228] - Incorrect minTimestamp in
    [OAK-5231] - Proper resource cleanup in BlobTrackerTest
    [OAK-5233] - Parameter --src-datastore is being ignored for JCR2
    [OAK-5241] - Test failure: TomcatIT.testTomcat()


    [OAK-4096] - Limit the number of times a LuceneResultRow based
    iterator get reset
    [OAK-4400] - Correlate index with the index definition used to
    build it
    [OAK-4561] - Avoid embedding Apache Commons Math in Segment Tar
    [OAK-4898] - Allow for external changes to have a CommitInfo
    [OAK-4903] - Async uploads in S3 causes issues in a cluster
    [OAK-4939] - Isolate corrupted index and make async indexer more
    [OAK-4957] - SegmentRevisionGC MBean should report more detailed
    gc status information
    [OAK-5025] - Speed up ACE node name generation
    [OAK-5092] - Add support for weighing the cache entries in caches
    [OAK-5101] - Enable prefiltering for external changes
    [OAK-5116] - GCJournal should persist size only when compaction is
    [OAK-5130] - Prevent FileStore wrapping the segment buffer twice
    for the generation info
    [OAK-5132] - Limit diff cache entries in size
    [OAK-5140] - Collect stats around number of nodes traversed by
    [OAK-5142] - Make sure that metadata entries are eventually
    [OAK-5145] - Warn traversal queries: avoid repeated log entries
    [OAK-5146] - S3 getOrCreateReferenceKey() should provide a default
    [OAK-5149] - Set root revision for child nodes in
    [OAK-5150] - Log stats for JournalDiffLoader
    [OAK-5154] - Checkpoints should only be migrated if no custom
    paths are defined
    [OAK-5155] - Remove oak.documentMK.cacheConcurrency system
    [OAK-5156] - Limit JournalDiffLoader to subtree
    [OAK-5157] - Source repository should be opened in read-only mode
    for sidegrade
    [OAK-5158] - Online compaction progress monitor
    [OAK-5160] - guarantee before of
    FilteringAwareObserver.contentChanged to be Nonnull
    [OAK-5161] - Improve logging of compaction cycles
    [OAK-5162] - Increase default size of the observation queue from
    1000 to 10000
    [OAK-5163] - ReadWriteVersionManager#getExistingBaseVersion throws
    an opaque exception if baseVersion doesn't exist
    [OAK-5166] - Change default cache distribution
    [OAK-5168] - GlobbingPathFilter recompiles wildcard patterns on
    each change
    [OAK-5169] - ChangeSetFilterImpl should support large exclude-path
    [OAK-5170] - Remove duplicate constants in
    [OAK-5172] - TarMK Revision Diff should also print the deleted
    nodes properties
    [OAK-5181] - show correct path information for listeners with new
    [OAK-5182] - CugAccessControlManager.removePolicy should remove
    the mixin
    [OAK-5185] - Improved JMX descriptions for the query engine
    [OAK-5188] - Add support for includePropertyTypes to
    [OAK-5190] - Expose the builder instance used by
    [OAK-5191] - Deprecate stubs and fixtures related to oak-segment
    [OAK-5196] - IndexDefinitionBuilder should allow to disable
    indexing some property definitions
    [OAK-5206] - Avoid merge sort of changes in intermediate split
    [OAK-5207] - Reduce reads in NodeDocument.getVisibleChanges()
    [OAK-5211] - OakDirectory should not save dir listing if no change
    is done
    [OAK-5212] - Avoid updating the index nodestate if no change is
    done in index
    [OAK-5216] - AsyncIndexUpdate: CONCURRENT_UPDATE should contain
    relevant stacktrace
    [OAK-5218] - Enable use of hybrid index before first async
    indexing is done
    [OAK-5219] - Reindexing for async indexes should only be done when
    IndexUpdate is running in async mode
    [OAK-5232] - Add option to datastorecheck command to add blob ids
    to tracker offline
    [OAK-5234] - IndexDefinitionBuilder should be able to work with
    existing NodeBuilder
    [OAK-5247] - Allow setting property node name in

New Feature

    [OAK-4922] - Implement number of facets retrieved in query
    configurable for LucenePropertyIndex
    [OAK-5236] - LuceneIndexMBean: JMX method to get fields data


    [OAK-5134] - temporarily allow prefiltering test mode to be
    configured via an osgi config
    [OAK-5165] - Close AsyncIndexUpdate instance upon deactivate
    [OAK-5171] - Get rid of test dependency to JSON parser
    [OAK-5202] - Update Oak trunk to Jackrabbit 2.13.5
    [OAK-5221] - Do not set :indexPath in index definition node
    [OAK-5248] - Use segment-tar in webapp example


    [OAK-5063] - Failure in QueryTest.nodeType
    [OAK-5217] - Test nodetype based query support in

In addition to the above-mentioned changes, this release contains
all changes included up to the Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.5.x release.

For more detailed information about all the changes in this and other
Oak releases, please see the Oak issue tracker at

Release Contents

This release consists of a single source archive packaged as a zip file.
The archive can be unpacked with the jar tool from your JDK installation.
See the file for instructions on how to build this release.

The source archive is accompanied by SHA1 and MD5 checksums and a PGP
signature that you can use to verify the authenticity of your download.
The public key used for the PGP signature can be found at

About Apache Jackrabbit Oak

Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content
repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class
web sites and other demanding content applications.

The Oak effort is a part of the Apache Jackrabbit project.
Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.

For more information, visit

About The Apache Software Foundation

Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation provides organizational,
legal, and financial support for more than 140 freely-available,
collaboratively-developed Open Source projects. The pragmatic Apache License
enables individual and commercial users to easily deploy Apache software;
the Foundation's intellectual property framework limits the legal exposure
of its 3,800+ contributors.

For more information, visit