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Posted to by James Ellis <> on 2006/05/02 00:38:35 UTC

Dynamically Set Column Values In Datatable

I want to have a datatable with two columns.  The first column will always 
be text, but the second column will have some sort of form element (textbox, 
textarea, dropdown box etc).  How do I populate the datatable dynamically?

I tried the code below but all I got was the name of the class of the form 
element (since it's toString method must have been called):

(from JSF page)

<h:dataTable id="dynSourceTable" columnClasses="label" headerClass="label" 
value="#{dynSourceTemplateBean.templatesCollection}" var="rowVar" 

	<f:facet name="header">
		<f:verbatim>Left Hand Header</f:verbatim>

	<h:outputText value="#{rowVar.radical_name}"/>


	<f:facet name="header">
		<f:verbatim>Right Hand Header</f:verbatim>

	<h:outputText value="#{rowVar.radical_value}"/>



(from backing bean)

private ArrayList templatesCollection = null;

public ArrayList getTemplatesCollection()
	System.out.println("Inside getTemplatesCollection");
	ArrayList tc = new ArrayList();
	HashMap hm1 = new HashMap();
	hm1.put(new String("radical_name"), new String("radical name1 "));

	UIInput image_url = new UIInput();
	image_url.setValue("textbox value display text");

	hm1.put(new String("radical_value"), image_url);

	HashMap hm2 = new HashMap();
	hm2.put(new String("radical_name"), new String("radical name2 "));

	UIInput image_url2 = new UIInput();
	image_url2.setValue("textbox2 value display text222");

	hm2.put(new String("radical_value"), image_url2);
	return tc;

Does anyone know how I could dynamically set the rows in the datatable with 
form elements (not just text)?